Federal Guidelines
for Dam Safety
Emergency Action Planning for Dams
FEMA 64 / July 2013
All illustrations in this document were created
by FEMA or a FEMA contractor unless otherwise noted.
All photographs in this document are public domain or taken
by FEMA or a FEMA contractor unless otherwise noted.
Federal Guidelines for Emergency Action Planning for Dams
The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) is responsible for coordinating the
Federal response to disasters and for providing Federal guidance to State, local, Tribal, and
Territorial emergency management authorities for all foreseeable emergencies in the United
States and U.S. Territories. To improve the Nation’s emergency preparedness and response
capabilities, FEMA believes that formal guidelines are needed to help dam owners, in
coordination with emergency management authorities, effectively develop and exercise
Emergency Action Plans (EAPs) for dams. The purpose of the guidance in this document is to
meet that need. This document is an update of FEMA 64, Federal Guidelines for Dam Safety:
Emergency Action Planning for Dam Owners (2004).
In “Dam Safety Memorandum to the Heads of Certain Federal Agencies,” dated April 23, 1977,
President Jimmy Carter directed that (1) dam safety reviews of various Federal programs be
documented, (2) the chair of the Federal Coordinating Council for Science, Engineering, and
Technology convene an ad hoc interagency committee provide “recommendations as to the
means of improving the effectiveness of the Government-wide dam safety effort” and prepare
and report on “proposed Federal dam safety guidelines for management procedures to ensure
dam safety,and (3) the Executive Office of Science and Technology Policy arrange for a panel
of recognized experts to review agency regulations, procedures, and practices throughout the
Federal Government and to review proposed Federal dam safety guidelines. The panel was to
advise the President in a report due October 1, 1978, on whether the regulations, procedures,
practices, and guidelines were adequate for ensuring the safety of dams.
Executive Order 12148, Federal Emergency Management, issued on July 20, 1979, transferred or
reassigned to FEMA the management of emergency planning and assistance functions that had
been vested in the President. At that time, FEMA was a new agency, having been established
under the Reorganization Plan No. 3 of 1978. In addition to providing that FEMA “establish
Federal policies for, and coordinate, all civil defense and civil emergency planning, management,
mitigation, and assistance functions of Executive agencies,” Executive Order 12148 made FEMA
responsible for coordinating efforts to promote dam safety.
On October 4, 1979, President Carter issued a Presidential memorandum directing certain
Federal agencies to implement FEMA 93, Federal Guidelines for Dam Safety, and to report their
implementation progress to FEMA. Consequently, FEMA established the Interagency Committee
on Dam Safety (ICODS) to encourage the establishment and maintenance of effective Federal
programs, policies, and guidelines for dam safety. FEMA 93 encourages strict safety standards in
the practices and procedures of Federal agencies and dam owners regulated by Federal agencies.
The guidelines state that “Those charged with administering the guidelines must recognize that
the achievement of dam safety is through a continuous, dynamic process in which guidelines,
practices, and procedures are examined periodically and updated.”
In 1996, the Water Resources Development Act of 1996 (Public Law 104-303) directed FEMA to
establish a National Dam Safety Program, transferred additional dam safety functions to FEMA,
and authorized the establishment of ICODS as a permanent advisory body. The Act also directed
FEMA to establish a National Dam Safety Review Board whose purpose would be to advise the
Director of FEMA (now referred to as the Administrator) on setting national dam safety priorities
and to provide assistance in monitoring State dam safety programs.
With the advice of the National Dam Safety Review Board and encouragement of ICODS,
FEMA has developed and updated the following Federal guidelines to supplement FEMA 93:
FEMA 64, Federal Guidelines for Dam Safety: Emergency Action Planning for Dam
Owners (renamed with this update FEMA P-64, Federal Guidelines for Dam Safety:
Emergency Action Planning for Dams)
FEMA 65, Federal Guidelines for Dam Safety: Earthquake Analyses and Design of Dams
FEMA 94, Federal Guidelines for Dam Safety: Selecting and Accommodating Inflow
Design Floods for Dams
FEMA 148, Federal Guidelines for Dam Safety: Glossary of Terms
FEMA 333, Federal Guidelines for Dam Safety: Hazard Potential Classification System
for Dams
In 2010, the National Dam Safety Review Board’s Work Group on Emergency Action Planning
for Dams established a Task Group to review the 2004 edition of FEMA 64 and to make
recommendations for updating the guidelines. This document, the 2013 edition of FEMA 64, is
an update of the 2004 edition. The updates include the addition of approaches and practices that
are consistent with the National Response Framework and with emergency action planning
concepts from a variety of contemporary sources. The updates reflect the consensus of the Task
Group and have been approved by the ICODS and the National Dam Safety Review Board.
The goal of the updated guidelines is to encourage (1) the development of comprehensive and
consistent emergency action planning to protect lives and reduce property damage and (2) the
participation of emergency management authorities and dam owners in emergency action
Federal Guidelines for Emergency Action Planning for Dams
Federal Guidelines for Emergency Action Planning for Dams
Task Group on Updating FEMA 64, Federal Guidelines
for Emergency Action Planning for Dam Owners
James Demby, Chair
Federal Emergency Management Agency
Byron Lane
State of Michigan
Daniel Mahoney
Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
Robert Mead
State of California
Federal Emergency Management Agency (since 2010)
Mishelle Noble-Blair
Fairfax County (Virginia) Water Authority
Robert Pesapane
State of Rhode Island
Federal Emergency Management Agency (since 2010)
Bronwyn Quinlan
State of Rhode Island
Federal Emergency Management Agency (since 2011)
Paul Shannon
Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
Mark Slauter
State of Virginia
Nicholas Sleptzoff
Federal Emergency Management Agency
Table of Contents
Federal Guidelines for Emergency Action Planning for Dams i
Acronyms and Abbreviations ..................................................................................................... iii
I. Basic Considerations for Preparing an Emergency Action Plan ................................... I-1
A. Purpose ........................................................................................................................................I-1
1. General ..................................................................................................................................I-1
2. Dam Safety Incidents and Emergencies ...............................................................................I-2
3. Uniformity of Emergency Action Plans ...............................................................................I-2
4. National Incident Management System ................................................................................I-3
B. Scope ...........................................................................................................................................I-3
C. Coordination ................................................................................................................................I-4
D. Evacuation ...................................................................................................................................I-5
E. Document Control and Protection of Critical Information ..........................................................I-6
F. Maintaining an EAP ....................................................................................................................I-7
II. Suggested EAP Outline and Contents ............................................................................ II-1
A. Suggested EAP Outline ............................................................................................................. II-1
1. Part I: EAP Information ...................................................................................................... II-2
2. Part II: Appendices ............................................................................................................. II-2
B. Suggested EAP Contents ........................................................................................................... II-2
1. Front Matter ........................................................................................................................ II-3
a. Title Page ....................................................................................................................... II-3
b. Table of Contents .......................................................................................................... II-3
c. EAP Signatures .............................................................................................................. II-3
2. Part I: EAP Information ...................................................................................................... II-3
a. Summary of EAP Responsibilities ................................................................................ II-3
b. Notification Flowcharts ................................................................................................. II-3
c. Statement of Purpose ..................................................................................................... II-5
d. Project Description ........................................................................................................ II-5
e. EAP Response Process .................................................................................................. II-6
f. General Responsibilities .............................................................................................. II-10
g. Preparedness ................................................................................................................ II-13
3. Inundation Maps ............................................................................................................... II-19
a. Determining Downstream Impacts .............................................................................. II-20
b. Preparing Inundation Maps ......................................................................................... II-21
c. Additional Information ................................................................................................ II-22
4. Part II. Appendices ........................................................................................................... II-23
a. Investigations and Analyses of Dam Break Floods ..................................................... II-23
b. Plans for Reviewing, Revising, and Distributing the EAP .......................................... II-24
c. Notification Flowchart ................................................................................................. II-24
d. Blank Forms and Log Sheets ....................................................................................... II-24
e. Site-Specific Concerns ................................................................................................ II-24
Table of Contents
Federal Guidelines for Emergency Action Planning for Dams ii
III. Glossary ............................................................................................................................III-1
Appendix A EAP Review Checklist ...................................................................................................... A-1
Appendix B EAP and Dam Owner Responsibilities .............................................................................. B-1
Appendix C Example Notification Flowchart ....................................................................................... C-1
Appendix D Sample Guidance Table for Determining Emergency Level ............................................. D-1
Appendix E Example High Flow Notification Table ............................................................................ E-1
Appendix F Emergency Notification Information and Messages .......................................................... F-1
Appendix G Example Emergency Level Potential Failure ................................................................. G-1
Appendix H Exercising the Emergency Action Plan ............................................................................. H-1
Appendix I Example Forms and Logs ....................................................................................................I-1
Figure 1 Example of an Inundation Map .......................................................................................... II-20
Figure C-1 Example Notification Flowchart .......................................................................................... C-1
Table B-1 Summary of EAP Responsibilities ....................................................................................... B-1
Table B-2 Summary of the Dam Owner’s Responsibilities .................................................................. B-2
Table D-1 Sample Guidance for Determining Emergency Level ......................................................... D-1
Table E-1 Example High Flow Notification Table ............................................................................... E-1
Table F-1 Examples of Notification Information by Emergency Level ................................................ F-1
Table G-1 Example Emergency Level Potential Failure .................................................................... G-1
Table I-1 Example Dam Emergency Incident Log ................................................................................I-1
Table I-2 Example Record of Plan Holders ...........................................................................................I-2
Table I-3 Example Record of Reviews and Revisions ..........................................................................I-2
Table I-4 Example Dam Emergency Termination Log .........................................................................I-3
Acronyms and Abbreviations
Federal Guidelines for Emergency Action Planning for Dams iii
Acronyms and Abbreviations
AAR After Action Report
DHS Department of Homeland Security
EAP Emergency Action Plan
EOC Emergency Operations Center
FEMA Federal Emergency Management Agency
HSEEP Homeland Security Exercise and Evaluation Program
ICODS Interagency Committee on Dam Safety
ICS Incident Command System
IDF Inflow Design Flood
NID National Inventory of Dams
NIMS National Incident Management System
NWS National Weather Service
PIO Public Information Officer
PMF Probable Maximum Flood
WFO Weather Forecast Office
Basic Considerations for Preparing EAPs
Federal Guidelines for Emergency Action Planning for Dams I-1
A. Purpose
1. General
Residents of areas that could be
affected by a dam failure or
operational incident have a risk of
loss of life, injuries, and damage to
property from a failure or
operational incident. The purpose
of this document is to provide
guidelines for the preparation of an
Emergency Action Plan (EAP) to
facilitate the development of plans
that are comprehensive and
consistent. The purpose of an EAP
is to protect lives and reduce
property damage.
The intended readers of this
document are dam owners and emergency management authorities who work together in the
response to dam safety emergencies.
An EAP is a formal document that identifies potential emergency conditions at a dam and
specifies actions to be followed to minimize loss of life and property damage. The EAP includes:
Actions the dam owner will take to moderate or alleviate a problem at the dam
Actions the dam owner will take, and in coordination with emergency management
authorities, to respond to incidents or emergencies related to the dam
Procedures dam owners will follow to issue early warning and notification messages to
responsible downstream emergency management authorities
Inundation maps to help dam owners and emergency management authorities identify
critical infrastructure and population-at-risk sites that may require protective measures,
warning, and evacuation planning
Delineation of the responsibilities of all those involved in managing an incident or
emergency and how the responsibilities should be coordinated
Flooding caused by the failure of Teton Dam in eastern Idaho as it
was filling for the first time (1976); 14 people died (waterarchives.org)
Basic Considerations for Preparing EAPs
Federal Guidelines for Emergency Action Planning for Dams I-2
2. Dam Safety Incidents and Emergencies
A dam safety incident is an impending or actual sudden uncontrolled release or excessive
controlled release of water from an impounding structure. The release may be caused by damage
to or failure of the structure, flood conditions unrelated to failure, or any condition that may
affect the safe operation of the dam. The release of water may or may not endanger human life,
downstream property, or the operation of the structure.
Projected flooding from a breach in a dam in a residential area
When people live in an area that could be affected by the operation or failure of a dam, there is
the potential for an emergency related to a dam safety incident. The National Incident
Management System (NIMS) defines an emergency as “any incident, whether natural or
manmade, that requires responsive action to protect life or property.” The Robert T. Stafford
Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act of 1988, as amended (42 U.S.C. §§ 5121–5206),
defines an emergency in terms of the Federal response (“any occasion or instance for which, in
the determination of the President, Federal assistance is needed to supplement state and local
efforts and capabilities to save lives and to protect property and public health and safety, or to
lessen or avert the threat of a catastrophe in any part of the United States”).
3. Uniformity of Emergency Action Plans
EAP effectiveness can be enhanced by a uniform format that ensures that all critical aspects of
emergency planning are covered in each plan. Uniform EAPs and advance coordination with
emergency management authorities should facilitate a timely response to a developing or actual
emergency. Organizations and individuals who own or are responsible for the operation and
Basic Considerations for Preparing EAPs
Federal Guidelines for Emergency Action Planning for Dams I-3
maintenance of dams are encouraged to use these guidelines to develop, update, revise, and
exercise their EAPs.
4. National Incident Management System
NIMS provides a systematic, proactive approach to guide all levels of governmental,
nongovernmental, and private-sector organizations to work seamlessly to respond to incidents.
The NIMS approach is effective for any situation that involves coordination among multiple
agencies or partners. The goal is to coordinate activities to reduce consequences (loss of life,
property damage, and harm to the environment).
The Incident Command System (ICS) is a fundamental element of NIMS and consists of a
standardized, on-scene, all-hazards incident management approach that:
Allows for the integration of facilities, equipment, personnel, procedures, and
communications operating within a common organizational structure
Enables a coordinated response among various jurisdictions and functional agencies, both
public and private
Establishes common processes for planning and managing resources
As a system, ICS is extremely useful. The ICS provides an organizational structure for incident
management and guides the process for planning, building, and adapting that structure. Using
ICS for every incident or planned event helps hone and maintain skills needed for larger scale
incidents. It is recommended that dam owners coordinate with appropriate emergency
management authorities in an effort to incorporate ICS and NIMS concepts and structures into
the EAP.
A critical tool for promoting the nationwide implementation of NIMS is a well-developed
training program. For further information on NIMS training courses, dam owners and emergency
management authorities should contact the appropriate State and/or local response agencies and
refer to FEMAs website at www.fema.gov.
B. Scope
The EAP guidelines in this document are focused on developing or revising EAPs for dams that
would likely cause loss of life or significant property damage as a result of a failure or other life-
threatening incident. The areas downstream of each dam are unique. Therefore, the extent and
degree of potential impacts of each dam vary.
Basic Considerations for Preparing EAPs
Federal Guidelines for Emergency Action Planning for Dams I-4
The level of detail in the EAP should be
commensurate with the potential impact of a
dam failure or operational incident. A dam
with low or no potential impact should not
require an extensive evaluation or be subject
to an extensive planning process while high-
and significant-hazard dams may require a
larger emergency planning effort. In
addition, high- and significant-hazard dams
tend to involve more entities that must
coordinate responsibilities and efforts to
effectively respond to an incident than low-
hazard dams. Every EAP must be tailored to
the site conditions.
EAPs generally contain six elements:
Notification flowcharts and contact information
Response process
Preparedness activities
Inundation maps
Additional information in appendices
The elements of an EAP are described in Chapter II of these guidelines. All elements should be
included in a complete EAP. Although the dam owner is responsible for developing and
maintaining the EAP, the plan will not be effective unless it is developed and implemented in
close coordination with all applicable emergency management authorities. Emergency
management authorities will use the information in the dam owners EAP to facilitate the
implementation of their responsibilities. In general, State and local emergency management
authorities will have some coordinating plans in place to address local emergency operations
and/or warnings and evacuations.
C. Coordination
It is vital that the development of the EAP be coordinated with all entities, jurisdictions, and
agencies that would be affected by an incident at the dam or that have statutory responsibilities
for warning, evacuation, and post-incident actions. The EAP should contain clearly defined roles
and responsibilities for each entity.
Flooding in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, including this hospital from
overtopping of the spillway at Coralville Dam as a result of
heavy rains (2008)
Basic Considerations for Preparing EAPs
Federal Guidelines for Emergency Action Planning for Dams I-5
Coordination with emergency management authorities responsible for warning and evacuating
the public is essential for ensuring agreement on individual and group responsibilities.
Participation in the development of the EAP will enhance confidence in the EAP and its
accuracy. Coordination will provide opportunities to discuss critical emergency planning
concerns such as the order of public official notification, use of backup personnel, alternate
means of communication, and special procedures for nighttime, holidays, and weekends.
To ensure a timely and accurate information exchange, coordination between the dam owner,
local emergency management authorities, and the appropriate National Weather Service (NWS)
Weather Forecast Office (WFO) is highly recommended. The NWS has a congressional mandate
to issue official public warnings for all weather-related events, including dam breaches and
flooding. The planning process should include a decision about who will contact the NWS. The
local emergency authority is recommended unless it is otherwise agreed to by the emergency
authority and dam owner. Local NWS websites (www.weather.gov) provide links to local
WFOs, a description of NWS services, and a list of NWS products.
Coordination with upstream and downstream dam owners is important to determine operational
procedures for mitigating the effects of floods and dam safety emergencies. Dams that provide
critical resources to a community should have a recovery plan that was developed in
coordination with local emergency management authorities. The loss of a dam that provides a
key resource such as power or drinking water could significantly affect the recovery of a
community or region. Recovery and continuity of operations of critical infrastructure for these
types of dams are discussed in Dams Sector Crisis Management Handbook: A Guide for Owners
and Operators (DHS, 2008), available at www.dhs.gov/dams_sector_crisis_handbook.pdf.
D. Evacuation
Evacuation planning and implementation is
typically the responsibility of State or local
emergency management authorities.
Although an EAP does not need to include
an evacuation plan, it should indicate who is
responsible for evacuation and whose plan
will be followed.
Inundation maps developed by the dam
owner must be shared with emergency
management authorities and included in the
EAP (see Figure 1 on page II-19 for an
example of an inundation map). These maps
may help in the development of warning
and evacuation plans. It is important for
Voluntary evacuation because of flooding (North Dakota,
Basic Considerations for Preparing EAPs
Federal Guidelines for Emergency Action Planning for Dams I-6
dam owners to coordinate with the appropriate emergency management authorities and provide
information from dam inundation studies that can assist with evacuation planning.
Dam owners should also include procedures in the EAP for ensuring that emergency
management authorities are provided with timely and accurate information on dam conditions
during an incident. This information will help agencies make the appropriate decisions on
Planning session
Dam emergency evacuation plans should be
developed before an incident occurs. The
plans are recommended to be based on a
worst-case scenario and to address the
Initiation of emergency warning
Pre-incident planning
Identification of critical facilities and
Evacuation procedures, including
flood wave travel time considerations (e.g., evacuation of special needs populations, lifting
evacuation orders)
Distance and routes to high ground
Traffic control measures and traffic routes
Potential impact of weather or releases on evacuation routes such as flooded portions of the
evacuation route before the dam incident occurs
Vertical evacuation/sheltering in place
Emergency transportation
Safety and security measures for the perimeter and affected areas
Re-entry into affected areas
E. Document Control and Protection of Critical Information
The dam owner should develop an EAP distribution list for all those who would be involved in
implementing the EAP. The list must be reviewed and updated as part of updates to the EAP.
Each copy of the EAP that is distributed should be controlled by copy number and a notice
requesting that other copies of the EAP not be made. When outdated EAPs have been replaced in
their entirety with new versions, the dam owner should request that the outdated controlled
copies be returned to the owner or otherwise ensure they are securely destroyed to prevent
Basic Considerations for Preparing EAPs
Federal Guidelines for Emergency Action Planning for Dams I-7
misuse. If EAPs are made available electronically, care should be taken to ensure that document
control is maintained, such as through the use of a secure web portal accessible only to the
entities on the established distribution list.
To protect critical information, including but not limited to technical data and personal contact
information, dam owners should consider maintaining a redacted copy of the EAP. The redacted
copy made available to the public upon request should not contain, for example, detailed
technical data or contact information of individuals participating in the EAP. Dam owners may
also wish to limit the technical information provided to external entities participating in the EAP.
Decisions about what to include in the redacted copy should be made by those participating in
the EAP.
F. Maintaining an EAP
After the EAP has been developed, approved, and distributed, continual reviews and updates
must be performed. Without periodic maintenance, the EAP will become outdated and
The EAP should be updated promptly to address changes in personnel and contact information,
significant changes to the facility, or emergency procedures. The EAP should be reviewed at
least annually for adequacy and updated as needed. Even if no revisions are necessary, the
review should be documented.
The review should include an evaluation of any changes in flood inundation areas, downstream
developments, or in the reservoir and a determination of whether any revisions, including
updates to inundation maps, are necessary. Appendix A contains an EAP review checklist.
The EAP should be updated promptly with the outcome of any exercises, including periodic
reviews and verifications of personnel and contact information from Notification Flowcharts and
contact lists. Any changes to the dam and/or inundation zone should be reviewed because the
changes may affect the inundation maps. Maps should be changed as soon as practicable and
noted in the EAP.
Once the EAP has been revised, the updated version (or only the affected pages in minor
updates) should be promptly distributed to those on the distribution list. Placing EAPs in loose
leaf binders may simplify the process of removing and replacing outdated pages when updates
are made. Including the date of the EAP or the date of the current revision on each page will help
to ensure that users have the most current version. It is recommended that the entire EAP be
reprinted as necessary and distributed to all plan holders to ensure that all updates have been
included in the documents.
Suggested EAP Outline and Contents
Federal Guidelines for Emergency Action Planning for Dams II-1
A. Suggested EAP Outline
A suggested EAP outline is provided below. Considering all of the items in the outline will
ensure that the six EAP elements identified in Chapter I of this document are included, thus
providing uniform, comprehensive, and consistent dam emergency action planning. It is also
important that the dam owner, emergency management authorities, and regulatory requirements
be incorporated into the EAP. The development of the EAP should be coordinated with the
appropriate authorities and organized in a format that is most useful to, and consistent with, the
organizations involved with its implementation.
Front Matter
Title Page
Table of Contents
EAP Signatures
Part I: EAP Information
I. Summary of EAP Responsibilities
II. Notification Flowcharts
III. Statement of Purpose
IV. Project Description
V. EAP Response Process
Step 1: Incident Detection, Evaluation, and Emergency Level Determination
Step 2: Notification and Communication
Step 3: Emergency Actions
Step 4: Termination and Follow-up
VI. General Responsibilities
Dam Owner Responsibilities
Notification and Communication Responsibilities
Evacuation Responsibilities
Monitoring, Security, Termination, and Follow-up Responsibilities
EAP Coordinator Responsibilities
VII. Preparedness
Surveillance and Monitoring
Evaluation of Detection and Response Timing
Access to the Site
Response during Periods of Darkness
Suggested EAP Outline and Contents
Federal Guidelines for Emergency Action Planning for Dams II-2
Response during Weekends and Holidays
Response during Adverse Weather
Alternative Sources of Power
Emergency Supplies and Information
Stockpiling Materials and Equipment
Coordination of Information
Training and Exercise
Alternative Systems of Communication
Public Awareness and Communication
VIII. Inundation Maps
Part II: Appendices
The suggested format separates the EAP into two parts: the basic EAP instructions (EAP
Information) and supporting information (appendices). The content and depth of detail in the
EAP should be appropriate for the risk the dam poses and meet the relevant regulatory
1. Part I: EAP Information
Sections I through VIII contain information that is likely to be used by all parties (dam owner
and emergency management authorities) during an actual incident.
2. Part II: Appendices
The appendices should contain supplementary information. The appendices typically include
material that was used to develop the EAP and information that can be used to assist with
decision-making during an incident (e.g., detailed operation and maintenance requirements, dam
break information and analyses, record of plan reviews and updates, plan distribution list,
incident tracking forms).
When developing the appendices, dam owners, in coordination with emergency management
authorities, should consider including supporting information that will help them respond rapidly
and effectively to an incident.
B. Suggested EAP Contents
The suggested contents of the EAP are described in this section.
Suggested EAP Outline and Contents
Federal Guidelines for Emergency Action Planning for Dams II-3
1. Front Matter
a. Title Page
The EAP title page identifies it as an Emergency Action Plan and specifies the dam for which it
was developed. Both the dam and reservoir names should be included. If the dam has a State,
National Inventory of Dams (NID), or other identifying number, it should be included. Other
suggested information includes the dam owners name or organization and, if applicable, a street
address or location of the dam site.
b. Table of Contents
The table of contents should list all major sections of the EAP and the figures, tables, and maps.
c. EAP Signatures
The EAP should be signed by all parties involved in plan implementation to ensure that everyone
is aware of the plan and understands the agreed-upon responsibilities.
2. Part I: EAP Information
a. Summary of EAP Responsibilities
Part I, Section I, of the EAP should summarize the critical responsibilities for responding to an
incident and implementing the plan. Appendix B, Table B-1, is an example of a table with the
general responsibilities of those involved with implementation of an EAP. Appendix B, Table
B-2, is an example of a summary of dam owner responsibilities. During an actual incident, these
types of summaries can provide quick and easy references to critical activities involved with
implementing the EAP.
b. Notification Flowcharts
A Notification Flowchart identifies who is to be notified of a dam safety incident, by whom, and
in what order. An example Notification Flowchart is provided in Appendix C. The information
on the flowchart is critical for the timely notification of those responsible for taking emergency
actions. For ease of use during an incident, the EAP should include Notification Flowcharts that
clearly present the information listed below. One chart or a set of charts may be needed
depending on the complexity of the hazards associated with the dam and the potentially affected
downstream areas.
Emergency level of the Notification Flowchart if more than one flowchart is required
Individuals who will notify dam owner representatives and/or emergency management
Prioritization of notifications
Suggested EAP Outline and Contents
Federal Guidelines for Emergency Action Planning for Dams II-4
Individuals who will be notified
The Notification Flowchart should include appropriate contact information such as names,
positions, telephone numbers, and radio call numbers. Supplemental contact information may be
included in a list or table of emergency contacts. Supplemental contact information may include
fax numbers, e-mail addresses, direct connect numbers, and alternate contacts. The Notification
Flowchart may also be supplemented by NIMS ICS Forms, such as ICS Forms 205 and 205a,
available at www.training.fema.gov/EMIWeb/is/ICSResource/icsforms.htm.
The Notification Flowchart must be tailored to the needs and notification priorities of each dam.
It is usually recommended that one person be responsible for contacting no more than three or
four other parties. At a minimum, the Notification Flowchart should designate who dam owners
will contact and who the local emergency management authorities will contact, as described
Dam owners will contact:
Engineer/management staff/public affairs officer
Local emergency authorities or 911 centers
State dam safety program representatives
Other regulatory authorities
Upstream and downstream dam owners
Local emergency management authorities will contact:
Other local responders such as police or fire
State emergency management authorities
Affected residents and businesses
Appropriate NWS WFO
Suggested EAP Outline and Contents
Federal Guidelines for Emergency Action Planning for Dams II-5
Mobile command center
If an emergency dispatch center is on the
flowchart, a direct contact number for the
center should be included because it may be
necessary to contact emergency response
authorities directly. In addition, it is possible
that the caller may be outside the dispatch
centers call range. For example, 911 calls
made from a dam owners operations center
may not go to the same jurisdiction where
the dam is located.
Notification Flowcharts should be easy to
follow for each emergency level and should
allow for information to be exchanged upward and downward between the contacts. One
flowchart that represents all emergency levels is preferred for simplicity. However, it may be
necessary to develop a flowchart for each emergency level for clarity. Color coding may also be
helpful. If necessary, narrative information supplementing the flowchart may be provided on the
page following the flowchart. An example Notification Flowchart is provided in Appendix C.
If other forms of mass communication or notification are used, these may need to be
incorporated into the Notification Flowchart and associated procedures. Examples include
warning sirens, loud speakers, conference calling, mass e-mail notifications, and text messaging.
c. Statement of Purpose
The EAP should include a brief statement describing the purpose of the EAP. Two examples are
provided below.
Example 1: “This Emergency Action Plan defines responsibilities and provides procedures
designed to identify unusual and unlikely conditions that may endanger Alpha Dam in time to
take mitigating action and to notify the appropriate emergency management authorities of
possible, impending, or actual failure of the dam. The plan may also be used to provide
notification when flood releases can create major flooding.”
Example 2: “The purpose of this EAP is to safeguard the lives and reduce damage to the
property of the citizens of Alpha County living along Beta Creek, in the event of failure of the
Beta Creek Dam or flooding caused by large runoff.”
d. Project Description
A description of the dam, its location, and the NID identification number should be provided in
this section. If the NID identification number is not available, the State identification number
should be used. A dam vicinity map and a simple drawing showing the dam’s features are
recommended, along with a list of any significant upstream or downstream dams and
Suggested EAP Outline and Contents
Federal Guidelines for Emergency Action Planning for Dams II-6
downstream communities potentially affected by a dam failure or by flooding as a result of large
operational releases. The dam owner should redact design information and site-specific concerns
in EAP copies that are distributed to outside organizations if the organizations do not need the
information to implement the plan.
e. EAP Response Process
There are generally four steps that should be followed when an unusual or emergency incident is
detected at a dam. These steps constitute the EAP response process. The steps are:
Step 1: Incident detection, evaluation, and emergency level determination
Step 2: Notification and communication
Step 3: Emergency actions
Step 4: Termination and follow-up
Early detection and evaluation of the condition(s) or triggering event(s) that initiate or require an
emergency response action are crucial. It is important to develop procedures for reliable and
timely determination of an emergency level to ensure that the appropriate response actions are
taken based on the urgency of the situation. Procedures for early notification are required to
allow all entities involved with plan implementation to respond appropriately. Preventive or
mitigating actions can be taken to attempt to address conditions at the dam. Eventually, a
determination will need to be made concerning termination of the incident. After the incident is
over, follow-up activities may be required. All of these steps make up the general EAP response
process and should be discussed in the plan.
Step 1: Incident Detection, Evaluation, and Emergency Level Determination
During Step 1, an unusual condition or incident is detected and confirmed.
Unusual condition or incidents are unique to each dam and, to the extent possible, should be
identified in the EAP. The following information should be considered for inclusion or reference
in the plan to assist the dam owner in this step:
Measures for detecting existing or potential failures
Operating information, such as normal and abnormal reservoir level data
Description of monitoring equipment, such as water level sensors and early warning
Monitoring and instrumentation plans
Inspection procedures
Process for analyzing and confirming incoming data
Suggested EAP Outline and Contents
Federal Guidelines for Emergency Action Planning for Dams II-7
Piping flow through the dam as a result of dam concrete failure
After an unusual condition or incident
is detected and confirmed, the dam
owner will categorize the condition of
incident into one of the established
emergency levels based on the severity
of the initiating condition or triggering
events. Both the dam owner and
emergency management authorities
should understand the emergency levels
and each others expected responses.
Consistency of the emergency level
categories is recommended to eliminate
confusion for emergency responders
whose jurisdiction contains multiple
dams and dam owners.
The four dam safety emergency level categories listed below are recommended. However, dam
owners, in coordination with emergency management authorities, should determine the number
of emergency levels required for each dam on a case-by-case basis.
High flow
Potential failure
Imminent failure
The EAP should describe how each emergency level applies to the particular dam. Information to
assist the dam owner in determining the appropriate emergency level should be developed and
included in the EAP. An example table describing emergency level for different incidents is
included in Appendix D. The four emergency levels are discussed below.
High Flow. The High Flow emergency level indicates that flooding is occurring on the river
system, but there is no apparent threat to the integrity of the dam. The High Flow emergency
level is used by the dam owner to convey to outside agencies that downstream areas may be
affected by the dam’s release. Although the amount of flooding may be beyond the control of the
dam owner, information on the timing and amount of release from the dam may be helpful to
authorities in making decisions regarding warnings and evacuations.
Notifications should be predetermined based on correlations between releases and the timing of
impacts to downstream areas. High Flow emergency level notifications are typically made to
local jurisdictions that would be affected, the NWS, downstream dam owners, and other
agencies, as necessary. For smaller dams that have no downstream impact from releases, this
category may not be necessary. If the High Flow emergency level is used, dam owners should
Suggested EAP Outline and Contents
Federal Guidelines for Emergency Action Planning for Dams II-8
consider developing a table that correlates gate openings and/or reservoir levels to outflows,
expected downstream impacts, and agencies that will be contacted. An example table is provided
in Appendix E.
Non-Failure. The Non-Failure emergency level
is appropriate for an event at a dam that will
not, by itself, lead to a failure, but requires
investigation and notification of internal and/or
external personnel. Examples are (1) new
seepage or leakage on the downstream side of
the dam, (2) presence of unauthorized personnel
at the dam, and (3) malfunction of a gate.
Some incidents, such as new seepage, may only
require an internal response from the dam
owner. Others, such a gate malfunction, may
lead to unexpected high releases that could pose
a hazard to the downstream public and would require the notification of outside agencies.
Earthen dam seepage
Potential Failure. The Potential Failure emergency level indicates that conditions are
developing at the dam that could lead to a dam failure. Examples are (1) rising reservoir levels
that are approaching the top of the non-overflow section of the dam, (2) transverse cracking of an
embankment, and (3) a verified bomb threat. Potential Failure should convey that time is
available for analyses, decisions, and actions before the dam could fail. A failure may occur, but
predetermined response actions may moderate or alleviate failure.
Imminent Failure. The
Imminent Failure emergency
level indicates that time has
run out, and the dam has failed,
is failing, or is about to fail.
Imminent Failure typically
involves a continuing and
progressive loss of material
from the dam. It is not usually
possible to determine how long
a complete breach of a dam
will take. Therefore, once a
decision is made that there is
no time to prevent failure, the
Imminent Failure warning
must be issued. For purposes of evacuation, emergency management authorities may assume the
worst-case condition that failure has already occurred.
Failure of Teton Dam (Idaho) from seepage (1976)
Suggested EAP Outline and Contents
Federal Guidelines for Emergency Action Planning for Dams II-9
Step 2: Notification and Communication
After the emergency level at the dam has been determined, notifications are made in accordance
with the EAP’s Notification Flowchart(s). Details on the use of the Notification Flowchart and
any additional contact information should be provided in the EAP.
When developing notification and communication procedures, dam owners should coordinate
closely with emergency management authorities. All parties must understand that the formal
declaration of public emergency by emergency management authorities can be a very difficult
decision. During this step, the dam owner should provide any information that will assist in that
decision. An early decision and declaration are critical to maximizing available response time.
When performing notification and communication activities, it is important that people speak in
clear, nontechnical terms to ensure that those being notified understand what is happening at the
dam, what the current emergency level is, and which actions to take. To assist in this step, the
EAP may include checklists and/or prescripted messages to help the caller adequately describe
the emergency situation to emergency management authorities. Different messages can be
developed for each emergency level. Examples of a notification checklist and prescripted
messages are included in Appendix F.
After initial notification, the dam owner should make periodic status reports to the affected
emergency authorities and other stakeholders in accordance with the Notification Flowcharts and
associated procedures. If it appears that the situation is continuing to deteriorate despite actions
being taken to moderate or alleviate failure, local authorities may decide to change their course
of action. Depending on the location of downstream residents and the estimated time required to
warn them, the evacuating agencies may consider early evacuation or continued warnings until
the emergency has passed.
Step 3: Emergency Actions
After the initial notifications have been made, the dam owner will act to save the dam and
minimize impacts to life, property, and the environment. During this step, there is a continuous
process of taking actions, assessing the status of the situation, and keeping others informed
through communication channels established during the initial notifications. The EAP may go
through multiple emergency levels during Steps 2 and 3 as the situation improves or deteriorates.
The dam owner should develop tables that include specific actions for minimizing impacts of
dam safety incidents. An example table is provided in Appendix G. Additional information
related to response actions may also be provided in the dam operating manuals and instructions.
During an incident, safety and security measures should be implemented to secure the affected
operational areas at the dam to protect operations personnel and the public, and permit an
effective performance of emergency response actions.
Suggested EAP Outline and Contents
Federal Guidelines for Emergency Action Planning for Dams II-10
Step 4: Termination and Follow-up
The EAP should explain the expected termination and follow-up procedures for dam safety
incidents and emergencies. This step should explain the process to follow and the criteria for
determining that the incident at the dam has been resolved. A Dam Emergency Termination Log
may be developed and used to document conditions and decisions. An example log form is
provided in Appendix I. Generally, the dam owner, or the dam owners dam safety expert, is
responsible for notifying the authorities that the condition of the dam has been stabilized.
Government officials are responsible for declaring an end to the public emergency response.
Following the termination of an incident, the dam owner, in coordination with emergency
management authorities, should conduct an evaluation that includes all affected participants. At a
minimum, the following should be discussed and evaluated in an after-action review:
Events or conditions leading up to, during, and following the incident
Significant actions taken by each participant and improvements for future emergencies
All strengths and deficiencies found in the incident management process, materials,
equipment, staffing levels, and leadership
Corrective actions identified and a planned course of action to implement
The results of the after-action review should be documented in an After Action Report (AAR)
and used as a basis for revising the EAP. The dam owner should participate in the after-action
review and the development of the AAR.
f. General Responsibilities
A determination of responsibility for EAP-related tasks must be made during the development of
the plan. Dam owners are responsible for developing and maintaining the EAP. Dam owners in
coordination with emergency management authorities are responsible for implementing the EAP.
Emergency management authorities with statutory obligations are responsible for warning and
evacuation within affected areas. All entities involved with EAP implementation should
document incident-related events. Appendix I includes an example Emergency Incident Log.
The EAP must clearly specify the responsibilities of all involved entities to ensure that effective
and timely action is taken if an emergency at the dam occurs. The EAP must be site-specific
because conditions at the dam and upstream and downstream of the dam are unique to every
dam. Some responsibilities to be considered are discussed below. An example summary of EAP
responsibilities is provided in Appendix B, Table B-1.
Suggested EAP Outline and Contents
Federal Guidelines for Emergency Action Planning for Dams II-11
Dam Owner Responsibilities
The duties of the dam owner should be clearly described. In general, the dam owner is
responsible for detecting and evaluating dam safety incidents, classifying the incident, notifying
emergency management authorities, and taking appropriate response actions.
The dam operators duties should be described in the EAP, and operators should be trained on
the importance and use of the plan. Examples of duties may include opening spillway gates per a
required sequence and opening or closing water intakes, as appropriate. Instructions for the
operation of the project during the anticipated emergency should be provided.
The chain of command in the dam owners organization should be clearly described. Officials
and alternates that must be notified should be identified and priority of notification determined.
Notification of supervisory personnel is recommended if time permits. Advice may be needed
concerning predetermined remedial action to delay, moderate, or alleviate the severity of the
emergency condition. Responsibilities should be coordinated with appropriate levels of
management to ensure full awareness of organizational capabilities and responsibilities. An
example summary table identifying actions that each member of the dam owners organization
will take during the incident or emergency is provided in Appendix B, Table B-2.
Notification and Communication Responsibilities
The individuals authorized to notify emergency management authorities should be determined
and clearly identified in the EAP. If time allows, onsite personnel may be able to seek internal
advice and assistance. However, under an Imminent Failure condition, the responsibility and
authority for notification may have to be delegated to the dam operator or a local official. When
developing the EAP, the dam owner and emergency management authorities should discuss and
determine the most efficient notification protocol to follow.
Throughout the United States, the NWS and/or other agencies have the primary responsibility for
issuing flood warnings. It is highly recommended that the Notification Flowchart include the
agency with this responsibility so that its facilities can enhance warnings being issued.
Once notified of an incident at the dam, local
emergency management authorities may
activate an Emergency Operations Center
(EOC) to serve as a central coordination
center for emergency response, warning, and
evacuation activities. A representative of the
dam owner should go to the EOC to help
agency personnel understand the project-
specific information and inundation maps.
Emergency Operations Center
Suggested EAP Outline and Contents
Federal Guidelines for Emergency Action Planning for Dams II-12
Interaction with the media should be implemented through the local or State emergency
management authority. These agencies should have a Public Information Officer (PIO) and/or a
Joint Information Center for disseminating information and handling inquiries. It is highly
recommended that the dam owner and the appropriate incident or emergency management
authority work in partnership to accomplish this task.
Proper coordination and communication among onsite technical personnel at the dam, PIOs, and
emergency personnel at the EOC are of critical importance to the successful implementation of
the EAP. These activities should be thoroughly tested during comprehensive EAP exercises and
modified as necessary.
Evacuation Responsibilities
Warning and evacuation planning and implementation are responsibilities of local emergency
management authorities with the legal authority to perform these actions. Under the EAP, the
dam owner is responsible for notifying the appropriate emergency management authority when
an incident is anticipated, is imminent, or has occurred. Warning and evacuation protocols are
key elements in an EAP exercise but are not typically included in the EAP. The EAP should,
however, clearly describe the notification, warning, and evacuation responsibilities of the dam
owner and the local emergency management authority.
Dam owners should not assume or usurp the responsibility of government entities for evacuation
of people. However, there may be situations in which routine notification and evacuation will not
be sufficient, as in the case of a residence located immediately downstream of a dam or a
campground that would be inundated within minutes of a dam failure. In some cases, dam
owners may arrange to notify the residence or campground directly. Such procedures should be
coordinated with the appropriate authorities before an emergency situation develops.
Monitoring, Security, Termination, and Follow-Up Responsibilities
A person should be designated as an onsite monitor from the beginning of a dam safety incident
until the emergency has been terminated. This person should provide status updates to the dam
owner so the owner can keep all those involved with the implementation of the EAP informed of
developing conditions.
Provisions for security measures during the emergency should be specified in the EAP. For
additional information on security measures, see Dams Sector Security Awareness Guide: A
Guide for Owners and Operators (DHS, 2007), available at
Termination of a dam safety emergency is usually twofold. The entity that activates the EAP is
usually responsible for determining when the dam safety situation has stabilized. This is typically
the dam owner in consultation with engineers and dam safety experts but may include other State
and Federal regulatory entities. The applicable emergency management authorities, on the other
hand, are responsible for termination of the emergency response activities, including termination
Suggested EAP Outline and Contents
Federal Guidelines for Emergency Action Planning for Dams II-13
of an evacuation. Both the dam owner and the emergency response authorities should coordinate
closely while making decisions to terminate both the dam safety event and response efforts.
Recovery activities will continue on different levels for all involved in the dam safety incident
after the emergency has been terminated. Although not typically addressed in a dam EAP,
recovery activities should be considered by all dam owners and particularly for those dams that
can affect a critical public utility such as water supply or electricity.
The dam owner should coordinate a follow-up evaluation after any emergency. All participants
should be involved in this evaluation and should keep logs and records during the incident. An
example Emergency Incident Log and Emergency Termination Log are presented in Appendix I.
The results of the follow-up evaluation should be documented in a written report (After Action
Report) and used to improve future response actions.
EAP Coordinator Responsibilities
The dam owner should specify an EAP Coordinator who will be responsible for overall EAP-
related activities, including but not limited to preparing revisions to the EAP, establishing
training seminars, and coordinating EAP exercises. This person should be the EAP contact for
questions about the plan.
g. Preparedness
Preparedness, as it relates to an EAP for a dam, typically consists of activities and actions taken
before the development of an incident. Preparedness activities attempt to facilitate response to an
incident as well as prevent, moderate, or alleviate the effects of the incident. This section of the
EAP should describe preparedness actions already completed, as well as established preplanned
actions that can be taken after the development of emergency conditions.
Examples of preparedness actions include conducting regular inspections or surveillance,
installing monitoring equipment, installing warning sirens, developing emergency operating
instructions, and planning for equipment, labor, and materials to be used in emergency situations.
At a minimum, the EAP should address the following categories related to preparedness:
Surveillance and monitoring
Evaluation of detection and response timing
Access to the site
Response during periods of darkness
Response during weekends and holidays
Response during periods of adverse weather
Alternative sources of power
Suggested EAP Outline and Contents
Federal Guidelines for Emergency Action Planning for Dams II-14
Emergency supplies and information
Training and exercising
Alternative systems of communication
Public awareness and communication
The following sections discuss these categories.
Surveillance and Monitoring
The EAP should contain provisions for surveillance and monitoring at the dam. Prompt detection
and evaluation of information from instrumentation and physical monitoring is critical to the
effectiveness of the EAP and timely emergency response. Consideration should be given to times
when the dam is attended and unattended.
When a dam is not continuously attended
and an incident could endanger life or
cause significant property damage, it is
imperative that instrumentation be
installed and/or procedures developed to
monitor conditions at the facility. To
promptly identify and notify emergency
management authorities of emergency
conditions, a dam owner should be able to
detect, confirm, and evaluate developing
conditions. Monitoring systems must be
able to deliver clear, concise, and reliable
information so that emergency authorities
with warning and evacuation
responsibilities may be promptly alerted.
While the EAP is being activated, personnel should visit the site to verify and continue to
monitor conditions.
Seepage weir and collection box
For an unattended dam, remote surveillance systems that include instrumentation for continuous
monitoring of headwater and tailwater levels should be considered. If the dam owner has an
operations center that is attended 24 hours a day, these systems should include monitoring for
water level rate of change and alarms when prescribed limits or levels are exceeded. Monitoring
system design must be site-specific and account for changes in headwater and tailwater that may
occur during normal dam operations, floods, and maintenance activities.
Tailwater monitoring is generally more sensitive to a dam breach than headwater monitoring.
Changes in tailwater will alert operators more quickly to site conditions and help determine
whether the EAP should be implemented. If continuous readings of both the headwater and
Suggested EAP Outline and Contents
Federal Guidelines for Emergency Action Planning for Dams II-15
tailwater are available, the operator can obtain concurrent readings at any time and verify alarm
If automated monitoring systems are used, provisions should be made for indicating power
interruptions and loss of communication with the monitoring instrumentation. When a dam
operator lives close to a project, consideration may be given to installing an alarm at the
operators home. When power to, or communication with, the site is interrupted, the dam should
be manned until conditions return to normal. Operation of the alarms should be checked
periodically. Proper functioning of alarms should be confirmed by testing. For instance, annual
testing of the EAP may be initiated by artificially tripping one of the alarms.
Reaction time must be minimized when inhabited structures are located immediately
downstream of the dam. When these conditions exist, special procedures may need to be
included in the EAP to notify the occupants involved. Local emergency management authorities
should be fully involved in the development of these special procedures.
Procedures should be described for providing continuous surveillance for periods of actual or
forecasted high flows. It may be necessary to send an observer to the dam during these periods
and not rely on the instrumentation alone. It is very important that an observer be at the dam
when flood conditions or signs of serious structural distress have been identified, provided that it
is safe to do so.
If remote surveillance at the dam is not applicable, reasons to support that decision should be
provided in this section of the EAP.
Backup systems and procedures should be developed to verify that instrumentation readings are
correct. Camera systems that can be accessed from the command center or over the Internet can
allow for quick verification of water level alarms and other dam safety conditions.
Evaluation of Detection and Response Timing
Total EAP implementation time from the initiation of an actual incident to determination of an
emergency situation and notification of appropriate entities involved with implementation should
be evaluated and understood. The impact of the timing should be considered when developing
preparedness actions. Timely implementation of the EAP and coordination and communication
with emergency management authorities are crucial elements in the effectiveness of the
emergency response effort.
Suggested EAP Outline and Contents
Federal Guidelines for Emergency Action Planning for Dams II-16
Access to the Site
The description of access should focus
on primary and secondary routes for
reaching the site using various access
methods (e.g., foot, boat, helicopter,
snowmobile). The expected response
time should also be discussed. If the
main road to the dam crosses the
downstream channel and could be
impassable due to flood waters, this
situation should be identified and
alternate access options described.
Flooded road
Response during Periods of Darkness
Response to potential or actual emergency conditions during periods of darkness should be
clearly addressed in the EAP and include any special instructions for the dam operator and/or
emergency management authorities. Response times, if different from daylight, should also be
Actions to be taken to illuminate the abutments, spillways, operating decks, non-overflow
sections, or other areas where failures could occur should be described. Other actions that may
facilitate the operation of gates or other emergency equipment should be described if they are
different during periods of darkness.
Any special procedures during a power failure should be provided, including manual operation
of electrically powered equipment and any additional notification requirements.
Response during Weekends and Holidays
Response during weekends or holidays should be clearly addressed in the EAP and include any
special instructions for the dam operator and/or emergency management authorities. Response
times, if different from non-holiday or weekdays, should also be included. The availability of the
dam operator should be considered, and any special procedures for contacting or notifying
personnel addressed.
Response during Adverse Weather
Response under adverse weather conditions should be included and any specific actions to be
taken described in detail. Actions should be based on whether the dam is attended or unattended.
Methods of access to the site (e.g., foot, boat, snowmobile) should be described. The expected
response time should be discussed in detail. Any other special instructions for the dam operators
or emergency management authorities should be described.
Suggested EAP Outline and Contents
Federal Guidelines for Emergency Action Planning for Dams II-17
Alternative Sources of Power
Alternative sources of power for spillway gate operation or other emergency needs should be
identified in the EAP. The plan should list the location of each alternate power source, its mode
of operation and, if portable, a means of transportation with routes to be followed.
Emergency Supplies and Information
Planning and organizational measures that can help the dam owner and emergency management
authorities manage an emergency situation more safely and effectively include stockpiling
materials and equipment for emergency use and coordinating information between organizations.
The availability of local resources should be predetermined through discussions with local
emergency management authorities and additional resource needs should be identified. The EAP
should include the name and contact information (including backups) for suppliers, additional
personnel, contractors, consultants, and any other entities who may be needed to assist the dam
owner or emergency management authorities in responding to a dam emergency.
Stockpiling Materials and Equipment
Where applicable, the following should be documented:
Materials needed for emergency repair, including source; materials should be as close as
possible to the dam site
Equipment needed for emergency response or repair, its location, and who will operate it
Local contractors, vendors, and suppliers for dam-related equipment and supplies,
including contact information and maps or directions to their locations
Justification of decision not to stockpile materials and equipment if stocking is not
Coordination of Information
Where applicable, the following should be described:
The need for coordination of information on flows based on weather, runoff forecasts, dam
failure, and other emergency conditions, including how coordination is achieved and the
chain of communication, including names and contact information for responsible parties.
Coordination with the NWS or other appropriate agency is recommended to monitor
storms, river stages, and flood waves resulting from a dam break. The NWS or other
appropriate agency may also be able to supplement the warnings being issued by using its
own communication system. If coordination of information on flows is not applicable, this
decision should be documented in the EAP.
Suggested EAP Outline and Contents
Federal Guidelines for Emergency Action Planning for Dams II-18
Actions to be taken to lower the reservoir water surface elevation, if applicable, including
when and how this action should be taken. If not applicable, this should be documented in
the EAP.
Actions to be taken to reduce inflow to the reservoir from upstream dams or control
structures. The EAP should provide instructions for contacting operators of these structures
and how these actions should be taken. If such actions do not apply, this should be
documented in the EAP.
Actions to be taken to reduce downstream flows, such as increasing or decreasing outflows
from downstream dams or control structures on the waterway on which the dam is located
or its tributaries. The EAP should provide instructions for contacting operators of these
structures and how these actions should be taken. If such actions do not apply, this should
be documented in the EAP.
Training and Exercise
Results of training and exercise programs are critical components in evaluating the effectiveness
of an EAP. Training and exercise plans should be designed and developed by those entities with
responsibilities identified in the EAP. Since many emergency management authorities follow the
FEMA Homeland Security Exercise and Evaluation Program (HSEEP) framework, HSEEP
should be considered by the dam owner and other entities involved with the EAP when
developing training and exercise activities. More information on the HSEEP can be found at
Training. The people involved in the implementation of the EAP should be receive training to
ensure that they are thoroughly familiar with all elements of the plan, the available equipment,
and their responsibilities and duties under the plan.
Technically qualified personnel should be trained in the incident management process, including
detection, evaluation, notification, and appropriate response actions during all emergency level
determinations. A sufficient number of people should be trained to ensure adequate coverage at
all times. A brief description of the training performed at the dam and how often it is performed
should be included in the EAP.
Local emergency management authorities may want to consider developing evacuation and
shelter-in-place training materials for people who would be affected by a dam failure in their
jurisdiction. This is particularly important when a dam is categorized as unsafe or the population
immediately downstream of a dam would be inundated within a short time frame.
Suggested EAP Outline and Contents
Federal Guidelines for Emergency Action Planning for Dams II-19
Exercise. If the EAP action items and
procedures are not exercised periodically,
those involved in its implementation may
lose familiarity with their roles and
responsibilities. A proposed exercise
schedule and plans for an EAP exercise
program should be included in the EAP.
Plans for conducting an evaluation of the
exercise and for updating the EAP based
on the outcome of the evaluation should
be considered. See Appendix H for a
discussion of the types of EAP exercises,
frequency of exercises, and procedures
for evaluation.
Tabletop exercise
Alternative Systems of Communication
The availability of alternative communications systems at the dam site should be identified in the
EAP. These may include, but are not limited to, emergency sirens, cellular phones, direct
connect, e-mail, intranet, radios, social media, and couriers. Operating procedures and special
instructions for the use of these systems should be described. Consideration should be given to
the target audience involved and the best means for communicating with them.
Public Awareness and Communication
Dams that are immediately upstream of residences, recreation areas, and campgrounds pose
unique challenges. It may be necessary for the dam owner to assist emergency management
authorities in developing public awareness measures. These measures typically explain the
proximity of the dam, how people will be informed of an emergency, and the actions people
should take during an emergency. The EAP should include a brief description of any public
awareness measures that are performed. Emergency management authorities may consider the
use of social media for both primary and alternate systems of communication with the public.
3. Inundation Maps
The primary purpose of an inundation map is to show the areas that would be flooded and travel
times for wave front and flood peaks at critical locations if a dam failure occurs or there are
operational releases during flooding conditions. Inundation maps are a necessary component of
the EAP and are used both by the dam owner and emergency management authorities to facilitate
timely notification and evacuation of areas potentially affected by a dam failure or flood
condition. See Figure 1.
Suggested EAP Outline and Contents
Federal Guidelines for Emergency Action Planning for Dams II-20
Figure 1. Inundation Map
Inundation maps should be developed by the dam owner in coordination with the appropriate
emergency management authorities. The purpose of this coordination is to ensure that (1) the
authorities understand how to interpret the maps and (2) the maps contain sufficient and current
information for the authorities to warn and evacuate people at risk from a dam failure.
a. Determining Downstream Impacts
Several factors have to be evaluated when dam failure inundation zones are being determined.
The type of dam and the mechanisms that could lead to failures require careful consideration if a
realistic breach scenario is to be developed. Size and shape of the breach, time of breach
formation, hydraulic head, and storage in the reservoir are all inputs into the development of a
dam failure hydrograph. The best available topographic data should be used for developing
accurate volume and routing estimates. There are several methods and computer models
available for developing the dam failure hydrograph and routing dam break flows downstream.
Models that use unsteady flow and dynamic routing method are preferable.
Different inflow conditions at the time of the dam failure should be considered to ensure that the
EAP includes all communities that need to be notified. A “fair weather” or “sunny day” dam
failure, in which the reservoir is at normal full pool elevation and normal stream flow is
prevailing, is generally considered to have the most potential for loss of human life due to the
element of surprise. Failure of a dam during flood flow conditions, however, will result in
Suggested EAP Outline and Contents
Federal Guidelines for Emergency Action Planning for Dams II-21
downstream inundation at higher elevations and will include additional affected populations. A
failure at the dam’s Inflow Design Flood (IDF) is considered to show the upper limit of
A sensitivity analysis (i.e., varying the breach parameters such as breach width and time to
failure for the various flood inflow conditions) is recommended in order to fully investigate the
effect of a failure on downstream areas. A sensitivity analysis allows the reviewer to identify the
effect of various failure scenarios in order to select the most appropriate failure mode for
developing the EAP.
If the assumed failure of a dam would cause the failure of any downstream dams, the analysis
should consider the domino effect in routing the flood wave downstream. For example, if a
downstream dam has an earthen embankment that would be significantly overtopped due to the
upstream dam failure, then it may be necessary that the inundation zone reflect the additional
flooding from failure of the downstream dam. Many factors should be considered for these cases,
such as the expected performance of the downstream dams during high flows, the lag time
between dams, and possible operation actions at downstream dams (e.g., drawdowns) that could
alleviate the flood wave. Coordination of such studies with other downstream dam owners
should be undertaken when feasible. The flood wave should be routed to a point where it no
longer presents a hazard to downstream life or property.
b. Preparing Inundation Maps
Inundation maps should clearly show inundation zones, cross section information, dams, streets,
buildings, railroads, bridges, campgrounds, and any other significant features. At the request of
emergency management authorities, additional features, such as highlighted evacuation routes
and emergency shelters may be included on the maps. All features should be shown using local
names or terms. Printed inundation maps should be at a scale that is sufficient to clearly show the
downstream inhabited areas within the inundation zones.
To assist emergency management authorities with potential evacuations, the maps should show
areas inundated from a dam failure during “fair weather” and IDF conditions. The maps also
typically show normal water levels. If inundated areas for the “fair weather” breach and the IDF
breach are essentially the same or too close to be shown separately on the inundation maps, a
single inundation area for the two breach conditions may be shown.
The lines delineating the inundated area should be drawn in such thickness or form (solid line,
dashed line, dotted line) as to readily identify the inundation limits as the main features of the
map but not bold enough to block houses, roads or other features which are inundated by the
flood waters. The area between the inundation lines representing the water level may be shaded
or colored to distinguish the area of inundation. Care should be taken to select shading or colors
that will not block important features on the map. Additionally, critical features or inundated
structures can be highlighted to ensure visibility.
Suggested EAP Outline and Contents
Federal Guidelines for Emergency Action Planning for Dams II-22
When plotting inundation limits between cross sections used for analysis, the lines should
reasonably reflect the change in water levels with consideration given to topographic patterns
and both natural and manmade features.
When inundation lines enter the area of an existing lake or reservoir, they should be drawn to
represent an increase in the water level of the lake or reservoir. If the increased water level
overtops a dam, the appropriate inundation lines should continue downstream of the dam to
represent the expected flooding.
The maps should include cross section information for selected areas downstream of the dam.
The following information should be included for the “fair weather” breach and IDF breach
Distance of cross section downstream from the dam
Travel times (in hours and minutes) of the leading edge and peak of the dam break flood
waves starting from when the dam fails
Expected peak water surface elevations
Incremental rises in water levels
Peak discharges
Estimated duration of inundation
The dam owner should try to prepare maps using terms understood by all emergency responders.
For example, a local responder may prefer that the maps show the expected height of water over
a road instead of peak water elevation. However, the NWS may need the incremental rise and
water level to issue flood warnings.
c. Additional Information
Care should be taken not to include too much technical information on the inundation maps.
Excess information will hamper the first responders ability to quickly glean critical information
from the map. A “Notes” sheet can be included to provide additional information, and detailed
information supporting the development of the maps can be provided in an appendix for
The following information should be included with the inundation maps, as applicable:
A map index if inundation maps are shown on several sheets
The antecedent flow conditions the maps are based on and any other pertinent dam breach
Water surface profiles showing the elevation prior to failure, the peak water surface
elevation after failure, and highlighted locations of critical structures
Suggested EAP Outline and Contents
Federal Guidelines for Emergency Action Planning for Dams II-23
Written description of the areas affected by the dam break to clarify unusual conditions and
the specific area threatened, including the extent and depth of the expected flooding,
relative to known landmarks and historical flood heights
Justification for providing only one inundation zone on the maps instead of both the “fair
weather” and IDF conditions, if applicable
Accuracy and limitation of the information supplied on the inundation maps and how to
use the maps. A note should advise that because of the methods, procedures, and
assumptions used to develop the flooded areas, the limits of flooding shown and flood
wave travel times are approximate and should be used only as a guideline for establishing
evacuation zones. Areas that are inundated depend on actual failure or flooding conditions
and may differ from the areas shown on the maps.
4. Part II. Appendices
Appendices follow the main body of the EAP and contain information that supports and
supplements the material used in the development and maintenance of the EAP.
Some of the topics that should, at a minimum, be contained in the appendices are:
Investigation and analyses of dambreak floods
Plans for updating and distributing the EAP
Plans for posting the Notification Flowcharts
Forms and Log Sheets
Site-specific concerns
Each topic is discussed below.
a. Investigations and Analyses of Dam Break Floods
Although inundation maps are usually provided in the main body of the EAP, details regarding
the development of the maps should be in an appendix. See Chapter II, Section B.3, for a
discussion of the development of inundation maps. The following types of detailed information
may be included in an appendix:
Type of dam
Assumed size, shape, and location of breach
Assumed time of breach formation
Assumed water surface elevation at failure
Storage-reservoir curve
Method/computer model used to determine downstream impacts
Suggested EAP Outline and Contents
Federal Guidelines for Emergency Action Planning for Dams II-24
Source of topographic data used
Source of the base map
Inflow hydrographs for fair weather and flood conditions
Discussion of any sensitivity analyses performed and the reasons for the selected values
Reason for or against including a domino failure of downstream dams
Table showing output results at cross sections for pre- and post-failure conditions
b. Plans for Reviewing, Revising, and Distributing the EAP
As described in Chapter I, Section F, once developed, the EAP must be continually reviewed and
periodically revised and redistributed. Plans for these activities should be documented in an
appendix. In addition to a narrative description of this process, distribution lists and a formal
record of reviews and revisions should be included. Example forms for reviewing, revising and
distributing the EAP are provided in Appendix I.
c. Notification Flowchart
An up-to-date copy of the Notification Flowchart should be posted in prominent places at the
dam site and operations center. Posting at appropriate emergency operations centers is also
recommended. Maintaining a list of all posting locations in the EAP will ensure that new
flowcharts are posted when updates are performed.
d. Blank Forms and Log Sheets
For easy access and use during an incident, blank forms and log sheets may be placed in an
appendix. Forms may include a Record of EAP Reviews and Updates, record of Plan Holders,
Emergency Incident Log, and Emergency Termination Log.
e. Site-Specific Concerns
Each dam and upstream and downstream areas are unique. As a result, each EAP is unique.
Appendices can provide a discussion of site-specific issues that provide valuable information
affecting the EAP and its implementation. References to where appropriate structural drawings
and flood data are maintained may be helpful. Quick access to this information may be crucial
during an emergency event.
Federal Guidelines for Emergency Action Planning for Dams III-1
Breach: An opening through the dam resulting in partial or total failure of the dam.
Consequences: Potential loss of life or property damage downstream of a dam caused by
floodwaters released at the dam or by waters released by partial or complete failure of dam.
Includes effects of landslides upstream of the dam on property located around the reservoir.
Dam failure: Catastrophic type of failure characterized by the sudden, rapid, and uncontrolled
release of impounded water. There are lesser degrees of failure, but any malfunction or
abnormality outside the design assumptions and parameters that adversely affect a dam’s primary
function of impounding water is properly considered a failure. Lesser degrees of failure can
progressively lead to or heighten the risk of a catastrophic failure. They are, however, normally
amendable to corrective action.
Dam owner: Entity that owns the dam and associated facilities. The dam owner also includes the
dam operator and operating organization.
Emergency Action Plan (EAP): Formal document that identifies potential emergency
conditions at a dam and specifies preplanned actions to be followed to minimize property
damage and loss of life. The EAP describes actions the dam owner will take to moderate or
alleviate a problem at the dam, as well as actions the dam owner, in coordination with emergency
management authorities, will take to respond to incidents or emergencies related to the dam.
EAP exercise: Activity designed to promote prevention, preparedness, and response to incidents
and emergencies, and may also be extended to include recovery operations. The exercise also
demonstrates the EAP’s effectiveness in an actual situation and demonstrates the readiness levels
of key personnel. Periodic exercises result in an improved EAP because lessons learned are
incorporated into the updated EAP document. Exercises consist of testing and performing the
duties, tasks, or operations identified and defined within the EAP through a simulated event.
Emergency: Any incident, whether natural or manmade, that requires responsive action to
protect life or property.
Emergency alert system: A federally established network of commercial radio stations that
voluntarily provide official emergency instructions or directions to the public during an
Emergency management authority: State, local, Tribal, or Territorial agency responsible for
emergency operations, planning, mitigation, preparedness, response, and recovery for all
hazards. Names of emergency management authorities vary (e.g., Division of Emergency
Management, Comprehensive Emergency Management, Disaster Emergency Services,
Emergency and Disaster Services).
Federal Guidelines for Emergency Action Planning for Dams III-2
Emergency Operations Center: The location or facility where responsible officials gather
during an emergency to direct and coordinate emergency operations, to communicate with other
jurisdictions and with field emergency forces, and to formulate protective action decisions and
recommendations during an emergency.
Flood hydrograph: Graph showing the discharge, height, or other characteristic of a flood with
respect to time for a given point on a stream.
Flood routing: Process of determining progressively, over time, the amplitude of a flood wave
as it moves past a dam or downstream to successive points along a river or stream.
Hazard potential: Situation that creates the potential for adverse consequences, such as loss of
life, property damage, or other adverse impact. Impacts may be for a defined area downstream of
a dam from floodwaters released through spillways and outlet works of the dam or waters
released by partial or complete failure of the dam. They may also be for an area upstream of the
dam from the effects of backwater flooding or the effects of landslides around the reservoir
Headwater: Water immediately upstream from a dam. The water surface elevation varies due to
fluctuations in inflow and the amount of water passed through the dam.
Incident: An incident in terms of dam operation includes an impending or actual sudden release
of water caused by an accident to, or failure of, a dam or other water retaining structure, or the
result of an impending flood condition when the dam is not in danger of failure, or any condition
that may affect the safe operation of the dam. The release of water may or may not endanger
human life, downstream property and structures, or facility operations.
Inflow Design Flood (IDF): Flow used in the design of a dam and its appurtenant works,
particularly for sizing the spillway and outlet works, and for determining the maximum height of
the dam, freeboard, and temporary storage requirements. The IDF is typically the flow above
which the incremental increase in water surface elevation due to failure of a dam is no longer
considered to present an unacceptable threat to downstream life or property. The upper limit of
an IDF is the Probable Maximum Flood.
Inundation map: Map delineating areas that would be flooded as a result of a dam failure.
Inundation zone: Area downstream of the dam that would be inundated by the released water.
This zone is typically demarcated by a boundary reflecting the vertical elevation of the peak flow
of water for both a flood failure and “sunny day” failure situation.
Notification: To inform appropriate individuals about an emergency condition so they can take
appropriate action.
Federal Guidelines for Emergency Action Planning for Dams III-3
Probable Maximum Flood (PMF): Flood that may be expected from the most severe
combination of critical meteorological and hydrologic conditions that is reasonably possible in
the drainage basin under study.
Tailwater: Water immediately downstream from a dam. The water surface elevation varies due
to fluctuations in the outflow from the structures of a dam. Tailwater monitoring is an important
consideration because a failure of a dam will cause a rapid rise in the level of the tailwater.
Appendix A
EAP Review Checklist
Appendix A: EAP Review Checklist
Federal Guidelines for Emergency Action Planning for Dams A-1
General Document Items
Is the name of the dam and other relevant identifiers, such as NID, State, and Federal ID
numbers, clearly labeled in large letters in the EAP?
Is the document a controlled document (i.e., each distributed plan is individually
numbered and contains a statement that the plan is not to be copied or distributed by
anyone other than the dam owner)?
Is there a table of contents?
Are the roles and responsibilities of key emergency personnel clearly documented,
preferably at the beginning of the document?
Is there an up-to-date revision sheet provided near the beginning of the document?
Are revision numbers and revision dates provided as footers on each page of the
Detection Items
Are detection and/or early warning systems at the dam clearly described, including dam
operators’ observations, instrumentation systems, and observations by the general
Decision Making Items
Are the emergency levels clearly described?
Are there clear guidelines and decision criteria to help the dam owner determine the
appropriate level for potential unusual and emergency conditions that could occur at the
Notification and Communication Items
Are primary and backup communication systems among the dam owner, local
emergency responders, and other key stakeholders described in the document?
Are the notification flowcharts complete and logical?
Are phone numbers, after-hours phone numbers, and backup personnel listed on the
notification flowcharts and emergency contact lists?
Do the notification flowcharts include contacts to provide timely engineering support?
Do the notification flowcharts include contacts for timely notification of local
emergency management organizations for more serious emergency levels?
Do the notification flowcharts minimize the number of calls that dam operators are
required to make, so that they can focus on implementing preventative actions?
(Optimally, one or two calls per entity is best with no more than four calls)
Appendix A: EAP Review Checklist
Federal Guidelines for Emergency Action Planning for Dams A-2
Pre-planned Action Items
Are there descriptions of recommended preplanned actions for potential unusual and
emergency conditions at the dam?
Is there a list of locally available engineering, labor, materials, and equipment resources
that can be referenced in an emergency?
Has the contact information for the locally available resources been recently updated or
Termination and Follow-up Items
Is the person with the authority to terminate emergency operations identified?
Are the procedures for terminating emergency operations clearly described?
Is there guidance on follow-up responsibilities after the emergency is terminated?
Inundation Mapping
Does the inundation map include a north arrow and bar scale?
Are the inundation areas clearly delineated and labeled? This is especially important if
there are “fair weather” failure and “PMF plus breach” inundation limits shown on the
inundation maps.
Does the inundation map include a qualification stating that the inundation limits for an
actual dam failure may vary in some ways from what is shown on the inundation map?
Are local roads, drainages, and other landmarks clearly labeled on the base map?
Is the downstream limit of the inundation mapping logical (e.g., at a major reservoir,
river, other water course)?
Were channel cross sections taken at critical downstream locations, such as at major
road crossings, schools, major population centers, etc.?
Is the following flood inundation information provided at important downstream cross
Peak flood stage
Floodwave arrival time
Time to peak discharge
Maximum water surface elevation
Peak discharge
Appendix A: EAP Review Checklist
Federal Guidelines for Emergency Action Planning for Dams A-3
Other Items
Are clear procedures for testing and updating the document provided?
Is the frequency of testing and updating the document clearly described?
Is the person or position responsible for updating the document indicated along with
current contact information for that person?
Are the processes for training personnel in how to use the document and the frequency
and responsibility for this training clearly described?
Are key hydrologic/hydraulic data, such as spillway and outlet discharge curves and
reservoir area capacity curves, provided?
Does the document include a general location map that shows where the dam is located
relative to other key local roads, drainages, and population centers?
Appendix B
EAP and Dam Owner Responsibilities
Appendix B: EAP and Dam Owner Responsibilities
Federal Guidelines for Emergency Action Planning for Dams B-1
In Table B-1, the dam and downstream areas are in both County X and County Y. Town
Anywhere is only in County Y.
Table B-1: Summary of EAP Responsibilities
Entity Responsibilities
Dam Owner /
Verify and assess emergency conditions
Notify other participating emergency management agencies
Take corrective action at facility
Declare termination of emergency at facility
Update EAP on at least an annual basis
Respond to emergencies at the facility
Receive condition status reports from the dam operator
Town Anywhere
(in County Y)
Police, Fire and
Receive condition status reports from dam owner
Notify Public within Town Anywhere limits
Conduct evacuation from inundation areas within town limits, if required
Render assistance to County Y, as necessary
Render assistance to dam owner, as necessary
County X Police,
Fire and Rescue,
and Emergency
Receive condition status reports from dam owner
Notify public within County X
Conduct evacuation from inundation areas in County X, if
Provide mutual aid to County Y, if requested and able
County Y Police,
Fire and Rescue,
and Emergency
Receive condition status reports from dam owner
Notify public within County Y
Conduct evacuation from inundation areas in County Y, if appropriate
Appendix B: EAP and Dam Owner Responsibilities
Federal Guidelines for Emergency Action Planning for Dams B-2
Table B-2: Summary of the Dam Owner’s Responsibilities
24/7 Operations
1. Detect incident from alarms
2. Confirm incident by camera system
3. If no one is onsite, determine emergency level and dispatch operator to the site
4. Make calls on notification flow chart
5. Coordinate with Operator and Engineering on gate operations and emergency
6. Coordinate with upstream and downstream dams on operations
7. Provide regular status reports to senior management
Onsite Dam
1. Detect/confirm incident at dam
2. Determine emergency level
3. Make calls on Notification Flowchart
4. Coordinate with Command Center and Engineering on gate operations and
emergency procedures
5. Implement gate operations and other emergency procedures
6. Provide regular status reports to senior management
1. Support onsite Operator and Operations Command Center on emergency level
2. Make calls on notification flow chart
3. Determine emergency operation and construction procedures
4. Coordinate with Operator and Command Center on gate operations and
emergency procedures
5. Dispatch engineers and construction crews as necessary
6. Dispatch engineer as technical liaison to County Emergency Operations Center
7. Provide regular status reports to senior management
1. Make calls on Notification Flowchart
2. Initiate periodic status report conference calls with dam site, command center,
engineering, and public relations
3. Provide regular status reports to County Emergency Operations Center
4. Coordinate with upper management
5. Coordinate with public relations staff at County and technical liaison at County
Emergency Operations Center
Public Relations
1. Mobilize to County Offices
2. Participate in periodic status report conference calls with dam site, command
center, engineering, and management
3. Provide input to staff on emergency communications
4. Represent utility to media
Appendix C
Example Notification Flowchart
Appendix C: Example Notification Flowchart
Federal Guidelines for Emergency Action Planning for Dams C-1
Figure C-1. Example Notification Flowchart
Appendix D
Sample Guidance Table for Determining Emergency Level
Appendix D: Sample Guidance Table for Determining Emergency Level
Federal Guidelines for Emergency Action Planning for Dams D-1
Table D-1 provides only examples.
Table D-1: Sample Guidance for Determining Emergency Level
Emergency Level
Earth Spillway
Reservoir water surface elevation at auxiliary spillway crest or
spillway is flowing with no active erosion
Spillway flowing with active gully erosion
Potential failure
Spillway flow that could result in flood of people downstream if the
reservoir level continues to rise
Potential failure
Spillway flowing with an advancing headcut that is threatening the
control section
Imminent failure
Reservoir level is XX feet/inches below the top of the dam
Potential failure
Water from the reservoir is flowing over the top of the dam
Imminent failure
New seepage areas in or near dam
New seepage areas with cloudy discharge or increasing flow rate
Potential failure
Seepage with discharge greater than XX gallons per minute
Imminent failure
Observation of new sinkhole in reservoir area or on embankment
Potential failure
Rapidly enlarging sinkhole
Imminent failure
New cracks in the embankment greater than XX inches wide without
Cracks in the embankment with seepage
Potential failure
Visual movement/slippage of the embankment slope
Sudden or rapidly proceeding slides of the embankment slopes
Imminent failure
Instrumentation readings beyond predetermined values
Measurable earthquake felt or reported on or within XX miles of the
Earthquake resulted in visible damage to the dam or appurtenances
Potential failure
Earthquake resulted in uncontrolled release of water from the dam
Imminent failure
Security Threat
Verified bomb threat that, if carried out, could result in damage to
the dam
Potential failure
Detonated bomb that has resulted in damage to the dam or
Imminent failure
Damage that could adversely impact the functioning of the dam
Damage that has resulted in seepage flow
Potential failure
Damage that has resulted in uncontrolled water release
Imminent failure
Appendix E
Example High Flow Notification Table
Appendix E: Example High Flow Notification Table
Federal Guidelines for Emergency Action Planning for Dams E-1
Table E-1 is an example that correlates outflows from a dam, expected impacts, and the
organizations that will be notified. Actual organizations and order of notification should be
coordinated with all emergency management authorities involved.
Table E-1: Example High Flow Notification Table
Number of
Gates Open
Flow (cfs)
Downstream Impacts
to be Notified
Minor riverbank flooding
Town Police, National
Weather Service,
Downstream Dam Owner
Minor flooding of local roads near
Town Police, National
Weather Service,
Downstream Dam Owner
Significant flooding of local roads
near river
Town Police, National
Weather Service,
Downstream Dam Owner
State Highway 92 bridge flooded,
significant flooding of local roads and
houses near river
Local Police, National
Weather Service,
Downstream Dam Owner,
State Emergency
Management Authority
cfs = cubic feet per second
Appendix F
Emergency Notification Information and Messages
Appendix F: Emergency Notification Information and Messages
Federal Guidelines for Emergency Action Planning for Dams F-1
Table F-1 is an example of the information a dam owner will provide to external organizations
during emergencies:
Table F-1: Examples of Notification Information by Emergency Level
Information to External Organizations
High Flow
1. Explain how much flow the dam is currently passing, and the timing and
amount of projected flows.
2. If known, describe at what flows downstream areas get flooded.
3. State that the dam is NOT in danger of failing.
4. Indicate when you will give the next status report.
5. Indicate who can be called for any follow-up questions.
1. Explain what is happening at the dam.
2. Describe if the event could pose a hazard to downstream areas (e.g., gate
3. State that the dam is NOT in danger of failing.
4. Indicate when you will give the next status report.
5. Indicate who can be called for any follow-up questions.
Potential Failure
1. Explain what is happening at the dam.
2. State you are determining this to be a POTENTIAL FAILURE.
3. Describe what actions are being taken to prevent the dam failure.
4. Provide an estimate of how long before the dam would be at risk of failing
(e.g., during floods that could overtop the dam).
5. Refer to the inundation maps and explain what downstream areas are at risk
from a dam failure.
6. Indicate when you will give the next status report.
7. Indicate who can be called for any follow-up questions.
Imminent Failure
1. Explain that the dam is failing, is about to fail, or has failed.
2. State you are determining this to be an IMMINENT FAILURE.
3. Refer to the inundation maps and explain what downstream areas are at risk
from a dam failure and estimate when flows should reach critical downstream
4. Indicate when you will give the next status report.
5. Indicate who can be called for any follow-up questions.
Appendix F: Emergency Notification Information and Messages
Federal Guidelines for Emergency Action Planning for Dams F-2
The source of the following prescripted notification messages is the sample Emergency Action
Plan (EAP) for Rock Creek Watershed, Dam No. 23, developed by the U.S. Department of
Agriculture, Natural Resources Conservation Service. The emergency levels and parts of the
messages have been modified to conform to this guidance document.
Potential Failure
This is _______________ [your name and position].
We have an emergency condition at Rock Creek Watershed, Dam No. 23, located 2 miles
south of Rock City.
We have activated the Emergency Action Plan for this dam and are determining this to be a
Potential Failure condition.
We are implementing predetermined actions to respond to a rapidly developing situation that
could result in dam failure.
Please prepare to evacuate the area along low-lying portions of Rock Creek.
The dam could potentially fail as early as 11 am today.
Reference the evacuation map in your copy of the Emergency Action Plan.
We will advise you when the situation is resolved or if the situation gets worse.
I can be contacted at the following number: ______________________.
If you cannot reach me, please call the following alternative number: ________________.
Imminent Failure
This is an emergency. This is ____________ [your name and position].
Rock Creek Watershed, Dam No. 23, located 2 miles south of Rock City, is failing.
The downstream area must be evacuated immediately.
Repeat, Rock Creek Watershed, Dam No. 23, is failing; evacuate the area along low-lying
portions of Rock Creek.
We have activated the Emergency Action Plan for this dam and are determining this to be an
Imminent Failure condition.
Reference the evacuation map in your copy of the Emergency Action Plan.
I can be contacted at the following number _____________________.
If you cannot reach me, please call the following alternative number: __________________.
The next status report will be provided in approximately 30 minutes.
Appendix F: Emergency Notification Information and Messages
Federal Guidelines for Emergency Action Planning for Dams F-3
The following prescripted message may be used as a guide for emergency management
authorities to communicate the status of the emergency with the public:
Attention: This is an emergency message from the Sheriff. Listen carefully. Your life may
depend on immediate action.
Rock Creek Watershed, Dam No. 23, located 2 miles south of Rock City is failing. Repeat.
Rock Creek Watershed, Dam No. 23, located 2 miles south of Rock City is failing.
If you are in or near this area, proceed immediately to high ground away from the valley.
Do not travel on Highway 44 south of Rock City or return to your home to recover your
possessions. You cannot outrun or drive away from the flood wave. Proceed immediately
to high ground away from the valley.
Repeat message.
Appendix G
Example Emergency Level Potential Failure
Appendix G: Example Emergency Level Potential Failure
Federal Guidelines for Emergency Action Planning for Dams G-1
Table G-1: Example Emergency Level Potential Failure
Description of Condition
Action to be Taken
High Water Level /
Large Spillway Release
Reservoir level reaches elevation
XXX ft. and is rising at a rate of
greater than one foot per hour.
1. Check for signs of erosion from spillway channel, particularly near wing walls.
2. Assess cause of increased reservoir stage, especially during fair weather conditions.
3. Perform additional tasks as directed by Dam Engineer.
4. Make notifications if condition worsens such that downstream flooding is imminent.
Localized new seepage or boil(s)
observed along downstream face /
toe of earthen embankment with
muddy discharge and increasing but
controllable discharge of water.
1. Measure and record feature dimensions, approximate flow rate, and relative location
to existing surface features. Take photos if camera is available. Document location on
a site plan and in inspection report.
2. Place a ring of sand bags with a weir at the top towards the natural drainage path to
monitor flow rate. If boil becomes too large to sand bag, place a blanket filter over
the area using non-woven filter fabric and pea gravel. Attempt to contain flow in such
a manner (without performing any excavations) that flow rates can be measured.
Stockpile gravel and sand fill for later use, if necessary.
3. Inspect the dam and collect piezometer, water level and seepage flow data daily
unless otherwise instructed by engineer. Record any changes of conditions. Carefully
observe dam for signs of depressions, seepage, sinkholes, cracking or movement.
4. Contact geotechnical engineer and provide all data collected.
5. Maintain continuous monitoring of feature. Record measured flow rate and any
changes of condition, including presence or absence of muddy discharge.
6. Review information collected by field inspection and provide additional instructions /
actions as required. Recommend remedial seepage and stability measures.
7. Make notifications if condition worsens such that failure is imminent.
Sabotage and
Miscellaneous Other
Criminal action with significant
damage to embankment or structures
where significant repairs are required
and the integrity of the facility is
compromised condition appears
stable with time.
1. Contact law enforcement authorities and restrict all access (except emergency
responders) to dam. Restrict traffic on dam crest to essential emergency operations
2. Assess extent of damage and visually inspect entire dam for additional less obvious
damage. Based on inspection results, confirm if extent of damage to various
components of the dam warrants revised emergency level and additional
Appendix G: Example Emergency Level Potential Failure
Federal Guidelines for Emergency Action Planning for Dams G-2
Description of Condition
Action to be Taken
Sabotage and
Miscellaneous Other
Issues (cont.)
Criminal action with significant
damage (cont.)
3. If necessary to lower reservoir level, open drain valve(s).
4. Perform additional tasks as directed by the Dam Engineer or designee.
5. Make notifications if conditions worsen.
New longitudinal (along the
embankment) or transverse (across
the embankment) cracks more than
6 inches deep or more than 3 inches
wide or increasing with time. New
concave cracks on or near the
embankment crest associated with
slope movement.
1. Measure and record feature dimensions, approximate flow rate, and relative location
to existing surface features. Take photos if cameral is available. Document location
on a site plan and in inspection report.
2. Restrict traffic on dam crest to essential emergency operations only.
3. Contact geotechnical engineer and provide all data collected.
4. Place buttress fill (min 3 ft. high, 15 ft. wide) against base of slope immediately
below surface feature and extending 20 ft. beyond visible feature limits (parallel to
the embankment). Stock pile additional fill.
5. Place sand bags as necessary around crack area to divert any storm water runoff from
flowing into crack(s).
6. Inspect the dam; collect piezometer and water level data twice daily unless otherwise
instructed by engineer; and record any changes of condition. Carefully observe dam
for signs of depressions, seepage, sinkholes, cracking or movement.
7. Review information collected by field inspectors and provide additional instructions /
actions as required. Consider survey monitoring.
8. Make notifications if conditions worsen such that failure is imminent.
Slides / Erosion:
Deep slide / erosion (greater than 2
feet deep) on the embankment that
may also extend beyond the
embankment toe but does not
encroach onto the embankment crest
and appears stable with time.
1. Measure and record feature dimensions, approximate flow rate, and relative location
to existing surface features. Take photos if camera is available. Document location on
a site plan and in inspection report.
2. Restrict traffic on dam crest to essential emergency operations only.
3. Contact geotechnical engineer and provide all data collected.
4. Re-establish embankment fill slope. Place 5 ft. high buttress fill against base of slope
at the slide location that extends at least 15 ft. beyond the furthest downstream limits
(perpendicular to the embankment) and extending 20 ft. beyond visible feature limits
at either end (parallel to the embankment).
Appendix G: Example Emergency Level Potential Failure
Federal Guidelines for Emergency Action Planning for Dams G-3
Description of Condition
Action to be Taken
Deformation (cont.)
Slide / Erosion (cont.)
5. Place sand bags as necessary around slide area to divert any storm water runoff from
flowing into slide(s).
6. Inspect the dam; collect piezometer and water level data daily unless otherwise
instructed by engineer; and record any changes of condition. Carefully observe dam
for signs of depressions, seepage, sinkholes, cracking or movement.
7. Review information collected by field inspectors and provide additional instructions /
actions as required. Consider survey monitoring.
8. Make notifications if conditions worsen such that failure is imminent.
Small depression observed on the
embankment or within 50 feet of the
embankment toe that is less than 5
feet deep and 30 feet wide or which
is increasing with time.
1. Slowly open drain valve(s) to lower reservoir elevation.
2. Measure and record feature dimensions, approximate flow rate, and relative location
to existing surface features. Take photos if camera is available. Document location on
a site plan and in inspection report.
3. Restrict traffic on dam crest to essential emergency operations only.
4. Contact geotechnical engineer and provide all data collected.
5. Backfill the depression with relatively clean earth fill (free of organic materials)
generally even with surrounding grade and slightly mounded (6 to 12 inches higher)
in the center in order to shed storm water away from the depression. Stock pile
additional fill.
6. Inspect the dam; collect piezometer and water level data daily unless otherwise
instructed by engineer; and record any changes of condition. Carefully observe dam
for signs of depressions, seepage, sinkholes, cracking or movement.
7. Review information collected by field inspectors and provide additional instructions /
actions as required. Consider remedial construction such as grouting.
8. Make notifications if conditions worsen such that failure is imminent.
Gate (Valve)
or Failure
Dam gates / valves damaged
structurally (sabotage, debris, etc.)
with uncontrolled release of water at
a constant volume. Condition appears
1. Close any other gates, if open.
2. Install XXX or use other methods to stop or slow down the flow of water.
3. Consult a structural / mechanical engineer for evaluation and recommendations.
Consult dam remediation contractor for evaluation and recommendations.
Appendix G: Example Emergency Level Potential Failure
Federal Guidelines for Emergency Action Planning for Dams G-4
Description of Condition
Action to be Taken
Gate (Valve)
or Failure (cont.)
Dam gates / valves (cont.)
4. Repair / replace gate / valve as necessary.
5. Make notifications if conditions worsen such that further structural failure is
Sabotage and
Miscellaneous Other
Criminal action with significant
damage to embankment or structures
where significant repairs are required
and the integrity of the facility is
compromised condition appears
stable with time.
1. Contact law enforcement authorities and restrict all access (except emergency
responders) to dam. Restrict traffic on dam crest to essential emergency operations
2. Assess extent of damage and visually inspect entire dam for additional less obvious
damage. Based on inspection results, confirm if extent of damage to various
components of the dam warrants revised emergency level and additional
3. If necessary to lower reservoir level, open drain valve(s).
4. Perform additional tasks as directed by the Dam Engineer or designee.
5. Make notifications if conditions worsen.
Appendix H
Exercising the Emergency Action Plan
Appendix H: Exercising the Emergency Action Plan
Federal Guidelines for Emergency Action Planning for Dams H-1
Dam owners should exercise the Emergency Action Plan (EAP) in coordination with State, local
and tribal emergency management authorities. Exercises promote prevention, preparedness, and
response to incidents and emergencies and may also be extended to include recovery operations.
Exercising also demonstrates the EAP’s effectiveness in an actual situation and demonstrates the
readiness levels of key personnel. Periodic exercises result in an improved EAP as lessons
learned are incorporated into the updated EAP document.
Dam owners should include State, local and tribal emergency authorities in exercise activities.
This includes, but is not limited to, entities listed on the Notification Flowchart. To facilitate the
participation of emergency management authorities, dam safety exercises also can be
coordinated with, or integrated into, other event exercise scenarios for earthquakes, floods,
hurricanes, and other hazards.
Types of Exercises
There are seven types of exercises defined in the Homeland Security Exercise and Evaluation
Program (HSEEP). Although it is not required that every exercise program include all seven
exercises, the program should be built from the ground up, beginning with simple exercises and
advancing to more complex exercises. Sufficient time should be provided between each exercise
to learn and improve from the experiences of the previous exercise. More information on the
HSEEP is available at hseep.dhs.gov.
Discussion-based Exercises
Discussion-based exercises familiarize participants with current plans, policies, agreements, and
procedures, or may be used to develop new plans, policies, agreements, and procedures. The
following are types of discussion-based exercises:
Seminar. A seminar is an informal discussion designed to orient participants to new or
updated plans, policies, or procedures (e.g., a seminar to review a new Evacuation
Standard Operating Procedure). Seminars should include internal discussions as well as
coordination with emergency management authorities and other organizations with a role
in EAP implementation.
Workshop. A workshop resembles a seminar but is used to build specific products such as
a draft plan or policy. For example, a Training and Exercise Plan Workshop is used to
develop a Multi-Year Training and Exercise Plan.
Tabletop Exercise. A tabletop exercise involves key personnel discussing simulated
scenarios in an informal setting. Tabletop exercises can be used to assess plans, policies,
and procedures.
Games. A game is a simulation of operations that often involves two or more teams,
usually in a competitive environment, using rules, data, and procedures designed to depict
an actual or assumed real-life situation.
Appendix H: Exercising the Emergency Action Plan
Federal Guidelines for Emergency Action Planning for Dams H-2
Operations-based Exercises
Operations-based exercises validate plans, policies, agreements and procedures; clarify roles and
responsibilities; and identify resource gaps in an operational environment. Types of operations-
based exercises are:
Drill. A drill is a coordinated, supervised activity usually employed to test a single
operation or function within a single entity, such as testing sirens and warning systems,
calling suppliers, checking material on hand, and conducting a call-down drill of those
listed on the Notification Flowchart.
Functional Exercise. A functional exercise examines and/or validates the coordination,
command, and control between various multi-agency coordination centers, such as
Emergency Operation Centers (EOCs) and Joint Field Offices. A functional exercise does
not involve any boots on the ground such as first responders or emergency officials
responding to an incident in real time.
Full-Scale Exercises. A full-scale exercise is a multi-agency, multi-jurisdictional, multi-
discipline exercise involving functional (e.g., Joint Field Office, EOC, boots on the
ground response to a simulated event, such as activation of the EOC and role-playing to
simulate an actual dam failure).
Functional and full-scale exercises are considered comprehensive exercises that provide the
necessary verification, training, and practice to improve the EAP and the operational readiness
and coordination efforts of all parties responsible for responding to emergencies at a dam. The
basic difference between these two exercise types is that a full-scale exercise involves actual
field movement and mobilization; in a functional exercise, field activity is simulated.
The primary objectives of a comprehensive exercise (functional and full-scale) are listed below:
Reveal the strengths and weaknesses of the EAP, including specified internal actions,
external notification procedures, and adequacy of other information, such as inundation
Reveal deficiencies in resources and information available to the dam owner and
emergency management authorities.
Improve coordination efforts between the dam owner and emergency management
authorities. Close coordination and cooperation among all responsible parties is vital for a
successful response to an actual emergency.
Clarify the roles and responsibilities of the dam owner and emergency management
Improve individual performance of the people who respond to the dam failure or other
emergency conditions.
Gain public recognition of the EAP.
Appendix H: Exercising the Emergency Action Plan
Federal Guidelines for Emergency Action Planning for Dams H-3
Frequency of Exercises
The seminar, drill, tabletop exercise, and functional exercise should receive the most emphasis in
an EAP exercise program. The following are recommended frequencies for these exercise types.
Dam owners, in consultation with emergency management authorities, should determine actual
frequencies appropriate for their dam.
Seminars with primary emergency management authorities annually
Drills to test the Notification Flowchart and emergency equipment/procedures annually
Tabletop exercise every 3 to 4 years or before functional exercises
Functional exercise every 5 years
A full-scale exercise should be considered when there is a need to evaluate actual field
movement and deployment. When a full-scale exercise is conducted, safety is a major concern
because of the extensive field activity. If a dam owner has the capability to conduct a full-scale
exercise, a commitment should be made to schedule and conduct the entire series of exercises
listed above before conducting the full-scale exercise. At least one functional exercise should be
conducted before conducting a full-scale exercise. Functional and full-scale exercises also should
be coordinated with other scheduled exercises, whenever possible, to share emergency
management resources and reduce costs.
Evaluation of Exercises
Emergency exercises and equipment tests should be evaluated orally and in writing. Immediately
after an exercise or actual emergency, an after-action review should be conducted with all
involved parties to identify strengths and deficiencies in the EAP. The after-action review should
focus on procedures and other information in the EAP, such as outdated telephone numbers on
the Notification Flowchart, inundation maps with inaccurate information, and problems with
procedures, priorities, assigned responsibilities, materials, equipment, and staff levels. The after-
action review also should address the procedures that worked well and the procedures that did
not work so well. Responses from all participants involved in the exercise should be considered.
The after-action review should discuss and evaluate the events before, during, and after the
exercise or actual emergency; actions taken by each participant; the time required to become
aware of an emergency and to implement the EAP; and improvements for future emergencies.
After the after-action review has been completed, the EAP should be revised, as appropriate, and
the revisions disseminated to all involved parties.
Appendix I
Example Forms and Logs
Appendix I: Example Forms and Logs
Federal Guidelines for Emergency Action Planning for Dams I-1
Table I-1: Example Dam Emergency Incident Log
When did you detect or learn about the
How did you detect or learn about the
Appendix I: Example Forms and Logs
Federal Guidelines for Emergency Action Planning for Dams I-2
Table I-2: Example Record of Plan Holders
Person Receiving Copy
Regional Dam Safety Engineer,
Div. of Dam Safety Director
County 24-hr. Emergency Communications
County Coordinator of Emergency Operations
Utility General Managers Office, incident
command post
State emergency management agency
Technical Consultants / engineer
DOT, Resident Engineer
Table I-3: Example Record of Reviews and Revisions
Revision #
Sections Reviewed or Revisions Made
By Whom
Appendix I: Example Forms and Logs
Federal Guidelines for Emergency Action Planning for Dams I-3
Table I-4: Example Dam Emergency Termination Log