Department of Motor Vehicles
Administrative and Statutory Changes Will Improve Its
Ability to Detect and Deter Misuse of Disabled Person
Parking Placards
Report -
April 
For questions regarding the contents of this report, please contact MargaritaFerndez, Chief of Public Aairs, at ..
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Doug Cordiner Chief Deputy
Elaine M. Howle State Auditor
621 Capitol Mall, Suite 1200 Sacramento, CA 95814 916.445.0255 916.327.0019 fax
April 18, 2017 2016-121
e Governor of California
President pro Tempore of the Senate
Speaker of the Assembly
State Capitol
Sacramento, California 95814
Dear Governor and Legislative Leaders:
As requested by the Joint Legislative Audit Committee, the California State Auditor presents this audit
report concerning the Department of Motor Vehicles’ (DMV) disabled person parking placard program.
Disabled person parking placards (placards) and disabled person or disabled veteran license plates (plates)
allow people to park in parking spaces for people with disabilities, in metered spaces without paying
the meter, and in time-limited spaces without having to worry about those limitations. ese benefits
create a significant incentive for misuse. is report concludes that changes to DMV’s administration,
and statutory changes by the Legislature, will allow for better detection and deterrence of the misuse of
placards andplates.
DMV does not sufficiently ensure that applications for placards or plates are legitimate. For example, we
found that medical providers certifying the majority of applications we reviewed did not include sufficient
information regarding the placard holder’s disability to meet requirements in state law. In addition, we
questioned whether the signatures of medical providers on several of the applications we reviewed matched
information on file with the appropriate Department of Consumer Affairs’ healing arts boards (health
boards), and noted that DMV does not work with the health boards to review selected applications, as
state law allows. Further, DMV has not canceled permanent placards of thousands of individuals who are
likely deceased. Specifically, we compared the name and date of birth of active placard holders from DMVs
data to the U.S. Social Security Administrations Death Master File and identified nearly 35,000 matches.
We also found that, as of June 30, 2016, nearly 26,000 placard holders were age 100 or older, despite an
estimated centenarian population in California of roughly 8,000. Further, some permanent placard holders
have requested an unusually high number of replacements for lost or stolen placards, and state law does
not limit the number of replacements a holder may receive. However, DMV had not identified any of
these issues because it does not actively analyze placard applications or application data and, consequently,
DMV may be allowing people to fraudulently obtain placards.
Additionally, although DMVs Investigations Unit performs effective sting operations to catch those
misusing placards, it has not established specific expectations for the number of operations its district
offices should conduct. In each of the sting operations we reviewed, investigators found an average misuse
rate of 15 percent. However, we noted great variance in the number of sting operations that six of DMVs
district offices conducted, ranging from one to 18 during fiscal years 2013–14 through 2015–16. By not
establishing reasonable goals to conduct regular sting operations, DMV fails to detect and deter as much of
the continued placard misuse as it can, which affects those with disabilities who need special parking access.
Finally, local parking enforcement lacks immediate access to DMV’s placard information, preventing these
officials from efficiently identifying and seizing misused placards.
Respectfully submitted,
State Auditor
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vCalifornia State Auditor Report 2016-121
April 2017
Summary 1
Introduction 7
Chapter 1
Inadequate Processes for Reviewing Applications and Revoking
Placards Increase Misuse 15
Recommendations 30
Chapter 2
Better Communication and Coordination Will Help Detect and
Deter Misuse of Disabled Person Parking Privileges 33
Recommendations 47
Appendix A
A Comparison Between Parking Benefits for People With Disabilities
in California and SelectOther States 51
Appendix B
Disabled Person Parking Placard Abuse Cases Investigated by
theDepartment of Motor Vehicles’ Investigations Unit,
Fiscal Years 2013–14 Through 2015–16 53
Appendix C
Scope and Methodology 55
Responses to the Audit
California State Transportation Agency 61
Department of Motor Vehicles 63
vi California State Auditor Report 2016-121
April 2017
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1California State Auditor Report 2016-121
April 2017
Results in Brief
In reviewing the State’s disabled person parking placard program
(placard program), we identified several improvements the
Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) and the Legislature can
make that will reduce fraud and misuse. For example, DMV does
not sufficiently review applications for disabled person parking
placards (placards) and disabled person or disabled veteran license
plates (plates) to ensure they are legitimate. Further, DMV issues
renewal placards to many thousands of placard holders who are
likely deceased because its process for identifying them is limited.
Also, we found that state law provides no limitations on the number
of replacement placards a person may receive, and we noted that
two people each received more than  replacement placards over
three years. In addition, we found that the enforcement of placard
misuse would improve if DMV established reasonable goals for
the number of enforcement activities it conducts. Finally, DMV
could provide parking enforcement officials better information to
determine whether a placard is valid or being misused.
California grants special parking privileges to people with certain
disabilities outlined in state law. ese people may apply for a placard
to display in their vehicle or for a special license plate. To obtain
placards or plates, they must submit a two-page application to DMV
that includes a description of the disability and a certification from
an authorized medical provider. Both placards and plates allow these
permitted individuals to park in parking spaces designated for people
with disabilities, in metered spaces without paying the meter, and in
time-limited spaces without having to worry about those limitations.
ese benefits create a significant incentive for misuse.
Our review of applications for placards and plates found that
most medical providers are not including enough information
on applications when certifying disabilities. State law requires
authorized providers to fully describe the illness or disability that
qualifies the applicant for disabled person parking privileges.
We expected that DMV would have a process in place to work
with the Department of Consumer Affairs’ healing arts boards
(healthboards)—those responsible for licensing and investigating
complaints against medical providers—to review a selection
of these applications, as state law allows. However, DMV does
not have agreements in place with the health boards. With the
assistance of medical experts from the health boards, we reviewed
a representative sample of  original applications DMV approved
and found that applications, or  percent, did not include
a full description of the illness or disability. Projecting to the
population of applications for placards or plates as a whole, this
Audit Highlights . . .
Our review concerning the California
Department of Motor Vehicles’ (DMV)
disabled person parking placard
program highlighted the following:
» DMV does not sufficiently ensure
applications for disabled person parking
placards (placards) and disabled person
or disabled veteran license plates (plates)
are legitimate.
Out of 96 applications we sampled,
DMV approved 70 applications that
did not include sufficient medical
information to demonstrate that the
applicant qualified.
DMV approved applications that
contained certifications of disabilities
by unauthorized medical providers.
DMV does not ensure the validity of
medical provider signatures.
» DMV has not canceled permanent
placards for individuals who are likely
deceased—as of June 30, 2016, nearly
26,000 placard holders were age 100
or older.
» State law provides no limits on the
number of replacement placards a person
may receive.
» DMV has not established specific
expectations to conduct regular sting
operations for its district offices.
» Local parking enforcement lacks
immediate access to DMV’s placard
information, limiting its ability to verify
placards during enforcement activities.
California State Auditor Report 2016-121
April 2017
suggests that DMV approved up to . million applications from
July  through June  without sufficient information to
demonstrate that the applicant was qualified. According to the
deputy chief of DMVs Investigations Unit (Investigations), DMV
has not worked with thehealth boards to review applications
because DMV assumedthe health boards would not provide
DMV with information due to the privacy requirements in federal
law. However, the medical experts we worked with were able to
identify deficiencies in the applications without needing to review
additional sensitive information. When DMV does not ensure that
applicants include complete certifications, it creates opportunity for
individuals to receive placards without a qualifying diagnosis.
Further, DMV does not have a process to review medical provider
signatures to ensure that they are legitimate. DMV requires those
medical providers certifying disabilities on placard applications to
sign the applications. We compared the medical provider signatures
included in our sample of  applications to official documents
maintained by the boards that provided their medical licenses. Based
on this comparison, we question whether  of the medical providers’
signatures reasonably matched official documents. Again, projecting
this percentage of questionable signatures to the population of
applications, we estimate that more than , applications
approved from July  to June  may not be valid. When DMV
does not review the validity of medical provider signatures, it risks
issuing placards to individuals who submit fraudulent certifications.
DMV has not canceled permanent placards for thousands of
individuals who are likely deceased. State law requires DMV to match
placard records with the California Department of Public Healths
(Public Health) Vital Statistics file and to withhold renewals for
permanent placard holders identified as deceased. DMV performs
this match monthly. However, we compared the name and date of
birth of active placard holders from DMVs data to the U.S. Social
Security Administrations Death Master File (master file) and
identified nearly , matches. Although this comparison indicates
that DMV likely has not canceled thousands of deceased individuals’
placards, these results are not precise. For example, there might be
a deceased person in the master file with the same name and date
of birth as a placard holder in California who is alive. To identify
deceased individuals using Public Healths data, DMV relies on
matches of the full name and date of birth. However, we found that
DMVs data did not always include correct names. Further, according
to thechief ofDMV’s registration operations division (registration
division chief), DMV does not require applicants to provide
documentation of their full legal name because DMV believes it
lacks authority in state law to refuse applicants who do not provide
such verification. As a result, someone intending to commit fraud
could fabricate an application on behalf of a nonexistent or deceased
3California State Auditor Report 2016-121
April 2017
relative, and DMV might well approve the application and issue the
individual a permanentplacard. Also, based on a separate analysis,
as of June , , we identified nearly , placard holders in
DMVs data that were age  or older. is number is significantly
higher than the estimated , individuals that comprised
Californias entire centenarian population as of , indicating
that DMV’s process for canceling placards of deceased individuals
In addition, some permanent placard holders have obtained
many replacements. In reviewing DMV data, we found that
nineindividuals received  or more placards each from July
through June , including two who each received more than
replacements over that period. State law allows individuals to
request replacement placards in the event their permanent placard
is lost or stolen, and it does not limit the number of replacements
an individual can receive. When state law allows individuals an
unlimited number of permanent placard replacements, the number
of placards in circulation and available for misuse grows.
e most common type of placard fraud DMV observes involves
one person using another persons valid placard. To catch this
type of fraud or misuse, Investigations conducts sting operations
wherein an investigator approaches a driver displaying a placard or
plate and verifies that the placard or plate belongs to the driver or to
someone being transported by the driver. However, Investigations
has not established specific expectations for the number of sting
operations its district offices must conduct. As a result, we found
great variance across district offices, ranging from one to sting
operations from fiscal years – through –. According
to the deputy chief of Investigations, some offices did not conduct
many sting operations because DMV has higher investigative
priorities such as identity theft. Nevertheless, by not establishing
reasonable goals to conduct regular sting operations, DMV fails
to detect and deter as much of the continued placard misuse
as it can, which affects those with disabilities who need special
In addition, local parking enforcement lacks immediate access to
DMVs placard information, limiting its ability to verify placards
during its enforcement activities. Only law enforcement officials
who are sworn peace officers have direct, immediate access to
this information, whereas parking enforcement officers, who are
non-sworn, do not. We spoke to parking enforcement officials
in sixcities across the state—Berkeley, Fresno, LosAngeles,
Sacramento, San Francisco, and Santa Cruz—and none reported
having immediate access to DMV’s placard information. Instead,
they generally must call local law enforcement dispatchers each
time they need to verify a placard number. However, this process
California State Auditor Report 2016-121
April 2017
is time consuming, and four of the six officials we spoke with
confirmed that their parking enforcement officials typically do
not contact a dispatcher to determine whether placards are valid.
According to the registration division chief, DMV could create
and maintain a database containing the requisite information.
is database could be used to grant immediate access to local
enforcement officials in lieu of contacting local law enforcement.
Without such a database, local parking enforcement cannot
efficiently identify and seize placards that drivers are misusing.
Selected Recommendations
To increase DMV oversight of applications for placards or plates,
the Legislature should modify current law to require DMV to
conduct at least quarterly audits of a selection of applications for
placards or plates and to seek the health boards’ cooperation in
doing so.
To assist DMV in more accurately identifying deceased individuals
with active permanent placards, the Legislature should amend state
law to require DMV to use the U.S. Social Security Administrations
Death Master File to inform its efforts to identify and cancel
deceased individuals’ placards.
To assist DMV in identifying deceased placard holders, the
Legislature should require that all who apply for a placard or
plate include their full legal name and date of birth, and provide
satisfactory proof of this information at the time of application.
To reduce the risk of placard misuse, the Legislature should limit
to no more than two the number of replacements of permanent
placards an individual may obtain during the two-year placard
renewal period. e Legislature should require that those
desiring replacements beyond that limit reapply and submit new
certifications of disability.
To reduce the risk of fraudulent applications, by September 
DMV should seek interagency agreements with the health boards
responsible for licensing providers authorized to certify disabilities
on placard applications. e agreements should include, but not be
limited to, the following:
5California State Auditor Report 2016-121
April 2017
A review by medical experts of a sample of placard applications
each quarter to ensure that the disability certifications
meetstaterequirements. For any application that does not meet
state requirements, DMV should require that the applicant and
his or her provider submit the information needed so thatthe
application meets state requirements. DMV should cancel
theplacards of those who do not respond within  days.
A process for obtaining copies of provider signatures and
routinely comparing the signatures with those on a sample of
placard applications. Investigations should confirm questionable
signatures with providers.
To better deter placard abuse, by September  DMV should
establish reasonable goals regarding the number of sting operations
each of its district offices should conduct each quarter. If competing
priorities require a district office to miss its goal for a given quarter,
Investigations should document its justification for missing the
goal. Further, Investigations should monitor its district offices’
effectiveness in meeting the quarterly goals.
To better equip local parking enforcement officials to promptly
identify invalid placards, by December  DMV should develop
and implement an application, database, or other technology
that will allow non-sworn parking enforcement officials to have
immediate access to information on placard status.
Agency Comments
DMV agreed with our recommendations and stated that it will
implement them.
6 California State Auditor Report 2016-121
April 2017
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7California State Auditor Report 2016-121
April 2017
State law allows people with disabilities to apply to the Department
of Motor Vehicles (DMV) for a disabled person parking placard
(placard) or disabled person or disabled veteran license plate (plate).
Specifically, placard or plate holders may park for an unlimited
time in parking spaces with posted time limitations and may park
in metered spaces for an unlimited time without having to pay
meter fees. In addition to free, unlimited parking, displaying a valid
placard or plate permits the holder to park in blue zones and certain
designated parking stalls and spaces that are restricted to those
displaying such a placard or plate.
DMV offers license plates and three types of placards:
temporary, travel, and permanent. Figure  on the following
page depicts thedifferent types of plates and placards. People
with a temporarydisability, such as a broken leg, can apply for a
redtemporary placard. ese placards are valid for up to sixmonths
and are renewable up to six consecutive times. People with a
permanent qualifying disability can receive a blue permanent placard
and canalso receive a license plate. Permanent placards expire on
June of every odd-numbered year, and DMV automatically issues
and mails renewal placards. Finally, a travel placard is a temporary
placard that DMV issues to permanently disabled people meeting
the disability requirements in state law. DMV issues this placard to
nonresidents for no more than days and to California residents
for no more than  days. Travel placards are for use when a placard
holder would not have the original placard available. For example,
the placard holder leaves a car parked at an airport but also needs a
placard for a rental vehicle at their California destination.
e application for both plates and placards is identical. Individuals
may apply for them in person at DMV field offices throughout
the state or by mail through DMV’s offices in Sacramento.
As of
June,, there were approximately . million placards and
plates active in California. Figure  on page  shows the proportions
of this number that are permanent placards, temporary placards,
and plates. Plates are associated with a specific vehicle. On the other
hand, placardsare associated with the applicant, who need not be a
driver. State law allows others, such as parents or family members,
who are transporting a disabled person to use a placard. As of
June, , the median age of placard holders was ; however,a
DMV has field offices in more than  locations throughout the state that offer a variety of
services, such as vehicle registration and driver’s license processing, in addition to accepting
placard or plate applications. DMV’s Investigations Unit has  district offices throughout the
statewhere DMV’s investigators work.
8 California State Auditor Report 2016-121
April 2017
Figure 1
Types of Disabled Parking Placards and License Plates
Permanent Placard
A placard that has a fixed expiration date of June 30 every
odd-numbered year, and that the DMV issues to a permanently
disabled person who meets the disability requirements in
state law.
Temporary Placard
A placard that the DMV issues for a maximum of six months to a
temporarily disabled person meeting the disability requirements
in state law. Individuals may renew temporary placards up to
six consecutive times.
Travel Placard
License Plate
A placard that the DMV issues to permanently disabled people
meeting the disability requirements in state law. The DMV issues
this placard to nonresidents for no more than 90 days and to
California residents for no more than 30 days. It is for situations
where a placard holder would not have the original placard
available. For example, the placard holder leaves a car parked at
an airport but also needs a placard for a rental vehicle at his or her
California destination.
A special license plate the DMV issues to vehicle owners
with permanent disabilities and is only valid on the
vehicle it is assigned to.
Disabled Veteran
License Plate
A special license plate the DMV issues to vehicle owners
who are veterans of the armed services with permanent
disabilities. The State does not assess vehicles with these
plates an annual vehicle license fee.
Sources: DMV and California state law.
9California State Auditor Report 2016-121
April 2017
person of any age may have a placard, including children.
Forexample, in our random sample of placard applications that
DMV received from July  through June, one was for an
individual under the age of five years. DMValso issues some plates
and placards to organizations that transport disabled individuals.
State law limits any applicant to one active permanent placard at
Figure 2
Disabled Person Parking Placards and Plates Active as of June 30, 2016
Temporary Placards—130,000 (4%)
Permanent Placards—
2.4 million (83%)
Plates*—381,000 (13%)
Total Disabled
Person Placards
and Plates
2.9 million
Source: California State Auditor’s analysis of data obtained from DMV’s Vehicle/Vessel Registration
Master File.
Note: An individual may own multiple disabled person or veteran license plates and a single
disabled person parking placard.
* The term plates includes disabled person and disabled veteran license plates.
Obtaining a placard or plate requires certification by a medical
provider of the applicant’s disability unless the disability is readily
observable and uncontested. Alternatively, disabled veterans may
submit a certificate from the United States Department of Veterans
Affairs in lieu of submitting a certification by a provider. State law
establishes the disabilities that qualify for the program, and DMV
places these disabilities into eight categories on its application.
Further, state law specifies the types of providers who may certify
disabilities for obtaining a plate or placard, and it limits the types
of disabilities certain providers may certify. For example, only
optometrists or physicians and surgeons with a specialization in
diseases of theeye may certify that an applicant is legally blind.
Table  on the following page lists the types of qualifying disability
categories and the types of providers that may diagnose them.
10 California State Auditor Report 2016-121
April 2017
Table 1
DMV Disability Categories and Medical Provider Types
Sources: California state law, DMV disabled person parking placard and license plate application, and DMV’s vehicle registration manual.
* In addition to the categories above, disabled veterans qualify if they have lost the use of one or more limbs or have a mobility-related disability rating
of 100 percent from the Department of Veterans Affairs or the military branch from which they were discharged.
A physician and surgeon who has a specialty in diseases of the eye may also make certifications related to Category 8.
Although people can claim several types of disabilities on their
applications for placards and plates, the most common relate to
substantially impaired mobility or significant limitation of the use
of the lower extremities. Figure  presents the proportion of the
disabilities claimed in our representative sample of  applications
drawn from the universe of original applications DMV approved
from July  through June .
Finally, according to state law,
an applicant does not need a disability certification from a medical
provider if the disability is readily observable and uncontested. In
that case, a DMV staff person may certify the disability.
Misuse of Disabled Person Parking Placards
e ability of placard users to park for free in metered parking
spaces and for unlimited amounts of time in time-restricted parking
zones creates a significant incentive for abuse. For example, a
person might misuse the placard of a deceased person, a stolen
placard, or a placard belonging to someone else. is abuse
We selected a random sample from a population of more than . million original plate and
placard applications DMV approved from July  through June . We used a  percent
confidence interval and a  percent precision rate to determine an appropriate sample size.
Ourresults should be interpreted as a best estimate, and they include a range of potential
valuesbased on the sampling criteria we chose.
Physician and Surgeon
Physician’s Assistant
Nurse Practitioner
Nurse Midwife
11California State Auditor Report 2016-121
April 2017
persists despite heavy penalties, including criminal convictions,
formisusing placards. Under state law, lending a placard to another
person or using another persons placard is punishable by a base
fine of up to , and up to six months of imprisonment. In
addition, a city or county may adopt an ordinance or resolution to
assess an additional penalty of  as long as it uses the revenue
generated by the penalty to enforce disabled person parking. Also,
when a person misuses another’s placard or plate, courts may
impose additional civil penalties of ,. Placard abuse involving
falsifying DMV documents is a felony, which is punishable by up
to three years in a state prison. According to DMVs budget officer,
DMV does not receive any funding from the penalties for placard
misuse. e fines generated through issuance of citations for
placard abuse go to cities and counties.
Figure 3
Disability Categories and Descriptions Listed on a Representative Sample of Disabled Person
ParkingPlacardand License Plate ApplicationsApproved by DMV
July 1, 2013, Through June 30, 2016
Loss, or Loss of Use, of Both Hands—(1%)
$1,350 (47%)
Signicant Limitation in
Use of Lower Extremities—(40%)
Substantially Impaired
Legally Blind—(2%)
Loss, or Loss of Use, of Both Lower Extremities—(2%)
Severe Cardiovascular Disease—(4%)
Severe Lung Disease—(4%)
Unable to Move Without an Assistive Device—(7%)
Source: California State Auditor’s analysis of a representative sample of the proportion of disabilities claimed in original disabled person
parking placard and license plate applications approved by DMV from July 1, 2013, through June 30, 2016.
The Disabled Person Parking Law Has Changed Over the Years
e scope of Californias placard and plate law has expanded
over time. In  the Legislature gave those needing the aid of a
wheelchair or who had lost the use of both legs the right to park for
an unlimited time in zones with time limits. In  the Legislature
expanded the privilege to include those who had lost the use of
oneor both legs or who needed the aid of a mechanical device.
In the privilege was further expanded to those who had lost
the use of one or more limbs. In  the Legislature expandedthe
California State Auditor Report 2016-121
April 2017
law again to apply to individuals who had lost the use of both
hands. e Legislature also allowed people with disabilities the
right to park in metered spaces for free
in response to a disabled
veteran who was able to drive using prosthetic devices, but who
was unable to handle small coins and could not pay a parking meter.
Over time, the Legislature has added additional disabilities to the
list of those eligible for special parking privileges, such as severe
lung disease and legal blindness. Although the impetus for the free
parking benefit was one persons inability to use a meter, the benefit
currently applies to all placard or plate holders.
Some states have restricted who is eligible for free parking. We
reviewed disabled person parking policies in nine states in addition
to California. Appendix A beginning on page  includes the results
of our review. Several of the states we reviewed offer free metered
parking for those using placards, and some had no time restrictions.
However, two states we reviewed have employed two-tier systems.
Specifically, in Illinois and Michigan, all placard holders may park in
spaces designated for people with disabilities. However, to receive
the benefit of free parking in metered spaces, they must have a
disability that limits their ability to use a parking meter. According
to a representative of the Illinois Office of the Secretary of State,
when the law passed in , only about  percent of placard
holders were eligible for meter-exempt parking—significantly
decreasing the number of people receiving free parking. In  the
California Legislature considered a bill to implement a two-tiered
program similar to the ones in Illinois and Michigan; however, that
bill did not come to a vote. According to a legislative analysis of
the bill, the purpose was to address placard fraud and to provide
better parking access to those with disabilities, but opponents were
concerned the bill would substantially affect people with disabilities
who encounter multiple physical barriers. e opposition stated
that if rampant abuse is occurring, DMV and the municipalities
should address the fraud through enforcement rather than further
burdening those in the disabled community.
Department of Motor Vehicles’ Investigations of Placard Misuse
DMVs Investigations Unit (Investigations) is responsible for active
fraud and counterfeit detection, investigation, and enforcement,
including enforcing the laws regarding misuse of placards. When
fully staffed, Investigations employs about investigators
across the State at its  district offices in DMVs threeregions.
Investigators are sworn peace officers who, in addition
toinvestigating placard fraud and misuse, investigate a variety
of drivers license and motor vehicle related crimes, including
identity theft, odometer fraud, and automobile dealer misconduct.
According to Investigations’ supervisor of IT projects and support,
13California State Auditor Report 2016-121
April 2017
from fiscal years – through – DMV initiated a total
of more than , cases. Of those cases, ,were related to
placards and  of those, or about  percent, were generated
by complaints Investigations received from parties external
to Investigations, including the public, law enforcement, and
other units within DMV. Investigations initiated the remaining
Investigations’ primary tactic for stopping placard misuse is
through sting operations. During a sting operation, investigators
stake out a predetermined location, approach drivers who park
using a placard or plate, and issue infraction or misdemeanor
citations to those found to be misusing the placard or plate.
According to the deputy chief of Investigations, investigators
conduct sting operations in a variety of locations, including
department store parking lots, sporting events, college campuses,
and areas where they receive complaints of misuse. Occasionally,
local law enforcement officers participate. According to DMV’s
records, from fiscal years – through –, Investigations
conducted  sting operations, including one statewide operation
involving all district offices during which investigators issued more
than  citations in oneday. More than , of the cases that
investigators opened from July  through June  resulted in a
conviction. AppendixB on page  includes the number of placard
and plate investigations that DMV conducted from July 
through June and the outcomes of those investigations.
Local Authorities Attempts to Combat Placard Misuse
Local parking enforcement officials play the most significant
role in combatting placard abuse as they routinely patrol their
communities. However, the enforcement tactics and strategies
these officials use vary. To identify these strategies, as well as how
significant a problem placard misuse is within cities, we interviewed
officials from six cities: Berkeley, Fresno, Los Angeles, Sacramento,
San Francisco, and Santa Cruz. Parking enforcement officials
at five of these six cities stated that placard abuse was a large
problem within their cities—only Santa Cruz said that it was not.
Los Angeles reported that, in some areas of the city, the majority
of vehicles parked on the street display a placard. Because of the
magnitude of placard misuse, according to the assistant director
of the enforcement division of the San Francisco Metropolitan
Transportation Agency (SFMTA), San Francisco has  full-time
parking enforcement officials specifically dedicated to identifying
and citing people fraudulently using placards.
California State Auditor Report 2016-121
April 2017
e five cities reporting significant placard abuse said that they
conduct sting operations, but the frequency varied by city. For
example, Los Angeles reported that it had more than quadrupled
the number of sting operations, which it refers to as compliance
checks, as a result of the growing misuse of placards—from
in to  in . According to Fresnos parking supervisor,
Fresno conducts a sting operation roughly every four months
in partnership with DMV. SFMTAs assistant director of the
enforcement division reported that when parking enforcement
officials discover a vehicle displaying an invalid placard and they are
unable to make contact with the driver, the official has the vehicle
towed. Despite these efforts, four of these five parking enforcement
officials believe their enforcement activities have little or no effect
on mitigating placard abuse. Essentially, they were of the opinion
that people fraudulently using placards will continue to do so,
particularly given the benefit of free parking and the minimal risk of
being caught or fined.
15California State Auditor Report 2016-121
April 2017
Chapter 1
e Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) does not sufficiently
ensure that applications for disabled person parking placards
(placards) or disabled person or disabledveteran license plates
(plates) are legitimate, nor is it taking sufficient steps to cancel
placards for deceased placard holders or to ensure that placard
holders claiming replacement placards can legitimately do so. We
also found applications for placards or plates with illegible disability
certifications and with a medical provider certifying a type of
disability he or she was not allowed to certify. Further, we identified
thousands of likely deceased holders whose placards were still
active. Finally, some placard holders requested an unusually high
number of replacements for lost or stolen placards, and state law
does not limit the number of replacements a holder may receive.
However, DMV had not identified any of these issues because it
does not actively analyze placard applications or application data.
DMV Has Not Adequately ScrutinizedPlacard Applications, and We
Question the Validity of Some Applications
DMV does not sufficiently review applications for the disabled
person parking placard program (placard program) to ensure they
are legitimate, and it does not consistently follow the policies it
has in place to review applications. Individuals desiring a placard
or plate must complete a two-page application that includes a
certification from an authorized, licensed medical provider that the
applicant has a qualifying disability. e applicant does not need
a providers certification if the applicant has a readily observable
and uncontested disability that is verified by a DMV employee, is
an organization involved in transporting people with disabilities,
or is a disabled veteran whose disability has been certified by the
United States Department of Veterans Affairs. However, we found
that DMV does not adequately review these applications. For
example, DMV staff are supposed to reject applications that are
illegible, yet we found illegible disability information in  percent of
the applications we reviewed. Further, we identified that fiveother
applications were certified by podiatrists, whom state law does not
currently authorize to certify disabilities. We also found another
two applications where the medical provider certifying the disability
was not allowed to certify that type of disability under state law,
even though DMV has issued guidance for its staff to look for this
issue. Further, we found that  percent of the applications we
reviewed did not include enough information on the applicants’
disabilities to meet requirements in state law for certification, and
California State Auditor Report 2016-121
April 2017
nearly  percent of the providers’ signatures on the applications
did not match the signatures on paperwork on file with the
appropriate healing arts boards of the Department of Consumer
Affairs (health boards). Without following the controls in place to
review applications, DMV may be allowing people to fraudulently
DMV Did Not Ensure That Medical Provider Certifications of Individuals’
Disabilities Contained Required Detail
Some medical providers are not including enough information
regarding the applicant’s disability to satisfy state requirements.
State law requires authorized providers to include a full description
of the illness or disability on the application for a placard. We
worked with the appropriate health boards responsible for licensing
the various medical providers to review our sample of applications
for compliance with state law. e health boards have medical
experts they employ or consult with to conduct, for example,
investigations of licensed medical providers. ese medical
experts found that  of the  original applications we reviewed,
or percent, did not include a full description of the illness or
disability. If we project to the population of applications for placards
or plates DMV approved from July  through June , this
suggests that DMV approved nearly . million applications that did
not include enough information to meet requirements in state law
for certifying the applicant’s disability.
Although state law allows it to do so, DMV does not collaborate
with the health boards to review applications. e chief of DMVs
registration operations division (registration division chief )
noted that employees cannot question medicalinformation on
the application because they are notmedical professionals. is
explanation seems reasonable. However, DMV has missed an
opportunity to provide for a review of applications to ensure
that providers’ certifications are sufficient. State law requires
providers who certify an applicant’s illness or disability to retain
sufficient information to support the diagnosis for inspection
by the respective health boards at DMV’s request. e law also
authorizes DMV to conduct annual, random audits of placard
applications to verify the authenticity of the disability certificates
and to review information supporting placard applications.
us, we expected DMV to be working with the health boards to
periodically review a selection of placard applications or at least
provide guidance to medical providers on the requirements of the
program. However, DMV has done neither. DMVs deputy chief of
DMVs Investigations Unit (Investigations) noted that DMV had
not worked with the health boards because it assumed that the
Although state law allows it to
do so, DMV does not collaborate
with the health boards to
17California State Auditor Report 2016-121
April 2017
boards would not provide DMV with information because of the
privacy requirements in the federal Health Insurance Portability
andAccountability Act of  (HIPAA).
HIPAA establishes national standards to protect individuals’
medical records and other personal health information and sets
forth the circumstances in which medical providers who conduct
certain health care transactions electronically may use or disclose
suchprotected information. For example, such providers may
discloseprotectedhealthinformation when a patient consents to
suchdisclosure. Additionally, HIPAA permits providersto disclose
protected health information without a patient’s authorization
when required by statute or regulation. However, while HIPAA
permitsdisclosure without patient consent when statute or regulation
requires disclosure, state law generally requires the applicable health
boards to obtain patient consent unlesstheapplicable board issues
an investigative subpoena or otherwise obtains a valid legal order. For
example, the executive director of the Medical Board of California noted
that it cannot get access to patient records without patient consent
unless it has compelling evidence available to obtain a court order.
Despite limitations in federal and state law, DMV and health boards
have opportunities to identify insufficient certifications and launch
investigations. Although patients or providers willfully defrauding
DMV are unlikely to voluntarily provide incriminating information,
we found that the medical experts were able to identify significant
deficiencies by reviewing only the description of the illness or
disability provided on the applications for placards or plates without
needing access to additional medical information. Further, when
DMV or the health boards determine—for example, through an
audit of a selection of placard applications—that an applicant’s
certification is insufficient, DMV has the authority to ask for
additional information to meet the requirements in state law and
cancel the placard if, after a reasonable time, the applicant does not
respond. Finally, were DMV to accumulate enough evidence against
a provider, it could work with the applicable health board to open
an investigation, and the health board could, if necessary, issue an
investigative subpoena. us, despite limitations in federal and state
law, cooperation between the health boards and DMV could ensure
that providers are including adequate information on applications to
support the certification of disabilities.
Also, we found that DMV had approved many applications inwhich
the providers’ certifications of the disabilities were illegible, which
makes us question the validity of these certifications. DMVs
application requires that providers include a full, legible description
of the illness or disability. However, we determined, and the
medical experts confirmed, that the disability certifications for
fiveoforiginal applications we reviewed, or  percent,were
DMV and health boards have
opportunities to identify
insufficient certifications and
launch investigations.
California State Auditor Report 2016-121
April 2017
illegible. Projecting to the larger population of applications
approvedfrom July through June , DMV may have
approved more than , illegible applications for placards or
plates from July through June . DMV already requires staff
to review applications for all required information and to ensure that
the provider properly completes the certification, which includes
providing legible information. DMVs registration division chief
attributed the approvals of these illegible applications to human
error. When DMV does not ensure that applications include all
information thelaw requires and that all such information is legible, it
creates the opportunity for applicants to submit fraudulent disability
certifications and receive placards or plates without a qualifying
illness or disability.
DMV Allowed Some Medical Providers to Certify Disabilities That They
Were Not Legally Permitted to Certify
In our audit sample, podiatrists certified disabilities for a number of
applicants for placards even though they are currently not allowed to
do so. We found a range of medical provider types in our representative
sample of applications and, as Figure  shows, medical providers in the
physician and surgeon category certified the majority of disabilities in
the applications we reviewed. However, in five of the  applications
we reviewed, or  percent, podiatrists certifiedthe qualifying disability.
Projecting to the larger population of applications approved from
July through June, we estimate that podiatrists certified more
than ,of the more than .million applications DMV approved
during the audit period, even though podiatrists are not one of the
sixtypes of medical providers allowed to certify disabilities for a placard
State law identifies specific provider types that may certify disabilities
for the placard program, but podiatrists are not included. As shown
in Table  in the Introduction on page , only certain provider
types, including physicians and surgeons, may certify disabilities for
placard and plate applications. Further, under state law, only those
issued physicians and surgeons certificates by either the Medical
Board of California or the Osteopathic Medical Board of California
are permitted to practice medicine as physicians and surgeons. In
contrast, podiatrists are certified to practice podiatric medicine
and are therefore precluded from certifying applicants’ disabilities.
When we brought this to DMV’s attention, its registration division
chief noted that he had been unaware that podiatrists were certifying
applicants’ disabilities.
Nevertheless, DMV staff should have identified and denied applications
certified by podiatrists. While all of the podiatrists in our sample
indicated they were either a physician or surgeon, each of them also
By not ensuring that applications
include all information the
law requires, DMV creates
theopportunity for applicants
to submit fraudulent disability
certifications and receive placards
or plates without a qualifying
illness or disability.
19California State Auditor Report 2016-121
April 2017
listed their medical provider number as assigned by the Board of
Podiatric Medicine. ese numbers are distinct from those of other
providers authorized to certify disabilities underthe placard program.
Specifically, podiatrists’ numbers begin with theletter “E” followed
by four digits, whereas providers licensed bythe Medical Board of
California have numbers that begin with“A,” “C,” or “G” followed
generally by five or six digits, and those licensed by the Osteopathic
Medical Board of California always begin with “A.” erefore, DMV
staff could have easily identified and rejected those applications certified
by podiatrists. DMV provides no training to the staff that process
these applications to identify provider numbers that do not align with
expectations, nor does a DMV reference manual for staff provide
instruction on identifying unusual provider numbers. Although DMV
staff should have rejected applications certified by podiatrists, because
there were a notable number of such applications and because of
podiatrists’ role in medical treatment of the foot as established in state
law, we consider podiatrists appropriate medical providers to certify
certain disabilities for placards or plates. However, allowing them to
make certifications would require a change in state law.
Figure 4
Types of Medical Providers That Certified Disabilities for the Disabled Person Parking Placard Program Based
onaRepresentative Sample of Applications Drawn From the Universe of Applications Approved by DMV
July 1, 2013, Through June 30, 2016
Physicians Assistant—(4%)
Physician and Surgeon—(85%)*
Nurse Practitioner—(2%)
Sources: California State Auditor’s representative sample of certifications drawn from the universe of original applications for
disabledpersonparking placards (placards) or disabled person or disabled veteran license plates (plates) approved by DMV fromJuly 1, 2013,
through June 30, 2016, and state law.
Note: State law authorizes optometrists and nurse midwives to certify disabilities on applications for placards and plates; however, none
appeared in our sample. Our results should be interpreted as a best estimate and include a range of potential values based on the sampling
criteria we chose. We used a 95 percent confidence interval and a 10 percent precision rate to determine an appropriate sample size.
* The category of physician and surgeon includes osteopathic physicians, which represented 4 percent of our sample. Althoughosteopaths
are licensed by a different entity, state law considers them to be physicians and surgeons.
State law does not currently authorize podiatrists to certify disabilities on applications for placards and plates.
California State Auditor Report 2016-121
April 2017
Additionally, although state law specifies the particular disabilities
each type of provider may certify, DMV approved some
applications that did not meet those requirements. For two of the
 original applications we reviewed, providers certified disabilities
that they are not allowed to certify under state law. For example, a
physician and surgeon with a specialty in endocrinology (the body
system that controls hormones) and internal medicine certified
that an applicant had a vision-related disability. However, state
law only permits an optometrist or a physician and surgeon with
a specialty in diseases of the eye to make such a certification.
Projecting our finding to all applications for placards and plates
that DMV approved from July through June , DMV may
have inappropriately approved more than , applications that
contained certifications of disabilities the medical provider was not
allowed tomake.
DMV provides its staff with direction that, if followed, should
prevent approval of applications containing these inappropriate
certifications, thereby reducing the risk of violations of eligibility
requirements for placards or plates. DMVs registration manual
includes a brief outline of the types of medical providers that
may certify specific disability categories. When we asked about
theconcerns we identified with the applications we reviewed, the
registration division chief was unaware that staff were approving
applications that were not eligible. He noted that DMV offices have
personnel assigned to review and monitor placard applications,
among other activities, but he could only offer human error as
the reason for the incorrect application approvals. According to
him, staff who process placard applications receive some training
related to reviewing and processing these applications, and DMVs
training materials discuss eligibility requirements for plates and
placards. When DMV does not ensure that only authorized
medical providers are certifying disabilities for placards or plates, it
increases the risk that an individual without a qualifying disability
will receive a placard or plate, making it more difficult for those
with qualifying disabilities to find parking.
DMV Does Not Verify the Authenticity of Medical Provider Signatures
When processing placard applications, DMV staff do not review
medical provider signatures to determine whether they are
legitimate. In general, state law requires that an authorized provider
sign the application, unless the applicant’s disability is readily
observable and uncontested. State law also requires DMV to
examine and determine whether every application filed with it is
genuine, and permits DMV to reject any applications thatit believes
are not. According to the registration division chief, reviewing
provider signatures would require DMV staff to either contact each
The registration division chief was
unaware that staff were approving
applications that were not eligible.
21California State Auditor Report 2016-121
April 2017
provider or compare the signature on the application to a confirmed
copy of the providers signature. He explained that because of the
volume of applications DMV receives, conducting this type of
review would be time consuming and impractical. Although this
may be a reasonable explanation for not reviewing every signature
during the processing of applications, state law authorizes DMV
to annually audit a random sample of applications to verify the
authenticity of the certification. For example, DMV could work
with the health boards to obtain documentation, such as license
renewal applications, of provider signatures for comparison. If
DMV identified questionable signatures, it could conduct further
investigation, such as contacting the provider to confirm the validity
of the signature. However, DMV does not perform such audits,
increasing the risk that applicants are forging provider signatures to
obtain a placard or plate. Further, in five of the six cities where we
interviewed parking enforcement officials, those officials said that
placard misuse was a significant problem, depriving their cities of
parking revenue and their disabled residents of being able to park
close to their desired destinations.
According to the deputy chief of Investigations, the division does
not have software that allows it to randomly select applications
from the Vehicle/Vessel Registration Master File (registration
system) for review. She explained that Investigations has tried to
obtain such programs but found that they were costly. We question
the reasonableness of this explanation given that Investigations
could sample applications through means other than a software
program. For instance, Investigations could periodically use an
inexpensive random number generator, such as that available in
common spreadsheet software, to select a sample of newly received
applications from field offices and the processing unit at DMV
headquarters. It could then compare the providers’ signatures to
those on documents the health boards maintain.
Without a regular process to review the validity of provider
signatures, DMV risks issuing placards to fraudulent applicants.
We compared the providers’ signatures included in our sample of
 original applications approved from July  through June 
to documents from the appropriate health boards to determine
whether the signatures reasonably matched. We questioned the
validity of  signatures, or nearly  percent. Using the method
of projection previously described, this suggests that more than
, applications approved during our audit period may not
bevalid. In one case, neither the providers signature northe
providers license number matched the physician named on
theapplication. Although we could not definitively conclude that
theseapplications were submitted fraudulently, the evidence is
suggestive of fraudulent intent. us, in January  we forwarded
In five of the six cities where we
interviewed parking enforcement
officials, those officials said
that placard misuse was a
California State Auditor Report 2016-121
April 2017
our findings to DMVs Investigations for further review. As
of March , Investigations had not completed its work on
DMV’s Current Processes for Revoking Placards Do Not Prevent Misuse
Inadequate processes at DMV have allowed for misuse of placards.
We found that DMV’s process of using the vital records from the
California Department of Public Health (Public Health) to remove
deceased individuals’ placards from its database has overlooked
thousands of likely deceased individuals. Since DMV renews
permanent placards every two years indefinitely, if it does not
identify individuals who are deceased, it will continually mail new
placards to them. Additionally, state law allows placard holders
to request an unlimited number of replacement placards if their
permanent placard is lost or stolen. From July  through
June, two placard holders received more than  replacement
placards each. Finally, although its responsibilities include
protecting DMVs programs through active fraud detection, DMV
has not performed analyses of its data related to placards and plates
to identify potential fraud. Because DMV has not been proactive in
identifying and addressing these issues, many invalid placards are
likely in circulation and being misused.
Because of Limitations in DMV’s Processes, Many Likely Deceased
Individuals’ Placards Are in Circulation
State law requires DMV to compare its placard records to Public
Healths Vital Statistics file and withhold any renewal for placard
holders that DMV identifies as deceased. State law charges Public
Health with the registration of all deaths that occur within the State,
which it does by processing death certificates that are originally
prepared by funeral homes, coroners, and medical examiners.
According to the chief of Public Healths policy and research
branch, and to a contract DMV has with Public Health, Public
Health provides to DMV monthly files of deceased individuals.
DMV uses the monthly file from Public Health and compares the
first name, last name, middle name or initial, and date of birth to
information within its registration system that maintains placard
holder information. When a match is found, the placard record
is updated to reflect that the person is deceased, which prevents
the placard from being automatically renewed. Figure  displays a
flowchart of this process. We found that DMV canceled more than
, individuals’ permanent placards from July  through
June  using this matching process. We also have reasonable
assurance that DMV appropriately ceased mailing any renewal
placards to these individuals.
23California State Auditor Report 2016-121
April 2017
Figure 5
DMV Deceased Persons Matching Process
If there is a match
California Department of Public Health
(Public Health)
Department of Motor Vehicles
Initiate and submit
death certicate
Reviews and registers
the certicate
Registers certicate
and forwards to the
State for review
Matches the le to list of
current disabled parking placard holders
Public Health sends a monthly
vital statistics le (le)
to DMV via a secure transfer
DMV cancels
placards of
deceased holders
If there is a match
Sources: California state law, California State Auditor’s analysis of DMVs vital statistics matching process, and interviews with officials from PublicHealth.
However, we performed additional analyses of DMV placard
holder data and identified thousands of individuals who are likely
deceased yet still have active placards. We compared the names
and birth dates of individuals with permanent placards active as of
June,, to the U.S. Social Security Administrations Death
Master File (master file) and identified nearly , matches.
Although this comparison indicates that DMV likely has not
canceled thousands of deceased individuals’ placards, these results
are not precise. In particular, the master file is cumulative and
includes deceased individuals from across the U.S., increasing the
risk that a person with an active placard is matched with someone
who has the same name and date of birth, but is alive. In contrast,
Public Healths file includes only individuals whose deaths occurred
in California. Further, the master file is composed of data provided
by sources beyond those Public Health uses, such as post offices,
financial institutions, other states’ vital records agencies, and
federal agencies. As a result, the master file is more comprehensive
than Public Healths file in some ways, which may contribute to
the higher number of deceased placard holders we identified with
active placards. According to the registration division chief, DMV
has concerns about using the master file to cancel active placards.
California State Auditor Report 2016-121
April 2017
For example, he noted that DMV has concerns over misidentifying
active placard holders as deceased, given the national nature of
the dataset, the presence of common names, and the inclusion
ofindividuals who died many years ago. Because of DMVs
concerns and because of differences between the data within the
master file and Public Healths file, we selected  people with active
placards who our analysis indicated were deceased. We located
obituary records or other information online to corroborate that
five of these  people were indeed deceased. Despite DMVs
concerns, these results demonstrate that many people should no
longer have activeplacards.
We performed a separate analysis of DMV’s placard holder data
and identified another population of individuals with active
placards who could be deceased. As of June , , nearly ,
placard holders with active, permanent placards in DMV’s data
were age  or older. is number is significantly higher than
the estimated , individuals that comprised Californias entire
centenarian population as of . ese results indicate that
DMVs process for canceling placards of deceased individuals is
inadequate, given that thousands of individuals age  or older
who are likely deceased still have active placards. Similar to our
previous analysis, we took steps to determine whether our results
included any individuals who were indeed alive. We were able to
corroborate, based on available evidence, that five of a selection of
 individuals we identified in this analysis were in fact deceased.
We provided a listing of these  individuals to DMV, and it was not
able to adequately demonstrate whether any of them should have
ese results demonstrate that the process DMV uses to identify
deceased individuals and cancel their placards needs improvement,
and that DMV needs procedures beyond data matches to ensure
it identifies deceased placard holders. Specifically, DMV relies on
precise matches based on full name and date of birth, as recorded
in its data and as compared to that in Public Healths file, to identify
deceased placard holders. However, we found that DMV’s data did
not always include the correct name of the individual; for example,
we identified that DMV staff did not correctly enter into its system
 percent of applicants’ names as reflected on the corresponding
applications from July  through June . Such issues prevent
DMV from adequately identifying the deceased placard holders
because its process requires an exact match between its data and
Public Healths file based on first, last, and middle name or initial.
Further limiting the accuracy of DMVs process is that it does not
require placard applicants to provide proof of their legal name
and date of birth. Although state regulations and DMV’s placard
application require applicants to use their true full name and date
DMV’s process for canceling
placards of deceased individuals is
inadequate, given that thousands
of individuals age 100 or older
who are likely deceased still have
25California State Auditor Report 2016-121
April 2017
of birth on an application, DMV does not require that they provide
any supporting documentation proving this information, such as
a drivers license or birth certificate. According to the registration
division chief, DMV lacks authority in state law to refuse applicants
who do not provide such verification. We agree that state law
does not explicitly require individuals applying for a placard to
provide supporting documentation proving their true full name or
date of birth on the application. However, we note that state law
grants DMV the authority to establish procedures for the issuance
and renewal of placards and allows DMV to require additional
information or reject an application if DMV is not satisfied with
the truth of any statement contained in such application. erefore,
we believe that DMV could have used this authority to establish
reasonable supporting documentation requirements proving
applicants’ true full names and dates of birth. However, in light of
DMVs interpretation of state law, it may be necessary to revise state
law to make this an explicit requirement. Without this requirement,
someone intending to commit fraud could fabricate an application
with any name or date of birth, as well as a certification of disability,
and DMV would approve the application and issue the individual a
permanent placard.
DMVs practice of automatically renewing permanent placards
every two years also limits its ability to ensure that it does not mail
renewal placards to deceased people. DMV renews permanent
placards every two years indefinitely unless it cancels the placards,
such as when it identifies deceased placard holders. We reviewed a
selection of other states’ renewal requirements and noted that some
require individuals to periodically submit a new application and
certification of their disability. For instance, Florida and Michigan
require placard holders to reapply every four years. If DMV does
not identify an individual as deceased, it will automatically continue
to send him or her a new placard every two years. Unless the
placard is returned to DMV, it will remain in circulation, increasing
the risk that someone will fraudulently use the placard and deprive
a person with a disability of needed parking. Requiring placard
holders to periodically reapply to the program will ensure that
DMV will no longer send placards to deceased individuals.
Placards Reported as Lost or Stolen Can Be Subject to Misuse
Placard holders may obtain an unlimited number of replacements
for permanent placards.
State law allows those holding permanent
placards to request replacements in the event a placard is lost
We limited our analysis to permanent placards because they are valid for two years, have a fixed
expiration date, and are automatically renewed. Further, temporary placards account for only
percent of the total placards and plates active as of June , .
DMV’s practice of automatically
renewing permanent placards every
two years also limits its ability to
ensure that it does not mail renewal
placards to deceased people.
California State Auditor Report 2016-121
April 2017
orstolen–without the need for recertification of eligibility—and
it does not limit the number of such replacements. DMV must
cancel the existing placard when it provides a replacement;
however, when DMV cancels a placard in its system, this does
not take the physical placard out of circulation. An unscrupulous
person may continue to use such a placard until an enforcement
official discovers it is not valid and seizes the placard. We identified
nearly , individuals to whom DMV issued replacements of
permanent placards from July  through June , as shown
in Table . evast majority were issued only one replacement
placard. However, about , individuals were issued four or
more replacement placards during the period from July 
through June—representing more than one placard per year.
Even more concerning is that nine individuals received  or more
replacement placards each during those three years, and two of
them received more than  replacement placards each. Although
we cannot conclude that the individuals obtained these replacement
placards fraudulently, the high number of replacements suggests
a significant risk of fraud. In February , we shared with
Investigations the names and placard information for those
individuals who received more than  replacements over the past
three years. As of March, Investigations had not completed its
work on thesecases.
Table 2
Replacements of Permanent Disabled Person Parking Placards DMV
Issued From July 2013 Through June 2016
1 288,038 288,038
2 38,834 77,668
3 6,401 19,203
Subtotals of 3 or Fewer
333,273 384,909
4 1,501 6,004
5 437 2,185
6-10 332 2,274
11-15 24 295
16+ 9 175
Subtotals of 4 or More
2,303 10,933
Totals 335,576 395,842
Source: California State Auditor’s analysis of data obtained from DMV ‘s Vehicle/Vessel Registration
Master File.
Note: As of June 30, 2016, there were approximately 2.4 million active, permanent disabled person
parking placards.
27California State Auditor Report 2016-121
April 2017
According to the registration division chief, DMV cannot refuse
requests for replacement placards if the requestor already has a
valid permanent placard. Holders of active placards may request
a replacement placard at any time by submitting an application
stating that their old placard was lost or stolen or by surrendering
the placard—for example, if it has been mutilated—at a DMV
office. e replacement application does not require a new medical
certification. Further, according to the registration division chief,
DMV has never considered tracking replacement placards. If the
Legislature limits the number of replacement placards an individual
can receive, DMV will need to determine how to implement such
Allowing people to receive multiple replacement placards
increases the number of permanent placards potentially in use.
Unless people surrender found placards or enforcement officials
seize placards, those reported as lost or stolen are available for
misuse. When enforcement officials seize placards for misuse,
state law requires that they report the placard numbers to DMV
and that DMV cancel the seized placard. Data DMV provided us
regarding confiscated placards that it had canceled suggest that
people are misusing placards previously reported as lost or stolen.
Additionally, most local parking enforcement officials we spoke to
said that they generally look for the presence of a placard and an
expiration date, but they do not routinely, if at all, verify whether
the placards have been reported as lost or stolen. According to
DMVs records, enforcement officials submitted about , seized
placards to DMV in —which DMV canceled—with almost
 percent recorded as invalid because they were lost, stolen, or
otherwisereplaced. is indicates that people are misusing placards
that had been reported as lost or stolen.
Further, we performed a visual survey of vehicles displaying
placards along six blocks in downtown Sacramento during a
weekday in January . Of the  parked cars we observed,  had
placards or plates, and one of those had been canceled after being
reported as stolen and thus was being misused. It is reasonable to
conclude that some people are fraudulently using canceled placards
when parking their vehicles in order to take advantage of free or
convenient parking. Without limits on the number of permanent
placard replacements someone may request, DMV risks issuing
many more additional placards than necessary and reducing the
parking available to people with disabilities who are using their
placards appropriately. We address DMVs ability to use its data to
identify individuals who are potentially misusing replacements in
the next section and the potential to improve enforcement of this
misuse in Chapter .
Without limits on the number of
permanent placard replacements
someone may request, DMV risks
issuing many more additional
placards than necessary and
reducing the parking available to
people with disabilities who are
using their placards appropriately.
California State Auditor Report 2016-121
April 2017
DMV’s Investigations Unit Has Missed the Opportunity to Identify
Potential Fraud by Analyzing Data on Placard Applications
Investigations does not analyze placard data, which could reveal
potentially fraudulent activity. DMVs registration system contains
placard holder information, including name, date of birth, address,
and the certifying medical providers license number. Because
Investigations’ responsibilities include protecting DMVs programs
through active fraud detection, we expected it to proactively
and periodically review placard application data to identify
potential fraud. Specifically, if it regularly reviewed these data,
Investigations could identify people who have multiple active
placards, people with multiple replacement placards, or medical
providers who certify disabilities for an abnormally large number
of placard applications. However, Investigations does not conduct
By not analyzing data on placard applications, DMV allows the
largest perpetrators of placard fraud to go undetected. As discussed
earlier, in our review of data, we found nine individuals who each
obtained  or more replacement placards from July  through
June , including two who obtained more than  each. In
addition, we identified about , individuals who had two or
more active permanent placards as of June , . ree people
had more than three, including one who had . DMV has a system
control that notifies its staff if a person submitting an original
application might also have an existing placard by identifying
placard holders with the same first three letters of the applicant’s
last name and date of birth. However, because multiple individuals
could share the first three letters of a last name and date of birth,
DMV allows staff to override this control. Further, we found that
some people submitted multiple original applications, even though
DMVs records indicate they already had an active placard. We
reviewed placard applications DMV received from six people who
already had one or more active placards and determined that, in
each case, these people submitted multiple original applications.
According to the registration division chief, some people may
be submitting the wrong form when they want to change their
address or request a replacement. ese duplicates represent
significantly less than  percent of all permanent placards active as
of June,. Nevertheless, according to the registration division
chief, while DMV has not taken steps to identify and reduce such
instances of multiple placards in the past, it is now looking at the
practice to determine what actions might be appropriate in extreme
cases. If DMV is not taking steps to detect this type of activity,
people can apply for and obtain multiple placards with little risk
of being caught. In February , we submitted the names and
associated placard numbers for people with two or more active
We found nine individuals who each
obtained 16 or more replacement
placards from July 2013 through
June 2016, including two who
obtained more than 20 each.
29California State Auditor Report 2016-121
April 2017
placards to the deputy chief of Investigations and to the registration
division chief. As of March , Investigations had not completed
work on this information.
Additionally, DMVs database is missing a significant number
of medical provider license numbers. A provider certifying a
disability on a placard or plate application must include his or
her medical license number, and DMV protocol requires that its
staff input thislicense number into its registration system when
issuing plates or placards. We analyzed the records of more than
. million original placard and plate applications DMV approved
from July  through June , and found that DMV staff did
not enter medical provider license numbers in its registration
system for more than ,, or roughly  percent, of these
Further, DMV staff did not enter the provider license
number for  percent of the applications in our representative
sample. e registration division chief noted that some records
missing provider license numbers may occur when an applicant’s
disability is due to loss of one or both lower extremities or both
hands. In cases for which the permanent disability is readily
observable and uncontested, DMV staff may certify the disability
on the application. However, we found no such applications that
were certified by DMV staff in our representative sample from
this period and thus conclude that most, if not all, of the more
than , records should have included the provider license
number. e registration division chief presumed that the missing
provider license numbers occurred because staff failed to input this
information into registrationsystem.
Without consistent entry of the provider license number, DMV
is missing an opportunity to determine whether certain types of
providers, or certain individual providers, are certifying disabilities
on an abnormally high number of applications. In fact, according to
a DMV press release in July , Investigations started Operation
Blue Zone, which resulted in the arrest of three suspects on felony
charges, in response to a complaint by one of DMV’s field office
staff members who identified a high volume of certifications
from a single provider. However, Operation Blue Zone was the
result of staff observation and not based on any data analysis that
When asked why Investigations does not analyze placard data,
the deputy chief explained that it does not have a program that
allows it to do so. She stated that in the past, Investigations pursued
acquiring a data analytics program but found that the programs
We excluded disabled veteran license plates, commercial disabled person license plates, and
placards issued to organizations that do not require medical provider licensenumbers.
DMV is missing an opportunity to
determine whether certain types
of providers, or certain individual
providers, are certifying disabilities
on an abnormally high number
California State Auditor Report 2016-121
April 2017
were too costly. However, DMVs chief of its internal audits division
(internal audits) noted that internal audits recently acquired a
program to extract data from the registration system. He told
us that internal audits is willing to use this program to provide
Investigations with periodic data extracts, which Investigations can
use to analyze placard data. When we informed Investigationsof
internal audits’ software and asked why Investigations has not
previously coordinated with internal audits, the deputy chief
said that Investigations was unaware that internal audits had a
data analytics program. After we spoke with Investigations and
internal audits, Investigations initiated the process of obtaining
a data extract for analysis. Further, the registration division chief
noted that the registration division recently acquired and installed
an analytics tool, which will allow it to examine placard records
and identify unusual patterns or outliers. As of March , the
registration division chief expected the tool to be in place by
theend of the month. e deputy chief of Investigations indicated
that she plans to work with the registration division to use the
new tool to identify potential fraud indicators. Once DMV begins
regularly analyzing its data, it will be able to more effectively
identify fraudulent activity and monitor the placard program.
To increase DMV oversight of applications for placards or plates,
the Legislature should modify current law to require DMV to
conduct at least quarterly audits of a selection of applications
for disabled placards or plates and to seek the health boards’
cooperation in doing so.
To better align the placard program with the needs of Californians
with disabilities, the Legislature should amend state law to include
podiatrists on the list of medical providers approved in state law to
certify applications for disabilities related to their specialty.
To assist DMV in more accurately identifying deceased individuals
with active permanent placards, the Legislature should amend state
law to require DMV to use the U.S. Social Security Administrations
Death Master File to inform its efforts to identify and cancel
deceased individuals’ placards.
To assist DMV in identifying deceased placard holders, the
Legislature should require that all individuals with permanent
placards reapply every four years.
31California State Auditor Report 2016-121
April 2017
To assist DMV in identifying deceased placard holders, the
Legislature should require that all who apply for a placard or a
plate include their full legal name and date of birth, and provide
satisfactory proof of this information at the time of application.
To reduce the risk of placard misuse, the Legislature should limit
to no more than two the number of replacements of permanent
placards an individual may obtain during the two-year placard
renewal period. e Legislature should require that those
desiring replacements beyond that limit reapply and submit new
certifications of disability.
To reduce the risk of fraudulent applications, by September 
DMV should seek interagency agreements with the health boards
responsible for licensing providers authorized to certify disabilities
on placard applications. e agreements should include, but not be
limited to, the following:
A review by medical experts of a sample of placard applications
each quarter to ensure that the disability certifications meet
state requirements. For any application that does not meetstate
requirements, DMV should require that the applicant and his
or her provider submit the information needed so that the
application meets state requirements. DMV should cancel
theplacards of those who do not respond within  days.
A process for the health boards to develop guidance for medical
providers related to how to meet state requirements.
A process for obtaining copies of provider signatures and
routinely comparing the signatures with those on a sample of
placard applications. Investigations should confirm questionable
signatures with providers.
To help ensure that DMV approves only those applications
that qualify for the placard program as specified in state law, by
September  and annually thereafter, DMV should provide
additional direction and training to its staff that addresses the
following program requirements:
e types of medical providers that may certify
e disability categories each type of medical provider
California State Auditor Report 2016-121
April 2017
e legibility of medical provider certifications.
e entry of medical provider numbers into its
To identify potentially fraudulent applications, beginning
immediately and quarterly thereafter, DMV Investigations should
obtain placard application data from its registration system and
analyze those data. At a minimum, this analysis should include a
review of the following:
Individuals who have been issued multiple active placards.
Individuals who apply for an excessive number of
Providers who certify an abnormally large number of
Individuals over  years of age with active placards.
33California State Auditor Report 2016-121
April 2017
Chapter 2
e Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) can improve its
enforcement efforts related to misuse of disabled person parking
placards (placards) or disabled person or disabled veteran
license plates (plates), and it can improve the effectiveness
of its enforcement through better public outreach. Based on
theexperience of both DMV and local parking enforcement, the
most common type of placard misuse is one person using another
persons valid placard. DMVs Investigations Unit (Investigations)
conducts organized enforcement operations—known as sting
operations—to catch people misusing placards in this manner;
however, it has not established specific expectations for the
frequency of such operations. We found that for the sixsting
operations we reviewed, the number of operations varied by district
office, ranging from one to  over our three-year audit period
from July  through June . Further, while the stings DMV
conducts are effective at catching misuse, DMV generally does
not publicize the results through the media, limiting the stings’
effectiveness as a deterrent for this type of abuse. Also, at the local
level, we spoke to parking enforcement officials in six cities and
they stated they lack immediate access to placard information that
could help them enforce the law. Further, the majority said they
would like to work more closely with DMV, including receiving
training to help their local enforcement officials detect and deter
placard misuse. Until DMV establishes reasonable expectations for
consistently taking enforcement actions to prevent placard abuse
and improves local enforcement officials’ access to informationand
training, DMVs ability to detect and deter placard fraud will
DMV’s Placard Enforcement Activities Need Expanding, and It
Could Help Deter Placard Misuse by Publicizing the Results of
e rate of placard misuse is significant. Investigations’ district
offices conducted  sting operations from July  through
June. During a sting operation, an investigator observes
someone using a placard to park for free or in a space designated
for people with disabilities, asks the person whether the placard
legally belongs to him or her, and confirms this information
using DMVs registration system. We reviewed the results for
six of DMVssting operations conducted from July  through
June  at a variety of locations including shopping centers, a
California State Auditor Report 2016-121
April 2017
college campus, downtown Sacramento, and a stadium that hosts
professional sporting events. During those activities, investigators
made contact with  people whose vehicles displayed a placard and
found that  of them, or about  percent, were misusing the placard.
e rate of misuse was higher in two of the threesting operations
conducted at locations requiring payment for parking— percent
at a college campus and  percent in downtown Sacramento.
esehigher rates were consistent with the rate that the LosAngeles
Department of Transportation (LADOT) identified during
itssting operations.In LADOTreported that it conducted
stingoperations, which it refers to as compliance checks, and
found that about percent of the individuals they contacted were
According to DMVs deputy chief of Investigations and parking
enforcement officials from six cities, the most common form
of placard misuse they encounter involves someone using
another persons valid placard. We reviewed  cases of placard
misuse that originated from six of DMVs sting operations and
foundthat in cases, the person cited was using an active placard
thatbelonged to someone else. In the remaining cases, three were
using expired placards and one was using a placard that had been
reported as lost or stolen. e deputy chief said that to apprehend
someone fraudulently using someone else’s valid placard, a DMV
investigator must approach a person using a placard to confirm the
Although the sting operations are effective, DMV has not
established specific expectations for the number of sting operations
it conducts of placard misuse. According to the deputy chief of
Investigations, some district offices set their own goals for stings,
but DMV does not have a policy or goal regarding the number
of sting operations that its district offices must conduct. We
reviewed the operations that six district offices conducted during
fiscal years – through – and found that the number
of operations varied by district office, ranging from one to  over
the three-year period. e deputy chief of Investigations said
thatthemanagement for two of these six district offices—Fresno
and Sacramento—established an expectation of one placard misuse
sting operation per month for fiscal years– and–.
Fresno and Sacramento actually conducted and sting
operations respectively from fiscal years – through –,
which is less than the stated goal but significantly more than the
other district offices we reviewed. For example, the Vallejo district
office, which did not have a goal during that time, conducted only
one sting operation during the three years. By not setting goals
for the number of sting operations it expects its district offices to
conduct, DMV has missed the opportunity to routinely identify
We reviewed the sting operations
that six district offices conducted
from fiscal years 2013–14
through2015–16 and found that
the number of operations varied by
district office, ranging from one to
18 over the three-year period.
35California State Auditor Report 2016-121
April 2017
Investigations indicated that because of competing priorities, it
does not regularly conduct sting operations. e deputy chief of
Investigations explained that investigators handle numerous types
of cases, many of which, such as identify theft, are more serious
than placard misuse and that district offices do not perform more
sting operations because of other pressing priorities. For example,
she stated that in fiscal year –, Investigations was focused
on cases surrounding implementation of new legislation extending
driving privileges to undocumented residents: during that time,
two of the offices we reviewed—Los Angeles Metro and Vallejo—
had heavy workloads for cases regarding this issue, and for that
reason Investigations did not expect the Vallejo office to conduct
any placard sting operations that year. However, the prevalence of
placard misuse necessitates regular enforcement activity, especially
in areas with heavy abuse. For example, we expected that the
Brisbane district office, which has the city of SanFrancisco within
its jurisdiction, would have conducted more sting operations
because the San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency
(SFMTA) has reported, based on data it has gathered along
with its enforcement activities, that fraudulent placard use is a
significant problem in the city. However, that office conducted only
twosting operations during the three years we reviewed. Although
Investigations may have higher-priority cases, by not conducting
regular sting operations, Investigations is limited in its ability to
detect placard misuse.
DMV is also missing an opportunity to leverage the results of
the sting operations it does conduct to possibly deter those who
would otherwise misuse placards. e sting operations it conducts
are effective—in each of the six sting operations we reviewed,
investigators contacted an average of  people and issued an
average of  citations and two warnings per operation, representing
an average misuse rate of about  percent. However, from fiscal
years – through –, Investigations publicized the
results of only one sting operation, a statewide operation on a
day in  when investigators issued more than  citations.
According to the deputy chief of Investigations, DMV has only
rarely publicized the results of its sting operations because it does
not believe thatthe press is interested in publishing them. However,
we disagree. Around the time when the Joint Legislative Audit
Committee approved this audit in May , several newspapers
and other media reported throughout the state on placard misuse
or on the approval of this audit. After we brought our concern
to DMV’s attention, it issued a press release regarding a sting
operation in March  in downtown Sacramento, in the same
area where we performed the visual survey of vehicles displaying
placards that we discuss in Chapter  on page . According to
DMV, percent of the people it contacted were misusing placards.
Several news organizations covered the outcome of the operation.
The prevalence of placard misuse
necessitates regular enforcement
activity, especially in areas with
heavy abuse.
California State Auditor Report 2016-121
April 2017
Further, five of the six cities’ parking enforcement officials we
interviewed agreed that placard misuse was a significant problem,
depriving their cities of parking revenue and their disabled residents
of being able to park close to their desired destinations. e senior
traffic supervisor for LADOT stated that in some places the
majority of cars parked on the street display a placard, purportedly
because of placard abuse. e penalties for placard misuse are
high. Unlike other traffic infractions, such as running a red light or
parking next to a fire hydrant, someone misusing a placard could
be charged with a misdemeanor crime, potentially resulting in a
base fine of up to ,, additional civil penalties of ,, and
up to six months in jail. us, publicizing these penalties and the
results of DMVs sting operations could increase awareness of
thepenalties for placard misuse and deter people from fraudulently
Placard abuse harms the disabled community, businesses, and
municipalities. When nondisabled individuals misuse placards,
they make it more difficult for people with disabilities to find
parking close to their desired destinations. If people misusing
placards occupy spaces designated for people with disabilities and
metered spaces, people with disabilities must park farther from
their destinations or may not have access to them at all, causing
unnecessary hardship. Placard misuse therefore undermines
the purpose of the disabled person parking placard program,
which theLegislature implemented, in part, to improve access
for people with disabilities. In addition, businesses are affected
when peoplemisuse placards as it reduces turnover in front of or
near their storefronts. e parking services manager of the city of
Sacramento stated that he receives complaints from businesses
alleging that people misusing placards park all day, taking up spaces
that their customers could use.
Finally, misuse hurts municipalities by reducing the parking
revenues they collect. Because placard holders are not required to
pay meter fees, the value of a placard can be significant, especially
in areas where parking is expensive. For example, according to a
report it released in November , San Franciscos city services
auditor estimated that in certain downtown areas of San Francisco
a placard could be worth , of savings a year on parking
fees. is represents significant lost revenue for the city. In its
November report, the city services auditor estimated that the
city did not collect . million in parking fee revenue in fiscal
year– because of people parking for free with disabled
placards or plates. A portion of those people likely misused the
parking benefit. If we apply the  percent rate of misuse we
identified when reviewing DMVs enforcement activities, the
city missed out on about . million in annual parking revenue.
When nondisabled individuals
misuse placards, they make it more
difficult for people with disabilities
to find parking close to their
37California State Auditor Report 2016-121
April 2017
However, if the actual misuse rate was closer to the  percent
misuse rate in Los Angeles discussed earlier, San Francisco may
have missed out on about . million.
Parking placards are so valuable that there is a black market
for them. According to the deputy chief of Investigations,
Investigations regularly receives and investigates reports of placards
for sale online. In fact, after spending roughly an hour online in
February , we found and reported to DMV three placards for
sale—one had expired, another belonged to a deceased individual,
and the seller of the third appeared to intentionally hide the placard
number. We shared this information with Investigations, and as
of March  they had not completed an investigation into the
placards for sale.
Lack of Training and Current Policies May Limit Complaints of Placard
Misuse That DMV’s Investigations Unit Receives and Impede Its Ability
to Monitor the Effectiveness of Its Investigations
DMV staff who are responsible for processing applications for
disabled placards do not receive training on fraud detection,
and Investigations has inadequate policies that hinder its ability
to receive complaints from the public and track investigations.
TwoDMV units process disabled placard applications: staff
in DMVs field offices located statewide process applications
submitted in person, and the Special Processing Unit (processing
unit) atDMV’s headquarters in Sacramento processes those
applications DMV receives by mail. Because state law requires
DMV to examine and determine the genuineness and regularity of
every placard application, we expected that DMV would be training
these employees on how to identify potential fraud in placard
applications. However, according to DMVs training manager,
DMV provides field office staff with only one fraud-related training,
which is not specific to disabled placards; that training is focused
instead on identifying fraud in identity documents, such as drivers
licenses. As noted in Chapter , DMV does not require applicants
to provide documentation of their identity when they submit their
placard applications. Although the training manager asserted
that some of the fraud concepts covered in the training could be
applied to placard applications, this training alone does not equip
field office staff to identify the types of fraud most likely to be
encountered in the applications, such as forged or false medical
Further, DMV does not provide any fraud training to the staff
working at headquarters in its processing unit. According to the
former program manager who oversaw that unit, it processes
between  and  placard applications each day, and given this
Parking placards are so
valuablethat there is a black
market forthem.
California State Auditor Report 2016-121
April 2017
volume, she stated that staff would notice if something were wrong
with a particular placard application. If this were the case, however,
we likely would not have found the frequency in the occurrence of
the issues described in Chapter  related to applications containing
illegible disability descriptions or certifications of disabilities the
medical providers were not authorized to make. If the employees
who process placard applications do not receive training on how
to identify potential fraud indicators within those applications,
it is unlikely that they will be able to do so or will know to look
for signs of fraud. e deputy chief of Investigations stated that
training on the specific types of fraud in a placard application could
include being aware of when a particular field office receives several
applications certified by the same medical provider, identifying
when a providers address is suspiciously far from the applicant’s
address, and observing whether the providers handwriting
appears to be the same as the applicant’s handwriting. Without
such training, DMV lacks assurance that staff have the knowledge
necessary to identify and report questionable applications.
In addition to providing training for DMV staff who process
placard applications, Investigations could make it easier for the
public to submit complaints regarding placard misuse. Currently,
Investigations’ complaint policy requires complainants to submit
all complaints by mail, using a standardized hard-copy complaint
form, to one of Investigations’ district offices. Complainants can
either go online to print the form or, according to the deputy
chief of Investigations, pick one up from their local DMV field
office. Instructions on the form direct the complainant to mail the
completed form to the DMV Investigations district office closest
tothe location of the incident; these instructions also state that this
is the only way to submit a complaint to DMV. However, according
to the deputy chief of Investigations, DMV does accept complaints
submitted in other ways. She explained that if someone leaves a
complaint form at a local field office, it will be forwarded to the
appropriate Investigations district office. Further, she stated that
although it is not DMV’s policy to accept complaints by telephone,
investigators always accept such complaints from law enforcement
and many investigators accept telephone complaints from the
public, although it is likely that not all do so. DMV does not have an
online option or process for the public to file complaints regarding
placard misuse.
Although not consistently followed, this policy makes reporting
potential placard fraud and abuse unnecessarily burdensome for
the public. Requiring complainants to print, complete, and mail in a
complaint form may discourage the submission of valid complaints.
We reviewed DMV’s placard-related investigations from July 
through June  and found that complaints DMV received from
members of the public comprised only about  percent of the
If the employees who process
placard applications do not
receive training on how to identify
potential fraud indicators within
those applications, it is unlikely
that they will be able to do so or will
know to look for signs of fraud.
39California State Auditor Report 2016-121
April 2017
,investigation cases DMV initiated during that same three-year
period. Without more efficient channels for submitting complaints,
DMV risks that placard fraud and abuse will go unreported.
However, Investigations has not simplified its process for reporting
complaints of placard misuse. When we brought this issue to
DMVs attention, the deputy chief of Investigations said that it is
open to changing its policy to allow people to make complaints
regarding placard misuse via telephone and online, and she agreed
that doing so would be beneficial because it could increase the
number of complaints received from the public. She also believed
that Investigations would be able to handle any associated increase
in complaints.
In addition to limiting the complaints it receives, Investigations’
process prevents it from monitoring how quickly investigators
complete their cases. According to the deputy chief of
Investigations, DMV requires its investigators to leave cases open
in the investigations database until a court adjudicates the case.
We expected that Investigations would regularly review thelength
of time that placard abuse cases had been open to ensure that
investigators are completing their investigations within a reasonable
time frame. However, DMVs process limits its ability to do so.
Specifically, the deputy chief of Investigations stated that DMV
requires its investigators to regularly check with the court to
determine whether the court has adjudicated the case and then
enter the court disposition into the database before closing the case.
Tracking the court’s adjudication is beneficial; however, becausethe
database reflects the date that the investigator entered the court
disposition, which can be days or even weeks after the disposition,
rather than the date the investigator completed the investigation,
Investigations cannot determine the amount of time investigators
are taking to complete their work. As a result, Investigations cannot
ensure that investigators are promptly addressing complaints of
placard fraud and abuse. e deputy chief of Investigations again
acknowledged that Investigations is open to changing its process,
stating that doing so would better allow the unit to monitor the
time it takes investigators to close cases.
Further, investigators do not consistently follow up with the courts
to determine case outcomes. As of August , according to data
DMV provided from its investigations database, (percent)
of the , cases initiated from July  through June  were
still open, some for more than two years. We reviewed  of the
open cases and found that in nine of them, the investigations
were complete but the investigator had not yet obtained a court
disposition to close the cases, even though, according to the
deputy chief of Investigations, the courts had likely adjudicated
the cases based on the length of time the cases had been
open.edeputychief of Investigations said the tenthcase
Investigators do not consistently
follow up with the courts to
determine case outcomes;
21percent of the 3,082 cases
initiated from July 2013 through
June 2016 were still open, some
formore than two years.
California State Auditor Report 2016-121
April 2017
was stillopen. She explained that supervisors are supposed to
monitor how long cases have been open and follow up with
their investigators to ensure that they enter case adjudication
information when it becomes available and then close the cases.
Even when investigators enter the case outcome, inconsistencies
in the way they do so impede Investigations’ ability to monitor the
results of its investigations. When closing a case in the database,
investigators select from a variety of codes that indicate the
outcome of the case, and Investigations expects its investigators
to use the appropriate codes when doing so. However, in our
review of the database, we found the investigators’ use of the codes
lacked uniformity. For example, the deputy chief of Investigations
confirmed that investigators used the codes for “no jurisdiction,
“investigative threshold not met,” “insufficient evidence,” and “no
action warranted” interchangeably. erefore, for the cases where
investigators applied these codes, we were unable to determine by
reviewing the data the specific reasons Investigations closed the
cases. According to the deputy chief, Investigations does not have
a manual that describes how investigators should use status codes,
but she acknowledged that such a manual could help establish
consistency. She also stated that investigators do not consistently
use the codes and do not regularly check with the courts to obtain
case adjudications because they need more concrete direction and
training. She explained that in April , Investigations would
begin retraining its investigators on following up with the courts
and the proper use of the status codes. If DMV does not obtain the
outcomes for its cases or accurately enter them into its system, it
cannot effectively use its database to monitor its investigations to
ensure that they are timely and are achieving the desired results.
DMV Has Not Ensured That Parking Enforcement Agencies Have
Direct Access to Placard Records or Needed Training Regarding
Effective Enforcement, Although This Could Help Mitigate
Local parking enforcement’s lack of immediate access to DMV’s
placard information prevents these officials from efficiently
identifying and seizing misused placards. As we discussed
previously, the most common form of placard misuse is one
person using anothers active placard, and identifying that type of
misuse typically requires a sting operation. However, officials can
identify another type of misuse—using an invalid placard, such as
onereported lost or stolen, or using one that belongs to a deceased
individual—by determining whether the placard is valid from
DMVs records. We reviewed DMVs records to identify the reasons
that enforcement officials had seized placards, and we found that
of the roughly , placards seized for misuse and submitted to
Local parking enforcement’s lack of
immediate access to DMV’s placard
information prevents these officials
from efficiently identifying and
seizing misused placards.
41California State Auditor Report 2016-121
April 2017
DMV for cancellation during , about , or  percent, of
the placards were invalid because they had been reported lost or
stolen, they belonged to a deceased placard holder, or they had been
replaced. us, this type of misuse is not uncommon. If officials
can promptly access DMV’s placard information, the likelihood is
greater that they will catch and cite people using invalid placards.
e time it takes parking enforcement to obtain placard
information discourages them from determining whether
placardsare valid. Parking enforcement officials in the six cities
we contacted noted that they have the primary responsibility for
enforcing placard laws, rather than law enforcement officials such
as the local police. However, parking enforcement officials do not
have immediate access to DMV’s placard information because
they are not sworn peace officers. According to the California Law
Enforcement Telecommunications System (CLETS) administration
section at the Department of Justice, with proper statutory
authorization parking enforcement could obtain indirect access to
CLETS information by calling and requesting the information from
a dispatcher. However, this process is time consuming, and parking
enforcement officials in four of the six cities we contacted reported
that they typically do not contact a dispatcher to verify whether
placard numbers are valid. Officials from two cities, Sacramento
and San Francisco, reported that they have designated one parking
enforcement official or more to patrol for placard misuse, but
because verifying the validity of placards is time consuming,
they explained that their remaining parking enforcement officials
generally do not do so. Lack of prompt access to DMV’s placard
information hinders the ability of these officials to identify invalid
placards that are in fraudulent use.
Although DMV offers a variety of channels for law enforcement
and parking enforcement to obtain placard information, only
some provide immediate information. State law requires DMV
to provide law enforcement and parking enforcement with
accesstoits placard information, and DMV provides this access
in several ways. However, the speed at which those agencies can
obtain the information through each channel varies. For example,
law enforcement and parking enforcement can request hard-copy
placard records through the mail, but DMV’s stated processing time
for such requests is generally seven to  business days. Although
DMVs law enforcement call center provides law enforcement and
parking enforcement with quicker access to placard information,
this access is also not timely enough for those officials who need to
immediately access information for multiple vehicles, such as a row
of vehicles parked on a busy metered street. We reviewed DMVs
call records from August  through August  and found
that the average wait time for callers was about threeminutes. If a
parking enforcement official encountered a block with  vehicles
The time it takes parking
enforcement to obtain placard
information discourages them
from determining whether placards
California State Auditor Report 2016-121
April 2017
displaying placards and wanted to check the validity of those
placards, the official would have to either repeatedly contact the
call center and wait an average of three minutes for each vehicle,
or keep the DMV representative on the phone while the official
checked each vehicle. ree of the largest parking enforcement
agencies we interviewed confirmed this would be too time
consuming to be practical. Additionally, the DMV call center
responds to requests from law enforcement, government agencies,
and the media regarding all vehicle registration inquiries, not
just those related to placards. e call center manager confirmed
that repeated calls for placard information would strain the
center’s resources and increase wait times. Although we found
threeminutes to be a reasonable wait time for the call center
in general, it does not provide fast enough access for parking
enforcement officials to use when on patrol.
e two remaining channels for access to placard information
afford users immediate access. However, parking enforcement
cannot obtain direct access to either channel. Specifically, law
enforcement, as sworn peace officers, can directly access DMV
vehicle registration information, including placard information,
using CLETS, but parking enforcement are not sworn peace
officers, and as a result cannot directly access CLETS. With proper
authorization, a parking enforcement agency could obtain CLETS
information indirectly, for example by calling a law enforcement
dispatcher with CLETS access. However, according to the CLETS
administration section, under no circumstances could a parking
enforcement agency obtain mobile access to CLETS, such as
through handheld devices or terminals in their vehicles.
DMV also provides access to its registration system through its
own data communications system, which contains the same placard
information that is accessible through CLETS. However, according
to the program manager in DMVs Information Services Branch,
this access is expensive because of the security measures and
protocols that must be in place given the sensitivity of the data. As
a result, she explained that typically only large agencies, such as the
State Board of Equalization and the Franchise Tax Board, obtain
this type of access to DMV records.
Nevertheless, DMV may have an opportunity to create and
maintain a database for parking enforcement officials to
immediately access the validity of placards. Given the limitations
that parking enforcement faces in accessing placard information,
we asked about the feasibility of DMV developing its own database
containing only the information necessary to identify valid placards.
According to the registration division chief, DMV could create and
maintain a database containing all canceled and inactive placards,
and update that database regularly. However, he explained that
The two remaining channels for
access to placard information
afford users immediate access.
However, parking enforcement
cannot obtain direct access to
43California State Auditor Report 2016-121
April 2017
DMV has never considered creating such a database and, therefore,
does not have an estimate of the amount of time or money it
would take to create and maintain such a database. All six parking
enforcement officials we spoke to indicated that if DMV developed
such an application, their agencies would use that technology.
In addition to more timely access to placard information, the
majority of parking enforcement officials we interviewed wanted
more guidance and training from Investigations, but DMV has not
provided these resources because it was unaware of the demand
for them. As previously noted, officials from each of thesix cities
we interviewed explained that parking enforcement, not law
enforcement, bears primary responsibility for upholding placard
laws. We expected to find that Investigations, as a subject matter
expert, would provide some guidance and training to parking
enforcement agencies to aid their efforts to effectively identify
and prevent placard misuse. According to the deputy chief of
Investigations, DMV has provided training to parking enforcement
when they have requested it, but this has been limited. However,
DMV was unable to produce evidence demonstrating that it
had provided this training. She said that DMV was unaware that
parking enforcement agencies wanted information and training,
and has instead focused on providing outreachand training
on placard abuse to law enforcement agencies. However, local
parking enforcement, not law enforcement, is the most appropriate
audience for such training. By educating local parking enforcement
agencies on strategies for addressing placard abuse, Investigations
could help to improve local enforcement efforts, which could help
deter misuse and free up parking for those with disabilities. Such
information and training could include, for example, content on
the proper conduct of a sting operation and trends in placard
misuse. e deputy chief of Investigations agreed that it would be
beneficial to reach out to parking enforcement agencies to educate
them about parking placard enforcement and DMV investigations
operations and said that Investigations would begin doing so.
One way DMV could assist local parking enforcement officials
would be to inform them of the ability to increase revenue for
enforcement. State law allows local governments to pass ordinances
to increase penalties for placard misuse by per citation, as long
as the localities use the revenue generated to increase enforcement
efforts related to placards or to parking designated for people with
disabilities. For example, localities could spend more money on staff
or technology specifically for placard enforcement. Officials at all
six cities stated that they do not make use of this provision in state
law, and most were not aware of theprovision.
The majority of parking
enforcement officials we
interviewed wanted more guidance
and training from Investigations.
California State Auditor Report 2016-121
April 2017
Without making use of this provision, the cities are missing out on
revenue to increase placard enforcement. For example, an LADOT
senior traffic supervisor reported that the city issued almost
,citations in . If Los Angeles increased its placard misuse
penalty by the additional , it might have raised nearly ,
in additional revenue for placard enforcement. In addition,
increasing penalties for placard misuse could increase the deterrent
effect those penalties have on people who misuse placards. As part
of its guidance to local parking enforcement officials, DMV could
inform them of the ability to increase revenue from citations issued
for placard misuse.
DMV Did Not Track When It Canceled Misused Placards That
Enforcement Officials Have Seized
DMV does not have procedures in place to ensure that enforcement
officials submit information regarding seized placards or to
ensure that it is canceling such placards in a timely manner. When
enforcement officials seize placards, state law requires the agencies
to notify DMV of the seized placard numbers. State law then
requires DMV to cancel the seized placards. However, there is no
statutory time frame for canceling seized placards, nor is there a
deadline by which these agencies must notify DMV of the seized
placard numbers. Nevertheless, timeliness is important. Until
DMV cancels a placard in its registration system, the holder may
report that placard as lost or stolen and receive a new onewithout
the need for a new medical certification. Five of the sixlocal
enforcement agencies we contacted provided us with placard
numbers they recently seized because of misuse and sent to DMV
for cancellation. DMV canceled  of them. In one instance,
DMVdid not receive the placard number or cancel the placard,
and the holder was able to receive a replacement. e enforcement
officials send only the seized placard numbers to DMV for
cancellation; once DMV cancelstheplacards, the local enforcement
agency is expected to destroy thephysicalplacards.
Until very recently, DMV did not track how long it takes to cancel
a seized placard. According to desk procedures provided to
DMV staff, DMV must cancel seized placards within  hours of
receipt. We reviewed  placard numbers DMV had received from
local enforcement agencies from January , the earliest date
thatDMV had such records available, through September . In
all cases DMV had canceled them; however, DMV staff entered
the date the individual was cited by the enforcement officials asthe
cancellation date, preventing us from determining whether DMV
canceled them within  hours. According to the registration
division chief, staff record the citation date as the cancellation date
so activity on the record can clearly be identified as having occurred
Until very recently, DMV did not
track how long it takes to cancel a
45California State Auditor Report 2016-121
April 2017
after the date enforcement officials seized the placard for misuse,
which can be useful for them or others to investigate the individual
misusing the placard. After we brought this to DMV’s attention
in March , the chief of the Registration Services Branch
(registration branch chief) explained that, beginning immediately,
staff would track the date placards were canceled in a spreadsheet
separate from DMV’s registration database.
Delays by local enforcement officials and confusion over where
to send placard cancellations compound the lack of timely
cancellation. Of the  cancellations we reviewed, in four instances
DMV recorded that it received the cancellation requests more
than days after the placard holders had been cited for misuse.
According to a training schedule provided by DMV, it sporadically
provides to enforcement officials training materials that convey the
need for timely submission of placard cancellation requests.
Further, DMV receives cancellation requests by mail, fax, or email,
but there has been confusion over where to send the requests.
For example, the assistant director of the enforcement division
at SFMTA stated that staff were not informed when the unit that
processes cancellation requests moved, and the agency continued
for several months to send placard cancellation requests to
the wrong fax number. Also, we observed one instance where
SantaCruz sent a cancellation request for a placard and DMV
never received it. According to the registration branch chief, the
entity sent the request for cancellation to the wrong address. DMV
maintains two fax numbers to which local enforcement agencies
may send cancellation requests, but one is not located within
the unit processing the requests. According to the registration
branch chief, DMV wanted to keep both lines active in case a local
entity did not know about the new fax number. Nevertheless,
this requires a staff person to remember to go to another unit on
another floor of the building to periodically check the fax machine.
Finally, DMV informed us that email requests for cancellations
go to specific individuals. is could cause delays in canceling
placards if theseindividuals choose to leave their employment with
DMV or are on extended leave. We asked DMV whether it had
considered maintaining dedicated fax numbers and email addresses
for placard cancellations. e registration division chief stated that
DMV would consider implementing such tools. Further, he stated
that DMV maintains an email distribution list of enforcement
officials with which DMV has contact and that it could use to
communicate such information. Without regular communication
with local enforcement agencies regarding the need for timeliness
in submitting cancellation requests or where to send such requests,
DMV risks allowing individuals caught misusing placards to obtain
a replacement instead of having to apply for a new placard and
submit a new certification of disability.
DMV receives cancellation requests
by mail, fax, or email, but there has
been confusion over where to send
the requests.
California State Auditor Report 2016-121
April 2017
DMV Could Take Additional Steps to Mitigate Placard Misuse
To further combat misuse, DMV could take steps to make it
easierto return placards if found or if they are no longer needed
and to raise public awareness of the penalties and effects of placard
misuse. We reviewed transactions related to  placards from
DMVs registration system to identify any data entry errors and
found that more than half of the transactions were for placard
holders who reported the placard as lost. However, as noted earlier,
when DMV cancels a placard in its database, the placard itself
remains physically in circulation and anyone can continue to use
the canceled, invalid placard. Similarly, when DMV mistakenly
renews placards of deceased people, as we discussed in Chapter,
those placards are in circulation and available for misuse unless
returned to DMV. However, DMV does not currently print a return
mailing address on placards, making it difficult for those who
find lost placards to know where to send them. Federal regulation
requires DMV to include certain information on placards, including
the International Symbol of Access, but this does not prevent
DMV from including a return mailing address. According to its
registration division chief, DMV did not identify this as a potential
method for reducing placards in circulation, but agreed the idea
DMV also does not perform public outreach to raise awareness
about the effect that placard misuse has on people with disabilities.
Public awareness campaigns are a useful tool for informing people
of the consequences of certain unlawful activities. For example, the
California Office of Traffic Safetys It’s Not Worth It campaign warns
of the consequences of distracted driving from using cell phones
and texting. Additionally, other jurisdictions have developed public
awareness campaigns. e state of Colorados Advisory Council for
Persons with Disabilities has a campaign called Excuses vs. Reasons
that, according to its website, was born out of extensive research
underscoring the need for more information on the challenges
people with disabilities face when attempting to park in designated
parking spaces. By using real excuses cited by nondisabled people,
the campaign promotes the fact that “No Plates. No Placard. No
Parking” is a right all drivers should defend. e city of Phoenix,
Arizona, has an outreach effort called the Save Our Space Parking
Campaign, which publishes a brochure describing the effects
that taking parking from a person with disabilities could have.
According to a city representative, the brochures are distributed
to local offices that serve people with disabilities. Both of these
efforts provide examples of ways to reach out to more people and
encourage them to think twice before parking in a designated
parking space or misusing a placard that does not belong to
them. DMV’s registration division chief told us that a coordinated
outreach campaign has not been implemented in the past. Afterwe
DMV does not perform public
outreach to raise awareness about
the effect that placard misuse has
on people with disabilities.
47California State Auditor Report 2016-121
April 2017
brought the outreach campaigns of Phoenix and Colorado to
DMVs attention, he stated that DMV will initiate an outreach
campaign in the coming fiscal year.
To better deter placard abuse, by September  DMV should
establish reasonable goals regarding the number of sting operations
each of its district offices should conduct each quarter. If competing
priorities require a district office to miss its goal for a given quarter,
Investigations should document its justification for missing the
goal. Further, Investigations should monitor its district offices’
effectiveness in meeting the quarterly goals.
To help ensure that DMV’s sting operations are an effective
deterrent to placard misuse, beginning immediately DMV should
regularly publicize the results of all of its sting operations through
local and statewide media, on its website, and in materials
distributed to the public at its field offices.
To properly equip its employees with the knowledge
necessary to identify and report potential fraud indicators in
placard applications, DMV should provide employees who
processapplications with training specific to the types of fraud
thatcan occur in an application. is training should be provided
by December  and every other year thereafter.
To encourage reporting of allegations of placard abuse,
Investigations should amend its policy to accept complaints by
telephone and online by June  and display the instructions for
doing so prominently on its website.
To better track the time needed to investigate placard-related cases,
Investigations should immediately require investigators to indicate
in Investigations’ database that cases are closed upon concluding
the investigation and to continue to track the court’s adjudication of
each case.
To better monitor the results of its enforcement operations,
Investigations should provide training and guidance to
itsinvestigators on how to use and consistently enter case
disposition information into its database, and it should train its
supervisors to regularly follow up with investigators to ensure
thatthey do so.
California State Auditor Report 2016-121
April 2017
To better equip local parking enforcement officials to promptly
identify invalid placards, by December  DMV should develop
and implement an application, database, or other technology
that will allow non-sworn parking enforcement officials to have
immediate access to information on placard status.
To aid local placard enforcement efforts, by September 
DMV should develop guidance and training regarding strategies
to combat placard misuse and notify local parking enforcement
officials that the DMV guidance and training is available. As part of
these efforts, DMV should include information on state law related
to increasing citation penalties to fund enforcement efforts.
To track its effectiveness at canceling seized placards, DMV should
continue its new practice of keeping a record of the date staff take
action to cancel a placard and assess whether DMV is meeting its
goal of canceling seized placards within  hours of receipt.
To provide local enforcement agencies with an effective way to
submit placard cancellation requests, DMV should immediately
establish a dedicated fax number, a dedicated email address, and a
specific mailing address to receive such cancellations. DMVshould
communicate this information to local parking enforcement by
July  and should develop a schedule for communicating this
information to local parking enforcement in the future. By July
and periodically thereafter, DMV should inform local parking
enforcement of the need to submit information on seized placards
quickly in order to prevent the holder or someone else from
requesting a replacement placard without having to submit a new
To reduce the risk of placard misuse, DMV should update its
placards to indicate a return address if found or if the placard
holder is deceased. DMV should prepare this update for the
permanent placards it will issue in  that will expire in .
To raise public awareness about parking for people with disabilities
in California and deter placard misuse, by September  DMV
should develop a plan for conducting a public outreach campaign
about the effect that placard misuse has on people with disabilities
and the penalties for misusing a placard.
49California State Auditor Report 2016-121
April 2017
We conducted this audit under the authority vested in the California State Auditor by Section
et seq. of the California Government Code and according to generally accepted government auditing
standards. ose standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain sufficient, appropriate
evidence to provide a reasonable basis for our findings and conclusions based on our audit objectives
specified in the Scope and Methodology section of the report. We believe that the evidence obtained
provides a reasonable basis for our findings and conclusions based on our audit objectives.
Respectfully submitted,
State Auditor
Date: April , 
Staff: Laura G. Kearney, Audit Principal
John Lewis, MPA
Jim Adams, MPP
Sarah Flower
Amanda Millen, MBA
IT Audits: Michelle J. Baur, CISA, Audit Principal
Lindsay M. Harris, MBA, CISA
Shauna M. Pellman, MPPA, CIA
Legal Counsel: Heather Kendrick, Sr. Staff Counsel
For questions regarding the contents of this report, please contact
Margarita Fernández, Chief of Public Affairs, at ...
50 California State Auditor Report 2016-121
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51California State Auditor Report 2016-121
April 2017
Appendix A
To understand how disabled person parking benefits might
differ in other states, we selected nine states to review, as listed
in TableA on the following page. We selected neighbor states
as well as larger states and others for geographic diversity. As
TableA shows, California and one other state we reviewed do not
require placard holders to periodically reapply for disabled parking
placards or plates. Further, several states we reviewed offer free
metered parking with varying or no time restrictions. Additionally
two states—Illinois and Michigan—have established two-tiered
systems.In both of these states, all individuals with placards may
park in specially designated disabled spaces; however, to receive free
parking in metered spaces, individuals must have a disability that
limits their ability to use a parking meter.
52 California State Auditor Report 2016-121
April 2017
Table A
A Comparison of Selected Disabled Person Parking Policies in California and Other States
Yes No Yes
Florida Yes
(up to 4 years)
Yes May park up to four
hours in metered spaces;
however, local ordinances
may extend that time.
(4 years)
Fee-exempt placard holders only. No time restrictions for
fee-exempt placard holders
at meters with time limits of
more than 30 minutes.
Massachusetts No Yes No Yes
(4 years)
Fee-exempt permit holders only. Yes Yes
Nevada Yes
(10 years)
No May park up to fourhours
in time-restricted spaces.
North Carolina Yes
(5 years)
No No Yes
Oregon Yes
(up to 8 years)
Free metered parking for wheelchair users in zones
with time limits above 30 minutes. Local parking
authorities may allow other disabled parking
permit holders the same free meterprivileges.
No time restrictions for
zones with limits greater
than 30 minutes.
Pennsylvania Yes
(5 years)
No, although upon expiration of the meter, a
one-hour grace period is allowed before a citation
is issued. Persons with disabilities not paying
a meter upon arrival will be cited without the
May park up to one hour
longer than posted time
limits except where local
ordinances accommodate
Washington Yes
(5 years)
Yes No. Local jurisdictions may
impose time limits of no
less than four hours.
Sources: California State Auditor’s analysis of laws and other publicly available information for the selected states as well as interviews with officials from
Illinois, Michigan, and Oregon.
* Localities in states without a statewide exemption of parking meter fees may nevertheless have such an exemption.
Requires recertification of the disability.
States employing a two-tiered system for placards require that individuals must have qualifying physical limitations, such as an inability to handle coins
because of limited motor control in both hands, to be entitled to free, unlimited metered parking. These are fee-exempt placard holders. Other disabled
individuals may use designated parking spaces, but do not receive free parking without consideration of time limits.
53California State Auditor Report 2016-121
April 2017
Appendix B
FISCAL YEARS 2013–14 THROUGH 2015–16
e Joint Legislative Audit Committee asked the California State
Auditor to evaluate the extent to which the Department of Motor
Vehicles (DMV) investigates placard-related complaints. As described
in the Introduction, DMVs Investigations Unit (Investigations)
receives complaints from external parties, such as the public or law
enforcement, but the majority of the cases it reviews are self-initiated
and are a result of sting operations that itconducts.
Table B presents information we obtained and reviewed from
Investigations’ database. e table summarizes, by fiscal year, the
numberof cases Investigations initiated through sting operations and
those it initiated based on a complaint from an external party. Further, the
table shows the outcomes for each of the cases that Investigations initiated,
listed according to the fiscalyear in which DMV initiated thecase.
Table B
Investigations Initiated by the DMV’s Investigations Unit
Fiscal Years 2013–14 Through2015–16
2013–14 2014–15 2015–16
Total cases initiated 142 683 160 1,046 178 979 3,188
Total cases opened for investigation 122 676 138 1,032 150 964 3,082
Cases still open or in review as of
August 18, 2016*
3 63 6 112 57 418 659
Closed—no investigation or no violation 51 14 76 18 54 39 252
Closed—warning issued 47 119 25 177 46 94 508
Closed—conviction 21 305 9 461 9 227 1,032
Closed—dismissed 4 116 6 147 2 117 392
16 66 39 131 11 84 347
142 683 161 1,046 179 979 3,190
Source: California State Auditor’s analysis of data from the DMV’s investigations database, as ofAugust 18, 2016.
* According to a deputy chief in Investigations, some of these cases are still open because of DMV’s policy that investigators should not close cases
untilthey have been adjudicated. In cases open longer than one year, the investigation is likely complete but the investigator has not obtained the
courtadjudication in order to close the case.
Includes cases not prosecuted due to statute of limitations, cases the local district attorney rejected, duplicate cases, and cases with an unknown
disposition due to inconsistencies in outcome reporting.
The table shows 3,188 cases initiated but provides case statuses for 3,190 cases. This is because Investigations’ data set containing information
on closedcases contained two more closed cases than the data set containing all entered cases. DMV was unable to provide a reason for this
discrepancy, and the difference is not significant.
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55California State Auditor Report 2016-121
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Appendix C
e Joint Legislative Audit Committee (Audit Committee)
directedthe California State Auditor to perform an audit of the
Department of Motor Vehicles’ (DMV) disabled person parking
placard program, including reviews of medical certifications,
identified and canceled placards belonging to deceased individuals,
and investigated placard-related complaints. Table C. lists the
objectives that the Audit Committee approved and summarizes
themethods we used to address those objectives.
Table C.1
Audit Objectives and the Methods Used to Address Them
1 Review and evaluate the laws, rules,
and regulations significant to the
audit objectives.
Reviewed relevant state laws and regulations.
2 For a selection of issued or renewed
placards over the past three fiscal
years, determine thefollowing:
To review the Department of Motor Vehicles’ (DMV) program for issuing disabled person parking
placards (placards) and disabled person or disabled veteran license plates (plates), we selected
a random sample from a population of the more than 1.4 million original plate and placard
applications DMV approved from July 2013 through June 2016, the most recently completed
threefiscal years. We used a 95 percent confidence interval and a 10 percent precision rate to
determine an appropriate sample size of 96 applications. In some cases, we were able to conduct
analyses on DMV’s data for the entire population of placards and plates, and chose to do so rather
than rely on our sample. We note those instances in the audit objectives that follow.
Analyzed data from DMV’s Vehicle/Vessel Registration Master File (registration system) to
determine whether any placard holders had more than one active, permanent placard as of
June30, 2016, the midpoint of the two-year period for permanent placards beginning July2015.
a. Whether the applicant has been
issued more than one placard
during the same two-year
period the initial placard is, or
was, in force.
b. Whether the name and
signature of the medical
provider who certified the
qualifying disease or disability
matches information on
file with the applicable
Using the representative sample described in Objective 2a, we compared the medical providers
signatures on the applications with signatures on file with the appropriate Department of Consumer
Affairs’ healing arts boards (health boards).
c. Whether substantiating
information retained by the
medical provider who signed
the placard application
certification matches the
statutory definition of a
disabled person.
As we discuss in Chapter 1, state and federal law prevent DMV and the health boards from obtaining
and reviewing information on patient diagnoses without obtaining patient consent, unless the
applicable health board issues an investigative subpoena or obtains an otherwise valid legal order.
Thus, we were unable to review substantiating information retained by the medical providers. As
an alternative, we worked with the applicable health boards to have their medical experts review
the disability certifications on our representative sample of applications to determine whether the
information met requirements in state law.
d. The number and percentage
of placard holders who are
deceased by comparing the
database of active placard
holders with the California
Department of Public Health’s
(Public Health) Office of Vital
Records’ deceased persons data.
Reviewed DMVs process for conducting a monthly comparison between Public Healths data
and DMV’s data to identify deceased placard holders. Further, using data from DMV’s registration
system, determined whether those identified as deceased through this comparison from July2013
through December 2014 were issued new permanent placards with an expiration date of
June30,2017. We chose December 31, 2014, as the cutoff date because the earliest DMV would
have issued a permanent placard with an expiration date of June 30, 2017, was January 1, 2015.
We have reasonable assurance that DMV’s processes work as expected.
continued on next page . . .
56 California State Auditor Report 2016-121
April 2017
As we note in Chapter 1, the U.S. Social Security Administration also maintains a database, known
as the Death Master File (master file), of the deceased that has different sources for its data. To
better assess whether DMV is identifying deceased placard holders, we compared DMV’s data
tothe master file.
DMV identified three placard holders in our sample of 96 applications as deceased. The deaths
occurred after they applied for placards.
Identified the number of individuals with active permanent placards who were age 100 or older as
of June 30, 2016, and compared the number to census data.
e. How many placards have
remained in circulation after
a report by local authorities
that a placard was confiscated,
a report that a placard was
stolen, a conviction for misuse
of a placard, or other evidence
that a placard was used or
Reviewed data from the investigations database in DMV’s Investigations Unit (Investigations)
and found that DMV had no record of complaints or investigations on the placards in our
representative sample.
Determined that none of the placards in our sample appeared within DMV’s records of placards
seized by local authorities.
In Objective 7, we reviewed DMV’s activities related to placards seized by enforcement officials.
3 Provide a breakdown of certifications
by medical provider type over the
past three fiscal years. Over that same
time period, determine the number
of fraudulently obtained placards by
type of certification.
Identified the type of medical provider certifying disabilities on the applications in our representative
sample. DMV does not always capture in its registration system information necessary to identify
the type of medical provider. Therefore, we could not provide a breakdown of provider type based
on the population as a whole. In Chapter 1, we discuss how this limits DMV’s ability to detect fraud.
Further, although we found irregularities in some applications in our sample and reported them to
Investigations, we did not definitively identify fraud.
4 Determine the extent to which the
DMV compares its placard holder
data against deceased persons data
and thereby withholds renewals for
deceased placard holders.
The procedures we performed that are described in Objective 2d also address this objective.
5 Examine the extent to which the DMV
makes placard holder information
available to eligible law enforcement
and parking control agencies.
Determine how promptly this
information is made available.
Reviewed DMV processes for receiving and responding to information requests from law
enforcement, parking enforcement, and government agencies.
Reviewed a selection of 24 information requests DMV responded to by mail to determine how
promptly DMV responded to those requests. Based on available information, we determined DMV
generally met established goals—up to 10 days for standard requests and less than seven days for
rush requests—for responding to requests.
Reviewed DMV data on call waiting times for DMV’s law enforcement call center.
Interviewed parking enforcement officials in six cities regarding the manner in which they
obtain access to DMV’s placard information and their satisfaction with the ease of access to that
information. We selected the six cities—Berkeley, Fresno, Los Angeles, Sacramento, San Francisco,
and Santa Cruz—based on population, geographic location, and our perception of limited parking.
6 Over the past three fiscal years,
determine the number of
replacement placards DMV issued
to replace reportedly lost or stolen
placards and whether it appropriately
canceled placards being replaced
before issuing a replacement.
Analyzed data from DMV’s registration system to identify permanent placards that DMV replaced for
any reason, including those reported as lost or stolen, and calculated the number of replacements per
individual from July 2013 through June 2016. We determined that when DMV issues a replacement, it
cancels the placard holder’s previous placard.
7 For the past three fiscal years,
determine how often and how
quickly the DMV canceled placards
confiscated by local authorities.
Interviewed DMV management to document the process DMV uses to receive information from
enforcement officials regarding seized placards and to cancel those placards.
Reviewed tracking spreadsheets DMV used to record its activities related to seized placards.
Reviewed a selection of 15 placard cancellation requests DMV received from January 2015 through
September 2016. DMV had not retained original information from enforcement officials before
January 2015, and thus we had to limit our review to this time period.
57California State Auditor Report 2016-121
April 2017
8 Examine how readily accessible,
up-to-date, and accurate DMV’s
placard information is to local
authorities, particularly for placards
reported as lost, stolen, surrendered,
canceled, revoked, expired, or
issued to someone appearing in the
deceased persons database.
Interviewed local parking enforcement officials and in Objective 5 identified methods DMV uses to
make information available to them.
Assessed the accessibility and timeliness of this information in Objective 5.
9 Evaluate the extent to which
DMV investigates placard-related
complaints and makes corresponding
updates to its database, particularly
for placards that may have been
fraudulently obtained or erroneously
issued, that were inappropriately
lent or sold to another individual, or
that were fraudulently duplicated
Reviewed DMVs process for receiving and investigating complaints of placard misuse and fraud.
Reviewed cases from DMV’s investigations database coded as being specifically related to placard
abuse and initiated from July 2013 through June 2016. Using this data, we determined the
number of complaints and DMV-initiated cases DMV investigated, as well as the outcomes of those
Judgmentally selected and reviewed six of DMV’s placard misuse operations—sting operations—
including the scope, results, and costs for each operation.
In Objective 7, reviewed how DMV responds to requests for canceling seized placards, including
those seized by Investigations.
10 Review and assess any other issues
that are significant to the audit.
To identify possible best practices, judgmentally selected nine states and researched laws, policies,
and procedures for their respective disabled person placard programs.
Interviewed parking enforcement officials in the six cities we selected to address Objective 5 to
identify the tactics those cities employ for combating placard misuse and to determine the extent
to which the cities work with DMV to identify placard misuse.
Sources: California State Auditor’s analysis of Joint Legislative Audit Committee audit request number 2016-121, planning documents, and analysis of
information and documentation identified in the table column titled Method.
Assessment of Data Reliability
In performing this audit, we obtained electronic data files extracted
from the information systems listed in Table C. on the following
page. e U.S. Government Accountability Office, whose standards
we are statutorily required to follow, requires us to assess the
sufficiency and appropriateness of computer-processed information
that we use to support findings, conclusions, or recommendations.
Table C. describes the analyses we conducted using data from
these information systems, our methods for testing, and the
results of our assessments. Although these determinations may
affect the precision of the numbers we present, there is sufficient
evidence in total to support our audit findings, conclusions,
58 California State Auditor Report 2016-121
April 2017
Table C.2
Methods Used to Assess Data Reliability
Department of Motor
Vehicles (DMV)
Registration Master
File (registration
system) as of
August9, 2016
To select a random sample
of original applications for
disabled person parking
placards (placards) and disabled
person or disabled veteran
license plates (plates) approved
from July 1, 2013, through
June30,2016, for review.
We performed data-set verification procedures and electronic
testing of key data elements, and we did not identify any
significant issues.
This purpose did not require a data reliability assessment.
Instead, we gained assurance that the population was
complete. To test the completeness of DMV’s registration
system, we haphazardly selected 29 placard or plate numbers
from an independent information system. We then traced
these placard or plate numbers to the registration system and
found the data to be complete.
Complete for this
audit purpose.
To calculate the number of
placards and plates active as of
June 30, 2016.
To determine the median age of
individuals with placards active
as of June 30, 2016.
To identify the names and
birthdates of individuals with
permanent placards active as of
June 30, 2016.
To identify select placards
and plates associated with
individuals DMV determined
were deceased.
To quantify the number of
individuals age 100 or older with
permanent placards active as of
June 30, 2016.
To identify replacements of
permanent placards that DMV
issued, and to calculate the
number of these replacements
per individual, from July 2013
through June 2016.
To detect individuals with more
than one permanent placard
active as of June 30, 2016.
To determine whether DMV
referenced medical provider
license numbers in its
registration system for select
placards or plates.
We performed data-set verification procedures and electronic
testing of key data elements, and we did not identify any
significant issues.
The registration system is a partially paperless system. For
example, DMV automated the renewal of permanent placards
and a process to identify permanent placards associated with
individuals that are deceased. Thus, some transactions did
not have supporting documentation available for review.
Alternatively, we could have reviewed the adequacy of
selected application controls, but we determined that this
level of review was cost-prohibitive.
To gain some assurance of the accuracy of DMV’s registration
system transactions with supporting documentation, we
traced key data elements to supporting documentation for
a selection of 29 permanent placard transactions during the
period July 2013 through June 2016, and we found no errors.
To gain some assurance of the completeness of the data, we
haphazardly selected 29 placard or plate numbers from an
independent information system and traced these numbers
to the registration system. We identified no exceptions
through this testing.
reliability for the
purposes of this
audit. Although this
determination may
affect the precision
of the numbers we
present, sufficient
evidence exists in
total to support
our audit findings,
conclusions, and
59California State Auditor Report 2016-121
April 2017
U.S. Social Security
(Social Security)
Death Master File
(master file) as of
September 30, 2016
To determine the death dates
recorded for names and
birthdates associated with
permanent placards.
We performed data-set verification procedures and electronic
testing of key data elements, and found no errors.
Social Security does not guarantee the accuracy of the master
file; however, we did not perform accuracy and completeness
testing of its data because the source documents that support
this data are maintained by the U.S. Government, and our
access statute does not compel the U.S. Government to provide
us records.
reliability for the
purpose of this
audit. Although this
determination may
affect the precision
of the numbers we
present, sufficient
evidence exists in
total to support
our audit findings,
conclusions, and
Data extracted from
DMV’s investigations
database related
to cases focused
specifically on
placard abuse that
were initiated from
July 2013 through
To calculate the number
of investigations and
To make a selection of
investigations focused
on placards opened
throughJune 30, 2016.
To review the processes
and timeliness of DMV’s
Investigations Unit related
to tracking investigations
from thepoint of receipt of
a complaint to case closure,
and tracking dispositions
We performed data-set verification procedures and electronic
testing of key data elements, and did not identify any issues.
We did not conduct accuracy or completeness testing on these
data because the source documents required for this testing are
stored at various locations throughout the State, making such
testing cost-prohibitive.
reliability for the
purposes of this
audit. Although this
determination may
affect the precision
of the numbers we
present, sufficient
evidence exists in
total to support
our audit findings,
conclusions, and
Excel spreadsheets
DMV uses to track
information received
from enforcement
officials related to
placards the officials
seized and DMV
canceled in 2016.
To determine the number of
placards enforcement officials
seized and reported to DMV and
the number of those that DMV
had recorded as lost or stolen.
We performed data-set verification procedures and found no
errors. Further, we performed electronic testing and found
nosignificant errors. We did not perform accuracy testing. We
also obtained reasonable assurance that the spreadsheets were
complete by requesting information on seized placards from
sixlocal parking enforcement officials. We noted that DMV
recorded it had received 43 of the 44 placards we reviewed.
There is no evidence DMV ever received the 44th placard, and
therefore we did not expect it to be in the spreadsheet.
reliability for the
purpose of this
audit. Although this
determination may
affect the precision
of the numbers we
present, sufficient
evidence exists in
total to support
our audit findings,
conclusions, and
Source: California State Auditor’s analysis of various documents, interviews, or data from the entities listed in the table.
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