Maryland Latent Tuberculosis Infection (LTBI) Reporting Form
For Health Department use only: LTBI case status
Confirmed Suspected TB Infection Not a case
LTBI case number (if known): _________________
Provider name: _____________________________
Provider affiliation: _________________________
Provider telephone: _________________________
Initial Report Follow-up Report
Fax completed forms to MDH Center for TB Control and Prevention Secure Fax: 410-767-5972
Last name First name Middle
Date of birth (MM/DD/YYYY)
Sex at birth
Male Unknown
Address Unit # City or Town State Zip code
County of residence
Patient telephone number
Country of birth
Month/Year arrived in U.S.
Race (select all that apply)
American Indian or Alaskan Native Asian Black or African-American
Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander White Other Race Unknown
Hispanic or Latino Not Hispanic or Latino
Reporting Information and Risk factors
Name of reporting agency: Date of first LTBI evaluation:
Reporting agency type select one
Employment Long-term care facility
Correctional facility Immigrant/refugee clinic
Military Private medical care provider
Local health dept. Federally qualified health center
Other: ____________________
Reason for LTBI test select one
Healthcare worker Testing to rule out TB
School/education screening Employment/administrative test
B-waiver Refugee screen (non B-waiver)
Contact investigation. Contact Other: ____________________
number, if known: ______________________________________
HIV status at diagnosis
Risk factors check all that apply
Diabetes End-stage renal disease Congregate living situation
Smoking Homeless within past year Immune modulating drugs
Hepatitis Injection drug use Pregnancy
Non-injection drug use
Other: _______________
Testing and Evaluation
Agency: ________________
Date read: _______________
Positive Unknown
Negative Not done
Test date: ________________
Test type: QFT T-SPOT Other
Interpretation: Positive Negative
Unknown Borderline/Indeterminate
Not done Failed/Invalid
Smear Collection Date:___________
Result: Positive Negative
Unknown Not done
Culture Collection Date: _________
Result Date: ____________
Result: Positive Negative
Unknown Not done
Date of chest radiography or
other chest imaging: ______
Chest radiography or
Consistent with TB
Not consistent with TB
chest imaging result:
Not done
Final evaluation outcome: Latent TB infection/no TB Active TB, RVCT case number (if known): ____________________
Was the patient offered LTBI treatment? Yes No Did the patient start LTBI treatment? Yes No
Reason patient did not start LTBI treatment:
Refused Referred for treatment
Provider decision Referral: ______________
Previous LTBI treatment
Previous TB treatment
Lost to follow-up
LTBI treatment regimen prescribed:
9 months Isoniazid
4 months Rifampin
12 weeks Isoniazid/Rifapentine
LTBI treatment start date:
Reason LTBI treatment stopped:
Treatment completed Pregnancy
Active TB developed Provider decision
Lost to care Patient moved
Adverse event Died
Other: ______________________________________________
LTBI treatment end date:
Serious adverse event/reaction to LTBI treatment: Hospitalization Death Other: ___________ ______ None
Maryland Latent Tuberculosis Infection (LTBI) Reporting Form Instructions
Demographic Information
Sex at birth: The biological sex of the patient at birth per patient report
o Yes: The patient was born in 1 of the 50 states or the District of Columbia, or
born to a parent who is a US citizen.
o No: The patient was born abroad.
Country of birth: Enter the name of the country in which the person was born. Fill this
out for all patients (including U.S. born patients).
Month/Year arrived in U.S.: When the patient first arrived in the United States (1 of the
50 states or the District of Columbia)
Race (select all that apply): Per patient report
Ethnicity (please check one):
o Hispanic or Latino: Patient considers himself or herself Cuban, Mexican, Puerto
Rican, south or Central American, or of other Spanish culture or origin, regardless
of race.
o Not Hispanic: Patient does not consider himself or herself to be Hispanic or
o Unknown: Patient’s ethnicity is not known.
Reporting and Risk Factors
Name of reporting agency: Name of the agency that is reporting the LTBI case (e.g.
Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions, Anne Arundel County Department of Health)
Date of first LTBI evaluation: Month, day, and year that the patient was evaluated for
Reporting agency type (Please check one):
o Employment: Occupational health
o Correctional facility: Jail, prison, or detention facility
o Military: Military or military-affiliated health facility (e.g. Baltimore Veteran
Affairs Medical Center, 79
Medical Wing at Andrews Air Force Base)
o Local health dept.: For example, Howard County Health Department
o School/daycare: Educational facility such as a Pre-school, K-12, College,
o Long-term care facility: Nursing home, rehabilitation facility, etc.
o Immigrant/refugee clinic: Clinic that specializes in treating immigrants and/or
o Private medical care provider: A non-public healthcare provider (e.g. Johns
Hopkins Medical Institutions, private medical practices). This includes acute care
o Federally qualified health center (FQHC): Federally funded nonprofit health
centers or clinics that serve medically underserved areas and populations.
o Other: If the appropriate reporting agency type is not listed, please write it here.
Reason for LTBI test (Please check one):
o Healthcare worker: Anyone working in a healthcare setting (e.g. hospital,
ambulatory care, acute care, long-term care facilities)
o School/education screening: A student who must be tested for school or other
educational opportunity
o B-waiver: Individuals with certain visas who are medically screened overseas,
considered high-risk for TB, and require further evaluation upon entry to the U.S.
o Contact investigation: Patient has had contact, within the last 2 years, with a
person known to have an active TB infection. Contact number if known: If the
contact number is known, please write it in the provided space. Notify LHD.
o Testing to rule out/in TB: Patient requires testing because he or she is suspected
of having active TB disease.
o Employment/administrative test: An employee who must be tested before
receiving clearance to return to work or begin working. If healthcare worker then
select healthcare worker even for employment testing.
o Refugee screen (non B-waiver): A refugee who requires testing but does not
have a B-waiver.
o Other: If the appropriate reason is not already listed, please write it here.
HIV status at diagnosis (Please check one): Per patient report.
o Negative
o Positive
o Unknown
Risk factors (Please check all that apply):
o Diabetes: Patient has a diagnosis, including self-report, of diabetes mellitus (Type
I or Type II) either before or at the time of LTBI diagnosis.
o Smoking: Patient is currently a regular smoker or has quit within the last 12
o Hepatitis: Patient has a diagnosis, including self-report, of hepatitis (any type)
either before or at the time of LTBI diagnosis.
o Alcohol: Patient has used alcohol to excess within the past 12 months.
o End-stage renal disease: Patient has end-stage renal disease or chronic renal
failure at the time of TB diagnosis.
o Homeless within past year: A person who has no home (e.g. is not paying rent,
does not own a home, and is not steadily living with relatives or friends). Persons
in unstable housing situations (e.g. alternating between multiple residences for
short stays of uncertain duration) may also be considered homeless.
o Injection drug use: Patient has used injection drugs within the past 12 months.
o Non-injection drug use: Patient has used non-injection drugs within the past 12
o Congregate living situations: Communal living facilities in which many people
share a residence (e.g. correctional facilities, long-term care facilities, long-term
drug and alcohol treatment facilities, orphanages, shelters).
o Immune modulating drugs: For example, steroids, TNF inhibitors or related
drugs, chemotherapy, or anti-rejection drugs for organ transplant.
o Other: Please write any additional risk factor(s).
Testing and Evaluation
TST: Tuberculin skin test
o Agency: Name of the agency that placed the test
o Date read: Month, day, and year the TST was read
o Interpretation (Please check one):
Positive: Meets the criteria for a positive TST result, results reported in
Negative: Results of TST did not meet current criteria for a positive test
Not done: TST was not performed.
Unknown: It is not known whether a TST was performed or result is not
known for a reason other than pending results.
IGRA: Interferon gamma release assay
o Test date: Month, day, and year the blood sample was collected
o Test type (Please check one):
QFT: QuantiFERON test
o Interpretation (Please check one): Results as reported by the laboratory
Positive: As reported by laboratory
Negative: As reported by laboratory
Borderline/Intermediate: As reported by laboratory
Unknown: IGRA result is not known
Not done: IGRA was not performed
Chest radiography or other chest imaging (Please check one):
o Consistent with TB: Chest radiograph showed abnormalities (e.g., hilar
adenopathy, effusion, infiltrate[s], cavity, scarring) consistent with TB. If TB is
suspected contact LHD.
o Not consistent with TB: Chest radiograph showed no abnormalities consistent
with TB. This category includes no abnormalities noted or any abnormalities that
are not consistent with TB.
o Unknown: It is not known whether a chest radiograph was done, or the result of
the chest radiograph is not known, or the result is not known for a reason other
than pending results.
o Not done: A chest radiograph was not done.
Date of chest earliest radiography or other chest imaging: If there are multiple, please
fill in the date of the “diagnostic” radiograph.
Final evaluation outcome: Please check one.
o Latent TB infection/no TB: Symptoms, lab results, and radiography are
consistent with the presence of a latent tuberculosis infection (LTBI) and no
tuberculosis disease at all.
o Active TB, RVCT case number (if known): Symptoms, lab results, and
radiography are consistent with the presence of active tuberculosis disease. Please
provide the Report of Verified Case of Tuberculosis (RVCT) case number if
known. If active TB is suspected please contact local health department.
Was the patient offered LTBI treatment? Did a healthcare provider communicate an
offer of treatment to the patient?
Did the patient start LTBI treatment? Did the patient accept the offer of treatment and
begin the prescribed regimen?
Reason patient did not start LTBI treatment (Please check one):
o Refused: Patient declined to start LTBI treatment.
o Provider decision: Provider decided that treatment was not appropriate.
o Previous LTBI treatment: Patient has already been treated for LTBI.
o Previous TB treatment: Patient has already been treated for TB.
o Lost to follow-up: Contact with patient was lost.
LTBI treatment regimen prescribed (Please check one): Do not include vitamin B6.
LTBI treatment start date: Month, day, and year the patient began drug therapy for
LTBI treatment end date: Month, day, and year the patient stopped drug therapy
(whether due to completion, adverse event, pregnancy, or other reason).
Reason LTBI treatment stopped:
o Treatment completed: Patient completed the prescribed course of therapy per
the medical record as recorded by the physician caring for the patient.
o Active TB developed: Patient developed active TB during treatment for LTBI.
o Lost to care: Contact with patient was lost.
o Adverse event: Patient had an adverse reaction to treatment that necessitated the
termination of treatment.
o Pregnancy: Patient needed to stop treatment due to pregnancy.
o Provider decision: Physician decided to stop treatment.
o Patient moved: Patient changed to a different jurisdiction.
o Died: Patient died.
Serious adverse event/reaction to LTBI treatment:
o Hospitalization: Patient required hospitalization as result of a condition caused
by LTBI treatment.
o Death: Patient died due to LTBI treatment.
o Other: Please fill in any other serious event that occurred as a result of taking
LTBI treatment. This includes any systemic or life threatening condition, such as
Steven-Johnson syndrome.
o No serious adverse event: Patient did not have a serious adverse event or
reaction caused by LTBI treatment.