City of Tulsa
License and Collections
(918) 596-7640
How to Apply for a Taxi/Paratransit Service
Complete attached application. Each person named as a certificate holder
must fill out a separate "Applicant Information" form. Application must be
2. Requirements, to be turned in with the application:
Statement of qualifications and experience for each person named
as a certificate holder
Copy of Oklahoma Drivers License for each person named as a
certificate holder
and a copy of the Social Security card. If the
Social Security card has the work restriction language, another
qualifying document will be required.
Fingerprints for each person named as a certificate holder.
Fingerprints must be obtained at the Tulsa County Sheriff's Office
at 1
& Denver. The fee is $10 for digitally scanned prints, and is
only payable by check or money order.
Color Scheme Approval Request
FCC License (Taxi only)
Insurance Policy
Certificate of Insurance (with cancellation notice set at minimum of
15 days)
Driver Manifest (Taxi only)
Schedule of Fares
Oklahoma Sales Tax Permit (if applicable)
3. Fees:
$75.00 processing fee for certificate application.
$19.00 fingerprint processing fee per applicant.
If more than two applicants, a $20.00 fee per additional person.
Upon approval, the Certificate fee calculated on the basis of Thirty-
Six Dollars ($36.00) per vehicle shall be assessed.
4. After submitting a completed application, a background investigation will
be conducted. If the director finds that the application is complete and
that applicant has met the requirements set forth in Sections 105 and 106
of Title 36 Chapter 1 "Taxicab and Paratransit Vehicle Regulations", he
shall issue a certificate to the applicant. The Director shall review the
application within a reasonable time after its completion. Applicant will
then be notified that the certificate is ready to be issued.
5. Please call License and Collections with questions.
Print Form
City of Tulsa
License and Collections
(918) 596-7640
Taxi/Paratransit Service Application
Type of Service
(If Paratransit, designate service)
Horse-drawn carriages
Physically limited transport
Wheelchair transport
Other _________________________________________
Name of Business: __________________________________________________
(Single Trade Name)
Business Address: __________________________________________________
(In Tulsa City Limits) Street City State
Zip Code
Mailing Address: ___________________________________________________
(If Different)
Business Phone: __________________ Business Fax: _____________________
(Published in a Tulsa Directory)
Form of Business: Sole Proprietorship ___ Partnership ___ Corporation ___
Contact Person: ____________________________________________________
(Name of person to have control over daily operations)
Phone: __________________________ Alternate Phone: __________________
Number of Vehicles to be Placed Immediately Into Service: _________________
Number of Drivers to be Immediately Employed: __________________________
Insurance Carrier Information: ________________________________________
(Attach Certificate of Insurance and Policy) Name
________________________________ ________________________________
Complete address, including City, State and Zip Phone number/Contact person
Sales Tax ID Number (if applicable): ___________________________________
Street City
Taxi/Paratransit Service Application
List Each Vehicle to be Used In Service (Year, Make, Model and VIN):
(Ten taxicabs minimum requirement to start new business)
Certificate of Title with correct owner's name must be provided for each vehicle.
Certificate of Insurance must be provided for each vehicle with correct
information listed and cancellation notice set at minimum of 15 days.
Describe Taximeter type and design intended to be used in vehicles: __________
City of Tulsa
License and Collections
(918) 596-7640
Color Scheme Approval Request
TRO, Title 36, ยง137(A)
Taxicab Paratransit
Color Scheme Description:
Office Notes:
Proposed Company Name
License & Collections Manager Review
Initial Date
Treasury Division Manager Review
Initial Date
Approve Deny
Director of Finance
Michael P. Kier Date
Date Submitted by Applicant
Please Return to Business Licensing, Hartford Building, 111 S. Greenwood
City of Tulsa
License and Collections
(918) 596-7640
Rates of Fare
As stated in Title 36, Section 134, please provide the following information:
Mileage charges after pickup: $
Waiting time: $
Luggage charges per bag: $
Sales taxes: $
Toll charges: $
Extra passenger charges: $
A minimum departure charge from Tulsa International Airport: $
A minimum departure charge from a location other than
Tulsa International Airport:
Fixed rates may be utilized between Tulsa International Airport and hotels if those fixed
rates are filed with the Director and are equal to or lower than the usual metered rate.
Please list fixed rates below:
Location Fare
Taxi/Paratransit Service Application
Applicant Information
(Must be filled out for each applicant having a direct interest in business)
Full Name: ________________________________________________________
Date of Birth: ______________ SSN: _______________ DL#: _______________
Are you a U.S. Citizen? YES NO
(Proof of legal permission to work will be required for applicants answering "NO")
Are you an Oklahoma resident? YES NO
Residential Address: _________________________________________________
Street C ity State Zip Code
Phone Number: ________________________ Alternate Phone: ____________
Have you had a franchise, certificate, license or permit to
do business as a taxicab or paratransit service revoked by
any jurisdiction? YES NO
Do you have any such revocation(s) pending? YES NO
Have you been charged, convicted of, or released from
confinement for any felony in the past 10 years? YES NO
Do you have felony charge(s) pending? YES NO
Have you been charged, convicted of, or released from
confinement for any crime involving prostitution or
prostitution-related offenses, public lewdness, sexual
offenses or controlled-substance-related offenses in the
past 10 years? Y
Do you have any such charge(s)
pending? YES NO
Are you subject to any outstanding warrants for arrest? YES NO
If you answered YES on any of the previous seven questions, attach
documentation listing offense(s), date, location and outcome.
I certify that all of the information in this application is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and
belief. Further, I understand that furnishing false or incorrect information is grounds for denial or revocation of
the certificate. I hereby authorize this department to conduct an investigation into my background to
verify information applicable to the issuance of this certificate.
Applicant's signature _________________________________________ Date ____________
Subscribed and sworn to before me this __________ day of ________________________, 200__________.
My commission expires ______________ _______________________________________ _____________
Notary Public Commission #