February 2015 http://fingate.stanford.edu/docs/travel_card_policy_stanford.pdf
Stanford Travel Card Policy
The Travel
Card is a University-liability JPMorgan MasterCard
used for buying travel and travel-related services required for
the conduct of University business. Travel
Card expenses are
paid directly by the University to JPMorgan. All charges to a
Travel Card must be properly itemized, supported by a
business purpose, approved, and submitted via the Expense
Requests expense reporting process.
For general information contact the Financial Support Center
at 1-650- 723-2772.
Proper Use
Card Types
New Travel Cards...............................................................1
Eligibility and Application
Online Application with Guarantee Account (PTA)
Application Approvals
Cardholder Agreement
Assigned Transaction Validator / Expense Report Preparer
Required Training
Card Delivery
Card Activation
Card Validity Period
Renewal Cards / Card Cancellation / Card Suspension.............3
Renewal Cards
Card Cancellation by Cardholder
Card Cancellation by Stanford
Card Suspension by Stanford
Reactivating Suspended Cards
Usage Restrictions and Limits...............................................4
Usage Restrictions
Spending Limits
Declined Transactions
Proper Use and Misuse.........................................................4
Proper Use
Compliance with Expenditure Policies
Compliance with Sponsored Project Policies
Travel Card Misuse
Audit and Misuse Investigation
Cardholder and Validator / Preparer Responsibilities..............6
Securing Travel Cards
Validation of Travel Card Charges
Disputing Travel Card Charges
Reporting Lost or Stolen Travel Cards and Fraudulent Charges
Retaining Receipts
Processing Expense Reports
Paying Personal Amounts
School and Department Responsibilities.................................7
Supervisor Responsibilities
Dept. Head, Chair/Dean, Financial Approver Responsibilities
Stanford University Travel Card Policy February 9, 2015
The Stanford Travel
Card (‘Travel Card’) is a JPMorgan MasterCard used for buying travel and travel-related services on
behalf of the University.
Proper Use
Cardholders may only use the Travel Card for University travel-related business transactions. Cardholders (travelers
and administrators) are responsible for ensuring that all charges comply with policy and are properly itemized,
supported by a business purpose, approved, and submitted via the Expense Requests expense reporting process.
The Travel Card may not be used for personal expenses (except for incidental expenses that cannot be easily
separated from a business charge). Because the Travel Card is a University-liability corporate card, the University has
responsibility for paying Travel Card charges directly to the bank. The cardholder is personally responsible for
repaying Stanford University for all non-reimbursable Travel Card charges.
In addition to adhering to the Travel Card policies and procedures, all Travel Card transactions must be made in
compliance with University policies and procedures governing expenditures and purchasing. All Travel Cardholders
who are allocating expenses to a sponsored project account must be in compliance with their respective sponsoring
agency’s policies.
Cardholders who do not comply with University policies and procedures may have their Stanford University
cardholder privileges revoked. Misuse of the Travel Card may result in disciplinary action, up to and including
termination of employment.
Card Types
There are two types of Stanford Travel Cards:
Individual Travel Cards issued to individuals (faculty, staff, and post-doctoral fellows) who travel
frequently on Stanford business, and
Department Travel Cards issued to department administrators as a means to pay for travel-related
purchases for occasional travelers, students, or non-employees.
Eligibility and Application
Travel Card eligibility is based on a departmentally-determined business need, and is contingent upon:
completed online application, specifying a guarantee account (PTA)
approvals from both the prospective cardholder’s manager or department chair / dean and appropriate
financial approver,
execution of online cardholder agreement,
assignment of person responsible for validating transactions and originating expense reports, and
completion of required training.
The Travel Card is intended for Stanford staff, faculty and post docs on active employment. The Travel Card may not
be extended to non-employees.
Stanford University Travel Card Policy February 9, 2015
Online Application with Guarantee Account (PTA)
A Travel Card application must be initiated online by the prospective cardholder or designated requester. Hardcopy
applications are not accepted. A Guarantee Account (PTA) and, optionally, a Clearing Account PTA, are specified in the
application. The Guarantee or Clearing Account PTA is the account to which travel card charges are debited until
expense reports are processed, at which time business allocations are charged to specific accounts. In cases where a
travel card charge is not allocated on an expense report, the charge will be debited to the Guarantee Account.
Application Approvals
Travel Card applications will route for approval via email to the applicant's manager, department chair or dean, and to
the department’s Financial Approver(s). No signatures are required on the Travel Card application as the ‘signatures’
are obtained electronically. Upon receiving approval from the Financial Approver, the application will route to Travel
Card Administration in the University’s Disbursements Department.
Cardholder Agreement
During the application process, the cardholder is required to read and agree to Travel Card Terms and Conditions
(Cardholder Agreement).
Assigned Transaction Validator / Expense Report Preparer
Each Travel Card issued must have a designated person assigned as responsible for validating transactions in a timely
manner and preparing expense reports to properly allocate expenditures. Both of these tasks are done in Expense
Requests, Stanford's system for expense reports, reimbursements, advances, non-PO payments, and petty cash
replenishment. The assigned validator/preparer may be the cardholder or other department staff.
Required Training
Cardholders and their assigned transaction validators/expense report preparers must complete required training in
order to receive a Travel Card and act as validator/preparer. Cardholders and validators/preparers must complete
FIN-0400: Traveling for Stanford. Validator/Preparers must also complete FIN-0402: Expense Reports with Travel Card
Charges. Both classes are available in STARS.
Card Delivery
Once the application is approved and required online training is completed, the Cardholder will be notified that the
card is available for pick-up at the Campus Service Window at University Cashier's Office (459 Lagunita Drive,
Tresidder Memorial Union Suite 7, Stanford, CA 94305). The back of the Travel Card should be signed upon receipt.
Note: Normal card processing time is 10-14 days after approvals are obtained and training is completed.
Card Activation
Upon receipt of the Travel Card, Cardholders must contact JPMorgan by calling the telephone number provided on the
sticker on the face of the card.
If a Travel Card is received with an error, email
Travel Card Administration, or call the Financial Support Center at 1-
Card Validity Period
Travel Cards are valid for two (2) years from the date of issue. Expiration dates are printed on the card.
Stanford University Travel Card Policy February 9, 2015
Renewal Cards
The Travel Card will expire on the date embossed on the card’s face, and will be automatically renewed as detailed in
this section.
Approximately two (2) weeks prior to the expiration date, a renewed Travel Card will be sent by JPMorgan to the
cardholders Stanford business address as noted on their Travel Card application.
There are situations in which a Travel Card may not be automatically reissued.
The Travel Card has not had any transaction activity for 18 consecutive months.
The University has found improper use of the Travel Card.
Travel Card charges have not been reported in an expense report within Expense Requests in a timely
If an employee's Travel Card was not automatically reissued and the employee would like to continue as a cardholder,
please email
Travel Card Administration, or call the Financial Support Center at 1-650-723-2772.
Card Cancellation by Cardholder
Cardholders who want to cancel their Travel Cards should email Travel Card Administration, or call the Financial
Support Center at 1-650-723-2772. The Travel Card should be shredded (by employee) upon cancellation.
Card Cancellation by Stanford
The Travel Card is valid only while the cardholder is on active payroll status and while the cardholder is using the
Travel Card in accordance with University policies. The Travel Card will be cancelled and deactivated by Stanford on
the date the employee or post doc separates from the University or upon misuse.
The Travel Card should be shredded (by department) upon cancellation.
Card Suspension by Stanford
A Travel Card will be suspended by Stanford due to the reasons below. A suspended Travel Card can be reactivated,
using the same card number, under the circumstances described below.
Travel Cardholder is on extended leave;
Misuse of the Travel Card is under investigation by the University.
Note that Cardholders on extended University leave, such as sabbatical or family leave should notify Travel Card
Administration so the card can be suspended. It is important that all Travel Card expenses be properly recorded in an
Expense Requests expense report before the employee goes on extended leave or leaves the current department.
Reactivating Suspended Cards
A suspended Travel Card can be reactivated, using the same card number, when:
The Manager or Financial Approver notifies Travel Card Administration that the employee has returned
from extended leave.
Travel Card Administration has determined the Cardholder eligible to continue using the Travel Card.
Stanford University Travel Card Policy February 9, 2015
Usage Restrictions
The Travel Card is set up for use with merchants selling travel-related goods and services such as travel agents,
transportation and lodging providers, and restaurants. Cardholders should be aware that the Stanford Travel Card
may not be accepted by merchants outside of these categories.
Spending Limits
During the online application process, the monthly spending limit for the card is established by the department and
approved by the financial approver for the associated account(s) (PTAs) and by Travel Card Administration. Changes to
spending limits can be requested by emailing
Travel Card Administration, or by calling the Financial Support Center at
Declined Transactions
Common reasons for declined transactions include the following.
Merchant has incorrect Travel Card expiration date;
The card's specified allowable spending limit is exceeded; or
The Travel Card is being used to purchase non-travel related goods or services (merchant types that have
been excluded from allowable use).
If a Travel Card purchase is declined for a reason unclear to the cardholder, JPMorgan can be contacted for
clarification by calling the Customer Service number on the back of the card.
Proper Use
The following list provides examples of travel-related business transactions proper for the Travel Card:
Air, rail, bus, taxi, and shuttle transportation
Car and van reservations and rentals and gasoline for rental vehicles
En route meals
Hotel deposits, including those for employees, groups, or University guests
Hotel reservations, guarantees and accommodations, including those for employees, groups or
University guests
Incidentals, including phone calls, faxes, hotel parking, and Internet connectivity
Conference fees
Venues for events, such as hotels and other facilities
In general, local business meals and local catered events should be paid for with Purchasing Cards (PCards).
The Travel Card may not be used for personal expenses, except for expenses that cannot easily be separated from a
business charge, such as charges for in-room movies on a hotel bill. Cardholders are responsible for reimbursing the
University for any such personal charges made to the Travel Card.
Compliance with Expenditure Policies
All Travel Card transactions must be made in compliance with the University’s policies relating to expenditures.
Stanford University Travel Card Policy February 9, 2015
For example, but not limited to, Travel Card expenditures must comply with the following:
Expenditures must be reasonable and necessary Costs for daily meals, daily lodging, transportation,
etc. must comply with University policy.
Coach Class Air Travel PolicyAirline tickets must be purchased in economy-class (coach). Business class
is permissible only for international flights with a duration of eight hours or more (including connecting
domestic legs, provided there are no layovers). See
Administrative Guide Policy 5.4.2.
Subject to Sales TaxTravel Card transactions subject to California sales and use tax that was not
charged tax at point of sale may be assessed the tax by Disbursements and Accounts Payable.
Compliance with Sponsored Project Policies
Cardholders who are allocating expenses to a sponsored project account must be in compliance with their respective
sponsoring agency’s policies.
For example, but not limited to, Travel Card expenditures allocated to a sponsored project account must comply with
the following.
Government Unallowable Allocations -- Government Unallowable Allocations must be clearly identified
in the expense report in Expense Requests. Government Unallowable purchases cannot be allocated in to
a sponsored-project account;
US Flagship Carrier Use -- When federal funds are used for foreign travel, tickets must be purchased in
compliance with the Fly America Act. This Act stipulates that tickets must be purchased for travel on
either (i) a U.S. flag air carrier or (ii) a foreign carrier that operates under a U.S. flag air carrier code-
sharing agreement and identifies the U.S. flag air carrier's designator code and flight number. See
Notes: Fly America Act and Open Skies Exceptions for details and exceptions.
Lowest Available Airfare Purchase-- Airfare costs in excess of the lowest available commercial discount
airfare, Federal Government contract airfare or customary standard (coach or equivalent) airfare, are
unallowable except when such accommodations would: require circuitous routing; require travel during
unreasonable hours; excessively prolong travel; greatly increase the duration of the flight; result in
increased costs that would offset transportation savings; or offer accommodations not reasonably
adequate for the medical needs of the traveler.
Cardholders allocating their expenses to a sponsored project account should direct questions regarding allowability to
the fund specialists assigned to their department.
Travel Card Misuse
Cardholders must use their Travel Cards according to these and other University policies and procedures. Cardholders
who do not comply with these policies and procedures may have their cardholder privileges revoked. This revocation
may be extended to include the Procurement Card, if the employee also has the Procurement Card.
Misuse of the Travel Card may result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment.
Audit and Misuse Investigation
University employees must report known or suspected misappropriations, regardless of magnitude, to their
immediate supervisor, manager, department chair or dean. Supervisors, managers, department chairs or deans must
then inform
Travel Card Administration or by contacting the Financial Support Center at 1-650-723-2772. Individuals
wishing to report suspected incidents on an anonymous basis may call the
Financial Support Center at 1-650-723-
Stanford University Travel Card Policy February 9, 2015
Securing Travel Cards
Cardholders are expected to keep their Travel Cards in a secure location at all times. The only person authorized to use
the Travel Card is the person to whom the Travel Card is issued, whether it is a Department Card issued to a
department administrator or an individual card issued to a frequent traveler. Lending or sharing of Travel Cards is not
Validation of Travel Card Charges
The assigned validator is responsible for validating travel charges in Expense Requests, Stanford's system for expense
reports, reimbursements, advances, non-PO payments, and petty cash replenishment, in a timely manner. Travel Card
charges appear in Expense Requests within 1-3 days of the transaction date. The validator should review the charges
on the TCard tab and report or dispute any fraudulent charges.
Disputing Travel Card Charges
Cardholders and/or the assigned validator/preparer are responsible for promptly disputing any charge suspected to be
erroneous or fraudulent in the Expense Requests system and then working with the merchant and with JPMorgan to
resolve the disputed charge. Charges can only be disputed with the bank within 60 days from the date the transaction
is posted.
Since many merchants use centralized clearing houses for credit card processing, the name and location of the
merchant on the statement may not initially be recognized by the cardholder. Before disputing, the cardholder should
check expenditure records carefully and/or work with the traveler to make certain that the charge is indeed an error.
When a dispute is warranted, the best practice is to contact the merchant first and try to resolve the dispute, as most
erroneous charges are for the wrong amount or for duplicate charges with a merchant. However, it is important to
subsequently dispute the transaction with JPMorgan before 60 days from the posting date of the transaction.
Reporting Lost or Stolen Travel Cards and Fraudulent Charges
In the event that a Travel Card should become lost or stolen or should fraudulent activity be detected, cardholders or
administrators should immediately contact JPMorgan to request cancel / reissue of card and notify
Stanford Travel
Card Administration accordingly.
Retaining Receipts
Cardholders are responsible for retaining receipts according to travel and reimbursement policy.
Processing Expense Reports
Cardholders are responsible for either processing their own expense reports or for coordinating such processing with a
member of their department. Information about expense reporting is provided in the required training and on the
Gateway to Financial Activities web site.
Processing in a timely manner is important to ensure expenditures are correctly reported. Expense reports should be
completed and submitted immediately upon completion of travel. If transactions are not expensed within 60 days of
completion of travel, they may be tax reportable to the traveler. Even when an employee has a Travel Card, the
traveler may occasionally use personal funds to incur business expenses. A single expense report can be used to
report Individual Travel Card charges and issue a reimbursement for expenses incurred using personal funds in the
Expense Requests system. There is no need to create two reports, except when there are both personal fund
expenditures by the traveler and charges made to a Department Travel Card. In these cases, since there are two
payees, there must be two expense reports.
Stanford University Travel Card Policy February 9, 2015
Paying Personal Amounts
The Travel Card may not be used for personal expenses, except for incidental expenses that cannot be easily
separated from a business charge. When personal charges are incurred on the Travel Card in these exceptional cases,
such charges must be paid directly by the cardholder to Stanford and an expense report must be processed. Personal
portions of charges are identified in the expense reporting process and instructions for paying Stanford are as
indicated on the Transaction Review page in Expense Requests.
Supervisor Responsibilities
Supervisors have the following responsibilities with respect to direct reports who have been issued a Travel Card:
Approve or reject online Travel Card applications
Review expense reports to confirm business purpose and reasonableness
Use OBI Reporting, TCard Transaction Detail Report or Reportmart3, 301-TCard Transaction Details
Report to monitor and clear outstanding transactions
Dept. Head, Chair/Dean, Financial Approver Responsibilities
Senior staff has the following responsibilities with respect to departmental staff members who have been issued a
Travel Card:
Establish and monitor department-level procedures to ensure that expenses and amounts charged to
departmental accounts are in compliance with departmental procedures, spending limits and budgets,
and with University policy
Approve or reject online Travel Card applications
Approve spending limit changes subsequent to the application process
Report a cardholder’s departure from the department or the University to Travel Card Administration
Remove cancelled Travel Cards from the cardholder
Assist with any Travel Card audits or investigations