03 Getting Started
03Introducing Capture Express
03Supported Product Families
03System Requirements
05 Installation
06 Tutorials
06Tutorial 1: Basic Concepts
08Tutorial 2: Setting Capture Properties
08Tutorial 3: Recording & Streaming
11Tutorial 4: Running Multiple Instances of Capture Express
12Tutorial 5: Setting Up Work Views
13 Main Window
14Preview Area
14Preview Area
16Control/Statistics Bar
19 Capture Settings Panel
21LIVE Tab
30 Options
33 Software Update
34 FAQ
35 Support
36 Glossary and Abbreviations
Getting Started
Introducing Capture Express
Capture Express is a lightweight live video production software designed specifically for Magewell capture devices. It supports 4K Ultra-HD and SD video encoding,
and provides a series of functions such as snapshot, recording, video cropping and color adjustment to help you easily create snapshots and video clips.
Supported Product Families
System Requirements
Operating System
The product families supported by Capture Express may change. Please refer to this web page for the latest information.
Pro Capture
USB Capture
USB Capture Plus
Eco Capture
Gen 1
Windows 7, 8, 8.1, 10 (x86)
Windows 7, 8, 8.1, 10, Server 2008 R2, Server 2012, Server 2016 (x64)
Minimum: i3 dual-core @ 3.30GHz
Recommended: i7 quad-core @ 2.66GHz+
Graphics Card
Minimum: 2GB RAM
Recommended: 8GB+ RAM
Minimum: OpenGL 2.0
Recommended: OpenGL 3.0+
NOTE: Nvidia or Intel Graphics Cards required for 4K video encoding
Figure 1. Magewell Capture Express Setup Wizard
Figure 2. Uninstall Capture Express in the Windows "Apps & features" page
This chapter guides you through installing Capture Express.
To install Capture Express, follow these steps below:
1. Download the installer from this web page.
2. Run the installer program (see figure 1) and follow the instructions provided.
To uninstall Capture Express, follow these steps:
1. In the Windows Start menu, click Settings > Apps to enter the Apps & features page. (See
figure 2)
2. Select Magewell Capture Express and then click Uninstall to run the uninstaller.
3. The installer asks if you want to remove Capture Express and all its components. Select Yes to
uninstall them.
The best way to get started using Capture Express is quickly working through all its main features. We provide you with a series of three tutorials to help you
understand how to use this software to capture and record video.
Since each tutorial builds on the skills and knowledge you've learned from the previous tutorials, it is recommended that you take the tutorials in order.
As you gain hands-on experience through inputting, capturing and outputting the video, you'll gain a deeper knowledge of Capture Express's organizational structure
and working methods, thereby enhancing the proficiency in using it.
Tutorial 1: Basic Concepts
Tutorial Preparation
Before using Capture Express, you should connect the hardware according to the diagram below and turn on the video source and the computer.
The layout of the main window of Capture Express is shown in the following figure.
Capture Settings Panel
Tutorial 2: Setting Capture Properties
To set capture properties, click the arrow at the right of the main window to expand the Capture
Settings Panel.
The Capture Settings Panel consists of these tabs: DEVICE, VOLUME, LIVE, OUTPUT FORMAT, and
For details on how to use the Capture Settings Panel, see Capture Settings Panel.
Select storage disk path in the Options dialog box
Tutorial 3: Recording & Streaming
This tutorial demonstrates how to quickly capture snapshots and video clips using Magewell's capture
1. In the Toolbar, click Settings and then select Options.
2. When the Options dialog box displays, enter the General tab, and then select the Disk
path where the output video will be stored.
DEVICE tab: Select the video capture device and audio capture device.
VOLUME tab: Adjust the volume and monitor the audio level.
LIVE tab: Configure live stream servers.
OUTPUT FORMAT tab: Set the format of the output video, including resolution, frame rate, video
bitrate, audio bitrate, aspect ratio, video cropping range, and advanced settings about encoding.
COLOR tab: Set the color properties of the video, including brightness, contrast, hue, and
saturation. When your capture card supports HDR, you can also set the HDR type and HDR effect.
Select storage disk pathStep 1.
Set Capture Properties in the Capture Settings Panel
In the Capture Settings Panel,
1. expand the DEVICE tab, and then select the Video device and Audio device;
2. expand the VOLUME tab, light up the Headphone Mute and Master Mute buttons, and
then adjust the volumes to appropriate levels;
3. expand the OUTPUT FORMAT tab, and then enable MATCH SOURCE.
Snapshot controls in the Control/Statistics Bar
In the Control/Statistics Bar,
1. click the Image Format button and select JPG;
2. click the Snapshot Mode button and select Single-Frame Mode;
3. click the Snapshot button to capture the current video frame.
Set capture propertiesStep 2.
Capture video snapshotsStep 3.
Recording controls in the Control/Statistics Bar
In the Control/Statistics Bar,
1. click the Output Format button and select Match Source;
2. click the Video Quality button and select Better;
3. click the Record button to start video recording;
4. click the Record button again to stop the video recording.
Configure RTMP server in the Capture Settings Panel
1. In the Capture Settings Panel, click LIVE > Add stream server.
2. In the Add stream server dialog box, set the following properties to add a RTMP server:
3. Click Test to test whether the video can be successfully streamed to the live streaming
4. Click Add to add this server to the LIVE tab page.
5. In the Control/Statistics Bar, click the Stream button to start video streaming.
6. Click the Stream button again to stop the video streaming.
Record video clipsStep 4.
Broadcast video streamsStep 5.
Service: Select RTMP.
Adapter: Select a network card.
Name: Enter the name of this server, which will be shown in the LIVE tab page.
URL: Enter the RTMP address that you obtained from the live stream platform.
Stream key: Enter the stream key that you obtained form the live stream platform.
See LIVE Tab for information about other streaming servers.
1. Click the double-arrow button on the icon at the left bottom of the main window to
open the Album.
2. View the snapshots and video clips you've saved in the Album.
Tutorial 4: Running Multiple Instances of Capture Express
This tutorial demonstrates how to run multiple instances of Capture Express simultaneously to perform independent video processing tasks.
Opening two Capture Express windows to let them work in parallel and using "Capture device A" and "Capture device B" to capture video respectively.
1. Double-click the startup icon of Capture Express to open the first window.
2. In the Capture Settings Panel of the first window, expand the DEVICE tab, and then select "Capture device A" as the Video device.
3. Use "Capture device A" to capture video. (See Tutorial 3: Recording & Streaming)
1. Double-click the startup icon of Capture Express to open the second window. Then the name of the first window automatically displays the index "#1",
and the name of the second window automatically displays "#2".
2. In the Capture Settings Panel of the second window, expand the DEVICE tab, and then select "Capture device B" as the Video device.
3. Use "Capture device B" to capture video. (See Tutorial 3: Recording & Streaming)
View the snapshots and video clipsStep 6.
Create the first window to use "Capture device A"Step 1.
Create the second window to use "Capture device B"Step 2.
Tutorial 5: Setting Up Work Views
Capture Express supports three modes of working views: Normal, No Border, and Full Screen. This tutorial demonstrates how to set up Capture Express's work view.
Introducing Work Views
Switching Work Views
To switch Capture Express's work view from the Normal view to others,
Setting Up the Default Work View
By default, Capture Express is started in normal view. But you can also make Capture Express start in full screen view.
To start Capture Express in full screen view,
1. in the toolbar at the top of the main window, click Settings > Options to open the Options window;
2. Enter the General tab page of the Options window, and then select Start in full screen mode.
Normal: This view displays the toolbar, preview area, capture settings panel, album, and control/statistics bar.
No Border: This view hides the capture settings panel, album, and control/statistics bar, and displays the preview area. In the toolbar, the No Border button is the
only displayed component. The toolbar will be hidden after a few seconds of user inactivity, and be displayed when you move the mouse.
Full Screen: This view hides the capture settings panel and displays the preview area in full screen. When you enter this view, it displays the album, control/statistics
bar, and toolbar. These components will be hidden after a few seconds of user inactivity, and be displayed when you move the mouse.
click in the toolbar to enter the No Border view, or click this button again or press Esc to exit;
click in the toolbar to enter the Full Screen view, or click this button again or press Esc to exit;
The Toolbar is located at the top of the main window and contains four buttons: Video Scaling, No
Border, Full Screen, and Settings.
Video Scaling
Click to select a scaling ratio to apply to the preview video. You can select Auto-Adaption to
automatically fill the overall image to the available dimensions of the Preview Area.
No Border
Click to display the preview video in no border mode. When the no border mode is in use, you can
click this button again or press Esc to exit.
Full Screen
Click to display the preview video in full screen mode. When the full screen mode is in use, you can
click this button again or press Esc to exit.
Click to open the Settings menu, which contains the following options:
Main Window
This chapter gives an orientation on the user interface of the main window, providing a quick tour of what tools are available, where to find them, and how these tools
work together to help you capture snapshots or video clips.
Options: Open the Options dialog to set file storage formats, software startup mode, and hotkeys.
Preview Area
In the central part of the main window, the Preview Area displays the preview video before the video
signal is encoded and compressed. All changes related to the capture settings will immediately appear
on the preview video.
After the video recording begins, the following information will be displayed at the top of the Preview
(See Options)
Official Website: Open the official website of Magewell.
Software Update: Open the Software Update dialog box to update Capture Express. (See Software
About: Open the About dialog box to view version and copyright information about Capture
The recording and live streaming duration, shown in the top left corner.
The video and audio signal formats, shown in the top right corner, including the following
You can determine whether to display these input signal formats through the hotkey. (See Hotkey)
Line 1: Displays the currently used video input channel. You can press the shortcut keys "Alt+S"
to switch between video sources.
Line 2: Displays the resolution and refresh rate of the input video.
Line 3: Displays the sampling rate and bit depth of the input audio, and whether the audio is
LPCM-encoded or not.
Line 4: Displays the frame rate and bitrate of video encoding.
Shortcut Menu in the Preview Area
Right-clicking anywhere in the Preview Area opens a shortcut menu with the following options:
Video Scaling: Click the Video Scaling triangle to open the video scaling menu, and then select a
scaling ratio to apply to the preview video. You can select Auto-Adaption to automatically fill the
overall image to the available dimensions of the Preview Area.
No Border: Click to display the preview video in no border mode. When the no border mode is in
use, you can click this menu option again or press Esc to exit.
Full Screen: Click to display the preview video in full screen mode. When the full screen mode is in
use, you can click this menu option again or press Esc to exit.
Start Recording: Click to start the video recording. Once the recording begins, the text of this menu
option will change to Stop Recording. You can click Stop Recording to stop recording.
Start Streaming: Click to start the video streaming. Once the streaming begins, the text of this
menu option will change to Stop Streaming. You can click Stop Streaming to stop streaming.
Start Snapshot: Click to start take snapshots of the video. When the Snapshot Mode is Periodic
Mode (see Snapshot Controls), you can click Stop Snapshot to periodically taking snapshots.
Snapshot: Click to capture the current video frame.
Video Crop: Click to open the cropping toolbar to crop the video. (See Crop)
Options: Click to open the Options dialog box. (See Options)
Hidden by default, the Album can be opened by clicking the double-arrow button on the icon at the
left bottom of the main window, and appears beneath the Preview Area when it's open. The Album
shows you every clip you have saved, giving you a way to play clips, delete unwanted clips and view
the basic file details.
To manage the clips (or snapshots) in the Album:
Control/Statistics Bar
The Control/Statistics Bar lies at the bottom of the main window. It consists of the snapshot controls,
recording controls, and statistics of the available recording space and time.
To open a clip: Click the icon of a clip, or right-click the icon and then select Open in the context
To open the storage folder: Right-click the icon of a clip and then select Open Folder Location in
the context menu.
To delete a clip: Hover the pointer over the icon of a clip, then click the delete button that
appears at the upper right corner of the icon; or right-click the icon and then select Delete in the
context menu.
To delete all clips: Right-click the icon of a clip and then select Empty the Folder in the context
To view file details: Hover the pointer over the icon of a clip, then file details, including Name, Size,
Duration (for video clips only), and Date created, appears in a tooltip a moment later. Or right-click
the icon and then select Properties in the context menu to open the Properties dialog box of the
chosen clip.
Snapshot Controls
Image Format
Click to select the storage format of the snapshot, including JPG, PNG, and BMP.
Snapshot Mode
Click to select the capture mode of the snapshot, including the Single-Frame Mode, Burst Mode and
Periodic Mode. In the Burst Mode, five video frames are continuously captured. In the Periodic Mode,
the snapshot is taken every 10 seconds by default. If you want to change the time interval of the
Periodic Mode, see Snapshot.
Click to select this button to take frame snapshots.
Recording Controls
Video Quality
Click to select the video quality, including Normal, Better, Best, and Custom. If you want to change the
Custom video quality, open the OUTPUT FORMAT tab of the Capture Settings Panel and then modify
the Video bit rate and Audio bit rate.
Output Format
Click to select the output format of the video, including 4 recommended formats, Match Source and
Custom. When Match Source is selected, the resolution and frame rate of the output video are
consistent with those of the input video. When Custom is selected, you can go to Capture Settings
Panel > OUTPUT FORMAT tab to customize your output format.
Note that changes you make in the OUTPUT FORMAT tab of the Capture Settings Panel also
affect the properties of the Video Quality and Output Format controls.
Click to start or stop the video recording.
Click to start or stop video streaming. Note that you need to select a stream server to the Capture
Settings Panel before you start streaming. See LIVE Tab.
Disk free
Displays the remaining space of your storage disk. You can specify the storage disk in the Options
dialog box. (See Disk path)
Time left
Displays the time available to record video before the storage disk is filled up. To increase the Time left,
you can lower the Video Quality and Output Format in the Recording Controls, or clean up the storage
disk to expand the free disk space.
If the output format in the Capture Settings Panel matches any of the above recommended
formats, the corresponding recommended format will be assigned to these controls.
If you turn on the MATCH SOURCE function in the Capture Settings Panel, Match Source will
be assigned to the Output Format control.
If you use a custom output format in the Capture Settings Panel, Custom will be assigned to
these controls.
The DEVICE tab is used to select video and audio capture devices.
Video device
Click to select the video input device.
Audio device
Click to select the audio input device.
Capture Settings Panel
The Capture Settings Panel is used to set capture properties related to device, volume, live stream server, signal output format, and color. You can decide whether to
show or hide the panel by default through clicking the arrow at the right of the main window.
When the USB Capture (Plus) device is chosen as the video input device, the audio source for
different audio devices are as follows:
HDMI, SDI: Embedded audio from the HDMI/SDI video source.
Computer: System audio from the computer.
Mic, Line In: Audio from the microphone or line input device.
The VOLUME tab is used to adjust the volume and monitor the audio level.
Level Control
Adjusts the audio level of the audio output.
Level Display
Displays the levels (left and right) of the audio outputs. The number below each level bar stands for
the channel index.
Headphone Mute
Toggles the monitor audio output in the headphones without affecting the recording or streaming
audio output.
Master Mute
Toggles the preview, recording, and broadcast audio output.
In the LIVE tab, you can add, edit, and delete live stream servers. Clicking the Add stream server button
opens a window with the same name. The properties in this window are described as below.
Facebook/YouTube/Twitch Server
RTMP Server
Most live stream platforms support the RTMP protocol. So, if you want to push streams to other stream
platforms except Facebook/YouTube/Twitch, you can set the following properties.
If you need to authorize your account on the live stream platform, turn on Authentication, and then set
the following properties:
Service: Select a server.
Adapter: Select a network card.
Name: Enter the server's name, which will be displayed in the LIVE tab.
Server: Select a server. For Facebook/YouTube/Twitch servers, the software will automatically
choose the nearest/fastest server. You can still manually choose a YouTube/Twitch server.
Stream key: Enter the stream key you obtained from the live stream platform.
Service: Select RTMP.
Adapter: Select a network card.
Name: Enter the server's name, which will be displayed in the LIVE tab.
URL: Enter the RTMP address you obtained from the live stream platform.
Stream key: Enter the stream key you obtained from the live stream platform.
User name: Enter your user name on the live stream platform.
Password: Enter your password on the live stream platform.
SRT Listener
If you want to use your computer as the SRT listener and push streams to the SRT server, set the
following properties.
SRT Caller
If you want to use your computer as the SRT caller and push streams to a remote SRT listener, set the
following properties.
Video streams from the SRT listener can be received by up to 4 channels.
Service: Select SRT Listener.
Adapter: Select a network card.
Name: Enter the listener's name, which will be displayed in the LIVE tab.
Port: Enter the service port (1-65535), using port 8000 by default.
Latency: Select the maximum latency.
Bandwidth overhead: Select the maximum bandwidth overhead, which is the portion of the total
bandwidth of a stream that is required for the exchange of SRT control and recovered packets.
Encryption type: Select the encryption type of the video stream.
Password phrase: If you want to encrypt the video stream, enter the password phrase here. The
length range of password phrase is 10-79.
The remote SRT listener must not be set up by Capture Express.
Service: Select SRT Caller.
Adapter: Select a network card.
TS over RTP
TS over UDP
Name: Enter the caller's name, which will be displayed in the LIVE tab.
Address: If the SRT listener and caller are on the same LAN, enter the private IP address of the SRT
listener on the LAN. If the SRT listener and caller are in different network environments, enter the
public IP address of the SRT listener.
Port: Enter the service port (1-65535), using port 8000 by default.
Latency: Select the maximum latency.
Bandwidth overhead: Select the maximum bandwidth overhead, which is the portion of the total
bandwidth of a stream that is required for the exchange of SRT control and recovered packets.
Encryption type: Select the encryption type of the video stream.
Password phrase: If you want to encrypt the video stream, enter the password phrase here. The
length range of password phrase is 10-79.
Service: Select TS over RTP.
Adapter: Select a network card. If your computer is equipped with multiple network cards, it will
randomly select a card to push stream by default, thus it's recommended to manually specify a
Name: Enter the server's name, which will be displayed in the LIVE tab.
Address: Enter the IP address of server.
Port: Enter the service port (1-65535), using port 5004 by default.
Service: Select TS over UDP.
Adapter: Select a network card. If your computer is equipped with multiple network cards, it will
Test Server
After completing the above configurations, add the server to the LIVE tab page by following these
1. Click Test to test whether the video can be successfully streamed to the live streaming platform.
2. Click Add to add the server to the LIVE tab page.
3. If you want to modify or delete the server in the LIVE tab page, hover over the server, and then
click to edit the server's properties, or click to delete the server.
randomly select a card to push stream by default, thus it's recommended to manually specify a
Name: Enter the server's name, which will be displayed in the LIVE tab.
Address: Enter the IP address of server.
Port: Enter the service port (1-65535), using port 5004 by default.
You can add up to 8 stream servers to the LIVE tab page, and stream up to 4 channels of video
streams simultaneously.
The OUTPUT FORMAT tab is used to set the output signal format, including resolution, frame rate,
video bitrate, audio bitrate, aspect ratio, video cropping range, and advanced settings about encoding.
Toggles the MATCH SOURCE function on or off. When MATCH SOURCE is turned on, the output
resolution and frame rate are automatically set according to the input signal format. When turned off,
you can manually set the output resolution and frame rate.
Select the resolution of the video output.
Frame rate
Select the frame rate of the video output. When using a high output frame rate, you can turn on
Automatically decrease the preview frame rate in the Options dialog to display images with faster
rendering speed. (See Automatically decrease the preview frame rate)
Video bitrate
Select the video bitrate of the video output.
Audio bitrate
Select the audio bitrate of the audio output.
Aspect ratio
Click the arrows next to the input boxes to adjust the aspect ratio of the video output.
You can click to reset the output aspect ratio to the default value.
Advanced settings
Click "Advanced settings" to expand and set encoding-related parameters.
Crop the output video to a rectangular range that is determined by four values: X, Y, W, and H.
Codec type: Options are H264 and H265. H265 offers higher bandwidth efficiency than H264 while
H264 has wider compatibility.
Video encoder: Options are the available graphics cards on the computer. For H264, there is an
extra option of OpenH264.
GOP size: Options range from 1s to 5s. A larger GOP size offers more efficient compression and
requires less bandwidth and storage space. On the other hand, for complex content, a shorter GOP
size can result in better video quality.
Bitrate control mode: Options are CBR and VBR.
CBR: Constant bit rate. A stream will be encoded using the selected bit rate over all the time.
VBR: Variable bit rate. In this mode, the encoder dynamically increases or decreases the bit rate
based on the image bitrate needs.
For H264, options are High, Main, and Baseline, with a high, medium, low compression ratio
For H265, there is only one profile, Main.
X: The distance from the left edge of the original video to the top left point of the cropping range.
Y: The distance from the top edge of the original video to the top left point of the cropping range.
W: The width of the cropping range.
To crop video:
Click to open the cropping toolbar in the Preview Area. The cropping toolbar contains a rectangular
marquee tool, a cropping ratio menu, four cropping range input boxes (X, Y, W, H), a reset button ,
a confirm button , and a cancel button .
To use the cropping toolbar to crop video, follow these steps:
1. Select a cropping ratio. When the cropping ratio is a fixed value, the width and height of the crop
range will be locked at this ratio; when the cropping ratio is set as Free crop, the width and height
of the cropping range can be set without any ratio limits.
2. Drag the rectangle marquee to adjust the cropping range; or input the values of X, Y, W, and H to
set the cropping range.
3. Click to confirm the cropping.
The COLOR tab is used to set the color properties of the video output, including brightness, contrast,
hue, saturation. When your capture card supports HDR,, you can also set the HDR type and HDR
You can click to reset all the parameters to their default values.
Adjust the brightness of the video output.
H: The height of the cropping range.
Adjust the contrast of the video output.
Adjust the tint of the video output.
Adjust the saturation of the video output.
HDR type
Select a dynamic range. Options are as follows:
Auto: Automatically selects a dynamic range for video output. If the input signal contains HDR
information, the output is the same as when HDR type is set to HDR. Otherwise, the output is the
same as when HDR type is set to SDR.
HDR: Outputs HDR video to preview, recording and broadcast based on the input video type and
codec type, as listed in the table below. HDR (High dynamic range) increases the detail of both the
shadows and highlights of a scene.
Input Video Codec Type Preview Recording Broadcast
SDR video
H264 HDR video Not supported Not supported
H265 HDR video SDR video SDR video
HDR video
H264 HDR video Not supported Not supported
H265 HDR video HDR video HDR video
When Codec type is set to H265, if the recording or streaming fails with the prompt that
no codec device is available, it indicates that your codec device does not support H265.
HDR effect
Adjust the HDR effect value to increases the detail of the shadows or highlights. This parameter is
effective only when the output is HDR video.
The value ranges from 0 to 100. 0 indicates complete darkness. A greater value increases brightness
and also adjust the image colors to show more details in shadows and highlights. The default value is
Generally, when a scene is too bright, you can set a lower HDR effect value to allow more details to be
viewed. And when a scene is too dark, a higher HDR effect value can reveal more subtlety.
Whether the HDR effect can be viewed by the audience depends on the capability of the
receiving end.
SDR: Outputs SDR video regardless of the input video type, namely, the video you preview, record,
and stream will be SDR video. Compared to HDR, SDR (Standard dynamic range) can only
represent a fraction of the dynamic range that HDR is capable of and hence can show less details in
the shadows and highlights of a scene.
The HDR type and HDR effect parameters are available only when your capture card supports
HDR. For details about the support for HDR by Magewell capture cards, see FAQ 1.
Disk path
Select the disk path to store the video clips and snapshots.
Free disk space
Displays the free space of the storage disk.
Recording file unit
The recording file unit limits the maximum size of a recording file. Once the size of a recording file
reaches this recording file unit, the recording file will be saved, and a new recording file will be
generated to continue recording the video.
By size
Select the recording file unit by size.
By duration
The Options window is used to set the file storage options, software startup options, and hotkeys. This chapter introduces how to use the Options window.
To open the Options window, select Options from the Settings menu.
Select the recording file unit by duration.
Periodic Mode
Select a time interval for the periodic mode of the snapshot function.
Software Startup Options
Auto-start on boot
When Auto-start on boot is selected, Capture Express will start automatically after you log into the
operating system.
Start in full screen mode
When Start in full screen mode is selected, Capture Express will start in full screen mode.
Automatically decrease the preview frame rate
You can also customize the recording file unit and size, and the snapshot time interval of the
periodic mode by modifying the configuration file:
1. In the software's installation directory, use notepad to open the configuration file
2. In the configuration file, the parameters that you can modify include
RecordingUnitList_Size (recording file units by size), RecordingUnitList_Duration (recording
file units by duration), and SnapshotDurationList (snapshot time interval). The values of the
parameters should be arranged from large to small, separated by commas.
Enables you to either display images with faster interactivity or at full render quality. When
Automatically decrease the preview frame rate is selected, Capture Express will render the video at a
lower rendering rate to increase the processing speed when the frame rate of the output video is high.
Unselecting this option results in a full quality render to the preview area.
Hotkeys for common functions are listed in the Hotkey tab. Methods of resetting the hotkeys are as
To reassign a hotkey: Click the hotkey to enter the edit mode, then press and hold the new key
combination on the keyboard.
To remove a hotkey: Click the hotkey to enter the edit mode, then click at the right of the input
To reset all hotkeys: Click Reset at the bottom of the Hotkey tab.
Update Procedure
In the Settings menu, if a red badge appears next to the Software Update option, a new version of
Capture Express is available.
To update Capture Express, follow these steps:
1. In the Settings menu, click Software Update to check for updates.
2. In the Software Update window, if a new version is found, the release notes for the new version
will be displayed. Click Update to start downloading the new version.
3. In the Uninstall dialog box, click Yes to uninstall the old version.
4. The update program automatically installs the new version.
Software Update
This chapter guides you through updating Capture Express.
1 Support for HDR by Magewell Capture Cards
Multiple Magewell capture cards support HDR, including the following:
To capture HDR video, you can use the any of the above capture cards and import an HDR-supported EDID to the capture card. If you do not import an HDR-
supported EDID, SDR video is captured.
Pro Capture HDMI 4K Plus
Pro Capture HDMI 4K Plus LT
Pro Capture Dual HDMI 4K Plus LT
Pro Capture AIO 4K Plus
Getting Latest Materials
The latest materials, including brief introduction, user manual and installation package, can be found at the Magewell website's introduction page of Capture Express.
Getting Technical Support
You can get technical support in the following two ways:
The Knowledge Base on Magewell official website is a helpful resource where you can visit for more information and troubleshooting. If existed answers can't help
you address the issue, please click No. Report a Problem at the bottom of the page to send a support request to us.
Contact Magewell support team (support@magewell.net) for help.
Glossary and Abbreviations
Group of Pictures, which contains an I picture and all the pictures that depend on it, which is used for video encoding.
High-Definition Multimedia Interface
High dynamic rangewhich increases the detail of both the shadows and highlights of a scene
Real-Time Messaging Protocol, used for streaming audio, video and data over the Internet.
Serial Digital Interface
Standard dynamic range, which can only represent a fraction of the dynamic range that HDR is capable of and hence can show less details in the s
hadows and highlights of a scene.
Secure Reliable Transport, an open source video transport protocol that uses secure streams and easy firewall traversal to optimize streaming perfo
rmance and deliver high-quality video over even the most unreliable networks.