Adam Martin
Texas Tech University
Free Market Institute
Box 45059
Lubbock, TX 79414
Phone: 806 834 1650
Email: adam.m[email protected]
Texas Tech University, Agricultural and Applied Economics, Assistant Professor, 2014-
King’s College London, Political Economy, Lecturer. 2012-2014
New York University, Development Research Institute, Post-Doctoral Fellow. 2009-2011
Duke University, Center for the History of Political Economy, Visiting Fellow. 2009
Political Economy: Comparative Economics, Economic Development, Public Choice
Philosophy of Economics: Economic Methodology, History of Economic Thought
PhD, George Mason University, Economics. 2009
Dissertation Chair: Peter J. Boettke
Fields: Austrian Economics, Constitutional and Institutional Economics
Master of Arts, George Mason University, Economics. 2007
Bachelor of Arts, University of Dallas, Economics, Theology, magna cum laude. 2004
2014- Free Market Institute, Texas Tech University, Political Economy Research
2013- Foundation for Economic Education, Board of Scholars
2011- Institute for Humane Studies, George Mason University
Humane Studies Fellowship Director 2011-2014
Faculty Mentor 2014-
2011- The Fund for American Studies
American Institute for Political and Economic Systems Faculty at
Charles University, 2013-
Capital Semester Faculty at Georgetown University, 2011-2012
2010- Society for the Development of Austrian Economics
Carl Menger Prize Committee 2010-
Executive Committee 2014-2016
FEE Prize Committee, 2010
2010- Mercatus Center, George Mason University, F.A. Hayek Program for
Advanced Study in Philosophy, Politics and Economics, Fellow
2012-2014 King’s College London, Department of Political Economy
Rationality, Choice, & Uncertainty Research Group Leader
Research Committee Member
2010-2011 New York University, Department of Economics, Instructor.
2009-2011 New York University, Colloquium on Market Institutions and Economic
Processes Visiting Fellow
2008 George Mason University, Department of Economics, Instructor
2008 Cambridge University, Social Ontology Group Visiting Scholar
2008 Foundation for Economic Education, Conference Director for “From
Vienna to Virginia”
2005-2008 Mercatus Center, George Mason University, Global Prosperity Initiative
Graduate Fellow
2002 Dallas Federal Reserve Bank, Economic Education Intern
2013 Gordon Tullock Prize for Best Paper in Public Choice by a Junior Scholar,
Public Choice Society (with Diana Thomas)
2013 Friedman Fund for Teachers, Institute for Humane Studies
2011 Hayek Fund for Scholars Award, Institute for Humane Studies
2010 Hayek Fund for Scholars Award, Institute for Humane Studies
2009 Israel M. Kirzner Award for Outstanding Dissertation in Austrian
Economics, George Mason University
2009 First Prize, Morality of Capitalism Essay Contest, Mercatus Center
2009 Summer Research Fellowship, Institute for Humane Studies
2009 Hayek Fund for Scholars Award, Institute for Humane Studies
2008 Don Lavoie Memorial Graduate Student Essay Award Winner, Society
for the Development of Austrian Economics
2008 H.B. Earhart Graduate Fellowship, Earhart Foundation
2008 Pass with Distinction, Constitutional/Institutional Economics Field Exam
2008 Mercatus Center Graduate Student Summer Research Fellowship
2008 Hayek Fund for Scholars Award, Institute for Humane Studies
2007 Mercatus Center Graduate Student Summer Research Fellowship
2005-2007 Global Prosperity Initiative Cortopassi Fellow, Mercatus Center
2005 Richard E. Fox Essay Contest, Second Prize, Grove City College
2004 Wall Street Journal Award, Outstanding Undergraduate in Economics
2004 Theology Award, Outstanding Undergraduate in Theology
2003 Omicron Delta Epsilon
2003 Phi Beta Kappa
“Degenerate Cosmopolitanism,” Social Philosophy and Policy, forthcoming
“Where are the Big Bills? Escaping the Endogenizer’s Dilemma,” The Review of
Austrian Economics 2014: Vol. 27, No. 1, 81-95.
“Two-Tiered Political Entrepreneurship and the Congressional Committee System,” with
Diana Thomas, Public Choice 2013: Vol. 154, No. 1-2, 21-37.
**Winner of the 2013 Gordon Tullock Prize for Best Paper in Public Choice by a Junior
“Discovering Rhetoric: The Ecology of Enterprise in the Bourgeois Era,” Journal of
Socio-Economics 2012: Vol. 41, No. 6, 757-762.
“Taking the ‘G’ out of BIG: A Comparative Political Economy Perspective on Basic
Income,” with Peter Boettke, Basic Income Studies 2012: Vol. 6, No. 2, 1-18.
**Reprinted in Basic Income and the Free Market, 2013, ed. Guinevere Nell (Palgrave).
“Rational Choice Without Closure: The Microfoundations of Virtuous Cycles and
Vicious Circles,” Journal of Economic Methodology 2011: Vol. 18, No. 11, 345-361.
“Discovering the Gains from Trade: Alertness and the Extent of the Market,” The Annual
Proceedings of the Wealth and Well-Being of Nations 2011: Vol. 3, 65-85.
“The Catallactic Point of View,” Studies in Emergent Order 2011: Vol. 4, 133-148.
“Austrian Economics: Methodology, Concepts, and Implications for Economic
Education,” with Joshua Hall, Journal of Economics and Finance Education 2011: Vol.
10, No. 2, 4-18.
“Emergent Politics and the Power of Ideas,” Studies in Emergent Order 2010: Vol. 3,
“Critical Realism and the Austrian Paradox,” Cambridge Journal of Economics 2009:
Vol. 33, 517-31.
“Heterogeneity, Voting, and Public Policy,” with Richard Wagner, Public Finance and
Management 2009: Vol. 9, No. 3, 393-415.
“Austrian Methodology: A Review and Synthesis,” conditionally accepted for the Oxford
Handbook on Austrian Economics, forthcoming, eds. Peter Boettke and Christopher
Coyne (Oxford University Press).
“Error is Obvious, Coordination is the Puzzle,” with Peter Boettke and Zachary Caceres,
in Hayek and Behavioral Economics, 2013, eds. Roger Frantz and Robert Leeson
"Mr. Knight Goes to New Orleans: Uncertainty in the Post-Katrina Big Easy," in After
Katrina: The Political Economy of Disaster and Community Rebound, 2010, eds. Emily
Chamlee-Wright and Virgil Henry Storr (Edward Elgar).
Review of F.A. Hayek, Business Cycles, Australian Economic History Review,
“From Vienna to Virginia: Exchange, Rules, and Social Cooperation” with Geoffrey Lea,
Review of Austrian Economics 2014: Vol. 27, No. 1, 1-9.
Review of Richard Wagner, Deficits, Debt, and Democracy: Wrestling with Tragedy on
the Fiscal Commons, Public Choice 2014: Vol. 159, No. 1-2, 301-303.
“The Good, The Bad, and The Charitable,” Conversations in Philanthropy 2012: Vol. 9.
“The Analects of Boettke,” Journal of Private Enterprise 2010: Vol. 26, No. 1, 125-142.
“PhD Thesis Summary: The Use of Knowledge in Comparative Economics,” Erasmus
Journal of Philosophy and Economics 2009: Vol. 2, No. 1, 157-60.
Review of Arjo Klamer, Speaking of Economics, Journal of Economic Behavior and
Organization 70 (2009), 436-438.
Review of Richard Wagner, Fiscal Sociology and the Theory of Public Finance,
Quarterly Journal of Austrian Economics 12, No. 1 (2009), 88-94.
Association of Private Enterprise Education Annual Meeting
2014 Punishment, Proportionality, and Knowledge Problems (with Daniel D’Amico)
2013 Running the Constructivist Obstacle Course (panel)
2011 Hazlitt on the Illusions of Aid Yesterday and Today (panel)
2011 An Austrian Perspective on Deirdre McCloskey’s Bourgeois Dignity (panel)
2011 Does Statehood Cause Development? (with Claudia Williamson)
2010 Hayek on Economic Development (panel)
2010 The Analects of Boettke
2009 The Case for Acquittal: Answering Pogge’s Challenge
2008 The Old Comparative Economics
2008 Mr. Knight Goes to New Orleans: Uncertainty in the Post-Katrina Big Easy
Colloquium on Market Institution and Economics Processes, New York University
2010 Two-Tiered Political Entrepreneurship and the Congressional Committee System
Foundation for Economic Education, From Vienna to Virginia
2008 Where Are the Big Bills? Escaping the Endogenizer’s Dilemma
Public Choice Society Annual Meeting
2013 The Microfoundations of Regime Uncertainty
2012 The Treason of Rules (with Diana Thomas)
2010 Two-Tiered Political Entrepreneurship and the Congressional Committee System
2008 Where Are the Big Bills? Escaping the Endogenizer’s Dilemma
Southern Economic Association Annual Meeting
2013 The Microfoundations of Regime Uncertainty
2012 Some Questions for Tomasi on Social Justice (panel)
2012 Toward a Reconstruction of Rothbardian Political Economy (panel)
2011 Does Statehood Cause Development? (with Claudia Williamson)
2010 The Treason of Rules (with Diana Thomas)
2009 Amity and the Extent of the Market (with Diana Thomas)
2008 Critical Realism and the Austrian Paradox
2008 Emergent Politics and the Power of Ideas
2007 Mr. Knight Goes to New Orleans: Uncertainty in the Post-Katrina Big Easy
The Philanthropic Enterprise, Philanthropy and the Economic Way of Thinking
2014 Poverty Alleviation as an Economic Problem (with Matias Petersen)
International Foundation for Research in Experimental Economics
2008 Experimental Economics and Spontaneous Orders
Liberty Fund
2014 International Justice, Sovereignty, and Liberty (paper conference)
2014 Liberty from Locke to Hayek (co-discussion leader, co-sponsored with TFAS)
2012 Economy, Culture, and the Historical Origins of Capitalism
2009 Hayek’s Contribution to Liberty
2009 The State as the Protector or Enemy of Liberty (co-sponsored with IHS)
2008 Austrian vs. Neoclassical Economics and the Case for Liberty
2008 Liberty, Equality, and Redistribution (co-sponsored with IHS)
2006 Exercising Power and Preserving Liberty: Bertrand de Jouvenal on the Rule of
Law and Limited Government (co-sponsored with the Acton Institute)
Mercatus Center, George Mason University
2014 Applied Research in the PPE Framework
2011 Don Lavoie’s Writings in Economic Theory and Methodology
The Freedom Center, University of Arizona Department of Philosophy
2010 Current Research Workshop on Carmen Pavel’s Divided Sovereignty
The Fund for the Study of Spontaneous Orders
2011 Annual Conference: Coping with Tensions
2009 Peter Berger: Intermediate Institutions and Spontaneous Sociability
2008 Annual Conference: Orders and Borders
The Philanthropic Enterprise
2014 Prosperity, Pauperism, and Philanthropy
Adam Smith Institute
2013 Liberty Lectures, Myths of Economic Development and Foreign Aid
2012 Milton Friedman Centenary, Cooperation Without Borders
Beloit College
2011 Economics Club, Discovering the Gains from Trade
Cambridge University Libertarian Society
2014 Uncertainty and Imagination in Political Economy
Murray Rothbard Institute
2013 Rothbard Summer University, Liberal Archive in Ghent, Belgium, 3 lectures
F.A. Hayek Foundation and Foundation for Teaching Economics
2013 Summer School of Economics, Levice, Slovakia, 6 lectures
Institute for Economic Affairs
2014 Freedom Week (with Adam Smith Institute), Myths of Economic Development
Institute for Humane Studies
2014 Research Colloquium, 1 lecture
2013 Career Development Seminar, King’s College London, 1 lecture
2013 Freedom Renewed: Libertarian Visionaries, Chapman University, 4 lectures
2012 Weekend Exploring Liberty, College of Charleston, 3 lectures
2012 Weekend Exploring Liberty, St. Edward’s University, 3 lectures
2011 Liberty and Current Issues, Towson University, 4 lectures
2011 Liberty and Leviathan, Wake Forest University, 4 lectures
Institute for Liberal Studies and University of Toronto International Relations Society
2012 Myths of Economic Development and Foreign Aid
Liberty Seminars, Slovenia
2012 Liberty Academy and Liberty Camp, 4 lectures
London School of Economics
2013 Student Union Conference, Uncertainty and Imagination in Political Economy
Loyola University New Orleans
2013 Economics Club, Robust Political Economy
2011 Economics Club, Discovering the Gains from Trade
Mississippi State University
2013 Economics Lecture Series, Robust Political Economy
Students for Liberty
2014 Austin Regional Conference, Public Choice
2011 Webinar on Democracy in Deficit
The Fund for American Studies
2012 TFAS Public Policy Fellows, 5 Myths of Foreign Aid and Development
2012 TFAS Annual Conference, The New Paternalism
U.K. Liberty League
2014 Essex Regional Conference, Robust Political Economy
2011 Annual Conference, ‘Austrian’ side in “Debate: Austrian vs. Chicago Economics”
University of Maryland Baltimore County
2011 Freshman Honors Seminar, Entrepreneurship: An Austrian Perspective
Advances in Austrian Economics, The Economic History Review, Journal des
Economistes et des Etudes Humaines, Journal of Private Enterprise, Public Choice,
Quarterly Journal of Austrian Economics, Review of Austrian Economics, Studies in
Emergent Order
Economics and Public Policy Issues, Georgetown University, Econ 219
Ethics and Economics, New York University, Econ 207
Fundamentals of Agricultural and Applied Economics (Micro Principles), AAEC 2305
Globalization and International Trade, King’s College London, 4SSP106
International Economic Policy, George Mason University, Econ 385
Political Economy: Advanced Analysis, King’s College London, 6SSPP304 (co-taught)
Politics and Economics of the Free Society, Charles University, JMM570 (co-taught)
Ethics and Economics, King’s College London, 7SSPP105
Key Concepts in Contemporary Political Economy, 7SSPP101 (co-taught)
Association of Private Enterprise Education, Public Choice Society, Society for the
Development of Austrian Economics, Southern Economic Association, World
Interdisciplinary Network for Institutional Research