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STAT3 Gain-of-Function
STAT3 gain-of-function disease (also called STAT3 GOF disease) is a rare genetic disorder of the
immune system. STAT3 GOF disease is named after the gene that causes it, STAT3 (signal transducer
and activator of transcription 3), and the effect caused by mutations in STAT3—gain-of-function,
meaning that the gene’s protein becomes overactive.
STAT3 GOF disease is an early-onset autoimmune and lymphoproliferative disease (see Glossary). The
symptoms of this disease vary and can include swelling of the lymph nodes (lymphadenopathy), reduc
tions in the number of blood cells (autoimmune cytopenias), autoimmunity that affects multiple organs
and tissues, infections, eczema, and in some cases, short stature. Sarah Flanagan and Mark Russell of
University of Exeter Medical School and Joshua Milner of NIAID originally described this condition
in 19 patients in 2014 and 2015. Since then, dozens of additional patients have been identified.
Genetics and Function
STAT3 GOF disease is caused by gain-
of-function mutations in the STAT3
gene. This gene provides instructions
for production of the STAT3 protein,
part of the STAT family of proteins.
Various mutations have been identified
across the length of the STAT3 protein.
STAT proteins play an essential role
in chemical signaling pathways within
cells. STAT3 is a transcription fac
tor, a type of protein that regulates
when other genes are turned on. Once
activated, STAT3 moves into the
nucleus of the cell and binds to specific
areas of DNA. By binding to regula
tory DNA regions near genes, STAT3
controls the activity of a variety of
genes. It is necessary for many cellular
processes, including cell proliferation,
inflammation, differentiation, and
cell survival.
National Institutes of Health
National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases
Genetics primer: All the cells in the body contain instructions on how to do
their job. These instructions are packaged into chromosomes, each of which
contains many genes, which are made up of DNA. Errors, or mutations, in the
genes can cause diseases such as STAT3 GOF disease. Credit: NIAID
Schematic of the STAT3 protein showing the location of different mutations
and the resulting amino acid changes. Credit: NIAID
STAT3 GOF disease is inherited in an autosomal dominant
manner, which means that a person needs an abnormal
gene from only one parent to have the disease. The abnor
mal STAT3 gene dominates the normal STAT3 gene from
the other parent. Dominant inheritance also means that
most families with STAT3 GOF disease have affected rela
tives in each generation on the side of the family with the
mutation. However, researchers have found that, in some
families, relatives carrying a STAT3 mutation do not
have symptoms of the disease. This is called incomplete
Unlike mutations that run in a family, some STAT3
mutations occur as a result of a mutation in the egg or
sperm of one of the parents or in the fertilized egg itself.
These are called de novo, which means “new” mutations.
In these cases, the patient does not have a family history
of similar symptoms. De novo mutations can be passed
on to children.
Children of a parent who carries a STAT3 mutation have a 50 percent chance of inheriting the
mutation. This means that, within a given family, each child’s risk of inheriting the mutated gene is
independent of whether or not siblings have the mutation. For example, if the first three children in
a family have the mutation, the fourth child has the same 50 percent risk of inheriting the mutation.
Children who do not inherit the abnormal gene will not develop STAT3 GOF disease or pass on
the mutation.
Clinical Symptoms
Clinically, STAT3 GOF disease is diverse. It is characterized by a buildup of immune cells called
lymphocytes (lymphoproliferation) and early-onset autoimmunity affecting multiple organs and
tissues. Exactly when, where, and to what extent these problems will develop in any one person
cannot be predicted.
Lymphoproliferation: The main signs or symptoms of lymphoproliferation are lymphadenopathy
(enlarged or swollen lymph nodes that wax and wane over time) and/or splenomegaly (an enlarged
spleen) and sometimes hepatomegaly (an enlarged liver).
Autoimmunity: Hematologic autoimmunity is the most common type of autoimmunity in STAT3
GOF disease. This includes autoimmune hemolytic anemia (attacks against red blood cells),
neutropenia (attacks against white blood cells), and/or thrombocytopenia (attacks against platelets).
Autoimmunity also can develop against other organs and tissues. Examples of such autoimmune
problems include arthritis (attacks against joints), lung disease (attacks against lungs), hepatitis
In this example, a man with an autosomal
dominant disorder has two affected children and
two unaffected children. Women also can pass
on the mutation. Credit: U.S. National Library of
(attacks against liver), eczema (attacks against
skin), alopecia (attacks against hair follicles), type
1 diabetes (attacks against part of the pancreas),
and/or scleroderma (attacks against skin and
connective tissue).
Some patients also have recurrent, severe infec
tions and fungal infections with low antibody
levels (hypogammaglobulinemia). Some patients
have short stature, with some exhibiting profound
growth failure. In rare cases, patients with STAT3
GOF develop cancers, such as lymphoma.
Notably, the clinical symptoms of STAT3
patients differ distinctly from those associated with
STAT3 loss-of-function mutations. STAT3 loss-
of-function mutations are responsible for hyper-
immunoglobulin E syndrome, also called Job’s
syndrome, which is characterized by recurrent skin
infections, unusual eczema-like skin rashes, and
susceptibility to severe lung infections.
Laboratory Findings
STAT3 GOF patients have moderately low levels of T cells, hypogammaglobulinemia, and elevated lev
els of immune cells called double negative CD4/CD8 T cells. More studies are required to better under
stand the connection between these laboratory findings and the type and severity of clinical symptoms.
Treatment is based on a person’s clinical condition and may include standard therapies for autoim
mune problems. In one reported case, a patient with severe autoimmune hemolytic anemia responded
well to the drug rituximab. In another case, use of the drug tocilizumab resulted in a dramatic
improvement in one patient’s arthritis. Some patients with short stature have responded well to
growth hormone treatment. Bone marrow transplant is a possible treatment for this condition and
has been used with mixed results in a small number of patients with severe disease.
More research with larger numbers of patients is required to further assess these therapeutic
STAT3 GOF Disease and Your Family
Living with STAT3 GOF disease can be difficult not only for the person who has it but also for
their family members. It is important for families to talk openly about STAT3 GOF disease and
Clinical features of STAT3 GOF disease. Credit: NIAID
about how the family is dealing with it so misconceptions can be corrected and children can learn
to cope with their reactions. Some children with STAT3 GOF disease have to work hard to develop
their self-confidence and sense of security. Everyone needs to be reminded that they have many
positive characteristics, especially when their appearance attracts attention (for example, due to
large lymph nodes).
Some children who have siblings with STAT3 GOF disease worry about their brother or sister being
in pain or dying from the disease. Some think that they may develop symptoms because they look or
act like a sibling who has the disease or that the disease is contagious. Some children struggle with
how much time their parents spend with their sick sibling. Many families benefit from meeting or
talking to other families affected by the same rare disease. Patient organizations such as the Immune
Deficiency Foundation ( also are great resources for providing useful
information and support. Counseling also can help families cope with the challenges of living with
a chronic condition.
At the same time, many families say that STAT3 GOF disease has brought them closer together.
Family members learn about controllable and uncontrollable aspects of life. Although certain aspects
of the disorder cannot be controlled, how a family responds to the stress of any illness is controllable
and an important aspect of managing STAT3 GOF disease. Children also learn who they can turn to
for support and how to solve problems. Acknowledging both the challenges and opportunities that
STAT3 GOF disease presents helps children develop resilience.
Achalasia—A rare disorder that makes it difficult for food and
liquid to pass from the esophagus into the stomach.
Autoimmune—Describes a process during which a person’s
immune system attacks healthy cells, organs, and tissues.
Autosomal dominant—A pattern of inheritance in which an
affected person has one mutated copy of a gene and one
normal copy.
Cytopenias—Reductions in the number of blood cells. Cytopenias
can take several forms: a low red blood cell count results in ane
mia, a low white blood cell count results in leukopenia or neutro
penia, and a low platelet count is called thrombocytopenia.
De novo mutation—An alteration in a gene that is present for
the first time in one family member as a result of a mutation
in the egg or sperm of one of the parents or in the fertilized
egg itself.
DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid)—A self-replicating material pres
ent in nearly all living organisms. It is the carrier of genetic
Double negative CD4/CD8 T cells—Specific type of T cell with
out the markers of a CD4 T cell or a CD8 T cell.
Eczema—A medical condition in which patches of skin become
rough and inflamed, with blisters that cause itching and bleeding.
Sometimes also called atopic dermatitis.
Gain-of-function—The overactivation of a gene or gene product
caused by a genetic mutation.
Gene—A unit of heredity that is transferred from parent to child.
Genes are made up of DNA.
Gene expression—The extent to which various genes are
“turned on,” causing their protein products to be produced.
Heterozygous—For a gene present in two copies (one inherited
from each parent), heterozygous refers to having a mutation
or change in only one of the two copies. This is in contrast to
homozygous, in which both copies have mutations or changes.
Hypogammaglobulinemia—A type of immune deficiency that is
characterized by a reduction in all types of gamma globulins,
or infection-fighting antibodies.
Hypothyroidism—A condition in which the thyroid does not
produce enough thyroid hormone. The thyroid is a small gland
at the base on the neck, below the Adam’s apple.
Incomplete penetrance—Penetrance refers to the degree to
which a particular variant of a gene is expressed in a popula
tion. Incomplete penetrance means that not everyone who
carries the variant expresses the trait.
Inflammation—A localized physical condition in which part of
the body becomes reddened, swollen, hot, and often painful,
typically as a reaction to injury or infection.
Lymphadenopathy—Enlarged lymph nodes.
Lymphoproliferative—Referring to the proliferation or over-
proliferation of immune cells or lymphocytes.
Nucleus—The control center of a cell, which houses DNA.
Signaling pathways—A set or cascade of chemical reactions
inside a cell that occurs when a molecule attaches to a receptor
on the cell membrane to cause a change within the cell.
T-cell lymphopenia—Having too few T cells.
Transcription factor—A protein that binds to specific DNA
sequences, thereby controlling which genes are “turned on.”
September 2016