New Bulleted Format
The Hazard Simplication project aims
to provide consistency and clarity when
alerting weather hazards to the public.
This includes transistioning NWS products
into a new What, Where, When
bulleted format.
12/3/2019 Implementation
Coastal and marine products (e.g.
Coastal Flood Advisory, High Surf
Warning, Gale Watch) will change to the
bulleted format on December 3, 2019.
weather.gov/hazsimpNational Weather Service
High Surf Warning
Lakeshore Flood Warning
Coastal Flood Warning
Gale Warning
Hurricane Force Wind Warning
Ashfall Warning
Hazardous Seas Warning
Storm Warning
Heavy Freezing Spray Warning
Hurricane Warning*
Tropical Storm Warning*
Heavy Freezing Spray Watch
Lakeshore Flood Watch
Coastal Flood Watch
Gale Watch
Hurricane Force Wind Watch
Hazardous Seas Watch
Storm Watch
Hurricane Watch*
Tropical Storm Watch*
Coastal Flood Statement
Lakeshore Flood Statement
Beach Hazards Statement
Rip Current Statement
High Surf Advisory
Lakeshore Flood Advisory
Coastal Flood Advisory
Brisk Wind Advisory
Dense Fog Advisory
Low Water Advisory
Small Craft Advisory
Dense Smoke Advisory
Freezing Spray Advisory
Ashfall Advisory
Affected Products
Small Craft Advisory Consolidation
In addition, four types of Small Craft
Advisories will be consolidated to one.
The Small Craft Advisories for Hazardous
Seas, Rough Bar, and Winds will now be
issued as a single “Small Craft Advisory”
product. The type of hazard will be listed
in the product’s WHAT bullet.
*Changes are only for coastal waters