Valley Metro I 101 N. 1st Ave. Phoenix, AZ 85003 602.262.7433
Boards of Directors Meetings
Joint Meeting
Valley Metro RPTA and
Valley Metro Rail
Valley Metro
Valley Metro
March 21, 2024
Starting Time
11:15 a.m.
Valley Metro
101 N. 1
Avenue, 10
If you require assistance accessing the meetings please
call 602.262.7433.
Valley Metro I 101 N. 1st Ave. Phoenix, AZ 85003 602.262.7433
March 14, 2024
Joint Meeting Agenda
Valley Metro RPTA
Valley Metro Rail
Thursday, March 21, 2024
Valley Metro, 101 N. 1
Avenue, 10
11:15 a.m.
Action Recommended
1. Public Comment
The public will be provided with an opportunity at this time
to address the committees on non-agenda items and all
action agenda items for the Joint, RPTA and VMR
meeting agendas. Up to three minutes will be provided per
speaker unless the Chair allows more at their discretion. A
total of 15 minutes for all speakers will be provided.
1. For Information
2. Chief Executive Officer’s Report
Jessica Mefford-Miller, CEO, will brief the Joint Boards of
Directors on current issues.
2. For information
3. Audit and Finance Subcommittee Update
Vice Mayor Goodman, AFS Chair, will provide an update on
the discussions and actions taken at the AFS meeting.
3. For information
4A. Minutes
Minutes from the February 22, 2024 Joint Boards meeting
are presented for approval.
4A. For action
4B. Facilities Maintenance Services Contract Award
Staff recommends that the Boards of Directors authorize the
CEO to execute a two-year base contract with an option for
three additional one-year extensions with DMS Facility
Services, LLC to provide facility maintenance services for a
VMR amount not to exceed $9,950,000 and RPTA portion
will not exceed $700,000, for a total contract amount of
4B. For action
4C. FY 2024 Computer and Switch Replacement
Staff recommends that the Boards of Directors authorize the
CEO to continue procuring necessary hardware
replacements in FY 2024 in a total amount not to exceed
4C. For action
5. Travel and Expenditures
The monthly travel and expenditures for Valley Metro RPTA
and Valley Metro Rail are presented for information.
5. For information
6. Report on Current Events and Suggested Future
Agenda Items
Chair Stipp will provide members the opportunity to report
on current events and suggest future agenda items for
6. For information
7. Next Meeting
The next meeting of the of the Joint Boards of Directors is
scheduled for Thursday, April 18, 2024 at 11:15 a.m.
7. For information
Qualified sign language interpreters are available with 72 hours notice. Materials in
alternative formats (large print or flash drive) are available upon request. For further
information, please call Valley Metro at 602-262-7433 or TTY at 602-251-2039. To
attend this meeting via teleconference, contact the receptionist at 602-262-7433 for the
dial-in-information. The supporting information for this agenda can be found on our web
site at
Valley Metro I 101 N. 1st Ave. Phoenix, AZ 85003 602.262.7433
March 14, 2024
Public Comment
The public will be provided with an opportunity at this time to address the committees on
non-agenda items and all action agenda items for the Joint, RPTA and VMR
meeting agendas. Up to three minutes will be provided per speaker unless the Chair
allows more at their discretion. A total of 15 minutes for all speakers will be provided.
This item is presented for information only.
Jessica Mefford-Miller
Chief Executive Officer
Information Summary
Valley Metro I 101 N. 1st Ave. Phoenix, AZ 85003 602.262.7433
March 14, 2024
Chief Executive Officer’s Report
Jessica Mefford-Miller, Chief Executive Officer, will brief the Joint Boards of Directors on
current issues.
This item is presented for information only.
Jessica Mefford-Miller
Chief Executive Officer
Information Summary
Valley Metro I 101 N. 1st Ave. Phoenix, AZ 85003 602.262.7433
March 14, 2024
Audit and Finance Subcommittee (AFS) Update
Councilmember Goodman, AFS Chair, will provide an update on the discussions and
actions taken at the AFS meeting.
The draft minutes from the March 7, 2024 AFS meeting are attached for further details
of the meeting.
This item is presented for information only.
Ken Kessler
Chief Financial Officer
Draft March 7, 2024 AFS meeting minutes
Information Summary
Valley Metro I 101 N. 1st Ave. Phoenix, AZ 85003 602.262.7433
March 14, 2024 AGENDA ITEM 3A
Audit and Finance Subcommittee
Thursday, March 7, 2024
Via WebEx/Phone
12:00 p.m.
Meeting Participants
Councilmember Clay Goodman, City of BuckeyeCHAIR (phone)
Councilmember Max White, City of Avondale (phone)
Mayor Brigette Peterson, Town of Gilbert (phone)
Councilmember Laura Pastor, City of Phoenix (phone)
Vice Mayor Jennifer Adams, City of Tempe (phone)
Chair Goodman said I'm going to call us to order we're at three minutes past the hour.
Pat, can we have the roll call, please?
Ms. Dillon said yes.
Ms. Dillon said:
City of Buckeye, Councilmember Clay Goodman? Present. City of Avondale,
Councilmember Maxine White? Present.
Town of Gilbert, Mayor Brigette Peterson? Present.
City of Phoenix, Councilmember Laura Pastor?
City of Tempe, Vice Mayor Jennifer Adams? Present.
Ms. Dillon said Chair, we are ready to proceed. We do have a quorum.
Chair Goodman said thank you.
1. Public Comment
Chair Goodman said the public will be provided with an opportunity at this time to address
the Committee on non-agenda, excuse me, non-agenda items and all action agenda
items. Three minutes will be provided per speaker. Pat, do we have any public comment?
Ms. Dillon said yes, Mr. Crowley is here today.
Chair Goodman said Mr. Crowley, welcome and you have three minutes.
Mr. Crowley said I'm going to go over all and two specific agenda Items 3B and the other is
Item -- it's in the rail Agenda. I'll find it here in a moment. But on the -- they're the same
thing. It's the facilities maintenance contract and I'm wondering why we're doing it as a
dual agency other than that's to keep the tentacles of the rail getting the funds of the bus.
But when I look at it and I note that it's $700,000 for the bus and $9,950,000 for the rail
and I do a little easy math. That bus facility is less and a half a percent of the total cost.
So I'm looking at the others and going but why wouldn't you list those first. But as I said,
it's the continuing tentacles of rail not getting the job done.
With my little thing of the supergrid, I'm loving the amount of roadways that you didn't get
addressed and (indiscernible) I know Brigette isn't there yet but Ray Road is supposed to
go all the way to the airport and then Litchfield Road is the one that you guys didn't even
do last year. And oh, yeah, what are you going to be doing in the next couple years, what
do you have planned showing? Nothing. So when you've got to have all of these people
in planning when you're not going to do anything why are we paying them?
I also when I see in the thing it says for rail, security $20 million. They're not security.
What they are is conductors and trespassers. As in, check to see if the person is
absconding not paying their fare or if they're on the rail thing for too long. So when you're
calling them a security force, what is it? And then well, I was on the rail last week and low
and behold we had them on the rail. There were six of them and one of them told me that
he believes that they should be carrying weapons. We're not the enemy. You're not
police. It's just what it is and I can't understand why you continue to do that.
So as I said, with the document here the old transportation plan, where are the roads that
are needed to be dealt with. I was on one that went through five of your municipalities
There was a half a mile long backup
Ms. Dillon said Mr. Crowley, your time is up.
Mr. Crowley said I know. I'm finishing. I'm finishing it up.
Ms. Dillon said Mr. Crowley, your time is up. We did this yesterday. Please sit down.
Mr. Crowley said I am.
Ms. Dillon said please sit down. Thank you for your comments and please sit down.
Chair Goodman said thank you, Mr. Crowley. Pat, do we have any other speakers?
Ms. Dillon said no, sir, we do not have any more public comment. I'm currently arguing
with Mr. Crowley about his voice and continuing to speak when his time is over.
Ms. Dillon said we can continue. Thank you.
2. Chief Financial Officer’s Update
Mr. Kessler said thank you, Chair. Members of the Subcommittee. Just one item in this
month's update. Again, the sales tax report. Again, we continue to trend around four, five
percent growth year over year so we continue in a positive direction however, the growth
has slowed somewhat from the recent past so we're keeping an eye on that but we're
hopeful we'll continue to see a little bit of growth year over year.
And that concludes my report. Happy to take any questions from the Subcommittee.
Chair Goodman said any questions for Mr. Kessler? Okay. Thank you very much.
3. Minutes
Chair Goodman said next item for action we have the minutes. Minutes from our February
8th meeting. Hopefully, everybody's had a chance to review those. Need a motion and a
second to approve the minutes.
Motion by Mayor Peterson, second by Vice Mayor Adams. All in favor? Any opposed?
Motion carries. Minutes are approved.
4. Internal Audit Update
Ms. Beckstrom said thank you, Mr. Chair. In the month of February, we continued on with
our audits on plan with the Conflict-of-Interest audit, Contract Change Orders and
Authority, IT Authentication audit and also I'm conducting the audit risk assessment right
now to plan for the internal audit plan for the next fiscal year and we are continuing to do
our Safety and Security audits for our Safety and Security department.
A few of these audits will come to you, at least one will come, most likely in April and then
we anticipate having all of the audits on plan completed before the end of June, so
reporting out by that date.
And then for the recommendations implemented. One recommendation was implemented
and closed in the month of February. That implementation pertained to a recommendation
related to the maintenance of contract documentation in a central location and on January
1st, Valley Metro implemented the OpenGov system, which is a central repository for
those documents, so that recommendation has closed.
And then there are ten additional recommendations that are in progress that we are
continuing to follow up on.
That is all for my update today. Are there any questions?
Chair Goodman said anyone have any questions? Thank you very much and just for the
record, very much appreciated meeting with you one on one. I thought we had a very
good conversation and appreciate all your hard work in this area.
Ms. Beckstrom said thank you.
5. FY 2025 Operating and Capital Budget Information for Valley Metro RPTA and
Valley Metro Rail
Mr. Kessler said thank you, Mr. Chair. I guess I'll just start off with here we go again
another budget season kicking off. Seems like we just completed the budget process for
last year and we're off and running once again. So today I'm going to be giving just a
high-level overview of the FY25 preliminary budget. In the coming months, we'll get into
more of the details with this body as well as Financial Working Group and then eventually,
the Board. I do want to mention this information was provided to your staff last month at
Financial Working Group meeting as well as provided yesterday to the TMC and RMC
So starting with RPTA. First, just high-level view of the RPTA operations. Here we have
estimates for FY25 compared to '24's budget for passenger boardings, miles of service
operated by RPTA, gross operating cost and fare revenues. These are specifically just for
bus operations.
And then moving on to paratransit operations. You see trips here going down on
paratransit as we see the demand for paratransit decline as riders seem to be shifting to
Ride Choice. We'll look at that in a moment here to see the plan growth in Ride Choice,
but we see a shift there between those two services.
Here's the Ride Choice estimates for FY25 built into the preliminary budget at this point.
As you see there you see the growth in the trips as well as the overall cost of this program
and increase in fare revenues is notable to see that with this increase in demand for this
service we do see a decrease in the overall cost per trip forecasted for FY25.
So now moving on to looking at the overall picture of uses of funds for our total operating
and capital budget combined, we can see here passenger services makes up the majority
of the uses on the RPTA side followed up by VMR capital program.
Just as a reminder, the VMR capital program shows up in the RPTA budget because of
the public transportation funds used in the VMR capital program are administered by
RPTA so they're passed through from RPTA to VMR. So with the big projects going on on
the rail side that's a pretty sizable number there being passed through for those capital
And then the sources of those funds in the RPTA operating capital budget. Again, public
transportation funds making up the majority followed then by member city contributions as
the next biggest source in our RPTA budget.
So looking at the uses of funds in the operating at the various programs, we can see fixed
route operations the increase there is mostly due to the annualization or full year impact of
the new East Valley bus contract. As you may recall that contract went into effect midyear
this fiscal year so in FY25 that will be a full year of that new contract with those contract
And then demand services operations program, that's Ride Choice and paratransit so we
see modest overall growth there in the cost at about 4 percent. And then I do want to
point out van pool operations the large increase there is due to the new contracting
method we have. So previously, we had a contract whereby RPTA provided the vehicles,
and the contractor just provided the administration and managed the service. The new
contract that started on January 1 is a model whereby the contractor will provide the
vehicles so the cost of the vehicles is in that operating contract and so, therefore, that cost
then is reflected in our operating budget but there is an offset decrease on the capital side
as we will no longer be purchases the van pool vans for that program.
And then the source of funds for the operating budget for RPTA. Again, public
transportation funds, member city contributions and federal funds are the three primary
largest funding sources in the program.
And then to look at the use of funds on the capital side. Again, on the RPTA side of the
agency, regional fleet is typically the largest capital program that we have that service is
included in this program but that's an ongoing obligation until we satisfy that debt at the
end of calendar year '25 that will be paid off and we'll no longer have that as part of the
capital program going forward.
And then our capital sources of funds. Again, public transportation funds and the carry
forward and reserves just to remind folks that's actually carry forward and reserves of PTF
funds so that's balances that accrued in prior years that were unused that we carried
forward, so we'll be using some of those as well as additional new PTF funds in the budget
next year. And then the capital program does have a significant amount of federal funds
also that supports that.
And then just want to talk about the passthrough funds I had kind of alluded to previously.
These funds, this is the uses side here, these funds go to a variety of items here most
notably the VMR program. So VMR personnel as well as VMR capital funding and the
VMR capital reserve, really, that's just the VMR share of the sales tax that is going to be
put into reserve for future capital use in the VMR capital program.
And then the source of those funds, where they come from. Again, primarily,
reimbursements from VMR for personnel. Just as a reminder, all staff of the agency are
technically RPTA staff and, of course, there's a fair amount of staff that support VMR
activities and so, those costs are reimbursed from VMR back to RPTA. And then, of
course, the VMR capital program that is funded significantly by the PTF funds.
Okay. Now, I will shift into the VMR budget for FY25.
Here we see a look at the estimates for the FY25 preliminary budget compared to the
current year '24 budget. We see a little bit of growth here and notable into next fiscal year
we'll have a full operation of the Northwest Phase II project compared to just a half year of
that operations in the current year budget.
And then looking at the high-level numbers for streetcar. Again, projecting a significant
increase in boardings as compared to this year's budget. We're currently seeing
boardings on streetcar far out pacing the current year estimates and see that continuing
into the future, and as well as some additional costs for streetcar operations. And we'll
probably update the fare revenues here given that we're not collected fare revenues yet,
but this number is based on, you know, pretty much a full year but I think the number can
be adjusted going forward to reflect when we expect to actually start collection of fares on
that operation.
And looking at future project development. A number of projects underway here, I-10
West, Rio East Dobson streetcar project, the Northwest Phoenix and then we do have
funding in there for administration as well as just systemwide planning and general project
development activities.
Now a look at the use of funds for the operating and capital budget for VMR. Again, with
the number of capital projects we have going on right now capital activities are the primary
driver of the budget at this point with passenger services second behind that.
And then on the source of funds, member city contributions and federal funds are the two
biggest fund sources there not too far behind though as well is also the public
transportation funds that support the capital program.
So drilling down a little bit on the operating budget looking at first light rail. So again, as I
mentioned, a full year of Northwest Extension Phase II operations in FY25 is the primary
driver of the increase in the operating budget from '25 compared to the current year.
Looking at streetcar here. We are looking at these numbers and actually in the last few
days we've found some opportunities to bring that FY25 number down so although with
the information we had compiled at the time that this packet was delivered we've found
some budget saving for FY25 so this increase in streetcar of about overall 9 percent will
probably look more like about 3 percent going forward and you'll see that in next month's
presentation as we show that information and update those numbers.
And then agency operating. Again, a big driver of this increase here is a -- a construction -
- a contract audit. This agency operating reflects sort of general agency administration
costs which includes auditing and so that's a big impact to next year's budget to do that
significant audit looking at our construction contracting methodology.
And looking at the total operating source of funds, member city contributions and funds
being the primary support for the operating budget.
And then the use of funds on the capital program side. South Central as it's going full bore
right now and into next year that will be the biggest part of the capital program followed by
the efforts to move the Capital Extension along as well next year.
And then the capital program sources. Again, federal funds being a very significant
portion of that as well as public transportation funds and member city contributions to
support those projects.
And just to highlight the timeline of the budget development process. Here in March
providing a high-level overview of the budget to the management committees as well as
AFS and the Board later this month. And then later this month with the Financial Working
Group we will get into the very fine details of the proposed budget for FY25. We have a
combined Financial Working Group RTAG meeting so we can get all the input we can from
the staff level at that point. And then we'll be moving those details of the budget forward to
AFS next month for discussion. And then eyeballing a May cycle for adoption of the
budget by the Board this year.
The last couple years it has happened in June. We think we have an opportunity here to
be able to hit that in May but, of course, if there's additional time needed, we have that
extra month if we need to push it out to June, we have that ability. We just wanted to kind
of shoot for a target of May because prior to the last couple years that was mainly the time
frame the budget was adopted. It just leaves more time for any final adjustments that may
impact city IGA's to make sure they have time to get to their council and get all that in
place for the new fiscal year as well as allowing our budget staff time to get the budget
finalized and loaded into our budget system before July 1 when the new fiscal year starts.
When that adoption happened the last couple years, it does put a little bit of a time strain
on our budget staff to get all that done within about a week's time frame. So we're hopeful
to get it in May
but certainly, we'll be able to go into June if the Board or AFS Subcommittee needs some
additional time to work through any questions or anything else that they would like to see
before get the budget adopted before the end of the fiscal year.
And with that, that concludes my presentation. I'd be happy to take any questions.
Chair Goodman said any questions for Mr. Kessler? All right. Hearing none. Thank you
very much and again, appreciate all your hard work. It's like painting the Golden Gate
bridge. The budget just goes on and on and on.
Mr. Kessler said yes, it does. And much thanks to Tyler Olson, Mike Kearns and the
budget team for all their hard work that they put into this.
Chair Goodman said absolutely. Appreciate it.
6. Intergovernmental Agreements, Contract Change Orders, Amendments, and
Chair Goodman said information only. If any members of the Committee have questions,
please contact Valley Metro staff.
7. Report on Current Events and Suggested Future Agenda Items
Chair Goodman said anybody? Anybody? Mayor Peterson looks like she's trying to say
something. No?
Mayor Peterson said nothing to say. Thank you.
Chair Goodman said congratulations on your public safety folks making some headway.
Mayor Peterson said that was predominantly Queen Creek but thank you we will take that.
Chair Goodman said all East Valley, so appreciate it.
Mayor Peterson said thank you.
Chair Goodman said anything else for the good of the order?
Councilmember White said tes, Chair Goodman. For those who are going to be in town
this weekend don't forget if you like wheels going around we're going to have the Shriners'
500 out here in Avondale at the Phoenix International Raceway. So if you are going to be
stateside come on over to Avondale and catch the race.
Chair Goodman said did you say Shriners' 500?
Councilmember White said I believe so, yes.
Chair Goodman said so it's the Shriners' in those little cars doing 500 miles?
Councilmember White said no, they're the sponsor. They're the sponsor.
Chair Goodman said thanks for that clarification.
Councilmember White said yes. No, wouldn't that be neat to watch though. The hospital
is the sponsor for the race, yes.
Chair Goodman said oh, because with those little cars it would take like a week and a half
to finish.
Councilmember White said they always do our Billy Moore Days parade so that's kind of
cool. And I'm out here right now. They're having STEM day at the racetrack so teaching
kids science and engineering and all of the STEM things about transportation in a fun way
so we can hopefully build that pipeline for our future and Valley Metro.
Chair Goodman said perfect. Well, sounds good. Those of you headed to Washington
travel safe and only go to the Capitol if you have an official tour, no extracurricular.
The next meeting of the Audit and Finance Subcommittee is scheduled for April 4, 2024, at
12:00 p.m.
Without further discussion, the meeting was adjourned at 12:29 p.m.
Valley Metro I 101 N. 1st Ave. Phoenix, AZ 85003 602.262.7433
March 14, 2024 AGENDA ITEM 4A
Joint Boards of Directors
Thursday, February 22, 2024
Lake Powell Conference Room/Webex
101 N. 1st Avenue, 10
11:15 a.m.
Note: The Valley Metro Rail Board of Directors meeting took place prior to the start of
the Joint Board Study Session. The study session took place and was followed by the
Joint Boards of Directors meeting and the Valley Metro RPTA Board of Directors
RPTA Meeting Participants
Councilmember Bill Stipp, City of Goodyear - Chair
Vice Mayor O.D. Harris, City of Chandler Vice Chair
Councilmember Max White, City of Avondale
Councilmember Monica Dorcey, City of El Mirage
Vice Mayor Peggy McMahon, Town of Fountain Hills
Mayor Brigette Peterson, Town of Gilbert (phone)
Councilmember Lauren Tolmachoff, City of Glendale
Councilmember Francisco Heredia, City of Mesa
Vice Mayor Jon Edwards, City of Peoria
Councilmember Laura Pastor, City of Phoenix
Councilmember Jeff Brown, Town of Queen Creek (phone)
Councilmember Aly Cline, City of Surprise
Vice Mayor Jennifer Adams, City of Tempe (phone)
Mayor Michael LeVault, Town of Youngtown (phone)
Members Not Present
Councilmember Clay Goodman, City of Buckeye
Chairman of the Board, Jack Sellers, Maricopa County
Councilmember Kathy Littlefield, City of Scottsdale
Vice Mayor Lupe Bandin, City of Tolleson
Mayor Rui Pereira, Town of Wickenburg
Valley Metro Rail Participants
Councilmember Laura Pastor, City of Phoenix - Chair
Vice Mayor Francisco Heredia, City of Mesa Vice Chair (phone)
Vice Mayor O.D. Harris, City of Chandler
Vice Mayor Jennifer Adams, City of Tempe
Chair Stipp called the meeting to order at 12:44 p.m.
Chair Stipp said Pat, can you do the roll, please? Thanks.
Ms. Dillon said good afternoon, everyone.
Roll call by Ms. Dillon.
Ms. Dillon said City of Avondale, Councilmember Max White? Here.
Ms. Dillon said City of Buckeye, Vice Mayor Clay Goodman?
Ms. Dillon said City of Chandler, Vice Mayor O.D. Harris? Here.
Ms. Dillon said City of El Mirage, Councilmember Monica Dorsey? Here.
Ms. Dillon said Town of Fountain Hills, Councilmember Peggy McMahon? Here.
Ms. Dillon said Town of Gilbert, Mayor Bridget Peterson? Here.
Ms. Dillon said City of Glendale, Councilmember Lauren Tolmachoff? Here.
Ms. Dillon said City of Goodyear, Councilmember Bill Stipp? Present.
Ms. Dillon said Maricopa County, Chair Jack Sellers?
Ms. Dillon said City of Mesa, Vice Mayor Francisco Heredia? Here.
Ms. Dillon said City of Peoria, Vice Mayor Jon Edwards? Here.
Ms. Dillon said City of Phoenix, Councilmember, Laura Pastor? Here.
Ms. Dillon said Town of Queen Creek, Councilmember Jeff Brown? Here.
Ms. Dillon said City of Scottsdale, Vice Mayor Kathy Littlefield?
Ms. Dillon said City of Surprise, Councilmember Aly Cline? Here.
Ms. Dillon said City of Tempe, Vice Mayor Jennifer Adams? Here.
Ms. Dillon said City of Tolleson, Vice Mayor Lupe Bandin?
Ms. Dillon said Town of Wickenburg, Mayor Rui Pereira?
Ms. Dillon said Town of Youngtown, Mayor Michael Levault. Yes, Pat. I'm here.
Ms. Dillon said thank you, Chair. We're ready to proceed.
1. Public Comment
Chair Stipp said thank you, Pat. We'll go ahead and begin the meeting with Item 1,
which is public comment.
Ms. Dillon said Mr. Crowley is here today, sir.
Chair Stipp said Mr. Crowley, three minutes.
Mr. Crowley said adding and interjecting some things that I didn't see that you were
doing when you did that study session. There is one of the places that you could be
putting those charging stations. Isn't each of your communities' public works areas.
And on last year -- months, when you did the Origin and Destination survey, you've
never reached out to the Feds because any business within our community that's 50 or
more has to put together a transportation plan saying what they would be able to do.
And I believe you would be then shown how many would like to have a bus where
they're supposed to.
I also worry about those batteries fire. Just to start, you all, since it takes how much to
put them out. I have here my little transportation plan from MAG (indiscernible). It's got
in here some of the different roadways that you were supposed to be doing. And last
year, of course, Litchfield Road was the one that you were supposed to address. How
come that didn't get done? I don't know.
But then when I looked at the document there and it showed where you have not been
buying buses, et cetera., I looked it and see that -- that started between '13 and '16.
You didn't do anything. And between '15 and '19, all of the routes that you were
supposed to be due didn't get done.
We're talking Bell Road. Oh, yeah. And Railroad. Wouldn't it be nice that when they
were supposed to expand that in '18, that it would have got all the way to the airport?
But then I'm also looking at with the new legislation, how much money is going to be not
going to rail that will now be accessible to the bus? And that the amount of money you
guys are going to be able to be using and doing is what?
Well, the rail got $40 million last year from PTF, not counting the matching federal
funds. That money will now be for the bus. In fact, you'll go from the 37 percent divided
between rail and bus to 40 percent totally yourself.
I don't see where you're doing the plan. I don't see where you're showing what you're
going to be doing. And when I look at what it says in here for 2024, '5 and '6, nothing.
So how are you doing what you should be doing? I didn't see that in this session.
And when I also looked at the -- where you didn't buy them, I look at all of the Litchfield
connections and Litchfield Road itself and go, of course, they didn't do it. They weren't
buying a bus.
Chair Stipp said any other cards, Pat?
Ms. Dillon said no, sir.
Chair Stipp said thank you.
2. Chief Executive Officer’s Report
Chair Stipp said Item 2 is the Chief Executive Officer's report.
Ms. Mefford-Miller said thank you, Mr. Chair. I will be very brief, but it would be remiss if
we did not discuss and mention the opening of the Northwest Extension Phase 2 on
Saturday, January 27th. Thank you, Councilmember McMahon, Edwards for joining us
on that glorious day. We celebrated the opening with over 2,000 of our partners and
It was a wonderful, wonderful event, wonderful opportunity to showcase. This is a
project of many firsts for us. This is our first elevated station, the terminal station at
Metro Center. It's our first rail only bridge over the interstate, in this case Interstate 17.
It spans 250ft across the highway. I believe it is 62ft in the air at the Metro Center
station. It showcases as art from a number of different local and national artists. And,
you know, I find the art on the Valley Metro system to be tremendous, but I think they
really outdid themselves.
I congratulate our team on that. We've got a number of local artists in the art really, I
think tells nice stories of the history and the character, not just of the region, but of the
individual community at each of the three new stations. There's also a lot of lighting in
the artwork. So it's a different kind of place during day, at night.
And this project was funded, of course, with the local funding from Proposition 400 for
the capital, and it was also the first project funded by the Federal Transit Administration
under President Biden's bipartisan infrastructure law. So a significant infusion of federal
funding into Arizona and into Phoenix in particular, matched by Prop 400 and Phoenix's
T2050 funding.
The project was delivered with our design partner, Jacobs Engineering, and our
construction manager at risk. That was Kiewit McCarthy Joint Venture, and over 100
different subcontractors that contributed to this work.
It's now in revenue operations for not quite a month now. I congratulate our operations
team led by Mike Powell, our safety and security team, led by Adrian Ruiz, all of the
many teams who worked to make this project come to fruition, and Hillary Foose, on
community engagement, marketing and communications.
We did a wonderful job of keeping the community informed and engaged and creating
opportunity for them to share their feedback on the design process, but also the process
that is sometimes messy and long as we construct these programs. And what a
wonderful celebration that was. Congratulations, team.
And then finally we mentioned Quiara Hamilton, just looking ahead at our next meeting
cycle. We'll be back in this room on March 21st. We already began the March cycle
with our tag earlier this week, TMC/RMC, March 6th and Audit Finance Subcommittee,
March 7th, and again with an April cycle. That concludes my remarks, Mr. Chair.
Chair Stipp said awesome. Thank you.
3. Audit and Finance Subcommittee Update
Chair Stipp said Item 4 is the update from the Audit and Finance subcommittee, and
that will be given by Councilmember White.
Councilmember White said thank you so much, Chair Stipp. The Audit and Finance
committee met on Thursday, February 8th. We had a review from our Chief Financial
Officer, Mr. Kessler, and we got an update on the public transportation fund revenues.
We also had FY24, second quarter budget review. Mr. Olson gave us a status update
for both RPTA and VMR budgets. They're both within plan at this point. We also
reviewed FY25 service levels to make sure we understand the budget assumptions
coming up for FY25.
During our meeting, we had the opportunity and took action on the fiscal FY23 RPTA
and Valley Metro Comprehensive Financial Report and single audit reporting packages.
I'm sure you'll have more information. And then we had an internal audit update from
Sebrina. Other than that, I believe that concludes my report.
Chair Stipp said great. Any questions for the Audit Finance subcommittee? Seeing
4. Minutes
Chair Stipp said Item 4 is the approval of the minutes from the last Board meeting.
Those were included in the packet. There's not any questions or comments. I'd like to
entertain a motion for approval.
Motion by Councilmember Pastor, second by Councilmember White.
Chair Stipp said I have a motion and a second. Any discussion? All in favor say aye.
Any opposed? The ayes have it.
5. Fiscal Year 2023 (FY23) Regional Public Transportation Authority (RPTA) and
Valley Metro Rail, Inc. (VMR) Annual Comprehensive Financial Report (ACFR)
and Single Audit Reporting Package (SARP)
Chair Stipp said Item 5 is the Fiscal Year 23 Regional Public Transportation Authority
and Valley Metro Rail Annual Comprehensive Financial report, the ACFR, and the
Single Audit Reporting Package. This item is being presented for information only. Is
there a presentation?
Ms. Mefford-Miller said there's not a presentation, Mr. Chair. Our CFO, Ken Kessler, is
available to answer any questions about the ACFR which is included in your packet.
Chair Stipp said does anybody have any questions on that?
Ken? I did have one. I apologize that I didn't get to reading this until yesterday. There
was a comment made about a significant risk being identified related to the authority’s
implementation of the GASB Statement 96. Can you talk to that at all?
Mr. Kessler said as far as Statement 96, the significant risk is, it's just a significant risk
because it's a new GASB requirement.
Chair Stipp said and they identified that as a significant risk. I'm kind of surprised to see
that in the first report then.
Mr. Kessler said it's just noted as a risk. It's not like it was, like any kind of, like material
weakness in our controls or anything like that.
Chair Stipp said so can you speak to that to the Board or now that I've identified or do
you want me to go into more detail because I'm sure everyone's going, what the hell are
you talking about?
Mr. Kessler said you probably need to go into a little more detail because I'm not as
versed in the details of that.
Chair Stipp said so during -- what -- how it was specifically stated was during the audit,
we identified a significant risk related to the authority's implementation of Government
Accounting Standards Board statement, which is GASB Statement Number 96,
subscription-based information technology arrangements and the risks associated with
a first year implementation that has not previously been communicated to you. So I'm
assuming that has something to do with our IT subscriptions that we have. So there's
got to be something. Can we get some follow up?
Mr. Kessler said yes. And just a hit on that quickly is basically the GASB has changed
the way we report on IT. Basically, it's like maintenance agreements, subscriptions,
licenses and things like that. We basically have to report them as if they're leases.
Previously they were just reported as annual expenditures.
Chair Stipp said so I think just a little follow up would be probably be --
Mr. Kessler said certainly. I'll get additional information from our comptroller to address
Chair Stipp said do you want to ask a question?
Councilmember Pastor said no, I just want to clarify. So what it sounds like is they
changed the reporting. And what we did with the subscriptions were more we put it in
expenditures and now we're placing it as license or placing it as a lease?
Mr. Kessler said no. It was just noted as a significant risk because of the change in the
requirement. We did report it as lease as per the new GASB requirements.
Councilmember Pastor said and so when we do that, then are we still at risk?
Mr. Kessler said I think it's really just a presentation or reporting, how you report it.
Councilmember Pastor said okay.
Mr. Kessler said that's the risk, of how it's reported. It's not like a risk in terms of like an
internal control in terms of we may be spending money we shouldn't be or spending it
inappropriately. It's just how it's presented, reported in the ACFR.
Chair Stipp said just how it's been reported. Okay.
Ms. Mefford-Miller said we'd be happy to provide a good response, Mr. Chair.
Chair Stipp said just a follow up. I think that's all we need. I think any time we see that
in an ACFR, we probably ought to have some management comment to why this is in
place. I'm sorry for being a management geek, everybody. That's just fine.
Mr. Kessler said not a problem.
Chair Stipp said that's my thing.
6. Travel, Expenditures, and Solicitations
Chair Stipp said Item 6 is the Travel and Expenditures and Solicitations report that is
also provided for information. Just for everyone's information, beginning on March 1st,
the monthly solicitation report will be emailed directly to us.
That seems to always be about 30 days behind so us getting that report. For this
meeting, is kind of, I don't want to say pointless because no information is pointless, but
it's never up to date. So we're going to start getting that out to the board members.
Just look for another email from Pat as we progress through.
7. Report on Current Events and Suggested Future Agenda Items
Chair Stipp said Item 7 is report on current events and suggested future agenda items.
Does anybody have anything for the joint agenda? Councilmember White.
Councilmember White said thank you so much. Thinking about environmental social
governance and also our drive for low or no emissions, I was just thinking about what
can we do as a Board to increase our ridership and also be more considerate of the
environment and kind of experience what we are living.
And I thought it might be helpful for those who possibly are interested, is for us to have
a Valley Metro Rail pass so that we can cut down on our individual rides. And when
we're in the service area as Board members, we can hop on and enjoy the ride.
Ms. Mefford-Miller said and that is valid on Bus 2, fixed route rail and bus. So if you
would like to avail yourself of an opportunity to obtain a Valley Metro Unlimited pass for
bus and rail, just reach out to Pat. We will get one to you ASAP. Welcome on board.
Councilmember White said thank you so much, Jessica, and thank you, Chair Stipp.
Chair Stipp said that's fine. Councilmember Cline.
Councilmember Cline said I have a couple of items, and the answer to this might be I
don't know. So I haven't heard any of this. I'm wondering if there is ridership data that
would be available.
We don't have a huge opportunity of numbers of buses that go from Surprise to
Phoenix, but we do have a couple of fleet buses that do. Two in the morning and two in
the afternoon.
So I'm wondering if we have any ridership numbers specifically on those two routes. I
think that would be great for us to know than that's just for us in Surprise.
And then are we already surveying our ADA or paratransit usage of ride share? I
already bent Tom's ear for a couple of minutes before the meeting, so this won't be a
surprise to him.
But for those of us that live west of the 101 and don't have access to a whole lot of
Valley Metro services, I'm looking for two things. One is, do we do a satisfaction survey
on our ride share and paratransit transportation.
How satisfied are our residents that are using it? And if there isn't a survey, maybe we
could get a survey. Also, looking for an update and this would probably be another
workshop would be an update on where we are on making accessibility to somewhere
besides Phoenix for people to be certified for their ADA purposes. I know I brought it up
during strategic planning, but I'm really looking at something that makes it easier for
folks west of the 101, all of our cities to access those services without having to make,
as I spoke, a six-mile transfer to, from El Mirage to Phoenix to do that is a six-hour
commute for one person to be certified.
And in layman's terms, I think that's crazy. So I would like to see some way for those of
us on the west side to help our residents get certified for ADA faster, easier, quicker,
and see if what you're already working on, as Tom mentioned to me, but what else
could be done so that helps improve ridership from our side, but I have a huge
population that I'm really trying to get to use the services.
And I think being able to get them certified on this on west of the 101 would be helpful.
So if there's some way to have something about that.
Ms. Mefford-Miller said I agree. I will answer your questions one by one. We release a
monthly ridership report and ridership is available at the route level. That's an email that
comes today to the Board from Aaron Xavier with an X. So look for that.
Councilmember Cline said okay.
Ms. Mefford-Miller said you know, we also have the team develop these, and when I first
arrived, it was super helpful getting to know the system in our communities. We have a
city level summary of service and ridership. I know we updated those in 2022.
I'm not sure if we have since, but I would be happy to have those shared with the Board
because I think it's really helpful to see a snapshot of what's happening with Valley
Metro in your community.
And then so the question on ADA market research, I don't actually know if we have a
system wide customer survey. I don't know if we have an ADA customer survey. I'd
like to inquire with Tom Young and get back with you on that.
On the ADA eligibility, I hear you and I agree. So this is something that's on Tom's
plate. And just in the last couple of months, we have welcomed a new director of
paratransit operations, Justin Sheldon, to our team to backfill Tom's prior role because
he was promoted to deputy chief of bus and paratransit operations.
And so this is something that they're wrestling with. And what we're going to have to do
is come up with an interim solution to ADA eligibility for West Valley before we actually
have a West Valley bus operations and maintenance facility, which that, that's the ticket
in the solution. But we're not there yet, so we need something now.
Councilmember Cline said perfect.
Ms. Mefford-Miller said thank you, Councilmember.
Councilmember Pastor said is this being requested as a future agenda item, because
I'm just curious why we couldn't just have a mobile unit that we send out to in the West
Valley, or places where people are not able to get to Phoenix to qualify that they can
just go to the customer?
Ms. Mefford-Miller said I don't know the answer to the question. We could have a
mobile. If we had the resources, we could have a mobile unit and we'll likely need
something like that to distribute fares, including reduced fares.
What I would need to go back and confer with the team on is whether we can conduct
the eligibility process via a mobile unit, like a bus. Maybe. We've got right now at our
access center near 44th Street station, we've got mockups of city curbs and curbless
streets and sidewalks and a mockup of a physical bus in there.
So that's something that we can explore. Would you like us to report back on an
agenda item or in writing?
Chair Stipp said can we just get a report on that?
Councilmember Pastor said I’d like to have a discussion.
Chair Stipp said do you want a discussion?
Councilmember Pastor said or bring it back on an agenda item, yes.
Chair Stipp said there you go.
Ms. Mefford-Miller said we'd be happy to. Thank you, Councilmember.
Chair Stipp said okay. Seeing no others.
8. Next Meeting
The next meeting of the Joint Boards is scheduled for Thursday, March 21, 2024, at
11:15 a.m.
Without further discussion, the meeting was adjourned at 1:05 p.m.
Valley Metro I 101 N. 1st Ave. Phoenix, AZ 85003 602.262.7433
March 14, 2024
Facilities Maintenance Services Contract Award
To request authorization for the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) to execute a two-year
base contract with an option for three additional one- year extensions with DMS Facility
Services, LLC to provide facility maintenance services for a VMR amount not to exceed
$9,950,000 and RPTA portion will not exceed $700,000, for a total contract amount of
Staff recommends the TMC/RMC forward to the Board of Directors authorization for the
CEO to execute a two-year base contract with an option for three additional one -year
extensions with DMS Facility Services, LLC to provide facility maintenance services for
a VMR amount not to exceed $9,950,000 and RPTA portion will not exceed $700,000,
for a total contract amount of $10,650,000.
BACKGROUND | DISCUSSION | CONSIDERATIONValley Metro’s current contract for
Facility Maintenance Services expired January 31, 2024. The contract has been
extended for two months for time to award the contract. Valley Metro continues to have
a need for maintenance of facilities, park and rides, and maintenance of passenger
stations along the light rail alignment. This work also covers Valley Metro’s Mesa Bus
Operations and Maintenance Facility.
The contractor shall provide all necessary vehicles, tools, supplies, materials, and other
related equipment required to perform the facility maintenance services defined in this
contract. Services performed under this contract include a full range of facility
maintenance services related to bus and light rail include:
Mesa Bus Operations and Maintenance Facility.
Light Rail Operations and Maintenance Center.
Light rail park-and-ride lots and security offices located on the lots.
Light rail operator facilities at end-of-line stations.
Passenger stations, substations, and signal buildings.
Information Summary
In November 2023, Valley Metro issued a federally compliant Request for Proposal
(RFP) for facilities maintenance services. A total of two firms submitted proposals and it
was determined that one of the proposals was responsive and in the competitive range
for further evaluation. The two firms were as follows:
1. DMS Facility Services, LLC
2. LJ’s Cleaning Solutions Non-Responsive
A selection committee comprised of staff from Valley Metro and Member City’s
evaluated technical proposals. The selection committee has finalized its evaluations of
one firm’s technical proposal, and the agency has finalized evaluation of each firm’s
price proposal. The Selection Committee ranked proposals and arrived at its award
recommendation using a “Best Value” process which allows for a contract award based
on a combination of technical and cost factors. Based on this process, the selection
committee has selected DMS Facility Services, LLC as the firm whose proposal offers
the “best value” to the agency.
Rank and Firm
1. DMS Facility Services, LLC 620 300 300
2. LJ’s Cleaning Solutions Non-Responsive
An independent cost estimate including a cost comparison and price analysis have
been completed. The proposed price has been deemed fair and reasonable based on
the price analysis.
The facility maintenance services contract is for a total base term of two years with an
option for three additional one-year extensions. For the total term of the contract, the
award cost is $10,650,000 with funding as follows:
RPTA $ 700,000
VMR $9,950,000
The RPTA is included in the RPTA Adopted FY24 Operating and Capital Budget.
Contract Obligations beyond FY24 are incorporated into the Valley Metro RPTA Five-
Year Operating Forecast and Capital Program (FY2024 thru FY2028).
The VMR contract obligation is included in the Valley Metro Rail Adopted FY24
Operating and Capital Budget. Contract Obligations beyond FY24 are incorporated into
the Valley Metro Rail Five-Year Operating Forecast and Capital Program (FY2024 thru
The source of funding is a combination of member cities and PTF funds.
RTAG: February 20, 2024, for information
TMC/RMC: March 6, 2024, approved
Boards of Directors: March 21, 2024, for action
Darren Curry
Chief Maintenance Officer
Valley Metro I 101 N. 1st Ave. Phoenix, AZ 85003 602.262.7433
March 14, 2024
FY 2024 Computer and Switch Replacement
To request authorization for the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) to procure workstations,
laptops, tablets, and switches to replace hardware reaching the end of its useful life.
Staff recommends that the Boards of Directors authorize the CEO to continue procuring
necessary hardware replacements in FY 2024 in a total amount not to exceed
All IT hardware has a useful lifespan beyond which maintenance costs increase,
performance suffers, and reliability is impacted. For example, while we plan for five
years of use from desktops, laptop batteries tend to fail in four years. As a result,
regular replacement of end-of-life hardware is necessary. In addition to the standard
replacement of storage hardware and network switches needed to maintain network
security and reliability, Valley Metro will experience surge in laptop and PC
replacements over the next two years due to the numerous mobile devices purchased
at the beginning of the pandemic reaching end-of-life. To mitigate the financial impact of
this surge, Staff are planning to spread these replacements over three fiscal years. This
purchase in FY 2024 is the first. Additional replacements will be sought in FY 2025 and
in the first quarter of FY 2026 to smooth the costs between years.
Models Being Replaced
Purchased Between
Dell OptiPlex
Dell Precision
Lenovo ThinkStation
07.2017 11.2019
04.2017 11.2019
Dell Latitude
Microsoft Surface
02.2018 11.2019
04.2019 11.2019
Information Summary
Networking Equipment
Device Being Replaced
Cisco Catalyst 3560-X Switch, 48 Port Ethernet
August 2014
Cisco Catalyst 3750-G Switch, 24 Port Ethernet
September 2012
Cisco Catalyst 3750-G Switch, 48 Port Ethernet
September 2012
Cisco Catalyst 3750-X Switch, 12 Port Fiber
May 2013
Cisco Catalyst 3750-X Switch, 48 Port Ethernet
May 2013
Cisco Nexus 2000 Series Fabric Extenders
April 2014
Cisco Catalyst 4506-E Switch, Modular Chassis
October 2010
Cisco Catalyst 4500-E Series 48-Port Module
October 2010
HP ProCurve 2520-G Switch, 8 Port Ethernet
October 2010
Figure 1 - Catalyst 3560 X-Series, 48-Port Ethernet
Figure 2 - Catalyst 3750 G-Series, 24-Port Ethernet
Figure 3 - Catalyst 3750 G-Series, 48-Port Ethernet
Figure 4 - Catalyst 3750 X-Series, 12-Port Fiber
Figure 5 - Catalyst 3750 X-Series, 48-Port Ethernet
Figure 6 - Nexus 2000-Series Fabric Extender
Figure 7 - Catalyst 4500 E-Series, Modular Chassis
Figure 8 - Catalyst 4500 E-Series, 48-Port Module
Figure 9 - ProCurve 2520 G-Series, 8-Port Ethernet
The funds for the hardware outlined in this memo are included in the RPTA and VMR
FY 2024 Operating and Capital Budget requests and are included in the accompanying
five-year budget projections (FY 2025 FY 2030). The current requested authorization
is not to exceed $417,000. The RPTA portion is $208,500 and the VMR portion is
Hardware will be procured through the vendors and cooperative contracts listed below
to ensure a competitively negotiated price and leverage volume discounts available
through the contracts. If a different vendor or Procurement-approved cooperative
vehicle offers more advantageous pricing, that vendor/cooperative vehicle combination
may be used to realize savings.
Cooperative | Contract #
Arizona State Procurement Office
Network Equipment
1 Government Procurement Alliance
RTAG: February 20, 2024 for information
TMC/RMC: March 6, 2024 approved
Boards of Directors: March 21, 2024 for action
Phil Ozlin
Chief Information Officer
Valley Metro I 101 N. 1st Ave. Phoenix, AZ 85003 602.262.7433
March 14, 2024
Travel and Expenditures
The monthly travel and expenditures are presented for information.
This item is presented for information only.
Ken Kessler
Chief Financial Officer
Valley Metro Travel Report
Valley Metro RPTA and Valley Metro Rail Monthly Accounts Payable over $25,000
Information Summary
Valley Metro
Travel Reimbursement Report
Job Title Purpose of Travel Location Dates Traveled
Total Travel
Lodging Meals Misc.
Chief Executive Officer
TCRP Washington, DC
$70.84 $9.90
Risk Manager
Interview Candidate Phoenix, AZ
$797.97 $52.69 $426.64 $103.50
Risk Manager
Interview Candidate Phoenix, AZ
$533.97 $44.48 $426.64 $103.50
Deputy Director Rail Maintenance
Damage Inspection, Siemens Sacramento, CA
$444.20 $117.08 $167.03 $103.50
Chief of Capital Development
Interview Candidate Phoenix, AZ
$469.96 $601.13 $103.50
Total this reporting period $4,605.53
Year to Date $64,399.80
Report reflects Out of State (AZ) Travel * Misc
Flight Wi-Fi Fee
Date Supplier or Party Name Transaction Description
10001975 1/5/2024 First Transit Inc Fixed Route Bus Operations/Maintenance 7,218,968.45
10001985 1/5/2024 MTM Transit LLC Paratransit/Mobility Service and Fuel 2,059,818.40
10001979 1/5/2024 Scheidt & Bachmann USA Inc Regional Farebox Project-Fareboxes/Services/Installation 1,379,872.10
10002013 1/19/2024 Transdev Services Inc Paratransit/Mobility Service and Fuel 1,341,185.03
90000252 1/17/2024 ADP LLC PPE 01/07/2024 Payroll Liabilities 1,286,683.02
90000257 1/26/2024 ADP LLC PPE 01/21/2024 Payroll Liabilities 1,244,042.00
10001999 1/17/2024 MTM Transit LLC Start-Up/Mobilization-Implementation Fees 1,082,827.00
10002007 1/19/2024 Creative Software Solutions LLC Ridechoice Management Services 779,638.01
90000254 1/26/2024 Cigna Health and Life Insurance Company Health Insurance Premiums 552,705.86
90000251 1/17/2024 ASRS PPE 01/07/24 ASRS Contributions & LTD 342,870.18
90000253 1/26/2024 ASRS PPE 01/21/24 ASRS Contributions & LTD 334,045.63
10002033 1/26/2024 MJM Innovations Ridechoice Management Services 239,474.04
10002003 1/19/2024 101 North First Ave LLC 101 Building Rent 187,713.68
10002023 1/26/2024 Creative Software Solutions LLC Subcontracted/Overflow Transportation Providers 175,170.60
90000259 1/31/2024 Surepays RPTA Monthly Utilities 134,549.19
10002000 1/17/2024 Vix Technology USA Inc Customer Service Network Fees 91,576.12
1002100 1/19/2024 Guidehouse Inc Strategic Planning Services-Strategic Plan Consultants 80,000.00
1002079 1/5/2024 City of Scottsdale, Remittance Processi PTF Expenditure Reimbursement 77,248.00
1002102 1/26/2024 CopperPoint Insurance Company Feb 2024 Rent and CAM Charges 68,709.56
10002012 1/19/2024 QCM Technologies Inc Cybersecurity Program Support 65,832.08
10001997 1/17/2024 Senergy Petroleum LLC Bulk Fuel 53,942.80
90000258 1/31/2024 Wells Fargo Bank Monthly Credit Card Charges 52,938.00
10001990 1/17/2024 ACRO Service Corporation Staffing Services 51,649.19
10001983 1/5/2024 Senergy Petroleum LLC Bulk Fuel 43,880.51
10001974 1/5/2024 Clean Energy CNG Facility Operations & Maintenance 42,092.84
1002082 1/5/2024 Guidehouse Inc Strategic Planning Services-Strategic Plan Consultants 40,000.00
10002024 1/26/2024 Enterprise Rideshare Van Pool Services 37,124.94
10001978 1/5/2024 QCM Technologies Inc Communication Support-Depot 34,404.18
10002004 1/19/2024 ACRO Service Corporation Staffing Services 33,186.93
10001970 1/5/2024 ACRO Service Corporation Staffing Services 31,956.00
Valley Metro Regional Public Transportation Authority
Monthly AP Payments over $25,000
January 2024
Date Supplier or Party Name Transaction Description
50001800 1/5/2024 Kiewit-McCarthy, a Joint Venture CMAR Services for Northwest Phase II 3,877,582.02
50001846 1/26/2024 Allied Universal Security Services Fare Inspection and Security Services 739,881.62
50001805 1/5/2024 Stacy and Witbeck Inc CMAR Services for Tempe Street Car 714,296.24
50001834 1/19/2024 Hill International Inc PMCM Services 711,800.12
50001842 1/19/2024 Centurylink Third Party Construction Utilities 479,349.04
90000031 1/31/2024 Surepays VMR Monthly Utilities 416,347.73
50001845 1/26/2024 AECOM Technical Services Inc Service Planning Support-West Phx 165,994.53
50001837 1/19/2024 Pario Solutions Juniper Care & Support 90,988.00
5002330 1/19/2024 STV Incorporated Project Development Support - Dobson Ext 86,392.64
50001857 1/26/2024 Prestamos CDFI LLC Small Business Financial Assistance Program 85,337.67
50001804 1/5/2024 Siemens Mobility Window Parts and GDI Boards 61,207.20
50001853 1/26/2024 Hubner Manufacturing Corporation FRP Bumper 59,100.00
50001856 1/26/2024 URW LLC Landscape Maintenance Services 50,574.01
50001806 1/5/2024 Prestamos CDFI LLC Small Business Financial Assistance Program 42,788.39
50001801 1/5/2024 National Corrosion Stray Current Testing 42,231.00
50001858 1/26/2024 Trapeze Software Group Training Consulting for EAM 38,551.00
5002338 1/26/2024 NASG Holdings LLC Windows 37,709.24
50001827 1/17/2024 City of Phoenix Fare Handling Fee 37,230.00
50001798 1/5/2024 HDR Engineering Inc Service Planning Support 36,845.90
50001813 1/17/2024 Award Winning Restorations LRV color scheme change painting 35,040.00
50001818 1/17/2024 Gunn Communications Inc Marketing & Social Media 27,702.00
50001825 1/17/2024 WEX Bank Fleet Card Services 25,409.03
Valley Metro Rail, Inc
Monthly AP Payments over $25,000
January 2024
Valley Metro I 101 N. 1st Ave. Phoenix, AZ 85003 602.262.7433
March 14, 2024
Report on Current Events and Suggested Future Agenda Items
Chair Stipp will provide members the opportunity to report on current events and
suggest future agenda items for consideration.
This item is presented for information only.
Jessica Mefford-Miller
Chief Executive Officer
Pending Items Request
Item Requested
Date Requested
Planned Follow-up Date
Information Summary
Valley Metro I 101 N. 1st Ave. Phoenix, AZ 85003 602.262.7433
March 14, 2024
Valley Metro RPTA
Thursday, March 21, 2024
Valley Metro, 101 N. 1
Avenue, 10
11:15 a.m.
Action Recommended
1A. Minutes
Minutes from the February 18, 2024 Board meeting are
presented for approval.
1A. For action
1B. Intergovernmental Agreement (IGA) with the Arizona
Department of Transportation (ADOT)
Staff recommends that the Board of Directors authorize the
CEO to enter into an IGA with ADOT for any award of
Section 5311 (Rural Transit) pass-through funding for Rural
Route 685 for Federal Fiscal Year 2024 (FFY24) and 2025
1B. For action
2. Valley Metro RPTA Fiscal Year 2025 (FY25)
Preliminary Operating and Capital Budget
Ken Kessler, Chief Financial Officer, and Tyler Olson,
Manager, Budget & Operations Financial Controls, will
provide an overview of the FY 2025 Preliminary Operating
and Capital Budgets.
2. For information
3. Report on Current Events and Suggested Future
Agenda Items
Chair Stipp will provide members the opportunity to report
on current events and suggest future agenda items for
3. For information
4. Next Meeting
The next Board meeting is scheduled for Thursday, April
18, 2024 at 11:15 a.m.
4. For information
Qualified sign language interpreters are available with 72 hours notice. Materials in
alternative formats (large print or flash drive) are available upon request. For further
information, please call Valley Metro at 602-262-7433 or TTY at 602-251-2039. To
attend this meeting via teleconference, contact the receptionist at 602-262-7433 for the
dial-in-information. The supporting information for this agenda can be found on our web
site at
Valley Metro I 101 N. 1st Ave. Phoenix, AZ 85003 602.262.7433
March 14, 2024 AGENDA ITEM 1A
Valley Metro RPTA
Thursday, February 22, 2024
Lake Powell Conference Room/Webex
101 N. 1st Avenue, 10
11:15 a.m.
Note: The Valley Metro Rail Board of Directors meeting took place prior to the start of
the Joint Board Study Session. The study session took place and was followed by the
Joint Boards of Directors meeting and the Valley Metro RPTA Board of Directors
RPTA Meeting Participants
Councilmember Bill Stipp, City of Goodyear - Chair
Councilmember O.D. Harris, City of Chandler Vice Chair
Councilmember Max White, City of Avondale
Councilmember Monica Dorcey, City of El Mirage
Vice Mayor Peggy McMahon, Town of Fountain Hills
Mayor Brigette Peterson, Town of Gilbert (phone)
Councilmember Lauren Tolmachoff, City of Glendale
Councilmember Francisco Heredia, City of Mesa (phone)
Vice Mayor Jon Edwards, City of Peoria (phone)
Councilmember Laura Pastor, City of Phoenix
Councilmember Jeff Brown, Town of Queen Creek
Councilmember Aly Cline, City of Surprise
Vice Mayor Jennifer Adams, City of Tempe (phone)
Mayor Michael LeVault, Town of Youngtown (phone)
Members Not Present
Councilmember Clay Goodman, City of Buckeye
Chairman of the Board Jack Sellers, Maricopa County
Councilmember Kathy Littlefield, City of Scottsdale (phone)
Mayor Juan F. Rodriguez, City of Tolleson
Mayor Rui Pereira, Town of Wickenburg
Chair Stipp called the meeting to order at 1:05 p.m.
Chair Stipp said we'll go right into the Valley Metro RPTA meeting that starts with a
Consent Agenda.
1. Consent Agenda
Chair Stipp said Consent Items 1A through 1E. May I have a motion to approve the
Consent Agenda?
Motion by Councilmember Pastor, second by Councilmember White.
Chair Stipp said I have a motion and a second for the Consent Agenda. Any discussion
or anybody want anything pulled from the consent?
Seeing none. All in favor of approving the consent agenda, say aye. Any opposed?
The ayes have it.
2. Authorization to execute a cooperative purchase order with Gillig, LLC, for
compressed natural gas (CNG) buses
Chair Stipp said Item 2 on the Regular Agenda is the authorization to execute a
cooperative purchase order with Gillig, LLC for compressed natural gas buses. Turn
this back over to our CEO.
Ms. Mefford-Miller said so the decision item before the Board this afternoon is a request
to spend for the purchase of 20 40-foot compressed natural gas vehicles in an amount
not to exceed $34,000,720, that does include a 7.5 percent contingency.
We are proposing to purchase these vehicles by piggybacking off a Washington State
contract. This is a contract that's widely used in the industry. City of Phoenix often
purchases vehicles off this contract. This is to replace existing vehicles that have
reached the end of their useful life.
This does not relate directly to the zero emissions transition. This is part of that fleet
replacement strategy. And I should mention any of the decisions associated with zero
emissions like vehicle purchases, design or construction contract awards would be
going back to this board.
So this is the first of many discussions and a request to approve that we'll have related
to fleet and supporting technology and infrastructure. May I answer any questions
about this item?
Chair Stipp said seeing no questions. So may I have a motion to authorize the CEO to
execute a contract with Gillig for the purchase of 20 CNG buses for a 12-month period,
with the option to extend one additional 12-month period for an additional 20 CNG
buses for a total of 40 and two years, in an amount not to exceed $34,720,000, which
includes a 7.5 percent contingency of $2,420,000. Do I have that motion? Do I have a
second? Did you get the first?
Motion by Councilmember White, second by Vice Mayor Edwards.
Chair Stipp said any discussion? All in favor say aye. Any opposed? The ayes have it.
3. Report on Current Events and Suggested Future Agenda Items
Chair Stipp said Item 3 is a report on current events and suggested future items. Does
anybody on the Board have anything for this particular Board? Seeing none.
4. Next Meeting
The next Board meeting is scheduled for Thursday, March 21, 2024, at 11:15 a.m.
With no further discussion the meeting adjourned at 1:09 p.m.
Valley Metro I 101 N. 1st Ave. Phoenix, AZ 85003 602.262.7433
March 14, 2024
Intergovernmental Agreement (IGA) with the Arizona Department of Transportation
To request authorization for the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) to enter into an IGA with
ADOT for Section 5311 (Rural Transit) pass-through funding for Rural Route 685 for
Federal Fiscal Year 2024 (FFY24) and 2025 (FFY25).
Staff recommends that the Board of Directors authorize the CEO to enter into an IGA
with ADOT for any award of Section 5311 (Rural Transit) pass-through funding for Rural
Route 685 for Federal Fiscal Year 2024 (FFY24) and 2025 (FFY25).
Valley Metro staff will apply for an estimated $2,200,998 of FTA Formula Grants for
Other than Urbanized Areas (Section 5311) funds for the FFY24 (expenditure period -
October 2024 through September 2025) and FFY25 (expenditure period - October 2025
through September 2026). ADOT’s application process includes two years of funding.
The application will include administrative, insurance, preventive maintenance, and
operating assistance for Route 685 Gila Bend Connector and operating assistance and
preventive maintenance for shortened round trips between the Buckeye Community
Center and the Buckeye Municipal Court. No PTF funds are used for the shortened
ADOT is the designated recipient for FTA 5311 rural formula grant funds for the state
and Valley Metro must submit an application to receive this funding for the service
identified above. ADOT’s application process requires submittal of a signed IGA for
funding prior to an award. Award notification is expected in summer 2024, and ADOT
will finalize the IGA with the actual awarded amount.
Public outreach will be held in the project area about the requested funding prior to
award of any funds.
Information Summary
The funding to be requested from ADOT for Section 5311 for FFY24 and FFY25 is
estimated to be $2,200,988. The following table summarizes funding sources and
approximate amounts applicable to this Board action.
Funding Source
FTA Section 5311 (ADOT)
PTF (Local Match)
City of Buckeye (Local Match)
Total IGA Amount
Route 685 is in the Valley Metro budget and is programmed in the Transit Life Cycle
Program (TLCP) with Public Transportation Funds (PTF) which serve as the required
source of local match funds. Local match funds for the shortened round trips are
provided by the City of Buckeye.
RTAG: February 20, 2024 for information
TMC: March 6, 2024 approved
Board of Directors: March 21, 2024 for action
Carol Ketcherside
Deputy Director, Service Planning & Scheduling
Valley Metro I 101 N. 1st Ave. Phoenix, AZ 85003 602.262.7433
March 14, 2024
Valley Metro RPTA Fiscal Year 2025 (FY25) Preliminary Operating and Capital Budget
To provide an overview of the FY25 Preliminary Operating and Capital Budget.
This item is presented for information.
The Valley Metro Regional Public Transportation Authority (RPTA) FY25 combined
operating and capital budget (the budget) is $494.5 million (M) and includes $71.5M of
expenses for light rail/high-capacity transit capital and other pass throughs that total
The preliminary FY25 budget has been prepared with the goal of delivering a fiscally
prudent, balanced budget using carry forwards and reserves when needed for capital
projects. The budget was developed in compliance with Board of Directors’ adopted
budget, financial and Transit Life Cycle Program (TLCP) policies.
The annual budget is prepared on an accrual basis and adopted by the Board of
Directors each fiscal year. The legal level of budgetary control is the total annual
appropriated budget. With respect to Capital Budgets, project contingency accounting is
used to control expenditures within available project funding limits. With respect to
Operating Budgets, encumbrance accounting is not used and all appropriations lapse at
the end of the year. Prior to final adoption, a proposed budget is presented to the Board
of Directors for review and public comment is received. Final adoption of the budget
must be on or before June 30 of each year.
The RPTA budget includes a significant level of expenditures on behalf of Valley Metro
Rail (VMR). RPTA is the official employer for all Valley Metro employees therefore all
employee related expenses for VMR are include in the RPTA budget. VMR reimburses
RPTA for its share of employee expenses. RPTA is also the recipient of all public
transportation funds received from Proposition 400. Revenues to support the rail
program are passed through to VMR on a reimbursement basis.
Budget Overview
The total operating budget of $279.9M represents a $14.7M (6%) increase from the
previous year’s operating budget of $265.2M. The total capital budget of $63.5M, which
Information Summary
includes debt service, represents a $40.0M (39%) decrease from the previous year’s
capital budget of $103.5M.
The increase in the operating budget is primarily driven by fixed route operations,
demand service operations, and vanpool operations. Fixed route operations is
increasing by 6 percent, or $10.6M mainly due to annual contract rate increases for
RPTA-operated service and Phoenix-operated bus service, and a full year of the new
East Valley fixed route bus contract. Demand service operations is increasing by 4%,
or $2.2M, primarily due to a forecasted increase in RideChoice trips of 22%, combined
with increased ADA service operated by other entities which is funded with PTF.
Vanpool operations is increasing 83%, or $2.1M due to a full year of operation of the
new contract that includes the cost of vehicles as the program transitions from Valley
Metro purchased vehicles to contractor-provided vehicles. The vanpool program
continues to be fully funded from rider fare revenue and federal funds.
The RPTA and Valley Metro Rail (VMR) budgets are developed with a unified staff plan,
with department managers planning the level of effort required to meet the bus and rail
activities. Salary and overhead charges to bus and rail projects are based on actual
time worked on each project. For FY25 there are 515 employees budgeted in the
integrated agency, with 258 FTE’s budgeted to RPTA/Shared agency activities and 257
budgeted to VMR only activities. Including shared FTE’s, total allocated FTEs by
agency are 175 for RPTA and 340 for VMR.
Preliminary Budget Review:
Financial Working Group: February 20, 2024 for information
TMC: March 6, 2024 for information
AFS: March 7, 2024 for information
Board of Directors: March 21, 2024 for information
Budget Review with Initiatives:
RTAG/FWG: March 19, 2024 for information
TMC: April 3. 2024 for information
AFS: April 4, 2024 for information
Board of Directors: April 18, 2024 for information
Proposed Budget Adoption:
TMC: May 1, 2024 for action
AFS: May 2, 2024 for information
Board of Directors: May 16, 2024 for action
Ken Kessler, Chief Financial Officer
FY25 Preliminary Budget
March 2024
FY24Budget FY25Budget
7,470,000 8,260,000
ServicemilesdeliveredRPTAoperated 12,633,000 12,310,000
125,678, 000$ 134,541,000$
4,706,000$ 4,706,000$
FY24Budget FY25Budget
Trips 320,000 305,000
GrossOperatingCosts 24,688,000$ 24,008,000$
FareRevenues 1,228,000$ 1,153,000$
CostperTrip 77.15$ 78.71$
FY24Budget FY25Budget
Trips 281,000 344,000
GrossOperatingCosts 10,173,000$ 12,625,000$
FareRevenues 749,000$ 1,153,000$
CostperTrip 41.19$ 36.70$
UsesofFunds FY2
FY25 Change $ Change%
Fi xedRouteOperations $174.4 $185.1 $10.6 6%
DemandServi ceOperations 54.9 57.1 2.2 4%
2.5 4.6 2.1 83%
Planning 4.4 4.4 ( 0. 0) 1%
CommuteSolutions 1.5 1.6 0.1 4%
AdministrationandFinance 5.4 5.3 ( 0. 1) 1%
RegionalServices 22.1 21.9 (0.1) 1%
RPTAOperating $265.2 $280.0 $ 14.7 6%
SourceofFunds FY24 FY25 Change$Change%
PublicTransportationFunds $179.6 $189.2 $9.6 5%
RegionalAreaRoadFunds 5.1 6. 2 1.2 23%
MemberCi tyContributions 57.8 59.1 1.3 2%
BusAdvertising 0.8 0.8 0.0 0%
FederalFunds 12.6 15.3 2.8 22%
FederalFunds‐COVIDRelief 0.9 0.9 0.0 0%
Fares 8.4 8.2 (0.2) 2%
MAGFunds 0.2 0.2 (0.0) 13%
Othe r 0.1 0.1 0.0 0%
CarryForward&Reserves 0.0 0.0 0.0 0%
RPTAOperating $265.2 $279.9 $14.7 6%
UsesofFunds FY2
FY25 Change$ Change%
RegionalFleet $64.1 $18.1 ($45.9) 72%
RegionalFacilities 1.4 3.6 2.2 160%
OtherRegionalProjects 5.5 8.4 2.9 53%
MemberAge ncyDisbursements 9.7 11.1 1.3 13%
DebtService 22.9 22.3 (0.6) 2%
RPTACapital $103.5 $63.5 ($40.0)‐39%
Sour ceofFunds FY24 FY25 Change$ Change%
PublicTransportationFunds $8.2 $11.5 $3.3 40%
CarryForward&Rese rve s 35.5 28.8 (6.8) 19%
MemberCityContributio ns 0.0 0.0 0.0 0%
FederalFunds 59.6 23.1 (36.5) 61%
Other 0.2 0.1 (0.1) 52%
RPTACapital $103.5 $63.5 ($40.0)‐39%
UsesofFunds FY24 FY25 Change$ Change%
VMRRARFDisbursements $0. 5 $0.5 $0.0 0%
AZLotteryFundsDisbursements 11.2 11.2 0.0 0%
VMRPersonnel 40.0 44.8 4.8 12%
VMRPTFCapitalFunding 66.8 71.5 4.7 7%
VMRPTFCapitalReserveforFutureUse 21.7 23.1 1.5 7%
RPTAPassThru $140.1 $151.1 $11.0 8%
SourceofFunds FY24 FY25 Change$ Change%
AZLotteryFunds $11.2 $11.2 $0.0 0%
RegionalAreaRoadFunds 0.5 0. 5 0.0 0%
VMRPersonnel Reimbursements 40.0 44.8 4.8 12%
VMRPTFCapitalFundingAllocation 88.5 94.6 6.2 7%
RPTAPassThru $140.1 $151 .1 $11.0 8%
February20,202 4 PresentHighLevelBudgettoCityStaff(FWG&RTAG)
March PresentHighLevelBudgettoCommittees&Boards‐forInf ormation
March19,2024 DetailedInitiativeDiscussion&5YearPlanswithCityStaff (FWG&RT AG)
April Cycle PresentAnnualBudgetwithInitiatives‐forInformation
April 4,2024 DetailedInitiativeDiscussionwithAFS
MayCycle PresentAnnual BudgetwithInitiatives&5YearPlans‐forAction
Thank You
Valley Metro I 101 N. 1st Ave. Phoenix, AZ 85003 602.262.7433
March 14, 2024
Report on Current Events and Suggested Future Agenda Items
Chair Stipp will provide members the opportunity to report on current events and
suggest future agenda items for consideration.
This item is presented for information only.
Jessica Mefford-Miller
Chief Executive Officer
Pending Items Request
Item Requested
Date Requested
Planned Follow-up Date
Information Summary
Valley Metro I 101 N. 1st Ave. Phoenix, AZ 85003 602.262.7433
March 14, 2024
Valley Metro Rail
Thursday, March 21, 2024
Valley Metro, 101 N. 1
Avenue, 10
11:15 a.m.
Action Recommended
1A. Minutes
Minutes from the February 18, 2024 Board meeting are
presented for approval.
1A. For action
1B. Uniform Rental and Laundry Service Contract Award
Staff recommends that the Board of Directors authorize the
CEO to execute a five-year contract for uniform rental and
laundry services through a cooperative agreement with
Cintas Corporation for an amount not to exceed $265,000
plus a 5% contingency of $13,250 for a total of $278,250.
1B. For action
1C. LRV Air Compressors Contract Award
Staff recommends that the Board of Directors authorize the
CEO to execute a contract with Powerex-Iwata Air
Technology, Inc. for a term of three years with one two-year
option to provide Light Rail Vehicle (LRV) Air Compressors
in an amount not to exceed $750,000.
1C. For action
2. Systems Design Contract - Contract Extension and
Additional Expenditure Authority
Staff recommends that the Board of Directors authorize the
CEO to amend the PGH Wong Engineering, Inc. contract for
Systems Design Services for an amount not to exceed $5.7
million for an extension period through October 2027.
2. For action
3. Valley Metro Rail, Inc. Fiscal Year 2025 (FY25)
Preliminary Operating and Capital Budget
Ken Kessler, Chief Financial Officer, and Tyler Olson,
Manager, Budget & Operations Financial Controls, will
provide an overview of the FY 2025 Preliminary Operating
and Capital Budgets.
3. For information
4. Report on Light Rail Transit and Streetcar Security
Staff will provide an update on security services, including
contractor staffing, rider sentiment, collaborative efforts with
local agencies and reevaluating the scope of services.
4. For information
and discussion
5. Report on Current Events and Suggested Future
Agenda Items
Chair Pastor will provide members the opportunity to report
on current events and suggest future agenda items for
5. For information
6. Next Meeting
The next meeting of the Board is scheduled for Thursday,
April 18, 2024 at 11:15 a.m.
6. For information
Qualified sign language interpreters are available with 72 hours notice. Materials in
alternative formats (large print or flash drive) are available upon request. For further
information, please call Valley Metro at 602-262-7433 or TTY at 602-251-2039. To
attend this meeting via teleconference, contact the receptionist at 602-262-7433 for the
dial-in-information. The supporting information for this agenda can be found on our web
site at
Valley Metro I 101 N. 1st Ave. Phoenix, AZ 85003 602.262.7433
March 14, 2024 AGENDA ITEM 1A
Valley Metro Rail
Thursday, February 22, 2024
Lake Powell Conference Room/Webex
101 N. 1st Avenue, 10
11:15 a.m.
Valley Metro Rail Participants
Councilmember Laura Pastor, City of Phoenix - Chair
Vice Mayor Francisco Heredia, City of Mesa Vice Chair
Vice Mayor Jennifer Adams, City of Tempe (phone)
Councilmember O.D. Harris, City of Chandler
Note: The Valley Metro Rail Board of Directors meeting took place prior to the start of
the Joint Board Study Session. The study session took place and was followed by the
Joint Boards of Directors meeting and the Valley Metro RPTA Board of Directors
Ms. Ruiz said in the unlikely event there is an emergency, there are stairwells to my
right and to my left. Please take the stairs down and meet at the Orpheum at Second
and Adams.
Also, there are two fire extinguishers in the rear to my left and to my right, AED machine
out to my left, your right out here through the lounge, the kitchen. Who is CPR AED
certified, raise your hand, please? Several. Perfect. I need a primary and a secondary
to notify 911. Primary first? Primary, dial 911 right there, and secondary. Thank you.
Chair Pastor called the meeting to order at 11:23 a.m.
Councilmember Stipp said good morning, everybody. Thank you for joining us. We are
going to take our meetings out of order this morning in order to accommodate some
scheduling conflicts. So we are going to actually start with the Valley Metro Rail
meeting, and then we're going to switch into the study session.
Chair Pastor said thank you, Chairman Stipp, for making this accommodation. I'm
convening the meeting and welcoming members to the February meeting. Pat, can you
do the roll call?
Ms. Dillon said good morning, everyone.
Roll call by Dillon.
Ms. Dillon said Councilmember, or Vice Mayor Heredia? Here.
Ms. Dillon said Vice Mayor Adams? She is online. Yes. I'm here.
Ms. Dillon said Councilmember Pastor? Here.
Ms. Dillon said Vice Mayor Harris?
Ms. Dillon said we have a quorum, Chair. You can proceed.
Chair Pastor said thank you.
1. Minutes
Chair Pastor said Item Number 1 is the minutes. Minutes from January 18th, 2024,
Board meeting are presented for approval. I am requesting a motion. I have a motion.
And a second? Second.
Motion by Vice Mayor Heredia, second by Chair Pastor.
Chair Pastor said all those in favor say aye? Any nays? Motion carries. Carries.
2. Capitol Light Rail Extension Design Contract Award
Chair Pastor said Item 2, Capital light rail extension design contract award. Jessica
Mefford-Miller will present. Thank you.
Ms. Mefford-Miller said thank you, Madam Chair. I’d like to invite Trevor Collon, our
Chief of Capital Development, to the podium to provide a brief overview of the proposed
design contract award for design on the capital extension light rail corridor. Mr. Collon?
Mr. Collon said thank you, Jessica. Chair Pastor, members of the of the Board. This is
the design contract for the capital extension. The project will begin in the downtown
hub, where we're currently doing work right now. And it will extend light rail to 15th
Avenue, both along Jefferson and Washington.
It is a shortened alignment from what was originally planned, but will still serve the
capital complex, and will be a really good project. This is for the design contract to
Jacobs Engineering. And we're looking to start and advance the design effort as soon
as the contract is awarded.
Chair Pastor said can I ask a question?
Mr. Collon said sure.
Chair Pastor said what design was chosen?
Mr. Collon said the 15th Avenue loop, Chair.
Chair Pastor said okay.
Chair Pastor said I need a motion for the board of directors to authorize the CEO to
award a contract for the Capital Light Rail Extension project design services with Jacobs
Engineering Group, Inc. for an amount not to exceed $18.7 million.
Do I have a motion? I have a motion on Item 2. Is there a second?
Motion by Vice Mayor Heredia, second by Chair Pastor.
Chair Pastor said all those in favor, please say aye. Are there any nays? Ayes carry.
3. Report on Current Events and Suggested Future Agenda Items
Chair Pastor said Item Number 3, report on current events and suggested future agenda
items. Anybody? All right.
4. Next Meeting
The next meeting of the Board is scheduled for Thursday, March 21, 2024, at
11:15 a.m.
Ms. Dillon said we will start the study session in approximately five minutes. It is posted
for 11:30. We will stay on this Webex link for the entire study session and the following
two board meetings.
Without further discussion, the meeting was adjourned at 12:43 p.m.
Valley Metro I 101 N. 1st Ave. Phoenix, AZ 85003 602.262.7433
March 14, 2024
Uniform Rental and Laundry Service Contract Award
To request authorization for the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) to execute a five-year
contract for uniform rental and laundry services through a cooperative agreement with
Cintas Corporation for an amount not to exceed $265,000 plus a 5% contingency of
$13,250 for a total of $278,250.
Staff recommends that the Board of Directors authorize the CEO to execute a five-year
contract for uniform rental and laundry services through a cooperative agreement with
Cintas Corporation for an amount not to exceed $265,000 plus a 5% contingency of
$13,250 for a total of $278,250.
Valley Metro currently provides uniforms for 140 maintenance technicians and
supervisors located at the Valley Metro Operations and Maintenance Center (OMC).
The annual rental agreement with Cintas Corporation will end on April 30, 2024. Cintas
Corporation won a cooperative agreement with Omnia Partners, a public sector
cooperative purchasing organization. Cintas Corporation had the highest evaluated
score. Proposals were evaluated on experience, method of approach and price.
Cooperative Agreements are competitive contracts solicited and awarded by other public
entities and whose cooperative language allows Valley Metro to utilize these contracts for
its requirements.
An independent cost estimate including a cost comparison and price analysis have
been completed. The proposed price has been deemed fair and reasonable based on
the price analysis.
Costs for the five-year contract for uniform rental and laundry services with Cintas
Corporation is an amount not to exceed $278,250 which includes a 5% contingency for
possible increases of staff in the future. The cost is included in the Valley Metro Rail
Adopted FY 2024 Operating and Capital Budget. Contract obligations beyond FY2024
are incorporated into the Valley Metro Rail Five-Year Operating Forecast and Capital
Program (FY2024 thru FY2028).
Information Summary
Source of funding is member cities funds.
RTAG: February 20, 2024, for information
RMC: March 6, 2024, approved
Board of Directors: March 21, 2024, for action
Darren Curry
Chief Maintenance Officer
Valley Metro I 101 N. 1st Ave. Phoenix, AZ 85003 602.262.7433
March 14, 2024
LRV Air Compressors Contract Award
To request authorization for the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) to execute a contract
with Powerex-Iwata Air Technology, Inc. for a term of three years with one two-year
option to provide Light Rail Vehicle (LRV) Air Compressors in an amount not to exceed
Staff recommends that the Board of Directors authorize the CEO to execute a contract
with Powerex-Iwata Air Technology, Inc. for a term of three years with one two-year
option to provide Light Rail Vehicle (LRV) Air Compressors in an amount not to exceed
In the summer of 2019 we noticed that the original air compressors had bearings that
were wearing and unable to be properly maintained due to poor design and lack of
accessibility. Air compressors are overhauled every ten years. During the 2019 overhaul
process the units had to be ccompletely tore down to get to the bearings. The overhaul
process was time consuming. Also the air compressors were failing in high summer
In 2020 Valley Metro began the process of researching air compressors to see if other
options would work better in the Phoenix enviorment and it was deterimed it would be
best to replace the units versus continuing to overhaul the existing units.The cost to
maintain the current air compressors is becoming expense due to the overhaul cost of
$4,673 per unit.
Valley Metro began enquiring abut using a scroll type compressor and received an
estimate from those manufactured by Powerex-Iwata Air Technology, Inc. Upon
consultation with the company and outlininig Valley Metro’s needs with respect to heat
and longetivity, the compressors supplied by Powerex-Iwata Air Technology, Inc. would
be able to operate in our enviorment and are a direct bolt on unit and would require
significantly less maintenance and far lower operating costs. The maintenace cost per
unit is $645.79 every 10 ears and only requires 2 hours of labor per unit. This total is
approximately $49,000 every 10 years for preventitive maintenance on the scroll type
air compressor. Compared with the current AIRSERCO unit costing approximately
Information Summary
$512,000 every 10 years. Replacing the existing air compressors would lead to a ten
year savings of $463,000 and with the purchase price of $579,025 for 53 units,
replacing them would pay for itself in savings in twelve years.
In November 2023 A Request for Proposals was issued. Proposals were due in early
December and we received the following proposal:
1. Powerex-Iwata Air Technology, Inc.
Evaluations started in late January and contiued through early February. The evaluation
panel made up of Valley Metro Maintenance Superintendents and Supervisors identified
Powerex-Iwata Air Technology, Inc. as the best value for Valley Metro. Evaluations
were scored based on:
1. Experience of the Firm
2. Understanding of Valley Metro’s needs
3. Design and Quality Assurance
4. Price
Once the contract is awarded it will take about 10 weeks for the air compressors to be
built and start shipping. We anticipate starting the replacements to the Kinkisharyo
LRV’s in the fall of this year. There are 53 air compressors, 49 LRVs and four spares,
being purchased.
The cost for the LRV air compressors over the three-year base contract and two one-
year option is in an amount not to exceed $750,000. The cost for the LRV air
compressors is included in the Valley Metro Rail Proposed FY2025 Operating and
Capital Budget. Contract obligations beyond FY2023 are incorporated into the Valley
Metro Rail Five-Year Operating Forecast and Capital Program (FY2025 thru FY2029).
The source of funding is from PTF funds.
RTAG: February 20, 2024, for information
RMC: March 6, 2024, approved
Board of Directors: March 21, 2024, for action
Darren Curry
Chief Maintenance Officer
Valley Metro I 101 N. 1st Ave. Phoenix, AZ 85003 602.262.7433
March 14, 2024
Systems Design Contract - Contract Extension and Additional Expenditure Authority
To request authorization for the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) to execute a three-year time
extension to the current contract with PGH Wong Engineering, Inc. to continue to provide
Systems Design Services and to provide additional contract expenditure authority in the
amount of $5.7 million.
Staff recommends that the Board of Directors authoriz the CEO to amend the PGH Wong
Engineering, Inc. contract for Systems Design Services for an amount not to exceed $5.7
million for an extension period through October 2027.
In September 2017, following a competitive procurement, the CEO was authorized to
execute a contract with PGH Wong Engineering, Inc. for System Design Services. The
contract includes a seven-year base contract with three, one-year extension options, for up to
ten years. Task orders are issued on an annual fiscal year basis. The Systems Design
consultant has expertise in traction power, communications, overhead contact systems,
corrosion control, rail vehicle signaling, grade crossing controls, and fare collection. The
Systems Design consultant has been utilized for the following to date:
Gilbert Road Extension- design services during construction.
Tempe Streetcar- design review and technical support.
Operations and Maintenance Center Expansion- vehicle testing technical
South Central Extension Downtown/Hub- systems design and design services
during construction.
Northwest Extension Phase II- systems design and design services during
Fare Collection System Modernization- infrastructure improvements design.
Workforce development- Engineers of the Future program.
Capitol Extension- Preliminary Engineering.
The seven-year base period for this contract will end in October 2024.
Information Summary
Work under the Systems Design contract began in October 2017 for an amount not to
exceed $33 million for an initial seven-year term, which included $3M in contingency.
Contract expenditures for years one through seven are summarized below:
Contract Expenditures (10/2017 thru 10/2024)
Original Contract Authority
Deduct Actual Expenditures (10/2017 thru 11/2023)
Deduct Estimated Expenditures (12/2023 thru 10/2024)
Estimated Contract Authority Remaining:
Valley Metro proposes to continue to utilize the Systems Design contract with PGH
Wong Engineering, Inc. and anticipates the following scopes of work:
South Central Extension/Downtown Hub-continued design services during
Capitol Extension-Advancing the design through final design plans, design
services during construction and workforce development.
Tempe Town Lake Bridge Lighting Refurbishment-design plans and design
services during construction.
Valley Metro Systems standard drawings and master specifications updates.
Systemwide Improvements:
o Traffic signal timing optimization with train signaling.
o Traction power upgrades including technology upgrades throughout the
system within the substation including switchgear, rectifiers, and
associated electronics.
Estimated expenditures for the proposed contract extension period are provided below:
Estimated 3-Year Extension Expenditures (11/2024 thru 10/2027)
Estimated Expenditures (11/2024 thru 10/2027)
10% Contingency
Deduct Estimated Contract Authority Remaining
Need for additional contract value thru 10/2027
Request for additional contract value (Rounded)
The request for an additional contract expenditure authority of $5.7 million will result in
an overall new contract authority of $38.7 million.
Fiscal management is controlled and will continue to be controlled at the project funding
level. Prior to issuing a task order for the commencement of work, each project's
funding sources will have been identified and regional, local or federal grant dollars will
be confirmed or anticipated. Annual funding amounts and revenue sources will be
identified in the fiscal year budgets.
Funds for System Design Services activities are included in the adopted VMR FY24
Operating and Capital Budget. Contract obligations beyond FY24 are incorporated into
the Five-Year Operating Forecast and Capital Program (FY24 thru FY28). The projects
supported by this consultant are funded by a mix of federal, regional, and local dollars.
RTAG: February 20, 2024 for information
RMC: March 6, 2024 approved
Board of Directors: March 21, 2024 for action
Trevor Collon, PE
Chief of Capital Development
Valley Metro I 101 N. 1st Ave. Phoenix, AZ 85003 602.262.7433
March 14, 2024
Valley Metro Rail, Inc. Fiscal Year 2025 (FY25) Preliminary Operating and Capital
To provide an overview of the FY25 Preliminary Operating and Capital Budget.
This item is presented for information.
The Valley Metro Rail, Inc. (VMR) FY25 combined operating and capital budget (the
budget) is $359.5 million (M). The preliminary FY25 budget has been prepared with the
goal of delivering a fiscally prudent, balanced budget. The budget was developed in
compliance with Board of Directors’ adopted budget, financial and Transit Life Cycle
Program (TLCP) policies.
The annual budget is prepared on a modified accrual basis and adopted by the Board of
Directors each fiscal year. The legal level of budgetary control is the total annual
appropriated budget. With respect to Capital Budgets, project contingency accounting is
used to control expenditures within available project funding limits. With respect to
Operating Budgets, encumbrance accounting is not used and all appropriations lapse at
the end of the year. Prior to final adoption, a proposed budget is presented to the Board
of Directors for review and public comment is received. Final adoption of the budget
must be on or before June 30 of each year.
Budget Overview
The total operating budget of $98.2M represents a $9.1M (10%) increase from the
previous year’s operating budget of $89.0M. The total capital budget of $261.3M
represents a $144.07M (36%) decrease from the previous year’s capital budget of
Light rail operations, maintenance and security is increasing by 11 percent, or $8.3M.
More than $3.2M of that increase is due to annualizing costs related to the Northwest
Extension Phase II for operations, maintenance, and security. Additionally, annual
escalations of existing contracts and insurance premiums have increased the budget by
$2.6M. Also impacting the budget are utility rate increases of $1.5M and $0.5M in
Information Summary
additional enhancements to safety and security related to rider safety and facility
Streetcar operations, maintenance, and security is increasing 9%, or $0.6M. This is
primarily due to increases in maintenance of way and vehicle maintenance. Vehicle
maintenance is increasing by $74,000 due to additional staff support, combined with
increased labor rates. Maintenance of way is increasing by $433,000 due to increased
labor rates, additional parts needs, and a need to repair the operator facility due to a
motor vehicle accident.
Agency Operating is increasing $0.2M due to a proposed Construction Contract
Performance Audit ($125,000) and staff proposed COLA/Merit increases.
The RPTA and Valley Metro Rail (VMR) budgets are developed with a unified staff plan,
with department managers planning the level of effort required to meet the bus and rail
activities. Salary and overhead charges to bus and rail projects are based on actual
time worked on each project. For FY25 there are 515 employees budgeted in the
integrated agency, with 258 FTE’s budgeted to RPTA/Shared agency activities and 257
budgeted to VMR only activities. Including shared FTE’s, total allocated FTEs by
agency are 175 for RPTA and 340 for VMR.
Preliminary Budget Review:
Financial Working Group: February 20, 2024 for information
RMC: March 6, 2024 for information
AFS: March 7, 2024 for information
Board of Directors: March 21, 2024 for information
Budget Review with Initiatives:
RTAG/FWG: March 19, 2024 for information
RMC: April 3. 2024 for information
AFS: April 4, 2024 for information
Board of Directors: April 18, 2024 for information
Proposed Budget Adoption:
RMC: May 1, 2024 for action
AFS: May 2, 2024 for information
Board of Directors: May 16, 2024 for action
Ken Kessler
Chief Financial Officer
ATTACHMENTPowerPoint presentation
3/13/2 024
FY25 Preliminary Budget
Valley Metro Rail
March 2024
Baseline: Light Rail Operations
FY24Budg et FY25Budget
Passengerboard ings 9,449,000 10,438,000
Servicem ilesdelivered 3,456,000 3,560,000
GrossOperatingCosts 78, 457,000$ 86,743,000$
FareRevenues 5,883,000$ 6,683,000$
3/13/2 024
Baseline: Streetcar Operations
FY24Budget FY25Budget
Passengerboardings 408,000 686, 00 0
Servicemilesdelivered 163,000 163,000
GrossOperatingCosts 7,270,000$ 7,916,000$
FareRevenues 135, 0 00$ 127,000$
Uses of Funds: Project Development ($,000)
UsesofFunds FY25
I10WestExtension $5,206
Rio East/DobsonStreetc ar 743
NorthwestP hoeni x 957
CapitalProjectDevelopm en tAdministration 1, 643
SystemsPlanning&ProjectDevelopment 6,393
TotalUses $14,942
3/13/2 024
Uses of Funds: Operating & Capital
Sources of Funds: Operating & Capital
3/13/2 024
Uses of Funds - Operating ($000,000)
UsesofFunds FY24 FY25 Change$ Change%
LightRailOperations&Mai nte nance $66.2 $72.3 $6.0 9%
LightRailSecurity 12.2 14.5 2.3 19%
SubtotalLightRa il 78.5 86.7 8.3 11%
StreetcarOperations&Mainte nance 6.3 6.9 0.6 10%
StreetcarSecurity 1.0 1.0 0.0 4%
SubtotalStreetcar 7.3 7.9 0.6 9%
AgencyOperating 3.3 3.5 0.2 6%
TotalOperatingUses $89.0 $98.2 $9.2 10%
Sources of Funds - Operating ($000,000)
SourcesofFunds FY24 FY25 Change$Change%
Advertising $0.9 $1.3 $0.4 47%
Fares 6.0 6.9 0.9 15%
Fe deralFunds 1.6 1.6 0.0 1%
MemberCityContributions 80.4 88.3 7.8 10%
Other 0.1 0.1 (0.0) 23%
TotalOpera t ingSources $89.0 $98.2 $9.2 10%
3/13/2 024
Uses of Funds - Capital ($000,000)
UsesofFunds FY24 FY25 Change$ Change%
FutureProjectDevelopment $13.4 $14.9 $1.6 12%
285.6 195.7 (89.9) 31%
CapitolExtention 12.9 18.4 5.5 43%
NorthwestExtensio nPhaseII 58.4 10.8 ( 47.7) 82%
TempeStreetcar 3.5 0.0 (3.5) 100%
Gilb ertRoadExtension 2.3 0.0 ( 2.3) 100%
SystemwideImprovements 12.1 4.1 (8. 0) 66%
StateofGoodRepair 17.2 17.4 0.2 1%
TotalCapitalUses $405.4 $261.3 ($144.0)‐36%
Sources of Funds - Capital ($000,000)
SourcesofFunds FY24 FY25 Change$ Change%
FederalFunds 148.4 123.6 (24.8) 17%
MAGFunds 0.5 0.5 0.0 0%
MemberCityContribution s 181.6 65.3 (116.4) 64%
PublicTransp ortationF unds 74.3 71.5 (2.8) 4%
RegionalAreaRoadFunds 0.5 0.5 0.0 0%
TotalCapitalSources $405.4 $261.3 ($144.0)‐36%
3/13/2 024
Recap of Important Dates
February20,202 4 PresentHighLevelBudgettoCityStaff(FWG&RTAG)
March PresentHighLevelBudgettoCommittees&Boards‐forInf ormation
March19,2024 DetailedInitiativeDiscussion&5YearPlanswithCityStaff (FWG&RT AG)
April Cycle PresentAnnualBudgetwithInitiatives‐forInformation
April 4,2024 DetailedInitiativeDiscussionwithAFS
MayCycle PresentAnnual BudgetwithInitiatives&5YearPlans‐forAction
Thank You
Valley Metro I 101 N. 1st Ave. Phoenix, AZ 85003 602.262.7433
March 14, 2024
Security Update
Provide an update regarding security services related to light rail and streetcar
Information and discussion only.
Valley Metro is working with member agencies, our contracted security provider, and
law enforcement partners along light rail and streetcar corridors to ensure a safe and
secure rider experience. We endeavor to continuously improve passenger experience,
rider sentiment and collaboration efforts between Valley Metro contracted security
personnel and local law enforcement agencies.
Valley Metro continues to work with Allied Universal Security to address staffing,
recruitment and retention efforts, in addition to re-evaluating the scope of contracted
security services. Discussion will include staffing levels, incident reporting and continuity
of services.
Adrian Ruiz
Director, Safety and Security
Information Summary
Valley Metro I 101 N. 1st Ave. Phoenix, AZ 85003 602.262.7433
March 14, 2024
Report on Current Events and Suggested Future Agenda Items
Chair Pastor will provide members the opportunity to report on current events and
suggest future agenda items for consideration.
This item is presented for information only.
Jessica Mefford-Miller
Chief Executive Officer
Pending Items Request
Item Requested
Date Requested
Planned Follow-up Date
Information Summary