Address, City, State, and ZIP Code
Part I - Required Annual PaymentPart II - Short Method
Department Use Only
Social Security Number Spouse’s Social Security Number
Taxpayer Name Spouse’s Name
- - - -
1. Enter your 2023 tax after credits (Form MO-1040, Line 36 minus approved credits from Line 42, Property Tax
Credit from Line 43 and Missouri Working Family Tax Credit Line 44). ................................. 1
2. Multiply Line 1 by 90% (66 2/3% for qualified farmers)..................... 2
3. Withholding Taxes - Do not include any estimated tax payments on this line ........................... 3
4. Subtract Line 3 from Line 1. If less than $500, stop here; do not complete or file this form.
You do not owe the penalty. ................................................................. 4
5. Enter the tax shown on your 2022 tax return. If you did not file a 2022 Missouri return or only filed a Property
Tax Credit Claim, skip line 5 and enter the amount from Line 2 on Line 6. ............................. 5
6. Required Annual Payment - Enter the smaller of Line 2 or Line 5 (Note: If Line 3 is equal to or more than
Line 6, stop here; you do not owe the penalty. Do not file Form MO-2210). ............................ 6
7. Enter the amount, if any, from Line 3 above............................. 7
8. Enter the total amount, if any, of 2023 estimated tax payments you made ..... 8
9. Add Lines 7 and 8......................................................................... 9
10. Total Underpayment for Year - Subtract Line 9 from Line 6. If zero or less, stop here; you do not owe the
penalty. Do not file Form MO-2210............................................................ 10
11. Multiply Line 10 by 0.04840 ................................................................. 11
12. If the amount on Line 10 was paid on or after 04/15/24, enter 0 (zero). If the amount on Line 10 was paid
before 04/15/24, make the following computation to find the amount to enter on Line 12.
Amount on Number of days paid
Line 10 X before 04/15/24 X 0.0002459 .................. 12
13. Penalty - Subtract Line 12 from Line 11. Enter result here and on Form MO-1040, Line 55 ................ 13
Part II Instructions - Short Method
A. Purpose of the Form - Use this form to determine whether your income tax was sufficiently paid throughout the year by withholding or by estimated
tax payments. If it is not, you may owe a penalty on the underpaid amount.
B. Short Method - You may qualify for the Short Method to calculate your penalty if all withholding and estimated tax payments were made equally
throughout the year and you do not annualize your income.
If you do not qualify to use the Short Method, you must use the Regular Method.
2023 Underpayment of Estimated
Tax By Individuals
You may qualify for the Short Method to calculate your penalty. You may use the Short Method if:
a. All withholding and estimated tax payments were made equally throughout the year and
b. You do not annualize your income.
If both (a) and (b) apply to you, complete Part I, Required Annual Payment and Part II, Short Method. Otherwise, complete Part I, Required Annual
Payment and Part III, Regular Method.
Reset Form
Print Form
25. Amount of underpayment ...........................
26. Date of payment, due date of installment, or April 15, 2024,
whichever is earlier................................
27a. Number of days between the due date of installment, and
either date of payment, the due date of the next
installment, or December 31, 2023, whichever is earlier ...
27b. Number of days from January 1, 2024 or installment date
to date of payment or April 15, 2024 ..................
28a. Multiply the 6% annual interest rate times the amount on
Line 25 for the number of days shown on Line 27a .......
28b. Multiply the 9% annual interest rate times the amount on
Line 25 for the number of days shown on Line 27b .......
28c. Total Penalty (Line 28a plus Line 28b).................
29. Total amount on Line 28c. Show this amount on Line 55 of Form MO-1040 as “Underpayment of Estimated Tax
Penalty”. If you have an underpayment on Line 54 of Form MO-1040, enclose your check or money order for payment in
the amount equal to the total of Line 54 and the penalty amount on Line 55. If you have an overpayment on Line 53, the
Department of Revenue will reduce your overpayment by the amount of penalty ................................
Complete Lines 14 through 19. If you meet any of the exceptions (see instruction D) to the penalty for all quarters, omit Lines 14 through 19 and
go directly to Line 20.
Part III - Regular Method
20. Total amount paid and withheld from January 1 through
the installment date indicated ........................
21. Exception No. 1 - prior year’s tax
2022 tax ........................................
22. Exception No. 2 - tax on prior year’s income using 2023
rates and exemptions ..............................
23. Exception No. 3 - tax on annualized 2023 income ........
24. Exception No. 4 - tax on 2023 income (See Instructions) ..
Section A - Figure Your Underpayment
14. Required annual payment (Enter payment as computed on Part I, Line 6) ............................. 14
Due Dates of Installments
April 15, 2023 June 15, 2023 Sept. 15, 2023 Jan. 15, 2024
15. Required installment payments (See Instructions) ........
16. Estimated tax paid ................................
17. Overpayment of previous installments .................
18. Total payments ...................................
19. Underpayment of current installment ..................
19a. Overpayment of current installment ...................
19b. Underpayment of previous installments ................
19c. Total overpayment ................................
19d. Total underpayment ...............................
See instruction D - For special exceptions see instruction I for service in a “combat zone”, and instruction J for farmers.
25% of 2022 Tax 50% of 2022 Tax 75% of 2022 Tax 100% of 2022 Tax
25% of Tax 50% of Tax 75% of Tax 100% of Tax
22.5% of Tax 45% of Tax 67.5% of Tax
90% of Tax 90% of Tax 90% of Tax
Section B - Exceptions To The Penalty
Section C - Figure the Penalty
Complete Lines 25 through 29
Note: If this form is not filed with Form MO-1040, attach check or money order payable to “Department of Revenue” and mail.
Taxation Division E-mail: [email protected] (For inquiry and correspondence)
P.O. Box 329 E-mail: [email protected]
Jefferson City, MO 65107-0329 (For submission of Individual Income Tax and Property Tax Credit return)
Part III Instructions - Regular Method
A. Purpose of the Form - Use this form to determine whether your income tax was sufficiently paid throughout the year by withholding or by estimated
tax payments. If it is not, you may owe a penalty on the underpaid amount.
B. Filing an Estimated Tax Payment and Paying the Tax for Calendar Year Taxpayers -If you file returns on a calendar year basis and are required to
file Form MO-1040ES, you are generally required to file an estimated tax payment by April 15, and to pay the tax in four installments. If you are not
required to file an estimated tax payment until later in the year because of a change in your income or exemptions, you may be required to pay fewer
installments. The chart below shows the due date for the estimated tax payments and the maximum number of installments required for each.
Period Requirements First Met Due Date of Estimated Tax Payments Maximum Number of Installments Required
Between Jan. 1 and Apr. 1 April 15 4
Between Apr. 2 and Jun. 1 June 15 3
Between Jun. 2 and Sept.1 Sept. 15 2
After Sept. 1 Jan. 15 1
When the due date falls on a Saturday, Sunday, or legal holiday, the estimated tax payment will be considered timely if filed on the next business day.
C. Fiscal Year Taxpayers - Fiscal year taxpayers should substitute for the due dates above, the 15th day of the first and last months of the second
quarter of your fiscal year; the 15th day of the last month of the third quarter; and the 15th day of the first month of your next fiscal year.
D. Exception to the Penalty - You will not be liable for a penalty if your 2023 tax payments (amounts shown on Line 20) equal or exceed any amount
determined for the same period under the following exception provisions. You may apply a different exception to each underpayment. Please
enclose a separate computation page for each payment. If one of the exceptions apply, complete Lines 15 through Line 29.
The percentages shown on Lines 21, 22, and 23, for the April 15, June 15, and Sept. 15 installment dates, are for calendar year taxpayers required
to pay installments on four dates.
Exception 1 - Prior Year’s Tax - This exception applies if your 2023 tax payments equal or exceed the tax shown on your 2022 tax return. The 2022
return must cover a period of 12 months and show a tax liability.
Exception 2 - Tax on Prior Year’s Income using 2023 Rates and Exemptions - This exception applies if your 2023 tax withheld and estimated tax
payments equal or exceed the tax that would have been due on your 2022 income if you had computed it at 2023 rates. To determine if you qualify
for this exception, use the other facts and law applicable to your 2022 return.
Exception 3 - Tax on Annualized 2023 Income - This exception applies if your 2023 tax payments equal or exceed 90 percent of the tax on your
annualized taxable income for periods from the first of the year to the end of the month preceding that month in which an installment is due.
To annualize your taxable income, follow these four steps.
(a) Figure your adjusted gross income minus itemized deductions from the first of your tax year up to and including the month prior to that month in
which an installment is due; or, if you use the standard deduction, figure your adjusted gross income for that period.
(b) Divide the result of step (a) by the number of months in your computation period.
(c) Multiply the result of step (b) by 12.
(d) Subtract the deduction for federal tax and, if you did not itemize, subtract the standard deduction. The result is your annualized taxable income.
Exception 3 may not be used for the fourth installment period.
Example I (Combined return)
1. Wages, received during January through March . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $16,000
2. Self-employment income during January through March . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $14,000
3. Adjusted gross income . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $30,000
4. Annualized income ($30,000 ÷ 3 x 12) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $120,000
5. Minus:
(a) Standard deduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $27,700
6. Annualized taxable income . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $92,300
7. Income Tax (from Missouri tax chart) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $4,385
8. Required installment of the estimated payment based on annualized income ($4,385 x 22.5%). . . . $987
If your tax withheld and estimated tax payment for the first installment period of 2023 were at least $987 (22.5 percent of $4,385), you do not owe
a penalty for that period.
Exception 4 - Tax on Income Over the First, Second, and Third Quarters - This exception applies if your 2023 tax payments equal or exceed 90
percent of the tax on your taxable income for periods starting from the first of the year to the end of the month preceding that in which an installment
is due. This exception does not apply to the fourth quarter. To determine if this exception applies for the first three quarters, figure your taxable
income from January 1, 2023, to the end of the month preceding that month in which an installment is due. Then compute your tax on that amount
as though it represented your taxable income for 2023.
Example II (Combined return using standard deduction)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
Computation Period Income Tax 90 percent of Tax Tax Withheld
Jan. 1 to March 31 $30,000 $22 $20 $21
Jan. 1 to May 31 $60,000 $1,415 $1,273 $1,344
Jan. 1 to Aug. 31 $90,000 $4,271 $3,844 $4,057
Since the amounts in column (5) are greater than those in column (4) for each of the first three computation periods, there is no
penalty for the first two installment periods.
E. Figure the Addition to Tax – For Line 27a, enter the number of days from the due date of payment or December 31, 2023, whichever is earlier. If
the payment date on Line 26 is December 31, 2023, or later and the due date of the installment is April 15, 2023, then enter 260 days; for June 15,
2023, enter 199 days; and for September 15, 2023, 107 days.
F. Tax Withheld - You may consider an equal part of the income tax withheld during the year as paid on each required installment
date, unless you establish the dates on which the withholding occurred and consider it paid on those dates.
G. Overpayment - Apply as credit against the next installment any installment overpayment shown on Line 19a that is greater than all
prior underpayments.
H. Installment Payments - If you made more than one payment for any installment, enclose a separate computation for each
payment. If you filed your return and paid the balance of tax due on or before January 31, 2024, consider the balance paid as of
January 15, 2024.
I. Exception from the Addition to Tax for Service in a Combat Zone - You may be exempt from a penalty for underpayment of
estimated tax if you served in the U.S. Armed Forces in an area designated by the President as a combat zone under conditions
which qualified you for hostile fire pay. If you are exempt for this reason, write on Line 19, for the applicable installment dates,
“Exempt, combat zone.”
J. Farmers - If (1) your Missouri gross income from farming is at least two-thirds of your total Missouri gross income and (2) you filed
a Mis souri Individual Income Tax Return and paid tax on or before March 1, 2024, you are exempt from charges for underpayment
of estimated tax. If so, write on Line 1, “Exempt, farmer”.
If you meet this gross income test but did not file a return or pay the tax when due, complete this form with respect to the last
quarter only. Qualified farmers would enter all of Line 14 in the fourth quarter and calculate the appropriate underpayment.
Line-by-Line Instructions
Complete Lines 15 through 19d for each installment period, then complete Lines 25 through 29.
14. Enter the required annual payment, as computed on Part I, Line 6.
15. Divide the required annual payment (Line 14) by the number of required installments. If the estimated tax was the result of a change in income or
exemptions during the year, you may require fewer installments. Otherwise, divide the required annual payment by four and place the amount in
each column. (See instructions for farmers.)
16. Enter the amount of tax paid during the installment period. The tax withheld throughout the year may be considered as paid in four equal parts on
the due date of the installment, unless a different date is established.
17. Enter the amount, if any, of overpayment reported on Line 19c from the previous installment period.
18. Enter the sum of Line 16 and Line 17.
19. If the amount on Line 15 is greater than the amount on Line 18, enter the difference here. You have underpaid for the installment period. If not,
skip this line and go to Line 19a.
19a. If the amount on Line 18 is greater than the amount on Line 15, enter the difference here. You have overpaid for the installment period.
19b. Enter the amount of the underpayment (if any) from Line 19d of the previous column.
19c. and 19d.
If you filled in Line 19 of this column, add the amount on Line 19b to the amount on Line 19 and enter that total on Line 19d. If you filled in Line
19a of this column, and the amount on Line 19a is greater than any amount on Line 19b, enter the difference on Line 19c. You are overpaid. If
the amount on Line 19b is greater than the amount on Line 19a, enter the difference on Line 19d. You are underpaid. See Part III instructions
for Lines 20 through 24.
25. If you have an underpayment for the installment period and none of the exceptions on Lines 20 through 24 apply, enter on Line 25 the amount of
the underpayment on Line 19d. If you do not have an underpayment, or if an exception applies, leave this blank and skip the remaining lines of
the column.
26. Enter the date a payment was made on the installment, the due date of the following installment, or April 15, 2024, whichever is earlier. If more than
one late payment was made to cover the installment, attach a separate computation for each payment during the installment period.
27a. Enter the number of days from the due date of the installment to the date entered on Line 26.
27b. Enter the number of days from January 1, 2024 (or a later date, if the installment date was after January 1) until either the date of the payment or
April 15, 2024, whichever is earlier.
28a. Multiply the amount on Line 25 by the number of days on Line 27a. Divide this amount by 365 days and multiply the product by six percent.
This is the penalty accruing on the underpayment during 2023.
28b. Multiply the amount on Line 25 by the number of days on Line 27b. Divide this amount by 366 days and multiply the product by nine percent. This
is the penalty accruing on the underpayment during 2024.
28c. Add the amounts on Lines 28a and 28b.
29. Add the sum of the amounts on Line 28c in the final column, if applicable.
Ever served on active duty in the United States Armed Forces?
If yes, visit dor.mo.gov/military/ to see the services and benets we offer to all eligible military individuals.
list of all state agency resources and benets can be found at veteranbenets.mo.gov/state-benets/.