Q&A: Housing Information Session
Is submitting the house contract different from choosing your personal roommate? When do we get
to choose our own roommate?
Yes. You will submit your contract first and then have the opportunity to select roommates at a
later date in June.
So, I have been accepted into University Honors and I have completed my SIR but when I go to
complete my housing contract, it won't let me choose their LLC, which I am required to live in. Is
there something else I need to do?
Once we receive the information from the Honors department we will add that information to
your profile which will allow you to select an Honors space.
Room Selection Time Slot: Not Yet Assigned is this what it looks like for most incoming freshmen
Yes. Time slots have not been issued yet for room selection
If we were invited to honors program and we submitted our applications do we still have to sign up
for housing since we already will be living in Pentland Hills if we are accepted or do we still have to
sign up just in case?
Everyone must fill out a housing contract to let us know you would like to stay on
Are the Dundee dorms still on track, as of today to open for Fall
Yes, Dundee will open for Fall 2020
How hard is it to get a
Turn in your contract as soon as possible to have to most selection or variety available to you.
Is there a way to have housing application/contract fees waived or covered by financial
Please send an e-mail to hous[email protected] with your full name and Student ID number so
we can assist you.
Are freshman undergrads allowed to dorm in
Yes, Pentland Hills is a freshman residence
Does Dundee cost more than the other
No. All halls have the same housing
Is Dundee co-ed halls?
How soon do the dorms usually start filling up and how are they
We are already accepting contracts. Please be sure to submit as soon as possible. Time slots are
issued according to you submission date.
So there are no co-ed halls for Pentland hills?
Pentland Hills is made up of suite style buildings. The suites are not co-ed however the building
is co-ed.
Is this correct, the dinning is charged
Both room and board are placed on the account for the full quarter with monthly due dates.
Can Honors University students live in
The Honors hall is at Pentland
My room and board is covered through financial aid, scholarships, grants, and loans. Will I still be
charged monthly for the housing and dining plans?
Your account will be charge for the full quarter with monthly due dates. Your aid will cover
tuition and campus fees first. Then will be applied to housing charges.
Is a mattress
Yes, a mattress will be
What are the differences between the two dining
You may be the type of person that likes to eat a little and then an hour later eat a little
something more. . . so the unlimited would be a good plan for you. If you go home often on the
weekends, then the Highlander 150 may be a better selection.
How are the specific beds chosen in each
You will see a map of the layout of a room on the housing website. Talk with you roommate
group about which bed you would like.
Are we able to study in other residential buildings that we don’t live
You may visit your friends who have access to the study rooms in their hall. However, you will
not be able to access these spaces as a resident of another building on your own.
Just want to make sure I heard correctly: is the cost for singles, doubles, and triples at Lothian,
Aberdeen Inverness, and Dundee the same for 2020-2021?
Yes. This is correct!
Do freshmen get priority
Your time slot for selection depends on your contract submission date. Submit your contract
Are we going to know if we have been accepted into the Honors Program before we have to
Honors notifications should be released in April. The SIR deadline is May 1.
Are fishes allowed in
No pets are allowed in the residence halls.
Will we have to pay for the dorms despite the large possibility of not using them due to the
If you are not living here, you will not need to pay for housing.
How far are the resident halls from the
Residence halls are no more than a 10 minute walk to your
If I am not living on campus, do I need to inform UCR housing of
What are the requirements for getting into the honors program and how does one get
I would visit the honors website to view their requirements - www.honors.ucr.edu. If you have
additional questions about the Honors Program I would recommend attending their live webinar
which will be offered later this week .
Does each student receive their own Fridge and Microwave or is it shared between roommates?
When is the housing application due for Fall
The contract is live and you can apply today!
Do we have to bring our own cutlery or can we use those in the cafeterias? ex. scissors,
spatulas, knives, etc.?
The dining halls have all of the cutlery you will need for your meals.
What is the website for getting permmission to get car
Transportation and Parking
When is the best time to apply for campus
Is the Honors LLC become available to select on for the Housing Contract or do we have to contact
the email?
The Honors department will send housing a list of students who have been accepted to the
Are there halal options for
Please review the website dining.ucr.edu. You may also contact our dining team for information.
Their information is on the website.
Will Chameleon still be
No, however you will have great options on
When will virtual tour available for
https://housing.ucr.edu/ucr-housing-options/ucr-residence-halls/dundee. Visit the site to learn
more about Dundee including a 360 Virtual Tour.
What is the name of the new dorm that is being built right now?
Do you have to walk up a hill to and from Pentland
If you choose to walk that route. There are several different paths to get to Pentland Hills.
Will people on waitlist be guaranteed housing if admitted?
You will be guaranteed housing if you meet the May 10th
I have financial aid to cover full cost of attendance, does this mean I won’t receive bills for the
monthly dorming costs?
Everyone is billed for the quarter with monthly due dates. You aid will cover campus fees and
tuition first.
Is there a way for junior and seniors to have guaranteed
Our continuing students have priority.
What does the switching with no penalty from one meal plan to another mean for paying for that
new mean plan?
You have the first two weeks of the academic year to decide which plan is best for you.
What about if we only want to dorm for the first year at UCR or are unsure about dorming 2
That's fine. But we will miss you!
Can honors students select a
Also If my other waitlists get accepted, is it still fine I turned in my house contract?
Please note that the contract submission fee and activity fee is non-refundable.
If me and my roommate want to dorm next to another set of roommates, would that be
You can attempt to coordinate once you all have your time slots issued to you.
If you already turned in your housing contract how do you let the housing know that you want a
specific person as my roommate?
You will have a roommate grouping/selection period. Information will be sent to you.
Room selection is based on when we submit our housing
Can you switch living learning
You can tell us up to 5 preferences for LLCs
Do students need to move out of the dorms during
There are opportunities to extend your stay if needed.
So we can’t request a specific residence hall until
When are you able to pick your roommate if you have already filled out the housing
Yes. Roommate grouping will happen after everyone has had a chance to submit a contract.
Do all the communities have free access to the recreation
As a student the fee one of your campus fees on your account.
What is the process for switching roommates if you are not happy who you ended up
Make sure you ask great questions during the roommate matching. This process has been great
for our residents. You would start with your RA.
Also are all residence halls coed
Are bathrooms co-
There will be a gender neutral option on each floor of Dundee.
Where are the other restaurants such as The Habit and Mod Pizza
At the HUB, in the center of
Will Dundee have a computer
Are the single rooms in Dundee part of a Living Learning
There are a limited number of singles
How do students move from class to class? do they need a
Many of our students walk, ride bikes, use scooters, and skateboards.
How far are the dorms from campus/classes?
No more than a 10 minute walk
One of the slides said Dundee does not have cellphone jacks, does this mean we can’t charge our
phones there?
Dundee does not have phone jacks - for a land line. There will be standard electrical outlets
which you can use to charge your cellphone.
Are dining halls open 24/7?
No. All dining locations have set hours - https://dining.ucr.edu/ . They are currently adjusted
due to campus closures but you will reference this for their hours once the campus reopens.
Besides virtually 360 tours, my parents wanted to actually see the residence halls, will there be a
day where we can tour the residence halls (after the Virus)
When the campus reopens you can book a residence hall tour on our tours website -
Is the email for the housing closed right
No it is still active.
What are considered residential restaurants? Is that like panda express etc. or just the café?
There are residential restaurants located in our residence halls. Locations like Panda Express,
The Habit, etc. are considered part of the HUB which is located in the center of campus.
What are dining
Visit our dining website dining.ucr.edu - hours are adjusted per the campus closure but when
campus reopens you will be able to see what each locations hours are.
How do you apply for the
Visit the honors website for information on University Honors -
Is biking recommended at
Many students do bike, skateboard, and scooter around campus. Many also walk. This is up to
your personal preference.
Do you guys have birds (scooters) on campus?
No, these are not permitted on campus. Standard scooters are
Where are the dorms relative to the
Probably a 5-10 minute walk
Does UCR have secure bike
Yes, there are secure bike racks throughout campus. You would provide your own lock to secure
your bike to the racks.
Are we allowed to bring bikes?
How late are the dining halls open for?
Hours for dining halls can be found at dining.ucr.edu - these will be updated once the campus
Do all dorms have air conditioning?