  
UNT Requirement TCCNS Option UNT Requirement TCCNS Option
ADES 3500 ADES 3545
ADES 3510 ADES 3545
Advanced Art History AEAH 4842
UNT Core: American History Menu 2 Course (advanced) See list of approved courses
UNT Core: Life & Physical
See list of approved courses
UNT Core: Life & Physical
See list of approved courses
Junior portfolio review at end of semester
  
UNT Requirement TCCNS Option UNT Requirement TCCNS Option
ADES 1510 ADES 2510*
ADES 2515 ADES 2520
ART 2370
UNT Core: Component Area
See list of approved courses
Menu I Course Consult UNT advisor UNT Core: American History See list of approved courses
ENGL 1320 or TECM 2700 ENGL 1302 or ENGL 2311
UNT Core: Social &
Behavioral Sciences
See list of approved courses
Mid-point review held at end of semester *Degree plan created in ADES 2510
  
UNT Requirement TCCNS Option UNT Requirement TCCNS Option
ART 1600
ARTS 1316
ART 1700 ARTS 1312
ART 1800 ARTS 1311 ART 1900 ARTS 1317
ART 2350 ARTS 1303 ART 2360 ARTS 1304
ADES 1500 None ADES 1540 None
ENGL 1310 ENGL 1301
UNT Core: Mathematics See list of approved courses
Entry portfolio review at end of fall semester
  
UNT Requirement TCCNS Option UNT Requirement TCCNS Option
ADES 4520
ADES 4515
ADES 4541 ADES 4525
Advanced Art History Advanced Elective
Advanced Elective Elective Consult UNT advisor
PSCI 2305 GOVT 2305
PSCI 2306 GOVT 2306
Final senior portfolio review at end of semester
B.F.A. Communication Design,
Concentration in Graphic Design
This four-year plan provides a model for on-time completion of this UNT program using as many TCCNS courses as possible. The four-year plan
also shows the first point when no TCCNS options are available for this program. See the current Undergraduate Catalog for course prerequisites.
Course availability at UNT is subject to change, and the plan shown below may change based on updates to UNTs course offerings.
http://registrar.unt.edu/transfer-guides Last Revised: September 14, 2021
B.F.A. Communication Design,
Concentration in Graphic Design
In addition to the university admission requirements, students wishing to major in any program in the College of
Visual Arts and Design must meet minimum academic requirements to be classified as a pre-major. Admission to
the college through this process does not guarantee acceptance into the chosen major. See Admission
Requirementson page two for specific guidelines.
Design programs have strict course sequencing, and some required lower-level art courses are not offered at the
community college. To Complete a design program within four years, community colleges students should consult
with a College of Visual Arts and Design Studies (CVAD) advisor at the beginning of their academic career to
establish an ideal timeline for transferring to UNT. Students interested in completing an associates degree at a
community college are strongly encouraged to consult with a CVAD advisor about concurrent enrollment options.
To complete the Communication Design program within four years, students must have completed ADES 1500
(available only at UNT), ARTS 1311, ARTS 1316, and the entry portfolio review at the end of their first freshman Fall
ARTS 1303 (fulfills Language, Philosophy and Culture core and
three hours of major requirements)
ARTS 1304 (fulfills Creative Arts core and three hours of
major requirements)
ARTS 1311
ARTS 1312
ARTS 1316
ARTS 1317
Courses listed above are TCCNS options and do not include
all courses required for the UNT Communication Design
http://registrar.unt.edu/transfer-guides Last Revised: September 14, 2021
ENGL 1301; and ENGL 1302 or 2311
A grade of 'C' or better is required on courses applied toward this
Two courses chosen from: HIST 1301, 1302, 2301
For students not majoring in Science, Mathematics, or Engineering,
completing two courses from the list below is recommended (see
an Academic Advisor for more options).
ANTH 2401
ASTR 1403
ASTR 1404
BIOL 1408
BIOL 2406
GEOL 1401
GEOL 1403
PHYS 1403
PHYS 1404
PHYS 1410
PHYS 1415
GOVT 2305 and 2306
One course for this requirement will be met by fulfilling the Com-
munication Design program requirements.
In addition, choose one of the following courses:
: ANTH 2346, 2351, or 2401; ARTS 1301, 1303 or 1304;
ASTR 1403 or 1404; BIOL 1408 or 1413, or 2406; COMM 1307 or
2300; CRIJ 1301; DRAM 1310; ECON 2301 or 2302; ENGL 1301,
1302, 2311, 2332, or 2333; HECO 1322; GEOG 1303; GEOL 1401
or 1403; HIST 1301, 1302, 2321, or 2322; MATH 1316, 1324,
1325 or 1425, 1332, 1342 or 1442 or 2342 or 2442, 1350, 2312
or 2412, 2313 or 2413 or 2513, 2314 or 2414; MUSI 1306 or
1307; PHIL 1301, 1304, 2303, 2306, or 2316; PHYS 1403, 1404,
1410, or 1415; PSYC 2301; SOCI 1301; SOCW 2361; SPCH 1315,
1318 or 2341; TECA 1354
: COMM 2302; SPCH 1311; TECA 1303
One course chosen from: ANTH 2346 or 2351; COMM 1307; CRIJ
1301; ECON 2301 or 2302; GEOG 1303; PSYC 2301 or 2330; SOCI
1301; SOCW 2361; SPCH 1318; TECA 1354
This requirement will be met by fulfilling the Communication De-
sign program requirements (see Core Course Requirementsbe-
The UNT Core requirements are shown with Texas Common Course Numbering System values only when UNT offers equivalent courses.
There may be other courses in transfer that apply toward the specific degree requirement, but those listed are known to apply.
One course chosen from: MATH 1316, 1324, 1325 or 1425, 1332,
1342 or 1442 or 2342 or 2442, 1350, 2312 or 2412, 2313 or 2413
or 2513
This requirement will be met by fulfilling the Communication De-
sign program requirements (see Core Course Requirementsnext
To be
admitted to the communication design major (and to be eligible to
enroll in advanced art courses), a pre-major must meet all the
following requirements:
Complete at least 30 hours of college courses (including those
listed below) and have:
completed ARTS 1311, 1312, 1316, 1317 and ADES 1500
(available only at UNT) with a grade of C or better
submitted an entry portfolio (https://cvad.unt.edu/design/
comm-design-bfa#app) to the Communication Design Entry
Portfolio Review and have been admitted prior to starting the
Communication Design Freshman and Sophomore studio
completed ADES 1510, 1540, and 2515 (ADES courses
available only at UNT) with a grade of C or better
submitted a portfolio (https://cvad.unt.edu/design/
graphicdesign-epr#digital-portfolio) and passed the
Communication Design Mid Point Portfolio Review and during
the sophomore year.
earned at least a 2.75 GPA on the required Art courses
earned a minimum 2.25 UNT grade point average
There are no TCCNS course options for UNTs
Communication Design (ADES) courses. ADES courses are
offered only at UNT.
minimum of 120, of which 42 must be advanced, and fulfillment of
degree requirements for the Bachelor of Fine Arts degree as
specified in the general university requirements section of the UNT
catalog and the College of Visual Arts and Design requirements.
24 advanced hours must be completed at UNT
36 hours of art (including at least 12 advanced hours) must
be completed at UNT
Art majors and art minors must take
courses in sequence and must maintain at least a 2.5 grade point
average in all art courses. Only grades of C (2.0) or better in art
courses will count toward a students degree requirements.
Each major has a review system. Some majors
require an entry-level portfolio review and a mid-point portfolio
review, which the student must pass to continue in the major. All
majors require that seniors pass an exit review prior to graduation.
Students who do not pass one or another of the successive
required reviews should consult with their faculty advisor and/or
the department chair regarding further options. Students should
contact a faculty advisor in their major for specific expectations
and procedures for all portfolio reviews.
: A transferred course must be reviewed for
approval in order to be substituted for a required art course.
Transfer credits in art from other schools can be substituted for
UNT degree requirements only when content of the two courses is
the same. Art core courses (Design I, Design II, Drawing I,
Drawing II, Art History Survey I and Art History Survey II) are
transferable from a Texas Community College. The student should
provide a transcript of all college work so an advisor may better
assist the student with course selection.
complies with the mandates of the 1997 Texas Legislature
regarding requirements for state-assisted institutions. Students
who successfully complete the common core curriculum (in whole
or in part) at a Texas state-assisted institution of higher education
are eligible to transfer as core completefor those categories in
the UNT University Core Curriculum.
Individual academic programs may require courses contained in
parts of the University Core Curriculum. Students who wish to take
courses that will fulfill both core and major/program requirements
simultaneously should check with academic advisors for assistance
in selecting core courses.
 Any student transferring directly from a Texas
public community college to UNT shall have the same choice of
catalog designating degree requirements as the student would
have had if the dates of attendance at the university had been the
same as the dates of attendance at the community college.
The College of Visual Arts and Design required curriculum and
policies are located in the undergraduate catalog under the
corresponding catalog year.
For additional program information, contact the College of Visual
Arts and Design recruiter at https://art.unt.edu/people/deans-
B.F.A. Communication Design,
Concentration in Graphic Design
No minor is required.
http://registrar.unt.edu/transfer-guides Last Revised: September 14, 2021