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Engineering Student Trade Journal Articles College of Engineering
Fall 2020
Bluetooth Applicability in High-Fidelity Audio Systems Bluetooth Applicability in High-Fidelity Audio Systems
Garrett Scheiber
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GARRETT SCHEIBER| College of Engineering Valparaiso University
Bluetooth Applicability
in High-Fidelity Audio
Do the abilities of Bluetooth technology allow for its use as a transmission medium
for high quality audio?
Music enthusiasts have sought the highest quality audio playback since audio recording
technology was developed. Amplification techniques and speaker constructions have been
improved to give clearer sound. Despite these advances, transmission has continued primarily
through wire. Developments in wireless technology have the possibility to change transmission
of audio between speakers, amplifiers, and other audio devices. Bluetooth has the potential to
solve this transmission problem, but the abilities must be investigated before any conclusions are
made. Bit rates and other characteristics of common Bluetooth versions must be analyzed and
compared to the bit rate of high-fidelity music to assess Bluetooth’s suitability.
Bit rate is a common measurement of
music quality. It consists of a sampling rate, a
level measurement, and a classification of loss.
This is illustrated in Figure 1. The black
waveform is the original recording waveform of
the music. The time between each vertical line is
the sampling rate (a higher sampling rate
translates to a lower delay between samples,
which increases the accuracy). The level
measurement is the position of the wave at a
certain point (the height of each horizontal line).
A higher number of bits devoted to level will
result in an increased level accuracy. Loss
classification is either lossless (no audio data
loss during compression) or lossy (audio data is
lost during compression). For example, CDs
have a sampling rate of 44.1 kHz with 16 bits
devoted to the output level which gives a bit rate of 1,411.2 kbps (which is considered lossless)
for two channel audio. For this investigation, CD quality (1,411.2kbps) will be considered the
lowest possible quality for high-fidelity music.
Wired transmission’s bit rate is limited solely by the sending node, the receiving node,
and the source quality of music (e.g. streaming services, records, or CDs). This gives different
Figure 1:
The difference between different bitrates and
the effect on sound accuracy.
GARRETT SCHEIBER| College of Engineering Valparaiso University
audio qualities the opportunity to be transmitted at their native bit rate (the source quality).
Alternatively, wireless transmission uses radio waves to transmit data between nodes, which is
limited by the transmission rate of the nodes
Bluetooth 5.0 (the latest version of Bluetooth) has a transmission rate of approximately
1,400kbps, which seems to meet the requirements for transmitting CD quality audio (the
established baseline for high-quality audio). Solely analyzing the transmission rate gives a
misleading outcome. The “other characteristics” mentioned above must also be considered.
Bluetooth version differences and congestion can have a negative impact on the transmission
rate. Although compatible, using different versions of Bluetooth at the sending and receiving
nodes will restrict the transmission rate to the lower rate of the two nodes. Congestion in the
radio frequency wavelength (other active Bluetooth transmissions) will also limit the
transmission rates. The only potential positive factor to consider is the codec used in
Codecs compress data
before transmission (some
audio codecs are shown in
Figure 2). Most common
codecs are lossy, being
optimized for lower
quality audio streaming
services (Spotify, Apple
Music, Pandora, etc.). As
shown, only one codec
exists which is both
compressed and lossless
(FLAC). Practically,
FLAC is not a standard
codec in most devices, and
therefore would not be
beneficial to common users. Considering the factors of version difference, congestion, and codec
applicability previously described, Bluetooth is not currently applicable to high-fidelity music
Although current versions of Bluetooth are not applicable to high-quality audio
transmission, changes in future versions can be made to rectify this. Advances in transmission
speeds will likely be offset by increased use of Bluetooth in a wider variety of applications,
making transmission rate improvements negligible. Despite this, codec modification and priority
frequencies could deem Bluetooth applicable in high-fidelity audio transmission. Widely using
lossless compression codecs similar to FLAC would decrease the bit rate necessary to transmit
high-quality audio, while preserving the original signal. The transmitter would analyze the audio
source, classifying it as high or low- quality and communicating this to the receiving node. Both
nodes would then transition to the high-quality codec and begin the transmission.
“Priority” frequencies could be implemented, which would reserve a certain fraction (of
the 79 different frequencies illustrated in Figure 3) for designated uses (these could be audio or
professional related). The use of priority frequencies would reduce the congestion in these
Figure 2: Different Bluetooth codecs with advantages and disadvantages.
GARRETT SCHEIBER| College of Engineering Valparaiso University
frequencies, allowing
for higher
transmission rates
where desired. Both
of these changes (to
codec use and priority
frequency allocation)
could improve
Bluetooth’s viability
in high-fidelity audio
Bluetooth versions do not currently exibit the abilities for high-fidelity music
transmission. Transmission speeds are adequate, but limitations related to codecs, congestion,
and differing Bluetooth versions prevent Bluetooth from being a realistic alternative to wired
audio transmission. As shown, modifications to codec availability and frequency allocation could
theoretically make Bluetooth a viable method of audio transmission.
Figure 1:
Figure 2:
Figure 3:
Figure 3: A graphical representation of the frequencies used in Bluetooth transmission.