Summoner Groups of the Inner Sea
Conjurers and summoners can be found throughout the Inner Sea, but some organizations specialize in calling and summoning magic.
Bloodstone Conservatory: The eleventh queen
of Irrisen founded this school for conjurers
and summoners in 4378
ar. It is run by her
descendants and accepts only 20 pupils at a
time. Students live in luxury, but are subjected
to grueling arcane and physical training.
God Callers: Practitioners of an ancient
Sarkorian religion that survives in parts of the
Worldwound, god callers are summoners who
believe their eidolons are personal deities.
Acadamae: The Acadamae in Korvosa trains
spellcasters in all schools of magic, but is famous
for its emphasis on conjuration.
Wizard’s Guild: The civilian Wizard’s Guild in
Vigil focuses on item creation and divination,
but to complement that non-military focus,
members are encouraged to master a range
of conjuration spells in case a more martial
situation arises.
Razmiran Priests: Razmiran priests often use
their ability to summon creatures from other
planes of existence as proof of the divine
nature of their powers.
Umbral Court Agents: The Umbral Court rules
Nidal, and many of its agents specialize in
summoning creatures native to the Plane of
Shadow (using the Versatile Summon Monster
feat and the dark creature template on pages
Order of the Gate: The signifers of the Order
of the Gate outnumber the rank-and-file
Hellknights three to one, and depend on
spells that allow them to contact outsiders
for information, and even summon outsiders
to fight for them in combat. Rumors claim the
order is named for an actual magic gate in its
stronghold that leads to Hell.
Arcanamirium: While the Arcanamirium in
Absalom emphasizes practical magic, the
broad utility of summoning spells makes them
a popular topic for research, and many forms
of expanded summoning originate in the halls
of this academy of magic.
Storm Kindlers: As druids dedicated to
understanding the Eye of Abendego, many
Storm Kindlers rely heavily on summoned
or called air elementals for their most
dangerous research.
Magaambyan Arcanists: Founded by Old-
Mage Jatembe, the Magaambya is possibly
the oldest academy of magic still operating
in Golarion today, though many learned
spellcasters of Avistan have never heard of it.
The school’s arcane spellcasters often learn
arcane versions of druid spells, including
summon nature’s ally.
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For Your Character 2
Introduction 4
Summoning Archetypes 6
Fighting Summoned Monsters 8
Monster Summoners on Golarion 10
Binding and Calling 12
Extraplanar Power 14
Planar Summoners 16
Simple Templates 18
Summoning-Focused Magic Items 20
Summoning Spells 22
New Planar Allies 24
Guardian Spirits 26
Expanded Monster Summoning 28
Summoned by the Faithful 30
Next Month! 32
Summoner Groups of the Inner Sea Inside Front Cover
A monadic deva called by Kyra slices
through a crowd of foul lemures to aid
the clerics holy cause in this exciting
cover by J.P. Targete.
This Pathfinder Player Companion refers to several other Pathfinder Roleplaying Game
products and uses the following abbreviations. These books are not required to make use of
this Player Companion. Readers interested in references to Pathfinder RPG hardcovers can find
the complete rules from these books available for free online at paizo.com/prd.
Advanced Class Guide ACG
Advanced Players Guide APG
Inner Sea Magic
The Inner Sea World Guide ISWG
Ultimate Equipment UE
Ultimate Magic UM
Asking your Game Master the
following questions can help you
get the most out of the new options
in Pathfinder Player Companion:
Monster Summoner’s Handbook.
Does this campaign allow the
summoner class from Pathfinder
RPG Advanced Player’s Guide or
the version from Pathfinder RPG
Pathfinder Unchained?
Are any of the expanded
summoning options listed on the
tables on pages 28–31 available in
this campaign?
When I summon a creature,
who controls it? Is that my
responsibility, or will another
player be assigned to control it?
Or will you, as the GM, control any
summoned creatures?
The summoner class was first introduced in Pathfinder RPG Advanced
Player Guide, when the concept of eidolons as a new type of changeable
outsiders was introduced. The new version of the class presented in
Pathfinder RPG Pathfinder Unchained ties the class more closely to
specific types of outsiders, such as devils and elementals.
This Pathfinder Player Companion
highlights options for characters
of the following classes, in addition
to elements that can apply to a wide
array of other characters.
Because bloodragers gain access
to only 4 levels of spells, monster
summoning is normally a sub-
optimal choice for such characters.
However, a bloodrager with the new
ancestral harbinger archetype forges
bonds with creatures that have strong
totemic ties to his clan, family, or
warband, making him more effective
at summoning such creatures.
Clerics have access to the herald
caller archetype, allowing them to
call on outsiders who serve their
patron deity. Clerics who are priests
of one of Golarion’s major gods
also benefit from having creatures
added to their summon monster spells
to represent the influence of their
specific deity.
Druids’ ability to sacrifice a prepared
spell to cast a summon nature’s ally spell
of the same level makes them natural
beneficiaries of the new options
in this volume. The elemental ally
archetype allows a druid to gain
access to four elemental allies in the
form of limited eidolons, and many
of the feat options are particularly
appropriate for druids who focus on
summoning allies in combat.
Unsurprisingly, summoners gain
numerous options in the Monster
Summoner’s Handbook. There are three
new archetypes: counter-summoner,
morphic savant, and unwavering
conduit, all of which work with
both the summoner from Pathfinder
RPG Advanced Player’s Guide and
the version of the class presented in
Pathfinder RPG Pathfinder Unchained.
Summoners also gain access to all the
new spells presented on pages2223.
Certain game elements transcend the
particulars of a character’s race or
class. While everything in this volume
is designed to work with characters
focused on summoning and calling
creatures as allies and servants, the
following elements from this book
work equally well for all Pathfinder
RPG characters, regardless of type,
motivation, or background.
Expanded Summoning
A list of creatures appropriate for
summon monster spells drawn from
Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 2, Pathfinder
RPG Bestiary 3, and Pathfinder RPG
Bestiary 4 is provided on pages28–29.
Because adding all such creatures
to the summon monster spells would
increase the overall utility of those
spells in an unbalancing way, this
book includes numerous options for
a player to gain access to a limited
number of new options. Players who
wish to specialize in summoning a
wide range of unusual creatures can
take the Expanded Summon Monster
feat as often as they wish to increase
the range of choices for each spell.
Additionally, page 31 includes some
advice on what kinds of creatures
from other sources a GM might wish
to add as options for summon monster,
including specifying the typical CR
range of each summon monster spell.
Fighting Summoned Foes
Several new feats, such as Banishing
Critical and Dispel Focus, give
characters who expect to fight many
summoned foes more options for
destroying such enemies.
Guardian Spirits
Guardian spirits are creatures
dedicated to protecting specific
mortals who summon them with
summon monster or summon nature’s
ally spells. The same guardian spirit
is summoned each time, and as its
mortal ward increases in power, the
spirit can be summoned by higher-
level spells, granting it additional
A list of groups and organizations
that specialize in summoning,
along with related character traits, is
presented on pages 1011.
For Your Character
The following new rules options are located on the
indicated pages throughout the book. Additionally,
two new tables expanding possible options for summon
monster spells can be found on pages 2829 and 3031.
Ancestral harbinger Bloodrager 6
Counter-summoner Summoner 8
Elemental ally Druid 16
Herald caller Cleric 7
Monster tactician Inquisitor 7
Morphic savant Summoner 16
Unwavering conduit Summoner 17
Augment Calling General 13
Banishing Critical Critical 8
Dimensional Awareness Combat 8
Dimensional Disruption Combat 9
Dispel Focus General 9
Expanded Summon Monster General 28
Greater Dispel Focus General 9
Planar Focus General 14
Scouting Summons Metamagic 14
Solid Shadows Metamagic 14
Tattoo Attunement General 14
Tattoo Conversion General 15
Tattoo Transformation General 15
Versatile Summon Monster General 18
Versatile Summon Nature’s Ally General 18
Armor of fragmenting stone Armor 20
Bracers of celestial intervention Wrists 20
Caller’s feather Head 20
Periapt of temporary familiar Neck 20
Rod of giant summoning None 20
Rod of giant summoning, greater None 20
Rod of giant summoning, lesser None 20
Summoner’s robe Body 21
Sword of tempests None 21
Summon bane 21
Visage of the bound Head 21
Codex archon Outsider 24
Ember weaver (psychopomp) Outsider 25
Guardian spirit Template 26
Simple summoning templates Template 18–19
Ballad of the Homesick Wanderer Masterpiece 15
Disrupt connection Hex 9
Intuitive protection Magus arcana 9
Summoning spells 22–23
Monster Summoner’s HandbookMonster Summoner’s Handbook
Summoning is the art of conjuring faraway creatures
to your aid. Most spellcasters summon using magic
that reaches out past planar boundaries, calling forth
primal elementals or soldiers from the legions of the
Outer Planes. For summoners with close ties to the
natural world, these creatures may instead be animals,
mysterious fey, or towering giants. A ranger new to the
art of summoning may call eagles to support him, while
an experienced druid could terrorize her foes with a
slavering pack oftyrannosauruses.
Mortals who wish to enter into arrangements with
creatures for extended periods of time leave the realm
of summoning and enter the domain of calling. Callers
with close ties to the divine can invoke the cooperation of
allies of their gods. Legends abound of powerful clerics
bringing forth their deities’ own heralds to assist in times
of great need. Those who don’t have such affiliations
must rely on their arcane skill, and for them, calling is
an exceedingly dangerous game that requires a deal to be
struck before aid is given. For these daring individuals,
calling can lead to great boonsor to a host of enemies.
Conjuration magic has helped shaped many of the Inner
Sea’s most powerful nations and organizations. The people
of Cheliax regularly bind devils to their service, and they
rarely consider why the fiends are so eager to serve them as
their empire falls deeper into the clutches of Hell. In the
sand-swept nations of Qadira and Katapesh, mystics bind
genies to do their bidding and grant their every wish. In
the oppressive country of Nidal, shadowy summoners call
forth manifestations of darkness. Meanwhile, throughout
Golarion and across the planes, the Blackfire Adepts seek
power from beyond at any cost, relishing in the destruction
of the fabric of reality left in their wake. Opposing the
Blackfire Adepts are the Riftwardens, members of an
organization dedicated to maintaining planar stability and
undoing their enemies’ work.
The two main families of summoning spells are summon
monster and summon nature’s ally. All spells in these
families take a full round to cast, and the summoned
creature appears at the beginning of the caster’s turn
on the following round. Once the creature appears, it
normally stays around for 1 round per level, or until it is
reduced to 0 hit points. Summoned creatures reduced to
0 hit points disappear, returning to their home planes. It
takes 24 hours for the creature to reform, during which
time it can’t be summoned again. You can’t summon a
creature into an environment that does not support it,
such as causing a water-breathing creature to appear on
land or a non-flying creature to materialize in midair.
Summoned creatures can’t use abilities that summon
creatures or that have expensive material components.
They also can’t activate teleportation or planar travel.
Monster Summoner’s HandbookMonster Summoner’s Handbook
Unless told otherwise, they attack the summoning
caster’s enemies. A spellcaster who shares a common
language with an intelligent summoned creature can
give orders in that language.
The full-round casting time of summoning spells
makes them vulnerable to interruption. However, there are
several ways to increase the chance of successfully casting
them. The most effective way to avoid being interrupted
is to avoid being seen. Try to move somewhere where you
have concealment—or become invisible, since summoning
spells don’t break invisibility. Consider protecting yourself
with illusion spells, such as displacement or mirror image.
You could also hide around a corner, behind an obstacle,
or even behind another party member in a pinch.
Protection from evil and magic circle against evil, as well as
their counterparts, serve as barricades against summoned
creatures of particular alignments. They prevent summoned
creatures from touching a warded creature or attacking it
with their natural weapons unless they have spell resistance
that can overcome the ward. Dispel magic, dismissal, and
banishment end a summoning. If a summoned creature is
in the area of an antimagic field, it disappears as long as the
field remains.
The primary spells that call creatures are the planar ally and
planar binding spells. Calling spells don’t have a set duration;
the creature remains until it completes its appointed task or
breaks free. Called creatures don’t just return to their home
planes when reduced to 0 hit points, meaning they can die.
Dispel magic does not send home a creature brought forth
through calling spells, but dismissal and banishment do.
Planar ally is a request for aid from a being that shares
your philosophy. When anyone uses planar ally, whether
from her own magical ability or with a magic item, the
spell calls a servitor of her deity, if she has one. Otherwise,
it summons a creature that matches the casters alignment
and philosophy. Callers who cast planar ally must offer
the called outsider a gift in exchange for its services. The
longer and more complicated the service, the larger the gift
required. Each specific outsider has different gifts that it
favors. The Binding Outsiders section on pages 101–110 of
Pathfinder RPG Ultimate Magic includes a thorough guide
to the preferences of each type of outsider.
Planar binding, on the other hand, can call forth any
creature. When casting planar binding, a caller traps the
creature inside a magic circle and attempts to force it to
perform a task. While planar binding is more versatile than
planar ally, it is also more dangerous. The bound creature
may harm or even kill the caller for her insolence, and it may
seek revenge in the future if it is not treated with respect.
It is wise to offer gifts to facilitate peaceful negotiations,
but gifts alone are insufficient. Many creatures, if left to
their own devices, would either escape with teleportation
or planar travel abilities, or attack the caller before she has
the chance to open negotiations.
The first step in performing a binding is to cast an
inward-facing magic circle spell against the appropriate
alignment. This traps the target creature within—called
beings cannot cross this circle. Callers can prepare a
calling diagram within the magic circle to stop the creature
from using its spells and abilities to attack those outside
the circle, or from using its spell resistance to escape
the circle. The diagram also allows the caller to cast
dimensional anchor on the magic circle just before casting
the planar binding. The called creature can still escape by
overwhelming the caster’s strength of soul and sense of
selfgaining its freedom if it succeeds at a Charisma
check—but the diagram makes this Charisma check
considerably more difficult.
A wise caller researches the creature she plans to call
and invests in defenses to protect her from its potential
wrath. She stockpiles objects that could be used to bribe
or threaten the outsider as the situation warrants, and she
is careful not to summon something that is too powerful
for her to handle.
The two most common methods of summoning are
the summon monster and summon nature’s ally spells.
Characters of many classes can cast summon monster,
including the antipaladin, arcanist, bard, cleric, oracle,
skald, sorcerer, summoner, warpriest, witch, and wizard.
The list of classes that can cast summon nature’s ally is far
more limited, and includes the druid, hunter, and ranger.
Some archetypes and other options also grant the use
of summoning spells. In addition, a few other common
summoning spells in the Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook,
such as summon swarm and insect plague, allow casters
to call forth swarms.
For those who wish to call outsiders, planar ally and
planar binding are the most common methods, though
the 9th-level spell gate is another option for the most
powerful spellcasters.
There are also items that allow characters to summon
creatures. The bag of tricks, in all its varieties, allows
a character to pull out a random animal. The horn of
Valhalla allows worthy owners who blow into it to
summon a horde of human barbarians. Whoever cracks
open an elemental gem summons a Large elemental.
For those with more gold in their pockets and a desire to
interact with genies, there are the ring of djinni calling
and the efreeti bottle. The bead of summons on a strand
of prayer beads allows any divine spellcaster to summon
a powerful ally (limited only by those the GM is willing
to have answer the call, though its often run as if it
functioned as gate) for an entire day. Finally, a couple of
staves include summoning spells: the staff of conjuration
and the staff of swarming insects. There are many more
summoning items beyond the Core Rulebook, but in most
realms these curios are significantly less common.
Arcane scholars have been studying conjuration magic
for millennia, some of them focusing the entirety of their
academic research on summoning or calling powerful
creatures from other planes to do their bidding. However,
scholarly magic is not the only method of summoning;
some are born with an innate predisposition to it, or call
upon a deity to send servants of the faith. No matter the
source of summoning magic, many have followed the
path of the conjurer, and presented here are just a few of
those possible paths.
While all bloodragers tap into their bloodlines to fuel the
arcane energies they use in battle, some have the ability to
call directly to the spirits of their ancestors to aid them,
summoning spirits to fight for them or inspire their
allies. Ancestral harbingers are particularly common
among Shoanti bloodragers and among Bonuwat tribes
living along the coast of western Garund.
Spirit Guardian (Sp): At 2nd level, an ancestral
harbinger can call upon her ancestors to aid her in combat,
summoning a weapon of force that functions as per spiritual
weapon. At 6th level, her ancestral spirit can take the form of
a savage creature, functioning as per summon nature’s allyII
(this can’t be used to summon multiple creatures from the
summon natures ally I list). At 12th level, her ancestor can
manifest physically as a ghostly figure, functioning as per
spiritual ally (Pathfinder RPG Advanced Player’s Guide246). At
18th level, her ancestral spirit can manifest either
as a single powerful creature or as multiple lesser
ancestors, functioning as per summon nature’s ally VI.
The harbinger chooses which spell this ability functions
as at the time of casting, and can use this ability while
in a bloodrage. The ancestral harbinger can use this
ability once per day, plus an additional time per day
for every 4 bloodrager levels she possesses beyond 2nd.
This ability replaces uncanny dodge and the bloodline
feats gained at 6th and 18th levels.
Spirit Servants: At 5th level, an ancestral harbinger
adds summon monster I to her class spell list and gains
it as a bonus spell known. She also gains summon
monster II at 8th level, summon monster III at 11th level,
and summon monster IV at 14th level. These spells can
be used only to summon types of monsters with strong
ties to the ancestral harbingers family history, ranging
from clan totems to monsters of the same type as those
famously killed by her forebears. For each of these spells,
the ancestral harbinger selects a number of monsters she
can summon equal to her Charisma bonus (minimum 1)
to represent these spirits. These monsters are selected
from the options on the summon monster creature list
or the expanded summoning list (see page 28) that are
appropriate for the spell level. At 7th level and every
2 bloodrager levels thereafter, the ancestral harbinger can
swap one selected monster from one of these spells for a
new monster from the same level’s summoning lists.
The ancestral harbinger has a mystic tie to the spirit
servants summoned with this ability. When the ancestral
harbinger is in a bloodrage, all of her spirit servants gain
a +2 morale bonus to AC and on attack rolls, damage
rolls, and saving throws. The spirit servants also gain
2 temporary hit points per Hit Die. At 11th
level, the morale bonus increases to +3 and the
Summoning Archetypes
number of temporary hit points per Hit Die increases to3.
At 20th level, the morale bonus increases to +4 and the
number of temporary hit points per Hit Die increases to 4.
The morale bonus and temporary hit points last until the
bloodrage ends. This ability replaces improved uncanny
dodge and the bloodline feat gained at 12th level.
Unlike warpriests or paladins, who charge headlong into
battle in the name of their patron deities, herald callers are
adept at calling powerful outsiders to aid their brethren
in battle.
Skill Ranks per Level: 4 + Int modifier. This alters the
cleric’s class skills.
Dedicated Summoner: A herald caller depends on
summoned allies to overcome her foes, which affords her
little experience with the martial pursuits typical of other
clerics and a narrower spiritual focus. A herald caller can
choose only one domain from her deity’s list of domains,
rather than the normal two domains, and she doesn’t gain
proficiency with medium armor or shields. This ability
alters the clerics domains and armor proficiencies.
Call Heralds (Su): A herald caller can channel stored spell
energy into summoning spells that she hasn’t prepared
ahead of time. She can lose a prepared spell in order to cast
any summon monster spell of the same level or lower. She
gains a +1 bonus on concentration checks to cast a summon
monster spell defensively. This bonus increases to +2 at 5th
level, and increases by 1 every 5 cleric levels thereafter.
Divine Heralds (Su): A herald caller can use summon
monster spells only to summon creatures particularly
appropriate to her deity. This includes all creatures listed
as summon monster options for priests of her deity (see
Expanded Summoning for Priests on page 30), creatures
whose alignment matches at least one aspect of her deity’s
alignment, and creatures of an elemental subtype that
matches a domain granted by the deity (if any). When
summoning a creature that is normally summoned
with the celestial or fiendish template, a herald caller of
a chaotic deity can instead summon it with the entropic
template, and a herald caller of a lawful deity can instead
summon it with the resolute template (see pages 292–293
of Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 2 for more information on these
simple templates).
Because of these summoned monsters’ strong ties to the
herald callers deity, the herald caller also gains specific
benefits with creatures she summons with summon
monster spells gained from her cleric spell list. The herald
caller and her summoned monsters can understand each
others spoken words as if they shared a common language
(though this doesn’t give summoned monsters the ability
to speak if they normally lack it). Whenever the herald
caller uses channel energy to heal, she can include all
of her summoned monsters, even if they are out of her
normal channel energy radius or of a creature type that
would not normally be affected. If she channels energy
to deal damage, she can exclude any of her summoned
monsters that would normally be affected.
Mighty Heralds: At 4th level, a herald caller receives
Augment Summoning as a bonus feat, and is considered
to have Spell Focus (conjuration) for the purposes of
prerequisites for feats that have Augment Summoning as a
prerequisite (such as Evolved Summoned Monster on page
146 of the Pathfinder RPG Advanced Class Guide). At 8th level,
she gains Superior Summoning (Pathfinder RPG Ultimate
Magic 157) as a bonus feat.
While most inquisitors have learned to take advantage of
the movements of their opponents and allies in combat,
some instead summon creatures as a means of claiming
strategic advantage, exploiting the mystic connection
between themselves and their summoned creatures to
impart a bit of their own tactical knowledge.
Summon Monster (Sp): Starting at 1st level, a monster
tactician can cast summon monster I as a spell-like ability
a number of times per day equal to 3 + her Wisdom
modifier. She can cast this spell as a standard action, and
the creatures remain for 1 minute per level (instead of
1round per level). At 3rd level and every 2 inquisitor levels
thereafter, the power of this ability increases by 1 spell
level, allowing her to summon more powerful creatures (to
a maximum of summon monster IX at 17th level). A monster
tactician cannot have more than one summon monster
spell active in this way at a time; if she uses another, any
existing summon monster immediately ends. These summon
monster spells are considered to be part of the monster
tactician’s spell list for the purposes of spell trigger and
spell completion items. In addition, she can expend uses
of this ability to fulfill the construction requirements of
any magic items she creates, so long as she can use this
ability to cast the required spells.
At 2nd level and each level thereafter, the monster
tactician can add one monster from the expanded summon
monster list (see pages 28–29) to her list of available
summoned creatures. She can add a new option to any
summon monster spell she can cast at the time she chooses
the monster; once made, these choices cannot be changed.
This ability replaces judgment.
Summon Tactics (Su): At 5th level, every time a monster
tactician casts a summoning spell, she can choose any
one teamwork feat she knows. All creatures summoned by
the spell are treated as if they had the chosen feat for all
purposes, without needing to meet any prerequisites. At
8th level and again at 16th level, the number of teamwork
feats that she can choose when casting a summoning spell
increases by 1. She cannot choose the same feat twice. At
20th level, all creatures summoned by the spell are treated
as if they knew all of the monster tactician’s teamwork
feats. This ability replaces discern lies, second judgment,
third judgment, slayer, and true judgment.
Monster Summoner’s HandbookMonster Summoner’s Handbook
Spellcasters who focus on summoning can overwhelm
adversaries with sheer numbers. Facing such enemies
calls for tactics designed to overcome conjured beasts.
While most summoners excel at conjuring monsters, there
are those who focus instead on disrupting the conjurations
of opponents. The counter-summoner harnesses powerful
abjuration magic to instantly thwart the conjuration and
summoning abilities of other casters, though at the cost of
weakening his own powers of conjuration.
Counter-Summon (Su): At 1st level, a counter-summoner
can attempt to counter a conjuration spell cast by another
creature. He must identify the spell being cast as normal
for counterspelling. If he does so, he can attempt to counter
the spell as a swift or immediate action. To counter the
spell, the counter-summoner must attempt a dispel check
as if using dispel magic. If the spell being countered is a
summon monster or summon nature’s ally spell, the counter-
summoner gains a +5 bonus on the dispel check. The
counter-summoner can use this
ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + his Charisma
modifier. This replaces summon monster.
Detect Summons (Su): At 2nd level, as a swift action, a
counter-summoner can target a single creature he can see
and determine if it has been summoned to its current plane
from another. This ability reveals whether the target has
been conjured by a conjuration (summoning) or (calling)
spell, and allows the counter-summoner to attempt a
Spellcraft check to identify the spell that conjured it (using
the same DC as if the counter-summoner had witnessed
the spell being cast). This ability replaces bond senses.
Weaken Summons (Su): At 10th level, as a standard action,
a counter-summoner can attempt to weaken a summoned
or called creature within 60 feet. The targeted creature
takes a –2 penalty on attack and damage rolls and to Armor
Class for 1 minute per summoner level. A successful Will
save (DC = 10 + 1/2 the counter-summoner’s class level + his
Charisma modifier) negates this effect. A given summoned
creature can’t be targeted by this ability more than once per
24-hour period. This ability replaces aspect.
Improved Weaken Summons (Su): At 18th level, the
penalty for the counter-summoners weaken summons
ability changes to –4. This ability replaces greater aspect.
The following feats are especially useful for characters
who expect to face many summoned opponents.
Banishing Critical (Critical)
Your familiarity with summoning creatures has taught
you how to send them away with a well-timed strike.
Prerequisites: Arcane Strike or Disruptive; Spellcraft
8ranks; arcane pool class feature.
Benefit: When you confirm a critical hit against a target
while using Arcane Strike or with a weapon enhanced by
your arcane pool, if the target was summoned by a spell
you identified using a Spellcraft check, it
must succeed at a Will save (DC = 10 + 1/2 your
character level + your Intelligence modifier)
or be sent back to its home plane as per
the dismissal spell.
Dimensional Awareness
Your exposure to summoned
creatures allows you to predict
where conjured opponents will
likely appear.
Prerequisites: Arcane Strike
or Disruptive; Banishing
Critical; Combat Reflexes;
Spellcraft 8 ranks; arcane
pool class feature.
Fighting Summoned Monsters
Benefit: If a summoned or called creature materializes
in a space you threaten, you can make an attack of
opportunity against that creature before it acts, gaining a
+2 circumstance bonus on the attack roll if you successfully
identified the spell used to summon or call that creature.
Normal: A summoned or called creature appears
instantly when the spell used to conjure it is completed,
allowing for no attack of opportunity against the creature.
Dimensional Disruption (Combat)
You’ve become so adept at combating summoned creatures
that you can interrupt the magical energies that summon
them to your plane.
Prerequisites: Arcane Strike or Disruptive; Banishing
Critical; Combat Reflexes; Dimensional Awareness;
Spellcraft 8 ranks; arcane pool class feature.
Benefit: When you use Dimensional Awareness to
make an attack of opportunity against a creature being
summoned or called into a square you threaten, you can
additionally use an immediate action to attempt to send
the creature back to its home plane. Attempt a Spellcraft
check (DC = 15 + the creature’s CR [minimum 1] + the spell
level of the spell that summoned the creature). If you
succeed, the creature does not get to act and is immediately
sent back to its home plane.
Normal: A summoning or calling spell can be
disrupted only by a failed concentration check or by
countering the spell.
Dispel Focus
You are skilled at the art of dispelling.
Prerequisite: Ability to cast dispel magic.
Benefit: Whenever you attempt a dispel check based on
your caster level, you gain a +2 bonus on the check.
Greater Dispel Focus
You are a master of the art of dispelling.
Prerequisites: Dispel Focus, ability to cast dispel magic.
Benefit: Whenever you attempt a dispel check based on
your caster level, you gain a +2 bonus to the check. This
stacks with the bonus from Dispel Focus.
The following magus arcana are of particular use for those
who frequently face summoned foes.
Intuitive Protection (Sp): When a conjuration (summoning)
spell is cast by an opponent and the magus successfully
identifies the spell with a Spellcraft check, he can spend
1point form his arcane pool as an immediate action to cast
protection from chaos, evil, good, or law (chosen when using this
ability) on himself; this lasts a number of rounds equal to
his magus level. At 7th level, he can instead cast magic circle
against chaos, evil, good, or law when using this ability. The
magus must be at least 3rd level before selecting this arcana.
Planar Hunter (Su): Whenever the magus enhances his
weapon using his arcane pool, he can spend 1 additional
point from his arcane pool to add the planar
ability to his weapon, or 2 additional points to add the
phase locking
special ability. The magus must be at least
9th level before selecting this arcana.
The following hex can be taken by shamans and witches.
Disrupt Connection (Su): The hexer disrupts the connection
between a summoned creature within 30 feet and its
master. The summoned creature must succeed at a Will
save or be confused for 1d4 rounds. While its confused in
this way, during any round in which the percentile die roll
to determine the creature’s confusion result is 76–100, the
affected creature instead acts as if the hexer had summoned
it (attacking the hexer’s enemies or performing such other
tasks that the hexer can communicate to it). At 8th level, this
hex causes the summoned creature to act as if the hexer had
summoned it on a result of 51–100. At 16th level, this hex
causes the summoned creature to act this way on a result of
26100. The cackle hex extends the duration of this hex by 1
round. Once a creature has been the target of this hex, that
creature is immune to this hex for 24 hours.
While counter-summoners focus their arcane studies
on ways to combat summoned monsters, spellcasters
of various disciplines may find the ability to fight such
creatures appealing. Many spells are useful against
creatures from other planes. Some of these spells, such
as banishment and dismissal, are commonly known
by many spellcasters, while others, such as dispel
balance (Pathfinder Player Companion: Champions of
Balance 27), may be more obscure and unknown to all
but a small group of dedicated scholars.
Among the most common defenses against summoned
creatures are protection from evil and its other alignment
and circle variants, which can prevent physical contact
with summoned creatures (but not eidolons). Spells such
as control summoned creature (Pathfinder RPG Ultimate
Magic 212) can be potent tools when used against a
summoner, as they can even be used to command a trusted
eidolon to attack its master if the eidolon was summoned
using summon eidolon (Pathfinder RPG Advanced Player’s
Guide 248). The consecrate spell can be used to thwart the
creation or summoning of undead creatures into an area,
and is the bane of many a necromancer. Dimensional lock
and forbiddance can be used to keep powerful outsiders
from summoning more of their kind, which can turn the
tide of combat in many situations.
Finally, dispel magic can be one of the most effective
tools against summoned creatures, since using it does
not require knowledge of the spell used to summon
the targeted creature. Remember, though, that called
creatures and creatures such as eidolons are immune to
dispel magic.
Monster Summoner’s HandbookMonster Summoner’s Handbook
The summoning of outsiders is far from a rarity on
Golarion. Many groups of people and even entire nations
have embraced the use of summoning.
The organizations presented here make substantial use
of summoning. Each entry includes a trait that can help
establish a character as a member of that organization.
Nestled in the Heights of Korvosa, mages from all over the
Inner Sea come to study the teachings of the Acadamae.
While the highly esteemed institution teaches all eight
schools of magic, conjuration is a mandatory aspect of the
grueling final exams.
Acadamae Neophyte (magic): You have shown a
significant talent for the magical arts, gaining the
attention of the famed Acadamae of Korvosa. Whenever
you succeed at a Knowledge (planes) check to identify a
creature and its special powers or vulnerabilities, you gain
one additional piece of useful information (as if your skill
check result had been 5 higher).
Blackfire Adepts
The Blackfire Adepts are a secret group of mages,
diabolists, and occultists who travel through the wounds
of the multiverse seeking knowledge and power. Many who
return from their journeys do so with the aid of newfound
foul powers, either granted by or stolen from wicked forces.
Vile Domain (faith): Your connection with a malignant
force has granted you great power. Choose a domain
granted by an evil aligned deity, such as an archdevil,
demon lord, or Great Old One. You gain a +1 trait bonus
to your caster level when casting spells that are granted by
that domain. This doesn’t grant you the ability to cast such
spellsyou must still have access to the spells through
some other means.
Bloodstone Conservatory
The small town of Czarny Las in Irrisen lies on an
intersection of arcane energies, making it ideal for
conjuration. The Bloodstone Conservatory was established
specifically for conjurers and summoners to perfect their
skills. Enrolling in the conservatory is a complex, confusing,
and exhausting endeavor, leading those who manage to
succeed to be surprisingly adept at conveying their points.
Expressive Pantomime (social): You have learned to
express yourself without having to depend on words.
When attempting a Bluff check to deliver a secret message,
you can take a –5 penalty on the check to communicate
a simple message even to creatures that do not share
a language with you. You cannot communicate with
mindless creatures.
Monster Summoners on Golarion
Genie Binders
A large number of the lands settled by Keleshites
especially Katapesh, Qadira, and Jalmeray—were built on
the backs of genies. Using the works of Sulesh the Great
as a foundation, genie binders are capable of not only
compelling these outsiders to serve, but also trapping
them in bottles and rings for later requests.
Binder’s Blood (social): Your lineage features a large
number of genie callers, granting you insight into the
intricacies of genie binding. You gain a +2 trait bonus
on any Charisma-based checks when directly interacting
with a genie.
The Hellknights follow a strict reading of the law, and their
enforcement of it is even stricter. They don’t worry about
the morality of their methods, so long as the law is upheld.
The Hellknights turn to the tactics of Hell for inspiration,
and even train with summoned devils to strengthen their
resolve against mortal foes.
Hellknight Initiate (combat): You have laboriously
studied the training rites of various Hellknight orders with
the intent of joining one yourself. You gain a +2 trait bonus
on damage rolls against outsiders summoned through
conjuration (calling) and conjuration (summoning) spells
and effects.
Defenders of the Great Beyond, the Riftwardens work
tirelessly against the Blackfire Adepts. Many Riftwardens
travel the Great Beyond, foiling evildoers and working to
protect the delicate boundaries of the planes. They are
much sought after as guides because of their knowledge
of the multiverse.
Outsider Ties (magic): An outsider visited you at a young
age, and you have had a significant affinity with that type
of outsider ever since. Choose a subtype of outsider, such
as angel or elemental. When you summon an outsider of
that subtype via summon monster, planar ally, planar binding,
or similar spells and abilities, the summoned creature
gains a number of temporary hit points equal to the level
of spell used to summon it.
Calling and binding affect everyday life in the regions
presented below. Each entry includes a trait that can help
establish a character as hailing from that region.
Chelaxians are notorious for their decadent lifestyles
and their association with the denizens of Hell. The use
of bound devils by Queen Abrogail I secured the rule of
House Thrune over the nation, and since then, many noble
Monster Summoner’s HandbookMonster Summoner’s Handbook
Chelish houses have taken to using devils to further their
goals. The common folk generally continue to go about
their lives as they had before, but many live in fear of the
diabolists that rule their land.
Chelish Guerrilla (Cheliax): In overthrowing House
Thrune, you’ve spent many years training to face the
diabolist nobles and the devils they bind. You gain a +2
trait bonus on Knowledge checks to identify devils (and
their special powers and weaknesses) and a +1 trait bonus
on weapon damage rolls against devils.
Draped in shadow since the days of Earthfall, the citizens
of Nidal have offered their obedience to Zon-Kuthon in
exchange for their ensured survival. Through the shadow
magics wielded by the powerful members of the Umbral
Court, many fell creatures have made their way from the
Plane of Shadow into Nidal. Hidden agents of Desna have
toiled tirelessly against the dark agents, striking from the
very shadows they wish to lift.
Shadow Dissident (Nidal): Lifelong encounters with
conjured shadows have made you especially adept at
piercing their dark veils. You gain a +2 trait bonus on
saving throws against spells and effects with the shadow
descriptor (Pathfinder RPG Ultimate Magic 138).
Elementals roaming this nation’s desert sands are hardly
a rare sight, and Osirian mages have struck countless
bargains and pacts with the various elemental clans
over the millennia. In fact, Osirion’s current ruler,
Ruby Prince Khemet III, has taken a fire elemental as a
personal advisor.
Elemental Ties (Osirion): Interactions with elementals
are commonplace for you. You gain a +1 trait bonus on
Diplomacy checks when dealing with creatures of the
elemental type, and you begin play knowing one of the
following languages as an additional bonus language:
Aquan, Auran, Ignan, or Terran.
Thousands of years ago, the Pharaoh of Forgotten Plagues
established the House of Oblivion to draw the attention of
Ahriman, Lord of All Divs. After the fall of the Pharaoh of
Forgotten Plagues, Ahriman fled to Abaddon, leaving a
malignantly infused House of Oblivion, which stands
to this day deep in the vast desert of Thuvia. A heavy
presence of divs has tormented the region ever since,
with the heart of their presence in central Thuvia.
Div Hunter (Thuvia): Divs have tormented you and
your loved ones for as long as you can remember.
You’ve improved your skills to better oppose the
creatures. You gain a +2 trait bonus on Knowledge
checks to identify divs (and their special powers
and weaknesses) and a +1 trait bonus on weapon damage
rolls against divs.
The Worldwound
Nowhere are the effects of summoning felt more directly
than the Worldwound. With the death of Aroden, a
horrendous, metaphysical event consumed the land of
Sarkoris. Demons and other abominations spewed forth
from a terrible rift to the Abyss and destroyed the god
callers of the region. Since then, multiple crusades have
marched upon the Worldwound in hopes of stopping the
assault of demonic hordes once and for all.
Demonbane Summoner (The Worldwound): Your line
is derived directly from the god callers of Sarkoris. You
adamantly oppose the demonic forces of the Worldwound
in hopes of reclaiming your lost lands. The attacks of
creatures you summon are treated as cold iron for the
purpose of overcoming damage reduction.
While the binding or calling of outsiders can provide
spellcasters with very powerful allies, it also proves to
be a truly difficult task. Even with proper forethought,
binding is an expensive prospect that involves dealing
with immortal beings who have few immediate needs.
Performing a summoning without preparation proves
even more dangerous and can easily leave a summoner at
the mercy of her intended ally. The advice presented below
is intended to help would-be binders or callers meet their
goals, as is the feat at the end of this section.
The people of Golarion each have individual personalities,
motivations, and ideals, and the same is true of outsiders.
Outsiders of each type usually prefer that which grants
them the greatest power and furthers their own goals.
Presented here is a simple primer on the desires of
outsiders in each major category. See pages 101–110 of
Pathfinder RPG Ultimate Magic for more information on
the binding and calling of these creatures.
Aeon: Strange, alien creatures from the farthest reaches
of the multiverse, aeons seek an overall balance for the
whole of existence. Requests of aeons often prove difficult,
as much because of their bizarre views and methods of
communication as their unwillingness to provide aid
unless the spellcaster’s desires align with their own goals.
(Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 2 8)
Agathion: Agathions are the embodiments of pure
good, regardless of the forms they take. So long as their
bestial forms are not mocked or insulted in any manner,
agathions delight at the prospect of tasks that further
the aspects of good throughout the universe, and accept
any payment that seems likely to produce a greater good.
Neutral and evil spellcasters have a more difficult time
securing the aid of agathions, and often motivate these
bestial outsiders by inflicting harsh punishments
rather than offering them rewards. (Bestiary 2 15)
Angel: Covering all aspects of good, angels hail
from Heaven, Nirvana, and Elysium. Angels serve
those who can provide new knowledge or opportunities
to destroy evil wherever it may lie, or who ally with
their divine masters. They accept payment in beauty
and works of art. (Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 9)
Archon: Creatures of both law and good, archons
seek the defense of order, justice, and those too
weak to protect themselves. Archons favor gifts of
servitude to a local temple or to the needy, as well
as gifts of weapons and armors for their crusades
against evil. (Bestiary 18)
Asura: Born of the mistakes and missteps of the
gods, asuras are intent on the destruction of any and
all of the gods’ creations. Possessing terrible goals,
asuras prefer tasks that bring ruin to servitors of any
deity. They are also fond of obtaining new knowledge
of the cosmos, which they believe will help them
unmake the existence asuras so hate. They accept
payment in treasured works of the gods that they can
destroy personally. (Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 3 21)
Azata: Paragons of freedom and good, azatas
are somewhat flighty in their response to mortal
requests. They prefer completing jobs quickly so they
can move on to new ones. They are more responsive
when offered a tale, song, game, or other piece of art to
appreciate. (Bestiary 23)
Binding and Calling
Monster Summoner’s HandbookMonster Summoner’s Handbook
Daemon: Daemons primarily seek the death and
devastation of mortal souls. They jump at opportunities
to wreak havoc and destruction, but spellcasters must
be wary in their attempts to call a daemon. So vicious
and savage are some daemons that they often attempt to
destroy those who call them. (Bestiary 2 62)
Demodand: Servitor spawn of thanatotic titans,
demodands are cruel creatures that seek to impose the will
of their masters upon existence by any means necessary.
Demodands search for opportunities to sow the seeds of
anarchy across the universe. They also revel in the chance
to kill or torture divine agents such as paladins and clerics.
(Bestiary 3 68)
Demon: Born of the chaos of the Abyss, demons seek to
further the suffering of mortal beings. They are kept in
control only by showings of great power, whether immense
knowledge or physical might. (Bestiary 56)
Devil: Attempts to call devils are usually facilitated by
the use of holy or silver substances. Most devils prefer
sacrifices as payment, especially the sacrifice of innocents
or good-aligned clerics. (Bestiary 71)
Div: Divs are vile fiends that seek the systematic
dismantling and suffering of mortal lives at every turn.
They indulge in the ruin of mortals’ best creations. Given
the opportunity, they seek to destroy or despoil things
regarded as beautiful or joyous. (Bestiary 3 82)
Elemental and Genie: Most elementals and genies
respect only strength. Elementals submit to displays of
great physical might and mastery of magics opposed to
their own natures, while genies bow to demonstrations of
vast mental prowess. Genies are also swayed by offerings of
gems, tomes, or slaves. (Bestiary 120–127, 139–143)
Inevitable: Beings of pure law, inevitables refuse to
work with anyone who stands against their decrees or
purposes. When used to seek out and resolve violations of
the law, inevitables oblige a binder’s request and accept any
reasonably valuable object as payment. (Bestiary 2 161)
Kami: Most common in Tian Xia, kami are the gods
designated guardians of nature and strive to protect a
particular natural aspect. So long as no harm comes to
their wards, kami are open to reasonable requests. They
also favor those who go out of their way to benefit nature
by planting trees or caring for animals, as well as those
who are opposed to the oni. (Bestiary 3 159)
Kyton: Kytons feed on the fear and suffering of mortals
through the use of physical torture and other, more
supernatural means. They commonly take the summoners’
bodies as offerings, using them as canvases of mutilation
before engaging in any requests. This practice is especially
sacred to followers of Zon-Kuthon. (Bestiary 3 170)
Oni: Fallen kami filled with rage and despair, oni
indulge in the physical pleasures of the world. Food,
violence, and offerings of the f lesh are most pleasing to
oni. (Bestiary 3 205)
Protean: Negotiating with proteans proves difficult,
as they are intent on a return to pure chaos and entropy.
Most bargains with a protean must offer some kind of step
toward the inevitable chaos that they seek. (Bestiary 2 213)
Psychopomp: Created by Pharasma, psychopomps’
primary task is to lead souls to their final resting places.
Psychopomps often refuse to aid anyone who is not also
an agent of Pharasma, though they agree to assist those
who oppose the trade in souls conducted by daemons,
hags, and others. Many psychopomps develop eclectic
personal tastes, to which well-informed summoners may
appeal in order to gain the outsider’s service. (Pathfinder
RPG Bestiary 4 217)
Qlippoth: Qlippoth hate the whole of mortality, and only
the most powerful, or most foolish, seek the assistance
of these unpredictable creatures. Most qlippoth do not
answer the calls of binders, and those who do rarely abide
by their agreements. (Bestiary 2 218)
Your attempts to bind or call outsiders are highly potent.
Prerequisites: Spell Focus (conjuration); ability to cast
lesser planar ally, lesser planar binding, or a higher-level
version of these spells.
Benefit: Choose a subtype of outsider, such as angel
or elemental. When using the planar ally or planar binding
spells, you can call 2 additional Hit Dice of outsiders with
the chosen subtype. You also gain an additional benefit
depending on what spell you are casting.
When you call an outsider of the chosen subtype with
planar ally spells, you reduce the price it demands for
service by 25%, to a minimum of 1,000 gp.
When you bind an outsider of the chosen subtype with
planar binding spells and request a service of the outsider,
you gain a +2 bonus on Charisma checks to do so.
Special: You can gain this feat multiple times. Its
effects do not stack. Each time you take the feat, it applies
to a different subtype of outsider.
Many outsiders bear names that, while they are pure
representations of those very creatures, are also secrets to
the rest of existence. Such true names” grant significant
influence over outsiders targeted by conjuration (calling)
magic. Finding a true name requires at least 1 month
of studying books, glyphs, scrolls, and more in a library
or other appropriate locale. Afterward, a successful
Knowledge (planes) check (DC = 10 + the creatures Hit
Dice) may reveal the sought-after true name. The DC to
find the true name of some especially powerful or obscure
creatures may be up to 10 higher.
Not all outsiders are coerced by the use of true names.
For elementals and genies, true names are not binding,
but these creatures take notice of the cunning involved
to find one. Truly chaotic and primeval creatures, such as
proteans and qlippoth, have no true names, and individual
aeons, if they have true names, may have more than one.
While the summon monster and summon nature’s ally spells are
well known for their ability to summon powerful creatures,
there are other ways to access extraplanar power. The
following are new character options that make use of energy
or creatures drawn from other planes in ways that extend
beyond simply summoning monsters to fight your foes.
The following feats are most common in areas that
maintain a strong focus on conjuration magic, such as
the Acadamae in Korvosa and lands that focus on specific
creatures (such as devils in Cheliax and creatures from
the Plane of Shadow in Nidal), but can be taken by any
characters who meet the prerequisites.
Planar Focus
By studying other planes, you’ve learned to take on aspects
of outsiders as well as animals.
Prerequisites: Knowledge (planes) 5 ranks, animal
class feature.
Benefit: When you use your animal focus class feature,
you can choose any of the following new aspects unless
they conflict with your alignment.
Air: You gain a constant feather fall effect. At 10th level,
you instead gain a constant levitate effect.
Chaotic: Your form shifts subtly, making it difficult
for others to aim precise attacks against you. You gain a
25% chance to negate extra damage from critical hits and
precision damage from attacks made against you (such as
from sneak attacks). Only chaotic characters can use this
planar focus.
Cold: Creatures that attack you with natural attacks or
melee weapons take 1d4 points of cold damage for every
2class levels you possess.
Earth: You gain a burrow speed equal to your base land
speed, and a +2 enhancement bonus to your natural armor.
Evil: You gain a +1 profane bonus to AC and on saves
against attacks made and effects created by good outsiders.
This bonus increases to +2 at 10th level. Only evil characters
can use this planar focus.
Fire: Your natural attacks and melee weapons deal
1d6points of fire damage for every 4 class levels you possess.
Good: You gain a +1 sacred bonus to AC and on saves
against attacks made or effects created by evil outsiders.
This bonus increases to +2 at 10th level. Only good
characters can use this planar focus.
Lawful: You can automatically succeed at any saving
throw against a polymorph spell or effect. Only lawful
characters can use this planar focus.
Shadow: You gain a +5 bonus on Stealth and Sleight of
Hand checks.
Water: You gain a 30-foot swim speed and can breathe
water as well as air.
Extraplanar Power
Scouting Summons (Metamagic)
Your experiments with the connection between summoners
and the creatures they summon have taught you to see
through the eyes of a summoned creature for a short time.
Prerequisites: Spell Focus (conjuration), ability to cast
magic jar.
Benefit: When casting a conjuration (summoning)
spell that summons a single creature, you can possess the
creature as per magic jar (but with no receptacle necessary).
If the creature takes damage while you possess it, you must
succeed at a concentration check (DC equal to the amount of
damage taken) or be ejected from the creature immediately.
If the creature takes enough damage to reduce it to 0 hit
points or fewer, you are immediately ejected from the
creature and take an amount of damage equal to double
the level of the spell slot used to summon that creature. A
scouting summons spell takes up a spell slot 2 levels higher
than the spell’s actual level.
Solid Shadows (Metamagic)
Your shadowy illusions are more potent.
Prerequisite: Spell Focus (illusion).
Benefit: When casting greater shadow conjuration, greater
shadow evocation, shadow conjuration, or shadow evocation (and,
at the GMs discretion, any similar spell with the shadow
descriptor that mimics a spell of another school), that spell
is 20% more real then normal. A solid shadows spell takes
up a spell slot 1 level higher than the spell’s actual level.
Tattoo Attunement
You’ve learned to absorb summoned creatures into
temporary spell tattoos.
: Inscribe Magical Tattoo
or Varisian
; Spellcraft 5 ranks.
Benefit: As a standard action, you can touch a single
creature that you’ve summoned, instantly transforming it
into a magical tattoo on your body. This tattoo takes up
one magic item slot if the summoned creature is Medium
or smaller, and one additional adjacent slot for each size
category larger than Medium (see page 16 of Pathfinder
Campaign Setting: Inner Sea Magic for rules on magical
tattoos). You can have only one such tattoo at a time.
While in tattoo form, the summoned creature can’t
take actions and doesn’t need to eat, sleep, or breathe; it
retains the remaining duration of the summoning spell
used to conjure it. The creature can stay in tattoo form for
a number of hours equal to your caster level. If the creature
is still in tattoo form at the end of that time, the tattoo
disappears, the creature is sent back to the plane from
which it was summoned, and the remaining duration of
the summon is wasted. As a standard action that provokes
attacks of opportunity, you can cause the creature to
change from a tattoo back into creature form, and appear
Monster Summoner’s HandbookMonster Summoner’s Handbook
in a square adjacent to you. The remaining duration of
the spell is then expended as normal. The creature is
staggered for 1 round after emerging from tattoo form.
This is a supernatural ability.
Tattoo Conversion
Your have turned your deep knowledge of creating tattoos
from summoned creatures into an offensive weapon.
Prerequisites: Inscribe Magical Tattoo
or Varisian
; Tattoo Attunement; Spellcraft 15 ranks; ability
to cast control summoned creature
Benefit: Once per day as a standard action that provokes
attacks of opportunity, you can make a melee touch attack
against a summoned creature to transform it into a magical
tattoo on your body as per Tattoo Attunement. When you
later transform the creature from tattoo to creature form,
you can attempt an opposed Spellcraft check against
the creature’s original summoner; if that summoner is
unconscious or dead, you automatically succeed at the
check. If you succeed, the creature must succeed at a Will
save (DC = 10 + your caster level) or treat you as the caster
of the spell that originally summoned it for the remaining
duration of the spell. This is a supernatural ability.
Tattoo Transformation
You’ve learned to take on some of the resistance of a
summoned creature when you absorb it as a tattoo.
Prerequisites: Inscribe Magical Tattoo
or Varisian
; Tattoo Attunement; Spellcraft 9 ranks.
Benefit: When you use Tattoo Attunement on a creature
you’ve summoned, you can gain that creature’s elemental
resistance as long as it is in tattoo form. If the creature
has resistance to multiple elemental types, you gain only
one of them. If the creature is immune to an elemental
type, you gain resistance 20 to that type. For example, if
the creature has resistance 10 to both fire and cold and
immunity to electricity, you can gain resistance 10 to
either fire or cold or resistance 20 to electricity as long as
the creature is in tattoo form.
Though bards are not often thought of as master
summoners, a bard without traveling companions
often turns to summoning servants he can then augment
with performances and spells. Other bards have developed
masterpieces to oppose the summoned allies of their foes.
Ballad of the Homesick Wanderer
(Oratory, Sing)
This poem of sadness and longing was developed by
a Riftwarden bard seeking a way to fight summoned
creatures without violence. Its otherworldly lyrics drive
outsiders to return to their planes of origin.
Prerequisites: Perform (oratory) or Perform (sing)
5ranks; ability to speak Abyssal, Aquan, Auran, Celestial,
Ignan, Infernal, or Terran.
Cost: Feat or 2nd-level bard spell known.
Effect: This mournful poem beckons outsiders back to
the plane on which they were spawned, making them pine
for their true home. Any summoned non-native outsiders
who can hear this performance must each succeed at a
Will save or feel compelled to return to their home plane.
If an outsider fails its save, each round of the performance
expends 2 rounds of the remaining duration of any spell or
effect that summoned that creature to the current plane (in
addition to the normal duration that passes each round).
Called outsiders who fail their Will saves against this
masterpiece take a –2 penalty on attack rolls, skill checks,
and saving throws for the performance’s duration. If the
performer can’t speak the native tongue of the outsiders
home plane, the outsider gains a +4 bonus on its Will save
against this effect.
Use: 1 bardic performance round per round.
Activation: 1 full round.
Planar Summoners
Most spellcasters turn to summoning as a flexible means for
increasing their personal power and little else. However, a
few see summoning as a way to tie themselves more strongly
to specific planar energies. These planar summoners are
often drawn to the philosophy of a specific plane, and wish
to internalize part of that plane’s energy to learn to better
incorporate its essence into every aspect of their lives.
An elemental ally is a druid who has crafted powerful
bonds of trust and friendship with one ally from each
of the four primary elemental planes. Elemental allies
are most common in Qadira, where they are considered
similar to genie-binders.
Elemental Eidolons: At 1st level, an elemental ally has
four elemental eidolons she can summon, one each for
the elements of air, earth, fire, and water. Their abilities
and statistics are determined using the rules for elemental
eidolons for the summoner class from page 33 of Pathfinder
RPG Pathfinder Unchained, as if the elemental ally were
a summoner of her druid level, except they gain no
additional evolution pool (just those evolutions from their
base form and base evolutions from their subtype).
Each of the four elementals has its own base form, skills,
and feats. The elemental ally can summon one of these
elementals with the same 1-minute ritual a summoner
normally uses to do so. The elemental ally can’t summon
an eidolon or cast summon nature’s ally if she currently has
an eidolon summoned. She also can’t summon an eidolon
if she currently has a creature summoned through other
means. If one of the elemental ally’s eidolons is killed, she
cannot summon any eidolons for 24 hours. The elemental
ally can dismiss her eidolon as a standard action.
As the elemental ally gains levels, her elemental
eidolons’ base statistics and base evolutions increase as
if her druid level were her summoner level. The eidolons
gain the darkvision, link, share spells, evasion, ability
score increase, devotion, multiattack, and improved
evasion abilities at the appropriate levels, but never gain an
evolution pool. Abilities and spells that grant additional
evolution points to eidolons do not function for elemental
eidolons, though any ability that would grant evolution
points to an animal companion does work. The elemental
ally does not gain life link or any other class features a
summoner gains in relation to her eidolon.
This ability replaces nature’s bond and wild shape.
Elemental Empathy (Ex): An elemental ally can improve
the attitude of a creature of the elemental subtype. This
ability functions just like a Diplomacy check to improve
the attitude of a person. The elemental ally rolls 1d20
and adds her druid level and her Charisma modifier to
determine the elemental empathy check result.
To use elemental empathy, the elemental ally and the
elemental must be able to study each other, which means
that they must be within 30 feet of one another under
normal conditions. Generally, influencing an elemental
in this way takes 1 minute, but as with influencing people,
it might take more or less time.
An elemental ally can also use this ability to inf luence
a non-elemental outsider with the air, earth, fire, or water
subtype, but she takes a –4 penalty on the check.
This ability replaces wild empathy.
Elemental Magic: The elemental ally can target
elementals (including her elemental eidolons) with
any spell she casts that targets animals, even though
elementals can’t normally be targeted by such spells.
Elemental Resistance (Ex): At 4th level, an elemental ally
gains resist acid, cold, electricity, and fire 5. This ability
replaces resist nature’s lure.
A morphic savant is an agent of change who draws power
from the Abyss, Elysium, or the Maelstrom to fulfill
whatever goals strike his fancy. Chaotic evil and chaotic
neutral morphic savants often train with Blackfire
Adepts in the hopes of learning greater powers of chaotic
unmaking, and chaotic good morphic savants are most
common as agents of the Bellf lower Network.
Alignment: Any chaotic.
Eidolon of Chaos: A morphic savant’s eidolon must be of
a chaotic alignment (if using the summoner from Pathfinder
Unchained, the eidolon must have the azata, demon, or
protean subtype). The morphic savant’s eidolon has three
base forms: biped, quadruped, and serpentine. Each form has
the same feats and skills, but has its own set of evolutions.
When the summoner meditates and regains his spell slots
for the day, he can select any of the three base forms of his
eidolon. The eidolon has 1 fewer evolution point than normal
for an eidolon of the morphic savant’s summoner level, and
has 1 fewer skill point per Hit Die. This ability alters eidolon.
Morphic Monsters: Since a morphic savant’s power is
drawn from planar energies aligned with chaos, all the
creatures he summons must be of a chaotic alignment.
If a creature would normally be celestial or fiendish, it is
instead an entropic creature
(Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 2 292).
This also causes the morphic savants summoning
power to be less reliable than a standard summoner’s.
Each time he uses his summon monster spell-like ability
to summon multiple creatures, there is a 50% chance he
summons one more monster than normal for the summon
monster spell he uses, in which case the creatures remain
for only 1 round per level (instead of 1 minute per level).
Also, starting at 2nd level, the morphic savant can grant
one 1-point evolution to all the creatures he summons with
Monster Summoner’s HandbookMonster Summoner’s Handbook
his summon monster spell-like ability. He can’t grant an
evolution that duplicates the function of, or has the same
name as, any ability the summoned creatures already
possess (for example, he can’t grant a creature with a bite
attack another bite attack), nor can he add an evolution
that causes the summoned monsters to have more attacks
than his eidolon’s maximum number of attacks. The
creatures do not have to be of the correct subtype to gain
an evolution, but do have to meet any other prerequisites.
This ability alters summon monster.
Chaos Magic: A morphic savant gains the following
bonus spells known at the listed spell level: 1st—protection
from law, 2ndshard of chaos
, 3rd —magic circle against
law, 4thchaos hammer, 5thdispel law, 6thword of
chaos. The morphic savant gains one fewer spell known
per spell level for spell levels 1–6. This ability alters the
summoners spells known.
Unwavering conduits work to keep everything
ordered and regimented, drawing on power
from the Eternal City of Axis, Heaven, or Hell
to enforce whichever laws the summoner finds
paramount. Lawful good unwavering conduits often
work with Riftwardens to protect the integrity of the
Great Beyond, while lawful evil unwavering conduits are
commonly diabolists in Cheliax.
Alignment: Any lawful.
Eidolon of Law: An unwavering conduits eidolon must
be of a lawful alignment (if using the summoner from
Pathfinder Unchained, the eidolon must be of the archon,
devil, or inevitable subtype). Once selected, the evolutions
of the unwavering conduit’s eidolon cannot be changed
when a new class level is gained (though they can be altered
normally with the transmogrify spell; see Pathfinder RPG
Advanced Players Guide 250). At least half the eidolon’s skill
points must be spent on skills in which the unwavering
conduit also has ranks. The eidolon gains a +1 resistance
bonus on saving throws against spells and abilities of the
conjuration, enchantment, and transmutation schools. This
bonus increases to +2 at 3rd level, and by an additional 1 for
every 3 levels thereafter. The eidolon has 1 fewer evolution
point than normal for an eidolon of the unwavering
conduit’s summoner level. This ability alters eidolon.
Unwavering Monsters: Since an unwavering conduits
power is drawn from planar energies aligned with law, all
the creatures he summons must be of a lawful alignment.
If a creature would normally be celestial or fiendish, it is
instead a resolute creature
(Bestiary 2 293).
This also causes the unwavering conduit’s summoning
power to be more set than a standard summoners. Beginning
at 3rd level, each time he uses summon monster to summon
multiple monsters, rather than rolling a die to see how many
creatures he summons, he receives a specific number (two
creatures for 1d3, or four creatures for 1d4+1). Ifan item, spell,
or ability would increase the number of creatures summoned,
the set number increases by that amount.
Also, starting at 2nd level, creatures summoned by the
unwavering conduit receive a +1 resistance bonus on saving
throws against spells and abilities of the conjuration,
enchantment, and transmutation schools. This bonus
increases to +2 at 6th level, and by an additional 1 every
4class levels thereafter.
This ability alters summon monster.
Law Magic: The unwavering conduit gains the following
bonus spells known at the listed spell level: 1st—protection
from chaos, 2nd—arrow of law
, 3rd—magic circle against
chaos, 4th—orders wrath, 5thdispel chaos, 6thdictum.
The unwavering conduit gains one fewer spell known
per spell level for spell levels 1–6. This ability alters the
summoners spells known.
The summon monster spells have numerous entries
representing creatures that are summoned from the Outer
Planes, and thus have the celestial or fiendish template or
can be summoned with the entropic or resolute template
(Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 2 292 and 293, respectively). Summon
nature’s ally spells are similar, but are generally restricted to
summoning creatures native to the Material Plane. However,
it is possible to learn to use these spells to summon creatures
from some of the Inner Planes or Transitive Planes.
The following feats allow spellcasters to summon and call
creatures that have the templates listed later in this section.
Versatile Summon Monster
You’ve learned to summon a more diverse array of monsters.
Prerequisites: Knowledge (arcana) 1 rank, Knowledge
(planes) 1 rank.
Benefit: Pick any two templates from the following
list (see Simple Summoning Templates below for details):
aerial, aqueous, chthonic, dark, fiery, or primordial. When
you summon one or more creatures that would normally be
available with the celestial, entropic, fiendish, or resolute
template using a summon monster spell (or an effect that
mimics such a spell), you can instead apply one of the
chosen templates to each creature. You can apply a different
template to each creature you summon.
Special: You can select this feat more than once. Each
time you do, you can choose an additional two templates.
Versatile Summon Nature’s Ally
You’ve learned to summon a wider array of creatures.
Prerequisites: Augment Summoning, Spell Focus
(conjuration), Knowledge (nature) 1 rank, Knowledge
(planes) 1 rank.
Benefit: When you summon one or more animals,
humanoids, or vermin using a summon nature’s ally spell
(or an effect that mimics such a spell), instead of granting
them the benefit from Augment Summoning, you can
instead apply one of the following templates to them:
aerial, aqueous, chthonic, fiery, or primordial. If you
summon multiple creatures with one casting, they must
all have the same template.
The following templates represent monsters native to the
Inner Planes, the First World, and the Plane of Shadow,
and serve the same function as the celestial and fiendish
templates. For each template below, the quick and rebuild
rules are the same.
Aerial Creature (CR +0 or +1)
Aerial creatures are native denizens of
the Elemental Plane of Air,
and they possess unique
adaptations to help
them survive there.
This template can
be applied only to a
non-outsider with
none of the subtypes
that follow: air, cold,
earth, fire, or water. An aerial
creature’s CR increases by 1 only if the
base creature has 5 or more HD.
Rebuild Rules: Type gains the air subtype;
Senses gains darkvision 60 ft.; Defensive Abilities gains
DR and resistance to electricity as noted on the table
below; Speed gains a fly speed equal to its highest speed
with perfect maneuverability (maximum fly speed of
10feet per HD); Attacks gains bonus electricity damage as
noted on the table below on attacks with natural weapons
and metal weapons.
Simple Templates
Monster Summoner’s HandbookMonster Summoner’s Handbook
Hit Dice DR Resist Electricity Electricity Damage
1–4 10 1 point
5–10 3/— 15 1d6
11+ 5/ 20 2d6
Aqueous Creature (CR +0 or +1)
Aqueous creatures are native denizens of the Elemental
Plane of Water, and they move with a unique grace
underwater. This template can be applied only to a non-
outsider that has none of the following subtypes: air, cold,
earth, fire, or water. An aqueous creature’s CR increases
by 1 only if the base creature has 5 or more HD.
Rebuild Rules: Type gains the water subtype; Senses
gains darkvision 60 ft.; Defensive Abilities gains DR and
resistance to cold as noted on the table below; Speed gains
a swim speed equal to its highest speed + 10 ft.; Attacks
gains bonus cold damage as noted on the table below on
attacks with natural weapons and metal weapons.
Hit Dice DR Resist Cold Cold Damage
1–4 10 1 point
5–10 3/— 15 1d6
11+ 5/ 20 2d6
Chthonic Creature (CR +0 or +1)
Chthonic creatures are native denizens of the Elemental
Plane of Earth. They produce acid, which they use to
help them burrow quickly through the dense rock of
their homes. This template can be applied only to a non-
outsider that has none of the following subtypes: air, cold,
earth, fire, or water. A chthonic creature’s CR increases
by 1 only if the base creature has 5 or more HD.
Rebuild Rules: Type gains the earth subtype; Senses
gains darkvision 60 ft.; Defensive Abilities gains DR and
resistance to acid as noted on the table below; Speed gains
a burrow speed equal to half its highest speed (its tunnels
always collapse behind it, and never leave behind a usable
passage); Attacks gains bonus acid damage as noted on
the table below on attacks with natural weapons.
Hit Dice DR Resist Acid Acid Damage
1–4 10 1 point
5–10 3/— 15 1d6
11+ 5/ 20 2d6
Dark Creature (CR +0 or +1)
Dark creatures are native denizens of the Plane of Shadow,
and generally have a dark gray or deep purple coloration.
This template can be applied only to a non-outsider that
has none of the following subtypes: air, cold, earth, fire,
or water. A dark creature’s CR increases by 1 only if the
base creature has 5 or more HD.
Rebuild Rules: Senses gain darkvision 60 ft. and low-
light vision; Defensive Abilities gains DR and resistance
to cold and electricity based on its Hit Dice, as noted on
the table below; SR gains SR equal to its new CR + 5.
Hit Dice DR Resist Cold and Electricity
1–4 5
5–10 5/magic 10
11+ 10/magic 15
Shadow Blend (Su): In any illumination other than
bright light, a dark creature blends into the shadows,
giving it concealment (20% miss chance). If it already has
concealment, the miss chance gained from concealment
increases to 50% (though this does not count as total
concealment). A dark creature can suspend or resume this
ability as a free action.
Fiery Creature (CR +0 or +1)
Fiery creatures are native denizens of the Elemental Plane
of Fire, and act as conduits to the burning energies of their
home plane. This template can be applied only to a non-
outsider that has none of the following subtypes: air, cold,
earth, fire, or water. Creatures with a swim speed can’t be
fiery creatures. A fiery creature’s CR increases by 1 only if
the base creature has 5 or more HD.
Rebuild Rules: Type gains the fire subtype; Senses gains
darkvision 60 ft.; Defensive Abilities gains DR as noted on
the table below; Attacks gains bonus fire damage as noted
on the table below on attacks with natural weapons and
metal weapons.
Hit Dice DR Fire Damage
1–4 1 point
5–10 3/ 2d6
11+ 5/ 3d6
Primordial Creature (CR +0 or +1)
Primordial creatures are magical precursors or echoes of
creatures from the Material Plane. Native to the First World,
they sometimes slip through to the Material Plane alongside
fey or other planar travelers. A primordial creature’s CR
increases by 1 only if the base creature has 5 or more HD.
Rebuild Rules: Defensive Abilities gains DR as noted on
the table below; SR gains SR equal to its new CR + 6; Speed
gains a +10-ft. bonus to all speeds; Attacks the damage
dice for one primary natural weapon increases as if the
creature were one size larger (if the creature has more than
one primary attack, the increased damage is applied to the
first attack type it has from this list: bite, claw, slam, gore,
talon, sting); Spell-Like Abilities gains spell-like abilities
listed on the table below according to its Hit Dice (including
all the spell-like abilities of lower-Hit Die primordial
creatures), each available 1/day. The DCs of any saves against
these abilities are equal to 10 + the primordial creature’s
Charisma bonus + spell level.
Hit Dice DR Spell-Like Abilities
1–4 Dancing lights
5–10 5/cold iron Faerie fire
11+ 10/cold iron Lesser confusion
Those who focus on summoning allies or servants to do
their biddingand combatants who regularly oppose
such conjured creatures—often turn to magic tools, magic
weapons, and magic weapon special abilities to give them
an edge. Many of the magic items detailed here are based
on designs originally created by specific Blackfire Adepts
or Riftwardens, often to arm themselves against members
or actions of the opposing group.
21,650 GP
SLOT armor CL 7th WEIGHT 60 lbs.
AURA moderate conjuration
This imposing suit of armor,
first forged by Jistkan elemental
binders, is covered in large,
jagged stones and functions as
+2 full plate. Once per day as
an immediate action, when a
bludgeoning or slashing attack
strikes the wearer, the wearer can
will a chunk of the stone to break off, summoning a Medium
earth elemental as summon monster IV. The elemental fights as
the wearer directs (and understands the wearer, even if the two
do not share a language) for 7 rounds, or until it is destroyed.
COST 11,650 GP
Craft Magic Arms and Armor, summon monster IV or summon
natures ally IV, creator must have visited the Elemental Plane
of Earth
16,000 GP
SLOT wrist CL 13th WEIGHT 1 lb.
AURA strong conjuration
Prayers and engravings of celestial beings cover these golden
bracers. A paladin can expend one or more of her uses of smite
evil into these bracers as a standard action to call forth agathions,
angels, or archons to aid her. This acts as a summon monster
spell of a spell level equal to the number of smite evil uses the
paladin expends. Outsiders summoned with the bracers must
be from the list detailed in the summon monster spell or from
the expanded summon monster list on pages 28–29.
COST 8,000 GP
Craft Wondrous Item, summon monster VII, creator must be
lawful good
2,000 GP
SLOT head CL 15th WEIGHT
AURA strong conjuration
This magnificent feather, plucked from the wing of a powerful
erinyes or angel, allows the wearer to call stronger outsiders to
her service. The wearer can use the feather to call 2 more HD
worth of creatures when casting a planar binding or planar ally
spell (including lesser and greater versions) or when casting gate.
Alternatively, when casting one of these spells, the spellcaster can
expend this feather to summon a single outsider with up to 2 more
Hit Dice than the spell would normally allow. For example, he may
summon a trumpet archon with planar ally, or a pit fiend with
greater planar binding. The wearer gains a +2 insight bonus on all
Charisma checks and Charisma-based skill checks to influence the
creature called. Once used, the feather crumbles to mundane dust.
COST 1,000 GP
Craft Wondrous Item, planar ally or planar binding
8,000 GP
SLOT neck CL 9th WEIGHT 1 lb.
AURA moderate conjuration
This clear blue crystal amulet
contains a pearl figurine depicting
a miniature animal on the familiar
list, such as a bat, monkey, or
raven. Three times per day, the
wearer can call forth the animal
depicted in the amulet to serve
as her familiar. This temporary
familiar has all of the familiar abilities as if the wearer was a
5th-level wizard, and remains for 5 minutes or until it is reduced
to 0 hit points. If the temporary familiar is reduced to 0 hit points,
it cannot be summoned again for 24 hours. The familiar retains
memories from past summonings. Only those without familiars
of their own can activate a periapt of temporary familiar.
COST 4,000 GP
Craft Wondrous Item, summon monster V, creator must have
a familiar
Lesser rod of giant summoning 3,000 GP
Rod of giant summoning 11,000 GP
Greater rod of giant summoning 24,500 GP
SLOT none CL 17th WEIGHT 5 lbs.
AURA strong conjuration
This iron rod has long metal flanges, like a mace, which widen
as they expand from the handle. The wielder can use the rod up
to three times per day to augment her casting of a conjuration
(summoning) spell, causing all of her summoned creatures to
gain the giant simple template. The lesser rod can be used with
spells of 3rd level or lower, the standard rod can be used with
spells of 6th level or lower, and the greater rod can be used with
spells of 9th level or lower.
COST varies
Lesser rod of giant summoning 1,500 GP
Rod of giant summoning 5,500 GP
Greater rod of giant summoning 12,250 GP
Summoning-Focused Magic Items
Monster Summoner’s HandbookMonster Summoner’s Handbook
Craft Rod, Augment Summoning, summon monster III or
summon natures ally III
+1 bonus
AURA moderate conjuration CL 8th
A summon bane weapon excels against summoned creatures,
including those summoned by conjuration (summoning) spells
(such as summon monster and summon natures ally spells),
those summoned by conjuration (calling) spells (such as
planar ally and planar binding), and eidolons. Against such
summoned creatures, the weapon’s enhancement bonus is +2
better than its normal bonus. It also deals an extra 2d6 points
of damage against such foes.
COST +1 bonus
Craft Magic Arms and Armor, summon monster IV or summon
natures ally IV
50,000 GP
SLOT body CL 17th WEIGHT 5 lbs.
AURA strong conjuration
A summoners robe is a finely crafted garment of silk the same
color as the endless sky of the Astral Plane. Once per day when
casting a summon monster or summon natures ally spell,
the wearer can have the robe absorb one of the creatures
summoned rather than have it appear within the spell’s range.
When this occurs, the robe gains a defensive aura and takes on
visual aspects of the absorbed creature (such as becoming red
and spiked if absorbing a demon, or manifesting flame patterns
if absorbing a fire elemental). The creature does not exist
outside its effect as a defensive aura of the robe as detailed
below, and cannot be damaged or targeted by most spells. It is
still a magical effect, and any spell or ability that could dispel or
disrupt a creature summoned by summon monster can dispel or
disrupt the defensive aura. The defensive aura is also dispelled
if the robe enters an area a summoned creature could not enter,
or at the end of the duration of the spell that summoned the
absorbed creature. If the wearer takes an amount of damage
equal to or greater than 5 hit points per level of the spell that
summoned the absorbed creature, the defensive aura ends.
As long as the robe has a defensive aura, its wearer gains some
of the absorbed creature’s defenses and powers. These abilities
are determined as if the wearer were using a transmutation
(polymorph) spell to assume the absorbed creatures form. Unlike
a normal polymorph effect, it does not grant her the appearance
of the creature (or any bonus to Disguise), any movement type,
natural attacks (or proficiency with them), or size change. The
wearer does not change form, gain any ability score modifiers,
have her gear meld into her body, or lose any abilities based on
her form. She is considered to be under the effects of a polymorph
spell, and cannot be under the effects of another polymorph spell
or size-altering magic for the duration of the defensive aura. The
abilities the defensive aura grants are otherwise determined by
the type of creature absorbed. If the creature is an elemental,
the wearer gains the abilities listed in elemental body III; if its
a plant, the wearer gains the abilities listed in plant shape II; if
it’s an undead, the wearer gains the abilities listed in undead
anatomy III
. If the creature is of any other creature type, the
wearer gains the abilities it possesses listed in beast shape IV.
COST 25,000 GP
Craft Wondrous Item, summon monster IX or summon nature’s
ally IX
23,315 GP
SLOT none CL 7th WEIGHT 6 lbs.
AURA moderate conjuration
This translucent longsword was
first forged by Jistkan elemental
binders. It appears to have a blade
crafted from solid wind, similar
in appearance to the matter that
makes up an air elemental’s body.
It functions as a +2 longsword.
Three times per day, when the
wielder confirms a critical hit with
a sword of tempests, as an immediate action he can will a
fraction of the blade to break off and transform into a Medium
air elemental (this does not affect the sword itself). The
elemental fights as the wielder directs for 7 rounds, or until it
is destroyed. At the GM’s discretion, similar weapons may exist
that summon elementals from different planes.
COST 11,815 GP
Craft Magic Arms and Armor, summon monster IV or summon
natures ally IV
22,900 GP
SLOT head CL 9th WEIGHT 2 lbs.
AURA moderate conjuration and evocation
Crafted from gold and lacquer, these elaborate masks
resemble various outsiders. Once per day when the wearer
casts a summon monster spell, he may choose to house the
summoned outsider within the visage of the bound rather
than conjuring it onto the Material Plane. For the spell’s
duration, the wearer can use of any of the bound outsider’s
spell-like abilities as if they were his own. A visage of the
bound has no effect on outsiders already summoned or on
summoning spells cast by other creatures. Removing the mask
immediately releases a bound outsider.
The wearer cannot use the bound outsiders spell-like abilities
to summon other creatures, and a summoner cannot activate
a visage of the bound while his eidolon is summoned. Effects
that extend the duration of a summon monster spell (such a
the Extend Spell metamagic feat or the conjurers summoner’s
charm class ability) have no effect on the duration of a spell
contained by a visage of the bound. Outsiders who are opposed
to one or more axes of the wearers alignment cannot be
housed within a visage of the bound.
COST 11,450 GP
Craft Wondrous Item, imbue with spell ability, summon monster V
Although summoners rely on conjuration spells to summon
allies and servants, they have also developed a wide range
of other helpful spells designed to increase the versatility
of their summoned creatures. While all these spells were
first researched by summoners (specifically Riftwardens in
most cases, though the Blackfire Adepts are credited with
creating final sacrifice), many are available to other classes
as well. These spells are appropriate for the versions of the
summoner class from both Pathfinder RPG Advanced Players
Guide and Pathfinder RPG Pathfinder Unchained.
School conjuration (summoning); Level antipaladin 2, bard 2,
cleric 2, druid 2, ranger 2, sorcerer/wizard 2, summoner 2,
witch 2
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V, S
Range close (25 ft. + 5 ft./ 2 levels)
Target one summoned creature
Duration instantaneous
Saving Throw Will negates; Spell Resistance yes
You swap a creature summoned by a conjuration (summoning)
spell for a creature you could summon with a summon monster
or summon nature’s ally spell. The new creature must be an
option from a spell of the same level or lower as the spell that
summoned the target. The new creature cannot be summoned
into an environment that cannot support it. The target can
attempt a Will saving throw to negate this effect, but if the
target is under your control, it receives no saving throw. Alter
summoned monster does not alter the duration of the spell that
summoned the target, nor does it affect any additional creatures
summoned by the same spell as the target. The new creature
has the same conditions and amount of damage as the target
creature, and remains affected by all curses, diseases, poisons,
and penalties that affected the target, but no other spells or
effects carry over. Alter summoned monster is a spell of the
same alignment type or types as the creature for which you
exchange the target. An eidolon can’t be targeted by this spell.
School evocation; Level antipaladin 3, bloodrager 2, cleric 3,
shaman 3, sorcerer/wizard 3, summoner 2, witch 4
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V, S
Range close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Target one summoned creature
Duration instantaneous
Saving Throw Fortitude negates, then Reflex half (see text);
Spell Resistance yes
You disrupt the conjuring energies within a summoned creature,
causing it to violently explode. If the target fails its Fortitude
save, it is immediately slain and all creatures within 20 feet
of the target take 1d4 points of damage per spell level of the
summoning spell that conjured the target. This damage is
fire damage unless the target creature has the cold or water
subtype, in which case it’s cold damage. Creatures caught in this
explosion take half damage if they succeed at their Reflex saves
against this spells DC. Final sacrifice can detonate a summoner’s
eidolon, though an eidolon receives a +4 bonus on its Fortitude
save unless the spell is cast by the eidolon’s own summoner.
If this spell targets an eidolon, creatures within 20 feet of the
eidolon take an amount of damage equal to 1d4 + 1/2 the caster
level of the summoner who controlled the eidolon.
School abjuration; Level cleric 2, druid 2, sorcerer/wizard 2,
summoner 2, witch 2
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V, S
Range close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Target one summoned creature you control/level, no two of
which can be more than 30 ft. apart
Duration 1 round/level (D)
Saving Throw none; Spell Resistance no
You create a magical field around summoned creatures you
control that deflects attacks made against them. The targets
gain a deflection bonus to their AC equal to 1 + 1 for every
6 caster levels you possess (maximum +4 deflection bonus at
18th level). A summoner can target his eidolon with this spell.
School conjuration (healing); Level cleric 4, druid 4, shaman 4,
summoner 4, witch 4
Casting Time 1 immediate action
Components V, S, F/DF (a thimble of water and a seed)
Range close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Target one summoned creature you control
Duration 1 round/level (D)
Saving Throw none; Spell Resistance no
Instant restoration channels planar energy into a summoned
creature. This spell can be cast as an immediate action when a
summoned creature you control drops to 0 or fewer hit points.
Rather than immediately disappear, the creature is healed for
4d8 hp + 1 hit point per caster level (maximum 4d8+10 hit
points). If this healing brings your summoned creatures hit point
total to 1 or more hit points, it remains as if its hit points had
never dropped to 0 or fewer. Creatures slain by death effects
cannot be saved by instant restoration. A summoner can target
his eidolon with this spell.
School conjuration (teleportation); Level cleric 4, druid 4,
sorcerer/wizard 4, summoner 3, witch 4
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V, S
Range close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Summoning Spells
Monster Summoner’s HandbookMonster Summoner’s Handbook
Target you and one summoned creature you control
Duration 1 round/level (D)
Saving Throw none; Spell Resistance no
You create an extradimensional link between yourself and
one summoned creature you control that allows you to switch
places. After casting master’s escape, you can teleport to your
summoned creature’s space as a swift action, causing your
summoned creature to teleport to your former space. If your
summoned creature is reduced to 0 or fewer hit points before
you can use this spells effect, you can teleport to a space that
you can see within 30 feet as an immediate action. After using
either of these effects, the spell ends. A summoner can target
his eidolon with this spell.
School transmutation (polymorph); Level druid 5, sorcerer/
wizard 5, summoner 5, witch 5
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V, S
Range close (25 ft. + 5 ft./level)
Target you and one summoned creature you control
Duration 1 round/level (D)
Saving Throw none; Spell Resistance no
You can mold the ephemeral substance of the Outer Planes,
mutating one summoned creature that you control to better
suit your needs. Select up to two of the following abilities and
grant them to the target for the spell’s duration: burrow 30 feet,
climb 40 feet, constrict, darkvision 90 feet, ferocity, fly 60 feet
(average maneuverability), grab, jet, low-light vision, poison,
rake, scent, swim 60 feet, trample, trip, or water breathing.
Additionally, instead of selecting an ability, you can replace
one of the targets primary
natural attacks with another
natural attack that deals the
same amount of damage, such as
replacing a Medium targets bite attack
(1d6) with a gore attack (1d6). If you choose to
alter a creature’s natural attacks, all attacks of the
chosen type are altered. A summoner can target
his eidolon with this spell.
School conjuration (summoning); Level cleric 6, shaman 6,
summoner 6, witch 6
Casting Time 10 minutes
Components V, S, F/DF (a strip of rune-inscribed parchment)
Range close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Effect one summoned petitioner/caster level
Duration 8 hours (D)
Saving Throw none; Spell Resistance no
Summon laborers summons one humanoid petitioner per caster
level. These petitioners hail from one plane of your choice and
perform tasks at your direction. The petitioners cannot fight or
travel to dangerous lands, but do assist your downtime activities
(Pathfinder RPG Ultimate Campaign 84) within a settlement,
increasing the effect of Influence or Labor you spend by 50%, to
a maximum of 1 additional point of Influence or Labor for every
2 caster levels you possess. This stacks with any increase to the
effect of Influence or Labor that you receive from your followers
within the settlement where the downtime activity takes place (if
any). Summon laborers is a spell of the same alignment type as
the plane from which the summoned petitioners hail (chaotic and
evil for the Abyss, lawful and good for Heaven, and so on). Effects
that increase the number of creatures summoned by a spell (such
as Superior Summoning
) do not affect summon laborers.
Spellcasters dedicated to conjuration have made contact
with little-known outsiders and can summon them for a
brief term of service. These outsiders often find they have
common cause with mortals, and when called through
planar ally or planar binding spells, they’re generally open
to working with adventurers for a fair price.
This enormous book has wings of glowing light and an angelic
figure on the cover that gazes out watchfully as though alive.
XP 1,600
LG Medium outsider (archon, extraplanar, good, lawful)
Init +3; Senses darkvision
60 ft., detect evil, detect
magic, low-light vision;
Perception +10
Aura aura of menace
(DC 17), magic circle
against evil
AC 20, touch 13, flat-footed 17
(+3 Dex, +7 natural);
+2 deflection vs. evil
hp 47 (5d10+20)
Fort +7, Ref +7, Will +5; +4 vs.
poison, +2 vs. evil
DR 10/evil; Immune electricity,
petrification; SR 16
Speed fly 30 ft. (good)
Melee slam +7 (1d8+2)
Ranged light ray +8 ranged touch (1d6)
Special Attacks favored enemy (any one +4)
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 5th; concentration +8)
Constant—detect evil, detect magic, magic circle against evil
At will—aid, continual flame, forbid action
(DC 14),
greater teleport (self plus 50 lbs. of objects only), mage
hand, message
1/daycalm emotions (DC 15), clairaudience/clairvoyance,
commune (CL 9th, 1 question), daylight, silence (DC 15)
Str 15, Dex 16, Con 18, Int 17, Wis 15, Cha 16
Base Atk +5; CMB +7; CMD 20
Feats Iron Will, Point-Blank Shot, Skill Focus (Knowledge
[any one])
Skills Craft (bookbinding) +11, Diplomacy +11, Disable
Device +11, Knowledge (any one) +14, Linguistics +11,
Perception +10, Sense Motive +10, Spellcraft +11,
Survival +10
Languages Celestial, Draconic, Infernal, any 5 others; truespeech
SQ codex
Environment any (Heaven)
Organization solitary, pair, or team (2–8)
Treasure standard
Codex (Su) Each codex archon is also an actual codex. Within
its pages, the codex archon details all that the archon has
ever learned on its chosen topic. When a favored enemy of
the codex archon is forced to attempt a saving throw against
the archon’s spells, the foe takes a penalty on the saving
throw equal to half the codex archons favored enemy bonus
(–2 for most codex archons).
Favored Enemy (Ex) A codex archon selects one favored
enemy, as per the ranger class feature.
Light Ray (Ex) A codex archon can fire a beam of light
to damage foes. This light ray has
a maximum range of 60 feet.
This attack overcomes damage
reduction of any type.
A codex archon embodies
Heavenly knowledge and
the refinement of the
mind. It serves in the
libraries and archives of
Heaven, and as keeper
and carrier of records
for Heaven’s field armies.
Codex archons seek out
any opportunity to add to
their formidable collections
of information with zealous
dedication, although they do
not neglect to offer their insights to those they
encounter who might use such knowledge for the greater
good or for personal growth.
Most codex archons specialize in a single subject, such
as one plane of existence, one type of creature, or one
aspect of mortal life. In general, each codex archon chooses
a favored enemy and Knowledge skill closely linked to
each other, such as humanoid (human) and Knowledge
(local) or Knowledge (nobility). Although a codex archon’s
expertise allows it to more easily slay creatures of the type
it studies, it usually prefers to avoid violence and uses its
knowledge to coax more information out of creatures it
meets. A spellcaster who calls or summons a codex archon
can generally conjure one with whatever specialization she
seeks unless the foe or topic is one that is little known to
the forces of Heaven or an unorthodox combination (GM’s
discretion). Though they prefer their heavenly homes to
the chaotic Material Plane, summoned codex archons may
deign to serve for a time as assistants or even instructors
in mortal libraries, academies, and temples.
New Planar Allies
Monster Summoner’s HandbookMonster Summoner’s Handbook
This slim, glowing figure is draped with voluminous gossamer
shawls and veils that obscure its shape.
CR 8
XP 4,800
N Medium outsider (psychopomp, extraplanar)
Init +6; Senses darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision, spiritsense
60 ft.; Perception +19
Aura eerie radiance (300 ft., DC 19)
AC 22, touch 16, flat-footed 16 (+5 Dex, +1 dodge, +6 natural)
hp 104 (11d8+55)
Fort +11, Ref +8, Will +12
DR 10/adamantine; Immune charm, death effects, disease,
fire, poison, spells with the light descriptor; Resist cold 10,
electricity 10; SR 19
Speed 30 ft., fly 60 ft. (good)
Melee 2 touches +15 (4d6 fire)
Special Attacks rush of souls
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 11th; concentration +15)
At willcontinual flame, dancing lights (DC 14), searing
light, suggestion (DC 19), whispering wind
1/daydispel magic, freedom of movement, fly,
locate creature, plane shift, slay living (DC 19)
Str 19, Dex 21, Con 18, Int 18, Wis 21, Cha 18
Base Atk +11; CMB +15; CMD 30
Feats Ability Focus (suggestion), Dodge, Flyby
Attack, Mobility, Toughness
Skills Acrobatics +19, Fly +23, Knowledge (geography) +18,
Knowledge (planes) +18, Knowledge (religion) +18,
Perception +19, Sense Motive +19, Spellcraft +18, Survival +19
Languages Abyssal, Celestial, Infernal
SQ spirit touch
Environment any (Astral Plane)
Organization solitary, pair, escort (1 ember weaver and 1 shoki),
troupe (1 ember weaver plus 3–10 ahmuuths, catrinas,
esoboks, or nosois), or procession (3–12 ember weavers)
Treasure standard
Eerie Radiance (Su) As a standard action, an ember weaver can
wreath itself in an aura of cinders similar to dancing lights
(CL 11th). Any living or dead creature within 300 feet with
line of sight to the dancing embers must succeed at a DC 19
Will save or else any protections or immunities it has against
charm, fear, and mind-affecting effects are suppressed for as
long as the ember weaver uses a free action to maintain
the effect each round and for 1 round thereafter. Once a
creature succeeds at this saving throw, it can’t be affected
by an eerie radiance for 24 hours. The light has
no effect on psychopomps, creatures that can’t
see, and creatures the ember weaver chooses to
exclude. This is a sight-based abjuration effect.
Rush of Souls (Su) As a standard action every 1d4+1 rounds,
an ember weaver can call forth a rush of souls to trample
its foes. This ability deals 6d6 points of force damage to all
creatures in a 60-foot cone. A successful DC 19 Reflex saving
throw halves the damage. The save DC is Charisma-based.
Ember weavers are beacons for dead souls seeking the
afterlife, and escorts for other psychopomps. Most ember
weavers patrol graveyards, ley lines, and other places where
the dead enter into the river of souls, beckoning them to
step toward eternity. Ember weavers also perform services
in payment for knowledge about lost souls.
Ember weavers lead ahmuuths and esoboks in hunts for
spirits waylaid by undeath. They also accompany nosois
and catrinas to recover confused or rebellious spirits.
A guardian spirit is a summonable creature that forms
a close bond with and protects a specific mortal. Once a
connection is forged, the guardian spirits fate is entwined
with that of its ward.
The new feat below grants access to guardian spirits.
Summon Guardian Spirit
A guardian spirit has selected you as its ward.
Prerequisite: Ability to cast summon monster III or summon
nature’s ally III.
Benefit: Select one creature that qualifies to be an
improved familiar, and apply the guardian spirit template
(see below) to it. That creature is added to either your
summon monster III or summon natures ally III list as a
summonable creature. When you summon your guardian
spirit, the duration of the spell you use to summon it is 1
minute per level. A guardian spirit is always exactly the
same creature, with memory of all the events that occurred
while previously summoned; multiple versions of it can’t
be summoned. If it’s killed while summoned, it cannot be
summoned again for 24 hours.
If you’re capable of casting a higher-level summon monster or
summon nature’s ally spell, you can perform a ritual to attune
the guardian spirit to a higher-level version of the spell. This
also allows you to change any selections made regarding the
abilities the creature gains based on the level of spell used to
conjure it (see the table on page 27). This ritual takes 24 hours,
and once complete it moves the guardian spirit to the higher-
level list of creatures that can be summoned.
A violet rune glows in the center of this red-skinned fiend’s forehead.
XP 1,200
LE Tiny outsider (devil, evil, extraplanar, lawful)
Init +5; Senses darkvision 60 ft., detect good, detect magic,
see in darkness; Perception +10
AC 20, touch 18, flat-footed 14 (+5 Dex, +1 dodge, +2 natural, +2
hp 32 (5d10+5); fast healing 2
Fort +2, Ref +9, Will +6
DR 5/good or silver; Immune fire, poison; Resist acid 10, cold 10;
SR 15
Speed 20 ft., fly 50 ft. (perfect)
Melee sting +11 (1d4+1 plus poison)
Space 2-1/2 ft.; Reach 0 ft.
Special Attacks smite threat 1/day
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 6th; concentration +10)
Constant—detect good, detect magic
At will—guidance, invisibility (self only, DC 17)
1/dayaugury, call lightning (DC 19), protection from chaos,
suggestion (DC 19)
1/weekcommune (6 questions, CL 12th)
Str 12, Dex 20, Con 12, Int 15, Wis 14, Cha 20
Base Atk +5; CMB +4; CMD 18
Feats Dodge, Mobility, Weapon Finesse
Skills Acrobatics +12, Bluff +13, Fly +25, Knowledge (arcana) +10,
Knowledge (planes) +10, Perception +10, Sense Motive +7,
Spellcraft +10
Languages Common, Draconic, Infernal
SQ change shape (boar, giant spider, rat, or raven, beast shape I),
fated guardian, guardian spirit 4th level
Environment any (Hell)
Organization solitary or with ward
Treasure none
Poison (Ex) Sting—injury; save Fort DC 15; frequency 1/round
for 6 rounds; effect 1d2 Dex; cure 1 save. The save DC is
Constitution-based, and includes a +2 racial bonus.
A guardian spirit is bound to the fate of a mortal being
(called its “ward”). This bond may be formed by any number
of beings or events carrying the weight of destiny, such as
deities, the Eldest, norns, and mythic creatures and magic.
A spirit can bind itself willingly if it believes that doing so
is likely to further its agenda, give it more power, or allow it
access to the world of mortals. Mortals can generally invoke
a guardian spirit only with summoning and calling spells.
Creating a Guardian Spirit
“Guardian spirit” is an acquired template that can be added
to any fey or outsider that qualifies to become a familiar
through the Improved Familiar feat (this template does
not make it a familiar, however). A guardian spirit uses all
the base creature’s statistics and special abilities except as
noted here. A guardian spirit has a rune on its forehead
similar to that on an eidolon (though its ward does not
gain a matching rune).
CR: The guardian spirits CR increases based on the
level of spell used to summon it, as noted on the Conjured
Guardian table on page 27.
Armor Class: The guardian spirit’s natural armor bonus
increases based on the level of spell used to summon it, as
noted on the Conjured Guardian table.
Hit Dice: The guardian spirit’s Hit Dice increase based
on the level of spell used to summon it, as noted on the
Conjured Guardian table. It gains appropriate skill points,
feats, ability score increases, base attack bonus, and base
saving throw advancements for its increased Hit Dice.
Guardian Spirits
Monster Summoner’s HandbookMonster Summoner’s Handbook
Defensive Abilities: The guardian spirit has an amount
of spell resistance equal to 11 + its CR unless the base
creature’s SR was higher.
Ability Scores: The guardian spirit’s Charisma score
becomes 18 unless the base creature’s Charisma score was
higher. Each of the guardian spirits ability scores increases
when it’s summoned by higher-level spells, as noted on the
Conjured Guardian table above.
Special Attacks: If the guardian spirit has extraordinary or
supernatural abilities that deal hit point damage measured
in dice, the number of dice increases by an amount equal to
the level of spell used to conjure it – 3. If the ability requires
at least a standard action to activate and has an instantaneous
duration, the damage increases by an additional die.
Special: The guardian spirit gains a smite and additional
special abilities as noted on the table.
Smite Threat (Su): Once per day as a swift action, the
guardian spirit can add its Charisma bonus on attack rolls
and its HD on damage rolls against a foe that currently
threatens its ward or has attacked the ward within the past
24 hours; this smite persists until the target is dead or the
summoning of the guardian spirit ends. If the spirit is
summoned by a 6th-level spell, it can use smite threat an
additional time per day, and if the spirit is summoned by a
9th-level spell, it can use smite threat a third time per day.
Spell-Like Abilities: A guardian spirit’s caster level for
its spell-like abilities is equal to its Challenge Rating + 1,
or to the base creature’s caster level, whichever is higher.
It can cast guidance at will. For every spell level of the
conjuration spell used to call or summon it (such as planar
ally, planar binding, or summon monster if the summoner has
the Summon Guardian Spirit feat), the guardian spirit
gains access to one additional spell-like ability of the ward’s
choice from the following list:
Spell Level 3: Chill touch, ill omen
, protection from chaos/
evil/good/law (choose one; its alignment descriptor must
oppose the guardian spirit’s alignment).
Spell Level 4: Call lightning, detect thoughts, invisibility.
Spell Level 5: Cure serious wounds, dispel magic, shout.
Spell Level 6: Call lightning storm, death ward, freedom
of movement.
Spell Level 7: Break enchantment, breath of life, contagious
Spell Level 8: Cloak of dreams
, greater heroism, sunbeam.
Spell Level 9: Greater shout, power word blind, regenerate.
Each chosen spell-like ability is available once per day.
Fated Guardian (Su): When conjured by a 4th-level or
higher spell, a guardian spirit can protect the destiny of
another creature within 30 feet as a standard action once
per day. For 1 round, any time the creature makes an attack
or attempts a saving throw, it rolls twice and takes the
better result.
Co-Walker (Sp): When conjured by an 8th-level or
higher spell, a guardian spirit can assume the shape of its
ward as if with alter self, except it can appear to be only the
ward (even if the ward is not of a creature type or size that
can normally be assumed with alter self) and it gains a +10
bonus on Disguise checks to appear to be the ward.
Table 1: Conjured Guardian
Conjuration Spell Level CR Armor Class Hit Dice Ability Scores Special
3 +0 +0 +0 +2 Smite threat 1/day, spell-like abilities
4 +2 +2 +2 +2 Fated guardian, spell-like ability
5 +4 +4 +4 +4 Spell-like ability
6 +6 +6 +6 +4 Smite threat 2/day, spell-like ability
7 +8 +8 +8 +6 Spell-like ability
8 +10 +10 +10 +6 Co-walker, spell-like ability
9 +12 +12 +12 +8 Smite threat 3/day, spell-like ability
Expanded Monster Summoning
A number of options presented in this volume, including
the feat below, expand the types of creatures that can be
summoned with summon monster spells. When a character
gains access to alternative monster summoning choices,
she selects from the options on the lists presented here.
Once made, these choices can’t be changed (unless specified
otherwise by the ability granting the expanded choice).
When these alternative monsters are summoned, they
do not always possess the full power typical of creatures of
their kind. Most have weaker versions of abilities that are
normally usable at will. If a summoned creature from these
lists possesses an ability that both is usable an unlimited
number of times per day and requires a saving throw, a
creature that attempts a saving throw against the ability
becomes immune to that ability for 24 hours. This immunity
also applies to that ability possessed by all other creatures of
the same kind summoned by the same spellcaster.
Expanded Summon Monster
You can summon allies beyond the reach of most conjurers.
Prerequisite: Ability to cast a summon monster spell.
Benefit: For each spell level 1–9, select two creatures
from Table 2 below. You then add these creatures to the
summon monster table of the same level, allowing you to
summon them with the appropriate summon monster spell.
Once made, these choices can’t be changed.
Special: You can take this feat multiple times. Each time
you do, you can select two more monsters from the table
below to add to the summon monster table of the same level.
Table 2: Expanded Summon Monster Options
1st Level Source
Antelope* (herd animal) Bestiary 3 147
Baboon* (primate) Bestiary 2 212
Badger* Bestiary 2 40
Great horned owl* Bestiary 3 213
Kangaroo* (marsupial) Bestiary 3 191
Snapping turtle* Bestiary 2 273
Stingray* Bestiary 2 232
Thylacine* (marsupial) Bestiary 3 191
Trumpeter swan* Bestiary 4 257
Vulture* Bestiary 3 284
2nd Level Source
Camel* (herd animal) Bestiary 2 154
Compsognathus* (dinosaur) Bestiary 2 90
Dimorphodon* (dinosaur) Bestiary 4 58
Gar* Bestiary 2 128
Giant gecko* (lizard) Bestiary 3 186
Giant tortoise* Bestiary 4 263
Giant weasel* Bestiary 4 275
Manta ray* Bestiary 2 232
Ram* (herd animal) Bestiary 2 154
Stag* (herd animal) Bestiary 4 150
3rd Level Source
Arbiter (inevitable) Bestiary 2 162
Augur (kyton) Bestiary 3 171
Axe beak* Bestiary 3 29
Azer Bestiary 2 39
Bull shark* Bestiary 4 241
Cacodaemon (daemon) Bestiary 2 64
Cassisian (angel) Bestiary 2 26
Cythnigot (qlippoth) Bestiary 2 221
Dire badger* Bestiary 2 40
Doru (div) Bestiary 3 86
Foo dog Bestiary 3 120
Giant porcupine* Bestiary 3 222
Lyrakien (azata) Bestiary 2 38
Paracletus (aeon) Bestiary 2 11
Silvanshee (agathion) Bestiary 2 21
Monster Summoner’s HandbookMonster Summoner’s Handbook
Thoqqua Bestiary 2 262
Tripurasura (asura) Bestiary 3 26
Velociraptor (dinosaur) Bestiary 4 59
Voidworm (protean) Bestiary 2 217
4th Level Source
Crysmal Bestiary 2 61
Dimetrodon* (dinosaur) Bestiary 3 78
Dire weasel* Bestiary 4 275
D’ziriak Bestiary 2 113
Foo lion Bestiary 3 120
Giant seahorse* Bestiary 4 234
Giant skunk* Bestiary 3 247
Giant vulture* Bestiary 3 284
Giraffe* (herd animal) Bestiary 4 150
Great white shark* Bestiary 4 241
Howler Bestiary 2 159
Magmin Bestiary 3 189
Megaloceros* (megafauna) Bestiary 2 187
Pachycephalosaurus* (dinosaur) Bestiary 3 79
Parasaurolophus* (dinosaur) Bestiary 2 91
Schir (demon) Bestiary 3 74
Vulnudaemon (daemon) Bestiary 3 63
5th Level Source
Achaierai Bestiary 2 7
Archelon (megafauna) Bestiary 3 192
Belker Bestiary 2 45
Cerberi Bestiary 3 51
Emperor cobra* (snake) Bestiary 2 252
Giant gar* Bestiary 2 128
Glyptodon* (megafauna) Bestiary 2 186
Hippopotamus* Bestiary 2 157
Host devil Bestiary 4 53
Hypnalis Bestiary 4 154
Iguanodon* (dinosaur) Bestiary 3 78
Incubus (demon) Bestiary 3 73
Ceustodaemon (daemon) Bestiary 2 65
Megatherium* (megafauna) Bestiary 2 187
Mudlord Bestiary 4 195
Ostiarius (kyton) Bestiary 4 176
Shadow mastiff Bestiary 3 241
Styracosaurus (dinosaur) Bestiary 4 59
Tojanida Bestiary 3 270
Vulpinal (agathion) Bestiary 2 22
6th Level Source
Adhukait (asura) Bestiary 3 22
Allosaurus* (dinosaur) Bestiary 2 90
Animate dream Bestiary 2 29
Arsinoitherium* (megafauna) Bestiary 2 186
Axiomite Bestiary 2 36
Baluchitherium* (megafauna) Bestiary 3 192
Hellcat Bestiary 2 153
Hydrodaemon (daemon) Bestiary 2 67
Immense tortoise* Bestiary 4 263
Legion archon Bestiary 3 19
Megalania* (megafauna) Bestiary 3 193
Mihstu Bestiary 2 190
Naunet (protean) Bestiary 2 216
Pairaka (div) Bestiary 3 88
Shoggti (qlippoth) Bestiary 2 225
Theletos (aeon) Bestiary 2 14
Tylosaurus (dinosaur) Bestiary 2 91
7th Level Source
Avoral (agathion) Bestiary 2 16
Behemoth hippopotamus* Bestiary 2 157
Contract devil Bestiary 3 76
Ghawwas (div) Bestiary 3 87
Giant anaconda* (snake) Bestiary 2 252
Giant snapping turtle* Bestiary 2 273
Kalavakus (demon) Bestiary 2 78
Leukodaemon (daemon) Bestiary 2 68
Movanic deva (angel) Bestiary 2 28
Nyogoth (qlippoth) Bestiary 2 224
Piscodaemon (daemon) Bestiary 2 72
Sacristan (kyton) Bestiary 4 177
Shield archon Bestiary 2 31
Upasunda (asura) Bestiary 3 27
Whale* Bestiary 2 282
8th Level Source
Aghasura (asura) Bestiary 3 23
Baregara Bestiary 3 34
Basilosaurus* (megafauna) Bestiary 3 193
Chernobue (qlippoth) Bestiary 2 220
Coloxus (demon) Bestiary 3 72
Diplodocus* (dinosaur) Bestiary 4 58
Interlocutor (kyton) Bestiary 3 174
Kolyarut (inevitable) Bestiary 2 163
Leonal (agathion) Bestiary 2 20
Meladaemon (daemon) Bestiary 2 69
Monadic deva (angel) Bestiary 2 27
Omox (demon) Bestiary 2 79
Shira (div) Bestiary 3 90
Spinosaurus* (dinosaur) Bestiary 3 79
9th Level Source
Augnagar (qlippoth) Bestiary 2 219
Couatl Bestiary 49
Great white whale* Bestiary 2 282
Sepid (div) Bestiary 3 89
Storm giant Bestiary 152
Tarry demodand Bestiary 3 71
Valkyrie Bestiary 3 277
* This creature is summoned with the celestial template if you
are good and the fiendish template if you are evil. If you are
neutral, you can choose which template to apply to the creature.
This summoned creature has an alignment that matches yours,
regardless of its usual alignment. Summoning this creature
makes the summoning spell’s type match your alignment.
Priests can use summon monster or summon nature’s ally
spells to summon creatures strongly associated with
their deities (and often unavailable to other spellcasters).
The following creatures are available when a priest of the
listed deity casts a summon monster or summon nature’s
ally spell of the appropriate level, or uses a higher-level
spell to summon multiple creatures from a lower-level
summon monster or summon nature’s ally creature list.
Creatures summoned from these lists are subject to the
same limitation as those summoned from the alternate
summoning tables (see page 28).
Table 3: Expanded Summoning for Priests
1st Level Deity Source
Torag Bestiary 2 40
Entropic stirge Calistria Bestiary 2 292,
Bestiary 260
Fiendish giant maggot Urgathoa Bestiary 2 292, 124
Abadar Bestiary 294, 118
celestial eagle (LN)
2nd Level Deity Source
Augur (kyton) Zon-Kuthon Bestiary 3 171
Celestial elk (LG) Erastil Bestiary 3 290, 147
Celestial or Cayden Cailean Bestiary 2 292,
wolf Bestiary 278
(dinosaur) Gozreh Bestiary 4 58
Entropic giant bee
Calistria Bestiary 2 292, 43
Fiendish giant fly Urgathoa Bestiary 2 292, 124
Shelyn Bestiary 2 147
Pseudodragon (CG) Desna Bestiary 229
Shikigami (kami) Irori Bestiary 3 163
3rd Level Deity Source
Cythnigot (qlippoth) Rovagug Bestiary 2 221
Dire badger
Torag Bestiary 2 40
Fiendish choker Norgorber Bestiary 294, 45
Hell hound Asmodeus Bestiary 173
Iron cobra
(no poison) Gorum Bestiary 182
Lyrakien (azata)
Desna Bestiary 2 38
Nosoi (psychopomp) Pharasma Bestiary 4 220
Paracletus (aeon)
Nethys Bestiary 2 11
Resolute hippogriff
(LN) Abadar Bestiary 2 293, 156
Satyr (without pipes, CG) Cayden Cailean Bestiary 241
Silvanshee (agathion) Shelyn Bestiary 2 21
4th Level Deity Source
Advanced azer
Torag Bestiary 2 292, 39
Catrina (psychopomp) Pharasma Bestiary 4 218
Celestial dire boar (LG) Erastil Bestiary 294, 36
Celestial giant eagle (LG) Iomedae Bestiary 294, 118
Giant black widow
Norgorber Bestiary 2 256
griffon (LN) Abadar Bestiary 2 293,
Bestiary 168
Abadar Bestiary 294, 118
celestial giant eagle (LN)
Yeth hound (CE) Lamashtu Bestiary 286
5th Level Deity Source
Advanced Iomedae Bestiary 294, 168
celestial griffon (LG)
Advanced choker Norgorber Bestiary 294, 45
Asmodeus Bestiary 3 51
barghest (CE) Lamashtu Bestiary 2 292,
Bestiary 27
Entropic spider eater Calistria Bestiary 3 290, 255
Bearded devil Asmodeus Bestiary 73
Cayhound Cayden Cailean Inner Sea Bestiary 8
Fiendish gibbering Rovagug Bestiary 294, 153
mouther (CE)
Ostiarius (kyton) Zon-Kuthon Bestiary 4 176
Vulpinal (agathion) Shelyn Bestiary 2 22
6th Level Deity Source
Advanced shadow mastiff Lamashtu Bestiary 3 90, 241
(megafauna) Gorum Bestiary 2 186
Immense tortoise
Gozreh Bestiary 4 263
Janni (genie, NG) Sarenrae Bestiary 141
Shoggti (qlippoth) Rovagug Bestiary 2 225
Theletos (aeon) Nethys Bestiary 2 14
Vanth (psychopomp) Pharasma Bestiary 4 221
7th Level Deity Source
Advanced bulette
Gorum Bestiary 294, 39
Advanced entropic Rovagug Bestiary 3 290, 130
Avoral (agathion) Shelyn Bestiary 2 16
Fiendish daughter Urgathoa Bestiary 294,
of Urgathoa The Inner Sea
World Guide 309
Movanic deva (angel) Sarenrae Bestiary 2 28
Sacristan (kyton) Zon-Kuthon Bestiary 4 177
Star monarch
Desna Inner Sea
Bestiary 50
Gozreh Bestiary 2 282
Zuishin (kami, NG) Irori Bestiary 3 165
8th Level Deity Source
Advanced entropic Calistria Bestiary 2 292, 54
chaos beast
Norgorber Bestiary 3 156
9th Level Deity Source
Great white whale
Gozreh Bestiary 2 282
Kolyarut (inevitable) Abadar Bestiary 2 163
Summoned by the Faithful
Monster Summoner’s HandbookMonster Summoner’s Handbook
Morrigna (psychopomp) Pharasma Bestiary 4 219
Peri Sarenrae Bestiary 3 218
1 This creature is summoned with the celestial template if you
are good and the fiendish template if you are evil. If you
are neutral, you can choose which template to apply to the
creature. Its alignment always matches yours, regardless of
its usual alignment. Summoning this creature makes the
summoning spell’s type match your alignment.
2 This creature has two heads. It gains a +2 racial bonus on
Perception checks, but does not gain an extra bite attack.
Game Masters may wish to expand the list of creatures that
can be summoned with the summon monster and summon
nature’s ally spells even further, to custom-build lists for
other deities or groups, or to allow options from additional
sources. This allows GMs to create special summoning
options for priests of gods not covered here or even agents
of Empyreal Lords and similar beings. It is also a good
way to represent conjurers trained in specific traditions of
summoning magic, such as the Riftwardens.
GMs should be cautious about such expansions,
however. These spells are already extremely powerful and
flexible, and adding new options both expands the overall
utility of the spells and risks adding a creature with
abilities not designed to be available to a player.
In particular, creatures that cast spells often have
access to magic that should not be easily accessed by
players simply by summoning a creature of a set CR. Such
abilities may not be combat-oriented (thus keeping its CR
low), but could still be too useful to a player in noncombat
situations to be available through a summoning spell. In
particular, look for spell-like abilities that duplicate
spells with expensive material components or
that are higher level than the spell required to
summon the creature.
GMs should also be cautious about including
characters with abilities that force foes to attempt saving
throws (especially in an area) with no limit to how often
they can be used. Even if the save DC is low, summoning
creatures that force every foe to attempt a saving throw
every round can significantly slow down gameplay. The
restrictions on such powers given on page 28 can help
alleviate this issue. Other problematic abilities include
Huge or larger size, as such creatures can be used as
mobile barriers, and the ability to burrow or fly, which
can give PCs movement options that normally require a
dedicated spell to access. Creatures able to create items or
treasure and those that can easily transport messages or
items are also worth avoiding.
If a creature doesn’t have any problematic abilities, it
may be appropriate as an expanded option for summon
monster or summon nature’s ally. Summon monster is normally
restricted to outsiders (with normal creatures gaining
the celestial or fiendish template to indicate that they
are planar variants of normal creatures), while summon
nature’s ally focuses on animals, fey, giants, and plants. The
creatures that can be summoned by a priest of a specific
deity often are similar to the deity’s sacred animal (priests
of Cayden Cailean can summon a celestial or entropic wolf
because his sacred animal is a dog), resemble some ally of
the deity (Abadar’s priests can summon two-headed eagles
because this is a form sometimes taken by the god’s herald,
the Lawgiver), or are thematically tied to the deitys areas
of concern (priests of Gorum believe that the bulette is a
symbol of their god’s strength and love of heavy armor).
The typical CR of a creature that a spell of a given
level can summon is as follows: 1st levelCR 1/3 to 1/2;
2nd levelCR 1; 3rd levelCR 2; 4th level CR 3 to 4;
5thlevel—CR 5 to 6; 6th levelCR 7 to 8; 7th levelCR9
to 10; 8th levelCR 11 to 12; 9th level—CR 13 to 14.
Remember to account for the CR adjustment of
any templates applied.
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System Reference Document
© 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.; Authors: Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, and
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The Book of Fiends © 2003, Green Ronin Publishing; Authors: Aaron Loeb, Erik Mona, Chris Pramas, and
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Angel, Monadic Deva from the Tome of Horrors Complete © 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and
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Angel, Movanic Deva from the Tome of Horrors Complete © 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and
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Foo Creature from the Tome of Horrors Complete © 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and
distributed by Frog God Games; Author: Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax.
Pathfinder Player Companion: Monster Summoner’s Handbook © 2015, Paizo Inc.; Authors: Alexander
Augunas, Tyler Beck, Anthony Li, Luis Loza, David N. Ross, Owen K.C. Stephens, and Linda Zayas-Palmer.
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The most important thing a monster
summoner can know is exactly what
potential summoned allies can do,
most of which is detailed in the pages
of the four volumes of the Pathfinder
RPG Bestiary.
Learn more about powerful spells
that summon and call creatures,
new options for the summoner class
and many other spellcasters, and the
motivations of many types of outsiders
with Pathfinder RPG Ultimate Magic.
Conjuration spells often focus on
creatures aligned with good, evil, law,
or chaos, but there is also power to
be found in the pursuit of balance, as
detailed in Pathfinder Player Companion:
Champions of Balance.
Nice folks finish last, and there’s really no such thing as a fair fight. If you are willing
to do whatever it takes to win, you need Pathfinder Player Companion: Dirty Tactics Toolbox.
Learn how to perform the lowest of dirty tricks, get the most out of sneak attacks, and pull
off ambushes that will more than even the odds against your foes. Dozens of new poisons
(and background information on existing ones), equipment tricks, underhanded feats, and
spells focusing on toxins and shady tactics ensure you’ll always have what you need to make
the fight unfair!
You’ve learned how to use summoned and called allies to better effect,
and expanded your summon monster options. Now check out these other
Pathfinder products to further extend your mastery of monster summoning!
Next Month!
Call upon otherworldly powers and summon beings from beyond with Pathfinder
Player Companion: Monster Summoner’s Handbook! Featuring dozens of new feats,
magic items, archetypes, and character options designed to grant you control over
fantastic beasts and enhance your summoning prowess, this player-friendly volume contains
everything you need for your adventurer to command forces benign or malevolent, divine or alien.
Call upon never-before-seen creatures and claim all the tools you need to make yourself a true
master of monsters!
Inside this book, you’ll find:
Details on conjuring- and summoning-focused groups throughout the Inner Sea region, including
the Blackfire Adepts, Bloodstone Conservatory, and Hellknight signifers.
New options for summoning spells, including expanded lists of creatures to summon, new planar
templates, and options to create a guardian spirit.
New archetypes that allow bloodragers to become effective monster summoners, enable druids to
summon elemental allies, and give summoners the power to counter enemy summoning.
► Advice on dealing with different types of outsiders that can be called and bound, and two brand-
new creatures appropriate for such magic.
New feats, magic items, spells, and other rules options to enhance your character’s
effectiveness when fighting against summoned creatures.
This Pathfinder Player Companion is intended for use with the Pathfinder Roleplaying
Game and the Pathfinder campaign setting, but can easily be incorporated into any
fantasy world.
Time to Call Some Friends!Time to Call Some Friends!
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