Institute of the North • U.S. Arctic Research Commission • International Arctic Science Committee
Arctic Marine
Transport Workshop
28-30 September 2004
The front cover shows the summer minimum extent of Arctic sea ice on 16 September 2002. This date represents the minimum coverage of Arctic sea ice in the historical
or human observed record. The false colors represent sea ice concentrations as determined by satellite passive microwave sensors. Noted on this date are an ice-free
area across the Russian Arctic coastal seas, an historic retreat of the ice edge in the Beaufort Sea, and an ice edge position north of Svalbard.
This map is a general portrayal of the major Arctic marine routes shown from the perspective of Bering Strait looking northward. The official Northern Sea Route
encompasses all routes across the Russian Arctic coastal seas from Kara Gate (at the southern tip of Novaya Zemlya) to Bering Strait. The Northwest Passage is the name
given to the marine routes between the Atlantic and Pacific oceans along the northern coast of North America that span the straits and sounds of the Canadian Arctic
Archipelago. Three historic polar voyages in the Central Arctic Ocean are indicated: the first surface shop voyage to the North Pole by the Soviet nuclear icebreaker
in August 1977; the tourist voyage of the Soviet nuclear icebreaker
Sovetsky Soyuz
across the Arctic Ocean in August 1991; and, the historic scientific (Arctic)
transect by the polar icebreakers
Polar Sea
(U.S.) and
Louis S. St-Laurent
(Canada) during July and August 1994. Shown is the ice edge for 16 September 2004 (near the
minimum extent of Arctic sea ice for 2004) as determined by satellite passive microwave sensors. Noted are ice-free coastal seas along the entire Russian Arctic and a
large, ice-free area that extends 300 nautical miles north of the Alaskan coast. The ice edge is also shown to have retreated to a position north of Svalbard.
Arctic Ocean Marine Routes
Arctic Marine
Transport Workshop
Dr. Lawson Brigham, United States Arctic Research Commission
Ben Ellis, Institute of the North
Funding Organizations
Circumploar Infrastructure Task Force, Secretariat at the Institute of the North
United States Arctic Research Commission
International Arctic Science Committee
Held at Scott Polar Research Institute
Cambridge University
United Kingdom
28-30 September 2004
Printed in Anchorage, Alaska by Northern Printing. Design by TerraGraphica.
28-30 September 2004
Table of Contents
Overview of the Arctic Marine Transport Workshop . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2
Preliminary Survey of Workshop Participants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10
Session Issues and Research Agendas
1. Historical Perspectives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12
2. Arctic Climate and Sea Ice Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13
3. Development and Shipping Economics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14
4. Technological Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15
5. International Cooperation and Marine Environmental Safety . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16
Final Issues (Session 6) Participant Roundtable Discussions and Key Summary Issues . . . . .17
A. Workshop Agenda . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .A-2
B. Workshop Participants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .A-3
C. Abstracts of Presentations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .A-4
D. Shipping Data for the Northern Sea Route . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .A-17
E. Canadian Arctic Marine Traffic (June–November 2004) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .A-19
F. Transits of the Northwest Passage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .A-20
G. Icebreakers that have reached the North Pole . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .A-26
H. Arctic Climate Impact Assessment (ACIA) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .A-27
I. Arctic Council’s Marine Strategic Plan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .A-28
J. A Vision for the Arctic: Governor Walter J. Hickel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .A-29
Overview of the
Arctic Marine Transport Workshop
mid growing interest and concern over the rapid
climate changes occurring in the Arctic, experts
in Arctic marine transport, international marine
safety, as well as researchers of sea ice and climate
change met at the Scott Polar Research Institute at
Cambridge University to create a research agenda and
identify critical issues related to the future of Arctic
Co-sponsored by the Arctic Council’s Circumpolar
Infrastructure Task Force, the U.S. Arctic Research
Commission and the International Arctic Science
Committee, the three-day workshop was comprised of
six half-day sessions, each followed by a panel and
participant discussion. The research agenda and critical
issues in this workshop report were developed during
the discussions and were made available to the partic-
ipants for their review.
The international gathering included 54 experts from
11 countries (United States, Canada, Russia, Sweden,
Iceland, Denmark, Norway, the United Kingdom,
Finland, Germany and Japan) representing marine
research institutions, transportation ministries, nation-
al ice centers, naval architects and shipbuilders, ship
classification experts, international marine transport
economists and social scientists.
The workshop, dedicated to the life-long work in the
Arctic by Scott Polar Research Institute’s Terence
Armstrong, was the first critical step in addressing the
multi-faceted issues of future Arctic marine transport,
according to co-chairs Lawson Brigham, deputy director
of the U.S. Arctic Research Commission and Ben Ellis,
managing director of the Institute of the North. "We are
hopeful this workshop is only a beginning of a series of
meetings and conferences on this strategic Arctic
marine issue," they told workshop participants.
In recent years, the extraordinary retreat of Arctic sea
ice has focused renewed attention of the Arctic Ocean
as a potential waterway for marine operations – both
coastal or regional traffic, and the possibility of trans-
Arctic navigation.
Also leading organizers to convene the world’s
experts on Arctic marine transport are several initiatives
underway by the eight-member nations of the Arctic
Council. The Council’s Arctic Climate Impact Assessment,
drawing on the expertise of nearly 300 scientists, will
place an international spotlight on the increasing
possibilities for marine access throughout the Arctic
Ocean. Other Council initiatives underway with Arctic
marine components include an Arctic Marine Strategic
Plan - which calls for an Arctic Shipping Assessment
and an Arctic Oil and Gas Assessment - which will
include elements of Arctic marine transport and port
"The Arctic is now experiencing and is likely to experience some of the most rapid and severe climate change on
Earth. Over the next 100 years, climate change is expected to contribute to major physical, ecological, social and
economic changes, many of which have already begun."
- Arctic Climate Impact Assessment, November 2004
Arctic Marine Transport Workshop
Captain Vladimir Mikhailichenko, executive director for the Moscow-based
Noncommercial Partnership of the Coordination of the Northern Sea Route
Usages, shares information on Northern Sea Rout traffic.
Institute of the North staff
Northern Sea Route
While the workshop considered the entire Arctic
Ocean, a significant portion of the conclave focused on
Russia’s Northern Sea Route.
"In general, Arctic shipping began to develop in
Russia at the beginning of the 19th century," Nikolay
Babich, head of marine operations at Murmansk
Shipping Company, told the gathering. "Beginning in
1920, there was commercial transit in the northern
route, at only 500 horsepower."
First under Soviet rule and now the Russian
Federation, strong emphasis continues to be placed on
exploring and developing shipping through the Arctic
Ocean. Therefore, it is not surprising that Russia had
one of the largest delegations (along with the U.S. and
Canada) at the workshop.
"Because of the Northern Sea Route, the Arctic is the
leading economic region of Russia," noted Professor
Alexander Granberg, head of the Council for Location of
Productive Forces and Economic Cooperation and eco-
nomic confidant to Russia’s President Vladimir Putin.
"The Arctic will develop more quickly than all of the rest
of Russia."
Another indication of Russia’s interest in expanding
the activities in the Arctic Ocean is the creation of a
new federal law dealing with the Northern Sea Route,
according to Vladimir Mikhailichenko, former head of
the Northern Sea Route Administration and currently
the executive director of the Noncommercial
Partnership of the Coordination of the Northern Sea
Route Usages. The Partnership was created to improve
the management structure along with increasing the
effectiveness of the Northern Sea Route. "One concern
(we) have is limiting marine risk," he noted.
Scientific information was presented on sea ice
trends in the Russian Arctic by Sergey Pryamikov, head
of the International Science Cooperation Department at
the Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute, including
ice data on the Greenland Sea, Barents Sea, Kara Sea,
Laptev Sea, East-Siberian Sea, Chukchi Sea and Arctic
Victor Medvedev, general director of the State
Unitary Hydrographic Department, explained how the
Russian government provides navigational and hydro-
graphic support to shipping through the Northern Sea
Route and is trying to cope with the loss of 300
navigational aids and more than 300 lighthouses. There
is a need for key navigational charts for transit, he
noted, as well as better communications between ship
and shore concerning safe sailing conditions.
Using the Northern Sea Route as an export route to
move oil and gas out of the Russian Arctic is a possi-
bility but several issues must be addressed to attract
potential investors, noted Kimmo Juurmaa, manager,
Arctic Technology at Aker Finnyards, Finland’s leading
Arctic ship building company.
"To minimize these concerns," he said, "clarification
is needed in technology, legal and administrative
issues, and in environmental protection."
Hopefully, he noted, the European Community’s
Arctic Operational Platform project (ARCOP) will be
able to address these issues. The three-year project
focus is on oil and gas marine transit between Varandy,
Russia and Rotterdam, the Netherlands.
28-30 September 2004
Russian nuclear ice breaker
of Murmansk Shipping Company near the North Pole on 23 August 1994.
Lawson Brigham
Arctic Marine Transport Workshop
"The aims," said Juurmaa, ARCOP project coodinator,
"is to understand the marine transportation problems
of the Russian Arctic, as they apply to oil and gas
and then create a permanent discussion forum between
the European Union and Russia, as well as between
industry and politicians so we can provide some
common recommendations."
Arctic Marine Strategic Plan
Soffia Gudmondsottir, executive secretary of the
Arctic Council’s Protection of the Arctic Marine
Environment working group, provided an overview of the
council’s Arctic Marine Strategic Plan.
"One of the aims of this plan," she said, "is to build
on the internationally recognized need to manage
human activities within the context of entire ecosystems,
applying them to achieve the sustainable development of
the Arctic marine enviroment."
Further discussion on the Northern Sea Route
should also be based in the groundwork developed in
the six-year International Northern Sea Route Program,
experts noted.
"The purpose of the INSROP was to build up a
scientifically based foundation of specialized and inte-
grated knowledge encompassing all relevant aspects
related to navigating the NSR, as to enable public
authorities and private interests to make rational
decisions based on scientific insights," explained Willy
Østreng, scientific director and chairman of the Centre
for Advanced Study/Ocean Future at the Norway
Research Foundation. Østreng headed the secretariat
and the joint research committee of INSROP from
"Integrative concepts were developed, such as
aggregated hot spots, issues-specific hot spots, cool
spots, social-biodiversity, multi-value navigation, etc,"
Østreng noted in his abstract. "These concepts seem
suitable to meet the ambition of the Arctic Marine
Strategic Plan to base itself on an ecosystem-based
management approach."
In developing the Northern Sea Route, there is a
need to use more traditional knowledge of Native people
of the Arctic, as well as the knowledge of non-Natives
who are long-time residents of the Arctic region,
emphasized Vladimir Etylin of the Russian Association
of Indigenous People of the North.
Despite much of the discussion on the Northern Sea
Route, workshop co-chair Brigham urged the body of
experts to think about marine transport throughout the
entire Arctic Ocean.
"During 1977 to 2004," he noted, "52 successful
voyages have been made to the North Pole by the
icebreakers of Russia (42), Sweden (4), Germany (2),
United States (2), Canada (1), and Norway (1); remark-
ably eight surface ships reached the North Pole during
the summer of 2004. Thirteen of the voyages were in
support of scientific research and the remaining 39
were devoted to tourist voyages to the North Pole and
across the Arctic Ocean."
Brigham pointed out that marine access in summer
throughout the Arctic Ocean has been achieved by
highly capable icebreakers, "however, little is known
about the challenges of voyaging in other seasons
except for the Sibir’s expedition in May and June
Dick Voelker, chief of the division of advanced
technology at the U.S. Department of Transportation’s
Maritime Administration, provided workshop partici-
pants an overview of the agency’s Arctic Marine
Transportation Program, which spanned 1979 to 1986.
Fifteen voyages operating in ice-covered waters at both
poles collected data to define ice conditions along the
routes, measure ice loads on the ship and document
ship performance during the transits.
The program found "year-round operation in the
Bering Sea is not a problem, whereas in the Chukchi
Sea ships must be designed for multi-year ice," Voelker
told the gathering. "In the Beaufort Sea, there could be
limited operations due to heavy multi-year ice, but
if polar class ships were to operate, it would need a
refuelling station."
Brigham noted, however, "the observed and projected
retreat of multi-year ice from the Arctic coastal regions
may very well change this situation."
28-30 September 2004
Canadian Arctic
While not as rapidly as in the Russian Arctic,
Canadian experts are witnessing a change as well.
"The amount of sea ice in the Canadian Arctic has
been declining in recent decades in concert with the
reductions observed in the Northern Hemisphere in
general," said John Falkingham, chief of forecast oper-
ations at the Canadian Ice Service.
"There is mounting evidence that this reduction will
continue, although there is great uncertainty over the
rate at which ice will continue to diminish," he told the
workshop. "Considering the predictions of global
climate models, as well as, the observed rate of ice
reduction, our estimate is that the Canadian Arctic will
experience nearly ice free summer seasons starting as
early as 2050, but probably not before 2100."
Falkingham noted that multi-year ice, particularly in
low concentrations, will present the major hazard to
"Since the oldest and thickest ice in the Arctic Ocean
is that which is driven against the western flank of the
Canadian Archipelago," he said, "this will likely be the
last multi-year ice to remain."
Marine operations in the Canadian Arctic will be
regional in focus, said Bob Gorman, manager of envi-
ronmental services, Enfotec, a Canadian-based marine
service company.
"It should be noted," Gorman told the gathering, "that
the marine industry is focused on the Arctic as a
destination and not a short-cut between the Atlantic
and the Pacific either now or within the next 10 to 20
Gorman said oil and gas activity is restricted to the
on-shore Mackenzie Delta at the moment with plans by
the Aboriginal Pipeline Group to build a gas pipeline to
the delta during the next 10 years. "Once the pipeline
is in place offshore oil and gas activity in the Canadian
Beaufort Sea will likely pick-up once again," he projected.
"The marine industry, like most industries, is very
myopic when it comes to long-term planning," Gorman
noted. "We are able to take a vessel from concept
design to sailing in three years. The concept that
Arctic ice conditions may be more favorable for marine
operations in 20 or 30 years has no commercial
significance today."
Canada’s Victor Santos-Pedro, director for marine
safety for Transport Canada, emphasized the need for
comprehensive safety and environmental protection
measures based on the precautionary approach and
best practices, harmonized international guidelines that
apply to ships operating in Arctic ice-covered waters
and an integrated approach that supplements basic
requirements for the ship design, construction, crew
qualifications, equipment and operations of the seven
new Polar Classes of the International Maritime
Organization’s (IMO) ‘Arctic Shipping Guidelines.’
"The harmonization of standards is the fundamental
pillar," he said. "An integrated approach based on best
practices and precaution can produce comprehensive
Canadian ice breaking carrier M/V
(owned by Fednav Limited) in the Northwest Passage.
Canadian Coast Guard
Arctic Marine Transport Workshop
safety and environmental protection measures that also
address economy of effort and cost, and efficiency."
Richard Hayward, a structural engineer with
Germanischer Lloyd based in Hamburg, German, pro-
vided the workshop with an overview of the new
International Association of Classification Societies’
Unified requirements for Polar Ships, as well as what
he envisaged concerning future developments.
"The most important issues," he said, "are the defini-
tions of loads based on additional ship-ice interaction
scenarios especially that of a ship caught under pres-
sure; enhanced integration of limit state design con-
cepts and more explicit definitions of risk levels. The
question of whether ship propulsion power is a matter
of safety and/or performance needs also to be
addressed," he noted in his abstract.
Keld Hansen, head of the ice charting group at the
Greenland Ice Service/Danish Meteorological Institute
told the gathering that currently there is less ice than
normal around Greenland with a retreat of multi-year
ice in the northeast section, while the western waters
are experiencing shorter winter ice season and the
south is seeing larger year-to-year variations with slightly
lighter than normal ice.
"It is very hard to predict," he said, "because of the
amount of variations."
On an anecdotal note, Hansen pointed out that in
February 2004 a Danish ice strengthened cargo vessel
was able to sail to the harbors in Disko Bay, which is
normally impossible without icebreaker assistance.
Icelandic Interest
While Iceland is not in ice-covered waters, Thor
Jakobsson, project manager meteorology and sea ice at
the Icelandic Meteorological Office pointed out to the
group his country’s interest is in creating a staging port
to link cargo being shipped on non ice-strengthened
ships to ice-strengthened ships.
"Decreasing ice cover in the Arctic Ocean during the
last decades should support the idea of Iceland becoming
an important entrepôt for the Northern Sea Route,"
he noted.
Ragnar Baldursson, counselor in Iceland’s
Department of Natural Resources and Environment
Affairs, pointed out that the Suez and Panama canals
"have insufficient capacity for future needs. Trade vol-
ume between the North Atlantic and East Asia - east of
Hong Kong - amounts to around six million TEU
(20-foot equivalent container unit) annually.
"World trade has increased at the rate of 6% annually
since 1950, doubling every 12 years," he told the
gathering. "If this trend continues the trade volume
between the North Atlantic and the Pacific could
amount to almost 50 million TEU by 2050."
Looking at a different aspect of Arctic marine shipping,
Rob Huebert, associate professor, University of Calgary,
warned the group of social aspects of an ice-reduced
"The first and perhaps most complicated issues
revolves around the issues of sovereignty," he said.
"Canada and Russia have both claimed the Arctic water-
ways passing through their Arctic region as internal
waters. While both states are committed to promoting
international shipping through these waters, they do not
accept the Northwest Passage or the Northern Sea
Route as international straits. The United States and
the European Union on the other hand have taken the
position that these are international waters."
Numerous problems must be addressed, he said.
"The first is over control. If these waters are internal,
then the coastal state retains control over shipping in
these waters. On the other hand, if they are not, then
the rules and standards governing international shipping
are to be determined by the competent international
"The second main problem is the political sensitivity
that surrounds theses disputes. A challenge to the position
of any of these states carries ramifications that go
beyond the Arctic. This greatly increases the challenges
in resolving the differences that will arise as shipping
increases," he noted.
Security issues are another set of concerns facing an
expanded international Arctic shipping regime.
"Any increase in shipping in the region will require an
increase in the monitoring and enforcement of domestic
and international laws governing smuggling, environ-
mental standards and ship safety," Huebert said. "Given
the isolated nature of the Arctic waters such require-
ments are challenging. Further complicating these issues
is the new need to protect against international terrorism.
An increase in shipping will mean that terrorists could
use this traffic as a means of entry to either North
America or Russia."
"In 2002, September (sea) ice extent was 15 percent below average conditions. This represents an area roughly
twice the size of Texas. From comparisons with records prior to the satellite era, this was probably the least
amount of sea ice that had covered the Arctic over the past 50 years."
- National Snow and Ice Data Center, October 4, 2004
28-30 September 2004
Other significant issues
Another issue to consider is how Arctic marine shipping
may fit into a future of changing geographical bound-
aries, as well as a changing climate, with resulting sea
ice retreat.
"The juridical map of the Arctic Ocean will likely
change substantially over the next decade or so," pointed
out Ron Macnab, retired Canadian marine geophysicist,
"as the five surrounding coastal states (Canada,
Denmark, Norway, Russia, and the United States) seek
to extend significant sovereign rights beyond their usual
200 nautical mile limits.
"Under the provisions of Article 76 of the United
Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS),
these extensions of sovereignty will be exercised in
several ways: jurisdiction over the living and non-living
resources of the seabed and subsoil; control over the
emplacement and use of submarine cables and
pipelines, artificial islands, installations, and struc-
tures; regulation of drilling; control and prevention of
marine pollution; and regulation of marine scientific
research," he told the gathering.
The gathering also considered existing and potential
international cooperation, which can support develop-
ment and expansion of the Arctic marine transport in
local and global commerce.
"How feasible is the Northern Sea Route?" was the
question posed by Mead Treadwell, Senior Fellow at the
Institute of the North and commissioner on the U.S.
Arctic Research Commission. Treadwell explored two
scenarios for traffic growth: incremental investment
approach and the large scale, major investment
Under the former, traffic would grow slowly from its
current base relying primarily on imports and exports
from the region with little major impact on world
commerce, Treadwell suggested. Under the major
investment approach, those promoting the use of the
Northern Sea Route would pursue a major share of the
world shipping market.
"To compete against the Suez and Panama Canal
routes, as well as the Trans-Siberian and North
American rail land bridges," Treadwell contended
"distance saving via the NSR must deliver reliable
savings in time."
He suggested one estimate of three million tons per
year could reduce unit costs to the point the route
would be competitive against other shipping routes.
"Such a scenario would entail large-scale invest-
ments in escort vessels, aids to navigation, ports with
an eye to minimize costs of exchanging cargo with
regular vessels and larger cargo goals," Treadwell told
the conference. The group acknowledged that significant
economic research is required to underpin the future
use of Arctic routes.
Map showing the coastal Arctic states, their joint Exclusive Economic Zones
(EEZs), and the natural prolongations of their land territories.
A hypothetical map of the Arctic Ocean showing the combined continental shelves
of the five Arctic coastal states after resolution of the extensions of their EEZs
under Article 76 of the UN Convention of the Law of the Sea. Only two small ‘donut
holes’ remain that would be considered international waters. This plausible future
has key implications for Arctic shipping. (EEZs), and the natural prolongations of
their land territories.
“From Alaska to the snowy peaks of the Andes, the
world is heating up right now, and fast. Globally, the
temperature is up 1 degree F (.5 degree C) over the
past century, but some of the coldest, most remote
spots have warmed much more. The results aren’t
pretty. Ice is melting, rivers are running dry and
coasts are eroding, threatening communities."
- National Geographic Magazine, September 2004
Ron MacnabRon Macnab
Arctic Marine Transport Workshop
Japan’s Norio Yamamoto, executive vice president of
the Global Infrastructure Fund Research Foundation,
noted his organization believes the development in
Russia of oil and gas fields may make the Northern Sea
Route feasible. But he added, "we will have to study
more the international framework, new business mod-
els, technological challenges, incentives to ship owners
and the potential of the market for further Arctic marine
transportation development."
Held at the historic Scott Polar Research Institute at
Cambridge University, the three-day workshop produced
a plethora of information. While each area of discussion
produced suggested topics for scientific research and
questions on policy issues incorporated in this report,
six crosscutting conclusions seemed to emerge as the
editors synthesized this report.
Summary Conclusions
The workshop participants produced a list of significant
issues and an inter-disciplinary research agenda for
Arctic marine transport. The agenda specifically calls
for a wide range of important economic analyses includ-
ing trade cost-benefit analyses for regional (destination)
as well as trans-Arctic shipping. Risk assessments and
environmental impact assessments are critical compo-
nents of any future research agenda. Also considered as
key research topics are studies related to UN Law of the
Sea Treaty impacts on Arctic navigation, the impacts on
indigenous Arctic communities, core issues of conflict
(boundaries, governance, international security, etc.),
and Arctic climate change impacts on future marine
access. Comprehensive studies related to marine safety
and Arctic marine environmental protections are essen-
tial and the workshop results confirm these topics as
core research requirements.
Presentations at the workshop confirmed that the Arctic
sea ice cover is undergoing an unprecedented transfor-
mation - sea ice thinning, a reduction in extent, and a
reduction in the area of multi-year ice in the Central
Arctic Ocean. These changes are documented in the
Arctic Climate Impact Assessment, which also provides
sea ice projections for the 21st century. These simula-
tions show increasing ice-free areas in the Arctic
coastal seas and suggest plausible increases in marine
access throughout the Arctic Ocean. However, the par-
ticipants also noted the observed records indicate the
extreme, inter-annual variability of sea ice in select
Arctic regions such as the Canadian Archipelago. The
magnitude of variability creates difficult challenges for
Arctic marine transport planning and adequate risk
assessment. Representatives of six national ice centers
were present (Canada, Denmark, Finland, Iceland,
Russia and USA) and received key feedback regarding
the future needs of national authorities as well as
industry for enhanced sea ice information.
Workshop participants underscored the need for better
communications and information in all sectors of Arctic
marine transport. There is a great need to update Arctic
marine charts and aids to navigation, as well as enhancing
airborne ice information with satellite coverage.
Research is needed to look at the unique needs of
satellite communications in the Arctic followed by an
action plan. A comprehensive study is needed of potential
communications technologies for ships sailing in the
Arctic. Once information is gathered, rapid transmission
of data and environmental information needs to be
communicated to Arctic ships.
Workshop participants underlined two key factors needed
to expand and develop the use of the Arctic Ocean as a
shipping corridor: route reliability and security. Whether
it is the transportation of oil and gas cargo to regions
south of 60 degrees or tourists bound for the North
Pole, shipping schedules must be reliable. While year-
round schedules are preferred, shippers will only use
seasonal sailings if they can be assured their
product will arrive on time. An increase in Arctic ship-
ping will also require an increase in the monitoring and
enforcement of national and international laws govern-
ing ship security. If the projection of continued thinning
sea ice is realized in the central Arctic Ocean, an
increase in the number and variety of vessels deployed
in the region will increase, compounding the issue of
Workshop participants were divided over the economic
drivers that could fuel expanded use of Arctic marine
transport. If expansion is on an incremental level,
regional traffic is expected to grow slowly with little to
no impact on global commerce. Regional oil and gas
development fits this scenario. A decision by world
shippers that the Arctic Ocean provides an alternate to
the Suez and Panama canals, would require large scale
global investments of escort vessels, aids to navigation
and staging ports to transfer cargo between ice-
strengthened and non ice strengthened ships. It was
noted that the Canadian commercial marine transport
industry is not focused on the Arctic as an alternative
to the Panama Canal either now or within the next 10
to 20 years.
28-30 September 2004
Discussion during the Cambridge Workshop and a post-
workshop survey indicate that a majority of the experts
believe the initial Arctic region to have an expanded
Arctic marine system will be western Siberia (it is
recognized there has been year-round transport to
Dudinka on the Northern Sea Route since the late
1970s). The westward marine transport of oil and gas
from the Kara and the Barents Seas is viewed as a
plausible future, with a potential to be fully functional
by 2015. The current retreat of Arctic sea ice presents
a succession of plausible futures for the Northern Sea
Route, Northwest Passage, and Central Arctic Ocean. It
is probable that during the next several decades the
coastal seas for the Russian Arctic will experience
longer ice-free seasons; greater access and longer
navigation seasons may also be experienced in Hudson
Bay (to Churchill) and to the Red Dog Mine off Alaska’s
northwest coast. A wildcard will be the diminishing
amount of multi-year ice in the Central Arctic Ocean;
one ACIA climate model projects an ice-free Arctic
Ocean in summer by mid-century, an extraordinary
future with implications for ice navigation and Arctic
ship construction standards. The potential development
and role of trans-shipment ports in the European Arctic,
Iceland, and Alaska is another option in need of
comprehensive analyses and scenario-building.
Arctic Marine Transport Workshop
Preliminary Survey
of Workshop Participants
rior to convening the Arctic Marine Transport
Workshop in Cambridge, England, participants
were asked to provide the organizers with key
issues they believed significant to the future of Arctic
Marine Transport. Half of the group responded to the
survey and a list of 47 key issues were assembled and
divided into five broad themes: Emerging Routes
(Timetable and Factors); Infrastructure Needs;
International Relations; Environmental Concerns; and
Arctic Shipping Rules. No attribution for the individual
issues was identified and no order of importance was
determined. The resulting compilation represents a
valuable pre-workshop understanding of the major
issues facing Arctic Marine Transport from a small
‘group of experts.’ Most of these issues were discussed
during the workshop and many reappear in the result-
ing issues and research agendas that were developed
during sessions 1 through 5.
Regional (annual seasonal) Arctic Marine Transport or trans-Arctic shipping ~ Which will dominate?
Which will be commercially viable first: Northwest Passage or Northern Sea Route?
Role of oil & gas industry in Arctic Marine Transport (timing and competition from pipelines)
•Impediments to Arctic Marine Transport: technology, economics and international politics?
Levels of risk for potential operators
Need for alternative & secure routes between Europe/North America and East Asia
Independent icebreaking carriers vs. icebreaker assisted convoys
Relationship of ‘land bridges’ to the Arctic routes
Demonstration voyages – what was learned regarding economic competitiveness
•Timing for coastal shipping lanes when ice free
•Tight shipping schedules for passenger & cargo ships: Arctic system development to minimize delays and
ensure safety
Theme: A Emerging Routes ~ Timetable and Factors
•Trans-shipment/staging ports for Alaska, Iceland, and/or Norway?
Better ice navigation training: international (IMO) vs. national certification
Incentives for ship owners/charters to make better use of ice information
Compilation of database of Arctic environmental conditions
Continuity/delivery of high resolution satellite data for operations
Increasing importance (+ costs) for ice centers
International databank of Arctic shipping accidents (for risk/insurance)
•Aviation services (ice reconnaissance/search and rescue/emergency) – financing, role
Maintenance of knowledge base of experts who understand Arctic & Antarctic issues and can relate them
to maritime world
Emergency preparedness in the Arctic Ocean
State of the art of ice navigation – more research required for improvement in tactics of ice navigation
Theme: B Infrastructure Needs
28-30 September 2004
Need for international regime governing security of Arctic shipping (monitoring/enforcement of laws for
smuggling, environmental standards, ship safety)
Increased conflict ahead – competing Arctic marine uses with greater access
Resolution of existing Arctic disputes – international mechanisms required
International polar marine safety campaign – owner awareness
International agreement on legal status of the Northwest Passage and the Northern Sea Route
Determination of the legality of ‘sea ice’
Which non-Arctic nations with maritime fleets are interested in Arctic Marine Transport: Japan, Germany,
China, Korea, others?
Mobilize Arctic parlimentarians for continuous, long-term involvement in Arctic affairs
Scope & enforcement of national jurisdiction over international shipping in the Arctic
Theme: C International Relations
How much old ice (multiyear ice) remains as the retreat continues
Is the sea ice retreat real, imagined, or shorter-term phenomena?
The inter-annual variability of ice coverage in some regions like the Northwest Passage is high (What level is
acceptable to industry?)
Responding to and combating oil spills
Impact on marine life, particularly marine mammals (sound routes)
What are the impacts to indigenous and coastal Arctic communities?
Circumpolar Arctic sea ice database for the past century required
How can successful Arctic navigation be correlated with known climatic /sea ice fluctuations?
Theme: D Environment
Ship hull and machinery construction rules – further harmonization?
Requirements for ice navigator and crew Arctic training
Adoption of current International Association of Classification Societies polar ship rules for hull & machinery
Ice navigation systems – future regulation
Mandatory International Maritime Organization (IMO) guidelines
What type of sailing allowed in different national waters-limitations, oversight and icebreaker assistance?
Future ship standards to evolve – future of no water & fuel discharge (polar ship becomes a ‘sealed container’)
Requirements for special rules for ‘special cargos’ (nuclear reprocessed fuels)
Theme: E Arctic Shipping Rules
Arctic Marine Transport Workshop
ne very important task of the Cambridge work-
shop was to generate a research agenda for
Arctic Marine Transport and identify significant
issues that relate to change in marine access in the
Arctic Ocean. Five topical sessions (as chosen by the
international organizing committee) were held:
1) Historical Considerations;
2) Arctic Climate and Sea Ice Considerations;
3) Development and Shipping Economics;
4) Technological Considerations; and,
5) International Cooperation and Marine Environmental
Three activities took place within each topical session:
four to six presentations were made; the session chair
provided a commentary following the presentations;
and a panel of experts provided insight on the topic.
At the completion of panel discussions, the floor was
opened to all participants to provide further input on
the topic. A simultaneous recording of major points
(edited as ‘bullets’) was conducted during the panel
and open floor discussions.
The tables of issues and research agendas that fol-
low are derived directly from the five session discus-
sions. Points were edited for clarity and brevity and
each discussion point was identified as an ‘issue’ or
‘research agenda’ item. The workshop results represent
a valuable record for use by the Arctic Council (and its
working groups), the International Arctic Science
Committee, U.S. Arctic Research Commission, and
other research bodies, in planning future policy and
research strategies.
28 September 2004
Requirement for comprehensive regional climate databases to facilitate Arctic Marine Transport
Sea ice information must be ‘uniform,’ coordinated, and fully shared
Results of Arctic Marine Transport demonstration projects conducted during the past 50 years must be open
to the Arctic community
Rich history and deep knowledge of the Northern Sea Route must be fully shared to build confidence
Impacts of icebreaking operations on the Arctic environment and communities
Economic and operational influences of Russia’s Arctic oil and gas development on the Northern Sea Route
Communication improvements for rapid transmission of data and environmental information to Arctic ships
Detailed listing and protection of Arctic historical sites for tourism development
Research Agenda
Relationship of Arctic indigenous peoples to Arctic Marine Transport
Evaluation and adaptation of future airborne and satellite imagery for enhanced ice navigation
Comprehensive review of changes in marine technology (during past century) and how these may influence
future Arctic Marine Transport
Analyses of the relationships of marine reserves and protected areas to Arctic shipping and historic waterways
Global economic analyses to better understand the regional role of Arctic sustainable development
•Creation of a Geographic Information System (GIS) of historical Arctic voyages based on time periods and
prevailing environmental conditions
Session Issues &
Research Agendas
Session: 1 Historical Perspectives
28-30 September 2004
Session: 2 Arctic Climate and Sea Ice Considerations
28 September 2004
Contribution of observing systems to the International Polar Year 2007-08
•Provide monitoring and data requirements to the Global Earth Observation system (GEO) and EU/European
Space Agency Global Monitoring for Environment and Safety (GMES) program
Increase support for the International Arctic Buoy Program
Enhance international agreements regarding sharing information and data dissemination
Increase support for the Study of Environmental Arctic Change (SEARCH)
Recognize that radar (synthetic aperture radar/SAR) information may become more difficult to share, rather
than easier
Request to space agencies for 90 degree orbiting or polar satellites, so the high-Arctic ‘hole’ disappears from
many data sets
Recognize that impacts of climate change are already making it possible for policy disputes to develop
Learn how to incorporate indigenous knowledge in environmental assessments
Develop programs to ‘rescue’ archived data and human memories that would enhance understanding of Arctic
science, policy, history, etc.
Develop agreements to release historical data not yet available to the scientific community
Ensure the continuation of readily available SAR data for sea ice analyses
Increase the number of users and support for the national ice centers
Increase communication among Arctic scientists, polar ship designers, and shipping company representatives
Improve the communication of sea ice data to ships and ensure that data are ‘translated’ as appropriate for
different stakeholders
Ensure that data is available in useful parameters, scales, etc. (e.g., macro- vs. micro-scale analysis; analysis
of interactions between ship hulls and ice)
Research Agenda
Research on changing frequency and distribution of icebergs
Regional sea ice studies in the Bering Strait region
Improved monitoring to better understand sea ice variability
Expanded studies to understand sea ice thickness and extent changes, and the physical/chemical nature of
sea ice
Expanded research on fresh water flows into the Arctic Ocean
Improved understanding of rapid climate change and ‘phase shifts’
Improved understanding of Arctic oscillations and cycles (particularly 50-year cycles) and how they influence
sea ice variability
Enhanced studies to improve understanding of the relationships between thermohaline circulation in the world
ocean and the Arctic system
Studies on regional predictions and impacts of global climate change
Improve the resolution of Global Climate Models (GCMs) to resolve the complex geographies of the Canadian
Arctic Archipelago and Russian Arctic coastal region
Arctic Marine Transport Workshop
29 September 2004
Development of regional Arctic and trans-Arctic shipping business plans
What are the economic guarantees for Arctic Marine Transportation?
Future Arctic Marine Transport meetings must include international institutions and financial experts within
and outside the global maritime shipping community
Location and placement of trans-shipment ports within Arctic Marine Transport
Require more feedback on Arctic ship damage and accidents for adequate risk assessments
Collaborative international financing for ice-strengthened cargo ships
Role of China and other Pacific nations in the demand for Arctic shipping
•Promotion of the Northern Sea Route (NSR) by Russia; marketing the NSR to the international shipping
community, national authorities, and regional Arctic bodies
Closer cooperation and better communication between Russia and the international shipping community
(key objective - overcome false perceptions)
•Creation of a comprehensive catalogue of national and international rules, regulations, and laws related to
Arctic Marine Transport - all little known to the international maritime community - overcome perceived
obstacles to Arctic Marine Transport
Potential for World Trade Organization and International Monetary Fund (as well as other international financial
institutions) for investment in Arctic Marine Transport
Understanding the perceptions of risk in the political world vs. risks to the Arctic shipping community
•Focus of the research community on seasonal, short-term Arctic sea ice forecasts vs. longer-term forecasts and projections
Research Agenda
International trade cost-benefit analyses for Arctic routes and destinations
Analyses of national and international security mechanisms and institutions to protect the Arctic Ocean as a
commercial shipping route;
comparative security analyses of the Panama Canal, Suez Canal, and trans-Arctic routes
Analyses of sovereignty and other international legal issues involving Arctic coastline and exclusive economic
zones: obstacles and opportunities?
Synthesis of all Arctic research projects influencing Arctic Marine Transport
Research on risk assessment for ice damage in Arctic Marine Transport systems
Examination of economic needs and demands for trans-Arctic shipping
Comparative economic analyses of Arctic routes vs. Suez - Panama Canal routes
Calculations of total volume of trade vs. GDP growth regionally and internationally: How do the numbers relate
to Arctic Marine Transport?
Economic benchmarks for trans-Arctic year-round shipping
Economic analyses of large trans-shipment ports for Arctic Marine Transport
Comparison of legal and political issues with environmental and technical issues
•Study of trans-Arctic shipping impediments vs. seasonal coastal shipping
Study of types of sea ice forecasts vs. shipping company needs
Risk assessments and environmental impact assessments for Arctic Marine Transport
Study of the trend of increasing ship size (on global routes) in relationship to future Arctic Marine Transport
Analysis of trends in global trans-shipping and its implications for Arctic Marine Transport
Comprehensive analysis of all Arctic shipping damage in all regions; creation of an accident data/statistical
analysis base for the international shipping community
Session: 3 Development and Shipping Economics
29 September 2004
All future Arctic icebreaking and ice-capable ships will be environmentally safe
•Arctic ship designs and marine system developments will be influenced by geopolitical issues
New national legislation and international regulations/agreements on nuclear icebreaker safety
Regulating Arctic ships for performance vs. regulating for safety
Impacts of changing regulations for ship stack emissions
Continuing Arctic Council support for technological and operational projects involving Arctic Marine Transport
Sufficiency of current emission rules for regions of the Arctic
Requirements for updated Arctic charts and aids to navigation in all coastal regions of the Arctic Ocean
Lack of harmonized requirements for propulsion power of ice class ships (requirements for minimal power);
possible review by IMO and IACS
•Many proven technologies for Arctic ships (CPP systems, nuclear power)
Research Agenda
Cost-effectiveness of different icebreaking propulsion systems and auxiliary systems
Analyses of impacts of regional snow cover and ice ridges on Arctic Marine Transport
Relationships of propulsion power to icebreaker class and the need for requirements for power specification
(for safety)
•Create a design process for pollution control mechanisms on board Arctic ships
Development of operational guidelines/design considerations for exhaust emission and ballast water exchange
Comparison of North American vs. European emission controls on ships; comparison of rules and regulations
in both regions
Updates on navigation systems for new ships; installation and training issues of new navigation technologies
Satellite vs. airborne ice information systems
•Technological considerations of diesel ships vs. nuclear ships
Economic and environmental cost-benefit analysis of nuclear-powered icebreakers (vs. other ships)
Comprehensive study of potential communication technologies for Arctic Marine Transport ships; complete
survey of communication
coverage for all Arctic regions
Research on novel propulsion and auxiliary systems (example: use of ballast water for engine cooling water)
for Arctic ships
Session: 4 Technological Considerations
28-30 September 2004
30 September 2004
Have comprehensive safety and environmental protection measures based on the precautionary approach and
best practices
Develop a model training course for ice navigation
Use an integrated approach to Arctic Marine Transport that addresses issues of economics, the environment, and
human concerns
Develop an international Arctic shipping regime - incremental approach, and build on existing agreements;
develop new international initiatives
Integrate Arctic Marine Transport research projects as part of the International Polar Year 2007-08 activities
Differentiate clearly the Northern Sea Route, the Northwest Passage, and trans-Arctic routes
Harmonize international guidelines that apply to SOLAS (Safety of Life at Sea) standard ships operating in
defined Arctic ice-covered waters
Understand that Arctic Marine Transport faces the prospect of major international disputes
Develop a communications network to effectively pass reliable information into the hands of the proper individuals
Research Agenda
Research transfer/trans-shipment ports on each end of the Northern Sea Route to minimize use of ice
strengthened vessels and icebreakers
Determine how reductions in marine shipping risk from climate change and improved aids to navigation can
reduce the costs of insurance for Arctic Marine Transport
Determine the range of impacts the UNCLOS (Law of the Sea) has on Arctic Marine Transport; types of vessel
operations that could be impacted are: cargo/passenger carriers; exploration ships; support and replenishment
ships; fishing vessels; mapping and scientific research vessels; and, surveillance, enforcement, and search &
rescue ships
Increase understanding of how thinning ice in the Arctic could improve transits and regional access and
potentially make it easier to reach natural resources.
Study the core issues of conflict: international status of waters, delimitation of continental shelf, maritime
boundaries, land boundaries, climate change, Arctic indigenous residents, international security, resource
development, and political governance
Study key international issues - resource security, international terrorism, and new security threats - in the
context of Arctic shipping
Analyze issues related to secure and safe Arctic Marine Transport: requirement for better navigational charts,
coordination of Arctic shipping, transmissions about safety sailing conditions to ships
•Take the next steps in building global infrastructure to include a new business model, technological challenges,
incentives to ship owners and assessment of the market potential
Arctic Marine Transport Workshop
Session: 5 International Cooperation and Marine Environmental Safety
28-30 September 2004
Final Issues:
Session 6
The final exercise of the workshop was a roundtable
discussion by all participants held on 30 September
2004. Unlike the previous five sessions with presen-
tations and panel discussions, Session 6 was a facilitated
open forum, where participants were asked to briefly
summarize a key issue resulting from the workshop and
their experience. Individuals were randomly selected by
the facilitators for their statements and no priority was
30 September 2004
Certainty and predictability of regulations, passage making, passage fees, infrastructure availability, and
ship construction requirements
Need for comprehensive analysis of historical climatological data for the entire Arctic
Continuing the Arctic Climate Impact Assessment (ACIA) processes
Concept development for trans-shipment ports on the ends of Arctic routes
Formulate insurance and risk factors for the Northern Sea Route and other routes
Assessment of future levels of Arctic cargo shipping for strategic planning purposes
Study ice characteristics (and ship design parameters) from the perspective of navigation factors such as
drift, physical condition of the ice, ice dynamics, leads, etc.
Development of more robust sea ice forecasting methods
Development of improved communications in areas north of INMARSAT coverage for search and
rescue/emergency operations
Research on the most appropriate systems for Arctic shipping (convoys, independent icebreaking carriers,
strategically-located icebreakers)
Full range of marine transportation economic studies, which will uncover various issues that Arctic
shippers need to know
Recognition of the need for profit in Arctic Marine Transport
Note there will be large seasonal, annual, and year-to-year variations in sea ice and other physical
parameters creating challenges for future planning
Stress the Arctic as a destination, as well as a trans-ocean waterway
Gain commitments from national governments to back and assist in the creation of trans-shipment ports
around the Arctic Ocean
Seek harmonization of rules governing scientific research in the Arctic
Concept of ‘global climate change’ rather than ‘global warming’ should be used; change may bring
completely new and currently unforeseen living conditions and needs
Future Arctic Marine Transport workshops might meet aboard an icebreaker with invitations extended to
the worldwide media
Formulate plans for the protection of Arctic historic sites as tourism and other access increases
assigned to the topic or issue. As before, the summary
issues are not attributed to any individual or nationality.
The summary issues listed below are diverse; however,
nearly one third related to sea ice and climate, and 205
comments focused on economics and development of
Arctic Marine Transport. The keywords for each major
issue are in bold type.
Session: 6 Participant Roundtable Discussion & Key Summary Issues
Arctic Marine Transport Workshop
Full examination, identification, and mitigation of conflicts affecting Arctic Marine Transport
Recognition that marine environmental protection is a paramount issue with future Arctic Marine Transport
Come to terms with a cooperative security agreement for the Arctic
Further improve standardization of construction rules, navigation, navigator and crew training
Research and implement improved sea ice information and communication services
Advance studies necessary to develop best practices to minimize/prevent Arctic Marine Transport accidents
Advanced satellite remotely-sensed images (SAR and future data) should be more available and translat-
able for ship-board use
Ice services and products of different countries should be pooled to provide navigational support
Must have the Arctic national authorities, the Arctic Council, and international scientific bodies, to discuss
and understand the complex range of issues involving Arctic Marine Transport
Participant Roundtable Discussion & Key Summary Issues continued
28-30 September 2004
Appendix A . . . . . . . . . . .Workshop Agenda
Appendix B . . . . . . . . . . .Workshop Participants
Appendix C . . . . . . . . . . .Abstracts of Presentations
Appendix D . . . . . . . . . . .Shipping Data for the Northern Sea Route
Appendix E . . . . . . . . . . .Canadian Arctic Marine Traffic (June–November 2004)
Appendix F . . . . . . . . . . .Transits of the Northwest Passage
Appendix G . . . . . . . . . . .Icebreakers that have reached the North Pole
Appendix H . . . . . . . . . . .Arctic Climate Impact Assessment (ACIA)
Appendix I . . . . . . . . . . .Arctic Council’s Arctic Marine Strategic Plan
Appendix J . . . . . . . . . . .A Vision for the Arctic: Governor Walter J. Hickel
Arctic Marine Transport Workshop
Appendix A: Workshop Agenda
Arctic Marine Transport Workshop
Scott Polar Research Institute
28-30 September 2004
Tuesday, 28 September 2004
Introduction (Brigham)
•Welcome to Scott Polar (Dowdeswell)
Institute of the North and Aims of CITF (Parker and Ellis)
•Pre-Workshop Issues from the Participants (Brigham)
Session 1: Historical Perspectives
Chair: Barr
Northwest Passage Voyages (Headland)
Northern Sea Route System: History and Current Operation
Central Arctic Ocean and Trans-Arctic Voyages (Brigham)
Marine Trafficability Studies in the Alaskan Arctic (Voelker)
Panel Discussion/Research Agenda
- Commentary: Barr
- Panel Members: Backman, Mikhailichenko and Parker
Session 2: Arctic Climate and Sea Ice Considerations
Chair: Brigham
•Arctic Sea Ice Extent and Multiyear Sea Ice Changes (Sandven)
•Arctic Sea Ice Thickness Changes (Wadhams)
Sea Ice Trends in the Russian Arctic (Pryamikov)
Sea Ice Trends in the Canadian Arctic Archipelago (Falkingham)
Sea Ice Trends Around Greenland (Hansen)
Sea Ice in Icelandic Waters (Jakobsson)
Panel Discussion/Research Agenda
- Commentary: Brigham
- Panel Members: Brass, Seina, Van Woert and Gorman
Arctic Marine Transport Reception honoring
Dr. Terence Armstrong
5:30 p.m., Scott Polar Research Institute Museum
Wednesday, 29 September 2004
Session 3: Development and Shipping Economics
Chair: Parker
•International Northern Sea Route Program: Lessons Learned (Østreng)
ARCOP: Western Siberian Oil and Gas Marine Transport (Juurmaa)
The NSR and Development of the Russian Arctic (Granberg)
Future of Canadian Arctic Shipping (Gorman)
Russian Indigenous People and the NSR (Etylin)
Panel Discussion/Research Agenda
- Commentary: Parker
- Panel Members: Smith, Paterson, Baldursson, Rasti, Doyle
Wednesday, 29 September 2004 continued
Session 4: Technological Considerations
Chairs: Santos-Pedro and Peresypkin
Ship Design Considerations for the Russian Arctic (Peresypkin)
Future Icebreaking Cargo Ship Designs (Juurmaa)
Future Icebreaker Designs (Rupp)
Update of Arctic Shipping Rules (Hayward)
Remote Sensing/Observing Systems: ICEMON and Northern View
(Seina and Randell)
Panel Discussion/Research Agenda
- Commentary: Santos-Pedro and Peresypkin
- Panel Members: Backman, Jaan, Voelker and Monko
Arctic Marine Transport Banquet
7:00 p.m., Sidney Sussex College, Keynote Speaker,
Captain Anders Backman
•Topic: International Arctic Ocean Drilling Program 2004
Expedition in the Central Arctic Ocean
Thursday, 30 September 2004
Session 5: International Cooperation and Marine
Environmental Safety
Chair: Treadwell
Noncommercial Partnership and the NSR (Mikhailichenko)
Development and Future of the Arctic Guidelines (Santos-Pedro)
Implications for Delimiting the Arctic Continental Shelf (Macnab)
International Arctic Marine Safety Cooperation and Issues (Huebert)
Hydrographic Considerations for the NSR (Medvedev)
Polar Sea Route as a Global Infrastructure Project (Yamamoto)
Panel Discussion/Research Agenda
- Commentary: Treadwell
- Panel Members: Sidock, McClellan, Hayward and Pryamikov
Session 6: The Future of Arctic Marine Transport
Chairs: Brigham and Ellis
•Arctic Climate Impact Assessment (Brigham)
The Arctic Council's Arctic Marine Strategic Plan (Gudmundsottir)
Future Arctic Development: A Global Vision (Governor Hickel)
Roundtable Discussion: Future Research and Key Issues
(All Participants)
Adjourn (Brigham and Ellis)
28-30 September 2004
Appendix B: Workshop Participants
Nikolai Babich, Murmansk Shipping Company, Russia
Anders Backman, Master Mariner, Sweden
Ragnar Baldursson, Ministry for Foreign Affairs, Iceland
•William Barr, Arctic Institute of North America, Canada
•Tony Bilkinghurst, Scott Polar Research Institute, Cambridge
University, UK
Philip Bottomley, BP Shipping Limited, UK
Garry Brass, US Arctic Research Commission, USA
Lawson Brigham (Co-chair), US Arctic Research Commission, USA*
Julian Dowdeswell, Director, Scott Polar Research Institute,
Cambridge University, UK
John Doyle, 64th Parallel International, USA
Ben Ellis (Co-chair), Institute of the North, USA *
Vladimir Etylin, Russian Association of Indigenous People of the
North, Russia
John Falkingham, Canadian Ice Service, Canada
Robert Gorman, Enfotech Technical Services, Canada
Alexander Granberg, Council for Study of Productive Forces and
Economic Cooperation, Russia
Soffia Gudmundsottir, Secretariat, Protection of the Arctic Marine
Environment, Iceland
Keld Q. Hansen, Danish Meteorological Institute, Demark
Richard Hayward, Germanischer Lloyd AG, Germany
Bob Headland, Scott Polar Research Institute, Cambridge
University, UK
•Walter Hickel, Institute of the North, USA
Keith Hill, Scott Polar Research Institute, Cambridge University, UK
Rob Huebert, University of Calgary, Canada
Roy Jaan, Swedish Marine Administration, Sweden
Thor Jakobsson, Marine Meteorology and Sea Ice, Iceland
Kimmo Juurmaa, Aker Finnyards, Inc., Finland
Ron Macnab, Geological Survey of Canada, Canada
Daniel McClellan, US Coast Guard, USA
Victor Medvedev, State Unitary Hydrographic Department, Russia
Vladimir Mikhailichenko, Noncommercial Partnership of the
Coordination of the Northern Sea Route Usages, Russia *
Nikolay Monko, Federal Agency for Marine and River Transport,
Ministry of Transport, Russia
•Willy Østreng, Norway Academy of Science and Letters, Norway
•Walter Parker, Circumpolar Infrastructure Task Force, USA *
•Tom Paterson, Fednav Limited, Canada
Vladimir Pavlenko, International Arctic Science Committee, Russia
Vsevolov Peresypkin, Central Marine Research and Design
Institute, Russia
•Sergei Pryamikov, Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute, Russia
Charles Randell, C-Core Memorial University, Canada
Lai Chan Rasti, European Bank for Reconstruction & Development
Transport Team, UK
Karl-Heinz Rupp, Hamburg Ship Model Basin, Germany
Stein Sandven, Nansen Environmental and Remote Sensing
Center, Norway
•Victor Santos-Pedro, Transport Canada, Canada *
Steven Sawhill, Scott Polar Research Institute, Cambridge
University, UK
Ari Seina, Finnish Institute of Marine Research, Finland
Gary Sidock, Canadian Coast Guard, Canada
Andrew Smith, Lloyds Register of Shipping, UK
Matthew Stubbs, Columbia University, USA
•Mead Treadwell, US Arctic Research Commission, USA *
•Michael Van Woert, US National Ice Center, USA
•Richard Voelker, US Maritime Administration, USA
Peter Wadhams, Cambridge University, UK
Norio Yamamoto, Global Infrastructure Fund Research
Foundation, Japan
•Matthew Moon, Institute of the North, USA
Hillary Pesanti, Institute of the North, USA
Malcolm Roberts, Institute of the North, USA
Shirley Sawtell, Scott Polar Research Institute Library,
Cambridge University, UK
Amanda Saxton, US Arctic Research Commission, USA
Isabella Warren, Scott Polar Research Institute Library,
Cambridge University, UK
* = Members of the International Organizing Committee
Note: Professor Kaj Riska of Helsinki Technical University was also a
member of the international organizing committee, but was unable
to attend the workshop.
Arctic Marine Transport Workshop
Appendix C: Abstracts of Presentations
Icebreakers and Ice Type Vessels Operation Experience at Northern Sea Route
Nikolai Babich, Murmansk Shipping Company, Russia
Session 1: Historical Perspectives
The Northern Sea Route embraces the full water-areas of Arctic seas (Kara Sea, Laptev Sea, East Siberian Sea, west-
ern part of Chukchi Sea) as well as part of the Arctic Ocean water area exclusively inside the Russian Federation
economic zone. The main tool of Northern Sea Route exploration is the icebreaker fleet. At present, the total power of the
operative icebreaker fleet of Russia (14 icebreakers) constitutes approximately 600,000 horsepower, where eight ice-
breakers with approximately 400,000 horsepower are working in the Northern Sea Route.
Regular commercial navigation in Arctic seas during the limited summer period started in 1920. In the following years,
the navigation time was prolonged due to icebreaker fleet power increase. After the icebreakers of "Arktika" type were put
into operation in 1978, year-round navigation was guaranteed in the western part of Northern Sea Route. At the same
time, new routes of navigation were explored, including those passing along the northern borders of Arctic seas as well as
high latitude and pole-close routes.
In the last 50 years of active cargo operations at the Northern Sea Route, the Arctic sea transportation system was
established, which includes icebreaker, navigational-hydrographic, hydrometeorological (science-operative) navigation
service. A sufficient base of categorized data including general and regional weather conditions and ice process was
accumulated, basic technical requirements for construction and equipment of icebreakers and ice type vessels were
defined and the basic laws of transportation depending on seasonal changes of ice condition at directions of Arctic trans-
portation were found. This provides the opportunity to design reliable transportation-technological schemes of promising
cargo transportation including the requirements for technical conditions, equipment of vessels and next generation icebreakers.
Central Arctic Ocean: North Pole and Trans-Arctic Voyages 1977 – 2004
Lawson Brigham, U.S. Arctic Research Commission, USA
Session 1: Historical Perspectives
One of the extraordinary polar achievements at the end of the twentieth century was the operation of icebreakers at the
Geographic North Pole and throughout the Central Arctic Ocean. During 1977 – 2004, 52 successful voyages have been
made to the North Pole by the icebreakers of Russia (42), Sweden (4), Germany (2), USA (2), Canada (1) and Norway
(1); eight surface ships reached the North Pole during the summer of 2004. Thirteen of the voyages were in support of
scientific research and the remaining 39 were devoted to tourist voyages to the North Pole and across the Arctic Ocean.
The Soviet nuclear icebreaker
, during a celebrated voyage, was the first surface ship to attain the Pole on 17
August 1977. The only voyage of the 52 not to be conducted in summer was that of the Soviet nuclear icebreaker
which supported scientific operations 8 May to 19 June 1987 (reaching the Pole 25 May 1987).
navigated in near-
maximum thickness of Arctic sea ice while removing the personnel from North Pole Drift Station 27 and establishing a
new drift station (number 29) in the northern Laptev Sea. This Arctic voyage should be considered the most demanding
icebreaker operation to date. During the decade of the 1990s, five remarkable trans-Arctic voyages were accomplished:
a transit across the Central Arctic with tourists by the Soviet nuclear icebreaker
Sovetskiy Soyuz
in August 1991; transits
by the
Louis S. St-Laurent
(Canada) and the
Polar Sea
(USA) during July and August 1994 from the Bering Strait to the
North Pole and to Svalbard; and two crossings by the nuclear icebreaker
(Russia) with tourists in 1996. The Arctic
Ocean Section 1994 Expedition (conducted by the
Louis S. St-Laurent
Polar Sea
) was the first scientific transect of
the Arctic Ocean conducted by surface ships. The expedition made extensive use of real-time satellite imagery (received
aboard the
Polar Sea
) for strategic navigation and scientific planning. During the late summer of 2004, a small ‘armada’
consisting of the nuclear icebreaker
Sovetskiy Soyuz
, the icebreaker
(Sweden) and the icebreaker
Vidar Viking
outfitted for drilling, conducted a historic scientific drilling voyage in the remote reaches of the Arctic Ocean.
A review of these pioneering voyages indicates that marine access in summer throughout the Arctic Ocean has been
achieved by highly capable icebreakers. However, little is known about the challenges of voyaging in other seasons except
expedition in May and June 1987. The nuclear icebreakers of Murmansk Shipping Company have clearly pioneered
28-30 September 2004
independent operations in the Central Arctic Ocean, while conventionally powered icebreakers have operated in tandem
during high-latitude voyages. A compilation and analyses of ship performance and environmental data from each of these
Arctic voyages would make a significant contribution to understanding the future operation of ships in the Central Arctic
Russian Indigenous People and the Northern Sea Route
Vladimir Etylin, Russian Association of Indigenous People of the North, Russia
Session 3: Development and Shipping Economics
This report dealt with social issues in developing the Northern Sea Route. The view of using more traditional
knowledge of Native people of the Arctic and the knowledge of non-Native people who are long-time residents of the Arctic
region of Russia was put forth concerning the environment, the ocean, ice, shelter and traditional food and clothing in
Arctic conditions.
The two basic issues focused on were:
1. A global approach to Arctic issues "Arctic Civilization;" and
2. Key concerns of the Native people of Chukotka should the Northern Sea Route be developed.
Sea Ice in the Canadian Arctic
John Falkingham, Canadian Ice Service, Canada
Session 2: Arctic Climate and Sea Ice Considerations
The amount of sea ice in the Canadian Arctic has been declining in recent decades in concert with the reductions
observed in the Northern Hemisphere in general. There is mounting evidence that this reduction will continue, although
there is great uncertainty over the rate at which ice will continue to diminish. Considering the predictions of Global
Climate Models as well as the observed rate of ice reduction, it is estimated that the Canadian Arctic will experience near-
ly ice-free summer seasons starting as early as 2050 but probably not before 2100. The inter-annual variability in ice
conditions will continue to be extreme. It is quite likely that the latter half of this century will still experience occasion-
al summers with ice conditions as severe as those witnessed in the 1980s. Multi-year ice, particularly in low concentra-
tions, will present the major hazard to shipping. Small multi-year ice floes in high sea states are a significant threat as
are multi-year floes hidden in a matrix of relatively weak annual ice. Since the oldest and thickest ice in the Arctic Ocean
is that which is driven against the western flank of the Canadian Archipelago, this will likely be the last multi-year ice to
remain. As long as this remains a source of multi-year ice in the Arctic Ocean, it will continue to drift through the Canadian
Archipelago. Based on observations of changes to the ice in the Arctic Ocean itself, together with the expected patterns of
ice movement, it is conjectured that the Arctic Ocean itself may become open to trans-polar shipping routes before the
Northwest Passage.
Sea Ice Trends in the Russian Arctic
Ivan Ye. Frolov, Sergey V. Frolov, Vasily M. Smolyanitsky, Sergey M. Pryamikov
Arctic & Antarctic Research Institute of Roshydromet
Linear trend coefficients
) were assessed for the total concentration (ice index at a point) for the Eurasian
Arctic Seas for the whole period of ice charting (1933-2003) and separately for the last period of Arctic warming from
1946. Results show that during the summer time (August) it is possible to speak with 95% significance level on the
existence of a negative trend (decrease of ice) only for the Greenland, Barents, Kara, Chukchi Seas and for the Eurasian
Arctic as a whole, while for the Laptev and Eastern-Siberian Seas, a positive trend (increase of ice) with 95% significance
level is not exclusive.
Analysis of
spatial distribution, assessed for the period from 1946 until 1992 (end of conduction of air recon-
naissance in the Russian Arctic) shows predominance of
, positive (increase of ice) values during the winter period >
Arctic Marine Transport Workshop
(April) for the area of Eurasian Seas, excluding the Barents Sea and a partial area of Greenland Sea, where negative
values are observed.
Due to significant variability of sea ice total concentration, greater spatial variability of
is also observed. For the
northwest Barents Sea, southwest Kara Sea, practically all area of Laptev Sea, western part of the Eastern-Siberian Sea
and southwest of the Chukchi Sea, negative values of
are observed. Simultaneously, for the northeast Barents Sea,
northeast Kara Sea, and eastern part of the Eastern-Siberian Sea, prominent areas with positive values of
are noted.
Several regions should be noted for a change of
sign from winter (April) to summer (August) seasons. These are
northeast Barents Sea (-/+), southwest Kara Sea (+/-), Laptev Sea (+/-), western part of the Eastern-Siberian Sea (+/-),
and the southwestern part of the Chukchi Sea (+/-). It is obvious that such changing linear trends make it possible to propose
the existence of several natural phenomena affecting the sea ice cover in different regions during the same season.
Future of Canadian Arctic Shipping
Bob Gorman, Enfotec Technical Services & Tom Paterson, Fednav Limited, Canada
Session 3: Development and Shipping Economics
This presentation focuses on the future of shipping into the Canadian Arctic. The discussion includes outlooks on var-
ious sectors that are served by marine transportation including community sealift operations, the resource industry
(mining and oil/gas), as well as tourism.
Northern Canadian native communities have the fastest rate of population growth in Canada and one of the fastest in
the world increasing at a rate of 16% per decade so the demand on the northern sealift will continue to grow into the
future. The boost in sealift requirements will increase with the expected increase in mineral, oil and gas exploration in
the north over the coming decades.
Resources-based marine operations have suffered a decline in the Canadian Arctic with the closures of the Polaris and
Nanisivik mines in 2002. This is the first time in many decades that there are no operating mines in the Nunavut
Territory. However, there is a high level of exploration for diamonds and gold in the north and several new diamond and
gold mines will open over the coming decade. If base-metal prices remain robust, the development of base-metal mines
in the Coronation Gulf region associated with the Bathurst Road-Port project is expected. In the sub-Arctic nickel is the
commodity of choice with the Raglan Mine in Northern Quebec in full operation since 1997 and the Voisey’s Bay Mine
set to go into full production in late 2005.
Oil and gas activity is restricted to the on-shore Mackenzie Delta at this time. Plans are in place by the Aboriginal
Pipeline Group to build a gas pipeline to the delta over the next 10 years. Once the pipeline is in place offshore oil and
gas activity in the Canadian Beaufort Sea will likely increase once again.
There was a spike in adventure tourism cruises into the Canadian Arctic over the past 10 years but this has receded
recently as the initial "wave" of tourists has past. There may be a slight increase in this sector in the future but it will
likely operate at a low level for many years to come.
Overall, it is important to note that marine operations in the Northwest Passage will be focused on destinations within
the Canadian Arctic. The commercial marine transportation industry is not focused on the passage as a shortcut over the
Panama Canal either now or within the next 10 to 20 years.
The Northern Sea Route and Development of the Russian Arctic
Alexander Granberg, Council for Study of Productive Forces and Economic Cooperation, Russia
Session 3: Development and Shipping Economics
In the 20th century, the Northern Sea Route has played a leading role in natural resources development and social
development of the Russian Arctic regions, formation of large complexes on manufacture of carbohydrates, nonferrous
metals, diamonds, wood and the world’s largest northern cities. The maximum volume of transportation on the Northern
Sea Route was achieved in 1987 (6.6 million tonnes).
Political and economic transformations in the USSR and Russia in the 1990s, had painful effects on social and
economic positions of the Russian Arctic regions (fall in manufacturing, investments and incomes, and significant
emigration). Transportation on the Northern Sea Route was reduced significantly.
Renewal of economic growth since 1999 has captured all Russian Arctic regions. Due to export of raw material and
metals, a number of the Arctic regions (Yamalo-Nenetsky and Nenetsky autonomous regions, Murmansk area) became
financial donors to Russian and world economics. In the report economic dynamics of seven regions adjoining the
28-30 September 2004
Northern Sea Route are analyzed. The volume of sea transportation on the Northern Sea Route is gradually increasing.
The forecast of sea transportation on the Northern Sea Route for 2015 is developed in two variants: pessimistic 7.8
million tonnes, optimistic – 11.4 million tonnes. For maintenance of such growth of transportation, modernization of ice-
breaking and transport fleet and reconstruction of all Arctic ports and infrastructure is planned.
The Arctic Marine Strategic Plan
Soffia Gudmondsottir, Protection of Arctic Marine Environment (PAME)
Session 6: The Future of Marine Arctic Transport
The Arctic marine environment is of great importance to the states of the Arctic region and the world as a whole. It
holds some of the most important seas for commercial fisheries in the world, has unique socio-cultural aspects, economic
potential and plays an integral role in climatic processes.
Abundant natural resources, increasing economic activity and significant changes due to climatic processes are result-
ing in increased use, opportunities and threats to the Arctic marine and coastal environments. Increased activities will
lead to increased human presence in the high Arctic. Responding to this the Arctic Council Ministers recognized that:
"…existing and emerging activities in the Arctic warrant a more coordinated and integrated strategic approach to
address the challenges of the Arctic coastal and marine environment and agree to develop a strategic plan for protection
of the Arctic marine environment under leadership by PAME." (Arctic Council Ministerial Declaration, Inari, Finland, 2002)
The Arctic Marine Strategic Plan (AMSP) has been developed over the last two years under the leadership of the
Protection of the Arctic Marine Environment Working Group with Canada and Iceland as the lead countries. The final version
will be presented to the Arctic Council Ministerial meeting to be held in Reykjavik, Iceland, 24 November 2004 for approval.
The purpose of the AMSP is to guide Arctic Council activities related to the protection of the Arctic seas. One of the
aims of this plan is to build on the internationally recognized need to manage human activities within the context of entire
ecosystems, applying them to achieve the sustainable development of the Arctic marine environment.
Variability in the Sea Ice Cover near Greenland - Recent Observations
Keld Q. Hansen, Denmark Meteorological Institute, Denmark
Session 2: Arctic Climate and Sea Ice Considerations
Operational sea ice mapping for navigational use is an excellent opportunity to get details on sea ice conditions and
variability in a key area in Greenland. This presentation briefly describes the operational Denmark Meteorological Institute
activities near the Greenland shores. Observations through the last 2-3 years have generally shown ice conditions lighter
than normal, especially in Northeast Greenland where the multi-year ice has retreated dramatically in three consecutive
summers from 2002 (record low) to 2004. The West Greenland ice seasons since 2002 have also been characterized by
being short and light. In February 2004 a Danish (ice-strengthened) cargo vessel was able to go to the harbors in Disko
Bay, normally impossible without icebreaker assistance. To the south ice conditions in recent years were more diffuse,
from an extremely light and short ice sea season in 2003 to a longer than normal ice season in 2004. These events are
discussed in relation to the record for the years 1946-2004 for the South Greenland Waters. A new feature observed here
was several giant tabular iceberg or ice islands of Northeast Greenland origin after the remarkable breakup of semi-
permanent fast ice in 2002 and 2003 near latitude 78.00-79.30N.
The New IACS Unified Requirements for Polar Ships
Richard Hayward, Germanischer Lloyd AG, Germany
Session 4: Technological Considerations
The new IACS Unified Requirements for Polar Ships, along with international guidelines, answer the call of IMO and
national administrations for a proactive, comprehensive and unified approach to the safeguarding of life, property and the
environment in polar waters. The IACS Unified Requirements for Polar Ships are a set of construction standards for the
Arctic Marine Transport Workshop
hull and machinery of vessels navigating polar ice-covered waters. The purpose of these requirements is to enable polar
class ships to withstand the effects of global and local ice loads, as well as temperatures, characteristic of their polar class.
Despite the obvious difficulties in unifying various requirements based on decades of contrary experiences and design
philosophies, the IACS Unified Requirements for Polar Ships constitute a state-of-the-art set of construction require-
ments. In the structural standards, for instance, ice loads are defined on the basis of ice collision mechanics with due
regard to ice failure mechanisms and observed pressure-area relationships between load levels and contact area.
Structural response criteria are defined in terms of plastic limit states, including interactions between shear and bend-
ing, thereby providing much clearer pictures of ship safety levels than the elastic response criteria normally used.
Concerning future development of the IACS Unified Requirements for Polar Ships, the most important issues are the
definition of loads based on additional ship-ice interaction scenarios (especially that of a ship caught under pressure),
enhanced integration of limit state design concepts and more explicit definitions of risk levels. The question of whether
ship propulsion power is a matter of safety and/or performance also needs to be addressed.
Northwest Passage Voyages
Bob Headland, Scott Polar Research Institute, Cambridge University, United Kingdom
Session 1: Historical Perspectives
A historical summary of exploration and transits of the Northwest Passage is presented noting that the first transit was
made in 1853 (led by Samuel Cresswell) although this was by sledge across the sea-ice in the central portion. The centenary
of the first transit aboard one vessel (Gjøa, commanded by Ronald Amundsen) was described. A chronological list of all
transits to the 2004 summer was produced for analysis by route, nationality, and other factors.
Vessels have used seven routes through the passage. There have been a total of 99 transits to date, 27 of which have
carried passengers. Of these, 62 were eastbound and 37 westbound, almost half of them (45) used the southern route. Only
one vessel has made a complete transit through McClure Strait and the northern route, the most ice-infested, but deep-
est, way. This is the course used by submarines but these records are incomplete. The majority of vessels wore the
Canadian flag (38), followed by Russia (18 - mainly with tourists aboard), United States and Bahamas (11 each, the lat-
ter being tourist vessels). Eleven flags were represented by only one vessel each.
Comparisons between the Northwest Passage, Northern Sea Route, and other ways between the North Sea and the Sea
of Japan were made involving distance, navigational problems, and territories traversed. While distances of both the Arctic
routes are similar between the North Sea and the Sea of Japan, navigation is much easier in the Northern Sea Route.
Should reduction of Arctic ice cover develop further, the relative ease of both may be expected to persist, thus the
Northern Sea Route will remain the more effective passage.
References to some personal observations were included following several voyages through the Northwest Passage and
Northern Sea Route.
International Politics and Arctic Shipping
Rob Huebert, University of Calgary, Canada
Session 5: International Cooperation & Marine Environmental Safety
A scientific consensus is now developing that the polar regions are experiencing a substantial warming process.
As such, considerable debate is emerging as to the impact that this will have on human activity in the region. Of partic-
ular note are the questions regarding the prospects of increased shipping in Arctic waters. While some preliminary obser-
vations on the expected nature of this increase may be made, many questions remain unanswered. Perhaps the most con-
founding issues pertain to the future actions taken by the Arctic coastal states.
The first and perhaps most complicated issue revolves around issues of sovereignty. Canada and Russia have both
claimed the Arctic waterways passing through their Arctic region as internal waters. While both states are committed to
promoting international shipping through these waters, they do not accept the Northwest Passage or the Northern Sea
Route as international straits. The United States and the European Union, on the other hand, have taken the position that
these are international waters. This disagreement creates numerous problems. The first is over control. If these waters are
internal, then the relative coastal state retains control over shipping in these waters. On the other hand, if they are not,
then the rules and standards governing international shipping are to be determined by the competent international organ-
izations. The second main problem is the political sensitivity that surrounds theses disputes. A challenge to the position
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of any of these states carries ramifications that go beyond the Arctic. This greatly increases the challenges in resolving
the differences that will arise as shipping increases. How then can these differences be managed as shipping increases?
The second major set of concerns facing a developing international arctic shipping regime pertains to security. Any
increase in shipping in the region will require an increase in the monitoring and enforcement of domestic and interna-
tional laws governing smuggling, environmental standards, ship safety and so forth. Given the isolated nature of the Arctic
waters such requirements are challenging. Further complicating these issues is the new need to protect against international
terrorism. Currently there seems little likelihood that international terrorists would specifically target the north; however, an
increase in the number of Arctic ships can never be ruled out as future targets. Furthermore, an increase in shipping will
mean that terrorists could use this traffic as a means of entry to either North America or Russia. How then is security to
be protected in this region? What are the steps that can be taken individually and collaboratively?
Thus, it is clear that there is a need to carefully consider the international challenges that face the emerging interna-
tional shipping regime in the Arctic. How can these important questions be answered so that any increased Arctic ship-
ping can be managed in a fair and safe manner? These questions will be the main focus of this presentation.
The Northern Sea Route - Interest in Iceland
Thor Jakobsson, Marine Meteorology and Sea Ice, Iceland
Session 2: Arctic Climate and Sea Ice Considerations
The name Iceland stems from the surprising sight of sea ice during one of the first Scandinavian exploration voyages
to this newly found country in the ninth century, A.D. Sea ice at Iceland originates mainly from the East Greenland cur-
rent and has been very variable through the ages. It has quite often caused trouble of different kinds, hazards for ship-
ping along the coasts of Iceland and sometimes closed harbors in the north.
Despite this hazard Icelanders have learned how to avoid the sea ice, or, if needed, traverse carefully along the mar-
ginal sea ice zone. In recent decades they have ventured further North into subarctic conditions for fishing and transport
activities. It is, therefore, no wonder that the idea of looking for possibilities still further north, even across the Arctic
Ocean, is gradually catching on in Iceland.
The suggestion of considering the possible role of Iceland in connection with the so-called Northern Sea Route is no
longer a futuristic idea and has in recent months been investigated again from a practical point of view. The idea, how-
ever, still needs a thorough study where links to recent projects on the Northern Sea Route itself, along the coasts of
Russia, have to be considered. The International Sea Route Program (Phase I 1993-1995 and Phase II 1995-1999)
resulted in a great number of papers on different aspects of the idea of future route across the Arctic Ocean.
On October 8, 1987, a conference was held in Iceland on the Northern Sea Route and the possibility of Icelandic har-
bors being linked to the route. In particular, the idea of Iceland providing a location for an entrepot at the North Atlantic
end of the Northern Sea Route was discussed. With the participation of the American Embassy as well as the rather hes-
itant Soviet Embassy in Iceland, the timing of the meeting turned out to be fortunate. News was received just before the
meeting of an encouraging speech given on October 1, 1987, in Murmansk by Mr. Mikhail Gorbachev on Arctic matters.
In his speech Mr. Gorbachev announced the possibility of opening the Northern Sea Route to foreign ships.
During the more than 15 years since this meeting, the idea has been kept alive by architect Gestur Ólafsson,
Ambassador Ólafur Egilsson and the writer of this brief account. The possible role of Iceland has been emphasized, with
its advantageous location in the middle of the northern part of the North Atlantic Ocean providing a gateway to the Arctic
Ocean. The necessity of economic and technical feasibility studies has been pointed at, as well as the consideration of
natural circumstances in relation to this opportunity, in particular, concerning weather, sea ice and oceanographic condi-
tions along the sea route.
Lately, encouraging interest in this topic has been created, not the least due to the support given by Björn Gunnarsson
at the University of Iceland. During this period of interest, some progress has been made, marked by meetings at the
Ministry of Foreign Affairs and a report by Nigel Chattey, containing a pre-feasibility assessment and a proposal for a
demonstration project including suggestions for possible participation of the United States and Canada.
It should further be mentioned that a study is being undertaken on the idea of establishing an entrepot harbor at
Isafjordur in northwest Iceland. Previously, the harbors at Reykjavik and Reydarfjordur in East Iceland had been suggested.
The main conclusion of the research made during the International Northern Sea Route Program is that in spite of cli-
matic, technological and political restraints, an increase in international commercial shipping along the Northern Sea
Route is feasible – in economic, technological and environmental terms.
Decreasing ice cover in the Arctic Ocean during the last decades should support the idea of Iceland becoming an impor-
tant entrepot for the Northern Sea Route, the shortest shipping route between the two world oceans, the Atlantic Ocean
and the Pacific Ocean.
Arctic Marine Transport Workshop
ARCOP - Oil and Gas Transportation from the Western Arctic Russia
Kimmo Juurmaa, Kvaerner Masa-Yards, Inc. (now Aker Finnyards, Inc.), Finland
Session 3: Development and Shipping Economics
ARCOP comes from the words Arctic Operational Platform. It is a research and development project for the Northern
Sea Route. ARCOP is co-funded by the Directorate-General Energy and Transport under the 5th European Community
Framework Program for Research and Technological Development.
The work within is carried out by leading experts from European Union (EU), Russia and Norway. There are 21 partic-
ipating organizations and the overall budget is 5.2 million euros. The funding from EU is 3.2 million euros with the rest
coming from participating organizations. The scope of work is coordinated by Kvaerner Masa-Yards, Inc. (now Aker
Finnyards, Inc.) in Finland.
Oil and gas development in Arctic Russia suffers from the lack of export routes. Several alternatives have been studied
and suggested. Marine transportation using the Northern Sea Route is a vital alternative, but several issues raise con-
cerns among the potential investors. Investing in an oil field without knowing the terms and the cost of the transportation
of the produced oil is not possible. To minimize these concerns, clarification is needed in several areas: technology, legal
and administrative issues and environmental protection.
ARCOP aims to create an understanding about marine transportation problems of Russian Arctic oil and gas, and answer
questions that potential investors may have on a general level. Making information available, ARCOP will generate
permanent discussion forums between the EU and Russia and between industry and politicians. It is sometimes easier
to discuss certain challenges based on realistic scenarios with direct commercial interest. Using this strategy, it is possible
to develop common recommendations.
Chapter B Future Arctic Cargo Vessels
Kimmo Juurmaa, Kvaerner Masa-Yards, Inc. (now Aker Finnyards, Inc.), Finland
Session 4: Technological Considerations
When designing vessels for Arctic areas, certain principles are normally followed. The first deals with the safety of
human life, the environment and material property. Basically this is simple, but it becomes complicated when one starts
to analyse the different accident scenarios and tries to set the requirements for the strength, maneuverability and stability
of the vessel in different situations. Damage statistics is an efficient way to approach this problem, but unfortunately there
is only a limited amount of data available from accident statistics in the Arctic areas. Some detailed analyses of individual
sailings reveal that the current rules for vessel construction need further development. Rules should not be based on
single measurements but rather on long term experience and statistics.
The second principle is economics. This is more complicated since the economics of transportation has several levels.
Towing by an icebreaker may be feasible for a single vessel, but the overall transportation cost may be high. Also, if the
whole sea area and the transportation needs of the industry in that region are considered, the towing of each vessel
through the ice may be less economically feasible.
A typical feature for the ice cover in all Arctic sea is the seasonal variation (fully open water conditions to 100 % ice
coverage). In most cases the transportation is not to the ice edge, but the route includes also an open water leg even
during the hardest winter months. This means that the economics of the transportation is not only dependent on the ice-
breaking performance of the vessel, but also the open water characteristics. Thus, an efficient cargo vessel has to be
optimised for both ice and open water, which may result in compromises that are not really efficient in any condition.
Several different hull forms have been proposed throughout the history for icebreaking purposes; almost all have been
developed to break uniform level ice. In practise the vessels operating in ice have to cope with a mixture of different type
of ice conditions, including ice ridges which most probably will stop the ship. One solution presented a century ago was
that of the Russian Admiral Makarov. He suggested that the propellers and the propeller stream should be utilised to help
the vessel to move through the ice ridges. This idea was adopted to the sub-arctic icebreakers and they were equipped
with propellers also in the bow. The largest and most advanced icebreaker in the Baltic used to be built with this princi-
ple. The reason to have propellers at both ends of the vessel was that the stern was fitted with rudders for steering and
the bow was used to break passage though the ridges. It was only when developing the azimuth thrusters with electric
drive, the so called Azipod propulsion, when the full advantage of this principle could be utilised. It was possible to put
all the power at one end of the vessel and still have full steering capability. The first vessels built with this principle were
tested in the most difficult ice conditions. The test results showed that power savings up to 50% could be gained. The
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ice model testing showed the tremendous difference in penetrating the ridges: when running ahead, the vessel must do
continuous ramming to get through the ridge; when running astern, the vessel was able to maintain continuous speed with
no need to ram.
Encouraged by these results, a 106,000 tdw vessel was built with the principle called Double Acting Tanker (DAT). The
vessel has a bow shape optimised for open water conditions. The stern of the vessel is designed for ice breaking and with
the help of a 16 MW Azipod propulsion unit, the vessel was able to transit all ice conditions in the Baltic. During ice
trials in winter 2003 the vessel was tested in ice ridges 15 m deep. The vessel had no problems getting through these
ice features.
The use of new technology may open up new possibilities for the Arctic navigation. Based on the long term extensive
research and development work the first vessel using the DAT principle is now under construction for the Northern Sea
Route conditions. This 14,500 tdw container carrier is planned to operate on the western region of the Northern Sea Route
with minimum assistance from icebreakers. The vessel will be completed in 2006 and if the vessel works in practise as
planned, we may see a completely new scheme of Arctic navigation for the future.
Arctic Marine Transport and the Juridical Continental Shelf:
The Conflicting Impacts of Thinning Ice and UNCLOS Article 76
Ron Macnab, Geological Survey of Canada (Retired), Canada
Session 5: International Cooperation and Marine Environmental Safety
The juridical map of the Arctic Ocean will likely change substantially over the next decade or so, as the five surround-
ing coastal states (Canada, Denmark, Norway, Russia and the USA) seek to extend significant sovereign rights beyond
their usual 200 nautical mile limits. Under the provisions of Article 76 of the United Nations Convention on the Law of
the Sea (UNCLOS), these extensions of sovereignty will be exercised in several ways: jurisdiction over the living and non-
living resources of the seabed and subsoil; control over the emplacement and use of submarine cables and pipelines, arti-
ficial islands, installations and structures; regulation of drilling; control and prevention of marine pollution; and regula-
tion of marine scientific research.
Most, if not all, of the activities that will be affected by the new sovereign rights involve the use of vessels, be they
deployed as operating platforms or as carriers of cargo and passengers. With the prospect of thinning ice cover in the
central Arctic Ocean, we can expect to see an increase in the number and variety of vessels deployed throughout the region
for these purposes. Conversely, where ship operations are currently subject to relatively few legal hindrances in the high
seas beyond 200 nautical miles, eventually they will have to comply with new coastal state regulations within extended
continental shelves that could almost totally encompass the central Arctic Ocean.
This presentation will describe how thinning ice could make the central Arctic Ocean amenable to expanded vessel
operations, while Article 76 of UNCLOS will simultaneously transform a large portion of the Arctic high seas into a zone
where new coastal state jurisdiction could curtail some of these same operations.
Navigational and Hydrographic Support of Shipping on the Waterways of the Northern Sea Route
Victor Medvedev, State Unitary Hydrographic Department, Russia
Session 5: International Cooperation & Marine Environmental Safety
The navigational and hydrographic support of shipping on the waterways of the Northern Sea Route is entrusted in
Russia to the federal body of executive power in the field of transport – Ministry of Transport. The Federal State Unitary
Hydrographic Department of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation is directly responsible for Navigation and
Hydrographic Support since its establishment in 1933.
Areas to be covered: Hydrographic Survey of Russian Arctic seas and inland waterways suitable for sea navigation in
view of publishing navigational charts and manuals; maintenance of navigational aids; pilotage and composition of the
Arctic pilot service; measures on the prevention of pollution from ships in Arctic seas; and ways to improve the Northern
Sea Route Navigation and Hydrographic Support.
Arctic Marine Transport Workshop
Noncommercial Partnership of the Coordination of the Northern Sea Route Usages
Vladimir Mikhailichenko, Noncommercial Partnership of the Coordination of the Northern Sea Route Usages, Russia
Session 5: International Cooperation & Marine Environmental Safety
The presentation gives a historical outline of the Partnership foundation. It identifies its main goals and objectives,
highlighting the most important: the development of federal law of the Russian Federation concerning the Northern Sea
Route. The presentation will also dwell upon the structure of the Partnership and briefly characterize some of its member
organizations. Information on how legal bodies can become Partnership members will be shared. Statistical information
in the form of tables about the Northern Sea Route will be included also on the following:
Annual traffic on the Northern Sea Route 1933 – 2003 (thousand tonnes)
Main characteristics of Arctic shipping during the period of 1985 – 2003 (total amount of cargo, number of ships and
number of voyages)
Cargo turnover of Arctic ports (thousand tonnes) – name of ports, the year in maximum as compared with 2003
Annual transit traffic along Northern Sea Route 1991 – 1997 and main types of cargo
•Preliminary assessment of marine Arctic cargo shipment for the period up 2015 as estimated by Russian research
The International Northern Sea Route Program (INSROP): Lessons Learned
Willy Østreng, Norway Research Foundation, Norway
Session 3: Development and Shipping Economics
Among all the lessons learned from this comprehensive research program on the Northern Sea Route, only a sketchy
depiction of the outcome and premises of the research will be addressed and assessed in light of the guiding principles
laid down in the 3rd Draft of the Arctic Marine Strategic Plan of 7 June 2004. The purpose of the INSROP was to build
up a scientifically based foundation of specialized and integrated knowledge encompassing all relevant aspects related to
navigating the Northern Sea Route, so as to enable public authorities and private interests to make rational decisions based
on scientific insight. To this end, INSROP was organized as a five-year multidisciplinary and multinational research
program split into four sub-programs:
I. Natural conditions and Ice navigation
II. Environmental factors and Challenges
III. Trade and Commercial Shipping
IV. Political, Legal, Cultural and Military-strategic factors.
The program was designed around two countervailing variables: obstacles to increasing utilization and factors that pro-
mote increasing utilization. These variables were subsequently broken down into two parameters: natural and societal. The
approach was to link the natural and societal and parameters so as to better understand the complexity, distribution,
variability, interactional pattern and value composition of the navigational challenges facing the Northern Sea Route. To
integrate the disciplinary findings of the four sub-programs, integrative concepts were developed, such as: aggregated hot
spots, issue-specific hot spot, cool spots, socio-biodiversity, multi-value navigation etc. These concepts seem suitable to
meet the ambition of the Arctic Marine Strategic Plan to base itself on an ecosystem-based management approach.
Ship Design Considerations for the Russian Arctic
Vsevolod Peresypkin, Central Marine Research and Design Institute, Russia
Session 4: Technological Considerations
Information is provided on the Russian Arctic fleet constructed during the last decades of the last century. Consideration
is given to the icebreaking cargo ships of highest ice class, capable of ensuring all-the-year-round navigation in the Arctic.
The paper sets out the performance characteristics and ice performance of nuclear-powered and diesel- driven liner and
auxiliary icebreakers providing escorting of transport vessels through the Northern Sea Route seaways. The peculiarities
of various design solutions for securing ice performance of ships are discussed.
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Northern View
Charles Randell, Northern View, Canada
Session 4: Technological Considerations
In February 2003, the European Space Agency (ESA) awarded C-CORE of Newfoundland, Canada a contract to initiate
Northern View as a Global Monitoring for Environment and Security (GMES) program. Stage 1 of the program is for 20
months with the goal of defining the public sector need for northern monitoring and information that exploits the many
benefits of earth observation satellites. Earth observation is a near ideal tool in the northern context, readily providing
information on the large inaccessible regions. This information supports monitoring and analysis of issues relating to the
environment (e.g. climate change, pollution, biodiversity), security (e.g. human activity monitoring, disaster management,
search and rescue), and sustainable development (e.g. resource exploration, site remediation, bio-productivity monitoring).
It is ideally suited to provide either high or low-resolution ice information over many thousands of square kilometers in
real time. The Northern View team has over 30 participants from six countries.
It is the long-term objective of the Northern View to become a sustainable, "one-stop-shop" for information required by
government and other public agencies, shipping interests, indigenous peoples, and other northern stakeholders. In the
short-term the goal is to provide northern information based at least in part on satellite surveillance. These information
services currently include ship and iceberg detection, high-resolution ice type, concentration and thickness charts,
glacier monitoring, and various other northern monitoring activities.
The program has continued to grow and is considered so successful that the plan for Stage 2 is to merge a compatible
GMES program, ICEMON, with Northern View. The new proposed program is Polar View. Stage 2 will be for three years.
Further information can be found at
Icebreakers Today and Trends for the Future
Karl-Heinz Rupp, Hamburg Ship Model Basin, Germany
Session 4: Technological Considerations
Developments over the past few decades concerning hull form and propulsion concepts for icebreakers are reviewed.
The operating of icebreakers today for guiding other vessels and in particular for guiding much larger vessels in the future
will present a challenge for icebreakers and for icebreaking tactics.
The increased use of icebreakers for a variety of new tasks will affect their design and will result in a larger work scope
for these vessels in the future. Examples for such extended applications of icebreakers are for instance platform supply,
standby with emergency rescue duties for offshore platforms, oil recovery and research.
Arctic Sea Ice Extent and Multiyear Sea Ice Changes
Stein Sandven and O. M. Johannessen, Nansen Environmental and Remote Sensing Center, Norway
Session 2: Arctic Climate and Sea Ice Considerations
The Arctic sea ice is predicted to change severely in the 21st century as a consequence of the global warming. Many
human activities will be affected by a reduced ice cover such as ship transport, tourism, offshore operations, fisheries
and living conditions for indigenous people in the north. Observing the Arctic sea ice area and extent has been done
successfully for the last 2-3 decades using passive microwave satellite data. These data have shown a decrease of the
total ice area of 3 – 4 % per decade. For multiyear ice, the reduction is more significant, about 7 – 8 % reduction per
decade. Surface air temperature data, extending back to the beginning of the 20th century, shows that there was a sig-
nificant warmer period in the 1920s – 1940s, followed by a colder period in 1950s – 1960s. Decadal variability’s in the
sea ice cover can only be detected in longer time series, but sea ice extent data for the whole century are more irregular
and scattered and, therefore, less accurate than the passive microwave satellite data. Since observational data on Arctic
sea ice is far from sufficient to estimate variability and trends of the ice volume, it is necessary to use coupled ice–ocean
models to simulate sea ice variables on seasonal, decadal and century time scale. These models need to be validated
against available data sets such as ice area from passive microwave data, ice thickness and ice motion from drifting buoys
and satellite data.
Arctic Marine Transport Workshop
Prediction of the Arctic sea ice during this century has been done by several climate models such as the Bergen Climate
Model, the ECHAM model and the Hadley Center’s climate model. The model results indicate that the ice area in the
summer will decrease significantly, while the winter sea ice will decrease less. The models also show that the ice thickness
will be reduced during this century, but the rate of the reducing varies between the models. Several ice thickness data
sets show more or less reduction of the ice thickness over the last few decades. The most dramatic changes indicated a
40 % reduction in thickness over the last four decades.
Operational monitoring of sea ice by satellites is an important part of the monitoring systems presently under imple-
mentation in the context of the Global Monitoring for Environment and Security (GMES) where a number of institutions
from many countries are involved. One GMES project with a focus on sea ice is ICEMON, which is one of the ESA
service consolidation actions in 2003 – 2004 ( ICEMON is preparing for the implementation of a
coherent network of monitoring services for the high latitudes, including sea ice, meteorological, oceanographic services
(met-ocean services). ICEMON will serve operational users such as ships, offshore operators and others who need near
real time information as well as climate users who need longer time series of measurements for monitoring and modeling
of seasonal, interannual and decadal variability of sea ice and other met-ocean parameters.
Arctic Shipping Rules: the Climate is…. a-Changin’
Victor Santos-Pedro, Transport Canada, Canada
Session 5: International Cooperation & Marine Environmental Safety
It is always challenging to choose the timing for rule development. Often it is imposed by circumstances of accidents
or industrial activity, and rarely the result of continuous renewal. The most recent Arctic shipping rules, originally know
as the Polar Code, were sparked by a fortuitous coincidence of negative reactions to positive initiatives that eventually
attracted attention and expertise from around the world. And now is the right time for implementation, before all of the
ice melts.
The chronology of events is straightforward, the why and how it happened is more complex. Talking about the principles
underlying each of the resultant products, the status of completion, and what is ahead may be best. The harmonization
of standards is the fundamental pillar. An integrated approach based on best practices and precaution can produce
comprehensive safety and environmental protection measures that also address economy, of effort and cost, and efficiency.
How effective the rules are depends entirely on monitoring.
The IMO Guidelines for Ships Operating in Arctic Ice-covered Waters and the IACS Polar Ship Rules Unified
Requirements for machinery and hull were introduced, as well as its respective components – construction, equipment,
operations, including the Ice Navigator endorsement concept and the education of operators. Most importantly, the
climate of acceptance for international rules predominates and leads to clear and understandable outcomes in terms of
safety and environmental protection.
Ari Seina, Finnish Institute of Marine Research, Finland
Session 4: Technological Considerations
ICEMON (SAR ice monitoring for climate research, environmental management, resource exploitation and marine
operation safety in Polar Regions) is a project under Stage 1 Service Consolidation Actions of the Earthwatch GMES services
Element (GSE). Coordinated by the Nansen Environmental Remote Sensing Center (Norway), ICEMON has 18 partners
from 16 countries, and links to EuroClim and IRIS projects.
Objectives of ICEMON, in the short term, is to demonstrate SAR ice monitoring in key areas of the Arctic Ocean and
surrounding seas, delivering high-resolution products. This represents that a significant improvement of the quality of ice
information in intermediate term sea ice products will gradually be integrated with meteorological and oceanographical
products, including monitoring, hindcast and forecast products. EO products based on SAR and scatterometer data will
be expanded to include ice thickness from CryoSat. The EO-based sea ice products will be used in modeling and data
assimilation for improved forecasting services. A long-term objective of ICEMON is to deliver operational monitoring and
forecasting services of met-ice-ocean conditions at high latitudes. It is envisaged that an integrated service network will
be implemented offering atmospheric, sea ice and oceanographical information products.
28-30 September 2004
For the next stage of GSE (2005-2008) there is a plan to merge ICEMON and Northern View projects into a single Polar
View project, in which services should be fully operational in 2008.
Marine Trafficability Studies in the Alaskan Arctic
Richard Voelker, US Maritime Administration, USA
Session 1: Historical Perspectives
During the period 1979 to 1986, the U.S. Maritime Administration was the lead agency for a multiyear Arctic Marine
Transportation Program. The primary objectives of the program were to: (1) assess the feasibility of year-round commercial
marine operations in ice-covered waters of Alaska; (2) define the environmental conditions along potential Arctic marine
routes; and, (3) improve icebreaking ship design criteria. These objectives were met as a result of the 15 voyages aboard
the U.S. Coast Guard POLAR Class icebreakers in the Arctic and Antarctic. This paper describes the U.S. Arctic national
policy at the time as well as the many participating government agencies, industrial organizations, and academic institutions
in the program. Major achievements are highlighted, including a series of conclusions, which identify the most critical
technology and skills needed in the future. Environmental, operational, and technical data from these voyages are
contained in 58 technical reports that are available to the public.
Arctic Sea Ice Thickness Changes
Peter Wadhams, University of Cambridge, United Kingdom
Session 2: Arctic Climate and Sea Ice considerations
Major changes have occurred in Arctic Ocean ice and water structure over the pat two decades. The summer ice thickness
over much of the Arctic Basin has declined by some 40% since the 1970s amounting to a reduction in mean thickness
of 1-1.3 m with an accompanying reduction of some 73% in the frequency of deep pressure ridges. The pressure ridge
reduction in particular indicates a radical change in ice dynamics, presumably associated with a change in phase of the
Arctic Oscillation (AO). There is some evidence that the thinning slowed during the 1990s and it has been suggested that
rarely visited parts of the Arctic such as the offshore region north of Greenland and the Canadian Archipelago may not
share the general thinning. Satellite data has, however, shown a reduction in the area of perennial (multi-year) ice through-
out the Arctic, while there has been a steady decline in the total area of Arctic ice since 1979, with some evidence of a
recent acceleration.
The ice thinning has been accompanied by a warming of the Atlantic layer in the Arctic Ocean, a retreat of the cold
halocline layer due to re-routing of Siberian river outflows and Bering Strait inflows, and a change in the pattern of atmos-
pheric pressure over the Arctic and thus of ice dynamics. Atlantic layer warming and cold halocline retreat have been
postulated as a direct cause of ice thinning via increased ocean heat flux. The change in pressure field and hence of ice
and upper ocean circulation has been assigned to a change of phase of the AO, with the possibility suggested that global
warming induces a persistent AO of a particular phase. Such a change inevitably alters the distribution of ice thickness
and dynamics, and hence the ice flux through Fram Strait, particularly by affecting the trajectory of ice drift around the
Arctic and hence the age and deformation history of ice reaching Fram Strait. Changes in the AO also affect the salinity
of the upper water column through changes in freshwater storage by sea ice.
The ice and fresh water variability in the Fram Strait exit route couple in turn to Greenland Sea processes via the fresh
melt water which spreads over the Greenland Sea in summer, capping long-lived convective features and creating a reserve
of buoyancy which must be overcome the following winter before convection can recommence. In addition, that part of
the Arctic outflow which continues through Denmark Strait is then able to influence convection in the Labrador Sea. Thus,
the outflow of fresh water is in a position to affect two important high-latitude components of the Atlantic thermohaline
Another important implication of Arctic sea ice thinning was pointed out by Walter Munk in the form of a mismatch
which it introduces into global estimates of sea level rise. Twentieth Century sea level rise has been estimated at 1.5-2
mm/yr with a steric component of 0.5 mm/yr. A global salinity census suggests a freshening rate equivalent to the addition of
650 km
of fresh water to the ocean per year. If this came from terrestrial runoff it would indeed yield the required
1-1.5 mm eustatic rise. Yet, the Arctic thinning rate alone adds some 600 km
/yr without altering sea level. The implica-
tions are that sea level is rising at only the steric rate, and that run-off from the retreat of subpolar glaciers must be
balanced by extraction of water elsewhere, e.g. from growth of the Antarctic ice sheet. These are serious consequences.
Arctic Marine Transport Workshop
A further paper refines these estimates and allows a small amount of land run-off but it is clear that, from the sea level
point of view alone, a major effort needs to be made to reduce the uncertainties in our knowledge of sea ice thinning rates.
New observations of Arctic ice thickness, made during 2003-4, reflect a transition towards new types of measurement
technique. There is still an emphasis on direct measurements from sonic techniques, but increasingly these are seen as
validation methods for satellite methods which offer the attraction of synoptic coverage of the Arctic Ocean. The main
need in ice mapping is to develop a satellite-based remote sensing technique which will enable ice thickness to be
mapped synoptically. When combined with ice velocities which can already be mapped from satellites, it will then be pos-
sible to map ice fluxes throughout the Arctic Basin. I anticipate that a combination of existing sensor data (passive and
active microwave) interpreted in new ways, and new sensors such as radar and laser altimeters, will provide a way forward
towards this goal.
It is also vital that direct sonic measurements, from submarines, AUVs and moored sonar, be continued, as well as buoy
measurements, so that any new satellite method can be subject to appropriate validation.
Polar Sea Route as a Global Infrastructure Project
Norio Yamamoto, Global Infrastructure Fund Research Foundation, Japan
Session 6: The Future of Arctic Marine Transport
In 1986 in Anchorage, Alaska, Governor Walter Hickel hosted the 1st Int’l Conference on the Global Infrastructure
including the following the Arctic subjects:
Bridge or tunnel over/under the Bering Strait
Shipping the natural gas resources from the Arctic Sea area
Road across and around the North Pole by making use of highly sophisticated freezing, sub-zero technology
The Global Infrastructure Fund Research Foundation Japan has been promoting global scale infrastructures for sus-
tainable development, growth and peace since the middle of 1970s, making use of "peace dividend" and "conversion" of
military technology for civil use in the form of massive "resource transfer" to the developing parts of the world. Multi-
national and global scale infrastructure projects totaling $10 Billion for sustainable growth in the following areas:
Environmental improvement and preservation
Energy and Natural Resources
Under the transportation category, GIF Japan is promoting projects such as the new Silk Road and the Northern Sea
Route. GIF Japan expects Arctic maritime transportation will make the development of natural gas feasible in its use of
nuclear-submarine type tankers. Recently, Russian organizations proposed transportation of heavy machinery manufac-
tured in a naval shipyard facing the Arctic Sea through the Bering Strait to a project site of the ITER nuclear fusion
machine, which is expected to be built in Japan.
28-30 September 2004
Appendix D: Shipping Data for the Northern Sea Route
Year Traffic Year Traffic
1933 . . . . . . . .130 1969 . . . . . 2621
1934 . . . . . . . .134 1970 . . . . . 2980
1935 . . . . . . . .176 1971 . . . . . 3032
1936 . . . . . . . .201 1972 . . . . . 3279
1937 . . . . . . . .187 1973 . . . . . 3599
1938 . . . . . . . .194 1974 . . . . . 3969
1939 . . . . . . . .237 1975 . . . . . 4075
1940 . . . . . . . .350 1976 . . . . . 4349
1941 . . . . .(WWII) 165 1977 . . . . . 4553
1942 . . . .(WWII) 177 1978 . . . . . 4789
1943 . . . .(WWII) 289 1979 . . . . . 4792
1944 . . . .(WWII) 376 1980 . . . . . 4952
1945 . . . .(WWII) 444 1981 . . . . . 5005
1946 . . . . . . . .412 1982 . . . . . 5110
1947 . . . . . . . .316 1983 . . . . . 5445
1948 . . . . . . . .318 1984 . . . . . 5835
1949 . . . . . . . .362 1985 . . . . . 6181
1950 . . . . . . . .380 1986 . . . . . 6455
1951 . . . . . . . .434 1987 . . . 6579 (max)
1952 . . . . . . . .389 1988 . . . . . 6295
1953 . . . . . . . .506 1989 . . . . . 5823
1954 . . . . . . . .612 1990 . . . . . 5510
1955 . . . . . . . .677 1991 . . . . . 4804
1956 . . . . . . . .723 1992 . . . . . 3909
1957 . . . . . . . .787 1993 . . . . . 3016
1958 . . . . . . . .821 1994 . . . . . 2300
1959 . . . . . . . .888 1995 . . . . . 2362
1960 . . . . . . . .963 1996 . . . . . 1642
1961 . . . . . . .1013 1997 . . . . . 1945
1962 . . . . . . .1164 1998 . . . . . 1458
1963 . . . . . . .1264 1999 . . . . . 1580
1964 . . . . . . .1399 2000 . . . . . 1587
1965 . . . . . . .1455 2001 . . . . . 1800
1966 . . . . . . .1778 2002 . . . . . 1600
1967 . . . . . . .1934 2003 . . . . . 1700
1968 . . . . . . .2179
I. Annual Traffic on the Northern Sea Route
1933 - 2003 (thousand tonnes)
Total Amount
Year of Cargo # Vessels # Voyages
1985 6181 296 1115
1986 6455 312 1224
1987 6579 331 1306
1988 6295 296 1016
1989 5823 273 928
1990 5510 252 886
1991 4804 243 811
1992 3909 206 606
1993 3016 117 463
1994 2300 153 315
1995 2362 134 309
1996 1642 75 234
1997 1945 70 220
1998 1458 51 152
1999 1580 49 155
2000 1587 52 169
2001 1800 60 194
2002 1600 47 170
2003 1700 47 160
II. Main Characteristics of Arctic Shipping
During the Period 1985-2003
Source: Vladimir Mikhailichenko, Noncommercial Partnership of the
Coordination of the Northern Sea Route Usages, Russia
During the time of the most intensive navigation, certain vessels
conducted up to five voyages within one navigation period.
Source: Vladimir Mikhailichenko, Noncommercial Partnership of the
Coordination of the Northern Sea Route Usages, Russia
Arctic Marine Transport Workshop
Year Total/only 2003 Total/only
Name of Port of Maximum Oil Products Oil Products
Amderma 1986 156/65 0.2/0.1
Dikson 1986 49/7 Approx. 3.0/0
Dudinka 1987 2583/102 1074/0
Igarka 1988 751/ 54/
Khatanga 1987 271/63 113/10
Tiksi 1987 1044/200 38/28
Zeleniy Mys 1986 540/244 6/6
Pevek 1987 839/119 134/49
Mys Schmidta 1987 155/25 31/16
III. Cargo Turnover of Arctic Ports (thousand tonnes)
The Arctic ports, situated along the NSR have a certain potential for cargo handling.
Today however, the situation has drastically changed with a dramatic decrease in cargo amounts.
Source: Vladimir Mikhailichenko, Noncommercial Partnership of the Coordination of the Northern Sea Route Usages, Russia
1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997
# of Vessels 15 12 22 7 8 3 2
Traffic (1000 tonnes) 210 186 226 10 120 38 30
IV. Annual Transit Traffic: Along the Northern Sea Route (1991 - 1997)
Main types of cargo from Europe to the Far East:
Chemicals (potash salts; fertilizers; potassium chloride);
rolled metal; and timber (Finland, Sweden-Japan)
Main types of cargo from the Far East to Europe:
Processed agricultural goods (rice, soy beans, cake
from China and Thailand); magnesite; and spar.
Source: Vladimir Mikhailichenko, Noncommercial Partnership of the Coordination of the Northern Sea Route Usages, Russia
Period Variant I Variant II
2003 2005 2010 2015 2005 2010 2015
Total along the NSR 1700 2340 4890 7810 3575 8620 11380
• only oil products 465 710 2515 4640 795 4635 5890
V. Preliminary assessment of marine Arctic cargo shipment for the period
up to 2015 as estimated by Russian research institutes (thousand tonnes)
Variant I - pessimistic scenario / Variant II - optimistic scenario
Preliminary Assessment
Source: Vladimir Mikhailichenko, Noncommercial Partnership of the Coordination of the Northern Sea Route Usages, Russia
Appendix D: Shipping Data for the Northern Sea Route continued
28-30 September 2004
Appendix E: Marine Traffic in the Canadian Arctic
June – November 2004
Canadian Government Vessels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Commercial Traffic
Canadian Vessel Voyages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .62
Foreign Vessel Voyages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18 (14 to Churchill)
Foreign Cruise Ships . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7
Foreign Research Vessels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2
Foreign Pleasure Craft . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Total = 94
Northwest Passage Transits
Canadian Coast Guard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2
Canadian Commercial Vessels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0
Foreign Cargo Vessels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .0
Foreign Cruise Ships . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1
Foreign Pleasure Craft . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2
Total = 5
Total Voyages = 107
Note: Listing prepared from responses to the Canadian Coast Guard voluntary reporting system.
Source: Canadian Coast Guard
Route 6: Labrador Sea, Davis Strait, Lancaster Sound,
Prince Regent Inlet, Bellot Strait, Rae Strait, Simpson
Strait, Coronation Gulf, Amundsen Gulf, Beaufort Sea,
Chukchi Sea, Bering Strait, Bering Sea.
A variant of route 5 for small vessels if ice from
McClintock Channel has blocked Victoria Strait, Simpson
Strait is only 6.4 m deep, difficult currents run in Bellot
and Simpson Straits.
Route 7: Labrador Sea, Hudson Strait, Foxe Basin, Fury
and Hecla Strait, Bellot Strait, Franklin Strait, Victoria
Strait, Coronation Gulf, Amundsen Gulf, Beaufort Sea,
Chukchi Sea, Bering Strait, Bering Sea.
A difficult route owing to severe ice usually at the west of
Fury and Hecla Strait and the currents of Bellot Strait.
Transits of the Northwest Passage (continued)
Until the 2004-05, winter 99 complete transits of the
Northwest Passage (Atlantic to Pacific waters or vice
versa) have been made. Including these are 175 partial
transits recorded through waters of the Canadian Arctic
Archipelago. An analysis of these routes shows:
Complete transits of the Northwest Passage
Route 1 west 1 east 0 total 1
Route 2 west 7 east 3 total 10
Route 3 west 16 east 29 total 45
Route 4 west 6 east 5 total 11
Route 5 west 4 east 10 total 14
Route 6 west 3 east 10 total 13
Route 7 west 0 east 2 total 2
All Routes west 37 east 62 total 99
Partial transits through the Canadian Arctic Archipelagos
Route 1 west 2 east 1 total 3
Route 2 west 10 east 6 total 16
Route 3 west 50 east 58 total 108
Route 4 west 6 east 6 total 12
Route 5 west 5 east 12 total 17
Route 6 west 3 east 10 total 13
Route 7 west 1 east 2 total 3
All Routes west 77 east 98 total 175
Source: Robert Headland,
Scott Polar Research Institute, United Kingdom
Arctic Marine Transport Workshop
Appendix F: Transits of the Northwest Passage
Seven routes have been used for transits of the
Northwest Passage between the Atlantic Ocean (Labrador
Sea) and Pacific Ocean (Bering Sea) or in the opposite
direction. Several minor variations have also been used
(for example through Pond Inlet and Navy Board Inlet,
Jones Sound, etc). These routes are:
Route 1: Labrador Sea, Davis Strait, Lancaster Sound,
Barrow Strait, Viscount Melville Sound, McClure Strait,
Beaufort Sea, Chukchi Sea, Bering Strait, Bering Sea.
The shortest and deepest, but most difficult way owing to
the severe ice of McClure Strait; the route could be used
by submarines because of its depth.
Route 2: Labrador Sea, Davis Strait, Lancaster Sound,
Barrow Strait, Viscount Melville Sound, Prince of Wales
Strait, Amundsen Gulf, Beaufort Sea, Chukchi Sea, Bering
Strait, Bering Sea.
An easier variant of route 1 which may avoid severe ice in
McClure Strait; suitable for deep draft vessels.
Route 3: Labrador Sea, Davis Strait, Lancaster Sound,
Barrow Strait, Peel Sound, Franklin Strait, Victoria Strait,
Coronation Gulf, Amundsen Gulf, Beaufort Sea, Chukchi
Sea, Bering Strait, Bering Sea.
This is route used by most vessels of draft less than 10 m.
Route 4: Labrador Sea, Davis Strait, Lancaster Sound,
Barrow Strait, Peel Sound, Rae Strait, Simpson Strait,
Coronation Gulf, Amundsen Gulf, Beaufort Sea, Chukchi
Sea, Bering Strait, Bering Sea.
A variant of route 3 for small vessels if ice from
McClintock Channel has blocked Victoria Strait; Simpson
Strait is only 6.4 m deep and has difficult currents.
Route 5: Labrador Sea, Davis Strait, Lancaster Sound,
Prince Regent Inlet, Bellot Strait, Franklin Strait, Victoria
Strait, Coronation Gulf, Amundsen Gulf, Beaufort Sea,
Chukchi Sea, Bering Strait, Bering Sea.
This route is dependent on ice conditions in Bellot Strait
which has difficult currents; mainly used by eastbound
28-30 September 2004
The following 99 voyages, by 67 vessels, carrying 17
different flags, have made complete transits of the
Northwest Passage to September 2004. These transits
proceed to or from the Atlantic Ocean (Labrador Sea) in or
out of the eastern approaches of the Canadian Arctic
archipelago (Lancaster Sound or Foxe Basin), then the
western approaches (McClure Strait or Amundsen Gulf),
across the Beaufort Sea and Chukchi Sea of the Arctic
Ocean, from or to the Pacific Ocean (Bering Sea). The
seven routes which have been used are indicated, with any
significant variations listed. Some voyages are discontin-
uous because the complement left the vessel during a win-
ter. Details of submarine transits are not included because
only two of them (USS Seadragon in 1960 and USS Skate
in 1962) have been reported and they do not navigate
through ice.
The sources for these data include a compilation by
Thomas Pullen and Charles Swithinbank published in
1991 (Cambridge:
Polar Record
, 27 [163]; 365-367),
subsequent information from Brian McDonald (Canadian
Coast Guard) who maintained and expanded the compila-
tion (completing it for a Centenary Edition in 2003),
details provided by Captains Patrick Toomey (CCG) and
Lawson Brigham (USCG), some personal observations
acquired during voyages aboard
Kapitan Khlebnikov
Kapitan Dranitsyn
, and many published works.
Transits of the Northwest Passage
Year Vessel Registry Master Route
1 1903-06
(21 m auxiliary sloop) Norway Roald E. G. Amundsen West 4
Wintered twice in Gjøa Haven and once off King Point
2 1940-42
St Roch
Henry Asbjørn Larsen
East 6
(29.7 m RCMP aux. schooner) Wintered at Walker Bay and Pasley Bay, traversed Pond Inlet
3 1944
St Roch
(RCMP auxiliary schooner) Canada
Henry Asbjørn Larsen
West 2
Return voyage, first transit in one season, traversed Pond Inlet
4 1954 HMCS
(icebreaker) Canada
Owen Connor S. Robertson West 2
First continuous circumnavigation of North America
5 1957 USCGC
(icebreaker) United States
Harold L. Wood East 6
6 1957 USCGC
(buoy tender) United States
H. H. Carter East 6
7 1957 USCGC
(buoy tender) United States
C. V. Crewing East 6
escorted convoy with
8 1967 CCGS
John A. McDonald
Paul M. Fournier West 3
Dispatched to assist USCGC
beset 900 km N off Point Barrow
with damaged propeller, circumnavigated North America
9 1969 USCGC
Staten Island
(icebreaker) United States
Eugene F. Walsh East 3
Escorted oil tanker
on return voyage from Point Barrow
10 1970 CSS
(research icebreaker) Canada
P. Brick East 2
11 1970 CSS
(research icebreaker) Canada
David W. Butler East 2
First circumnavigation of the Americas
12 1975
Pandora II
(hydrographic research vessel) Canada
R. Dickinson East 7
13 1975
(research vessel) Canada
K. Maro East 7
Traveled in company
14 1975 CSS
(buoy tender) Canada
Peter Kallis East 6
Arctic Marine Transport Workshop
15 1976 CCGS
J. E. Bernier
(icebreaker) Canada
Paul Pelland East 3
16 1977
(13 m sloop) Netherlands Willy de Roos West 4
Single-handed after Gjøa Haven, continued to circumnavigate the Americas
17 1978 CCGS
Pierre Radisson
(icebreaker) Canada
Patrick M. R. Toomey East 2
18 1976-79
J. E. Bernier II
(10 m ketch) Canada
Réal Bouvier West 4
Wintered in Holsteinburg, Resolute, and Tuktoyaktuk
19 1979
Canmar Kigoriak
(icebreaker) Canada
C. Cunningham West 2
20 1979 CCGS
Louis S. St Laurent
(icebreaker) Canada
George Burdock West 2
Circumnavigated North America
21 1980 CCGS
J. E. Bernier
(icebreaker) Canada
E. Chasse East 4
22 1980
Pandora II
R. A. Jones East 4
(hydrographic survey vessel)
23 1981 CSS
(research icebreaker) Canada
F. Mauger East 3
24 1979-82
(15 sloop) Japan Kenichi Horie West 6
First single-handed transit, wintered in Resolute and Tuktoyaktuk
25 1983
Arctic Shiko
(tug) Canada
S. Dool East 3
26 1983
Polar Circle
(research vessel) Canada
J. A. Strand East 4
27 1983-88
(18 m yacht) United States
John Bockstoce East 6
Reached Tuktoyaktuk 1983, conducted whaling research to 1987,
completed transit in 1988, traversed Pond Inlet
28 1983-90
(icebreaker) Canada
R. Cormier
East 3
Reached Beaufort Sea in 1983, where worked to 1990 when completed transit
29 1984
Lindblad Explorer
Sweden Hasse Nilsson West 4
(ice strengthened ship) First passenger
30 1982-85
Vagabond II1
(23·1 m yacht) France
W. Jacobsen
West 6
Wintered in Arctic Bay, Gjøa Haven, and Tuktoyaktut, eastbound voyage
made in 1986-88
31 1985 USCGC
Polar Sea
(icebreaker) United States
John T. Howell West 2
Accompanied by CCGS
John A. McDonald
for part of voyage
32 1985
World Discoverer
Singapore Heinz Aye1 East 4
(ice-strengthened ship) Carried passengers
, traversed Pond Inlet
33 1976-88
Canmar Explorer II
(drilling ship) Canada
Ronald Colby West 3
Reached Beaufort Sea for oil drilling program from 1976 until completed
34 1986-88
Vagabond II
(23.1 m yacht) France
W. Jacobsen
East 6
Wintered twice in Gjøa Haven, westbound voyage made in 1982-85
35 1986-89
Mabel E. Holland
(12.8 m lifeboat) Britain
David Scott Cowper West 6
Single-handed voyage, discontinuous transit, wintered at Fort Ross twice,
and at Inuvik
36 1988 CCGS
Henry A. Larsen
(icebreaker) Canada
Stephen Gomes East 3
37 1988
Society Explorer
Heinz Aye
East 3
(ice-strengthened ship) Carried passengers
, traversed Pond Inlet [formerly
Lindblad Explorer
38 1988 CCGS
Martha L. Black
(icebreaker) Canada
Robert Mellis East 3
Year Vessel Registry Master Route
28-30 September 2004
39 1988 USCGC
Polar Star
(icebreaker) United States
Paul A. Taylor East 3
Accompanied by CCGS
Sir John Franklin
to Demarcation Point
40 1988-89
(15 m ketch) Britain
Richard Thomas West 4
Wintered in Inuvik
41 1989 USCGC
Polar Star
(icebreaker) United States
Robert Hammond West 3
Accompanied by CCGS
Sir John Franklin
to Demarcation Point
42 1990 USCGC
Polar Sea
(icebreaker) United States
Joseph J. McCleland West 3
Accompanied by CCGS
Pierre Radisson
to Demarcation Point
43 1990
Terry Fox
(icebreaker) Canada
P. Kimmerley East 3
44 1991
Canmar Tugger
(tug) Canada
L. Lorengeek East 3
45 1992
Frontier Spirit
Heinz Aye
West 3
(ice-strengthened ship) Carried passengers
, traversed Pond Inlet
46 1992
(icebreaker) Canada
R. Cormier
West 3
47 1992
Kapitan Khlebnikov
(icebreaker) Russia1 Piotr Golikov
East 3
Carried passengers
48 1993
Kapitan Khlebnikov
(icebreaker) Russia
Piotr Golikov
East 3
Carried passengers
49 1993
Frontier Spirit
Heinz Aye
West 3
(ice-strengthened ship) Carried passengers
50 1993
Dagmar Aaen
(27 m yacht) Germany Arved Fuchs West 5
51 1994
Kapitan Khlebnikov
(icebreaker) Russia
Piotr Golikov
East 3
52 1994
Kapitan Khlebnikov
(icebreaker) Russia
Piotr Golikov
West 2
Return voyage, carried passengers
8 & 9
53 1994
(ice-strengthened ship) Bahamas
Hartwig van Harling
West 3
Carried passengers
54 1994
(converted tug) Britain
Allan Jouning East 4
55 1995
Kapitan Khlebnikov
(icebreaker) Russia
Viktor Vasiliev
East 5
Carried passengers
56 1995 CCGS
Arctic Ivik
(icebreaker) Canada
Norman Thomas East 5
57 1995 CCGS
Arctic Ivik
(icebreaker) Canada
Robert Mellis West 5
Return voyage to and from Kap York
58 1995
Canmar Ikaluk
(icebreaker) Canada
D. Connolly East 3
[formerly Ikaluk]
59 1995
Dove III
(8.2 m yacht) Canada
Winston Bushnell East 3
The smallest vessel to have completed the transit
60 1995
Canmar Miscaroo
(icebreaker) Canada
D. W. Harris East 3
61 1995
Hrvatska Cigra
Croatia Mladan Sutej West 5
[Croatian Tern] (19.8 m yacht)
62 1996
Kapitan Dranitsyn
(icebreaker) Russia
Oleg Agafonov East 5
Carried passengers
Year Vessel Registry Master Route
Arctic Marine Transport Workshop
63 1996 CCGS
Sir Wilfrid Laurier
Norman Thomas East 5
(icebreaker) Escorted by CCGS
Louis S. St Laurent
for part of voyage, traversed
Pond Inlet
64 1996
(ice-strengthened ship) Bahamas
Hartwig van Harling
West 3
Carried passengers
until grounded in Simpson Strait, escorted by
Henry A. Larsen
to Victoria Strait, traversed Pond Inlet
65 1996
Canmar Supplier II
(cargo vessel) Canada
P. Dunderdale East 3
66 1996
Arctic Circle
(tug) Canada
J. McCormick East 3
67 1997
(ice-strengthened ship) Bahamas
Heinz Aye
West 3
Carried passengers
, escorted to Victoria Strait by CCGS
Henry A.
, traversed Pond Inlet
68 1997
Kapitan Khlebnikov
(icebreaker) Russia
Viktor Vasiliev
East 3
Carried passengers
69 1997
Alex Gordon
(tug) Canada
Paul Misata East 5
Escorted by CCGS
Sir Wilfred Laurier
to Franklin Strait and then CCGS
Pierre Radisson
70 1997
(tug) Bahamas
Allan Guenter East 5
Escorted by CCGS
Terry Fox
to Victoria Strait
71 1998
Kapitan Khlebnikov
(icebreaker) Russia
Piotr Golikov
East 3
Carried passengers
72 1998
(ice-strengthened ship) Bahamas
Heinz Aye
East 3
Carried passengers
, escorted to Victoria Strait by CCGS
Sir John
, traversed Pond Inlet
73 1999
Admiral Makarov
Vadim Akholodenko East 3
(icebreaker, dock in tow)
74 1999
(tug, dock in tow) Russia
Aleksandr Aleksenko East 3
Travelled in convoy each towing a component of a steel floating dock,
Korea to Carribean
75 1999
Kapitan Dranitsyn
(icebreaker) Russia
Viktor Terekhov
West 3
Carried passengers
, circumnavigated the Arctic
76 2000 USCGC
(icebreaker) United States
Jeffery M. Garrett West 3
77 2000
(ice-strengthened ship) Bahamas
Thilo Natke West 3
Carried passengers
, traversed Pond Inlet
78 2000
Kapitan Dranitsyn
(icebreaker) Russia
Viktor Terekhov
West 3
Carried passengers
, circumnavigated the Arctic
79 2000
Nadon [St Roch II]
Kenneth Burton East 6
(17.7 m RCMP catamaran) Voyage to commemorate St Roch 1940-42 transit
80 2000
Simon Fraser
Robert Mellis East 6
(icebreaker, formerly CCGS) Escorted Nadon
81 2000
(25 m yacht) New Zealand Stephen Kafka East 6
82 2001
Kapitan Khlebnikov
(icebreaker) Russia
Viktor Vasiliev
East 3
83 2001
Kapitan Khlebnikov
(icebreaker) Russia
Viktor Vasiliev
West 1
Return voyage, carried passengers
21 & 22
84 2001
(46 m yacht) Cayman Islands Philip Walsh West 4
Year Vessel Registry Master Route
Prospects for completion after 2004
Year Vessel Registry Master Route
28-30 September 2004
85 2001
(14.9m yacht) Ireland (Eira) Patick Barry West 3
86 2001-02
Le Nuage
(12.8 m yacht) France
Michèle Demai East 3
Complement of mother and daughter, wintered in Cambridge Bay
87 2002
Kapitan Khlebnikov
(icebreaker) Russia
Piotr Golikov
East 3
Carried passengers
88 2002
Sedna IV
(51 m yacht) Canada
Stéphan Guy West 5
89 2002
Apostol Andrey
(16.2 m yacht) Russia
Nikolay Litau East 5
Assisted by CCGS
Louis S. St Laurent
through Prince Regent Inlet, voyage
previously made a transit of Northeast Passage
90 2002
Arctic Kalvik
(icebreaker tug) Barbados Sanjeev Kumar East 3
91 2002
(ice-strengthened ship) Bahamas
Thilo Natke West 3
Carried passengers
, traversed Pond Inlet
92 2003
Kapitan Khlebnikov
(icebreaker) Russia
Viktor Vasiliev
East 5
93 2003
(ice-strengthened ship) Bahamas
Daniel Fogner West 3
Carried passengers
25 & 26
Frontier Spirit
] traversed
Pond Inlet
94 2003
Norwegian Blue
(12.9 m yacht) Britain
Andrew Wood East 5
95 2003
Vagabond II
(23.1 m yacht) France
Eric Brossier East 5
Both traversed Pond Inlet
96 2003
(icebreaker) United States
Daniel Oliver West 3
97 2003-04
Polar Bound
(14.6 m motorboat) Britain
David Scott Cowper
West 5
Wintered in Cambridge Bay, assisted by CCGS
Louis S. St Laurent
for part
of voyage, traversed Pond Inlet
98 2003-04
Dagmar Aaen
(27 m yacht) Germany
Arved Fuchs
West 5
Wintered in Cambridge Bay, traversed Pond Inlet, previously made a
transit of the Northeast Passage
99 2004
Kapitan Khlebnikov
(icebreaker) Russia
Pavel Ankudinov East 5
Carried passengers
Ocean Search
(12.5 m yacht) France Olivier Pitras East
Minke I
(12.8 m yacht) Canada Peter Brook East
Both vessels wintered in Cambridge Bay twice
Jotun Arctic
(13.4 m yacht) Norway Knut Espen Solberg West
Wintered in Godhavn and Arctic Bay, voyage to commemorate
1903-06 transit
Fine Tolerance
(13.7 m yacht) Australia Philip Hogg East
Wintered in Cambridge Bay
Source: Robert Headland, Scott Polar Research Institute, United Kingdom
Year Vessel Registry Master Route
Arctic Marine Transport Workshop
Appendix G: Icebreakers that have Reached the North Pole
Name Master Date arrived Flag Power
Yuriy Kuchiyev 17 August 1977 Soviet Union
Zigfrid Vibakh 25 May 1987 Soviet Union
Anatoly Lamehov 8 August 1990 Soviet Union
Sovetskiy Soyuz
Anatoly Gorshkovskiy
4 August 1991 Soviet Union
Anders Backman
7 September 1991 Sweden
Ernst-Peter Greve 7 September 1991 Germany
Sovetskiy Soyuz
Anatoly Gorshkovskiy
13 July 1992 Russia
Sovetskiy Soyuz
Anatoly Gorshkovskiy
23 August 1992 Russia
Andrey Smirnov
21 July 1993 Russia
Andrey Smirnov
8 August 1993 Russia
Andrey Smirnov
30 August 1993 Russia
Andrey Smirnov
21 July 1994 Russia
Kapitan Dranitsyn
Viktor Terekhov
21 July 1994 Russia
Andrey Smirnov
5 August 1994 Russia
Andrey Smirnov
21 August 1994 Russia
Louis S. St Laurent
Philip Grandy 22 August 1994 Canada Diesel
Polar Sea
Lawson Brigham 22 August 1994 United States
Diesel/Gas Turbine
Andrey Smirnov
12 July 1995 Russia
Andrey Smirnov
28 July 1995 Russia
Andrey Smirnov
12 July 1996 Russia
Andrey Smirnov
27 July 1996 Russia
Andrey Smirnov
14 August 1996 Russia
Anders Backman
10 September 1996 Sweden
Sovetskiy Soyuz
Stanislav Shmidt
12 July 1997 Russia
Sovetskiy Soyuz
Stanislav Shmidt
25 July 1997 Russia
Sovetskiy Soyuz
Yevgeniy Bannikov
10 July 1998 Russia
Sovetskiy Soyuz
Yevgeniy Bannikov
23 July 1998 Russia
Stanislav Rumantsev
25 July 1999 Russia
Aleksandr Lembrik
29 July 2000 Russia
Aleksandr Lembrik
11 August 2000 Russia
Aleksandr Lembrik
12 July 2001 Russia
Aleksandr Lembrik
24 July 2001 Russia
Mats Johansen 31 July 2001 Sweden
Aleksandr Lembrik
5 August 2001 Russia
Aleksandr Lembrik
23 August 2001 Russia
David Vizneski 6 September 2001 United States
Jurgen Keil 6 September 2001 Germany
Aleksandr Lembrik
11 July 2002 Russia
Aleksandr Lembrik
21 July 2002 Russia
Aleksandr Lembrik
12 August 2002 Russia
Aleksandr Lembrik
25 August 2002 Russia
Stanislav Rumantsev
25 July 2003 Russia
Stanislav Rumantsev
10 August 2003 Russia
Stanislav Rumantsev
24 August 2003 Russia
Aleksandr Lembrik
8 July 2004 Russia
Aleksandr Lembrik
21 July 2004 Russia
Aleksandr Lembrik
8 August 2004 Russia
Aleksandr Lembrik
28 August 2004 Russia
Sovetskiy Soyuz
Stanislav Shmidt
7 September 2004 Russia
Tomas Årnellon 7 September 2004 Sweden
Vidar Viking
Jörgen Haave 7 September 2004 Norway Diesel
Aleksandr Lembrik
11 September 2004 Russia
Source: Robert Headland, Scott Polar Research Institute, United Kingdom
28-30 September 2004
Appendix H: Arctic Climate Impact Assessment
The Arctic Climate Impact Assessment (ACIA) released in November 2004 (following the Cambridge workshop)
was called for by the Arctic Council and the International Arctic Science Committee. ACIA found that the Arctic is
extremely vulnerable to observed and projected climate change and its impacts. The Arctic is now experiencing
some of the most rapid and severe climate change on earth. During the 21st Century, climate change is expected
to accelerate, contributing to major physical, ecological, social, and economic changes, many of which have already
begun. Changes in Arctic climate will also affect the rest of the planet through increased global warming and
rising sea levels.
ACIA documented that declining Arctic sea ice is a key climate change indicator. During the past five decades
the observed extent of Arctic sea ice has declined in all seasons, with the most prominent retreat in summer. Each
of the five Global Climate Models (GCMs) used in ACIA project a continuous decline in Arctic sea ice coverage
throughout the 21st Century. One of the models projects an ice-free Arctic Ocean in summer by 2050, a future
scenario of great significance for Arctic marine shipping since multi-year ice would essentially disappear in the
Arctic Ocean (all the next winter’s sea ice would be first-year). GCM projections to 2100 suggest that Arctic sea ice
in summer will retreat further and further away from most Arctic coasts, potentially increasing marine access and
extending the season of navigation in nearly all Arctic regional seas.
One limitation of the GCMs is that they are not useful at determining the state of sea ice in the Northwest Passage
region. Their resolution is much too coarse to be applied to the narrow straits and sounds of the Canadian Arctic
Archipelago. In ACIA the only reliable observed data comes from the Canadian Ice Service and this information,
archived since the late 1960s, shows a mean negative trend of sea ice coverage in the Canadian Arctic Archipelago
but very high inter-annual variability. The ACIA models, however, could be applied to the more open coastal seas of
the Russian Arctic. ACIA sea ice projections for Russia’s Northern Sea Route indicate an increasing length of the
navigation season throughout the 21st century.
In summary, ACIA confirms that the observed retreat of Arctic sea ice is a real phenomenon. The GCM projections
to 2100 show extensive open water areas in summer around the Arctic Basin. Thus, it is highly plausible there will
be increasing regional marine access in all the Arctic coast seas. However, the projections show only a modest
decrease in winter Arctic sea ice coverage; there will always be an ice-covered Arctic Ocean in winter although the
ice may be thinner and may contain less multiyear ice. The very high, inter-annual variability of observed sea ice in
the Northwest Passage and non-applicability of the GCMs to the region, prevent an adequate assessment of this
complex region. Although the ACIA projections indicate an increasing length of the navigation season for the
Northern Sea Route, detailed quantification of this changing marine access is testing the limitations of today’s
GCMs. There is a definite need for improved Arctic regional models to adequately assess future changes in sea ice
and their considerable implications for the expanded marine uses of the Arctic Ocean. Go to for
more information.
Observed Arctic Ice Extent
Projected Ice Extent
(5-model median)
Arctic Marine Transport Workshop
Appendix I: Arctic Council’s Arctic Marine Strategic Plan
The Arctic Council’s Arctic Marine Strategic Plan is designed to foster a healthy and productive Arctic Ocean and
coasts that support environmental, economic and socio-cultural values for current and future generations.
The Strategic Plan addresses emerging issues, such as oil and gas and shipping activities, employing a risk
assessment approach. It takes into account the special needs and requirements of indigenous communities while
maintaining an objective of sustainable development of the Arctic marine environment.
The Plan aims to improve how the Arctic coastal and marine environment is managed, particularly given the
accelerated changes occurring in the North due to climate change and increasing economic activity. The Plan
reflects the four goals the Arctic Council has for the marine environment:
Reduce and prevent pollution in the Arctic marine environment
Conserve Arctic marine biodiversity and ecosystem functions
•Promote the health and prosperity of all Arctic inhabitants
Advance sustainable Arctic marine resource use.
The Plan relies on the existing structures and mechanisms of the Arctic Council and other bodies for its imple-
mentation. Some examples of key strategic actions include:
Conduct a comprehensive assessment of Arctic marine shipping at current and projected levels.
Improve capabilities for responding to marine emergency situations, including those resulting from climate
•Promote World Summit on Sustainable Development actions related to the marine and coastal environment,
including the application of an ecosystem approach and establishment of marine protected areas, including
representative networks.
Identify elements that can serve as key environmental and socio-economic indications of the state of the
Arctic marine ecosystems and thus guide effective decision-making.
Foster partnerships among governments, indigenous peoples organizations, communities, industry, international
bodies, NGOs and academia to advance the goals of this Plan, employing such mechanisms as partnership
conferences and workshops.
•Promote oceans education through appropriate instructions and organizations such as the University of the
Arctic; encouraging training related to best operating practices.
•Promote a marine and coastal component in the International Polar Year program.
The Arctic Marine Strategic Plan was approved by the Arctic ministers in November 2004.
28-30 September 2004
Appendix J: A Vision for the Arctic
By the Honorable Walter J. Hickel, Former U.S. Secretary of Interior, Twice Governor, State of Alaska
30 September 2004, The Arctic Marine Transport Workshop
I would like to begin by thanking all of you for attending this historic gathering. And
I would like to specifically thank my Russian friends. I believe this meeting at Scott Polar
is the beginning of something great and new in the world. The day of the Arctic has come.
To many who live in the temperate climates "down there, looking up," the high
latitudes are remote, hostile and as mysterious as the moon. We look foreign and strange.
Most people avoid and even fear our part of the world. But those of us who live in the
Arctic and sub-Arctic see the world differently. We don’t look up. We don’t look down.
We look around. To us, the Arctic is home. The Arctic is heritage. The Arctic is our here-
and-now and our hereafter. Many in generations past moved north to make a killing and
leave. But a new generation is on the scene with a new vision. This new generation lives
in and loves the North because we believe it can be a model for a better world.
In October 1988 the world watched helplessly as two Gray Whales off the northern
coast of Alaska fought for survival. The ice pack had trapped them miles from freedom.
Only a small hole in the ice, kept open by Eskimo whalers, allowed them to breathe. The
whalers and the best engineers in Alaska worked for weeks, but they couldn’t figure out how to save the whales. Then, an act of mercy
took place --- an act that represented the true spirit of the North. A Russian icebreaker arrived, unannounced.
Without hesitation, it plowed a highway through the thick ice and freed the whales. No other nation had such technology . . . nor did
some of us even know it existed. There was no fanfare from the Russians. The captain of the icebreaker held no press conference and
attended no champagne receptions. He just freed the whales and sailed home. And the man responsible is here today! Captain
Mikhailichenko. It was a symbol of things to come.
Those nations closest to the pole – and they are all represented here: Canada, Russia, Scandinavia, Iceland and the U.S. – have a
unique opportunity. The development of the Arctic can become one more arena for international jealousy and conflict. Or it can become
an example of how the nations of this globe are meant to live and work together.
This vision came into focus in 1991 just two years after the Ice Curtain melted that had divided the Russian Far East from Alaska.
That year the governors of 14 regional governments met in Anchorage and launched the Northern Forum. We demonstrated the reality
that remains today. We hold no animosities. We dare to communicate. We dare to make friends. We dare to learn from each other and
help each other. We dare to think beyond the stereotypes that pit environment versus development and people versus nature.
Drawing on the wisdom of our past, we understand that the total environment stands on three legs – people, people’s needs and
nature. If we ignore even one leg, the system will lose its balance and crash. We cannot ignore or abuse nature. We cannot ignore or abuse
people. As our indigenous ancestors learned long ago, in a cold, harsh environment, you have to care about others. You waste nothing.
You share to survive. You care for the total. Every hunter’s prize is a gift, not just for that hunter, but for his family and village.
Throughout the world, this sense of shared responsibility must be mobilized, as we address the needs of the environment and devel-
opment. Pollution knows no borders. All rives eventually run into a common sea. All living things breathe the common air. We must share
our concern and our knowledge. Fundamentally it is a collective world, but one in which we live so privately.
Without concern for other people, for their needs and wants, activities for strictly private gain become destructive, not only to others but
eventually to oneself. In the Far North, we observe that nothing changes the environment as much as nature. Man is not always the
culprit . . . as some would have us believe. We see it in our volcanoes, our earthquakes, and our rivers, most of which don’t run blue.
They run rich with the colors of a changing earth. In the North, we do not fear change.
We understand that when civilizations are not allowed to grow, the harvest is revolution. Without pointing fingers, it is obvious that
the world is involved in such a struggle today.
What can people of goodwill do?
Arctic Marine Transport Workshop
There is no simple answer. But we in the North are providing a counter-vision for the world. In St. Petersburg last year, President
Olafur Grimsson of Iceland described that vision by calling it "The New North." And he isn’t the only national leader to see the picture.
On April 28 of this year, President Vladimir Putin traveled to the Russian Arctic and met with northern Russian leaders. At the end of
that session, Putin gave a speech, so important that it should have gone ‘round the world. He called for "improvement in the living
standard of the millions of people" who live in the Far North. He spoke of the preservation of the cultures of our Native peoples . . .
through the renewal of the economic and legal foundation of traditional forms of land ownership. What we in Alaska call "the commons"
– the lands owned in common that are meant to benefit the total.
Today’s northerners are determined to improve our quality of life. This we can do, because Nature blessed us with great natural
riches. But there is no wealth without production. Someone has to catch a fish, dig a hole, cut a tree. But we of the North must and will
insist that production is environmentally responsible.
And it must benefit the residents of our resource-rich lands . . . not just local Insiders, Outside interests, and international corporations.
Yes, production is the key, and the key to production is infrastructure…infrastructure that moves people, their goods and their ideas.
Four years ago the Institute of the North, the host of this workshop, initiated the Circumpolar Infrastructure Task Force, an ambitious
project that was later endorsed by both the Northern Forum and the Arctic Council. CITF teams are evaluating links throughout the Arctic
for telecommunications, aviation, and marine transportation. They are studying where these links are needed and how to make them
The Cold War forced northern transportation infrastructure to run North-South. Now is the time to think East-West.
In the realm of telecommunications, many Arctic communities are isolated, preventing bright young people from entering the global
But we have a different vision.
Throughout the North, we see a "connected Arctic." We are studying how remote communities can join the flow of ideas that now
encircle the world instantaneously. When it comes to air travel, east-west air routes have been slow in coming.
But we have a different vision.
Air connections are being studied, mapped and explored, along with improved air safety.
But perhaps the most exciting possibility has been the focus of this historic Workshop - - - maritime commerce. Most of the ships that
carry global east-west cargo still sail south and funnel through the Panama and Suez Canals.
But we have a different vision.
The Northern Sea Route, as we have heard at this workshop, has been pioneered by the Russian people over the past 100 years.
This project, alone, can change the world. I call it the water highway to the future. It will dramatically shorten shipping time from the
U.K. and Western Europe to Tokyo and the U.S. West Coast. This pioneering venture, long imagined by visionaries of the past, will
provide more benefits for the North than any other project . . . ever. It will do for the world what the Panama Canal did for the Atlantic
and the Pacific. Think of the time and resources it will save. And the commerce it generates has the potential to improve the quality of life
of those who live along the route. It will open a new frontier in Russia and help bring young people back to the North.
The main obstacle is economic competition. I have discovered over the years that large business interests are slow to change. In the
early 1900s, West Coast shippers fought against the construction of the Panama Canal. They were accustomed to shipping around the
southern tip of South America and wanted it to stay that way. Today there are interests that oppose the Northern Sea Route because they
are accustomed to shipping through the Panama Canal. It’s time to crack through that thinking with action . . . action as bold as that
Russian icebreaker that saved the whales.
It’s tragic irony that in many parts of the world there are millions of hungry and poor people living on rich land. That’s why I often
talk about the Northern Commons.
Alaska’s great success began when we convinced our federal government to share the benefits of our commons with our people. When
we achieve this goal throughout the Arctic and sub-Arctic, there will be no legitimate reason for poverty in the North. And, if we care for
our common lands and resources properly, we will pioneer a way of life that far surpasses both unbridled capitalism and failed communism.
As you know, to build a pioneering country, it takes more than studies and speeches. And it takes more than money. It takes belief.
To build a new world, you have to literally BUILD it. The source of the funding will come from our resources. Many of our regions
are beginning to do just that. Excellent examples in Russia are the Sakha Republic and Khanty-Mansyisk. These two regions are what
I call the "Owner State" in action. The benefits from the resources of these regions can be seen in the architecture of the cities and the
spirit of the people.
28-30 September 2004
I have written a book about this Owner State model. Next week in Moscow, Progress Publishing will release a Russian edition. It is
my testament to the new frontier of our time. And I hope it helps the current generation of leaders and inspires Russia’s scholars and
thinkers. In Alaska, we’ve seen the benefits.
In just a few decades, the Alaska people have risen out of poverty. We have improved our communities. We have created a $27 bil-
lion Permanent Fund. And we have done it within a democratic system, a free enterprise economy, and as champions of the environment.
And yet, unlike the rest of America, Alaska’s development has been accomplished from "the commons." Regions with like problems
should work together - - - not just nations with political ties. This is the way of the North.
As President Putin said in April, "the Russian north is our huge common wealth. It is our common property and will also serve our
grandchildren and our great grandchildren."
In the U.S., Alaska is often called the "Last Frontier." Well, I disagree. Having just celebrated my 85th birthday, I have never believed
more strongly than I do today that there will be frontiers as long as there are humans. Every child born is given new frontiers to explore.
God’s way to test us is to give us our own frontiers. The frontiers are in the heart and in the mind. Yes, the days of pioneering have just
begun. That’s a vision for the Arctic, and it lies within our grasp. There are those who always think about why great ideas won’t work.
And there are those who say "Let’s make them happen."
I feel the "make it happen" spirit here. And that spirit can change the world. Thank you.
The Arctic Marine Transport Workshop of 2004 was held at Scott Polar Research
Institute, Cambridge University, to honor the memory of Dr. Terence E. Armstrong
(1920-1996), noted post World War II Arctic scholar. Terence Armstrong, admired and
respected throughout the polar world, spent his academic career at Scott Polar and many
of the workshop participants were his colleagues. Among his many areas of research,
Arctic marine transport was perhaps closest to his heart. He wrote seminal works on the
Northern Sea Route, sea ice, Russian Arctic development, and geography of the
Circumpolar North. He established many ‘bridges’ with Soviet and Russian scholars
during an era where interaction did not come easily, if at all. He assembled the Institute’s
extensive and unmatched Russian Arctic collection. Together with other northern scholars,
Terence worked tirelessly to enhance the education of Arctic and sub-Arctic indigenous
peoples. Throughout their lives, Terence and his wife, Iris, were generous hosts to legions
of polar scholars who ventured to Cambridge. Terence would have enjoyed and would have
been a touch astonished at the historic gathering of Arctic marine transport experts at
Scott Polar in September 2004.
Guided by his legacy and celebrating his life’s work, we presented this plaque to Scott
Polar Research Institute in honor of Terence Armstrong, one of the leading Arctic scholars
of the 20th Century. We remember him fondly and with great respect.
- Lawson Brigham, Co-chair
Arctic Marine Transport
Workshop Participants
Held at Scott Polar Research Institute
Cambridge University
United Kingdom
28-30 September 2004
Institute of the North
Circumpolar Infrastructure Task Force Secretariat
935 W. Third Ave., Anchorage, Alaska 99501
Office phone: (907) 343-2445 • Fax: (907) 343-2466
International Arctic Science Committee
The IASC Secretariat, Middelthunsgate 29,
P O Box 5156 Majorstua, N-0302 Oslo, Norway
Phone: +47- 22 95 99 00 • Fax: +47- 22 95 99 01
U. S. Arctic Research Commission
4350 N. Fairfax Drive, Suite 510
Arlington, Virginia 22203
Tel: 703.525.0111 • Fax: 703.525.0114
Arctic Climate Impact Assessment
Key Finding #6
“Reduced sea ice is very likely to increase
marine transport and access to resources.”