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Date: ___________________
Owner: TexAmericas Center, a political subdivision of the State of Texas
Owner’s Mailing Address, Telephone, Facsimile Numbers and Email Address:
TexAmericas Center
107 Chapel Lane
New Boston, Texas 75570
Telephone: 903-223-9841
Facsimile: 903-223-8742
Broker: _________________________________
Broker’s Mailing Address, Telephone, Facsimile Numbers and Email Address:
Property: All real property owned by Owner in Bowie County, Texas, as shown as available
for sale or lease upon the website of Owner at, or represented by
Owner to Broker in writing as available for sale or lease on the Commencement Date. The
amount of, and location of, Property subject to this Agreement shall change upon sales and/or
leases of property by Owner subsequent to the date of this Agreement.
Commencement Date: ____________________
Term: One (1) year, with two (2) possible one (1) year extensions.
Broker’s Fee: See Section 4 of this Agreement.
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In consideration of services to be performed by Broker, Owner appoints Broker as
Owner’s nonexclusive agent to sell and/or lease the Property for a price and on the terms
acceptable to Owner, it being understood and agreed that Owner reserves the right to sell,
exchange, lease, or otherwise dispose of the Property to a buyer or lessee procured by Owner or
another broker without the assistance of Broker.
1. Agreement and Term. This agreement will commence on the Commencement
Date and will continue for a term of one (1) year that will expire at 11:59 P.M. local time on the
last day of the Term. However, if there is a pending contract in effect on the Termination Date
between Owner and a buyer/lessee procured by Broker and that transaction has not been closed
and funded, this agreement will continue in effect beyond the Termination Date solely with
respect to that contract until the earlier of the closing and funding of the transaction described in
the contract or the termination of the contract in a manner permitted in the contract. The term of
this agreement is subject to early termination as provided in Section 9 of this agreement. By
mutual written agreement of Broker and the Executive Director of Owner, this agreement may be
extended for two additional terms of one (1) year each.
2. Listing Price and Terms. Owner agrees to sell the Property at a price that Owner
may accept in its sole discretion. Unless otherwise agreed by Owner, the Property will be sold
for cash, and Owner will not provide any financing with respect to the sale. Owner will pay the
typical transaction and closing costs borne by or charged to Owners of real property in Bowie
County, Texas.
3. Exclusive Agency Relationship. Unless otherwise specified by written agreement
between Seller and Broker, it is understood and agreed that Broker will act solely as Seller’s
agent in connection with the sale of the Property and that Broker is not authorized to act as an
intermediary between Seller and any buyer of the Property.
4. Broker’s Fee. The terms under which Broker shall be compensated shall be
governed by the following provisions:
a. The Broker’s Fee will be earned when the sale or lease of the Property to a
buyer or lessee procured by Broker, individually or in cooperation with
another broker, under a contract executed by Owner is finally closed and
funded, whether this occurs during the term of this agreement or after the
termination of this agreement. In the event a lease is executed by Owner
with a Lessee procured by Broker and the Lease contains one or more
options to extend the Lease, Broker’s commission for each exercised
option term shall be earned upon exercise of the option and payment of the
first month’s rent due for the extended term. Renewal or extensions of
leases by Owner which are not provided for in the original lease procured
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by Broker shall not result in a commission to Broker unless specifically
approved by Owner in writing. The term procured by Broker means
that the Broker submitted a written proposal from the buyer/lessee to
Owner (or, the Broker submitted to Owner a request for Proposal based
upon the buyer/lessees written site characteristics or requirements) which
ultimately resulted in a written contract between the buyer/lessee and
Owner during the term or the Protection Period.
b. Unless otherwise provided in this agreement, the Broker’s Fee will be
determined on the basis of the sale price (the “Sale Price”) or aggregate
base lease rentals specified in the contract between Owner and the buyer.
If the transfer or lease of the Property is by a no-cost economic
development incentive transfer or lease by Owner, no commission shall be
paid by Owner to Broker, which may collect a commission from the
Purchaser, or Lessee.
c. If a buyer procured by Broker with whom Owner has entered into a
contract for the sale of the Property during the term of this agreement
breaches that contract and Owner receives the buyer’s earnest money or a
portion thereof as liquidated damages, Owner will pay Broker the lesser of
one-half of the amount of the liquidated damages or the Broker’s Fee.
d. If litigation, mediation, or arbitration is instituted with respect to a contract
between Owner and a buyer procured by Broker for the sale of the
Property that is executed during the term of this agreement, and Owner
collects all or a portion of the Sale Price or damages by judgment,
compromise, settlement, or otherwise, Owner will pay Broker the lesser of
(i) one-half of the amount collected after deduction of attorney’s fees and
other expenses of collection or (ii) the Broker’s Fee (determined after
reducing the Sale Price by the amount of attorney’s fees or other expenses
of collection).
e. Owner will not owe Broker the Broker’s Fee if a sale or lease of the
Property does not close or fund.
f. Owner will not owe Broker a Broker’s Fee in connection with any
transaction in which the buyer or other party to the transaction was
procured by Owner directly or procured by another broker.
g. The Broker’s fee shall be determined and paid based upon the sales or
lease price as follows:
(1) For Sales, Six Percent (6%) of the first $1,000,000.00 of the sales
price, and Three percent (3%) of the amount over $1,000,000.00.
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(2) Broker’s fee for Sales shall be paid at Closing of the Sale.
(3) For Leases, Six Percent (6%) of base aggregate rent (excluding
common area maintenance, taxes, insurance, and Owner paid
leasehold improvements amortized over the term of the Lease as
rent) for the primary term, up to $25,000.00 in commissions, and
thereafter Four Percent (4%); commissions for any extended or
option terms (as stated in Section 4.a. above) shall be at the rate of
Two Percent (2%).
(4) Broker’s fee for Leases shall be paid as follows:
(a) upon execution of the Lease, payment of the first month’s
rent, and when lessee has paid to Owner all deposits as
required by the Lease Agreement, Broker shall be paid the
fee based upon the aggregate rent payable during the first
year of the lease term;
(b) thereafter, Broker shall be paid the fee for each subsequent
year’s aggregate rent on the later of the anniversary date of
the lease or receipt of an invoice from Broker.
h. In the event that Broker and an outside broker each claim entitlement to a
Broker’s Fee for the sale or lease of Owner’s property, or a portion
thereof, (including but not limited to claims arising due to or during the
Protection Period), Broker, Owner and the outside broker shall attempt to
mediate or otherwise amicably resolve said dispute or conflicting claims
without resorting to litigation. In the event said dispute or conflicting
claims are not resolved within ninety (90) days after the end of the
Protection Period, Owner may interplead an amount equal to the Broker’s
Fee if paid only to a single Broker into the registry of the District Court of
Bowie County, Texas, pursuant to applicable Texas Statutes. Under no
circumstances shall Owner be responsible for paying two Broker’s Fees
for the sale or lease of a single tract of Owner’s property. The term
“outside broker” shall mean any broker or sales person other than Broker.
5. Protection Period. Subject to the conditions set forth in paragraph 4. above, if,
within ninety (90) days after the termination of this agreement (the “Protection Period”), Owner
enters into a contract to sell or lease the Property to a buyer or lessee registered by Broker,
Owner will pay Broker the Broker’s Fee as provided in Section 4.g..
a. For purposes of this Section 5, the Broker’s Registered Buyers or Lessees
will consist only of those persons registered by Broker in writing to Owner
within ten (10) days after termination of this Agreement.
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b. Broker may only register with Owner, those individuals and entities with
whom Broker has actually negotiated the sale, exchange, or lease of the
Property or a part thereof during the term of this Agreement. For
example, Broker may not register individuals or entities to whom Broker
has only supplied information regarding the property by written
advertisement, emails, texts, data compilations of potential buyers/lessees
or on-line listings, but with whom Broker has not actually negotiated the
terms of a proposal regarding the Property or part thereof.
c. It is specifically understood and agreed, however, that the foregoing
provisions regarding the Protection Period will not be applicable with
respect to any sale, exchange, lease, or other transfer of the Property that
occurs after the termination of this agreement where Owner is obligated to
pay a Broker’s fee to another realtor or Broker.
6. Broker’s Duties and Authorities. During the term of this agreement, Broker will
be authorized and required to take the following actions:
a. Broker will make reasonable efforts and act diligently to sell or lease the
Property in accordance with the terms of this agreement. Owner authorizes
Broker and Broker’s associates, at Broker’s sole cost and expense, to (i)
advertise the Property by the means and methods Broker reasonably
determines to be appropriate for the Property based on then-current market
practices for properties substantially similar to the Property; (ii) furnish
comparative marketing and sale information about other properties to
prospective buyers; (iii) disseminate information about the Property to
other brokers and their associates through a multiple-listing service or
such other means as Broker reasonably determines to be appropriate; (iv)
enter the Property, and accompany other brokers and their associates who
wish to enter the Property, at reasonable times on reasonable advance
notice, and coordination with Owner to show the Property to prospective
buyers or lessees, and; (v) authorize property inspectors, appraisers, and
repair personnel to enter the Property at reasonable times on reasonable
notice and coordination with Owner for pertinent purposes.
b. Broker is not authorized to (i) execute any document in the name of or on
behalf of Owner with respect to the Property, (ii) authorize any repairs to
the Property without Owner’s prior written consent, (iii) authorize the
expenditure of any funds on behalf of Owner without Owner’s prior
written consent, (iv) negotiate any earnest money deposit or other
instrument in connection with the Property, (v) use a “lock-box” for keys
to the Property, or (vi) place any “For Sale” signs on the Property or
remove other signs offering the Property for sale or lease without Owner’s
prior written consent.
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c. Broker will not be obligated to market the Property after Owner has
entered into a binding contract unless the contract provides otherwise. If
Broker is obligated to submit subsequent or backup offers, Owner will
specifically provide in the contract for the sale of the Property with a
buyer that Owner may continue to market the Property so that Broker may
receive subsequent or backup offers, which will be submitted to Owner as
received for consideration by Owner when the prior contract is terminated
or renegotiated. If Owner enters into a contract to sell the Property that
does not provide for the submission of backup offers, and Broker
subsequently receives a subsequent or backup offer to purchase the
Property, Broker will inform Owner and submit the subsequent or backup
offer to Owner when the prior contract is terminated or renegotiated.
d. Broker will not be responsible in any manner for personal injury to Owner
resulting from acts of third parties or loss of or damage to personal or real
property due to vandalism, theft, freezing water pipes, or other causes,
except the negligence or misconduct of Broker. Broker will not be
responsible for the security of the Property or for inspecting the Property
on any periodic basis unless otherwise agreed in writing by Owner and
7. Broker’s Representations and Covenants. Broker represents and warrants to,
and covenants with, Owner as follows:
a. Broker is duly licensed as a real estate broker authorized to provide real
estate brokerage services in accordance with this agreement by the Texas
Real Estate Commission (the “Commission”) under the Texas Real Estate
License Act (the “Act”), as amended, and will maintain that license in full
force and effect at all times during the term of this agreement. All
associates employed by Broker to assist with marketing and selling the
Property, and all other brokers with whom Broker cooperates in
connection with marketing and selling the Property, will be duly licensed
by the Commission as real estate brokers or agents in accordance with the
Act when any such services are rendered.
b. All activities by Broker and Broker’s associates hereunder will be
conducted in strict compliance with the Act, the rules and regulations of
the Commission, and all other provisions of applicable law, including,
without limitation, all fair housing laws.
8. Owner’s Representations and Covenants. Owner represents and warrants to, and
covenants with, Broker as follows:
a. Owner represents that (i) Owner has fee simple title to the Property,
peaceable possession of the Property and all improvements and fixtures on
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the Property unless rented, and the legal capacity to convey the Property;
(ii) no person or entity has any right to purchase, lease, or acquire the
Property by virtue of a contract, option, right of first refusal, or other
agreement; (iii) there are no delinquencies or defaults under any deed of
trust, mortgage, or other encumbrance on the Property; (iv) the Property is
not subject to the jurisdiction of any court whose permission or consent is
required for the execution of this agreement or the sale, exchange, or other
disposition of the Property; and (v) all information regarding the Property
that has been provided by Owner to Broker, or that may be provided by
Owner to Broker after the execution of this agreement, has been or will be,
to the best of Owner’s knowledge, true, correct, and complete in all
material respects.
b. Owner will cooperate fully and in good faith with Broker to facilitate the
showing and marketing of the Property at Broker’s sole cost and expense.
9. Termination. Either party is entitled to terminate this agreement before the
Termination Date if the other party fails to perform its obligations under the agreement and the
failure to perform is not cured to the reasonable satisfaction of the party giving written notice of
such failure within (30) thirty days after receipt of the notice. Either party is also entitled to
terminate this agreement without cause upon sixty (60) days notice to the other party. Except for
a termination due to Broker’s failure to be licensed under the Act, any such termination will not
be effective with respect to any contract for the sale, exchange, lease, or other disposition of the
Property previously executed by Owner and a buyer or lessee that is then pending closing.
10. Attorney’s Fees. If either party retains an attorney to enforce this agreement, the
party prevailing in litigation is entitled to recover reasonable attorney’s fees and court and other
11. Binding Effect. This agreement binds, benefits, and may be enforced by the
successors in interest to the parties.
12. Choice of Law. This agreement will be construed under the laws of the state of
Texas, without regard to choice-of-law rules of any jurisdiction. Venue is in the county or
counties in which the Property is located.
13. Counterparts. This agreement may be executed in any number of counterparts
with the same effect as if all signatory parties had signed the same document. All counterparts
will be construed together and will constitute one and the same instrument.
14. Waiver of Default. It is not a waiver of or consent to default if the nondefaulting
party fails to declare immediately a default or delays in taking any action. Pursuit of any
remedies set forth in this agreement does not preclude pursuit of other remedies in this
agreement or provided by law.
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15. Further Assurances. Each signatory party agrees to execute and deliver any
additional documents and instruments and to perform any additional acts necessary or
appropriate to perform the terms, provisions, and conditions of this agreement and all
transactions contemplated by this agreement.
16. Indemnity. Broker agrees to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless Owner from
any loss, attorney’s fees, expenses or claims arising out of the performance or non-performance
by Broker of its rights and obligations under this Agreement.
17. Entire Agreement. This agreement is the entire agreement of the parties. There
are no representations, agreements, warranties, or promises, and neither party is relying on any
statements or representations of any agent of the other party, that are not in this agreement.
18. Legal Construction. If any provision in this agreement is for any reason
unenforceable, to the extent the unenforceability does not destroy the basis of the bargain among
the parties, the unenforceability will not affect any other provision hereof, and this agreement
will be construed as if the unenforceable provision had never been a part of the agreement.
Whenever context requires, the singular will include the plural and neuter include the masculine
or feminine gender, and vice versa. Article and section headings in this agreement are for
reference only and are not intended to restrict or define the text of any section. The agreement
will not be construed more or less favorably between the parties by reason of authorship or origin
of language.
19. Notices. Any notice required or permitted under this agreement must be in
writing. Any notice required by this agreement will be deemed to be delivered (whether actually
received or not) when deposited with the United States Postal Service, postage prepaid, certified
mail, return receipt requested, and addressed to the intended recipient at the address shown in
this agreement. Notice may also be given by regular mail, personal delivery, courier delivery,
facsimile transmission, or other commercially reasonable means and will be effective when
actually received. Any address for notice may be changed by written notice delivered as
provided herein.
20. Recitals. Any recitals in this agreement are represented by the parties to be
accurate, and constitute a part of the substantive agreement.
21. Time. Time is of the essence. Unless otherwise specified, all references to
“days” mean calendar days. Business days exclude Saturdays, Sundays, and legal public
holidays. If the date for performance of any obligation falls on a Saturday, Sunday, or legal
public holiday, the date for performance will be the next following regular business day.
22. Owner’s Reserved Rights. Owner reserves the right to sell, lease, and/or renew
and extend leases, without a commission being due to Broker, with Owner’s current tenants and
with persons and or entities who have or may in the future deal directly with Owner, or other
brokers who may have a listing on the Property, without the participation of Broker.
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23. Governmental Immunity. By execution of this Agreement, TexAmericas
Center does not waive its governmental immunity except to the extent it is contractually liable
for the amount due under this Agreement. Damages in a suit to enforce this Agreement shall not
include consequential damages, or exemplary damages of any kind. This limited waiver of
governmental immunity shall not extend to, or for the benefit of, any third parties.
24. Commitment of Current Revenue. TexAmericas Center retains the right to
terminate this contract at the expiration of each budget year (September 30 of each year)
occurring during the term of this contract. TexAmericas Center executes this contract
conditioned on the fact that it shall use its best efforts to obtain and appropriate funds during
each budget year for payment of the sums payable by TexAmericas Center under this contract.
This contract is a commitment of current revenues only.
TEXAMERICAS CENTER _______________________________
By: __________________________ By: ____________________________
William Scott Norton, Name: _________________________
Executive Director, CEO Title: __________________________
Date: _________________ Date: ____________________