Transylvania County Library 1 Code of Conduct Policy
Transylvania County Library
Library Code of Conduct
The Transylvania County Library provides public spaces, available to everyone for a wide variety of uses. In order
to ensure that staff, volunteers and patrons experience comfortable, safe and healthy environments, we expect
individuals of all ages to act with mutual respect and courtesy. This policy applies to all patrons, volunteers and
staff while on library property or while aboard the bookmobile.
Level 1 prohibited behavior includes activity that is disruptive or that interferes with others’ ability to use the
library. This includes, but is not limited to:
Excessive noise from loud conversations, electronic devices, or mobile phones.
Obstructing aisles or walkways with packages, backpacks, luggage, or other personal items; or leaving
personal items unattended.
Bringing animals other than service animals indoors, unless authorized by the Library Director.
Soliciting, proselytizing, canvassing library patrons, or selling of any kind. Exceptions may be granted by
the Library Director for sales supporting library programs.
Creating dirty or disheveled library spaces; or tampering with the arrangement of library materials or
Eating or drinking in prohibited spaces, including near library computers or in the North Carolina Room;
or eating or drinking messy or strong-smelling foods.
Prolonged or chronic sleeping or lying on the floor or furniture.
Entering the library without shirt or shoes.
Tobacco use, as per Transylvania County policies.
Violating other Library or County policies.
Level 2 prohibited behavior includes activity that threatens safety or security, or that is illegal. This includes, but
is not limited to:
Acts of harassment such as following, stalking, staring, unwanted physical contact, verbal or nonverbal
propositions, obscene or abusive language or gestures, or interfering with the free movement of others.
Disorderly conduct, as per NCGS 14-288.4. Examples of disorderly conduct include:
Refusing to leave an establishment after being ordered to do so
Blocking access to a business or disrupting a business
Fighting or engaging in conduct that creates the threat of violence
Using any language or gestures that are likely to incite fighting or violence
Possessing, consuming, or being under the influence of alcohol or illegal controlled substances.
Possessing weapons of any type.
Defacing, destroying, or stealing library property or the property of others.
Violating local ordinances, state and/or federal law.
212 South Gaston Street
Brevard, North Carolina 28712
(828) 884-3151
Transylvania County Library 2 Code of Conduct Policy
Disciplinary Process:
The Library Code of Conduct will be applied in a fair and equitable manner for the benefit of all. Consequences of
misconduct on Transylvania County Library property or on the bookmobile will result in progressive disciplinary
actions, including suspension.
If suspended, the offender is not allowed on Transylvania County Library property or on the bookmobile and
library privileges are revoked for the length of the suspension. Online library resources may be available for
remote access if the individual has an existing library card in good standing.
Level 1 Violations
offense: Verbal warning from staff
offense: 1-day suspension
offense: 1-week suspension
offense: 1-month suspension
offense, or subsequent offenses: suspensions up to 6 months
Level 2 Violations:
offense: 1-day suspension*
offense: 1-month suspension
offense: suspensions up to 6-month suspension
offense, or subsequent offenses: suspensions up to one year
*Longer suspensions may occur if there is a reasonable safety or security threat
Criminal offenses will be prosecuted under the law. If convicted, the offender will be suspended for a minimum
of six months up to permanently, depending on the severity of the offense.
Notification and Appeals:
For suspensions greater than one day, individuals will be notified by letter of their violation and length of
suspension with instructions included for an appeal process. If the library is unable to reach the individual by
mail or other reasonable means, the letter will be kept on file at the library and presented at the earliest
opportunity; terms apply regardless of delivery status.
Appeals must be submitted in writing to the Library Director within 10 days of the letter’s date. The Library
Director will review the incident and notify the individual of the decision. If the individual disagrees with the
appeal decision, a second appeal may be made to the County Manager. The County Manager’s decision is final.
Returning to the Library:
Those returning to library property prior to reinstatement approval are subject to arrest under trespass laws
(NCGS 14-134). Following a 6 month or greater suspension, the individual must submit a reinstatement request
in writing to the Library Director to have full library privileges reinstated.
Adopted by the Transylvania County Library Board of Trustees: 5/18/2000
Revised by the Transylvania County Library Board of Trustees: 5/15/2008, 7/21/2011, 10/23/2019