A field study shows that on-air and online education provided by a TV meteorologist over the
course of one year improved viewers’ understanding of climate change.
Results of a Field Experiment
by Xiaoquan Zhao, Edward Maibach, JiM Gandy, JoE wittE, hEidi cullEn, barry a. KlinGEr,
athErinE E. rowan, JaMEs wittE, and andrEw PylE
AFFILIATIONS: Zhao, Maibach, Jo. wittE, KlinGEr, rowan, Ja.
wittE, and PylEGeorge Mason University, Fairfax, Virginia;
Gandy—WLTX, Columbia, South Carolina; cullEnClimate
Central, Princeton, New Jersey
CORRESPONDING AUTHOR: Xiaoquan Zhao, Department of
Communication, Center for Climate Change Communication,
George Mason University, 4400 University Drive, MS 3D6,
Fairfax, VA 22030
E-mail: xzhao3@gmu.edu
The abstract for this article can be found in this issue, following the
table of contents.
In final form 23 April 2013
©2014 American Meteorological Society
he nation’s TV meteorologists and weathercasters
(more about the distinction can be found at
_meteorologist.html)—the vast majority of whom
work in local TV—are a potentially important source
of informal science education about climate change
for a wide cross section of the U.S. population. Even
though digital news consumption has been steadily
increasing, particularly among young people (Pew
Research Center 2013a), many American adults ages
18 and older still regularly watch local TV news and
network TV news (Miller et al. 2006; Pew Research
Center 2013b); and the daily weather segment is a
perennial favorite among them (Pew Research Center
2013b; Silcock et al. 2006). Furthermore, TV weather
reporters are seen as a trusted source of information
about climate change by a solid majority (60%) of
adult Americans (Leiserowitz et al. 2012). Indeed, TV
weather reports are arguably one of the most com-
mon voluntarily sought forms of science education
in the daily lives of most adult Americans (Wilson
2008). Previous research suggests that weathercasts
can be an important and effective venue for informal
science education on a wide range of topics such as
geography (Earl and Pasternack 1991), public health
(Johnson 2009), and hurricane risk (Demuth et al.
According to the American Meteorological Society, “a
meteorologist is an individual with specialized education
who uses scientific principles to observe, understand,
explain, or forecast phenomena in Earths atmosphere and/
or how the atmosphere affects Earth and life on the planet.”
Individuals who lack formal education in the atmospheric
sciences but disseminate weather information and fore-
casts prepared by others are designated weathercasters.
In this article, we use the terms “meteorologists” and
“weathercasters” loosely to include both in our discussion
of using TV weathercasts as a conduit for informal science
education on climate change.
In this article, we describe an informal climate
science education initiative conducted by the chief
meteorologist at one local TV station in Columbia,
South Carolina (SC). Branded under the name
“Climate Matters,” this initiative intermittently pro-
duced and aired (during the weather segment, with
reposting to station’s website) brief educational seg-
ments using current weather events to educate viewers
about the local relevance of climate change. To evalu-
ate the impact of the first year of this programming,
we conducted viewer surveys in the Columbia media
market before the educational programming started
and again one year later. The primary outcomes of the
evaluation were perceptions, feelings, and knowledge
about climate change, which we broadly refer to in
this article as climate change beliefs.
problem. Although a solid majority of Americans
agree that “global warming is happening” (70% in
September 2012; Leiserowitz et al. 2012), public un-
derstanding of climate change is more limited. For
example, in fall 2012 only half of the American adult
population (54%) understood that the current global
warming is caused primarily by human activities and
only one-third (44%) understood that most scientists
are convinced that global warming is real.
The most current U.S. National Climate
Assessment (United States Global Change Research
Program 2009) found that a variety of climate
impacts, including rising temperatures and sea level,
changes in precipitation and seasons, and harms to
human and animal health, are already taking place in
every region of the nation. Yet, most Americans see
climate change as distant in both space (i.e., not in
the United States) and time (i.e., not now; Leiserowitz
2005). For example, in September 2012 only 48%
of adult Americans believed that global warming
would harm people in their community “a moderate
amount” or more and only 36% believed that people
in the United States were being harmed currently
(Leiserowitz et al. 2012).
Media-based climate change education. These low
levels of climate knowledge have motivated various
efforts to improve understanding. Some government
agencies, such as the National Aeronautics and Space
Administration (NASA) and the National Oceanic
and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), have
contributed broadly to climate change education over
the years. But, for the most part, media-based educa-
tion efforts have been limited in scale and systematic
evaluation of their impact has been lacking (Akerlof
and Maibach 2008). Although the evidence is sparse
and mixed (e.g., Staats et al. 1996), at least some
large-scale campaigns do appear to have had some
influence on climate change–related beliefs, attitudes,
and behaviors (Akerlof and Maibach 2008; Cugelman
and Otero 2010; Tremblay et al. 2013).
News media coverage is another way that the
public can learn about climate change (Brulle et al.
2012; Russell 2008). Several studies have examined
the relationship between news consumption and
people’s understanding of climate change. A study
using data from 74 separate surveys over a 9-yr period
found that media coverage is an important influence
on public concern over climate change (Brulle et al.
2012). Another study showed that the news coverage
of climate science—even when satirized—can help
members of the public develop a more science-based
understanding of the issue (Feldman et al. 2011).
Research focusing on learning from digital news
sources is lacking. But one study did find that Internet
use in general contributed to perceived knowledge
and concern over global warming (Zhao 2009).
These positive findings make the paucity of research
on media campaigns and news coverage of climate
change both conspicuous and problematic (Maibach
et al. 2008).
The potential of news mediabased climate change
education. Many professional communities routinely
study and use strategic communication as an asset in
their public education efforts (Abroms and Maibach
2008). Most notably in the public health commu-
nity, campaigns have been shown to contribute to
important improvements in public health outcomes
(Hornik 2002a). A brief review of what has been
learned in other fields provides a useful context as to
why TV meteorologists have considerable potential
as climate educators.
In any form of public communication, exposure
is a prerequisite for the intended effects (McGuire
2012). A meta-analysis of public health communica-
tion campaigns found a strong positive correlation
(r = 0.47) between reach—the percentage of the
audience exposed to campaign messages at least
once—and campaign effects (Snyder and Hamilton
2002). Yet, adequate exposure is often difficult to
achieve in media-based education efforts because
media campaign resources are often limited and
campaign messages have to compete with myriad
inconsistent and irrelevant messages in a cluttered
information environment (Hornik 2002b; Randolph
and Viswanath 2004). The nation’s broadcast meteo-
rologists, however, are exceptionally well positioned
January 2014
to generate effective exposure locally and nationally.
Although an increasing number of Americans, par-
ticularly young people, are turning to the Internet and
mobile devices for their news, television remains a
dominant source of local information (Pew Research
Center 2013a,b). Approximately 70% of American
adults ages 18 and older watch local TV news at least
once a week (Miller et al. 2006; Pew Research Center
2013b) and their primary reason for doing so is to
learn about the weather (Pew Research Center 2013b;
Silcock et al. 2006; Smith 2007).
Apart from limited exposure, media-based
education campaigns may also face the problem of
limited public trust in the communicator (i.e., the
information source). A long tradition in commu-
nication research shows that trust in the source is
a critical factor in message effectiveness (Hovland
and Weiss 1951). Recent research in the specific
context of climate change also attests to the impor-
tance of trust in improving public understanding
of the climate change science (Malka et al. 2009).
It should be noted, however, that climate change is
one of the most controversial issues in public dis-
course in the United States today (Hulme 2009). In
issue contexts teeming with contradictory messages
and political strategizing, cynicism and distrust in
sources are likely to arise (Cappella and Jamieson
1997; Herreros and Criado 2008). While scientists
are the professional community that the public trusts
most about climate change (Leiserowitz et al. 2012),
there are several important limitations on scientists’
potential as climate educators. Public trust in scien-
tists has shown a general decline over the past few
decades, particularly among conservatives (Gauchat
2012). Perhaps more importantly, scientists have
relatively limited access to the public—few members
of the public can even name a single living scientist
(Research!America 2013). TV weathercasters, on the
other hand, have excellent access to a broad cross sec-
tion of the public on a regular basis (as documented
above). They also have outstanding credibility—they
are second only to research scientists and government
science agencies as trusted sources of information
about climate change (Leiserowitz et al. 2012).
Harnessing opportunities for experiential learning.
Cognitive science research has identified two parallel
interacting modes of information processing, one of
which is “slow” and effort based and the other is “fast
and effortless (Kahneman 2011). The slow effortful
processing system is analytical, logical, and delibera-
tive, and it encodes reality in abstract symbols, words,
and numbers (such as the abstractions and statistics
of climate science). By contrast, the fast effortless
processing system is holistic, affective, and intuitive,
and it encodes reality in concrete images, metaphors,
and narratives linked in associative networks, often
derived from repeated patterns of direct experience.
“Experientially derived knowledge is often more com-
pelling and more likely to influence behavior than is
abstract knowledge” (Epstein 1994, p. 711). Likewise,
vivid, concrete information has a greater influence on
perceptions and inferences than does “pallid” (e.g.,
abstract and technical) information (Nisbett and
Ross 1980). Recent research has shown that people
who learn about climate change through personal
experience are much more likely to engage with the
issue (and seek more information) than people who
learn about it merely through exposure to analytical
(didactic) information (Leiserowitz 2006; Marx et al.
2007; Spence et al. 2011; Weber 2006, 2010).
Local TV weather reports provide a context and
conduit for experientially based climate change edu-
cation that offers distinctive advantages over tradi-
tional media campaigns. As discussed earlier, climate
change education embedded in local weather reports
is likely to reach large audiences both efficiently and
effectively. Local television meteorologists are also
a trusted source of global warming information for
many viewers. Severe weather provides powerful
experience-based opportunities for meteorologists to
educate their viewers about the relationship between
weather (e.g., extreme precipitation) and climatic
events (e.g., droughts) and climate change. While
the nature and extent of this relationship have been a
subject of ongoing investigation, there is evidence that
heat waves, droughts, hurricanes, and other extremes
have intensified and will intensify farther in the future
(Trenberth et al. 2007; United States Global Change
Research Program 2009; Knutson et al. 2010). Such
phenomena provide opportunities to help the public
understand the difference between weather and cli-
mate; how climate change affects extreme weather
events; how an individual extreme weather event can
never be wholly attributed to climate change, yet can
be consistent with climate trends and projections;
and how a series of extreme weather events in a wider
geographic context or longer temporal scale provides
evidence of global climate change (Friedman et al.
1999; Dessai et al. 2004; Doherty and Barnhurst 2009).
Moreover, from a learning perspective, many people
rely upon broadcast meteorologists to interpret and
respond to extreme weather events (Henson 2010),
which often generate strong emotional reactions and
which in turn can focus attention and support new
learning (e.g., Slovic et al. 2004).
Large numbers of TV meteorologists are
willing and eager to adopt the role of climate
educator (Maibach 2012). This is consistent with
an expanded professional role (and identity) that
has been developed and promoted by the American
Meteorological Society over the past several years:
that of weathercaster as “station scientist” (Posegate
2008; Wilson 2009). It should be noted, however, that
TV meteorologists do not hold uniform positions on
climate change. Although a large majority of them
(82%) believe that global warming is happening,
many (63%) have doubts whether global warming
is primarily human caused (Maibach et al. 2011).
How to improve science-based understanding in the
meteorologist population at large thus is in itself an
important challenge (Nese et al. 2012).
MATTE R S . Education materials. In its first year, twelve
educational segments were produced and aired. The
core content for each segment consisted of a script and
supporting graphical materials. These were developed
by broadcast meteorologists, climate scientists, com-
munication scientists, writers, and graphic designers
from a number of collaborating institutions, including
George Mason University, Climate Central, and
WLTX TV in Columbia, SC. Scientific journals and
government websites [such as http://climate.nasa.gov
(NASA) and www.climate.gov (NOAA)] were utilized
as sources of climate science research and education
materials. The chief meteorologist at WLTX produced
each segment on the day it aired. Segments typically
ran about a minute and a half, including brief intro-
ductory comments. Each segment was self-contained,
focused on one or two related points, and connected
as much as possible to the experience of the viewers.
Seven of the segments addressed extreme weather
(and were intended for airing during or just after the
relevant extreme weather or climatic event) and five
addressed “evergreen” topics (and could be aired
anytime). The specific focus of each segment is pre-
sented in Table 1. Most of the segments explained
probable impacts of climate change on the weather,
environment, and people of the specific Columbia
area or South Carolina more generally. The goal was
for viewers to see that climate change was a real phe-
nomenon that could have real and noticeable effects
on matters they care about.
The extreme weather segments included varia-
tions on the relationship between global warming
Table 1. Climate Matters timeline and educational segments. Segment length is given in minutes and seconds.
Date Activity
11 May–15 Jul 2010 Baseline survey of panel sample
2 Aug 2010 Campaign began
Segment name Description (length)
2 Aug 2010
(again 8 Sep 2010)
High temperatures Increasing number of 95°F days as GHG emissions increaseseparate
segment for each summer month (1:18).
12 Aug 2010 Extreme heat Increasing likelihood of 101°F days for today, 2040s, and 2070s (1:16).
25 Aug 2010 Climate Baseball statistics analogy explains difference between weather and
climate (1:54).
16 Sep 2010 Hurricanes Climate change may make hurricanes less frequent but more intense (1:30).
1 Oct 2010 Intense storms Climate change may be making intense rainfall more intense in the United
States (1:55).
12 Nov 2010 Sea level rise Rate of sea level rise along South Carolina coast may triple (1:54).
9 Mar 2011 Poison ivy More CO
may make some plant pests like poison ivy grow better (1:31).
22 Apr 2011 Human cause How we know greenhouse gas (GHG) increase is due to people (1:20).
12 May 2011 Air quality Connection between warmer temperature and code red smog days (1:07).
31 May 2011 Heat and human health Heat is already the top weather-related killer in the United States, and
GHGs will likely increase heat index in the Southeast (1:23).
9 Jun 2011 Drought Drought outlook to explain risk for increased drought in a warmer world
12 Jun 2011 Global weirding Global warming can cause opposite weather extremes (1:26).
10 Jul30 Aug 2011 Follow-up survey of panel sample; survey of new cross-sectional sample.
January 2014
and heat waves and the connection of heat waves to
air pollution and heat-related fatalities. Other seg-
ments focused on drought, extreme precipitation
events, and hurricanes. Three of the evergreen seg-
ments also focused on impacts including sea level
rise, extreme weather events (of various kinds), and
increased potency of poison ivy. The other evergreen
segments focused on fundamental—and therefore
more abstract—explanations of climate and global
warming. (All of these segments can be viewed online
at www.wltx.com/weather/climate/default.aspx.)
Intervention delivery. The Climate Matters segments
began airing in evening newscasts in early August
2010, in response to current weather events. Columbia
experienced its hottest summer to date in 2010, and
many of the heat-related segments were aired then;
others were aired at appropriate times throughout
the year. Typically, but not in all cases, the segments
immediately preceded the weather forecast and
were set up by a news anchor creating a segue (such
as a question, or statement, about climate change)
responded to by the chief meteorologist. The seg-
ments were never advertised or used in teasers.
A Climate Matters section was created for the
TV stations website. The website included climate-
related news stories, climate-related information from
the National Weather Service, a blog written by the
stations chief meteorologist, and (after each educa-
tional segment was produced and aired) the Climate
Matters educational videos. The blog was mostly
related to the videos but occasionally also addressed
other important issues and research related to cli-
mate change. The blog was updated intermittently,
depending on availability of time and materials for
the chief meteorologist.
EVALUATION METHOD. Overview. The impact
of Climate Matters was evaluated using a quasi-
experimental design employing both panel and
cross-sectional surveys (see Table 1 for timeline).
The target population was adult local TV viewers 18
and older in the Columbia media market. Because
no prior research of this kind was available to guide
our power calculation, we determined sample sizes
based on the general assumption of a small learn-
ing effect. This assumption is consistent with the
typical effect size observed in public communication
campaigns in other domains (Snyder and Hamilton
2002). Availability of resources was also considered in
the determination of sample sizes. The target sample
size for the baseline survey of the panel was 1,000,
anticipating a 50%–60% retention rate at follow-up.
The target sample size for the cross-sectional survey
was 800.
To establish baseline measures, prior to the
intervention we conducted a telephone survey of
adult TV news viewers in the Columbia media market
using random digit dialing (RDD; N = 1,068). We
screened respondents based on the local news station
they watched most frequently to create a final sample
with similar numbers of WLTX viewers and viewers
of competing stations. Approximately one year later,
we resurveyed all available members of the baseline
cohort (n = 502), and we surveyed a new independent
sample of randomly selected residents (N = 910).
Each survey assessed a range of beliefs about global
warming. The follow-up surveys also assessed
exposure to Climate Matters. Learning effects were
investigated by examining the association between
exposure to Climate Matters and beliefs about climate
change in both the panel data and in the additional
cross-sectional data. Sample characteristics are sum-
marized in Table 2.
Survey administration. All surveys were conducted
using computer assisted telephone interviewing
(CATI) facilities. After training the interview staff
and pretesting the survey instrument with trial calls,
the baseline telephone interviews began 11 May 2010
and continued through 15 July 2010. The response
rate for the survey was 9.2% based on the American
Association of Public Opinion Research (AAPOR
2011) standard definitions (response rate 4). The
relatively low response rate is likely due to both gen-
eral and specific factors. In general, telephone survey
response rates have been declining for many years
(Curtin et al. 2005; Holbrook et al. 2007). Specific to
our survey, the interview was relatively long (approxi-
mately 25 min) and, as the baseline of a longitudinal
study, respondents were informed that the research
would involve a follow-up survey a year later. The
screening questions based on TV viewing habits
(see below) also led some potential respondents to
mistake our study for a marketing survey and refuse
to participate.
The follow-up interviews began in early July 2011.
Just under half (47%) of the respondents to the baseline
interviews completed a follow-up interview. Another
independent cross-sectional survey was also con-
ducted at the same time. Response rate for the cross-
sectional survey was 8.0% (AAPOR response rate 4).
Questionnaire. The questionnaire used in the base-
line, follow-up, and post-only surveys began with
screening questions to identify viewers of WLTX
versus other local stations. Those reporting watching
news on WLTX at least once a week and not watching
news on any of the competing stations were desig-
nated as WLTX viewers in our analysis. Those report-
ing watching news only on non-WLTX stations were
labeled non-WLTX viewers.
The questionnaire then asked a series of questions
to assess beliefs and attitudes about global warming.
We chose to focus on global warming because it is a
familiar concept to the public and a central phenom-
enon in global climate change. Global warming was
also the underlying theme for most of the educational
segments used in Climate Matters. We assessed beliefs
about the certainty, human cause, and harms of global
warming as the primary outcomes of the evaluation.
Secondary outcomes included a number of additional
beliefs that could also be influenced by the interven-
tion even though they were not directly targeted.
These included worry, perceived importance, prior-
ity of the issue for the president/congress, timing
of harm, injunctive norm, and perceived scientific
agreement. Measurement details on these outcomes
are provided in Table 3. Response scales varied for
these measures in accordance with the nature of
the questions as well as the preference to use verbal
response options in a telephone survey.
Exploratory factor analysis of the secondary
outcomes (not including perceived scientific agree-
ment) showed that these variables all loaded on a
single underlying factor. This factor was able to
account for 61% of the variance among the variables
in the panel baseline data, 69% in the panel follow-
up data, and 62% in the cross-sectional data. These
variables were converted to standardized scores and
averaged into a general measure of concern over
global warming.
Table 2. Sample characteristics. Note that percentages do not always add up to 100% because of
missing data (as a result of refusal, no applicable answers, and/or recording error).
Panel sample (N = 502) Cross-sectional sample (N = 910)
Male 31.9 47. 3 34 47
Female 67.7 52.3 66 53
White 62.7 55.1 60.2 59
Black 30.7 39.6 33.7 37
Other 4.8 3.5 5 3.2
1834 9.8 33.9 14.8 32.5
3544 10.8 19.4 14.2 20.9
4564 47.6 29.9 43.6 29.2
65 and above 30.9 15.8 26 16.2
Less than high school 11.6 19 8.2 18.1
High school graduate 20.9 26.2 21.9 28.7
Some college 28.3 26.8 29.2 28.3
Bachelor’s degree 18.5 18.8 21.5 16.7
Graduate or professional degree 19.3 7.7 18.5 7.8
Political Party
Republican 28.5 25.4 24.1 25.7
Democrat 33.3 36.6 34.7 31.2
Independent 20.5 17.7 21 18.5
Other 12.8 16.2 16.5 19.9
January 2014
In the follow-up and independent cross-sectional
surveys, exposure to Climate Matters was measured.
Respondents were asked whether in the past year they
had seen any special segments during the local weather
forecast that focused on global warming or climate
change. Response to this question (yes vs no and not
sure) was taken as a measure of general campaign
awareness. Respondents were also presented with brief
descriptions of four educational segments and asked to
indicate whether they remembered seeing each of them
on TV. These four segments were randomly selected
from the twelve that aired. The number of affirmative
answers was treated as a measure of recognition.
Background information on the respondents was
gathered at the end of the questionnaire. In addi-
tion to basic demographics (gender, race, age, and
education), we also asked questions about political
party (Republican, Democrat, or Independent/other)
and political ideology [1 (very liberal) to 5 (very
Analysis strategy. With a series of regression analyses,
we tested two hypotheses.
H1: WLTX viewers will demonstrate greater
learning gains than will viewers of other stations.
H2: Regardless of initial station preference, viewers
with more exposure to Climate Matters will dem-
onstrate greater learning gains than viewers with
less exposure.
WLTX viewership was used as the independent
variable to test H1, and Climate Matters awareness
and recognition were used as independent variables
to test H2. Global warming beliefs served as the
dependent variables.
These analyses were conducted on both the panel
sample and the post-only cross-sectional sample. In
all analyses, we controlled for a range of demographic
and political background variables, including gender,
age, race, and education, as well as political party and
Table 3. Key outcome questions in the evaluation surveys.
Questions Coded responses
Primary outcomes
Certainty Do you think that global warming is happening?
How sure are you that global warming is (is not)
-4 (complete certainty that global warming is not
occurring) to 0 (not certain/do not know) to
4 (complete certainty that global warming is
Human causation Assuming global warming is happening, do you
think it is . . .
0 (not happening or caused mostly by natural
changes in the environment) to 1 (caused mostly
by human activities)
Harm extent How much do you think global warming will harm
you personally/future generations of people (two
items, α
= 0.84 and α
= 0.75)
1 (not at all) to 4 (a great deal)
Secondary outcomes
Concern Average of worry, importance, priority, harm timing, and injunctive norm after converting each to
Z scores (α
panel baseline
= 0.81, α
panel follow-up
= 0.87, and α
= 0.82)
Worry How worried are you about global warming? 1 (not at all worried) to 4 (very worried)
Importance How important is the issue of global warming to
you personally?
1 (not at all important) to 5 (extremely important)
Priority Do you think global warming should be a low,
medium, high, or very high priority for the
president and congress?
1 (low) to 4 (very high)
Harm timing When do you think global warming will start to
harm people in the United States?
1 (never) to 6 (now)
Injunctive norm Do you think citizens themselves should be doing
more or less to address global warming?
1 (much less) to 5 (much more)
Perceived scientific
Which comes closer to your own view? 0 [consensus not understood (a lot of
disagreement among scientific or most scientists
think global warming is not happening, or do not
know enough to say)] to 1 [consensus understood
(most scientists think global warming is happening)]
ideology. In the panel analysis, we also controlled
for the outcome belief at baseline. The panel analysis
essentially assessed the change in the outcome vari-
able over time as a function of campaign exposure
and other control variables. The cross-sectional
analysis, on the other hand, examined the contem-
poraneous relationship between the current outcome
and campaign exposure. For both analyses, statistical
significance was set at p < 0.05 (i.e., when the prob-
ability of observing an effect by chance is less than
5%). When the outcome variable was continuous
(or treated as such, e.g., certainty), we used multiple
linear regression. When the outcome variable was
dichotomous (e.g., human causation), we used logistic
To facilitate understanding, we report predicted
values (for multiple linear regression) and predicted
probabilities (for logistic regression) instead of regu-
lar regression coefficients. These results are presented
with respect to specific groups (e.g., WLTX viewers
versus non-WLTX viewers) and can be compared to
see how the intervention did (or did not) influence
the outcomes, while assuming no group differences
on the control variables.
RE S ULTS . Longitudinal analysis. Before conducting
the final analysis, we examined the comparability of
panel sample participants who completed the follow-
up survey to those who did not. The two groups
were not significantly different with regard to race
(p = 0.26), political party membership (p = 0.10), edu-
cation (p = 0.87), income (p = 0.80), or WLTX viewer-
ship (p = 0.42), although there were between-group
differences on gender (p = 0.04) and age (p < 0.001).
Men (57.8%) were slightly more likely than women
(51.1%) to drop out of the study, and participants
younger than 45 (64.5%) were more likely than those
45 and older (49.2%) to drop out. While these differ-
ences deserve attention, they do not appear to suggest
a strong confounding factor for intervention effects
because gender and age were not strongly correlated
with the outcome variables (most correlations were
around 0.10). At the same time, the fact that the
other variables, particularly WLTX viewership and
party membership, did not vary significantly between
retained and lost cases further alleviates concerns
that attrition might work to bias evaluation results.
Other preliminary analysis revealed that news sta-
tion viewership in the Columbia media market was
not stable during the study period. Notably, among
those who reported never watching WLTX for local
news at baseline, more than half (59.6%) reported
watching WLTX at least once a week for local news
at follow-up. On the other hand, only 7.3% of WLTX
viewers at baseline reported never watching WLTX
at follow-up. To account for the significant shift of
viewership, particularly from non-WLTX viewers to
WLTX viewers, we created a new viewership vari-
able with three categories: persistent WLTX viewers
(n = 231), new WLTX viewers (n = 146), and persistent
non-WLTX viewers (n = 99).
This new viewership
variable was used in all subsequent analysis.
Results of the final regression analyses with
panel data are summarized in Table 4. The panel
data show some—but not full—support for the two
hypotheses among the primary outcome variables.
All else controlled to be equal (including the baseline
values of the outcome measures), new WLTX viewers
were more likely to believe at follow-up that global
warming was primarily human caused than non-
WLTX viewers (53% vs 41%, p < 0.05); those who
recognized more stories from Climate Matters were
more certain that global warming was happening
compared to those who recognized fewer (2.01 for
four stories vs 1.39 for zero stories, p < 0.05); and
those who remembered seeing Climate Matters in
local news saw greater harm of global warming than
those who did not (3.04 vs 2.74, p < 0.01). No other
relationships between campaign exposure and the
primary outcomes were significant.
There is also some support for both hypotheses
among the secondary outcome beliefs (presented
in the bottom half of Table 4). All else being equal,
those who were aware of Climate Matters were more
concerned about global warming at follow-up than
those who were not (0.09 vs –0.04, p < 0.05). Those
recognizing more Climate Matters stories were
more concerned (0.16 for four stories vs –0.08 for
zero stories, p < 0.05) and more likely to believe that
scientists are in agreement regarding the reality of
global warming (55% vs 22%, p < 0.01) than those
recognizing none. Persistent WLTX viewers were
also more concerned about global warming than non-
WLTX viewers (0.02 vs –0.10), but this difference did
not reach statistical significance (p < 0.10). No other
relationships in the regressions were significant.
Cross-sectional analysis. With two differencesWLTX
viewership only having two categories (WLTX
viewers vs non-WLTX viewers) and no control for
WLTX viewers at baseline who reported not watching WLTX at all at follow-up were excluded from data analysis for their
small number (n = 18).
January 2014
baseline—all of the analyses described above were
replicated with the cross-sectional (post only) data.
Results from these analyses are summarized in
Table 5.
These analyses show more consistent support for
the hypotheses. After holding potential confounders
constant, WLTX viewers were more certain about the
occurrence of global warming (1.73 vs 1.35, p < 0.05)
and perceived greater harm from it (2.84 vs 2.63,
p < 0.01) than non-WLTX viewers, but the two groups
did not differ on the belief about the human cause
of global warming. As far as exposure is concerned,
compared to those who did not remember seeing
Climate Matters, those who did were more certain
that global warming was happening (1.96 vs 1.45,
p < 0.01), more likely to believe that global warming
was primarily human caused (45% vs 36%, p < 0.05),
and perceived greater harm of global warming
(2.93 vs 2.67, p < 0.01). Compared to those recognizing
fewer stories from Climate Matters, those recognizing
Table 4. Panel analysis resultspredicted values or probabilities.
Viewership Campaign exposure
Non -WLT X Persistent WLTX New WLTX ΔR
Awareness Recognition
No Yes
Primary outcomes
1.47 1.70 1.46 0.002/0.54 1.46 1.85* 1.39 2.01* 0.01/0.55
Human causation
41% 45% 53%* 0.01/0.38 38% 26% 35% 38% 0.01/0.37
Harm extent
2.80 2.76 2.84 0.001/0.51 2.74 3.04** 2.75 2.94 0.02/0.53
Secondary outcomes
0.16* 0.01/0.70
Perceived scientific
33% 36% 35% 0.00/0.21 29% 24% 22% 55%** 0.02/0.23
Note that
p < 0.10, * p < 0.05, ** p < 0.01, *** p < 0.001. All analysis is controlled for gender, age, race, education, political party,
ideology, and baseline outcome.
represents additional variance explained by the independent variables after control variables are
already entered into the regression model.
Numbers are predicted values of the outcome variable. The R
values are adjusted R
values from multiple linear regression.
Numbers are predicted probability of answering yes to the outcome question. The R
values are Nagelkerke R
values from logistic
Table 5. Cross-sectional analysis resultspredicted values and probabilities.
Viewership Campaign exposure
Awareness Recognition
No Yes Zero stories Four stories
Primary outcomes
1.35 1.73* 0.01/0.15 1.45 1.96** 1.14 2.83*** 0.05/0.20
Human causation
38% 38% 0.00/0.07 36% 45%* 37% 40% 0.01/0.08
Harm extent
2.63 2.84** 0.01/0.15 2.67 2.93** 2 .61 3.07*** 0.03/0.16
Secondary outcomes
-0 .11
0.03** 0.01/0.18
0.43*** 0.07/0.24
Perceived scientific
26% 43%*** 0.03/0.10 31% 43%** 27% 58%*** 0.05/0.11
Note that * p < 0.05, ** p < 0.01, *** p < 0.001. All analysis is controlled for gender, age, race, education, political party, and
represents additional variance explained by the independent variables after control variables are already entered into
the regression model.
Numbers are predicted values of the outcome variable. The R
values are adjusted R
values from multiple linear regression.
Numbers are predicted probability of answering yes to the outcome question. The R
values are Nagelkerke R
values from logistic
more stories were more certain about global warming
(2.83 for four stories vs 1.14 for zero stories, p < 0.01),
and saw greater harm from it (3.07 for four stories vs
2.61 for zero stories, p < 0.001), but they did not differ
on their perceptions about human cause.
Full support of the hypotheses was obtained
with the secondary outcomes. WLTX viewers were
more concerned about global warming (0.03 vs
0.11, p < 0.01) and more likely to perceive scientific
agreement (43% vs 26%, p < 0.001) than non-WLTX
viewers. Those aware of Climate Matters were more
concerned (0.21 vs –0.10, p < 0.001) and more likely
to think scientists were in agreement (43% vs 31%,
p < 0.01) than those who were not. Similarly, those
who recognized more stories from Climate Matters
were more concerned (0.43 for four stories vs –0.18
for zero stories, p < 0.001) and more likely to report
scientific agreement (58% for four stories vs 27% for
zero stories, p < 0.001) than those who recognized
fewer stories.
DISCUSSION. Overall assessment. Our evaluation
of Climate Matters showed supportive evidence of
educational effectiveness, although the results did
not fully support our two hypotheses. For this reason,
the findings of this study should be read with care,
and the impact of the tested intervention strategy
should not be overstated. But still, the general results
of this study were consistent with our expectations.
Compared to non-WLTX viewers, WLTX viewers—
both loyal followers and recent converts—tended
to hold beliefs that were more consistent with the
climate science. Furthermore, regardless of their
station preference, viewers who reported exposure
to and recall of Climate Matters were also more
likely to report science-based beliefs and concern over
global warming. This pattern of findings—which are
consistent with experiential learning theory—was
observed in both the panel data and the independent
cross-sectional data. The panel analysis controlled
for baseline values of the outcome measures, which
strengthens the case that the intervention produced
the changes in the outcome measures that were
documented. The cross-sectional analysis does not
allow for causal interpretation. But to the extent that
it showed the same pattern of associations as the panel
analysis, we consider its findings further evidence
that the intervention had produced the intended,
favorable impact on its target audience.
In total, this evidence suggests that Climate
Matters was a successful informal climate change
education effort. Through Climate Matters, we sought
to explain a problem that is normally considered
remote, complex, and confusing in a form (in terms
of both content and medium) that is proximate, con-
crete, and trustworthy. By connecting local weather
patterns, particularly extreme local weather events, to
global climate change through local TV weathercasts,
our intervention appears to have helped viewers in
Columbia, SC, better understand the causes, pro-
cesses, and impacts of climate change.
Limitations of evaluation study and evidence. Before
reflecting on the Climate Matters experience any
further, it is important to note some of the limitations
of the evaluation. Most important, perhaps, is the
fact that TV viewership in Columbia, SC, turned out
to be much more fluid than we expected. More than
half of the non-WLTX viewers identified at baseline
reported watching WLTX at least once a week in
the follow-up survey. This indicates considerable
cross-contamination between the intervention and
comparison groups in our study design. Although
we took this into account in our data analysis, the
ability of our tests to detect differences between the
intervention and comparison groups was still lower
than planned because of the contamination and loss
of sample size in the comparison group. Whether
such fluidity in viewership is unique to Columbia,
SC, or reflective of a broad market phenomenon is not
clear. Audience tracking data from a variety of differ-
ent markets, if available, might help to ascertain the
generality of the problem. Second, and related to the
point above, because this study was the first to test our
informal science education approach in a local media
market, the extent to which the findings of this study
might also apply to other markets in the United States
is not clear. Third, our surveys had fairly low response
rates, which carried increased risk of sample biases.
Higher response rates would enhance confidence in
the accuracy of our findings.
Moreover, our findings did not fully support
our hypotheses. First, not every outcome variable
showed a statistically significant effect—particularly
in the panel analysis. Second, the amount of variance
explained by the independent variables was generally
small. It is possible that other important and more
sensitive outcome variables might have been left out
in our evaluation. For these reasons, it is inadvisable
to overstate the impact of the intervention. But at the
same time, it should be noted that almost all of the
relationships observed in our analyses, significant
or not, were in a direction that indicated positive
learning effects. Furthermore, to remove the influ-
ence of many potential confounders, we controlled for
a large number of variables in the data analysis that
January 2014
limited the amount of variance available for the in-
tervention variables to explain.
This was particularly
the case in the panel analysis, where we controlled for
the baseline levels of the outcome measures; those
measures alone would account for the majority of the
variance in the outcomes at follow-up. Given this level
of control, it is indeed impressive that the intervention
variables were able to consistently explain additional
variance in the outcome variables.
Recognition of the limits of the evaluation and
the strengths of the evidence obtained helps put the
appraisal of Climate Matters in a proper perspective.
Despite the issues discussed above, the evidence
overall is clear and strong enough to warrant the
conclusion that Climate Matters was a successful
intervention. In what follows, we discuss lessons
learned in this intervention, both in terms of what
was done well and what could have been improved.
Our hope is that future efforts using this approach to
climate education can be strengthened by learning
from the current case.
Lessons learned. By using a local meteorologist as
its message source and local weather reports as the
conduit for message delivery, Climate Matters was
able to reach its target audience with both efficiency
and effectiveness. This laid the important foundation
for the intervention to achieve its goals of enhancing
knowledge and changing attitudes and beliefs related
to climate change. Noted, however, that digital news
consumption has been increasing, particularly
among young people (Pew Research Center 2013a),
Climate Matters tried to reach digital news consum-
ers through web posting of videos, blogs, Facebook,
and Twitter. But these efforts were of a supplemental
nature and the extent of their independent impact
was uncertain.
One major obstacle to weathercasters reporting
on the climate science is the lack of time for field
producing (Maibach et al. 2010). Field producing is a
full time job and the weathercaster’s days are already
filled with myriad duties in addition to broadcasts
including web positing, blogging, tweeting, and
community visits. Moreover, there are few rewards
for the extra time required to become a competent
science reporter or climate educator. The team-based
approach we used to research and produce stories for
Climate Matters can take the burden off the shoulders
of local TV meteorologists. This type of support can
make it more feasible for weathercasters to embrace
the role of climate educator, should they wish to.
Time on air is a second major obstacle to reporting
on climate change. We encountered this obstacle
directly and in a variety of ways in Climate Matters
(including the fact that morning broadcasts—in
which weathercasts are more compressed—proved
not to fit the approach we developed). The develop-
ment of shorter length materials—that can be pro-
ductively used in 1020 seconds—may result in more
time on air for climate education throughout the day.
Climate Matters also had other challenges during
implementation. The station switched to a new
weather graphics system immediately prior to the
launch of Climate Matters and to high definition TV
at the end of 2010, both of which caused temporary
interruptions in the ability to produce and air Climate
Matters segments. Breaking news events—including
some weather-related news events—precluded airing
several segments on their originally scheduled dates.
And renovations to the stations website took the
meteorologists blog offline for nine weeks, although
the Climate Matters page remained up and active.
In short, broadcast news is a dynamic and changing
environment where even the best laid plans will
be challenged. Indeed, most of the challenges we
experienced in Climate Matters were unanticipated.
Hopefully, the experience of climate education “early
adopters” can be leveraged to help anticipate and
identify solutions to these challenges.
Finally, the evaluation of Climate Matters exem-
plified the many difficulties one might encounter in
conducting such a large-scale field study. Although
considerable care was exercised in designing the study
and data collection, the quality of our data was still
compromised by an unexpected shift in viewership
and low survey response rates. As a result, our find-
ings should be considered strongly suggestive but not
definitive; additional research in other markets and
populations is warranted. Future evaluation research
should be aware of the limitations of this study and
find creative ways to overcome them.
One method to strengthen the current design is
to conduct the experiment across several comparable
media markets, with the meteorologist-led education
campaign launched in some markets but not others.
The two groups of markets will be compared both at
baseline and again at a follow-up point. Increased un-
derstanding and concern about climate change over
It should be noted that the control variables included in our analysis are mostly demographic variables. Obviously, what
viewers learned from Climate Matters was not the only knowledge they possessed. How viewers’ existing knowledge and
attitudes might influence their reception of climate change education messages is an interesting topic for future research.
time in the treatment markets relative to the control
markets will provide strong evidence for the effective-
ness of the educational intervention. This design will
also effectively get around the problem of viewership
shift within individual markets that was the cause
of some ambiguity in the current data. In addition
to replicate this study with more rigorous designs,
researchers should also complement large-scale quan-
titative testing with small-scale highly contextualized
qualitative research. By conducting ethnographic
observations, in-depth interviews, focus groups, and
so forth, a more nuanced understanding of how the
current educational approach might work among the
local TV audience can be obtained, which will, in
turn, inform further implementation of this educa-
tion method in other and broader contexts.
CONCLUSIONS. Using an experiential learning
approach, Climate Matters was an innovative educa-
tional initiative that tried to leverage both the proxim-
ity of local weather events and the credibility of local
TV meteorologists to educate the public about the
relationships among weather, climate, and climate
change. Our evaluation found some evidence for the
effectiveness of this new climate education model.
Further research and development of this educational
method appears to be warranted.
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