Applicants with a National Senior
Certicate (NSC) or Independent
Examinations Board (IEB) Certicate
Make today matter
1 Undergraduate prospectus: Applicants with an NSC/IEB Certicate 2025
1. Become a proud UP student 1
University of Pretoria contact information 1
University of Pretoria banking details 1
Apply to study at the University of Pretoria 1
Check your application status 1
Closing dates 1
Tuition fees 1
Helpful websites/links 1
2. FLY@UPassistrst-yearawards 2
Other Fly@UP Awards 2
3. Online application process for studies in 2025 3
4. Undergraduate programmes 5
General admission regulations that apply to all
prospective students 5
University of Pretoria programme qualication verication 5
Faculty of Economic and Management Sciences 6
Faculty of Education 7
Faculty of Engineering, Built Environment and
Information Technology 8
Faculty of Health Sciences 10
Faculty of Humanities 11
Faculty of Law 13
Faculty of Theology and Religion 13
Faculty of Natural and Agricultural Sciences 14
Faculty of Veterinary Science 18
5. Postgraduate studies 18
The University of Pretoria (UP) is a diverse and
dynamic university community comprising
students from all over the world.
It has nine faculties (Education; Humanities; Economic and
Management Sciences; Engineering, Built Environment and
Information Technology; Law; Natural and Agricultural Sciences;
Theology and Religion; Veterinary Science and Health Sciences) and
the Gordon Institute of Business Science (GIBS). The University of
Pretoria’s degrees are internationally recognised and are structured
similarly to those of the world’s best universities. A number of
professional support departments at the University help ensure
that all sta and student activities, spread over six campuses,
are executed with the necessary quality, relevance, diversity and
Location Postal address Student Service Centre
University of Pretoria
cnr Lynnwood Road
and Roper Street
South Africa
University of Pretoria
Private Bag X20
Hateld 0028
South Africa
Tel +27 (0)12 420 3111
Website www.up.ac.za
Account holder University of Pretoria University of Pretoria
Bank ABSA StandardBank
Branch Hateld Hateld
Swift code (Branch code: 632005) (Branch code: 011545)
Account number 214 000 0038 012 602 604
Deposit reference Initials and surname Initials and surname
Applications open on 1 April in the year preceding studies. All study
programmes at the University of Pretoria are number-limited. You
are encouraged to submit your application as soon as possible after
1 April. Before you start with your online application process, ensure
that you have the following on hand as you will be required to upload
these documents with your online application.
A scanned (PDF) copy of your nal Grade 11 examination report
indicating your promotion mark;
A scanned (PDF) copy of your ID or your birth certicate; and
A scanned (PDF) copy of your proof of payment of the application
fee, if you paid at a bank.
Note: Certication of these documents is NOT required. The
documents should be scanned separately. Ensure that you label these
documents correctly, have no special characters in the le names and
that the les are not password-protected.
Apply with your nal Grade 11 (or equivalent) results.
Please note that meeting the minimum academic requirements does
not guarantee admission.
Applicants can expect feedback by September at the latest.
Please check your application status regularly on the UP Student
Portal at www1.up.ac.za.
Final admission will be based on the applicant’s nal school-year NSC
or equivalent results.
Closing dates
Applications for programmes in the Faculty of Veterinary Science
close on 31May.
Applications for programmes in all the other faculties close on
30 June.
Tuition fees
Once you have been accepted to study the programme of your
choice, fees are payable. Information on the latest estimated fees can
be found at the web pages as indicated below. Please note that these
are the estimated tuition fees for 2024 and will be updated for 2025.
Undergraduate tuition fees per faculty: www.up.ac.za/student-fees/
When to pay what: www.up.ac.za/student-fees/article/2735925/
General information on fees and funding: www.up.ac.za/fees-and-
Published by the Department of Enrolment and Student Administration in December 2023. Comments and
queries can be directed to [email protected] or Tel +27 (0)12 420 3111.
Disclaimer: This publication contains information about regulations, policies, tuition fees, curricula and
programmes of the University applicable at the time of printing. Amendments to, or updating of the information
in this publication may be aected from time to time without prior notication. The accuracy, correctness, or
validity of the information contained in this publication is therefore not guaranteed by the University at any given
time and is always subject to verication. The user is kindly requested to, at all times, verify the correctness of the
published information with the University. Failure to do so will not give rise to any claim or action of any nature
against the University by any party whatsoever.
www.up.ac.za/programmes >
University of Pretoria 2
Umalusi issued school-leaving certicates such as NSC, IEB and SACAI,
irrespective of citizenship (Note: Amounts indicated in the table below are
for 2024 and may be adjusted for 2025)
Qualifyingaveragepercentage All faculties
80%–89.99% R16 000
90%–100% R42 000
Table 1 is primarily applicable to candidates applying at the
University of Pretoria with Umalusi school leaving certicates (NSC,
FLY@UP Assist First-Year Awards are based on the nal school-year
examination results as issued by Umalusi via the Department of
Basic Education.
These awards are made automatically to rst-time entering rst-year
registered undergraduate students who meet the award criteria.
Students do not apply for these awards.
First-time entering rst-year students who register for studies at UP
directly after Grade 12 (nal school-year) or who took a gap year(s)
after their nal school-year, who meet the award criteria will be
Students who have previously registered at a tertiary educational
institution before registration at UP will not be considered for
FLY@UP Assist First-Year awards. Students who registered at UP in
previous years, are also not considered.
For candidates who present an NSC/IEB Certicate, actual
percentages obtained for the six (6) best subjects taken, excluding
Life Orientation, is used. Certain subjects are EXCLUDED in the
calculation of average percentages:
- Life Orientation
- Mathematics Paper 3
- Additional Mathematics
- Practical Music Grade 4 and 5 (Note: Practical Music Grades 6, 7
and 8 are considered for inclusion in the calculation of the average
percentage—if your music report for this subject is not part of
your NSC report, please submit your ocial music report to the
Student Service Centre at [email protected], before commencement of
The calculation of the average percentage is based on the University
of Pretoria’s formula, per examination authority and not on the
number of distinctions achieved.
The average percentage is not rounded o.
Results obtained for papers that have been re-marked are not
considered for award purposes.
This award will be cancelled for students who discontinue, are
excluded or who terminate their studies for whatever reason during
the year in which the award is made. No payouts of the award will
School-leaving certicates not issued by Umalusi. A maximum of R30 000
per student can be awarded, irrespective of citizenship (Note: Amounts indicated
in the table below are for 2024 and may be adjusted for 2025)
Cambridge Assessment
International Education (CAIE)
International Baccalaureate
Diploma Programme (IBDP)
A*, A or B symbol
R5 000
Higher Level 6 or 7 symbol
R5 000
A symbol
R5 000
Standard Level 7 symbol
R5 000
The University of Pretoria reserves the right to amend award values
without prior notice.
The awards in Table 2 are made automatically to rst-time entering
rst-year registered undergraduate students who meet the award
criteria. Students do not apply for these awards.
R5 000 is awarded per symbol and only once per subject achieved, eg
if you achieved an A*, an A or a B-symbol on A-Level in Mathematics
as well as an A-symbol on AS-Level in Mathematics, you will only be
awarded R5 000 for Mathematics.
First-time entering rst-year students who register for studies at UP
directly after Grade 12 (nal school-year) or who took a gap year(s)
after their nal school-year, who meet the award criteria will be
Students who have previously registered at a tertiary educational
institution before registration at UP will not be considered for
FLY@UP Assist First-Year awards. Students who registered at UP in
previous years, are also not considered.
Results obtained for papers that have been re-marked are not
considered for award purposes.
This award will be cancelled for students who discontinue, are
excluded or who terminate their studies for whatever reason during
the year in which the award is made. No payouts of the award will be
Any international school-leaving qualication that can be converted
to the UP bursary formula, based on the UP conversion approved
guidelines, may be eligible for an award of up to R30 000.
The University’s decision is nal.
These awards are subject to the availability of funds.
(Note: Amounts indicated in the table below are for 2024
and may be adjusted for 2025)
Award Amount Who
Grade 11
Week Award
R16 000 The 39 learners with the best Grade 12
results (NSC or equivalent) who attended
the JuniorTukkie Grade 11 Empowerment
Grade 12 Dux
Scholar Award
R10 000
The top academic Grade 12 achiever of a
specic school (one learner per school)
Group Award
R15 700 Top prospective African and Coloured
students with the highest average
percentage will be considered.
Merit Award
The award
covers tuition
fees for three
In the rst
year, a specic
amount of
R120 000 can
be awarded.
This oer will be made to:
1. The rst-time entering rst-year
student who has achieved the highest
overall average percentage in the nal
school-year results.
2. The rst-time entering rst-year
student from a Quintile 1, 2 and 3
school who has achieved the highest
overall average percentage in the nal
school-year results.
Based on the decision of the University,
additional awards may be oered.
The terms and conditions of the full
oer will be contained in the candidate’s
specic award letter.
Specic terms, conditions and exclusions do apply for each award in
Table 3.
These awards are made automatically to rst-time entering rst-year
registered undergraduate students who meet the award criteria.
Students do not apply for these awards.
Qualifying students will be notied.
Contact information
Tel +27 (0)12 420 3111
Awardsinformation https://www.up.ac.za/student-funding/
More information https://www.up.ac.za/article/2749200/
For FLY@UP Assist Senior Undergraduate Awards 2024, refer to
3 Undergraduate prospectus: Applicants with an NSC/IEB Certicate 2025
Please read through all the steps below to determine which actions are relevant for your application to study at the University of Pretoria
in 2025. Citizens from countries other than South Africa* should also take note of the steps below with specic reference to the important
information above the tables in this brochure and in the brochure: International undergraduate prospectus 2025: Applicants with a school
leaving certicate not issued by Umalusi (South Africa) available at: www.up.ac.za/programmes > Undergraduate > Admission information.
Admission requirements for undergraduate programmes oered at UP appears in the faculty tables in this
brochure. The faculty brochures are available at: www.up.ac.za/programmes > Undergraduate > Faculty brochures
Tuition and residence fees
For more information on tuition and residence fees, go to www.up.ac.za/article/2749200/fees-and-funding.
Apply ONLINE at www.up.ac.za/apply from 1 April in the year preceding studies.
The Online Application has a section to be completed if you are interested in residence placement.
It is important to indicate a rst- as well as a second-choice
programme on your Online Application. The Online Application
Form only makes provision for two study choices. If you
want to add a third choice, or if you want to change your
study choice after you have already submitted your online
application, please forward your request to [email protected].
Ensure that your rst- and second-choice programmes meet
the minimum admission requirements as well as the faculty’s
selection guidelines.
Please note that certain programmes will not be considered if
indicated as your second choice. Refer to the faculty brochures
at www.up.ac.za/programmes > Undergraduate > Faculty
Your application will be considered for all study programmes
that you applied for and you will be notied via the UP Student
Portal on your application status.
For study advice, make an appointment with a Student Advisor
via Ms Carol Bosch at [email protected].
More information is available at www.up.ac.za/programmes
> Undergraduate.
Fee quotation: Please go to www.up.ac.za/student-fees to get
an estimation of the study fees for the programme/s that you
are interested in.
Family discount: When two or more dependent children of the
same family are registered simultaneously at the University of
Pretoria, they may apply for a rebate on tuition fees.
The 2.5% discount: If the student account is paid in full
(ie100%) by 30 April, a 2.5% discount is applicable.
Initial payment: This payment is not an additional amount
payable, but the rst payment towards the tuition fees.
Residence reservation fee: This fee will be payable within
30days after placement in a UP residence. For residence room
fees, go to www.up.ac.za/accommodation.
Fees paid by bursaries: Students must submit written proof
from the sponsor of the bursary awarded to them prior to
registration, otherwise they are responsible for the initial
payment. The nal decision regarding the acceptance of a
bursary letter rests with the University.
How and where to pay: We encourage you to make EFT or
Credit card payments. Please allow at least 5 working days for
the payment to reect on your student account.
UP banking details: Refer to www.up.ac.za/student-fees/
More information is available at https://www.up.ac.za/student-
Applications open on 1 April. All study programmes at the
University of Pretoria are number-limited. You are encouraged
to submit your application as soon as possible after 1 April.
Applications for programmes in the Faculty of Veterinary
Science close on 31 May. Applications for programmes in all
the other faculties close on 30 June.
Before you start to complete the Online Application,
please watch an online application demonstration at
Ensure that the email address that you indicate on your
Online Application is correct as your temporary password and
T-number will be sent to this email address.
You will receive your student number within 10 working days
after you have submitted your Online Application.
On receipt of your student number, you will be able to track
your application status on the UP Student Portal. Refer
to Step6 for instructions on how to gain access to your
UPStudent Portal.
More information is available at
The demand for accommodation by far exceeds the available
spaces. Applications open on 1 April 2024. The earlier you apply
the better your chances.
More information is available at www.up.ac.za/accommodation.
A student who is admitted to a University of Pretoria residence
for the rst time, must pay a reservation levy within the
prescribed period. This amount is communicated in the
placement letter.
*Applicants who are not South African citizens.
University of Pretoria 4
First-year students who register for studies at UP directly
after their nal school-year (NSC Grade 12 or equivalent
qualication), who meet the award criteria, will be considered.
Students do not apply for these awards.
Terms and Conditions apply.
Refer to page 2 for more information on FLY@UP Assist
First-Year Awards and other achievement awards.
More information is available at www.up.ac.za/student-funding
> Fly@UP Assist First-Year Awards.
Visit the relevant website for closing dates.
UP bursaries and loans
Applications must be submitted via the UP Student Portal or
www.up.ac.za/fees-and-funding. No late applications will
be accepted.
UP sports bursaries: www.up.ac.za/sport
For applications and comprehensive information,
visit www.nsfas.org.za.
As a registered credit provider, Fundi covers a wide range of
student-related necessities such as books, accessories, laptops,
university and private accommodation, as well as study tuition
with a xed monthly instalment. Anyone can apply for a loan
(students, parents or guardians), provided that the applicant is
in full-time employment or has a registered business. For more
information, visit www.fundi.co.za.
Bursaries according to eld of study: www.gostudy.mobi
The Bursary Register: Contact [email protected] or
+27 (0)11 672 6559
Go to www.up.ac.za and click on My UP Login.
UP Student Contract
Before a student will be able to register, a contract needs to be concluded between the student
and the University of Pretoria.
Note: A T-number is a temporary number and NOT a student
number. This T-number is issued to the applicant at the
beginning of the Online Application process. An applicant will
receive a UP student number within 10 working days after the
application has been submitted successfully.
Applicants will only be able to access the UP Student Portal once
they have received a UP student number, eg u23123456.
Please watch a video demonstration on: ‘How to access the UP
Student Portal’ at https://youtu.be/Yd4pWr8IvNk.
Go to www1.up.ac.za and click on the “New user” link.
Type in your Username (u followed by your student number)
and your National ID or Passport number. Click the “Proceed”
Set up your new password and conrm the password in the
second block. Click the “Proceed” button.
A message is displayed to inform the user that the password
was set successfully. Click the “OK” button.
A list of challenge questions appears. Select any three of these
challenge questions and then click on the “Submit” button.
Enter your answer on the three challenge questions you chose
and click on the “Save” button.
A message will be displayed to inform you that your challenge
questions have been set up. Click the “OK” button.
You are now ready to access the UP Student Portal.
Sign in again with your username and password.
The Orientation Programme will be available on
www.up.ac.za/orientation by the end of December 2024.
Online Registration information will be available on
www.up.ac.za/online-registration by the end of December 2024.
Students must access the contract online on the UP Student
Portal at www.up.ac.za > My UP Login.
The contract should be completed online, and then printed
and signed.
Hand your original, signed UP Student Contract in at the
Student Service Centre, Hateld Campus.
You can also post your contract to the Student
Service Centre, University of Pretoria, Private Bag X20,
Or you can courier your contract to University of
Pretoria (Contracts), University Road entrance, Hateld,
The University of Pretoria does not accept faxed, scanned or
emailed contracts.
Before you start to complete the UP Student
Contract, please watch a video demonstration on
‘How to complete the UP Student Contract’ at
5 Undergraduate prospectus: Applicants with an NSC/IEB Certicate 2025
1. The admission requirements and general information provided in this brochure are applicable to students who apply for admission to the
University of Pretoria with a National Senior Certicate (NSC) or an Independent Examination Board (IEB) qualication.
2. The following persons will be considered for admission to a rst bachelor’s degree at the University of Pretoria:
Candidates who have a certicate that is deemed by the University to be equivalent to the required National Senior Certicate (NSC) with
bachelor’s degree endorsement;
Candidates who are graduates from another tertiary institution or have been granted the status of a graduate of such an institution; and
Candidates who are graduates of another faculty at the University of Pretoria.
3. Grade 11 results are used for the conditional admission of prospective students, but nal admission will depend on the NSC (or equivalent)
qualication and results.
4. Candidates must also comply with the specic subject and achievement level requirements and the minimum Admission Point Score (APS)
for their chosen degree programmes.
5. The APS calculation is done by using the NSC 1 to 7 scale of achievement. It is based on a candidate’s achievement in six recognised 20-credit
subjects. The highest APS that can be achieved is 42. Life Orientation is a 10-credit subject and is excluded from the calculation when
determining the APS. The following subject rating scores are used for calculating the APS for NSC/IEB:
Admission Point Score (APS) Conversion
Rating code Rating Marks%
7 Outstanding achievement 80–100%
6 Meritorious achievement 70–79%
5 Substantial achievement 60–69%
4 Adequate achievement 50–59%
3 Moderate achievement 40–49%
2 Elementary achievement 30–39%
1 Not achieved 0–29%
NSC – National Senior Certicate (completed Grade 12 in or after 2008)
IEB – Independent Examination Board
6. Except in cases where modules or programmes require the use of a language other than English, all modules will be presented in English,
which is the University’s ocial language of tuition, communication and correspondence.
7. Minimum requirements for admission to the relevant programmes are set out in the minimum admission requirements table in this
8. Meeting the minimum admission requirements does not guarantee admission into a programme.
9. Applicants with qualications other than NSC and IEB should refer to the following publications:
The International undergraduate prospectus 2025: Applicants with a school leaving certicate not issued by Umalusi*
(South Africa), which is available at www.up.ac.za/programmes > Undergraduate > Admission information.
Newcomer’s Guide: 2024 brochure of the International Cooperation Division, which is available at
www.up.ac.za/programmes > Undergraduate > Admission information.
10. *Umalusi accredits South African private providers of education and training as well as private assessment
bodies to oer tuition and/or assessment for qualication(s) on the General and Further Education and Training
Qualications Sub-Framework (GFETQSF). Contact Umalusi at [email protected] or +27 (0)12 349 1510.
11. SchoolofTomorrow (SOT) and AcceleratedChristianEducation(ACE): The University of Pretoria
no longer accepts qualications awarded by these institutions.
12. General Education Development (GED): South African GED graduates who graduated up to 2019 may be considered for admission,
provided they qualify for an exemption certicate issued by USAf and comply with both University admission and Faculty subject
requirements. South African GED graduates who graduated after 2019 cannot be considered for admission to UP as the diploma is not
accredited by USAf and will not be considered for exemption. Applicants from the USA who completed the GED may apply for a Foreign
Conditional Exemption Certicate issued by USAf and accompanied by their SAT/TOEFL/IELTS results.
13. NationalCerticate(Vocational) (NCV) Level 4: The University of Pretoria may consider NCV candidates, provided they meet the exemption
for bachelor’s status criteria and the programme requirements.
Note: Refer to the General Academic Regulations and Student Rules at www.up.ac.za/yearbooks/home, click on ‘General Rules and Regulations’.
The higher education sector has undergone an extensive alignment to the Higher Education Qualication Sub-Framework (HEQSF) across all
institutions in South Africa. In order to comply with the HEQSF, all institutions are legally required to participate in a national initiative led by
regulatory bodies such as the Department of Higher Education and Training (DHET), the Council on Higher Education (CHE), and the South
African Qualications Authority (SAQA). The University of Pretoria is presently engaged in an ongoing eort to align its qualications and
programmes with the HEQSF criteria. Current and prospective students should take note that changes to UP qualication and programme
names may occur as a result of the HEQSF initiative. Students are advised to contact their faculties if they have any questions.
University of Pretoria 6
Faculty-specic admission regulations
The following persons will be considered for admission:
Candidates who have a certicate that is deemed by the University
to be equivalent to the National Senior Certicate (NSC) with admission to bachelor’s
degree studies; candidates who are graduates from other tertiary institutions or
have been granted the status of graduates of such institutions; and candidates who
are graduates of another faculty at the University of Pretoria.
Life Orientation is excluded when calculating the APS.
All modules will only be presented in English, as English is the language of tuition,
communication and correspondence.
Minimum admission requirements
The closing date for applications for programmes in this faculty is 30 June.
Meeting the minimum admission requirements does not guarantee admission
into a programme.
for 2025
Language or
[3 years]
5 6 34
Suggestedsecond-choiceprogrammes:Bachelor of Commerce and Bachelor of
Commerce Financial Management Sciences.
Careers: First step towards qualifying as chartered accountants, external auditors,
taxation professionals and advisors, and nancial directors or managers
[3 years]
5 6 34
Suggestedsecond-choiceprogrammes:Bachelor of Commerce, Bachelor of
Commerce Financial Management Sciences and Bachelor of Commerce Economics.
Careers: Portfolio/fund manager, investment analyst, risk manager/analyst,
quantitative analyst, nancial advisor/planner, wealth manager, investment strategist.
Management Sciences
[3 years]
5 5 32
Suggestedsecond-choiceprogrammes:Bachelor of Commerce and Bachelor of
Commerce [4-year programme].
Business accounting: Financial accountants, credit controllers, SAIPA (South African
Institute of Professional Accountants) and ACCA (Association of Chartered Certied
Financial management: Management accountants, management consultants,
nancial advisors, cost accountants and nancial managers
Taxation: Tax advisors, tax auditors in public practice, tax policy designers, tax
professionals, tax compliance managers, SARS auditors and tax risk managers
Internal auditing: Internal auditors, risk ocers, forensic auditors, IT auditors,
performance auditors, environmental auditors, compliance ocers, government
auditors and governance auditors
[3 years]
5 6 32
Suggestedsecond-choiceprogrammes:Bachelor of Commerce, Bachelor of
Commerce Statistics and Bachelor of Commerce Economics.
Careers: Econometricians are employed by the government, the central bank,
private and commercial banks, leading stockbrokers and consultancies, both
locally and internationally. Positions include analysts, consultants, researchers,
traders or brokers, and academics. The work mostly entails statistical analysis
(forecasting, structural and policy analysis) of economic and nancial markets and
[3 years]
5 5 32
Suggestedsecond-choiceprogrammes:Bachelor of Commerce and Bachelor of
Commerce [4-year programme].
Careers: Economists may specialise in banking, public nance, international trade and
investment or economic development. They are employed by the government, the
central bank, private and commercial banks, stock brokerage rms and consultancies,
both locally and internationally. Positions include analysts, consultants, researchers,
traders and academics.
for 2025
Language or
[3 years]
5 5 32
Suggestedsecond-choiceprogrammes:Bachelor of Arts Law and Bachelor of Laws
[also referred to as LLB].
Careers: First step towards becoming attorneys, legal advisors, advocates,
prosecutors, presiding ocers (magistrates or judges) and academics in the legal eld
[3 years]
5 5 32
Suggestedsecond-choiceprogrammes:Bachelor of Commerce and Bachelor of
Commerce [4-year programme].
Careers: Data scientists, statistical analysts in several industries, researchers,
consultants and lecturers
[3 years]
5 5 30
Suggestedsecond-choiceprogrammes:Bachelor of Commerce and Bachelor of
Commerce [4-year programme].
Careers: Managers in the information technology environment, computer software or
hardware support services, computer systems analysts, nancial information systems
analysts, business analysts, information facilitators, IT training ocers, systems
developers, business systems analysts
[3 years]
5 5 30
Suggestedsecond-choiceprogrammes:Bachelor of Commerce and Bachelor of
Commerce [4-year programme].
Careers: The degree oers diverse career choices. Opportunities exist in banking,
nance and insurance; policy design and implementation; research and consultation;
food processing and manufacturing; commodity trading on global and local stock
markets; logistics and supply chain operations; and business management in
agricultural companies, to name but a few.
[3 years]
5 4 30
Suggestedsecond-choiceprogrammes: Any other Bachelor of Commerce degree as
well as the Bachelor of Commerce [4-year programme].
Careers: Although the degree does not lead to a specic vocational outcome it does,
to some extent, oer students opportunities to determine their own career paths as
it allows them to compile their own curricula with a view to future work opportunities
in all sectors.
[3 years]
5 4 30
Suggestedsecond-choiceprogrammes:Bachelor of Commerce, Bachelor of
Commerce Supply Chain Management and Bachelor of Commerce [4-year programme].
Careers: A wide variety of opportunities exist in the areas of administration, nance,
marketing and human resources management, including employment as teachers,
lecturers, general managers and management consultants.
BachelorofCommerceSupply Chain
[3 years]
5 4 30
Suggestedsecond-choiceprogrammes:Bachelor of Commerce, Bachelor of
Commerce Business Management and Bachelor of Commerce [4-year programme].
Careers: The purpose of this programme is to equip students with the ability to
participate in functional management within an integrated supply chain. This includes
supply management, production and operations management, warehousing,
transport management and supply chain strategy.
[3 years]
5 4 30
Suggestedsecond-choiceprogrammes:Bachelor of Commerce, Bachelor of
Commerce Business Management and Bachelor of Commerce [4-year programme].
Careers: Product management, customer service management, customer
relationship management, strategic marketing, sales management, brand
management, advertising management, media planning, marketing research
management and promotions management
Note: Accounting at school is not a subject requirement for any of the Bachelor of
Commerce and Bachelor of Administration programmes.
7 Undergraduate prospectus: Applicants with an NSC/IEB Certicate 2025
for 2025
Language or
Resource Management
[3 years]
5 4 30
Suggestedsecond-choiceprogrammes: Bachelor of Commerce, Bachelor of
Commerce Business Management and Bachelor of Commerce [4-year programme].
Careers: Human resources practitioners, human resources consultants, mediators,
labour relations specialists, human resources managers, personnel managers,
training ocers, liaison ocers, psychometrists and industrial psychologists. In
their capacity as human resources practitioners, graduates will be responsible for
matters such as developing human resource strategies and policies, human resource
planning, recruitment and selection of employees, training and development of sta,
labour relations and personnel administration.
4 3 26
For advice on a second-choice programme, please consult a Student Advisor. To make
an appointment, send an email to [email protected].
This is a selection programme. Additional selection criteria apply and will be
communicated by the Faculty to applicants. Note: This is a 4-year programme and
the rst year of study is presented at the Mamelodi Campus. Admission to the second
year of study at the Hateld Campus is subject toselection.
Careers: Career opportunities depend on the eld of study chosen by students in
their second year of study.
Management and International
[3 years]
Mathematics 3
Literacy 4
For advice on a second-choice programme, please consult a Student Advisor. To make
an appointment, send an email to [email protected].
Careers: Diplomats, political analysts, managers in the public sector, local
government and the private sector, non-governmental organisations, international
organisations and embassies. Graduates are often employed in human resources
sections and planning and general administrative divisions.
Note: Accounting at school is not a subject requirement for any of the Bachelor of
Commerce and Bachelor of Administration programmes.
Faculty-specic admission regulations
English will be the language of teaching and learning (including
lectures, tutorials and assessments) for all academic modules in
the undergraduate programmes, except in cases where modules
or programmes require the use of a language other than English.
Modules that provide professional preparation requiring separate English and
Afrikaans classes will be identied and will be explicitly listed as such. Modules of
the Bachelor of Education in Foundation Phase Teaching, namely English, Afrikaans
and an Indigenous African language that are language context specic, will continue
to be oered in current language contexts due to the recognition of the need for
home-language teaching in the foundation environment, as specied in the Policy
on Minimum Requirements for Teacher Education Qualications (Gazette 38487 of
19 Feb 2015). The teaching practice modules will allow both English and Afrikaans
assessments, depending on the language of tuition at the schools where the teaching
practice was performed.
As soon as candidates are admitted to the Bachelor of Education degree, they will be
informed that they must register at the University in January of the following year.
It is in the interest of prospective students, in particular those who need nancial
support and/or placement in a residence, to apply as soon as possible.
A police clearance certicate (PCC) is recommended to enrol for a bachelor’s
degree in Education. In terms of the Children’s Act (2005), all registered bachelor
of Education students should declare their status under oath in terms of Part B
of the National Child Protection Register (NCPR). The declaration form is available
Applicants who apply for admission to the Higher Certicate in Sports Sciences
programme and obtained a Diploma Studies endorsement for the NSC or equivalent
qualication, and who comply with all other admission requirements for the
programme, may be considered for admission.
or life sciences: Mathematics and Physical Sciences passed with an achievement
level of 5 (60–69%) in an NSC or equivalent qualication.
AdmissiontotheBachelorofEducationwithanHCSS: Applicants who obtained
a Diploma Studies endorsement for the NSC or equivalent qualication may be
considered for admission to the Bachelor of Education in Senior Phase and Further
Education and Training (FET) Teaching degree (09133031), with specialisation in the
elective combination of Human Movement Studies and Sports Management, once
they have successfully completed the Higher Certicate in Sports Sciences with a
cumulative weighted average of at least 70% (excluding JRC 150 Sports Practical for
the contact programme and JRC 180 Sports Practical for the onlineprogramme).
FacultyofEducationwebsite www.up.ac.za/education
Minimum admission requirements
The closing date for applications for programmes in this faculty is 30 June.
Meeting the minimum admission requirements does not guarantee admission
into a programme.
Language or
[Grade R to Grade 3]
[4 years]
4 28
Suggestedsecond-choiceprogrammes: Any other Bachelor of Education
Careers: Teachers and training ocials at pre-primary or primary schools
[Grades 4 to 6]
[4 years]
4 28
Suggestedsecond-choiceprogrammes: Any other Bachelor of Education
Careers: Teachers and training ocials at primary schools
[Grades 7 to 12]
[4 years]
Additional subject requirements for elective modules in
PhysicalSciencesorLifeSciences are Physical Sciences,
passed with an achievement level of 5 (60%–69%), and
Mathematics passed with an achievement level of
5 (60%–69%) in the nal NSC/IEB examination.
4 28
Suggestedsecond-choiceprogrammes: Any other Bachelor of Education
Careers: Teachers and training ocials at primary or secondary schools
[1 year]
4 20
For advice on a second-choice programme, please consult a Student Advisor. To make
an appointment, send an email to [email protected].
Selection process:
Applicants who indicate the Higher Certicate in Sports Sciences as their rst- or
second-choice will be considered.
All applicants will be considered by the Student Administration of the Faculty based
on the academic admission requirements.
Applicants who meet the academic requirements will then be further considered for
the dierent sports codes in deliberation with TuksSport, according to their sports
Students who have been nominated by an ocial sports club of the University will
enjoy preference for selection.
Applicants who obtained Diploma Studies endorsement for the NSC or equivalent
qualication, may be considered for admission to the Bachelor of Education in
Senior Phase and Further Education and Training (FET) Teaching degree (09133031),
with specialisation in the elective combination of Human Movement Studies and
Sports Management, if they successfully complete the Higher Certicate in Sports
Sciences with a cumulative weighted average of at least 70% (excluding JRC 150
Sports Practical) (for the contact programme).
Careers: Sports coaching, sports and exercise industry
[2 years]
4 20
For advice on a second-choice programme, please consult a Student Advisor. To make
an appointment, send an email to [email protected].
Students must have access, at least on a part-time basis, to schools, sports clubs
and/or accredited training facilities which are suitable for the proposed eld of
Careers: This programme will prepare students for employment as trainers and
coaches in various sporting codes, in the private and public sectors in the context of
community sports clubs, school sports and sports coaching
University of Pretoria 8
Built Environment and
Faculty-specic admission regulations
Conditional admission to a four-year programme in the
School of Engineering is considered only if a prospective student complies with
ALL the requirements as indicated in the undergraduate minimum admission
Admission to the 5-year Bachelor of Engineering programme [previously called
ENGAGE] in the School of Engineering will be determined by the NSC results,
achievement level of 5 for English, 65% for Mathematics and 65% for Physical
Sciences, and an APS of 33.
Students may apply directly to be considered for the 5-year Bachelor of Engineering
programme for all the Engineering disciplines.
Second-choiceprogramme:Should the Admission Point Score (APS) of a
prospective student meet the entrance requirements for a programme, and
the prospective student is not accepted for the rst-choice programme, then an
alternative programme should be considered as a second-choice programme.
Accreditation: The various programmes in the School of Engineering are accredited
by the Engineering Council of South Africa (ECSA), and the degrees meet the
requirements for professional engineers in South Africa. All the programmes in the
School for the Built Environment are internationally recognised and accredited by
their respective statutory councils, allowing students to register as members of their
chosen professions. All the degree oerings in the School of Information Technology
(SIT) are highly sought after in the IT industry with a focus on industry-related trends.
The curriculum conforms to the highest international standards. We are very proud
to be a member of the iSchools Organisation. We are the only IT School in South
Africa with Accreditation Board for Engineering & Technology (ABET) rating.
Minimum admission requirements
The closing date for applications for programmes in this faculty is 30 June.
Meeting the minimum admission requirements does not guarantee admission
into a programme.
Language or
[4 years]
5 6 6 35
Suggestedsecond-choiceprogrammes:Bachelor of Science Chemistry, Bachelor of
Science Mathematics and Bachelor of Science Physics
Careers: Chemical engineers are involved in industrial processes that convert raw
materials to products with a higher economic value. This is achieved using physical,
thermal, chemical, biochemical and mechanical changes and processes. Chemical
engineers apply their specialised knowledge in the petroleum, food, minerals
processing, power generation and the paper and pulp industries, water and euent
treatment, and environmental engineering activities, including air pollution control.
Like those in other engineering disciplines, chemical engineers are involved in
research and development, techno-economic evaluation, equipment and plant
design, process control and optimisation, construction, commissioning, operation and
management, and the marketing and distribution of the nal products.
Engineering in Civil
[4 years]
5 6 6 35
Suggestedsecond-choiceprogrammes:Bachelor of Science Chemistry, Bachelor
of Science Mathematics, Bachelor of Science Physics, Bachelor of Science Construction
Management and Bachelor of Science Quantity Surveying
Careers: Civil engineers design, build and maintain constructions such as tower
blocks and skyscrapers, dams, canals and pipelines, roads, bridges, tunnels,
railways, airports, power stations, towers, waterworks and outfall installations. They
are involved in nancial modelling, feasibility studies and the management and
rehabilitation of large asset portfolios.
in Computer
[4 years]
5 6 6 35
Suggestedsecond-choiceprogrammes:Bachelor of Science Chemistry, Bachelor of
Science Mathematics and Bachelor of Science Physics
Careers: Computer engineers are active in all elds of the information superhighway
and the information and communication technology (ICT) world, which include
computer systems, software engineering, computer and communications networks,
wireless sensor networks, embedded software, electronics, smart control systems
and automation, data security, e-commerce, pattern recognition (face and speech
recognition) and articial intelligence. They specialise in combining hardware,
software and communication technologies to optimise system performance.
Language or
in Electrical
[4 years]
5 6 6 35
Suggestedsecond-choiceprogrammes:Bachelor of Science Chemistry, Bachelor of
Science Mathematics and Bachelor of Science Physics
Careers: Electrical engineers are active in the generation, storage, transmission,
distribution and utilisation of electrical energy. There is a bright future in renewable
energy. Electrical engineers design, supervise the construction, oversee the optimal
operation and assure perfect and timely maintenance of all electrical installations
for municipalities, residential areas, commercial buildings, factories, mines and
industries. Rail transport, water pumping, electrical grids, telecommunications, energy
management and smart lighting all fall within the scope of electrical engineering.
in Electronic
[4 years]
5 6 6 35
Suggestedsecond-choiceprogrammes:Bachelor of Science Chemistry, Bachelor of
Science Mathematics and Bachelor of Science Physics
Careers: Electronic engineers are active in various elds, such as telecommunications
(xed networks, wireless, satellite, television, radar and radio frequency
networks), entertainment and medicine (magnetic resonance imaging, X-rays,
cardiopulmonary resuscitation, infrared tomography, electroencephalograms (EEGs),
electrocardiograms (ECGs), rehabilitation engineering and biokinetics), integrated
circuit design, bioengineering, military equipment design (vehicle electronics, smart
bombs, night vision, laser systems), transport (e-tags, speed measuring, railway
signalling, global positioning system (GPS) and mapping), ‘smart’ dust, safety and
security systems (face and speech recognition), banking (ATMs), commerce, robotics,
education, environmental management, tourism and many more.
in Industrial
[4 years]
5 6 6 35
Suggestedsecond-choiceprogrammes:Bachelor of Science Chemistry, Bachelor of
Science Mathematics and Bachelor of Science Physics
Careers: Industrial engineers design, test, implement and manage a wide range of
man/machine systems for production and the delivery of services. Organisational
matters that require optimisation include site selection and layout of facilities,
manufacturing, inventory control, materials handling, supply chain management,
quality management, cost control, nancial services, maintenance, reliability,
computer simulation, information systems, human resources and business law.
[4 years]
5 6 6 35
Suggestedsecond-choiceprogrammes:Bachelor of Science Chemistry, Bachelor of
Science Mathematics and Bachelor of Science Physics
Careers: Mechanical and aeronautical engineers are concerned with power-
generating machines and systems such as vehicles, ships, air-conditioners, pebble-
bed nuclear reactors, aeroplanes, engines and turbines, robots and biomedical
systems. Areas of specialisation include product design and manufacturing (such
as the design, testing and improvement of mechanical, electrical, pneumatic
and hydraulic systems), marine engineering and naval architecture, biomedical
engineering, air-conditioning and refrigeration, aerospace systems and aircraft/missile
engineering, vehicle engineering, maintenance engineering and energy management
(gas and steam turbines, nuclear power reactors, petrol engines, cooling towers and
renewable energy systems).
Engineering in
[4 years]
5 6 6 35
Suggestedsecond-choiceprogrammes:Bachelor of Science Chemistry, Bachelor of
Science Mathematics and Bachelor of Science Physics
Careers: Metallurgical engineers unlock the riches of deposits of metal ores and
minerals and optimise the manufacture and performance of metallic components.
You’ll nd metallurgical engineers where valuable minerals are recovered from
ore, where metals are produced from the minerals and where the metals are
converted into useful materials as well as into high-performance products. Areas
of specialisation include minerals processing, extractive metallurgy, materials
engineering and performance, advanced manufacturing processes, including
laser-assisted additive manufacturing and welding, as well as failure analysis and
Engineering in
Mining Engineering
[4 years]
5 6 6 35
Suggestedsecond-choiceprogrammes:Bachelor of Science Chemistry, Bachelor of
Science Mathematics and Bachelor of Science Physics
Careers: Mining engineers have a wide range of opportunities, namely mining (mine
management, technical management of ventilation, rock mechanics, rock breaking,
mineral resources), nancial evaluation and management (mine design, nancial
evaluation of mines, mine feasibility studies, mine environmental impact studies),
mining and drilling contracting (mining, tunnelling, shaft sinking, mine development,
ore evaluation), mining research, mining equipment design and manufacture, mining
marketing and mining administration at national, provincial and international levels.
9 Undergraduate prospectus: Applicants with an NSC/IEB Certicate 2025
Language or
[5 years]
This is a 5-year
programme for
all Engineering
Previously called
5 65% 65% 33
For advice on a second-choice programme, please consult a Student Advisor. To make
an appointment, send an email to [email protected].
Note: The admission requirements above are relevant to prospective students who
will commence their studies in 2025. Admission to the 5-year programme in the
School of Engineering will be determined by the NSC results.
Language or
[3 years]
5 4 4 27
Will only be considered as rst study choice. Selection programme: Selection includes
an interview.
Careers: The Bachelor of Science Architecture degree programme enables graduates
to register with the South African Council for the Architectural Profession (SACAP)
as candidate architectural technologists. The qualication is the rst step to future
registration as a candidate senior architectural technologist or a candidate architect.
[3 years]
5 5
or Accounting
Suggestedsecond-choiceprogramme:Bachelor of Science Real Estate
Careers: After completing the three-year undergraduate degree programme,
graduates could enter careers in, among others, construction site management
or subcontracting. On completion of the ensuing one-year honours programme,
graduates can register as candidate professional construction managers or candidate
professional construction project managers and opportunities become much wider,
including property development, portfolio management, commercial marketing and
managerial positions in the corporate environment.
Real Estate
[3 years]
5 5
or Accounting
Suggestedsecond-choiceprogramme:Bachelor of Commerce Investment
Careers: Apart from a future in areas such as property investment, property nance
and facilities, and property management, further studies to obtain an honours
degree in real estate can lead to registration as professional property valuers. Career
opportunities encompass the entire spectrum of the property sector, whether as
entrepreneurs in the private sector or as employees in the private, government or
semi-government sectors.
Quantity Surveying
[3 years]
5 5
or Accounting
Suggestedsecond-choiceprogrammes:Bachelor of Science Construction
Management and Bachelor of Science Real Estate
Careers: Quantity surveying is the science that delivers specialised nancial and
contractual services and advice to clients in the built environment, as well as related
industries. The three-year undergraduate degree is the rst step towards registration
as quantity surveyors. The ensuing one-year honours programme leads to
registration as candidate professional quantity surveyors. Career opportunities, apart
from those in the private, government or semi-government sectors, also exist in the
property, banking, insurance, mining and manufacturing industries.
and Regional
[4 years]
5 4 - 27
For advice on a second-choice programme, please consult a Student Advisor. To make
an appointment, send an email to [email protected].
Careers: Town and regional planners, development practitioners, urban managers,
real estate analysts and researchers. While many town and regional planners act
as private consultants to the public and private sectors, the majority are employed
by government, research agencies (such as the Council for Scientic and Industrial
Research (CSIR) and the Human Sciences Research Council (HSRC)), non-governmental
organisations, community-based organisations, major nancial institutions and
property development groups. The qualication will enable graduates to register as
professional town and regional planners with the South African Council for Planners.
Language or
[3 years]
5 5 30
Suggestedsecond-choiceprogrammes: Bachelor of Commerce and Bachelor of
Commerce [4-year programme]. This programme is administered by the Faculty of
Economic and Management Sciences.
Careers: Data scientist, IT auditor, IT entrepreneur, IT tax specialist, e-business
consultant, programmer, business analyst, project manager, CIO, CTO and knowledge
[3 years]
4 - 28
Suggestedsecond-choiceprogrammes:Bachelor of Information Science Publishing,
Bachelor of Commerce Informatics and Bachelor of Arts
If informatics is selected as a subject at the rst-year level, an achievement level of 5 is
required in Mathematics.
Careers: Information and knowledge managers (manage information and knowledge
resources), information or e-commerce specialists (organise, retrieve and add value to
information), consultants on information products (services and systems), information
brokers (act as infopreneurs and buy and sell information products and services), and
system specialists/analysts/technologists (develop information systems).
[3 years]
5 - 28
Suggestedsecond-choiceprogrammes:Bachelor of Information Science, Bachelor
of Arts Languages and Bachelor of Arts
Careers: Entry-level job opportunities include assisting specic role-players in the
publishing value chain (such as MDs of publishing houses, commissioning editors,
editors and production or marketing managers), market or picture research, copyright
negotiations, copy-editing and proofreading, marketing and promotion, distribution
and delivery.
[3 years]
4 5 30
Suggestedsecond-choiceprogrammes:Bachelor of Information Science, Bachelor
of Information Science Publishing, Bachelor of Science Information and Knowledge
Systems and Bachelor of Commerce Informatics
Careers: Programmers, web designers, animation specialists, video editors and
electronic artists. The programme prepares candidates for positions at any of the
following content producers: paper publications, television, radio, phone technologies
and the web. Graduates can become coders and work for programming companies.
They can develop skills in their particular areas of interest, such as digital music or
video programming, or graphic, games or web development.
[3 years]
5 5 30
Suggestedsecond-choiceprogramme:Bachelor of Information Science
Careers: Data scientist, IT auditor, IT entrepreneur, IT tax specialist, e-business
consultant, programmer, business analyst, project manager, CIO, CTO and knowledge
BachelorofScienceComputer Science
[3 years]
5 6 30
Suggestedsecond-choiceprogrammes:Bachelor of Science Information and
Knowledge Systems and Bachelor of Commerce Informatics
Careers: Programmers, systems analysts, systems architects, consultants, database
administrators, network analysts and researchers
BachelorofScienceInformation and
Knowledge Systems
[3 years]
4 6 30
Suggestedsecond-choiceprogramme:Bachelor of Science Computer Science
Careers: Graduates will dierentiate themselves in an application environment
by choosing one of the following options: data science, genetics, geographical
information systems, IT and enterprises, IT and law, IT and music or software
University of Pretoria 10
appointment,sendanemailto[email protected].
Language or
[5 years]
5 6 5 35
Selection is based on a candidates’ nal Grade 11 examination results.
Careers: Dentists, specialists, academics and researchers
[3 years]
4 4 4 25
Selection is based on a candidates’ nal Grade 11 examination results.
Career: Oral hygienists
[4 years]
4 4 4 28
Selection is based on a candidates’ nal Grade 11 examination results.
Career: Dietitian
[4 years]
4 4
Life Sciences
(not Physical
Selection is based on a candidates’ nal Grade 11 examination results.
Careers: General nursing and midwifery
[4 years]
4 4 4 30
Selection is based on a candidates’ nal Grade 11 examination results.
Careers: Occupational therapists, academics and researchers
[4 years]
4 4 4 30
Selection is based on a candidates’ nal Grade 11 examination results.
Careers: Physiotherapists, academics and researchers
in Diagnostics
[4 years]
4 4 4 30
Selection is based on a candidates’ nal Grade 11 examination results.
Careers: Radiographers, academics and researchers
Medical Practice
[Also referred to as BCMP]
[3 years]
4 4
Sciences or
Life Sciences
Selection is based on a candidates’ nal Grade 11 examination results and the
Biographical Information Form.
Careers: Clinical associates, academics and researchers
[Also referred to as
[6 years]
5 6 5 35
Selection is based on a candidates’ nal Grade 11 examination results.
Careers: General medical practitioners, specialists (after postgraduate training)
[3 years]
4 4
Sciences or
Life Sciences
Selection is based on a candidates’ nal Grade 11 examination results.
Careers: This programme prepares students to work competently in the health,
wellness and sporting environment. It is a prerequisite for admission to the BScHons
programme in Sports Science or Biokinetics.
Food Management
[Options: 1. Nutrition
2. Culinary Science]
This is an interfaculty degree programme, jointly presented
by Food Science (Faculty of Natural and Agricultural
Sciences) and Human Nutrition (Faculty of Health Sciences).
For the admission requirements, please refer to the table in
the Natural and Agricultural Sciences undergraduate faculty
These two programmes are presented by the Faculty of
Humanities. For the admission requirements, please refer
to the table in the Faculty of Humanities undergraduate
Faculty-specic admission regulations
1. The Faculty of Health Sciences seeks to admit students with the
academic credentials that have been shown to predict success.
2. To ensure an equitable representation of demographically
dened designated groups, places are reserved in specic
categories. Selection thus takes place in dierent categories
as indicated in this document.
3. For purposes of selection in the Faculty of Health Sciences, the Designated Group
category includes South African candidates of Black African and Coloured descent.
The Open category refers to all applicants, including those from the Designated
Group who rst compete in the Open category and, if unsuccessful, subsequently
compete in the Designated Group category.
4. The target numbers applicable to each programme are specied for all the
categories. If insucient applications from qualifying applicants are received in
a certain category, the Selection Committee may decide to either not ll all the
places, or to oer them to qualifying applicants from another category.
5. A limited number of places are made available to citizens from countries other
than South Africa,* with those from SADC countries being given preference.
Permanent residents of the RSA are not categorised as foreign students.
Applications received from citizens of other countries* may also be considered if
they are:
citizens or permanent residents of countries that have relevant government–to-
government agreements with South Africa, or
asylum seekers or refugees.
6. Applications received from citizens of other countries* that have their own medical
schools are not considered for admission to medical studies Bachelor of Medicine
and Surgery [also referred to as MBChB].
7. Applicants who have multiple citizenships, including South African citizenship, will
be considered to be South African.
8. The nal number of places allocated to new applicants will be determined on an
annual basis, considering the teaching facilities and resources available and, where
necessary, the number of places allocated to students repeating modules in the
rst year of study of each degree programme.
9. Only applicants who comply with the requirements set out in this document will be
considered for selection. However, compliance with the minimum requirements
does not guarantee admission as only a limited number of students can be
10. Selection is based on merit. The Faculty does not determine specic selection
cut-o values for the dierent categories. Such values are generated by the
number of students competing in a particular category in relation to the number of
11. A Merit Point Score (MPS) is used for ranking applicants for selection purposes in
all programmes. In certain programmes, criteria such as rural residence may also
be used as part of the selection process.
12. In certain programmes only rst-choice applicants will be considered. Programmes
that will/may consider second-choice candidates, will specify this.
13. The top candidates will be selected conditionally up to or surpassing the allocated
number, based on past experience regarding the expected number of acceptances.
14. All oers are conditional until the nal exam results have been received. For
applicants in the School-leaver categories a conditional place will be conrmed
as long as the NSC or equivalent MPSs are not more than ve points below the
Grade11 MPS.
15. Once the nal NSC or equivalent qualication results have been received,
conditional oers will be conrmed if the applicant still meets the required criteria.
The MPSs of all applicants who met the minimum requirements but were not
conditionally selected and applicants who forfeited their places due to the MPS
falling more than ve points will be recalculated using the NSC or equivalent
qualication results and if places become available, oers will be made to them.
16. Any places that become available in any category after selection due to
cancellation or forfeiture will be lled from the recalculated selection list for the
17. This recalculated list will remain active until the end of the second week after the
commencement of lectures.
18. Applicants who have not been oered conditional places and whose names are not
on the recalculated list will not be reconsidered after the nal NSC or equivalent
qualication results have become available.
19. All successful candidates are admitted to the rst year of study only. Registered
students in the University Experience categories may apply for credit for completed
equivalent modules.
20. Incomplete applications will not be considered.
21. Any deliberate omission of information, or false information provided by an
applicant in the application may result in the immediate cancellation of the
application, admission or registration.
22. A student who is made an oer but does not accept it cannot defer the oer and
must reapply to be considered in the following year.
23. Mid-yearselectioncancelled:The mid-year selection for the Bachelor of Medicine
and Surgery [also referred to as MBChB] and Bachelor of Dental Surgery [also
referred to as BChD] degrees in the Faculty of Health Sciences will be discontinued
in 2025. Similarly, the Faculty of Natural and Agricultural Sciences will discontinue
the Bachelor of Science Biological Sciences registration option in 2025. Applicants
may select a relevant Bachelor of Science degree in the eld of biological sciences
or another programme oered in the Faculty of Health Sciences as a second-choice
option. For information on programmes oered by these faculties, refer to www.
up.ac.za/programmes > Undergraduate > faculty brochures.
*Applicants who are not South African citizens
Minimum admission requirements
The closing date for applications for programmes in this faculty is 30 June.
Meeting the minimum admission requirements does not guarantee admission
into a programme.
11 Undergraduate prospectus: Applicants with an NSC/IEB Certicate 2025
Faculty-specic admission regulations
Applicants will be considered for conditional admission if space
allows, and if the candidate is a Grade 11 applicant and meets all the
specic programme and APS requirements, and have submitted the
nal Grade 11 examination results.
Applicants will be considered for nal admission to degree studies if space allows, and
if the candidate:
has a National Senior Certicate (NSC) or equivalent qualication with admission to
bachelor’s degree studies, and comply with the minimum subject requirements as
well as the APS requirements of the chosen programme; or
is a student transferring from another recognised tertiary institution and comply with
the programme requirements of the chosen programme; or
has graduate status from another recognised tertiary institution; or
is transferring from another Faculty at the University of Pretoria.
Applicants from a country other than South Africa (who are not South African citizens)
or South African citizens who have qualications other than the NSC, but equivalent to
the NSC (including school qualications from other countries, eg Spain, New Zealand,
etc), must obtain a Complete Exemption Certicate or a Foreign Conditional Exemption
Certicate, based on the candidate’s international (‘foreign’) qualication. Certicates
can only be obtained from Universities South Africa (USAf) at www.mb.usaf.ac.za.
In addition, these candidates must meet the relevant programme admission
FacultyofHumanitieswebsite www.up.ac.za/faculty-of-humanities
Minimum admission requirements
The closing date for applications for programmes in this faculty is 30 June.
Meeting the minimum admission requirements does not guarantee admission
into a programme.
[4 years]
4 5 32
For advice on a second-choice programme, please consult a Student Advisor. To make
an appointment, send an email to [email protected].
Selection is based on academic achievement, and only 50 students are admitted. The
conditional selection process starts in August each year. For more information, please
contact the programme coordinator. The rst year of study is the same for both the
Audiology and Speech-Language Pathology programmes. Note: We will consider
both rst- and second-choice applications for Bachelor of Arts in Speech-Language
Careers: Work in education and special education, hospitals, clinics or rural
communities, or private practices, government, military and academic institutions
(teaching and research)
[4 years]
4 5 32
For advice on a second-choice programme, please consult a Student Advisor. To make
an appointment, send an email to [email protected].
Selection is based on academic achievement, and only 50 students are admitted. The
conditional selection process starts in August each year. For more information, please
contact the programme coordinator. For Audiology and Speech-Language Pathology
programmes, the rst study year is the same. Note: We will consider both rst- and
second-choice applications for Bachelor of Arts in Audiology.
Careers: Diagnostic and rehabilitative audiology, audiometry and hearing therapy,
work in education, special education, hospitals, clinics, private practice or government,
military and academic institutions (teaching, research) and industry
[4 years]
5 30
For advice on a second-choice programme, please consult a Student Advisor. To make
an appointment, send an email to [email protected].
To retain admission, you must obtain an APS of at least 28 in the NSC. In addition to
the UP application, it is compulsory for applicants to submit an online portfolio to the
Information Design division by 30 June. Those who fail to do this will end up with an
incomplete application and will therefore not be considered for the selection process.
Careers: Animators, graphic designers, illustrators, interaction designers,
communication designers, art directors, media production managers, design
managers, designers of animation and motion graphics, design educators, media
designers or freelance designers; typographers for advertising and branding agencies,
publishing industries, web design companies, broadcasting and animation studios;
in-house design for large companies, state and parastatal organisations, research
and educational institutions, public relations and marketing companies, design
consultants, printers and production houses or owners of private studios
[3 years]
5 30
For advice on a second-choice programme, please consult a Student Advisor. To make
an appointment, send an email to [email protected].
To retain admission, candidates must obtain an APS of at least 28 in the NSC.
Careers: There is a range of career options for students who complete the Bachelor
of Arts programme. Since the Bachelor of Arts programme is relatively exible,
students can choose the same majors and elective modules as students studying in
more structured programmes.
Note: Students who wish to become psychologists must complete a Bachelor of
Arts majoring in Psychology, the BSocSciHons (Psychology), and the MA (Clinical,
Counselling or Research Psychology).
Careers: Clinical, counselling (sports and community) and research psychologist,
registered counsellor or registered psychometrist. (Contact the Health Professions
Council of South Africa [HPCSA—www.hpcsa.co.za] for information on the
[4 years]
5 30
Suggestedsecond-choiceprogramme: Bachelor of Arts.
To retain admission, you must obtain an APS of at least 28 in the NSC. Departmental
selection takes place at the end of the rst year and is based on academic merit, an
aptitude test and an interview. A police clearance certicate (PCC) is required to study
social work. In terms of the Children’s Act (2005), all registered student social workers
have to complete Form 30 in Part B of the National Child Protection Register (NCPR).
Career: Social worker
[3 years]
5 34
Suggestedsecond-choiceprogrammes: Bachelor of Laws [also referred to as LLB],
Bachelor of Commerce Law and Bachelor of Arts.
To retain admission, you must obtain an APS of at least 34 in the NSC.
Career: Lawyer (A Bachelor of Arts Law degree and a Bachelor of Laws [also referred
to as LLB] degree are required.)
[3 years]
5 30
Suggestedsecond-choiceprogramme: Bachelor of Arts.
To retain admission, you must obtain an APS of at least 28 in the NSC.
Careers: Advertising, media and communication, copywriting, creative writing,
text and document design, editing, language planning, language teaching and
training, lexicography (compilation of dictionaries), technical writing, public relations,
translation, publishing, diplomatic sector or tourism. If you would like to become a
language practitioner, we recommend you continue with a BAHons (Applied Language
Studies) once you have completed a Bachelor of Arts Languages degree. Once you
have completed a Postgraduate Certicate in Education, you will be able to enter the
teaching profession.
BachelorofSocialScienceIndustrial Sociology and
Labour Studies
[3 years]
5 30
Suggestedsecond-choiceprogramme: Bachelor of Arts.
To retain admission, you must obtain an APS of at least 28 in the NSC.
Careers: Labour relations practice, arbitration, conict management and resolution,
labour administration and research, gender issues and dismissals, work for
government institutions, parastatals, private sector and trade union organisations
BachelorofSocialScienceHeritage and Cultural Sciences
[3 years]
5 30
Suggestedsecond-choiceprogramme: Bachelor of Arts or consult the Programme
Manager at +27 (0)12 420 5956.
To retain admission, you must obtain an APS of at least 28 in the NSC.
Careers: Travel, tourism, tourist guides, management, hospitality, marketing,
journalism, government, education and/or work in the broader museum and heritage
elds on a local, national and international level
University of Pretoria 12
for 2025
BachelorofArtsPhilosophy, Politics
and Economics
[3 years]
5 5 32
For advice on a second-choice programme, please consult a Student Advisor. To make
an appointment, send an email to [email protected].
To retain admission, you must obtain an APS of at least 32 in the NSC. Students
interested in the Bachelor of Arts Philosophy, Politics and Economics programme not
complying with the 5 in Mathematics for the programme, but with an APS of 32, a
4 in Mathematics and a 5 in English, may be admitted into another degree for their
rst year. If they register for STK 113 and STK 123 in their rst year of study, and they
pass each of these with 60%, they will however then have the option to apply for an
internal transfer to the Bachelor of Arts Philosophy, Politics and Economics in their
second year of study.
Careers: You will be eligible for a career in economic or political policy-making,
journalism or the diplomatic service.
BachelorofPoliticalScienceInternational Studies
[3 years]
5 30
Suggestedsecond-choiceprogrammes: Bachelor of Political Science Political Studies
and Bachelor of Arts.
To retain admission, you must obtain an APS of at least 28 in the NSC.
Careers: International relations, diplomatic service, political consultation, conict
resolution, policy analysis, strategic intelligence, governance, international political
economics and risk analysis
BachelorofPoliticalSciencePolitical Studies
[3 years]
5 30
Suggestedsecond-choiceprogrammes: Bachelor of Political Science International
Studies and Bachelor of Arts.
To retain admission, you must obtain an APS of at least 28 in the NSC.
Careers: Policy analysis and consultation, political analysis and communication,
governance, conict resolution, strategic intelligence, political development and
mobilisation and risk analysis
[4 years]
5 30
For advice on a second-choice programme, please consult the Programme Manager
at +27 (0)12 420 6783.
To retain admission, you must obtain an APS of at least 28 in the NSC. Admissions for
the Bachelor of Arts in Fine Arts programme will take place in July, September and
Ad-hoc. An A4 portfolio must be submitted. This will be evaluated along with a UP
competency test with practical and theoretical components. Successful applicants
must pass with 60% in each of the following components:
Conceptualisation test
A4 Portfolio
Careers: Gallery managers, art facilitators, art consultants/advisors, art educators,
artists in the ne arts, artists in new media, artists in applied arts
BachelorofArtsinFineArts[5-year programme]
[5 years]
4 26
For advice on a second-choice programme, please consult a Student Advisor. To make
an appointment, send an email to [email protected].
To retain admission, you must obtain an APS of at least 26 in the NSC. Admissions for
the 5-year Bachelor of Arts in Fine Arts will take place in July, September and Ad-hoc.
Candidates must also complete a UP competency test that assesses practical and
theoretical components. Successful applicants must achieve at least 50% in each of
these components:
Conceptualisation test
Careers: Gallery managers, art facilitators, art consultants/advisors, art educators,
artists in the ne arts, artists in new media, artists in applied arts
BachelorofArtsVisual Studies
[3 years]
5 30
Suggestedsecond-choiceprogramme: Bachelor of Arts.
To retain admission, you must obtain an APS of at least 28 in the NSC.
Careers: Art and lm critics, visual culture specialists, art and culture educators,
academics, art historians, curators, visual analysts, visual consultants, media and
communication analysts, social media coordinators, gallery managers
for 2025
[4 years]
4 (50-59%)
Grade VII
Practical and
Grade V Theory
or a comparable
standard and
Practical audition
and theoretical
test passed
with 60%
5 30
Suggestedsecond-choiceprogramme: Bachelor of Arts or consult the Programme
Manager at +27 (0)12 420 3747.
The School of the Arts: Music selects candidates based on a practical singing or
instrument performance of 15minutes, as well as a theoretical test.
Video of a practical performance (60%): A performance on the candidate’s principal
instrument. The performance should last about 15 minutes, and the programme
must contain three works from dierent style periods (standard: at least Grade VII,
Unisa/Royal Schools/Trinity practical music examinations);
Online theoretical test (60%): A written test that will assess the candidate’s
knowledge of elementary harmony (standard: at least Grade V, Unisa/ Royal
Schools/Trinity theory examinations).
To retain admission, you must obtain an APS of at least 28 in the NSC. Admissions for
the Bachelor of Music degree will take place in July, September and Ad-hoc.
Careers: Music teachers, music technicians, solo and/or chamber music performers,
orchestral musicians and composers
BachelorofMusic[5-year programme]
[5 years]
4 (50-59%)
Grade V Practical
and Grade III
Theory (Unisa/
Royal Schools/
Trinity) or a
standard and
Practical audition
and theoretical
test passed
with 50%
4 26
For advice on a second-choice programme, please consult the Programme Manager
at +27 (0)12 420 3747.
The School of the Arts: Music selects candidates based on a practical singing or
instrument performance of 10 minutes, as well as a theoretical test.
Video of a practical performance (50%): A performance on the candidate’s principal
instrument. The performance should last about 10 minutes, and the programme
must contain three works from dierent style periods (standard: at least Grade V,
Unisa/Royal Schools/Trinity practical music examinations);
Online theory test (50%): A written test that will assess the candidate’s knowledge of
elementary theoretical principles (standard: at least Grade III, Unisa/ Royal Schools/
Trinity theory examinations).
To retain admission, you must obtain an APS of at least 26 in the NSC. Admissions for
the Bachelor of Music [5-year programme] will take place in July, September and Ad-
hoc. If you are admitted to this programme, you may not be considered for any other
degree programme within the Faculty, except for the Bachelor of Music degree.
Careers: Music teachers, music technicians, solo and/or chamber music performers,
orchestral musicians and composers
[3 years]
5 30
Suggestedsecond-choiceprogramme: Bachelor of Arts or consult the Programme
Manager at +27 (0)12 420 2643.
Applicants must complete and pass an audition process. To retain admission, you
must obtain an APS of at least 28 in the NSC. Admissions for the Bachelor of Drama
degree will take place in August, Ad-hoc.
Careers: Actors (theatre, lm, television and radio), physical theatre artists, theatre
critics, radio and television presenters, directors, educational theatre practitioners
and educators, community theatre artists and educators, light and sound operators,
voice artists, stage and production managers, programme facilitators and managers,
performing arts administrators, camera operators, documentary lm-makers, digital
and new media editors, playwrights, scriptwriters, play devisors, lm and theatre
BachelorofDrama [4-year programme]
[4 years]
4 26
For advice on a second-choice programme, please consult a Student Advisor. To make
an appointment, send an email to [email protected].
Applicants must complete and pass an audition process. To retain admission, you
must obtain an APS of at least 26 in the NSC. Admission for the Bachelor of Drama
[4-year programme] will take place in August and Ad-hoc.
Careers: Actors (theatre, lm, television and radio), physical theatre artists, theatre
critics, radio and television presenters, directors, educational theatre practitioners
and educators, community theatre artists and educators, light and sound operators,
voice artists, stage and production managers, programme facilitators and managers,
performing arts administrators, camera operators, documentary lm-makers, digital
and new media editors, playwrights, scriptwriters, play devisors, lm and theatre
13 Undergraduate prospectus: Applicants with an NSC/IEB Certicate 2025
Faculty-specic admission regulations
Applicants who comply with the minimum admission
requirements are conditionally admitted to the available places.
The application process allows for diversity in admissions. With
regard to rst-year admissions, the Faculty strives to admit at least 50% designated
(black African, Indian and Coloured) students. If the admission process leads to a
situation in which fewer than 50% designated (black African, Indian and Coloured)
students are admitted, the admissions should be adjusted to give preference to the
most meritorious designated (black African, Indian and Coloured) candidates.
If places are available, candidates who have graduated for another degree and can
submit a certicate of satisfactory conduct, or completed the NSC (or equivalent
qualication) and have an APS of 38 or higher and an achievement level of at least
6 in English may be conditionally admitted after the closing date, at the discretion
of the Faculty’s Admissions Committee.
Minimum admission requirements
The closing date for applications for programmes in this faculty is 30 June.
Meeting the minimum admission requirements does not guarantee admission
into a programme.
[Also referred to as LLB]
[4 years]
6 35
Suggestedsecond-choiceprogrammes: Bachelor of Arts Law and Bachelor of
Commerce Law.
Candidates that full the requirements for
admission to this programme as set out in this
brochure, will be considered. Candidates are
Careers: Refer to the infographics in the faculty
brochure at www.up.ac.za/law.
Tel +27 (0)12 420 4265
[Also referred to as BA (Law)]
[3 years]
Arts Law applications can be
directed to:
Ms Ernika Monyeki
(Faculty of Humanities)
Tel +27 (0)12 420 5241
[Also referred to as BCom (Law)]
[3 years]
Commerce Law applications
can be directed to:
Ms Ronel Steenkamp
(Faculty of Economic and
Management Sciences)
Tel +27 (0)12 420 3347
Faculty-specic admission regulations
Applicants who indicate Theology as a rst or second choice will
be considered, but those who indicate it as their second choice
may have to submit a motivation.
Minimum admission requirements
The closing date for applications for programmes in this faculty is 30 June.
Meeting the minimum admission requirements does not guarantee admission
into a programme.
IEB for 2025
Language or
[3 years]
4 28
Suggestedsecond-choiceprogramme: Diploma in Theology.
Careers: Ministers, pastors, priests, preachers in certain denominations, missionaries
and youth counsellors. Other possibilities include ethics consultants to businesses.
Theological studies can be enriching for people in various other vocations. Prospective
students who are interested in ordained ministry should discuss their intention to
register for this programme with their church leadership.
[3 years]
3 24
For advice on a second-choice programme, please consult a Student Advisor at
+27 (0)12 420 5144.
Careers: Ministers, pastors, priests, lay preachers in certain denominations,
missionaries and youth counsellors. Candidates should consult their church
leadership on which programme would best suit their aims. The Diploma in Theology
is intended for candidates who have completed the NSC/IEB (or equivalent), but
without the required university admission.
University of Pretoria 14
Faculty-specic admission regulations
1. Mid-yearselectioncancelled: The mid-year selection for the
Bachelor of Medicine and Surgery [also referred to as MBChB]
and Bachelor of Dental Surgery [also referred to as BChD] degrees in the Faculty of
Health Sciences will be discontinued in 2025. Similarly, the Faculty of Natural and
Agricultural Sciences will discontinue the BSc Biological Sciences registration option
in 2025. Applicants may select a relevant Bachelor of Science degree in the eld of
biological sciences or another programme oered in the Faculty of Health Sciences
as a second-choice option. For information on programmes oered by these
faculties, refer to www.up.ac.za/programmes > Undergraduate > faculty brochures.
2. BachelorofVeterinaryScienceandBachelorofVeterinaryNursingselection:
Students who intend to apply for admission to the Bachelor of Veterinary Science
may register for Bachelor of Science biological sciences degrees’ modules including
Medical Terminology (MTL 180). Students should contact the Faculty of Veterinary
Science for their selection criteria (www.up.ac.za/faculty-of-veterinary-science).
3. BSc extended programmes: A limited number of Bachelor of Science and
Bachelor of Science in Agriculture specialisations may be oered over an extended
period of time, with students being granted four years and ve years, respectively,
to complete the qualications. Once external approval has been granted by the
Department of Higher Education and Training (DHET), the Faculty will communicate
the processes to all stakeholders.
FacultyofNaturalandAgriculturalScienceswebsite www.up.ac.za/nas
Minimum admission requirements
The closing date for applications for programmes in this faculty is 30 June.
Meeting the minimum admission requirements does not guarantee admission
into a programme.
PhysicalScience: Students in the Cambridge system must have completed both
Physics and Chemistry with an achievement level equal to that of NSC Physical
Sciences as specied in the table below.
Language or
[3 years]
5 5 5 32
Suggestedsecond-choiceprogrammes: Any of the programmes listed in the
biological or agricultural and food sciences programmes and Bachelor of Science
Careers: Biochemistry oers many opportunities for exciting and challenging
careers in the food and pharmaceutical, ne chemicals and waste-processing
industries. Careers at research councils, such as the Medical Research Council
(MRC), the Agricultural Research Council (ARC), the Cancer Association of South
Africa (CANSA) and the Water Research Commission (WRC) are possibilities, as are
academic institutions, the Council for Scientic and Industrial Research (CSIR) and
forensic as well as pathology laboratories. Possible careers include that of researcher,
teacher, lecturer and medical representative. Graduates are comfortable in work
environments such as universities, research institutes, pharmaceutical companies,
biotechnology companies and related industries.
Language or
[3 years]
5 5 5 32
For advice on a second-choice programme, please consult a Student Advisor. To make
an appointment, send an email to [email protected].
Careers: Graduates mostly nd work as laboratory-based researchers or bio-
entrepreneurs using medical, animal, plant or microbe-based technologies to
develop products and services. If students combine biotechnology with additional
qualications such as law, they will be equipped for success in careers such as
patent law, pharmaceutical sales and marketing, project management, computer
programming (natural computation) and science journalism. Please note that the
level of training and qualication plays a vital role in determining the type of work a
qualied biotechnologist can pursue.
[3 years]
5 5 5 32
Suggestedsecond-choiceprogrammes: Any of the programmes listed in the
biological or agricultural and food sciences programmes.
Careers: Graduates will be at the forefront of conserving natural ecosystems in a
changing world. They nd work in local and international environmentally based
government and private conservation organisations (e.g.,WWF, IUCN), companies
involved in the direct or indirect use of natural resources (e.g., agriculture, mining),
environmental consultancies, environmental education initiatives, academic and
training institutions, and research.
[3 years]
5 5 5 32
Suggestedsecond-choiceprogrammes: Any of the programmes listed in the
biological or agricultural and food sciences programmes.
Careers: Our graduates will play pivotal roles in managing the conict between a
growing human population and the conservation of our unique biodiversity in Africa.
They could be employed by public and private nature conservancies, environmental
consultancies and conservation agencies, medical and veterinary research
institutions, in biochemical and biotechnology industries, at educational institutions,
in scientic data management, and the corporate sector. These jobs usually involve a
stimulating combination of problem-solving, analytical work, and eldwork.
[3 years]
5 5 5 32
Suggestedsecond-choiceprogrammes: Any of the programmes listed in the
biological or agricultural and food sciences programmes.
Careers: Graduates with expertise in entomology are highly sought after in the
agricultural sector as insect management specialists or researchers. They are also
employed at nature reserves, environmental consultancies, conservation planning
agencies, medical and veterinary research institutions, educational institutions and
museums, organisations involved in the management of invasive species and pests,
quarantine and inspection services, in the biochemical and biotechnology industries,
in IT-related elds, and in the corporate sector. There are also opportunities to start
your own business to farms insects that benet humans such as biological control
agents or pollinators like bees and ies, or can be used as feed for animals and food
for humans.
15 Undergraduate prospectus: Applicants with an NSC/IEB Certicate 2025
Language or
Human Genetics
[3 years]
5 5 5 32
Suggestedsecond-choiceprogrammes: Any of the programmes listed in the
biological sciences programmes.
Careers: Graduates generally choose to work as molecular biologists, medical
or clinical geneticists, cytogeneticists, biotechnologists, agricultural scientists,
molecular ecologists, forensic scientists, genetic counsellors, bioinformaticists
and computational analysts, veterinary scientists, teachers or lecturers at various
institutions, and in bioscience-related industries. If students combine genetics with
additional qualications such as law, they will be equipped for successful careers in,
for example, patent law, pharmaceutical sales and marketing, project management,
computer programming (natural computation) and science journalism. Note that the
level of training and qualication plays an important role in determining the type of
work in which a qualied geneticist can become involved.
Human Physiology
Human Physiology,
Genetics and
[3 years]
5 5 5 32
Suggestedsecond-choiceprogrammes: Any of the programmes listed in the
biological sciences programmes.
Careers: Many of the career options for graduates in Bachelor of Science Human
Physiology and Bachelor of Science Human Physiology, Genetics and Psychology are
research-orientated. Research is performed in cooperation with medical teams in
private and government research laboratories, pharmaceutical rms, universities,
veterinary and industrial institutions. Graduates of these degrees also contribute
to education (teachers, lecturers and instructors), sport physiology, biostatistics,
bioengineering, biotechnology, microbiology, virology, industrial hygiene, scientic
journalism, medical technology, and sales representatives of pharmaceutical rms.
Further studying also opens the opportunity to become genetic counsellors and
Medical Sciences
[3 years]
5 5 5 32
Suggestedsecond-choiceprogrammes: Any of the programmes listed in the
biological sciences programmes.
Careers: Postgraduate studies are highly recommended. Honours, master’s and
doctoral degrees can be obtained in any of the subdisciplines of anatomy: neuro-
anatomy, clinical anatomy, cell biology, physical and forensic anthropology, histology
and embryology. Students who obtain this degree can also continue with their studies
to obtain postgraduate degrees in physiology, genetics and pharmacology. Career
opportunities include research in any of the subdisciplines of anatomy, in academia,
in forensic science and in the health science industry. Other careers that can be
considered are in the sports sciences, virology, chemical pathology, immunology,
health administration or ergonomics. Technical careers are also possible, for example,
in the Anatomy or Physiology departments at universities.
[3 years]
5 5 5 32
Suggestedsecond-choiceprogrammes: Any of the programmes listed in the
biological or agricultural and food sciences programmes.
Careers: Microbiologists can pursue a variety of careers involving activities ranging
from practical application to basic research. Career opportunities are available in the
food, dairy, beer, wine, baker’s yeast and fermentation industries, and at mines where
they will be involved in corrosion control. Graduates can also follow careers in medical
or veterinary microbiology, microbial genomics and, ecology or as researchers at
organisations such as the CSIR, MRC or ARC, or lecturers and researchers at academic
Plant Science
[3 years]
5 5 5 32
Suggestedsecond-choiceprogrammes: Any of the programmes listed in the
biological or agricultural and food sciences programmes.
Careers: Careers range from working in a laboratory to studying plants in their
natural environments. Graduates could be employed at biotechnology and
pharmaceutical rms, South African National Parks (SANParks), private ecological
companies and research institutions such as the CSIR, ARC and the South African
National Biodiversity Institute(SANBI).
Language or
Science in Food
[4 years]
5 5 5 32
Suggestedsecond-choiceprogrammes: Bachelor of Consumer Science Hospitality
Management, Bachelor of Science Food Science and Bachelor of Science in Food
Management [Option: Nutrition].
Careers: Graduates can be employed as culinary scientists, culinologists, sensory
analysts, food researchers, food product developers, food safety and quality
assurance managers, and food service managers.
Science in Food
[4 years]
5 5 5 32
Suggestedsecond-choiceprogrammes: Bachelor of Science Food Science, Bachelor
of Science Biochemistry and Bachelor of Science Microbiology.
Bachelor of Science in Food Management [Option: Nutrition] is an interfaculty degree
programme, presented jointly by Consumer and Food Sciences (Faculty of Natural
and Agricultural Sciences) and Human Nutrition (Faculty of Health Sciences).
Careers: The need for graduates with training in nutrition is driven by the worldwide
recognition of the fact that food does not only meet basic nutritional needs but also
plays a key role in the promotion and maintenance of long-term good health. Career
opportunities exist in food or related industries (such as pharmaceutical and food
manufacturing companies), government departments, international organisations
(such as the United Nations Food and Agricultural Organisation (FAO) and the World
Health Organisation (WHO)), NGOs, research organisations and as project managers
and advisors in the food, health and consumer sectors.
Food Science
[3 years]
5 5 5 32
Suggestedsecond-choiceprogrammes: Bachelor of Science in Food Management
[Option: Nutrition].
Careers: Food scientists with highly marketable training and professional skills work
as food risk investigators, quality and safety assurance managers, food chemists,
food microbiologists and biotechnologists, packaging and shelf-life specialists, safety
auditors, product and process development managers, technical sales and marketing
advisors, sensory scientists or food bio-scientists (for example brewers or avourists)
in the food, agro-processing and related industries. The work environments of food
scientists include laboratories, food production sites, business premises (retail and
wholesale), training areas, government institutions and research organisations.
Food scientists also work in industries and companies that manufacture and supply
materials (for example packaging and food additives, such as colourants and
avourants) to the food industry, or have secondary involvement in food production
and sales.
in Agriculture
in Agricultural
Economics in
[4 years]
5 5 5 32
Suggestedsecond-choiceprogramme: Bachelor of Commerce Agribusiness
Careers: The Bachelor of Science in Agriculture in Agricultural Economics in
Agribusiness Management degree is ideal for students who are passionate about and
have competencies in both science and business subjects. The degree programme
cultivates problem solvers with unique skill sets to help feed and clothe the world.
Agricultural economists are involved in many dierent areas of the economy. Their
roles in the economy include: analysing and understanding consumer behaviour
in terms of people’s wants, needs and willingness to pay for food and clothing;
conducting research in environmental economics to assist governments and
businesses in ensuring the sustainable use of scarce resources such as water;
training of smallholder farmers by providing extension services; trading of nancial
instruments and agricultural commodities on global and local stock markets; advising
clients in the agricultural sector on how to manage their nances and risks; advising
government on how to ensure that there will be enough food for all South Africans;
and conducting research to ensure the sustainable and protable supply of food and
clothing across the various supply chains. Employment opportunities for agricultural
economists include employment in the government, commercial banks, multinational
agribusiness companies, farmer cooperatives, commodity trading houses, food
processors and manufacturers, and researchcouncils.
University of Pretoria 16
Language or
in Agriculture in
Animal Science
[4 years]
5 5 5 32
Suggestedsecond-choiceprogrammes: Bachelor of Science Zoology.
Careers: Animal science is focused on the application of the scientic aspects
of animal production and the quality control of products to ensure consumer
satisfaction. Careers in this eld make an essential contribution to food (protein)
production in South Africa. Based on the most recent research and the needs of both
animals and humans, animal science focuses on the entire livestock production value
chain, from conception to consumption. There are numerous career opportunities
for animal scientists in research, commercial farming and the public sector, and for in
the livestock and feed industry. Animal scientists can work on dierent levels in these
sectors, eg as researchers or consultants on animal nutrition or breeding, technical
representatives, managers of intensive and extensive animal production systems
and policymakers. The Bachelor of Science in Agriculture in Animal Science degree is
acknowledged as a professional qualication by SACNSP in terms of Act106 of 1993. It
is internationally recognised, which means that graduates can register as professional
in Agriculture in
[4 years]
5 5 5 32
Suggestedsecond-choiceprogrammes: Any of the programmes listed in the
biological or agricultural and food sciences programmes.
Careers: Graduates could be employed in:
Education and training: Graduates can work at universities, colleges and schools.
Plantpathologists:Graduates are in demand in various industries. Careers range
from researchers to practitioners who work in laboratories, on commercial farms
(which includes eldwork) or in the food trade industry.
Researchandmanagement:Graduates are also hired at research institutes,
government departments, seed, fertiliser and agrochemical companies,
municipalities and in the mining industry.
Extensionservicesfortechnologytransfer: Employers of graduates include
grower associations, national and provincial Departments of Agriculture, Land
Reform and Rural Development (DALRRD), Environment, Forestry and Fisheries
(DEFF), Tourism (DT), Mineral Resources and Energy (DMRE) and Water and
Sanitation (DWS).
Entrepreneurial: Graduates can work as consultants or in production.
in Agriculture in
Applied Plant and
Soil Sciences
[4 years]
5 5 5 32
Suggestedsecond-choiceprogrammes: Any of the programmes listed in the
biological or agricultural and food sciences programmes.
Careers: Graduates could be employed as teachers and lecturers at schools and
academic institutions, as well as researchers and managers at various public and
private institutions:
Public sector: The ARC, DWS, DEFF, DT, DALLRD, DMRE, the CSIR, provincial
agriculture and nature conservation departments, SANBI, municipalities, SANParks,
national farming and food production agencies
Private sector: Companies involved in seed, fertiliser and plant protection research
and development, environmental planning and management, nurseries, vegetable,
fruit and ornamental cut-ower production and irrigation
Extensionservicesinvolvingknowledgetransfer:Nature conservation, national
and provincial departments of agriculture and the environment, environmental
management and rehabilitation, nurseries, crop, turfgrass and weed management,
private companies servicing eld crops, vegetables, medicinal and aromatic plants,
fruit, ornamental and cut-ower production
Entrepreneurial: Consultants in crop, pasture, vegetable, medicinal and aromatic
plants, ornamental and cut-ower production systems and landscaping enterprises,
managing own farms and nurseries for extensive (eld) or intensive (tunnel/
greenhouse) production systems involving various crops, and managing companies
specialising in irrigation, reclamation and soil conservation
for 2025
Language or
Clothing Retail Management
[4 years]
5 4 28
Suggestedsecond-choiceprogramme: Bachelor of Consumer Science Food Retail
Careers: Graduates can be employed in retail management as brand managers,
clothing buyers and planners, fashion designers, fashion marketers, fashion product
developers, quality controllers and assurance managers, store managers, image
consultants, textile technologists, visual merchandisers and pattern technologists, or
can become entrepreneurs.
Retail Management
[4 years]
5 4 28
Suggestedsecond-choiceprogramme: Bachelor of Consumer Science Hospitality
Careers: Graduates can be employed as brand managers, sales managers or store
managers, food and beverage buyers and planners, food stylists, food journalists,
food product marketers, visual merchandisers and consumer consultants, or can
become entrepreneurs.
Hospitality Management
[4 years]
5 4 28
Suggestedsecond-choiceprogramme: Bachelor of Consumer Science Food Retail
Careers: Graduates can be employed as food and beverage managers, food service
managers, culinary specialists, events coordinators, entrepreneurs, food product and
menu developers, food journalists, food safety and quality assurance managers, and
food stylists.
Language or
[3 years]
5 5 5 34
Suggestedsecond-choiceprogrammes: Bachelor of Science Biochemistry and the
Bachelor of Education in Senior Phase and Further Education and Training (FET)
Teaching [Grades 7 to 12] (with elective modules in Physical Sciences or Life Sciences).
Careers: Graduates are employed in most technology-based institutions and work
in laboratory environments that form part of industrial, research or academic
institutions. A chemist must be able to participate in teamwork in a multidisciplinary
environment and a wide variety of enterprises in both the private and public sectors.
It is important to note that the type of work available to a graduate in chemistry
depends on the level of the qualication obtained. Advanced qualications will
eventually lead to positions in research and/or production management and
require management and nancial planning skills. Many career opportunities exist
in the elds of education, research, journalism, environmental protection, food and
beverages, energy, water, health, sports, pharmaceutics and cosmetics, geology,
mining and law enforcement. These include the well-known professions of synthetic
chemist, materials scientist, chemical pathologist, forensic chemist, analytical chemist,
drug analyst, patent lawyer, environmental chemist, geochemist, food chemist,
polymer chemist and soil chemist.
[3 years]
5 5 5 34
Suggestedsecond-choiceprogrammes: Bachelor of Science Mathematics and
Bachelor of Education in Senior Phase and Further Education and Training (FET)
Teaching [Grades 7 to 12] (with elective modules in Physical Sciences or Life Sciences).
Careers: Graduates could be employed as university academics, whose duties
include lecturing, research and the supervision of postgraduate students, researchers
in national laboratories such as the Nuclear Energy Corporation of South Africa
(NECSA), the South African Astronomical Observatory or iThemba LABS (Laboratory
for Accelerator-based Sciences), researchers in industry, for example at the CSIR
or Element Six, science advisors for non-governmental organisations, industry or
government, radiation scientists, medical scientists and biophysicists, atmospheric
scientists and climatologists, developers of renewable energy sources, geophysicists,
innovators and entrepreneurs, and computational scientists. International
collaboration also takes place with experts from abroad.
17 Undergraduate prospectus: Applicants with an NSC/IEB Certicate 2025
Language or
and Environmental
[3 years]
5 5 5 34
Suggestedsecond-choiceprogramme: Bachelor of Science Meteorology.
Careers: This degree oers a range of career paths, including teaching, research
(for a variety of bodies) and the application of geographical knowledge and skills in
practice. Graduates can focus on environmental management; urban issues such
as informal settlements; regional and rural development; and environmental health
or environmental issues, including pollution, climate change and the understanding
and addressing of negative impacts on biodiversity/ecosystem services through
activities such as mining, agriculture and tourism. Environmental specialists act as
consultants in the elds of environmental analysis and management, environmental
law, environmental standards, environmental management systems and
environmental auditing. They are needed by, among others, professionals in private
sector institutions involved with environmental issues, for example, transport and
civil engineers, town and regional planners and landscape architects. In the private
sector, graduates are generally employed by real estate, planning, architectural and
engineering rms, and by banks, tourism organisations, environmental conservation
bodies and industry. Government departments such as the Departments of
Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment (DFFE), Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural
Development (DALRRD), Water and Sanitation (DWS), Tourism (DT), Basic Education
(DBE) and Higher Education and Training (DHET), and Statistics South Africa (Stats
SA), the South African National Antarctic Programme (SANAP), and the Environmental
Management Inspectorate (EMI) - Green Scorpions also employ these graduates, as
do parastatal organisations such as the South African Bureau of Standards (SABS), the
South African Biodiversity Institute (SANBI) and the Council for Scientic and Industrial
Research (CSIR). Many graduates are also self-employed, working mainly in areas
such as marketing, planning, development, tourism, cartography, remote sensing,
environmental analysis, social impact assessments and environmental auditing.
[3 years]
5 5 5 34
Suggestedsecond-choiceprogramme: Bachelor of Science Geography [Option:
Geography and Environmental Science].
Careers: Graduates with a Bachelor of Science Geoinformatics readily nd work
at organisations such as Geographic Information System (GIS) vendors (ESRI or
lntergraph), the CSIR, GIS consultants (AfriGIS, GeoTerralmage, GISCOE), planning
consultants (e.g., Cadreplan or Plan Practice), environmental consultants (e.g. Golder
or Pegasys), civil engineering consultants (Aurecon, SSI), the South African National
Space Agency (SANSA), National Geospatial lnformation (NGI), or any municipality
in the country. Many government departments (eg DEFF, DSI, Stats SA, DALRRD
and DWS) also employ GISc professionals. The South African Geomatics Council
has accredited the Bachelor of Science Geoinformatics and BScHons Geoinformatics
programmes. Bachelor of Science Geoinformatics graduates can register as candidate
Geomatics Technologists in GISc (GTg GISc), and BScHons Geoinformatics graduates
can register as candidate Geomatics Professionals in GISc (GPr GISc).
[3 years]
5 5 5 34
Suggestedsecond-choiceprogrammes: Bachelor of Science Environmental and
Engineering Geology, Bachelor of Science Physics and Bachelor of Science in Agriculture
in Applied Plant and Soil Sciences.
Careers: Large international mining companies are signicant employers of
geologists and other geoscientists in research, exploration and mining projects.
However, employment is increasingly to be found in smaller, entrepreneurial rms
(‘juniors’). The Council also oers exciting careers for Geosciences, the CSIR, and
the Council for Mineral Technology (MINTEK), DWS, and at museums, engineering
rms and consulting companies. Graduates may even operate as self-employed
consultants in their own rms. Laboratory specialists, for example, mineralogists,
identify and examine minerals using sophisticated instruments and analytical
equipment. Environmental and engineering geologists study the interaction between
human activities and the geological environment, such as the pollution of soil and
groundwater. They investigate geological structures and soil, and rock properties
at construction sites, for example, dams, tunnels and mines, to provide valuable
information before construction. They also locate and evaluate suitable construction
materials. The task of the hydrogeologist is to look for groundwater and monitor the
responsible exploitation of that water.
[3 years]
5 5 5 34
Suggestedsecond-choiceprogramme: Bachelor of Science Geography [Option:
Geography and Environmental Science].
Careers: UP graduates in meteorology work as weather forecasters, researchers,
climatologists, and lecturers and institutions. Meteorologists are employed by
institutions involved in the study, interpretation, and prediction of weather,
atmospheric science, and phenomena relating to the climate. The South African
Weather Service (SAWS), the Council for Scientic and Industrial Research (CSIR),
some universities, agricultural institutions, municipalities, consultants, and industries
employ meteorologists who mainly practice as specialists. The BScHons Meteorology
degree, which is required to become a professional meteorologist, conforms to
all the requirements for a meteorologist according to the denition of the World
Meteorological Organization (WMO) Technical Regulations.
Language or
Environmental and
Engineering Geology
[3 years]
5 5 5 34
Suggestedsecond-choiceprogramme: Bachelor of Science Geology.
Careers: Engineering and environmental geologists study the interaction between
human activities and the geological environment, such as the pollution of soil and
groundwater. They investigate geological structures and soil and rock properties
at construction sites, for example, dams, tunnels and mines, to provide valuable
information before construction. They also locate and evaluate suitable construction
materials. The task of the hydrogeologist is to search for groundwater and monitor
the responsible exploitation of that water.
Language or
BachelorofScienceActuarial and
Financial Mathematics
[3 years]
5 7 36
Suggestedsecond-choiceprogramme: Bachelor of Science Mathematical Statistics.
Careers: Actuarial and nancial mathematics is a popular eld, with career
opportunities in the business market and at investment institutions such as banks
and insurance companies. Mathematical skills are essential in portfolio management
and the modelling of nancial risk. This programme prepares students for
professional careers as actuaries or nancial engineers. The activities of actuaries
or actuarial technicians include long-term capital projects, designing the benets of
medical schemes, pension fund management, the determination of contributions
and nancial management on a sound long-term basis, the evaluation of investments
in shares, property and other transactions, and the determination of the premiums
and reserves for insurers’ outstanding claims. Financial engineers can be employed
by banks and nancial institutions, brokerage rms and investment institutions.
The mathematical skills of nancial engineers are essential in portfolio and risk
management. Activities include asset management (trading in bonds, futures and
derivative instruments such as options), designing new nancial products and
devising strategies to control creditrisk.
[3 years]
5 6 34
Bachelor of Science Physics
Mathematics: Bachelor of Science Mathematics and the Bachelor of Education in
Senior Phase and Further Education and Training (FET) Teaching [Grades 7 to 12] (with
elective modules in Physical Sciences or Life Sciences).
Careers: Graduates in mathematics and applied mathematics are employed by
research institutions, educational bodies (universities and schools), the public sector
(government and medical institutions) and the private sector (engineering companies,
nancial institutions and the computer industry). These graduates’ training in abstract,
analytical and computational thinking provides them with the background required
to easily adjust to changing circumstances in the professional environment and to
construct mathematical models of natural, technological and nancial phenomena.
Mathematicians and applied mathematicians apply, evaluate and adapt existing
problem-solving techniques, or develop new techniques to solve problems.
[3 years]
5 6 34
Suggestedsecond-choiceprogrammes: Bachelor of Science Physics and the
Bachelor of Education in Senior Phase and Further Education and Training (FET)
Teaching [Grades 7 to 12] (with elective modules in Physical Sciences or Life Sciences).
Careers: By completing this programme you will therefore be positioned at the
forefront of analytical thinking and application in the statistical, computational and
interdisciplinary environments of the future. What career opportunities exist for
you as a graduate? Many professions amongst others: Data scientist, data analyst,
nancial risk analyst, nancial analyst, geospatial information analyst, biostatistician,
statistical software engineer. Some examples of career opportunities are:
Google Analytics use statistics to track internet users to generate leads for their
recommended engines.
Movement information captured by cell phones is used by statistical predictive
models to predict trac congestion and suggest faster routes.
Statisticians make use of statistical methodologies to detect fraud, assist with credit-
related portfolios and forecast nancial-economic trends.
Retail companies study customer satisfaction and customer experience by using
statistical models.
Statisticians are prominent in the modelling of climate change, crime hotspots,
rhino-poaching, diseases, etc.
Statisticians advise animal scientists on factors aecting animal nutrition and
genetic breeding plans.
Government employs statisticians to understand population demographics, health
risks and other factors that inuence sustainable development programmes.
University of Pretoria 18
Faculty-specic admission regulations
Note: All attachments and categories referred to below are available
in the Undergraduate Faculty brochure at www.up.ac.za/vet.
1. As the only faculty of its kind in the RSA, the Faculty of Veterinary
Science (FVS) has a particular responsibility to ensure that the student body is
representative of the demographics of the country in order to meet the national
needs for trained veterinarians and veterinary nurses.
2. If the number of applicants who meet the minimum requirements for a particular
category is insucient, the Faculty Selection Committee of the FVS may, at its
discretion, assign places to another category.
3. The nal number of places oered to applicants will be determined by the Faculty
Selection Committee with due consideration of the available teaching facilities and
4. Applicants may be requested to participate in additional selection activities, such
as interviews and additional selection tests, which may be used to verify the scores
obtained from the Veterinary Science or Veterinary Nursing Value-added Form
(VSVAF/VNVAF) (Annexure E).
5. Selection in each of the categories (see Annexure C and D) is based on merit.
6. Applicants are ranked in categories based on the Merit Point Score achieved (see
Annexure C and D – Calculation of the Merit Point Score).
7. Since the highest-ranking applicants are selected until capacity is reached in each
category (see Annexure C and D), the selection cut-o values in the dierent
categories are determined by the competing applications.
8. Applicants who are admitted or conditionally selected, and those on the waiting
list, will be informed by 31 August. However, those in the second-round selection
for school-leaving applicants (Category A2), will be informed a week after the nal
Grade 12 results are available.
9. School-leaving applicants who are conditionally selected based on their Grade 11
results will forfeit their places if their nal NSC (or equivalent qualication) results
no longer comply with the minimum requirements for selection, or if their Merit
Point Scores based on their nal NSC (or equivalent qualication) results are more
than 5% lower than their Grade 11 scores on the strength of which they were
10. School-leaving applicants who were conditionally selected based on their Grade11
results, but whose results in the nal NSC (or equivalent qualication) caused
them to forfeit their placement, will automatically be transferred to the waiting
list and may be considered if a second round of selection takes place in January
11. Forfeiture will not be reversed based on amended NSC (or equivalent qualication)
results after the remarking of NSC (or equivalent qualication) examination papers.
12. Applicants enrolled in the BSc extended programmes must complete the rst three
semesters of the BSc extended programme with the correct (equivalent) modules
to be eligible for selection into the Bachelor of Veterinary Science or Bachlor of
Veterinary Nursing programme.
13. Applicants who are conditionally selected into the second year of the Bachelor of
Veterinary Science programme based on previous university exposure will forfeit
their placement if they do not pass all the modules required for entry into the
second year of the programme.
14. All conditionally selected applicants’ admission will be conrmed by 31 January of
the year in which their studies will commence.
15. Places that become available in any category after selection due to cancellation or
forfeiture will be oered to candidates on the waiting list for that specic category
until the end of the University’s orientation week. Places must be taken up by the
end of the rst week after the commencement of lectures.
16. In terms of the Immigration Act, foreigners who are permanent residents in South
Africa are not categorised as foreign applicants.
17. In extraordinary circumstances, and based on the availability of places in a given
year, the Faculty Selection Committee may consider transferring a student from
another veterinary programme. The level of entry will be decided at the discretion
of the Committee and in accordance with the general rule applied by the Faculty.
Transfers to Bachelor of Veterinary Science V and VI will not be considered. The
syllabus of the transfer programme must meet the OIE and SAQA requirements for
a veterinary programme. The Faculty reserves the right to undertake an evaluation
of syllabi or to request a certicate of SAQA equivalence. Candidates also have to
meet the Category B1–B6 or C2–C3 entrance requirements.
18. Candidates who have previously applied and failed to enter the Bachelor
of Veterinary Science or Bachelor of Veterinary Nursing programme will be
considered in Categories B1–B6 or C2–C3.
19. Applicants from countries other than South Africa* must comply with all UP and
the Department of Home Aairs regulations applicable to foreign students.
20. Applicants who have multiple citizenships, including South African citizenship, will
be considered to be South African citizens.
21. Applicants with GED and School of Tomorrow qualications will not be considered
for admission.
22. Any deliberate omission of information, or any false information provided by
an applicant in the application, may result in the immediate cancellation of the
application, admission or registration.
*Applicants who are not South African citizens
FacultyofVeterinarySciencewebsite www.veterinary.up.ac.za
Enquiries [email protected]
Minimum admission requirements
The closing date for applications for programmes in this faculty is 31 May.
Meeting the minimum admission requirements does not guarantee admission
into a programme.
Language or
[6 years]
5 5 5 35
Suggestedsecond-choiceprogrammes: Bachelor of Science Zoology and Bachelor of
Science in Agriculture in Animal Science. These programmes are also recommended
for applicants who intend to apply again for a transfer to the Bachelor of Veterinary
Science programme in 2025 or later. Note: Students who intend to apply for
admission to Bachelor of Veterinary Science may register for Bachelor of Science
Zoology or Bachelor of Science in Agriculture in Animal Science modules, including
Medical Terminology (MTL 180).
Careers: Veterinarians in private practice, research, academia or state veterinary
services. Veterinarians can also work in the following elds: diagnostic laboratories,
veterinary public health (milk and meat hygiene, control of transfer of disease),
technical services, research and product development in pharmaceutical and food
industries, consultancy, laboratory animal management, wildlife management, poultry
and pig production and animal welfare.
[3 years]
4 4
or Life Sciences
For advice on a second-choice programme for Bachelor of Veterinary Nursing, please
consult a Student Advisor. To make an appointment, send an email to carol.bosch@
Careers: The following institutions employ veterinary nurses: veterinary clinics and
veterinary hospitals, specialist veterinary facilities, the pharmaceutical industry,
the animal food industry, animal welfare societies, zoological gardens, game parks,
laboratory animal units, rehabilitation centres, research centres, animal boarding
establishments, organised agriculture, dairies and farming operations.
For applicants in other schooling systems (IGCSE/LGCSE/BGCSE/SGCSE/GCSE/HIGCSE/
NSC/O Level/AS Level/A Level/IBSL/IBHL or ABITUR), refer to Annexure A in the
Undergraduate Faculty Brochure available at www.up.ac.za/vet for the conversion of
scores to the NSC equivalent. Applicants from schooling systems in which Physical
Sciences is taught as two separate subjects (Physics and Chemistry) have to achieve the
equivalent minimum level in both subjects. For more information, refer to the brochure:
International undergraduate prospectus 2025: Applicants with a school leaving certicate
not issued by Umalusi (South Africa) at www.up.ac.za/programmes > Undergraduate >
Admission information. Applicants from countries other than South Africa must comply
with all UP and the Department of Home Aairs regulations related to foreign students.
If an applicant has multiple citizenships which includes South African citizenship, the
applicant will be considered as a South African applicant. Applicants with GED and
School of Tomorrow qualications will not be considered for admission. Any false
information or any deliberate omission of information, provided by an applicant in
the application may result in immediate cancellation of the application, admission
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